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3 years ago
  1. # Yarn plugin
  2. This plugin adds completion for the [Yarn package manager](,
  3. as well as some aliases for common Yarn commands.
  4. To use it, add `yarn` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:
  5. ```zsh
  6. plugins=(... yarn)
  7. ```
  8. ## Aliases
  9. | Alias | Command | Description |
  10. | ----- | ----------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
  11. | y | `yarn` | The Yarn command |
  12. | ya | `yarn add` | Install a package in dependencies (`package.json`) |
  13. | yad | `yarn add --dev` | Install a package in devDependencies (`package.json`) |
  14. | yap | `yarn add --peer` | Install a package in peerDependencies (`package.json`) |
  15. | yb | `yarn build` | Run the build script defined in `package.json` |
  16. | ycc | `yarn cache clean` | Clean yarn's global cache of packages |
  17. | yd | `yarn dev` | Run the dev script defined in `package.json` |
  18. | yga | `yarn global add` | Install packages globally on your operating system |
  19. | ygls | `yarn global list` | Lists global installed packages |
  20. | ygrm | `yarn global remove` | Remove global installed packages from your OS |
  21. | ygu | `yarn global upgrade` | Upgrade packages installed globally to their latest version |
  22. | yh | `yarn help` | Show help for a yarn command |
  23. | yi | `yarn init` | Interactively creates or updates a package.json file |
  24. | yin | `yarn install` | Install dependencies defined in `package.json` |
  25. | yln | `yarn lint` | Run the lint script defined in `package.json` |
  26. | ylnf | `yarn lint --fix` | Run the lint script defined in `package.json`to automatically fix problems |
  27. | yls | `yarn list` | List installed packages |
  28. | yout | `yarn outdated` | Check for outdated package dependencies |
  29. | yp | `yarn pack` | Create a compressed gzip archive of package dependencies |
  30. | yrm | `yarn remove` | Remove installed packages |
  31. | yrun | `yarn run` | Run a defined package script |
  32. | ys | `yarn serve` | Start the dev server |
  33. | yst | `yarn start` | Run the start script defined in `package.json` |
  34. | yt | `yarn test` | Run the test script defined in `package.json` |
  35. | ytc | `yarn test --coverage` | Run the test script defined in `package.json` with coverage |
  36. | yuc | `yarn global upgrade && yarn cache clean` | Upgrade global packages and clean yarn's global cache |
  37. | yui | `yarn upgrade-interactive` | Prompt for which outdated packages to upgrade |
  38. | yuil | `yarn upgrade-interactive --latest` | Prompt for which outdated packages to upgrade to the latest available version |
  39. | yup | `yarn upgrade` | Upgrade packages to their latest version |
  40. | yv | `yarn version` | Update the version of your package |
  41. | yw | `yarn workspace` | Run a command within a single workspace. |
  42. | yws | `yarn workspaces` | Run a command within all defined workspaces. |