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3 years ago
  1. # Laravel
  2. This plugin adds aliases and autocompletion for Laravel [Artisan]( and [Bob]( command-line interfaces.
  3. ```
  4. plugins=(... laravel)
  5. ```
  6. | Alias | Description |
  7. |:-:|:-:|
  8. | `artisan` | `php artisan` |
  9. | `pas` | `php artisan serve` |
  10. ## Database
  11. | Alias | Description |
  12. |:-:|:-:|
  13. | `pam` | `php artisan migrate` |
  14. | `pamf` | `php artisan migrate:fresh` |
  15. | `pamfs` | `php artisan migrate:fresh --seed` |
  16. | `pamr` | `php artisan migrate:rollback` |
  17. | `pads` | `php artisan db:seed` |
  18. ## Makers
  19. | Alias | Description |
  20. |:-:|:-:|
  21. | `pamm` | `php artisan make:model` |
  22. | `pamc` | `php artisan make:controller` |
  23. | `pams` | `php artisan make:seeder` |
  24. | `pamt` | `php artisan make:test` |
  25. | `pamfa` | `php artisan make:factory` |
  26. | `pamp` | `php artisan make:policy` |
  27. | `pame` | `php artisan make:event` |
  28. | `pamj` | `php artisan make:job` |
  29. | `paml` | `php artisan make:listener` |
  30. | `pamn` | `php artisan make:notification` |
  31. ## Clears
  32. | Alias | Description |
  33. |:-:|:-:|
  34. | `pacac` | `php artisan cache:clear` |
  35. | `pacoc` | `php artisan config:clear` |
  36. | `pavic` | `php artisan view:clear` |
  37. | `paroc` | `php artisan route:clear` |
  38. ## Queues
  39. | Alias | Description |
  40. |:-:|:-:|
  41. | `paqf` | `php artisan queue:failed` |
  42. | `paqft` | `php artisan queue:failed-table` |
  43. | `paql` | `php artisan queue:listen` |
  44. | `paqr` | `php artisan queue:retry` |
  45. | `paqt` | `php artisan queue:table` |
  46. | `paqw` | `php artisan queue:work` |