//===== Copyright (c) 1996-2009, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ====
// Animation commands
// Valve includes
#include "datamodel/dmelementfactoryhelper.h"
#include "mdlobjects/dmeanimcmd.h"
#include "mdlobjects/dmemotioncontrol.h"
#include "mdlobjects/dmesequence.h"
#include "mdlobjects/dmeanimationassemblycommand.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmechannel.h"
#include "bone_setup.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Expose this class to the scene database
void CDmeAnimCmd::OnConstruction() { }
void CDmeAnimCmd::OnDestruction() { }
// Expose this class to the scene database
IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT_FACTORY( DmeAnimCmdFixupLoop, CDmeAnimCmdFixupLoop );
void CDmeAnimCmdFixupLoop::OnConstruction() { m_nStartFrame.Init( this, "startFrame" ); m_nEndFrame.Init( this, "endFrame" ); }
void CDmeAnimCmdFixupLoop::OnDestruction() { }
const char *CDmeAnimCmdFixupLoop::GetAssemblyDmElementTypeString() { return CDmeFixupLoop::GetStaticTypeSymbol().String(); }
// Expose this class to the scene database
IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT_FACTORY( DmeAnimCmdWeightList, CDmeAnimCmdWeightList );
void CDmeAnimCmdWeightList::OnConstruction() { m_sWeightListName.Init( this, "weightListName" ); }
void CDmeAnimCmdWeightList::OnDestruction() { }
// Expose this class to the scene database
IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT_FACTORY( DmeAnimCmdSubtract, CDmeAnimCmdSubtract );
void CDmeAnimCmdSubtract::OnConstruction() { m_eAnimation.Init( this, "animation", FATTRIB_NEVERCOPY ); m_nFrame.Init( this, "frame" ); }
void CDmeAnimCmdSubtract::OnDestruction() { }
const char *CDmeAnimCmdSubtract::GetAssemblyDmElementTypeString() { return CDmeSubtract::GetStaticTypeSymbol().String(); }
// Expose this class to the scene database
IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT_FACTORY( DmeAnimCmdPreSubtract, CDmeAnimCmdPreSubtract );
void CDmeAnimCmdPreSubtract::OnConstruction() { }
void CDmeAnimCmdPreSubtract::OnDestruction() { }
const char *CDmeAnimCmdPreSubtract::GetAssemblyDmElementTypeString() { return CDmePreSubtract::GetStaticTypeSymbol().String(); }
// CDmeAnimCmdAlign
// Expose this class to the scene database
void CDmeAnimCmdAlign::OnConstruction() { m_eAnimation.Init( this, "animation", FATTRIB_NEVERCOPY ); m_sBoneName.Init( this, "boneName" ); m_nSourceFrame.Init( this, "sourceFrame" ); m_nDestinatonFrame.Init( this, "destinationFrame" ); m_eMotionControl.InitAndCreate( this, "motionControl" ); }
void CDmeAnimCmdAlign::OnDestruction() { }
// CDmeAnimCmdRotateTo
// Expose this class to the scene database
IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT_FACTORY( DmeAnimCmdRotateTo, CDmeAnimCmdRotateTo );
void CDmeAnimCmdRotateTo::OnConstruction() { m_flAngle.Init( this, "angle" ); }
void CDmeAnimCmdRotateTo::OnDestruction() { }
const char *CDmeAnimCmdRotateTo::GetAssemblyDmElementTypeString() { return CDmeRotateTo::GetStaticTypeSymbol().String(); }
// Expose this class to the scene database
IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT_FACTORY( DmeAnimCmdWalkFrame, CDmeAnimCmdWalkFrame );
void CDmeAnimCmdWalkFrame::OnConstruction() { m_eMotionControl.InitAndCreate( this, "motionControl" ); m_nEndFrame.Init( this, "endFrame" ); }
void CDmeAnimCmdWalkFrame::OnDestruction() { }
// CDmeAnimCmdDerivative
// Expose this class to the scene database
IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT_FACTORY( DmeAnimCmdDerivative, CDmeAnimCmdDerivative );
void CDmeAnimCmdDerivative::OnConstruction() { m_flScale.InitAndSet( this, "scale", 1.0f ); }
void CDmeAnimCmdDerivative::OnDestruction() { }
// CDmeAnimCmdLinearDelta
// Expose this class to the scene database
IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT_FACTORY( DmeAnimCmdLinearDelta, CDmeAnimCmdLinearDelta );
void CDmeAnimCmdLinearDelta::OnConstruction() { }
void CDmeAnimCmdLinearDelta::OnDestruction() { }
// CDmeAnimCmdSplineDelta
// Expose this class to the scene database
IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT_FACTORY( DmeAnimCmdSplineDelta, CDmeAnimCmdSplineDelta );
void CDmeAnimCmdSplineDelta::OnConstruction() { }
void CDmeAnimCmdSplineDelta::OnDestruction() { }
// CDmeAnimCmdCompress
// Expose this class to the scene database
IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT_FACTORY( DmeAnimCmdCompress, CDmeAnimCmdCompress );
void CDmeAnimCmdCompress::OnConstruction() { m_nSkipFrames.Init( this, "skipFrames" ); }
void CDmeAnimCmdCompress::OnDestruction() { }
// CDmeAnimCmdNumFrames
// Expose this class to the scene database
IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT_FACTORY( DmeAnimCmdNumFrames, CDmeAnimCmdNumFrames );
void CDmeAnimCmdNumFrames::OnConstruction() { m_nFrames.Init( this, "frames" ); }
void CDmeAnimCmdNumFrames::OnDestruction() { }
// CDmeAnimCmdLocalHierarchy
// Expose this class to the scene database
IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT_FACTORY( DmeAnimCmdLocalHierarchy, CDmeAnimCmdLocalHierarchy );
void CDmeAnimCmdLocalHierarchy::OnConstruction() { m_sBoneName.Init( this, "boneName" ); m_sParentBoneName.Init( this, "parentBoneName" ); m_flStartFrame.Init( this, "startFrame" ); m_flPeakFrame.Init( this, "peakFrame" ); m_flTailFrame.Init( this, "tailFrame" ); m_flEndFrame.Init( this, "endFrame" ); }
void CDmeAnimCmdLocalHierarchy::OnDestruction() { }
// CDmeAnimCmdNoAnimation
// Expose this class to the scene database
IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT_FACTORY( DmeAnimCmdNoAnimation, CDmeAnimCmdNoAnimation );
void CDmeAnimCmdNoAnimation::OnConstruction() { m_bNullAttr.Init( this, "nullAttr" ); }
void CDmeAnimCmdNoAnimation::OnDestruction() { }