//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include <vgui_controls/Panel.h>
#include <vgui/isurface.h>
#include <vgui_controls/AnimationController.h>
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
#include "hud_base_account.h"
#include "cs_gamerules.h"
#include "iachievementmgr.h"
// NOTE: This has to be the last file included!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
using namespace vgui;
CHudBaseAccount::CHudBaseAccount( const char *pName ) : CHudNumericDisplay( NULL, pName ), CHudElement( pName ) { SetHiddenBits( HIDEHUD_PLAYERDEAD ); SetIndent( false ); // don't indent small numbers in the drawing code - we're doing it manually
void CHudBaseAccount::LevelInit( void ) { m_iPreviousAccount = -1; m_iPreviousDelta = 0; m_flLastAnimationEnd = 0.0f; m_pszLastAnimationName = NULL; m_pszQueuedAnimationName = NULL;
GetAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence("AccountMoneyInvisible"); }
void CHudBaseAccount::ApplySchemeSettings(vgui::IScheme *pScheme) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings(pScheme);
m_clrRed = pScheme->GetColor( "HudIcon_Red", Color( 255, 16, 16, 255 ) ); m_clrGreen = pScheme->GetColor( "HudIcon_Green", Color( 16, 255, 16, 255 ) );
m_pAccountIcon = HudIcons().GetIcon( "dollar_sign" ); m_pPlusIcon = HudIcons().GetIcon( "plus_sign" ); m_pMinusIcon = HudIcons().GetIcon( "minus_sign" );
if( m_pAccountIcon ) { icon_tall = ( GetTall() / 2 ) - YRES(2); float scale = icon_tall / (float)m_pAccountIcon->Height(); icon_wide = ( scale ) * (float)m_pAccountIcon->Width(); } }
bool CHudBaseAccount::ShouldDraw() { // Deriving classes must implement
Assert( 0 ); return false; }
void CHudBaseAccount::Reset( void ) { // Round is restarting
if ( m_flLastAnimationEnd > gpGlobals->curtime && m_pszLastAnimationName ) { // if we had an animation in progress, queue it to be kicked it off again
m_pszQueuedAnimationName = m_pszLastAnimationName; } }
void CHudBaseAccount::Paint() { if ( CSGameRules()->IsPlayingGunGameProgressive() || CSGameRules()->IsPlayingGunGameTRBomb() ) { int weaponindex = GetPlayerGunGameWeapon();
// draw current gun game weapon index
wchar_t unicode[32]; wchar_t param1[32]; wchar_t param2[32]; wchar_t *pReason = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "Cstrike_Game_GunGameWeaponStatus" ); if ( !pReason ) { pReason = L"%s1 / %s2"; }
V_snwprintf( param1, ARRAYSIZE(param1), L"%d", weaponindex + 1 ); V_snwprintf( param2, ARRAYSIZE(param2), L"%d", engine->GetAchievementMgr()->GetNumProgressiveGunGameWeapons() );
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( unicode, sizeof( unicode ), pReason, 2, param1, param2 );
static int width = 0; for (wchar_t *ch = unicode; *ch != 0; ch++) { width += vgui::surface()->GetCharacterWidth( m_hTextFont, *ch ); }
static int xpos = MIN( 0, ( digit_xpos - width ) );
vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextFont(m_hTextFont); vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextColor(GetFgColor()); vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextPos(xpos, digit_ypos); vgui::surface()->DrawUnicodeString( unicode ); } else { int account = GetPlayerAccount();
//don't show delta on initial money give
if( m_iPreviousAccount < 0 ) m_iPreviousAccount = account;
if( m_iPreviousAccount != account ) { m_iPreviousDelta = account - m_iPreviousAccount; m_pszQueuedAnimationName = NULL;
if( m_iPreviousDelta < 0 ) { m_pszLastAnimationName = "AccountMoneyRemoved"; } else { m_pszLastAnimationName = "AccountMoneyAdded"; } GetAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( m_pszLastAnimationName ); m_flLastAnimationEnd = gpGlobals->curtime + GetAnimationController()->GetAnimationSequenceLength( m_pszLastAnimationName );
m_iPreviousAccount = account; } else if ( m_pszQueuedAnimationName ) { GetAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( m_pszQueuedAnimationName ); m_pszQueuedAnimationName = NULL; }
if( m_pAccountIcon ) { m_pAccountIcon->DrawSelf( icon_xpos, icon_ypos, icon_wide, icon_tall, GetFgColor() ); }
int xpos = digit_xpos - GetNumberWidth( m_hNumberFont, account );
// draw current account
vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextColor(GetFgColor()); PaintNumbers( m_hNumberFont, xpos, digit_ypos, account );
//draw account additions / subtractions
if( m_iPreviousDelta < 0 ) { if( m_pMinusIcon ) { m_pMinusIcon->DrawSelf( icon2_xpos, icon2_ypos, icon_wide, icon_tall, m_Ammo2Color ); } } else { if( m_pPlusIcon ) { m_pPlusIcon->DrawSelf( icon2_xpos, icon2_ypos, icon_wide, icon_tall, m_Ammo2Color ); } }
int delta = abs(m_iPreviousDelta);
xpos = digit2_xpos - GetNumberWidth( m_hNumberFont, delta );
// draw delta
vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextColor(m_Ammo2Color); PaintNumbers( m_hNumberFont, xpos, digit2_ypos, delta ); } }
int CHudBaseAccount::GetNumberWidth(HFont font, int number) { int width = 0;
surface()->DrawSetTextFont(font); wchar_t unicode[6]; V_snwprintf(unicode, ARRAYSIZE(unicode), L"%d", number);
for (wchar_t *ch = unicode; *ch != 0; ch++) { width += vgui::surface()->GetCharacterWidth( font, *ch ); }
return width; }