--- title: Frequently asked questions date: 2023-07-26 11:35:15 --- #### What is your blog all about? The purpose of this website is to give you a small overview about my projects, interests and opinions. #### How can I contact the author/administrator of the blog? Mail: tim.kicker@protonmail.com Twitter: [@timjkicker](https://twitter.com/timjkicker/) LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-kicker/ #### Are the articles on this blog written by a single author or multiple contributors? At the time of writing this, all blogs were completely done by myself. #### Can I contribute to your blog as a guest writer? Sure! Just contact me and we can figure something out. #### How often is the blog updated? Whenever i find an interesting topic. #### Where can I find the archives of older blog posts? Right under the [archives](https://tim.kicker.dev/archives/). #### How do I subscribe to the blog to receive updates You can either subscribe my [RSS feed](https://tim.kicker.dev/rss) or activate browser notifications using this button ( I know, that one looks funny): If you've blocked notifications from my blog, you won't see it though. (It should be the blue box above this text) #### What topics does your Blog cover? Literally anything that's interesting to me. But mostly tech stuff. #### Are there any specific guidelines for commenting on blog posts? No. Pure freedome. (Looking at you Elon) #### Can I share articles from this blog on social media platforms? I would be reaaaaly happy if you did #### Does your blog accept sponsored posts or collaborations? Yesssss #### Are there any advertising opportunities available on the blog? Contact me and maybe we can figure something out. #### How can I report an issue with a blog post or the website? Just through the normal contact details. #### Does your blog have a privacy policy? Where can I find it? Sadly not yet. I am currently collecting anonymous user data. You can view what's collected on [my stats-page](https://stats.kicker.dev/share/1Ui8dKfjsfQGAVs5/tim.kicker.dev). I also submitted this site to the google & bing developer consoles to measure my search engine rating. I do not use google analytics (even if some comments in the html state otherwise). #### Can I request a specific topic to be covered in a future blog post? Of course! #### How can I support your blog? Share,share, share. Maybe one day I'll add donations. If you really want tho, you can just contact me <3 #### Does your blog offer any free resources or downloads? It is entirely [open source](https://git.kicker.dev/timkicker/tim.kicker.dev). #### How can I unsubscribe from notifications Just look into your browser settings under "website notifications"