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3 years ago
  1. # Ruby plugin
  2. This plugin adds aliases for common commands used in dealing with [Ruby]( and [gem packages](
  3. To use it, add `ruby` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:
  4. ```zsh
  5. plugins=(... ruby)
  6. ```
  7. ## Aliases
  8. | Alias | Command | Description |
  9. | ------- | -------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
  10. | rb | `ruby` | The Ruby command |
  11. | sgem | `sudo gem` | Run sudo gem on the system ruby, not the active ruby |
  12. | rfind | `find . -name "*.rb" \| xargs grep -n` | Find ruby file |
  13. | rrun | `ruby -e` | Execute some code: E.g: `rrun "puts 'Hello world!'"` |
  14. | rserver | `ruby -e httpd . -p 8080` | Start HTTP Webrick serving local directory/files |
  15. | gein | `gem install` | Install a gem into the local repository |
  16. | geun | `gem uninstall` | Uninstall gems from the local repository |
  17. | geli | `gem list` | Display gems installed locally |
  18. | gei | `gem info` | Show information for the given gem |
  19. | geiall | `gem info --all` | Display all gem versions |
  20. | geca | `gem cert --add` | Add a trusted certificate |
  21. | gecr | `gem cert --remove` | Remove a trusted certificate |
  22. | gecb | `gem cert --build` | Build private key and self-signed certificate |
  23. | geclup | `gem cleanup -n` | Do not uninstall gem |
  24. | gegi | `gem generate_index` | Generate index file for gem server |
  25. | geh | `gem help` | Provide additional help |
  26. | gel | `gem lock` | Generate a lockdown list of gems |
  27. | geo | `gem open` | Open gem source in default editor |
  28. | geoe | `gem open -e` | Open gem sources in preferred editor |