You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
#compdef frontend
zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions' format '%B%d%b' zstyle ':completion::complete:frontend:*:commands' group-name commands zstyle ':completion::complete:frontend:*:frontend_points' group-name frontend_points zstyle ':completion::complete:frontend::' list-grouped
zmodload zsh/mapfile
function _frontend() { local CONFIG=$HOME/.frontend-search local ret=1
local -a commands local -a frontend_points
frontend_points=( "${(f)mapfile[$CONFIG]//$HOME/~}" )
commands=( 'angular: Search in website' 'angularjs: Search in website' 'bem: Search in BEM website' 'bootsnipp: Search in bootsnipp website' 'bundlephobia: Search in Bundlephobia website' 'caniuse: Search in Can I Use website' 'codepen: Search in codepen website' 'compassdoc: Search in COMPASS website' 'cssflow: Search in cssflow website' 'dartlang: Search in Dart website' 'emberjs: Search in Ember website' 'flowtype: Search in Flowtype website' 'fontello: Search in fontello website' 'github: Search in GitHub website' 'html5please: Search in HTML5 Please website' 'jestjs: Search in Jest website' 'jquery: Search in jQuery website' 'lodash: Search in Lo-Dash website' 'mdn: Search in MDN website' 'nodejs: Search in NodeJS website' 'npmjs: Search in NPMJS website' 'packagephobia: Search in Packagephobia website' 'qunit: Search in Qunit website' 'reactjs: Search in React website' 'smacss: Search in SMACSS website' 'stackoverflow: Search in StackOverflow website' 'typescript: Search in TypeScript website' 'unheap: Search in unheap website' 'vuejs: Search in VueJS website' )
_arguments -C \ '1: :->first_arg' \ '2: :->second_arg' && ret=0
case $state in first_arg) _describe -t frontend_points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0 _describe -t commands "Commands" commands && ret=0 ;; second_arg) case $words[2] in jquery) _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0 ;; mdn) _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0 ;; compassdoc) _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0 ;; html5please) _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0 ;; caniuse) _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0 ;; dartlang) _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0 ;; lodash) _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0 ;; qunit) _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0 ;; fontello) _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0 ;; github) _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0 ;; bootsnipp) _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0 ;; cssflow) _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0 ;; codepen) _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0 ;; unheap) _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0 ;; bem) _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0 ;; smacss) _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0 ;; angularjs) _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0 ;; reactjs) _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0 ;; emberjs) _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0 ;; stackoverflow) _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0 ;; npmjs) _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0 ;; bundlephobia) _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0 ;; packagephobia) _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0 ;; flowtype) _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0 ;; typescript) _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0 ;; vuejs) _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0 ;; nodejs) _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0 ;; jestjs) _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0 ;; esac ;; esac
return $ret }
_frontend "$@"
# Local Variables: # mode: Shell-Script # sh-indentation: 2 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # sh-basic-offset: 2 # End: # vim: ft=zsh sw=2 ts=2 et