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3 years ago
  1. # Vagrant plugin
  2. This plugin adds autocompletion for [Vagrant]( commands, task names, box names and built-in handy documentation.
  3. To use it, add `vagrant` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:
  4. ```zsh
  5. plugins=(... vagrant)
  6. ```
  7. ## Aliases
  8. | Alias | Command |
  9. |---------|------------------------------|
  10. | `vgi` | `vagrant init` |
  11. | `vup` | `vagrant up` |
  12. | `vd` | `vagrant destroy` |
  13. | `vdf` | `vagrant destroy -f` |
  14. | `vssh` | `vagrant ssh` |
  15. | `vsshc` | `vagrant ssh-config` |
  16. | `vrdp` | `vagrant rdp` |
  17. | `vh` | `vagrant halt` |
  18. | `vssp` | `vagrant suspend` |
  19. | `vst` | `vagrant status` |
  20. | `vre` | `vagrant resume` |
  21. | `vgs` | `vagrant global-status` |
  22. | `vpr` | `vagrant provision` |
  23. | `vr` | `vagrant reload` |
  24. | `vrp` | `vagrant reload --provision` |
  25. | `vp` | `vagrant push` |
  26. | `vsh` | `vagrant share` |
  27. | `vba` | `vagrant box add` |
  28. | `vbr` | `vagrant box remove` |
  29. | `vbl` | `vagrant box list` |
  30. | `vbo` | `vagrant box outdated` |
  31. | `vbu` | `vagrant box update` |
  32. | `vpli` | `vagrant plugin install` |
  33. | `vpll` | `vagrant plugin list` |
  34. | `vplun` | `vagrant plugin uninstall` |
  35. | `vplu` | `vagrant plugin update` |