//===== Copyright � Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
#include "mdlobjects/physmodelsource.h"
#include "meshutils/mesh.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmemodel.h"
#include "dmeutils/dmmeshutils.h"
#include "meshsystem/imeshsystem.h"
#include "mathlib/disjoint_set_forest.h"
#include "meshutils/mesh.h"
#include "bone_setup.h"
void CPhysModelSource::GetBoneTriangles( CUtlStringToken joint, uint nFlags, float flMinWeight, CUtlVector<Vector> &arrVertices, CUtlVector<uint> &arrIndices )const { /*
if( m_pRenderModel ) { ::GetBoneTriangles( m_pRenderModel, joint, nFlags, flMinWeight, arrVertices, arrIndices ); } else */if( m_pDmeModel ) { int nMeshBoneIndex = m_pDmeModel->GetJointIndex( joint );
uint isEnumAll = nFlags & FLAG_ENUMERATE_VERTICES_ALL;
int nJointCount = m_pDmeModel->GetJointCount(); CVarBitVec bonesInSubtree( nJointCount ); if( uint( nMeshBoneIndex ) < uint( nJointCount ) ) { bonesInSubtree.Set( nMeshBoneIndex ); if( nFlags & FLAG_ENUMERATE_VERTICES_WITH_SUBTREE ) { ComputeSubtree( m_pDmeModel, nMeshBoneIndex, &bonesInSubtree ); } }
CreateDmeModelCache(); for( int nMesh = 0; nMesh < m_DmeMeshCache.Count() ; ++nMesh ) { CMesh *pMesh = m_DmeMeshCache[nMesh]; CMesh::SkinningDataFields_t skinData = pMesh->GetSkinningDataFields(); if( isEnumAll || skinData.HasSkinningData() ) { CUtlVector<int> mapVerts; mapVerts.SetCount( pMesh->VertexCount() ); mapVerts.FillWithValue( -1 );
for( int nVertex = 0; nVertex < pMesh->VertexCount(); ++nVertex ) { if( isEnumAll || pMesh->GetVertexJointSumWeight( skinData, nVertex, bonesInSubtree ) > flMinWeight ) { // this vertex belongs to this joint
mapVerts[nVertex] = arrVertices.AddToTail( pMesh->GetVertexPosition( nVertex ) ); } }
for( int nTri = 0, nTriCount = pMesh->TriangleCount(); nTri < nTriCount; ++nTri ) { int v[3]; for( int nTriVertIndex = 0; nTriVertIndex < 3; ++nTriVertIndex ) { int nIndexInMesh = pMesh->m_pIndices[nTri * 3 + nTriVertIndex ]; v[ nTriVertIndex ] = mapVerts[ nIndexInMesh ]; } if( v[0] >= 0 && v[1] >= 0 && v[2] >= 0 ) { // all 3 vertices of this triangle are mapped (i.e. belong to this bone)
arrIndices.AddToTail( v[0] ); arrIndices.AddToTail( v[1] ); arrIndices.AddToTail( v[2] ); } } } } } }
void CPhysModelSource::CreateDmeModelCache() const { if( m_pDmeModel && m_DmeMeshCache.Count() == 0 ) { CUtlVector< CDmeDag* > dags; LoadCollisionMeshes( m_DmeMeshCache, dags, m_pDmeModel, 1.0f ); if( dags.Count() == m_DmeMeshCache.Count() ) { m_DmeDagIndexCache.SetCount( dags.Count() ); for( int i = 0; i < dags.Count(); ++i ) { m_DmeDagIndexCache[i] = m_pDmeModel->GetJointIndex( dags[i] ); } } } }
int CPhysModelSource::GetDmeDagIndex( int nMesh )const { if( uint( nMesh ) < uint( m_DmeDagIndexCache.Count() ) ) { return m_DmeDagIndexCache[ nMesh ]; } return -1; }
int CPhysModelSource::GetBoneCount()const { /*
if( m_pRenderModel ) { return m_pRenderModel->NumBones(); } */
if( m_pDmeModel ) { return m_pDmeModel->GetJointCount(); }
return 0; }
const char *CPhysModelSource::GetBoneNameByIndex( int nIndex )const { /*
if( m_pRenderModel ) { return m_pRenderModel->MasterSkeleton().GetBoneNameByIndex( nIndex ); } */ if( m_pDmeModel ) { return m_pDmeModel->GetJoint( nIndex )->GetName(); } return NULL; }
AABB_t CPhysModelSource::GetBoneInfluenceBbox( CUtlStringToken joint, uint nFlags, const CTransform &bindPose, float flMinWeight )const { AABB_t bbox; bbox.MakeInvalid(); EnumerateBoneVerts( joint, nFlags, [&]( const Vector &vGlobal, float w ){ if( ( nFlags & FLAG_ENUMERATE_VERTICES_ALL ) || ( w >= flMinWeight ) ) { Vector vLocal = bindPose.TransformVectorByInverse( vGlobal ); bbox |= vLocal; } }); return bbox; }
bool CPhysModelSource::BoneHasMeat( CUtlStringToken joint, uint nFlags, const CTransform &bindPose )const { AABB_t bbox = GetBoneInfluenceBbox( joint, nFlags, bindPose ); if( bbox.IsEmpty() ) return false;
Vector vDelta = bbox.m_vMaxBounds - bbox.m_vMinBounds; float flDim = vDelta.SmallestComponentValue();
//float flDim = bbox.LengthOfSmallestDimension( );
// don't accept too flat or degenerate geometries
return flDim > 1.0f; }
class CDmeModelSubtreeAdaptor { public: CDmeModelSubtreeAdaptor( const CDmeModel *pModel ) : m_pDmeModel ( pModel ){} int GetParent( int nJoint )const { CDmeDag *pParent = m_pDmeModel->GetJoint( nJoint )->GetParent(); if( pParent ) return m_pDmeModel->GetJointIndex( pParent ); return -1; } protected: const CDmeModel *m_pDmeModel; };
void ComputeSubtree( const CDmeModel *pDmeModel, int nSubtreeTipBone, CVarBitVec *pSubtree ) { CDmeModelSubtreeAdaptor adaptor( pDmeModel ); ComputeSubtree( &adaptor, nSubtreeTipBone, pSubtree ); }
int CPhysModelSource::GetParentJoint( int nJoint )const { if( m_pDmeModel ) { CDmeDag *pParent = m_pDmeModel->GetJoint( nJoint )->GetParent(); if( pParent ) return m_pDmeModel->GetJointIndex( pParent ); }
if( m_pRenderModel ) { return m_pRenderModel->MasterSkeleton().GetParent( nJoint ); } */ return -1; }
void CPhysModelSource::GetBoneSubtree( int nBone, CVarBitVec *pSubtree ) const { /*
if( m_pRenderModel ) { m_pRenderModel->MasterSkeleton().GetBoneSubtree( nBone, pSubtree ); } */ if( m_pDmeModel ) { ComputeSubtree( m_pDmeModel, nBone, pSubtree ); } }
CTransform CPhysModelSource::GetBindPoseParentTransform( int nJointIndex )const { CTransform tm = g_TransformIdentity; /*
if( m_pRenderModel ) { m_pRenderModel->MasterSkeleton().GetBindPoseParentTransform( nJointIndex, tm ); } */ if( m_pDmeModel ) { matrix3x4_t mat; m_pDmeModel->GetJoint( nJointIndex )->GetLocalMatrix( mat ); tm = MatrixTransform( mat ); } return tm; }
void CPhysModelSource::GetBindPoseWorldTransforms( CUtlVector< CTransform > &transforms )const { /*
if( m_pRenderModel ) { int nBones = m_pRenderModel->NumBones( ); transforms.SetCount( nBones ); m_pRenderModel->MasterSkeleton().GetBindPoseWorldTransforms( g_TransformIdentity, 1.0f, nBones, transforms.Base() ); } */ if( m_pDmeModel ) { int nBones = m_pDmeModel->GetJointCount(); transforms.SetCount( nBones ); for( int i = 0; i < nBones; ++i ) { matrix3x4_t mat; m_pDmeModel->GetJoint( i )->GetAbsTransform( mat ); transforms[i] = MatrixTransform( mat ); } } }
CPhysModelSource::Stats_t CPhysModelSource::GetStats( )const { Stats_t stats; /*
if( GetRenderModel() ) { for( int nMesh = 0; nMesh < GetRenderModel()->GetNumMeshes(); ++nMesh ) { HRenderMesh hMesh = GetRenderModel()->GetMesh( nMesh ); const CUtlVector<TraceDataForDraw_t> *pDrawData; g_pMeshSystem->GetToolsGeometryInfo( hMesh, &pDrawData ); const CRenderMesh *pPermMesh = ResourceHandleToData( hMesh ); if( pDrawData && pPermMesh ) { stats.m_nMeshCount += pDrawData->Count(); for( int nDrawData = 0; nDrawData < pDrawData->Count(); ++nDrawData ) { const TraceDataForDraw_t &data = pDrawData->Element( nDrawData ); stats.m_nVertCount += data.m_nTraceVertices; stats.m_nTriCount += data.m_nTraceTriangles; } } } } else */ { CreateDmeModelCache(); stats.m_nMeshCount = m_DmeMeshCache.Count(); for( int nMesh = 0; nMesh < stats.m_nMeshCount; ++nMesh ) { CMesh *pMesh = m_DmeMeshCache[nMesh]; stats.m_nTriCount += pMesh->TriangleCount(); stats.m_nVertCount += pMesh->VertexCount(); } } return stats; }