# Copy this file into /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/ # and add 'autoload n-kill` to .zshrc # # This function allows to choose a process and a signal to send to it # # Uses n-list
emulate -L zsh
setopt extendedglob zmodload zsh/curses
local IFS=" "
[ -f ~/.config/znt/n-list.conf ] && builtin source ~/.config/znt/n-list.conf [ -f ~/.config/znt/n-kill.conf ] && builtin source ~/.config/znt/n-kill.conf
typeset -A signals signals=( 1 "1 - HUP" 2 "2 - INT" 3 "3 - QUIT" 6 "6 - ABRT" 9 "9 - KILL" 14 "14 - ALRM" 15 "15 - TERM" 17 "17 - STOP" 19 "19 - CONT" )
local list local selected local signal local -a signal_names local title
type ps 2>/dev/null 1>&2 || { echo >&2 "Error: \`ps' not found"; return 1 }
case "$(uname)" in CYGWIN*) list=( `command ps -Wa` ) ;; *) list=( `command ps -o pid,uid,command -A` ) ;; esac
# Ask of PID title=$'\x1b[00;31m'"${list[1]}"$'\x1b[00;00m\0' shift list list=( "$title" "${(@M)list:#(#i)*$1*}" )
if [ "$#list" -eq 1 ]; then echo "No matching processes" return 1 fi
n-list "$list[@]"
# Got answer? (could be Ctrl-C or 'q') if [ "$REPLY" -gt 0 ]; then selected="$reply[REPLY]" selected="${selected## #}" pid="${selected%% *}"
# Now ask of signal signal_names=( ${(vin)signals} ) typeset -a NLIST_HOP_INDEXES NLIST_HOP_INDEXES=( 3 6 8 ) unset NLIST_COLORING_PATTERN n-list $'\x1b[00;31mSelect signal:\x1b[00;00m' "$signal_names[@]"
if [ "$REPLY" -gt 0 ]; then selected="$reply[REPLY]" signal="${(k)signals[(r)$selected]}"
# ZLE? if [ "${(t)CURSOR}" = "integer-local-special" ]; then zle redisplay zle kill-whole-line zle -U "kill -$signal $pid" else print -zr "kill -$signal $pid" fi else [ "${(t)CURSOR}" = "integer-local-special" ] && zle redisplay fi else [ "${(t)CURSOR}" = "integer-local-special" ] && zle redisplay fi
# vim: set filetype=zsh: