//======= Copyright � 1996-2006, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======
// Purpose: Utility classes for creating, registering & deregistering
// Maya MPx* derived classes
#if defined( _WIN32 )
#pragma once
#include <maya/MPxCommand.h>
#include <maya/MPxDeformerNode.h>
#include <maya/MPxDragAndDropBehavior.h>
#include <maya/MPxFileTranslator.h>
#include <maya/MPxLocatorNode.h>
#include <maya/MPxNode.h>
#include <maya/MPxSurfaceShape.h>
#include <maya/MPxSurfaceShapeUI.h>
#include <maya/MPxToolCommand.h>
#include <maya/MPxTransform.h>
#include <maya/MPxTransformationMatrix.h>
#include <maya/MSyntax.h>
#if MAYA_API_VERSION >= 200800
#include <maya/MPxImageFile.h>
#endif //MAYA_API_VERSION >= 200800
// Forward declarations
class MFnPlugin; namespace ValveMaya { class CMSyntaxHelp; }
// Base class for Maya MPx factories
class CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase { public: // Registers all MPx derived things that have been allocated
static MStatus RegisterEverything( MFnPlugin &pluginFn );
// Deregisters all MPx derived things that have been allocated
static MStatus DeregisterEverything( MFnPlugin &pluginFn );
// Displays a list of stuff in the plugin
static void DisplaySummary( const MString &pluginName );
// Types of things the MPxFactory can create
enum Type { // NOTE: Ensure this list of enums stays in sync with GetTypeName() array
kCommand, kFileTranslator, kDependencyNode, kShaderNode, kTransform, kLocatorNode, kImageFile, // Insert new ones above here
kUnknown };
void Enable( bool bEnabled ) { m_bEnabled = bEnabled; }
bool IsEnabled() const { return m_bEnabled; }
protected: // Constructor
private: // The next factory
CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase* m_pNextFactory;
// The starting factory
static CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase *s_pFirstFactory;
// Register the thing associated with this factory
virtual MStatus Register( MFnPlugin &pluginFn ) const = 0;
// Deregister the thing associated with this factory
virtual MStatus Deregister( MFnPlugin &pluginFn ) const = 0;
// Everything has a name
virtual const MString &GetName() const = 0;
// Everything has a description
virtual const MString &GetDesc() const = 0;
// Everything has a type
virtual Type GetType() const = 0;
// Everything has a type (map types to names)
MString GetTypeName() const;
// Whether this factory is enabled or not
bool m_bEnabled; };
// Templatized helpers for creating MPx derived classes
template< class T > class CVsMayaMPxFactory : public CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase { private: // Register the thing associated with this factory
virtual MStatus Register( MFnPlugin &pluginFn ) const { return T::Register( pluginFn ); }
// Deregister the thing associated with this factory
virtual MStatus Deregister( MFnPlugin &pluginFn ) const { return T::Deregister( pluginFn ); }
virtual const MString &GetName() const { return T::s_name; }
virtual const MString &GetDesc() const { return T::s_desc; }
virtual Type GetType() const { return T::GetType(); } };
// Base class for Valve Maya commands ( CVsMayaMPxCommand )
class CVsMayaMPxCommand : public MPxCommand { public: virtual const MString &GetName() const { return m_nullStr; } virtual const MString &GetDesc() const { return m_nullStr; }
protected: // Derived classes must specify this to override syntax
virtual void SpecifySyntax( MSyntax &mSyntax, ValveMaya::CMSyntaxHelp &help ); ValveMaya::CMSyntaxHelp *GetSyntaxHelp() { return m_pSyntaxHelp; }
private: ValveMaya::CMSyntaxHelp *m_pSyntaxHelp;
static MStatus Register( MFnPlugin &pluginFn, const MString &name, MCreatorFunction creatorFunction, MCreateSyntaxFunction createSyntaxFunction = NULL );
static MStatus Deregister( MFnPlugin &pluginFn, const MString &name );
template < class T > friend class CVsMayaMPxCommandDecorator;
MString m_nullStr; };
// Decorator class for Valve Maya commands ( CVsMayaMPxCommandDecorator )
template < class T > class CVsMayaMPxCommandDecorator : public T { public: static const MString &Name() { return s_name; }; static const MString &Desc() { return s_desc; };
virtual const MString &GetName() const { return Name(); }; virtual const MString &GetDesc() const { return Desc(); };
static CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase::Type GetType() { return CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase::kCommand; }
private: friend class CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase; template < class U > friend class CVsMayaMPxFactory;
// These should be const but it's not because the CVsMayaMPxFactoryCommand class
// only knows its name and therefore it's description at runtime
static MString s_name; static MString s_desc; static ValveMaya::CMSyntaxHelp s_mSyntaxHelp; // Keeps track of command line flags
static void *Create() { CVsMayaMPxCommandDecorator *pDecorator = new CVsMayaMPxCommandDecorator< T >; pDecorator->m_pSyntaxHelp = &s_mSyntaxHelp; return pDecorator; }
static MSyntax CreateSyntax() { // Maya will simply never call this unless the 'hasSyntax()' virtual returns true
// doesn't matter if a syntaxCreator is registered or not, and an empty
// MSyntax is fine too. Also note the return is by value and not reference.
// Also... even when Maya does call this, it is only ever called once, the
// first time Maya needs to know what the syntax is (when the command is
// invoked or when help cmd is done
MSyntax mSyntax; T().SpecifySyntax( mSyntax, s_mSyntaxHelp ); return mSyntax; }
static MStatus Register( MFnPlugin &pluginFn ) { return T::Register( pluginFn, s_name, Create, T().hasSyntax() ? CreateSyntax : NULL ); }
static MStatus Deregister( MFnPlugin &pluginFn ) { return T::Deregister( pluginFn, s_name ); } };
// Base class for Valve Maya commands ( CVsMayaMPxToolCommand )
class CVsMayaMPxToolCommand : public MPxToolCommand { public: virtual const MString &GetName() const { return m_nullStr; } virtual const MString &GetDesc() const { return m_nullStr; }
protected: // Derived classes must specify this to override syntax
virtual void SpecifySyntax( MSyntax &mSyntax, ValveMaya::CMSyntaxHelp &help ); ValveMaya::CMSyntaxHelp *GetSyntaxHelp() { return m_pSyntaxHelp; }
private: ValveMaya::CMSyntaxHelp *m_pSyntaxHelp;
static MStatus Register( MFnPlugin &pluginFn, const MString &name, MCreatorFunction creatorFunction, MCreateSyntaxFunction createSyntaxFunction = NULL );
static MStatus Deregister( MFnPlugin &pluginFn, const MString &name );
template < class T > friend class CVsMayaMPxToolCommandDecorator;
MString m_nullStr; };
// Decorator class for Valve Maya commands ( CVsMayaMPxToolCommandDecorator )
template < class T > class CVsMayaMPxToolCommandDecorator : public T { public: static const MString &Name() { return s_name; }; static const MString &Desc() { return s_desc; };
virtual const MString &GetName() const { return Name(); }; virtual const MString &GetDesc() const { return Desc(); };
static CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase::Type GetType() { return CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase::kCommand; }
private: friend class CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase; template < class U > friend class CVsMayaMPxFactory;
// These should be const but it's not because the CVsMayaMPxFactoryCommand class
// only knows its name and therefore it's description at runtime
static MString s_name; static MString s_desc; static ValveMaya::CMSyntaxHelp s_mSyntaxHelp; // Keeps track of command line flags
static void *Create() { CVsMayaMPxToolCommandDecorator *pDecorator = new CVsMayaMPxToolCommandDecorator< T >; pDecorator->m_pSyntaxHelp = &s_mSyntaxHelp; return pDecorator; }
static MSyntax CreateSyntax() { // Maya will simply never call this unless the 'hasSyntax()' virtual returns true
// doesn't matter if a syntaxCreator is registered or not, and an empty
// MSyntax is fine too. Also note the return is by value and not reference.
// Also... even when Maya does call this, it is only ever called once, the
// first time Maya needs to know what the syntax is (when the command is
// invoked or when help cmd is done
MSyntax mSyntax; T().SpecifySyntax( mSyntax, s_mSyntaxHelp ); return mSyntax; }
static MStatus Register( MFnPlugin &pluginFn ) { return T::Register( pluginFn, s_name, Create, T().hasSyntax() ? CreateSyntax : NULL ); }
static MStatus Deregister( MFnPlugin &pluginFn ) { return T::Deregister( pluginFn, s_name ); } };
// Base class for Valve Maya file translators ( CVsMayaMPxFileTranslator )
class CVsMayaMPxFileTranslator : public MPxFileTranslator { public: virtual const MString &GetName() const = 0; virtual const MString &GetGUIName() const = 0;
protected: static MStatus Register( MFnPlugin &pluginFn, const MString &name, const MString &guiName, MCreatorFunction creatorFunction );
static MStatus Deregister( MFnPlugin &pluginFn, const MString &name ); };
// Decorator class for Valve Maya file translators ( CVsMayaMPxFileTranslatorDecorator )
template < class T > class CVsMayaMPxFileTranslatorDecorator : public T { public: virtual const MString &GetName() const { return s_name; };
virtual const MString &GetGUIName() const { return s_guiName; };
virtual const MString &GetDesc() const { return s_desc; };
static CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase::Type GetType() { return CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase::kFileTranslator; }
private: template < class U > friend class CVsMayaMPxFactory;
static const MString s_name;
static const MString s_desc;
static const MString s_guiName;
static void *Create() { return new CVsMayaMPxFileTranslatorDecorator< T >; }
static MStatus Register( MFnPlugin &pluginFn ) { return T::Register( pluginFn, s_name, s_guiName, Create ); }
static MStatus Deregister( MFnPlugin &pluginFn ) { return T::Deregister( pluginFn, s_guiName ); } };
// Base class for Valve Maya Dependency Nodes ( CVsMayaMPxNode )
class CVsMayaMPxNode : public MPxNode { public: virtual const MString &GetName() const = 0;
protected: static MStatus Register( MFnPlugin &pluginFn, const MString &name, const MTypeId &mTypeId, MCreatorFunction creatorFunction, MInitializeFunction initFunction, const MString &classification );
static MStatus Deregister( MFnPlugin &pluginFn, const MTypeId &mTypeId ); };
// Decorator class for Valve Maya nodes ( CVsMayaMPxNodeDecorator )
template < class T > class CVsMayaMPxNodeDecorator : public T { public: static const MString &Name() { return s_name; };
virtual const MString &GetName() const { return Name(); };
virtual const MString &GetDesc() const { return s_desc; };
static CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase::Type GetType() { return s_classification.length() ? CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase::kShaderNode : CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase::kDependencyNode; }
private: template < class U > friend class CVsMayaMPxFactory;
static const MString s_name;
static const MString s_desc;
static const MTypeId s_mTypeId;
static const MInitializeFunction s_mInitializeFunction;
static const MString s_classification;
static void *Create() { return new CVsMayaMPxNodeDecorator< T >; }
static MStatus Register( MFnPlugin &pluginFn ) { return T::Register( pluginFn, s_name, s_mTypeId, Create, s_mInitializeFunction, s_classification ); }
static MStatus Deregister( MFnPlugin &pluginFn ) { return T::Deregister( pluginFn, s_mTypeId ); } };
// Base class for Valve Maya Transform Nodes ( CVsMayaMPxTransform )
class CVsMayaMPxTransform : public MPxTransform { public: virtual const MString &GetName() const = 0;
#if MAYA_API_VERSION >= 200900
static MStatus Register( MFnPlugin &pluginFn, const MString &name, const MTypeId &mTypeId, MCreatorFunction creatorFunction, MInitializeFunction initFunction, MCreateXformMatrixFunction xformCreatorFunction = MPxTransformationMatrix::creator, const MTypeId &xformMTypeId = MPxTransformationMatrix::baseTransformationMatrixId, const MString *classification = NULL );
#else // #if MAYA_API_VERSION >= 200900
static MStatus Register( MFnPlugin &pluginFn, const MString &name, const MTypeId &mTypeId, MCreatorFunction creatorFunction, MInitializeFunction initFunction, MCreatorFunction xformCreatorFunction = MPxTransformationMatrix::creator, const MTypeId &xformMTypeId = MPxTransformationMatrix::baseTransformationMatrixId, const MString *classification = NULL );
#endif // #if MAYA_API_VERSION >= 200900
static MStatus Deregister( MFnPlugin &pluginFn, const MTypeId &mTypeId ); };
// Decorator class for Valve Maya commands ( CVsMayaMPxCommandDecorator )
template < class T > class CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator : public T { public: static const MString &Name() { return s_name; };
virtual const MString &GetName() const { return Name(); };
virtual const MString &GetDesc() const { return s_desc; };
static CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase::Type GetType() { return CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase::kTransform; }
private: template < class U > friend class CVsMayaMPxFactory;
static const MString s_name;
static const MString s_desc;
static const MTypeId s_mTypeId;
static const MInitializeFunction s_mInitializeFunction;
#if MAYA_API_VERSION >= 200900
static const MCreateXformMatrixFunction s_xformMCreatorFunction;
#else // #if MAYA_API_VERSION >= 200900
static const MCreatorFunction s_xformMCreatorFunction;
#endif // #if MAYA_API_VERSION >= 200900
static const MTypeId s_xformMTypeId;
static void *Create() { return new CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator< T >; }
static MStatus Register( MFnPlugin &pluginFn ) { return T::Register( pluginFn, s_name, s_mTypeId, Create, s_mInitializeFunction, s_xformMCreatorFunction, s_xformMTypeId ); }
static MStatus Deregister( MFnPlugin &pluginFn ) { return T::Deregister( pluginFn, s_mTypeId ); } };
// Base class for Valve Maya Locator Nodes ( CVsMayaMPxLocatorNode )
class CVsMayaMPxLocatorNode : public MPxLocatorNode { public: virtual const MString &GetName() const = 0;
protected: static MStatus Register( MFnPlugin &pluginFn, const MString &name, const MTypeId &mTypeId, MCreatorFunction creatorFunction, MInitializeFunction initFunction );
static MStatus Deregister( MFnPlugin &pluginFn, const MTypeId &mTypeId ); };
// Decorator class for Valve Maya nodes ( CVsMayaMPxLocatorNodeDecorator )
template < class T > class CVsMayaMPxLocatorNodeDecorator : public T { public: static const MString &Name() { return s_name; };
virtual const MString &GetName() const { return Name(); };
virtual const MString &GetDesc() const { return s_desc; };
static CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase::Type GetType() { return CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase::kLocatorNode; }
private: template < class U > friend class CVsMayaMPxFactory;
static const MString s_name;
static const MString s_desc;
static const MTypeId s_mTypeId;
static const MInitializeFunction s_mInitializeFunction;
static void *Create() { return new CVsMayaMPxLocatorNodeDecorator< T >; }
static MStatus Register( MFnPlugin &pluginFn ) { return T::Register( pluginFn, s_name, s_mTypeId, Create, s_mInitializeFunction ); }
static MStatus Deregister( MFnPlugin &pluginFn ) { return T::Deregister( pluginFn, s_mTypeId ); } };
// Base class for Valve Maya Drag And Drop Behaviors ( CVsMayaMPxDragAndDropBehavior )
class CVsMayaMPxDragAndDropBehavior : public MPxDragAndDropBehavior { public: virtual const MString &GetName() const = 0;
protected: static MStatus Register( MFnPlugin &pluginFn, const MString &name, MCreatorFunction creatorFunction );
static MStatus Deregister( MFnPlugin &pluginFn, const MString &name ); };
// Decorator class for Valve Maya drag and drop behaviors ( CVsMayaMPxDragAndDropBehavior )
template < class T > class CVsMayaMPxDragAndDropBehaviorDecorator : public T { public: static const MString &Name() { return s_name; };
virtual const MString &GetName() const { return Name(); };
virtual const MString &GetDesc() const { return s_desc; };
static CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase::Type GetType() { return CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase::kLocatorNode; }
private: template < class U > friend class CVsMayaMPxFactory;
static const MString s_name;
static const MString s_desc;
static const MInitializeFunction s_mInitializeFunction;
static void *Create() { return new CVsMayaMPxDragAndDropBehaviorDecorator< T >; }
static MStatus Register( MFnPlugin &pluginFn ) { return T::Register( pluginFn, s_name, Create ); }
static MStatus Deregister( MFnPlugin &pluginFn ) { return T::Deregister( pluginFn, s_name ); } };
// Base class for Valve Maya Shape Nodes ( CVsMayaMPxShapeNode )
class CVsMayaMPxShapeNode : public MPxSurfaceShape { public: virtual const MString &GetName() const = 0;
protected: static MStatus Register( MFnPlugin &pluginFn, const MString &name, const MTypeId &mTypeId, MCreatorFunction creatorFunction, MInitializeFunction initFunction, MCreatorFunction uiCreatorFunction );
static MStatus Deregister( MFnPlugin &pluginFn, const MTypeId &mTypeId ); };
// Decorator class for Valve Maya shape nodes ( CVsMayaMPxShapeNodeDecorator )
template < class T, class U > class CVsMayaMPxShapeNodeDecorator : public T { public: static const MString &Name() { return s_name; };
virtual const MString &GetName() const { return Name(); };
virtual const MString &GetDesc() const { return s_desc; };
static CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase::Type GetType() { return CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase::kLocatorNode; }
private: template < class U > friend class CVsMayaMPxFactory;
static const MString s_name;
static const MString s_desc;
static const MTypeId s_mTypeId;
static const MInitializeFunction s_mInitializeFunction;
static const MCreatorFunction s_uiCreatorFunction;
static void *Create() { return new CVsMayaMPxShapeNodeDecorator< T, U >; }
static void *CreateUI() { return new U; }
static MStatus Register( MFnPlugin &pluginFn ) { return T::Register( pluginFn, s_name, s_mTypeId, Create, s_mInitializeFunction, CreateUI ); }
static MStatus Deregister( MFnPlugin &pluginFn ) { return T::Deregister( pluginFn, s_mTypeId ); } };
#if MAYA_API_VERSION >= 200800
// Base class for Valve Maya Image File Types ( CVsMayaMPxImageFile )
class CVsMayaMPxImageFile : public MPxImageFile { public: virtual const MString &GetName() const = 0;
protected: static MStatus Register( MFnPlugin &pluginFn, const MString &name, MCreatorFunction creatorFunction, const MStringArray &extensions );
static MStatus Deregister( MFnPlugin &pluginFn, const MString &name ); };
// Decorator class for Valve Maya Image Files ( CVsMayaMPxImageFileDecorator )
template < class T > class CVsMayaMPxImageFileDecorator : public T { public: static const MString &Name() { return s_name; };
virtual const MString &GetName() const { return Name(); };
virtual const MString &GetDesc() const { return s_desc; };
static CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase::Type GetType() { return CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase::kImageFile; }
private: template < class T > friend class CVsMayaMPxFactory;
static const MString s_name;
static const MString s_desc;
static const MStringArray s_extensions;
static const MCreatorFunction s_creatorFunction;
static void *Create() { return new CVsMayaMPxImageFileDecorator< T >; }
static MStatus Register( MFnPlugin &pluginFn ) { return T::Register( pluginFn, s_name, Create, s_extensions ); }
static MStatus Deregister( MFnPlugin &pluginFn ) { return T::Deregister( pluginFn, s_name ); } };
// Helper macro to instantiate an image file
#define INSTALL_MAYA_MPXIMAGEFILE( _class, _name, _extensions, _desc ) \
const MString CVsMayaMPxImageFileDecorator< _class >::s_name( #_name ); \ const MString CVsMayaMPxImageFileDecorator< _class >::s_desc( _desc ); \ const MStringArray CVsMayaMPxImageFileDecorator< _class >::s_extensions( _extensions ); \ static CVsMayaMPxFactory< CVsMayaMPxImageFileDecorator< _class > > s_##_name##_Factory
#endif // MAYA_API_VERSION >= 200800
// Base class for Valve Maya Dependency Nodes ( CVsMayaMPxNode )
class CVsMayaMPxDeformerNode : public MPxDeformerNode { public: virtual const MString &GetName() const = 0;
protected: static MStatus Register( MFnPlugin &pluginFn, const MString &name, const MTypeId &mTypeId, MCreatorFunction creatorFunction, MInitializeFunction initFunction, const MString &classification );
static MStatus Deregister( MFnPlugin &pluginFn, const MTypeId &mTypeId ); };
// Decorator class for Valve Maya nodes ( CVsMayaMPxDeformerNodeDecorator )
template < class T > class CVsMayaMPxDeformerNodeDecorator : public T { public: static const MString &Name() { return s_name; };
virtual const MString &GetName() const { return Name(); };
virtual const MString &GetDesc() const { return s_desc; };
static CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase::Type GetType() { return s_classification.length() ? CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase::kShaderNode : CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase::kDependencyNode; }
private: template < class U > friend class CVsMayaMPxFactory;
static const MString s_name;
static const MString s_desc;
static const MTypeId s_mTypeId;
static const MInitializeFunction s_mInitializeFunction;
static const MString s_classification;
static void *Create() { return new CVsMayaMPxDeformerNodeDecorator< T >; }
static MStatus Register( MFnPlugin &pluginFn ) { return T::Register( pluginFn, s_name, s_mTypeId, Create, s_mInitializeFunction, s_classification ); }
static MStatus Deregister( MFnPlugin &pluginFn ) { return T::Deregister( pluginFn, s_mTypeId ); } };
// Helper Macros
// Helper macro to instantiate a command
#define INSTALL_MAYA_MPXCOMMAND( _class, _name, _desc ) \
MString CVsMayaMPxCommandDecorator< _class >::s_name( #_name ); \ MString CVsMayaMPxCommandDecorator< _class >::s_desc( _desc ); \ ValveMaya::CMSyntaxHelp CVsMayaMPxCommandDecorator< _class >::s_mSyntaxHelp; \ static CVsMayaMPxFactory< CVsMayaMPxCommandDecorator< _class > > s_##_name##_Factory
// Helper macro to instantiate a command
#define INSTALL_MAYA_MPXTOOLCOMMAND( _class, _name, _desc ) \
MString CVsMayaMPxToolCommandDecorator< _class >::s_name( #_name ); \ MString CVsMayaMPxToolCommandDecorator< _class >::s_desc( _desc ); \ ValveMaya::CMSyntaxHelp CVsMayaMPxToolCommandDecorator< _class >::s_mSyntaxHelp; \ static CVsMayaMPxFactory< CVsMayaMPxToolCommandDecorator< _class > > s_##_name##_Factory
// Helper macro to instantiate a translator
#define INSTALL_MAYA_MPXFILETRANSLATOR( _class, _name, _guiName, _desc ) \
const MString CVsMayaMPxFileTranslatorDecorator< _class >::s_name( #_name ); \ const MString CVsMayaMPxFileTranslatorDecorator< _class >::s_desc( _desc ); \ const MString CVsMayaMPxFileTranslatorDecorator< _class >::s_guiName( _guiName ); \ static CVsMayaMPxFactory< CVsMayaMPxFileTranslatorDecorator< _class > > s_##_name##_Factory
// Helper macro to instantiate a regular dependency node
#define INSTALL_MAYA_MPXNODE( _class, _name, _typeId, _initializeFunction, _desc ) \
const MString CVsMayaMPxNodeDecorator< _class >::s_name( #_name ); \ const MString CVsMayaMPxNodeDecorator< _class >::s_desc( _desc ); \ const MTypeId CVsMayaMPxNodeDecorator< _class >::s_mTypeId( _typeId ); \ const MInitializeFunction CVsMayaMPxNodeDecorator< _class >::s_mInitializeFunction( _initializeFunction ); \ const MString CVsMayaMPxNodeDecorator< _class >::s_classification( "" ); \ static CVsMayaMPxFactory< CVsMayaMPxNodeDecorator< _class > > s_##_name##_Factory
// Helper macro to instantiate a shader dependency node
#define INSTALL_MAYA_MPXSHADERNODE( _class, _name, _typeId, _initializeFunction, _classification, _desc ) \
const MString CVsMayaMPxNodeDecorator< _class >::s_name( #_name ); \ const MString CVsMayaMPxNodeDecorator< _class >::s_desc( _desc ); \ const MTypeId CVsMayaMPxNodeDecorator< _class >::s_mTypeId( _typeId ); \ const MInitializeFunction CVsMayaMPxNodeDecorator< _class >::s_mInitializeFunction( _initializeFunction ); \ const MString CVsMayaMPxNodeDecorator< _class >::s_classification( _classification ); \ static CVsMayaMPxFactory< CVsMayaMPxNodeDecorator< _class > > s_##_name##_Factory
// Helper macro to instantiate a transform node
#if MAYA_API_VERSION >= 200900
#define INSTALL_MAYA_MPXTRANSFORM( _class, _name, _typeId, _initializeFunction, _desc ) \
const MString CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator< _class >::s_name( #_name ); \ const MString CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator< _class >::s_desc( _desc ); \ const MTypeId CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator< _class >::s_mTypeId( _typeId ); \ const MInitializeFunction CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator< _class >::s_mInitializeFunction( _initializeFunction ); \ const MCreateXformMatrixFunction CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator< _class >::s_xformMCreatorFunction( MPxTransformationMatrix::creator ); \ const MTypeId CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator< _class >::s_xformMTypeId( MPxTransformationMatrix::baseTransformationMatrixId ); \ static CVsMayaMPxFactory< CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator< _class > > s_##_name##_Factory
#else // #if MAYA_API_VERSION >= 200900
#define INSTALL_MAYA_MPXTRANSFORM( _class, _name, _typeId, _initializeFunction, _desc ) \
const MString CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator< _class >::s_name( #_name ); \ const MString CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator< _class >::s_desc( _desc ); \ const MTypeId CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator< _class >::s_mTypeId( _typeId ); \ const MInitializeFunction CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator< _class >::s_mInitializeFunction( _initializeFunction ); \ const MCreatorFunction CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator< _class >::s_xformMCreatorFunction( MPxTransformationMatrix::creator ); \ const MTypeId CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator< _class >::s_xformMTypeId( MPxTransformationMatrix::baseTransformationMatrixId ); \ static CVsMayaMPxFactory< CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator< _class > > s_##_name##_Factory
#endif // #if MAYA_API_VERSION >= 200900
// Helper macro to instantiate a transform node with a custom transformation matrix
// TODO: Make CVsMayaMPxTransformationMatrix and create the MCreatorFunction for the user
#if MAYA_API_VERSION >= 200900
#define INSTALL_MAYA_MPXTRANSFORM_WITHMATRIX( _class, _name, _typeId, _initializeFunction, _xformCreatorFunction, _xformTypeId, _desc ) \
const MString CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator< _class >::s_name( #_name ); \ const MString CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator< _class >::s_desc( _desc ); \ const MTypeId CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator< _class >::s_mTypeId( _typeId ); \ const MInitializeFunction CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator< _class >::s_mInitializeFunction( _initializeFunction ); \ const MCreateXformMatrixFunction CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator< _class >::s_xformMCreatorFunction( _xformCreatorFunction ); \ const MTypeId CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator< _class >::s_xformMTypeId( _xformTypeId ); \ static CVsMayaMPxFactory< CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator< _class > > s_##_name##_Factory
#else // #if MAYA_API_VERSION >= 200900
#define INSTALL_MAYA_MPXTRANSFORM_WITHMATRIX( _class, _name, _typeId, _initializeFunction, _xformCreatorFunction, _xformTypeId, _desc ) \
const MString CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator< _class >::s_name( #_name ); \ const MString CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator< _class >::s_desc( _desc ); \ const MTypeId CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator< _class >::s_mTypeId( _typeId ); \ const MInitializeFunction CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator< _class >::s_mInitializeFunction( _initializeFunction ); \ const MCreatorFunction CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator< _class >::s_xformMCreatorFunction( _xformCreatorFunction ); \ const MTypeId CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator< _class >::s_xformMTypeId( _xformTypeId ); \ static CVsMayaMPxFactory< CVsMayaMPxTransformDecorator< _class > > s_##_name##_Factory
#endif // #if MAYA_API_VERSION >= 200900
// Helper macro to instantiate a locator node
#define INSTALL_MAYA_MPXLOCATORNODE( _class, _name, _typeId, _initializeFunction, _desc ) \
const MString CVsMayaMPxLocatorNodeDecorator< _class >::s_name( #_name ); \ const MString CVsMayaMPxLocatorNodeDecorator< _class >::s_desc( _desc ); \ const MTypeId CVsMayaMPxLocatorNodeDecorator< _class >::s_mTypeId( _typeId ); \ const MInitializeFunction CVsMayaMPxLocatorNodeDecorator< _class >::s_mInitializeFunction( _initializeFunction ); \ static CVsMayaMPxFactory< CVsMayaMPxLocatorNodeDecorator< _class > > s_##_name##_Factory
// Helper macro to instantiate a drag and drop behavior
#define INSTALL_MAYA_MPXDRAGANDDROPBEHAVIOR( _class, _name, _desc ) \
const MString CVsMayaMPxDragAndDropBehaviorDecorator< _class >::s_name( #_name ); \ const MString CVsMayaMPxDragAndDropBehaviorDecorator< _class >::s_desc( _desc ); \ static CVsMayaMPxFactory< CVsMayaMPxDragAndDropBehaviorDecorator< _class > > s_##_name##_Factory
// Helper macro to instantiate a shape node
#define INSTALL_MAYA_MPXSHAPENODE( _class, _name, _typeId, _initializeFunction, _uiClass, _desc ) \
const MString CVsMayaMPxShapeNodeDecorator< _class, _uiClass >::s_name( #_name ); \ const MString CVsMayaMPxShapeNodeDecorator< _class, _uiClass >::s_desc( _desc ); \ const MTypeId CVsMayaMPxShapeNodeDecorator< _class, _uiClass >::s_mTypeId( _typeId ); \ const MInitializeFunction CVsMayaMPxShapeNodeDecorator< _class, _uiClass >::s_mInitializeFunction( _initializeFunction ); \ static CVsMayaMPxFactory< CVsMayaMPxShapeNodeDecorator< _class, _uiClass > > s_##_name##_Factory
// Helper macro to instantiate a deformer dependency node
#define INSTALL_MAYA_MPXDEFORMERNODE( _class, _name, _typeId, _initializeFunction, _desc ) \
const MString CVsMayaMPxDeformerNodeDecorator< _class >::s_name( #_name ); \ const MString CVsMayaMPxDeformerNodeDecorator< _class >::s_desc( _desc ); \ const MTypeId CVsMayaMPxDeformerNodeDecorator< _class >::s_mTypeId( _typeId ); \ const MInitializeFunction CVsMayaMPxDeformerNodeDecorator< _class >::s_mInitializeFunction( _initializeFunction ); \ const MString CVsMayaMPxDeformerNodeDecorator< _class >::s_classification( "" ); \ static CVsMayaMPxFactory< CVsMayaMPxDeformerNodeDecorator< _class > > s_##_name##_Factory