# Minima An undoubtedly simple and lightweight dark/light mode theme for Hexo. ![Minima preview, device image by Freepik](https://adisaktijrs.github.io/2020/10/11/Hexo-Minima-Theme-v1-0-Officially-Released/minima.jpg) - See the demo [here](https://adisaktijrs.github.io/minima) - See the quick start instruction and documentation [here](https://adisaktijrs.github.io/2020/10/11/Hexo-Minima-Theme-v1-0-Officially-Released/) ## About Minima Minima is an undoubtedly simple and lightweight dark/light mode theme for Hexo. I created this from scratch using [Skeleton CSS](http://getskeleton.com/) boilerplate. It only uses CSS and Vanilla JS, without using unnecessary third-party 'render-blocking' libraries. ### Simplicity Simplicity is a must! When I decided to move to Hexo for my personal blogging platform, the main reason was to find a simple and clean design, no fancy looks, unnecessary images and colors either. I'd like to have a blog that focuses on the content of my posts rather than turning readers attention to a 'cluttered' user interface. I found lots of beautiful themes on the Hexo themes page, but finally I decided to make my own. ### Lightweight This 'lightweight' means the theme uses as few design stuff as possible. Fewer JavaScript and CSS files. Minima only uses Skeleton for the CSS-boilerplate and [nanobar.js](https://nanobar.jacoborus.codes/) for the top loading bar. The following is the 'gross' performance of my blog with the Minima theme: ![](https://adisaktijrs.github.io/2020/10/11/Hexo-Minima-Theme-v1-0-Officially-Released/Screenshot.png) ### Customization Minima uses vanilla JavaScript, vanilla CSS, and [EJS](https://ejs.co/). So it will be very easy for everyone to edit and customize the theme. ## Features - Pass the core of [Hexo Theme Unit Test](https://github.com/hexojs/hexo-theme-unit-test) - Fully responsive design - Support post, page, tags, archives, and pagination - SEO: post meta description and images (appears in Facebook/Twitter shared-link) - [Customizable] icon Dark/light mode instant switch 🌑/☀️ - [Customizable] theme color - Code highlighting with [Prism.js](https://prismjs.com/) - [Disqus](https://disqus.com/) for post comments - Show comments section button for faster posts loading ## Documentation See the quick start instruction and [documentation here](https://adisaktijrs.github.io/2020/10/11/Hexo-Minima-Theme-v1-0-Officially-Released/#Documentation) ## Development Everyone is welcome to contribute! Go ahead, fork and make pull request 😁 ## Credit Big thanks to [@pduchnovsky](https://github.com/pduchnovsky) and [yukimuon](https://github.com/yukimuon) to help me making this theme even better! ## Licence Minima is released under [MIT License](https://github.com/adisaktijrs/hexo-theme-minima/blob/master/LICENSE). Copyright © 2020 Adi Sakti Jrs