#compdef manage.py
typeset -ga nul_args nul_args=( '--verbosity=-[verbosity level; 0=minimal output, 1=normal output, 2=all output.]:Verbosity:((0\:minimal 1\:normal 2\:all))' '--settings=-[the Python path to a settings module.]:file:_files' '--pythonpath=-[a directory to add to the Python path.]:directory:_directories' '--traceback[print traceback on exception.]' "--no-color[Don't colorize the command output.]" "--version[show program's version number and exit.]" {-h,--help}'[show this help message and exit.]' )
typeset -ga start_args start_args=( '--template=-[The path or URL to load the template from.]:directory:_directories' '--extension=-[The file extension(s) to render (default: "py").]' '--name=-[The file name(s) to render.]:file:_files' )
typeset -ga db_args db_args=( '--database=-[Nominates a database. Defaults to the "default" database.]' )
typeset -ga noinput_args noinput_args=( '--noinput[tells Django to NOT prompt the user for input of any kind.]' )
typeset -ga no_init_data_args no_init_data_args=( '--no-initial-data[Tells Django not to load any initial data after database synchronization.]' )
typeset -ga tag_args tag_args=( '--tag=-[Run only checks labeled with given tag.]' '--list-tags[List available tags.]' )
_managepy-check(){ _arguments -s : \
$tag_args \
$nul_args && ret=0 }
_managepy-changepassword(){ _arguments -s : \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0 }
_managepy-createcachetable(){ _arguments -s : \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0 }
_managepy-createsuperuser(){ _arguments -s : \
'--username=-[Specifies the login for the superuser.]' \
'--email=-[Specifies the email for the superuser.]' \
$noinput_args \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0 }
_managepy-collectstatic(){ _arguments -s : \
'--link[Create a symbolic link to each file instead of copying.]' \
'--no-post-process[Do NOT post process collected files.]' \
'--ignore=-[Ignore files or directories matching this glob-style pattern. Use multiple times to ignore more.]' \
'--dry-run[Do everything except modify the filesystem.]' \
'--clear[Clear the existing files using the storage before trying to copy or link the original file.]' \
'--link[Create a symbolic link to each file instead of copying.]' \
'--no-default-ignore[Do not ignore the common private glob-style patterns "CVS", ".*" and "*~".]' \
$noinput_args \
$nul_args && ret=0 }
_managepy-dbshell(){ _arguments -s : \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0 }
_managepy-diffsettings(){ _arguments -s : \
"--all[Display all settings, regardless of their value.]" $nul_args && ret=0 }
_managepy-dumpdata(){ _arguments -s : \
'--format=-[Specifies the output serialization format for fixtures.]:format:(json yaml xml)' \
'--indent=-[Specifies the indent level to use when pretty-printing output.]' \
'--exclude=-[An app_label or app_label.ModelName to exclude (use multiple --exclude to exclude multiple apps/models).]' \
'--natural-foreign[Use natural foreign keys if they are available.]' \
'--natural-primary[Use natural primary keys if they are available.]' \
"--all[Use Django's base manager to dump all models stored in the database.]" \
'--pks=-[Only dump objects with given primary keys.]' \
$db_args \
$nul_args \
'*::appname:_applist' && ret=0 }
_managepy-flush(){ _arguments -s : \
$no_init_data_args \
$db_args \
$noinput_args \
$nul_args && ret=0 }
_managepy-help(){ _arguments -s : \
'*:command:_managepy_cmds' \
$nul_args && ret=0 }
_managepy_cmds(){ local line local -a cmd _call_program help-command ./manage.py help \
|& sed -n '/^ /s/[(), ]/ /gp' \
| while read -A line; do cmd=($line $cmd) done _describe -t managepy-command 'manage.py command' cmd }
_managepy-inspectdb(){ _arguments -s : \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0 }
_managepy-loaddata(){ _arguments -s : \
'--ignorenonexistent[Ignores entries in the serialized data for fields that do not currently exist on the model.]' \
'--app=-[Only look for fixtures in the specified app.]:appname:_applist' \
'*::file:_files' \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0 }
_managepy-makemessages(){ _arguments -s : \
'--locale=-[Creates or updates the message files for the given locale(s) (e.g. pt_BR).]' \
'--domain=-[The domain of the message files (default: "django").]' \
'--all[Updates the message files for all existing locales.]' \
'--extension=-[The file extension(s) to examine (default: "html,txt", or "js" if the domain is "djangojs").]' \
'--symlinks[Follows symlinks to directories when examining source code and templates for translation strings.]' \
'--ignore=-[Ignore files or directories matching this glob-style pattern.]' \
"--no-default-ignore[Don't ignore the common glob-style patterns 'CVS', '.*', '*~' and '*.pyc'.]" \
"--no-wrap[Don't break long message lines into several lines.]" \
"--no-location[Don't write '#: filename:line' lines.]" \
'--no-obsolete[Remove obsolete message strings.]' \
'--keep-pot[Keep .pot file after making messages.]' \
$nul_args && ret=0 } _managepy-makemigrations(){ _arguments -s : \
'--dry-run[Just show what migrations would be made]' \
'--merge[Enable fixing of migration conflicts.]' \
'--empty[Create an empty migration.]' \
$noinput_args \
$nul_args && ret=0 } _managepy-migrate(){ _arguments -s : \
'--fake[Mark migrations as run without actually running them]' \
'--list[Show a list of all known migrations and which are applied]' \
$no_init_data_args \
$noinput_args \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0 }
_managepy-runfcgi(){ local state
local fcgi_opts fcgi_opts=( 'protocol[fcgi, scgi, ajp, ... (default fcgi)]:protocol:(fcgi scgi ajp)' 'host[hostname to listen on..]:' 'port[port to listen on.]:' 'socket[UNIX socket to listen on.]:file:_files' 'method[prefork or threaded (default prefork)]:method:(prefork threaded)' 'maxrequests[number of requests a child handles before it is killed and a new child is forked (0 = no limit).]:' 'maxspare[max number of spare processes / threads.]:' 'minspare[min number of spare processes / threads.]:' 'maxchildren[hard limit number of processes / threads.]:' 'daemonize[whether to detach from terminal.]:boolean:(False True)' 'pidfile[write the spawned process-id to this file.]:file:_files' 'workdir[change to this directory when daemonizing.]:directory:_files' 'outlog[write stdout to this file.]:file:_files' 'errlog[write stderr to this file.]:file:_files' )
_arguments -s : \
$nul_args \
'*: :_values "FCGI Setting" $fcgi_opts' && ret=0 }
_managepy-runserver(){ _arguments -s : \
'--ipv6[Tells Django to use an IPv6 address.]' \
'--nothreading[Tells Django to NOT use threading.]' \
'--noreload[Tells Django to NOT use the auto-reloader.]' \
'--nostatic[Tells Django to NOT automatically serve static files at STATIC_URL.]' \
'--insecure[Allows serving static files even if DEBUG is False.]' \
$nul_args && ret=0 }
_managepy-shell(){ _arguments -s : \
'--plain[Tells Django to use plain Python, not IPython.]' \
'--no-startup[When using plain Python, ignore the PYTHONSTARTUP environment variable and ~/.pythonrc.py script.]' \
'--interface=-[Specify an interactive interpreter interface.]:INTERFACE:((ipython bpython))' \
$nul_args && ret=0 }
_managepy-sql(){ _arguments -s : \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0 }
_managepy-sqlall(){ _arguments -s : \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0 }
_managepy-sqlclear(){ _arguments -s : \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0 }
_managepy-sqlcustom(){ _arguments -s : \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0 }
_managepy-dropindexes(){ _arguments -s : \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0 }
_managepy-sqlflush(){ _arguments -s : \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0 }
_managepy-sqlindexes(){ _arguments -s : \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0 }
_managepy-sqlinitialdata(){ _arguments -s : \
$nul_args && ret=0 }
_managepy-sqlsequencereset(){ _arguments -s : \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0 }
_managepy-squashmigrations(){ _arguments -s : \
'--no-optimize[Do not try to optimize the squashed operations.]' \
$noinput_args \
$nul_args && ret=0 }
_managepy-startapp(){ _arguments -s : \
$start_args \
$nul_args && ret=0 } _managepy-startproject(){ _arguments -s : \
$start_args \
$nul_args && ret=0 }
_managepy-syncdb() { _arguments -s : \
$noinput_args \
$no_init_data_args \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0 }
_managepy-test() { _arguments -s : \
'--failfast[Tells Django to stop running the test suite after first failed test.]' \
'--testrunner=-[Tells Django to use specified test runner class instead of the one specified by the TEST_RUNNER setting.]' \
'--liveserver=-[Overrides the default address where the live server (used with LiveServerTestCase) is expected to run from. The default value is localhost:8081.]' \
'--top-level-directory=-[Top level of project for unittest discovery.]' \
'--pattern=-[The test matching pattern. Defaults to test*.py.]:' \
$noinput_args \
'*::appname:_applist' \
$nul_args && ret=0 }
_managepy-testserver() { _arguments -s : \
'--addrport=-[port number or ipaddr:port to run the server on.]' \
'--ipv6[Tells Django to use an IPv6 address.]' \
$noinput_args \
'*::fixture:_files' \
$nul_args && ret=0 }
_managepy-validate() { _arguments -s : \
$tag_args \
$nul_args && ret=0 }
_managepy-commands() { local -a commands
commands=( "changepassword:Change a user's password for django.contrib.auth." 'check:Checks the entire Django project for potential problems.' 'compilemessages:Compiles .po files to .mo files for use with builtin gettext support.' 'createcachetable:Creates the table needed to use the SQL cache backend.' 'createsuperuser:Used to create a superuser.' 'collectstatic:Collect static files in a single location.' 'dbshell:Runs the command-line client for the current DATABASE_ENGINE.' "diffsettings:Displays differences between the current settings.py and Django's default settings." 'dumpdata:Output the contents of the database as a fixture of the given format.' 'flush:Executes ``sqlflush`` on the current database.' 'help:manage.py help.' 'inspectdb:Introspects the database tables in the given database and outputs a Django model module.' 'loaddata:Installs the named fixture(s) in the database.' 'makemessages:Runs over the entire source tree of the current directory and pulls out all strings marked for translation.' 'makemigrations:Creates new migration(s) for apps.' 'migrate:Updates database schema. Manages both apps with migrations and those without.' 'runfcgi:Run this project as a fastcgi (or some other protocol supported by flup) application,' 'runserver:Starts a lightweight Web server for development.' 'shell:Runs a Python interactive interpreter.' 'showmigrations:Shows all available migrations for the current project.' 'sql:Prints the CREATE TABLE SQL statements for the given app name(s).' 'sqlall:Prints the CREATE TABLE, custom SQL and CREATE INDEX SQL statements for the given model module name(s).' 'sqlclear:Prints the DROP TABLE SQL statements for the given app name(s).' 'sqlcustom:Prints the custom table modifying SQL statements for the given app name(s).' 'sqldropindexes:Prints the DROP INDEX SQL statements for the given model module name(s).' 'sqlflush:Returns a list of the SQL statements required to return all tables in the database to the state they were in just after they were installed.' 'sqlindexes:Prints the CREATE INDEX SQL statements for the given model module name(s).' "sqlinitialdata:RENAMED: see 'sqlcustom'" 'sqlsequencereset:Prints the SQL statements for resetting sequences for the given app name(s).' 'squashmigrations:Squashes an existing set of migrations (from first until specified) into a single new one.' "startapp:Creates a Django app directory structure for the given app name in this project's directory." "startproject:Creates a Django project directory structure for the given project name in this current directory." "syncdb:Create the database tables for all apps in INSTALLED_APPS whose tables haven't already been created." 'test:Runs the test suite for the specified applications, or the entire site if no apps are specified.' 'testserver:Runs a development server with data from the given fixture(s).' 'validate:Validates all installed models.' )
_describe -t commands 'manage.py command' commands && ret=0 }
_applist() { local line local -a apps _call_program help-command "python -c \"import sys; del sys.path[0];\\
import os.path as op, re, django.conf;\\ bn=op.basename(op.abspath(op.curdir));[sys\\ .stdout.write(str(re.sub(r'^%s\.(.*?)$' % bn, r'\1', i)) + '\n') for i in django.conf.settings.\\ INSTALLED_APPS if re.match(r'^%s' % bn, i)]\"" \
| while read -A line; do apps=($line $apps) done _values 'Application' $apps && ret=0 }
_managepy() { local curcontext=$curcontext ret=1
if ((CURRENT == 2)); then _managepy-commands else shift words (( CURRENT -- )) curcontext="${curcontext%:*:*}:managepy-$words[1]:" _call_function ret _managepy-$words[1] fi }
compdef _managepy manage.py compdef _managepy django compdef _managepy django-admin compdef _managepy django-admin.py compdef _managepy django-manage
print -P "%F{yellow}The django plugin is deprecated in favor of Zsh's Django completion.
%BPlease remove it from your plugins to stop using it.%b%f"