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3 years ago
  1. #compdef flutter
  2. #autoload
  3. local -a _1st_arguments
  4. _1st_arguments=(
  5. "analyze":"Analyze the project's Dart code."
  6. "assemble":"Assemble and build flutter resources."
  7. "attach":"Attach to a running application."
  8. "build":"Flutter build commands."
  9. "channel":"List or switch flutter channels."
  10. "clean":"Delete the build/ and .dart_tool/ directories."
  11. "config":"Configure Flutter settings."
  12. "create":"Create a new Flutter project."
  13. "devices":"List all connected devices."
  14. "doctor":"Show information about the installed tooling."
  15. "drive":"Runs Flutter Driver tests for the current project."
  16. "emulators":"List, launch and create emulators."
  17. "format":" Format one or more dart files."
  18. "help":"Display help information for flutter."
  19. "install":"Install a Flutter app on an attached device."
  20. "logs":"Show log output for running Flutter apps."
  21. "make-host-app-editable":"Moves host apps from generated directories to non-generated directories so that they can be edited by developers."
  22. "precache":"Populates the Flutter tool's cache of binary artifacts."
  23. "pub":"Commands for managing Flutter packages."
  24. "run":"Run your Flutter app on an attached device."
  25. "screenshot":"Take a screenshot from a connected device."
  26. "test":"Run Flutter unit tests for the current project."
  27. "upgrade":"Upgrade your copy of Flutter."
  28. "version":"List or switch flutter versions."
  29. )
  30. _arguments -C '*:: :->subcmds'
  31. if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then
  32. _describe -t commands "flutter command" _1st_arguments
  33. return
  34. fi