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//========= Copyright � 1996-2004, Valve LLC, All rights reserved. ============
// Purpose: PS/3 Platform include
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifndef _PS3_PLATFORM_H
#define _PS3_PLATFORM_H
//EAPS3 #undef Verify // can't use verify, because there's a Verify member of struct D3DPushBuffer
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <string.h> // needed for memset
//EAPS3: Defines of win32 types used in Visual Studio.
typedef void VOID; typedef const void * LPCVOID; typedef unsigned long DWORD; typedef DWORD * LPDWORD; typedef int BOOL; typedef int * LPBOOL; typedef unsigned short WORD; typedef float FLOAT; typedef short SHORT; typedef long LONG; typedef char CHAR; typedef unsigned int UINT; typedef unsigned long ULONG; typedef unsigned char BYTE; typedef BYTE* LPBYTE; typedef long long DWORDLONG;
typedef void* PVOID; typedef int DWORD_PTR; typedef int ULONG_PTR; typedef long* LONG_PTR; typedef unsigned int* UINT_PTR; typedef WORD* LPWORD; typedef ULONG_PTR * PDWORD_PTR; typedef ULONG_PTR SIZE_T; typedef ULONG_PTR * PSIZE_T;
typedef wchar_t WCHAR; typedef CHAR TCHAR;
typedef const char* LPCSTR; typedef char* LPSTR; typedef LPSTR LPTSTR; typedef const char* LPCTSTR; typedef const wchar_t* LPCWSTR; typedef WCHAR * LPWSTR; typedef WCHAR * PWSTR;
typedef void* HICON; typedef void* HCURSOR; typedef void* HBRUSH; typedef void* HMENU; typedef void* HFONT; typedef void* HBITMAP;
typedef DWORD COLORREF; typedef void* HINSTANCE; typedef UINT MMRESULT; typedef long HRESULT; typedef long LRESULT; typedef void* HANDLE; //typedef void* HWND;
typedef void* LPVOID; typedef unsigned int WPARAM; typedef int LPARAM; typedef void* HDC; typedef void* HHOOK; typedef void* HMODULE; typedef void* HKL; typedef void* HKEY; typedef HKEY* PHKEY; typedef void* HGDIOBJ; typedef WORD ATOM; typedef HANDLE HGLOBAL; //typedef WORD WAVEFORMATEX;
typedef long long __int64;
typedef float vec3_t[3]; typedef signed long long s64_t; typedef unsigned long long u64_t; typedef signed int s32_t; typedef unsigned int u32_t; typedef signed short s16_t; typedef unsigned short u16_t; typedef signed char s8_t; typedef unsigned char u8_t; typedef unsigned char byte_t; typedef unsigned int rgba_t;
typedef long long ULARGE_INTEGER;
typedef u64_t ULONGLONG;
typedef struct _POINTL /* ptl */ { LONG x; LONG y; } POINT, POINTL, *PPOINTL, *LPPOINT;
typedef struct _GUID { unsigned long Data1; unsigned short Data2; unsigned short Data3; unsigned char Data4[8]; } GUID;
typedef struct tagRECT { LONG left; LONG top; LONG right; LONG bottom; } RECT, *PRECT, *NPRECT, *LPRECT;
typedef struct _FILETIME { DWORD dwLowDateTime; DWORD dwHighDateTime; } FILETIME, *PFILETIME, *LPFILETIME;
typedef struct _SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES { DWORD nLength; /* [size_is] */ LPVOID lpSecurityDescriptor; BOOL bInheritHandle; } SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES;
// Function call convention
#define _cdecl
#define __cdecl
#define __declspec(x)
#define WINAPI
#define FAR
#define NEAR
#define CONST const
#define CALLBACK
#define IN
#define OPTIONAL
struct PDM_CMDCONT {
#ifndef __stdcall
#define __stdcall
//typedef HRESULT (__stdcall *PDM_CMDPROC)(LPCSTR szCommand, LPSTR szResponse, DWORD cchResponse, PDM_CMDCONT pdmcc);
#undef __stdcall
typedef int (*PROC)(); typedef int (*FARPROC)(); typedef int (*NEARPROC)();
#define FAILED(x) (x < 0)
//EAPS3: Copied from malloc.h in Visual Studio.
#define _HEAPEMPTY (-1)
#define _HEAPOK (-2)
#define _HEAPBADBEGIN (-3)
#define _HEAPBADNODE (-4)
#define _HEAPEND (-5)
#define _HEAPBADPTR (-6)
#define _FREEENTRY 0
#define _USEDENTRY 1
// use for api's 'ignored' params for clarity
// trap debugging output
#define OutputDebugString(v) printf(v);
// not defined in ps3_system.cpp.
// DWORD GetTickCount();
// this comment means nothing
#define LOWORD(l) ((WORD)((DWORD_PTR)(l) & 0xffff))
#define HIWORD(l) ((WORD)((DWORD_PTR)(l) >> 16))
#define S_OK ((HRESULT)0x00000000L)
#ifndef _strnicmp
#define _strnicmp Q_strncasecmp
#ifndef wcsnicmp
// ???