//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "server_pch.h"
#include <utllinkedlist.h>
#include "hltvserver.h"
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
#include "replayserver.h"
#include "framesnapshot.h"
#include "sys_dll.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
static ConVar sv_creationtickcheck( "sv_creationtickcheck", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT | FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Do extended check for encoding of timestamps against tickcount" ); extern CGlobalVars g_ServerGlobalVariables;
// Expose interface
static CFrameSnapshotManager g_FrameSnapshotManager; CFrameSnapshotManager *framesnapshotmanager = &g_FrameSnapshotManager;
// Purpose:
CFrameSnapshotManager::CFrameSnapshotManager( void ) : m_PackedEntitiesPool( MAX_EDICTS / 16, CUtlMemoryPool::GROW_SLOW ) { COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( INVALID_PACKED_ENTITY_HANDLE == 0 ); Assert( INVALID_PACKED_ENTITY_HANDLE == m_PackedEntities.InvalidIndex() ); Q_memset( m_pLastPackedData, 0x00, MAX_EDICTS * sizeof(PackedEntityHandle_t) ); }
// Purpose:
CFrameSnapshotManager::~CFrameSnapshotManager( void ) { #ifdef _DEBUG
if ( IsInErrorExit() ) { // These may have been freed already. Don't crash when freeing these.
Q_memset( &m_PackedEntities, 0, sizeof( m_PackedEntities ) ); } else { Assert( m_FrameSnapshots.Count() == 0 ); Assert( m_PackedEntities.Count() == 0 ); } #endif
// Called when a level change happens
void CFrameSnapshotManager::LevelChanged() { // Clear all lists...
Assert( m_FrameSnapshots.Count() == 0 );
// Release the most recent snapshot...
m_PackedEntities.RemoveAll(); m_PackedEntitiesPool.Clear(); m_PackedEntityCache.RemoveAll(); COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( INVALID_PACKED_ENTITY_HANDLE == 0 ); Q_memset( m_pLastPackedData, 0x00, MAX_EDICTS * sizeof(PackedEntityHandle_t) ); }
CFrameSnapshot *CFrameSnapshotManager::NextSnapshot( CFrameSnapshot *pSnapshot ) { if ( !pSnapshot || ((unsigned short)pSnapshot->m_ListIndex == m_FrameSnapshots.InvalidIndex()) ) return NULL;
int next = m_FrameSnapshots.Next(pSnapshot->m_ListIndex); if ( next == m_FrameSnapshots.InvalidIndex() ) return NULL;
// return next element in list
return m_FrameSnapshots[ next ]; }
CFrameSnapshot* CFrameSnapshotManager::CreateEmptySnapshot( #ifdef DEBUG_SNAPSHOT_REFERENCES
char const *szDebugName, #endif
int tickcount, int maxEntities, uint32 nSnapshotSet ) { CFrameSnapshot *snap = NULL; { AUTO_LOCK_FM( m_FrameSnapshotsWriteMutex ); snap = new CFrameSnapshot; snap->AddReference(); } #ifdef DEBUG_SNAPSHOT_REFERENCES
Q_strncpy( snap->m_chDebugSnapshotName, szDebugName, sizeof( snap->m_chDebugSnapshotName ) ); #endif
snap->m_nSnapshotSet = nSnapshotSet; snap->m_nTickCount = tickcount; snap->m_nNumEntities = maxEntities; snap->m_nValidEntities = 0; snap->m_pValidEntities = NULL; snap->m_pHLTVEntityData = NULL; #if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
snap->m_pReplayEntityData = NULL; #endif
snap->m_pEntities = new CFrameSnapshotEntry[maxEntities];
CFrameSnapshotEntry *entry = snap->m_pEntities; // clear entries
for ( int i=0; i < maxEntities; i++) { entry->m_pClass = NULL; entry->m_nSerialNumber = -1; entry->m_pPackedData = INVALID_PACKED_ENTITY_HANDLE; entry++; }
{ AUTO_LOCK_FM( m_FrameSnapshotsWriteMutex ); snap->m_ListIndex = m_FrameSnapshots.AddToTail( snap ); }
return snap; }
// Purpose:
// Input : framenumber -
CFrameSnapshot* CFrameSnapshotManager::TakeTickSnapshot( #ifdef DEBUG_SNAPSHOT_REFERENCES
char const *szDebugName, #endif
int tickcount, uint32 nSnapshotSet ) { unsigned short nValidEntities[MAX_EDICTS];
CFrameSnapshot *snap = CreateEmptySnapshot( #ifdef DEBUG_SNAPSHOT_REFERENCES
szDebugName, #endif
tickcount, sv.num_edicts, nSnapshotSet );
int maxclients = sv.GetClientCount();
CFrameSnapshotEntry *entry = snap->m_pEntities - 1; edict_t *edict= sv.edicts - 1; // Build the snapshot.
for ( int i = 0; i < sv.num_edicts; i++ ) { edict++; entry++;
if ( IsGameConsole() && edict->GetNetworkable() ) { PREFETCH360( edict->GetNetworkable(), 0 ); }
IServerUnknown *pUnk = edict->GetUnknown();
if ( !pUnk ) continue; if ( edict->IsFree() ) continue; // We don't want entities from inactive clients in the fullpack,
if ( i > 0 && i <= maxclients ) { // this edict is a client
if ( !sv.GetClient(i-1)->IsActive() ) continue; } // entity exists and is not marked as 'free'
Assert( edict->m_NetworkSerialNumber != -1 ); Assert( edict->GetNetworkable() ); Assert( edict->GetNetworkable()->GetServerClass() );
entry->m_nSerialNumber = edict->m_NetworkSerialNumber; entry->m_pClass = edict->GetNetworkable()->GetServerClass(); nValidEntities[snap->m_nValidEntities++] = i; }
// create dynamic valid entities array and copy indices
snap->m_pValidEntities = new unsigned short[snap->m_nValidEntities]; Q_memcpy( snap->m_pValidEntities, nValidEntities, snap->m_nValidEntities * sizeof(unsigned short) );
if ( IsHltvActive() ) { snap->m_pHLTVEntityData = new CHLTVEntityData[snap->m_nValidEntities]; Q_memset( snap->m_pHLTVEntityData, 0, snap->m_nValidEntities * sizeof(CHLTVEntityData) ); }
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
if ( replay && replay->IsActive() ) { snap->m_pReplayEntityData = new CReplayEntityData[snap->m_nValidEntities]; Q_memset( snap->m_pReplayEntityData, 0, snap->m_nValidEntities * sizeof(CReplayEntityData) ); } #endif
snap->m_iExplicitDeleteSlots.CopyArray( m_iExplicitDeleteSlots.Base(), m_iExplicitDeleteSlots.Count() ); m_iExplicitDeleteSlots.Purge();
return snap; }
// Cleans up packed entity data
void CFrameSnapshotManager::DeleteFrameSnapshot( CFrameSnapshot* pSnapshot ) { // Decrement reference counts of all packed entities
for (int i = 0; i < pSnapshot->m_nNumEntities; ++i) { if ( pSnapshot->m_pEntities[i].m_pPackedData != INVALID_PACKED_ENTITY_HANDLE ) { RemoveEntityReference( pSnapshot->m_pEntities[i].m_pPackedData ); } }
m_FrameSnapshots.Remove( pSnapshot->m_ListIndex ); delete pSnapshot; }
void CFrameSnapshotManager::RemoveEntityReference( PackedEntityHandle_t handle ) { Assert( handle != INVALID_PACKED_ENTITY_HANDLE );
PackedEntity *packedEntity = m_PackedEntities[ handle ];
if ( --packedEntity->m_ReferenceCount <= 0) { AUTO_LOCK_FM( m_WriteMutex );
m_PackedEntities.Remove( handle ); m_PackedEntitiesPool.Free( packedEntity );
// if we have a uncompression cache, remove reference too
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_PackedEntityCache, i ) { UnpackedDataCache_t &pdc = m_PackedEntityCache[i]; if ( pdc.pEntity == packedEntity ) { pdc.pEntity = NULL; pdc.counter = 0; break; } } } }
void CFrameSnapshotManager::AddEntityReference( PackedEntityHandle_t handle ) { Assert( handle != INVALID_PACKED_ENTITY_HANDLE );
m_PackedEntities[ handle ]->m_ReferenceCount++; }
void CFrameSnapshotManager::AddExplicitDelete( int iSlot ) { AUTO_LOCK_FM( m_WriteMutex );
if ( m_iExplicitDeleteSlots.Find(iSlot) == m_iExplicitDeleteSlots.InvalidIndex() ) { m_iExplicitDeleteSlots.AddToTail( iSlot ); } }
// Purpose: Returns true if the "basis" for encoding m_flAnimTime, m_flSimulationTime has changed
// since the time this entity was packed to the time we're trying to re-use the packing.
bool CFrameSnapshotManager::ShouldForceRepack( CFrameSnapshot* pSnapshot, int entity, PackedEntityHandle_t handle ) { if ( sv_creationtickcheck.GetBool() ) { PackedEntity *pe = m_PackedEntities[ handle ]; Assert( pe ); if ( pe && pe->ShouldCheckCreationTick() ) { int nCurrentNetworkBase = g_ServerGlobalVariables.GetNetworkBase( pSnapshot->m_nTickCount, entity ); int nPackedEntityNetworkBase = g_ServerGlobalVariables.GetNetworkBase( pe->GetSnapshotCreationTick(), entity ); if ( nCurrentNetworkBase != nPackedEntityNetworkBase ) { return true; } } }
return false; }
bool CFrameSnapshotManager::UsePreviouslySentPacket( CFrameSnapshot* pSnapshot, int entity, int entSerialNumber ) { PackedEntityHandle_t handle = m_pLastPackedData[entity]; if ( handle != INVALID_PACKED_ENTITY_HANDLE ) { // NOTE: We can't use the previously sent packet if there was a
// serial number change....
if ( m_pSerialNumber[entity] == entSerialNumber ) { // Check if we need to re-pack entity due to encoding against gpGlobals->tickcount
if ( framesnapshotmanager->ShouldForceRepack( pSnapshot, entity, handle ) ) { return false; }
Assert( entity < pSnapshot->m_nNumEntities ); pSnapshot->m_pEntities[entity].m_pPackedData = handle; m_PackedEntities[handle]->m_ReferenceCount++; return true; } else { return false; } } return false; }
PackedEntity* CFrameSnapshotManager::GetPreviouslySentPacket( int iEntity, int iSerialNumber ) { PackedEntityHandle_t handle = m_pLastPackedData[iEntity]; if ( handle != INVALID_PACKED_ENTITY_HANDLE ) { // NOTE: We can't use the previously sent packet if there was a
// serial number change....
if ( m_pSerialNumber[iEntity] == iSerialNumber ) { return m_PackedEntities[handle]; } else { return NULL; } } return NULL; }
// Returns the pack data for a particular entity for a particular snapshot
PackedEntity* CFrameSnapshotManager::CreatePackedEntity( CFrameSnapshot* pSnapshot, int entity ) { PackedEntity* pNewEntity = CreateLocalPackedEntity( pSnapshot, entity );
// Add a reference into the global list of last entity packets seen...
// and remove the reference to the last entity packet we saw
if (m_pLastPackedData[entity] != INVALID_PACKED_ENTITY_HANDLE ) { RemoveEntityReference( m_pLastPackedData[entity] ); }
m_pLastPackedData[entity] = pSnapshot->m_pEntities[entity].m_pPackedData; m_pSerialNumber[entity] = pSnapshot->m_pEntities[entity].m_nSerialNumber; pNewEntity->m_ReferenceCount++; pNewEntity->SetSnapshotCreationTick( pSnapshot->m_nTickCount );
return pNewEntity; }
PackedEntity* CFrameSnapshotManager::CreateLocalPackedEntity( CFrameSnapshot* pSnapshot, int entity ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT();
m_WriteMutex.Lock(); PackedEntity *packedEntity = m_PackedEntitiesPool.Alloc(); PackedEntityHandle_t handle = m_PackedEntities.AddToTail( packedEntity ); m_WriteMutex.Unlock();
Assert( entity < pSnapshot->m_nNumEntities ); Assert( entity >= 0 && entity < ARRAYSIZE(m_pLastPackedData) );
packedEntity->m_ReferenceCount = 1; packedEntity->m_nEntityIndex = entity; pSnapshot->m_pEntities[entity].m_pPackedData = handle;
return packedEntity; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// purpose: lookup cache if we have an uncompressed version of this packed entity
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
UnpackedDataCache_t *CFrameSnapshotManager::GetCachedUncompressedEntity( PackedEntity *packedEntity ) { if ( m_PackedEntityCache.Count() == 0 ) { // ops, we have no cache yet, create one and reset counter
m_nPackedEntityCacheCounter = 0; m_PackedEntityCache.SetCount( 128 );
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_PackedEntityCache, i ) { m_PackedEntityCache[i].pEntity = NULL; m_PackedEntityCache[i].counter = 0; } }
// remember oldest cache entry
UnpackedDataCache_t *pdcOldest = NULL; int oldestValue = m_nPackedEntityCacheCounter;
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_PackedEntityCache, i ) { UnpackedDataCache_t *pdc = &m_PackedEntityCache[i];
if ( pdc->pEntity == packedEntity ) { // hit, found it, update counter
pdc->counter = m_nPackedEntityCacheCounter; return pdc; }
if( pdc->counter < oldestValue ) { oldestValue = pdc->counter; pdcOldest = pdc; } }
Assert ( pdcOldest );
// hmm, not in cache, clear & return oldest one
pdcOldest->counter = m_nPackedEntityCacheCounter; pdcOldest->bits = -1; // important, this is the signal for the caller to fill this structure
pdcOldest->pEntity = packedEntity; return pdcOldest; }
void CFrameSnapshotManager::BuildSnapshotList( CFrameSnapshot *pCurrentSnapshot, CFrameSnapshot *pLastSnapshot, uint32 nSnapshotSet, CReferencedSnapshotList &list ) { // Keep list building thread-safe
AUTO_LOCK_FM( m_FrameSnapshotsWriteMutex );
int nInsanity = 0; CFrameSnapshot *pSnapshot; if ( pLastSnapshot ) { pSnapshot = NextSnapshot( pLastSnapshot ); } else { pSnapshot = pCurrentSnapshot; }
while ( pSnapshot ) { //only add snapshots that match the desired set to the list
if( pSnapshot->m_nSnapshotSet == nSnapshotSet ) { pSnapshot->AddReference(); list.m_vecSnapshots.AddToTail( pSnapshot ); }
++nInsanity; if ( nInsanity > 100000 ) { Error( "CFrameSnapshotManager::BuildSnapshotList: infinite loop building list!!!" ); }
if ( pSnapshot == pCurrentSnapshot ) break;
// got to next snapshot
pSnapshot = NextSnapshot( pSnapshot ); } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// CFrameSnapshot
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
#if defined( _DEBUG )
int g_nAllocatedSnapshots = 0; #endif
CFrameSnapshot::CFrameSnapshot() { m_nTempEntities = 0; m_pTempEntities = NULL; m_pValidEntities = NULL; m_nReferences = 0; #if defined( _DEBUG )
++g_nAllocatedSnapshots; Assert( g_nAllocatedSnapshots < 80000 ); // this probably would indicate a memory leak.
Q_memset( m_chDebugSnapshotName, 0, sizeof( m_chDebugSnapshotName ) ); #endif
CFrameSnapshot::~CFrameSnapshot() { delete [] m_pValidEntities; delete [] m_pEntities;
if ( m_pTempEntities ) { Assert( m_nTempEntities>0 ); for (int i = 0; i < m_nTempEntities; i++ ) { delete m_pTempEntities[i]; }
delete [] m_pTempEntities; }
if ( m_pHLTVEntityData ) { delete [] m_pHLTVEntityData; }
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
if ( m_pReplayEntityData ) { delete [] m_pReplayEntityData; } #endif
Assert ( m_nReferences == 0 );
#if defined( _DEBUG )
--g_nAllocatedSnapshots; Assert( g_nAllocatedSnapshots >= 0 ); #endif
void CFrameSnapshot::AddReference() { Assert( m_nReferences < 0xFFFF ); ++m_nReferences; }
void CFrameSnapshot::ReleaseReference() { // Keep list building thread-safe
// This lock was moved to to fix bug https://bugbait.valvesoftware.com/show_bug.cgi?id=53403
// Crash in CFrameSnapshotManager::GetPackedEntity where a CBaseClient's m_pBaseline snapshot could be removed the CReferencedSnapshotList destructor
// for another client that is in WriteTempEntities
AUTO_LOCK_FM( framesnapshotmanager->m_FrameSnapshotsWriteMutex );
Assert( m_nReferences > 0 );
--m_nReferences; if ( m_nReferences == 0 ) { g_FrameSnapshotManager.DeleteFrameSnapshot( this ); } }