Counter Strike : Global Offensive Source Code
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//========= Copyright © 1996-2008, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "basepanel.h"
#include "uigamedata.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include "./GameUI/IGameUI.h"
#include "ienginevgui.h"
#include "icommandline.h"
#include "vgui/ISurface.h"
#include "engineinterface.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "ixboxsystem.h"
#include "gameui_interface.h"
#include "game/client/IGameClientExports.h"
#include "fmtstr.h"
#include "vstdlib/random.h"
#include "utlbuffer.h"
#include "filesystem/IXboxInstaller.h"
#include "tier1/tokenset.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "filesystem/IXboxInstaller.h"
#include "inputsystem/iinputsystem.h"
#include <time.h>
#include "messagebox_scaleform.h"
#if defined( _PS3 )
#include <cell/camera.h> // PS3 eye camera
// BaseModUI High-level windows
//#include "VFoundGames.h"
//#include "VFoundGroupGames.h"
//#include "VGameLobby.h"
//#include "VGenericConfirmation.h"
//#include "VGenericWaitScreen.h"
//#include "VInGameMainMenu.h"
//#include "VMainMenu.h"
//#include "VFooterPanel.h"
//#include "VAttractScreen.h"
//#include "VPasswordEntry.h"
// vgui controls
#include "vgui/ILocalize.h"
#include "netmessages.h"
#include "steam/steam_api.h"
#include "gameui_util.h"
#include "cdll_client_int.h"
#include "cstrike15_gcmessages.pb.h"
#include "cstrike15_gcconstants.h"
#include "engine/inetsupport.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
using namespace BaseModUI;
using namespace vgui;
//setup in GameUI_Interface.cpp
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - extern const char *COM_GetModDirectory( void );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - ConVar x360_audio_english("x360_audio_english", "0", 0, "Keeps track of whether we're forcing english in a localized language." );
ConVar demo_ui_enable( "demo_ui_enable", "", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Suffix for the demo UI" );
ConVar demo_connect_string( "demo_connect_string", "", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Connect string for demo UI" );
///Asyncronous Operations
ConVar mm_ping_max_green( "ping_max_green", "70" );
ConVar mm_ping_max_yellow( "ping_max_yellow", "140" );
ConVar mm_ping_max_red( "ping_max_red", "250" );
const tokenset_t< const char * > BaseModUI::s_characterPortraits[] =
{ "", "select_Random" },
{ "random", "select_Random" },
//{ "BtnNamVet", "select_Bill" },
//{ "BtnTeenGirl", "select_Zoey" },
//{ "BtnBiker", "select_Francis" },
//{ "BtnManager", "select_Louis" },
{ "coach", "s_panel_lobby_coach" },
{ "producer", "s_panel_lobby_producer" },
{ "gambler", "s_panel_lobby_gambler" },
{ "mechanic", "s_panel_lobby_mechanic" },
{ "infected", "s_panel_hand" },
{ NULL, "" }
// Xbox 360 Marketplace entry point
struct X360MarketPlaceEntryPoint
DWORD dwEntryPoint;
uint64 uiOfferID;
static X360MarketPlaceEntryPoint g_MarketplaceEntryPoint;
struct X360MarketPlaceQuery
uint64 uiOfferID;
HRESULT hResult;
XOVERLAPPED xOverlapped;
static CUtlVector< X360MarketPlaceQuery * > g_arrMarketPlaceQueries;
static void GoToMarketplaceForOffer()
// dgoodenough - this looks to be x360 specific, so tag it as such
#ifdef _X360
// Stop installing to the hard drive, otherwise STFC fragmentation hazard, as multiple non sequential HDD writes will occur.
// This needs to be done before the DLC might be downloaded to the HDD, otherwise it could be fragmented.
// We restart the installer on DLC download completion. We do not handle the cancel/abort case. The installer
// will restart through the pre-dlc path, i.e. after attract or exiting a map back to the main menu.
if ( g_pXboxInstaller )
// See if we need to free some of the queries
for ( int k = 0; k < g_arrMarketPlaceQueries.Count(); ++ k )
X360MarketPlaceQuery *pQuery = g_arrMarketPlaceQueries[k];
if ( XHasOverlappedIoCompleted( &pQuery->xOverlapped ) )
delete pQuery;
g_arrMarketPlaceQueries.FastRemove( k -- );
// Allocate a new query
X360MarketPlaceQuery *pQuery = new X360MarketPlaceQuery;
memset( pQuery, 0, sizeof( *pQuery ) );
pQuery->uiOfferID = g_MarketplaceEntryPoint.uiOfferID;
g_arrMarketPlaceQueries.AddToTail( pQuery );
// Open the marketplace entry point
//int iSlot = ;
xonline->XShowMarketplaceDownloadItemsUI( XBX_GetActiveUserId(),
&pQuery->xOverlapped );
static void ShowMarketplaceUiForOffer()
// dgoodenough - this looks to be x360 specific, so tag it as such
#ifdef _X360
// Stop installing to the hard drive, otherwise STFC fragmentation hazard, as multiple non sequential HDD writes will occur.
// This needs to be done before the DLC might be downloaded to the HDD, otherwise it could be fragmented.
// We restart the installer on DLC download completion. We do not handle the cancel/abort case. The installer
// will restart through the pre-dlc path, i.e. after attract or exiting a map back to the main menu.
if ( g_pXboxInstaller )
// Open the marketplace entry point
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - int iSlot = CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().GetLastActiveUserId();
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - int iCtrlr = XBX_GetUserIsGuest( iSlot ) ? XBX_GetPrimaryUserId() : XBX_GetUserId( iSlot );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - DWORD ret = xonline->XShowMarketplaceUI( iCtrlr, g_MarketplaceEntryPoint.dwEntryPoint, g_MarketplaceEntryPoint.uiOfferID, DWORD( -1 ) );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - DevMsg( "XShowMarketplaceUI for offer %llx entry point %d ctrlr%d returned %d\n",
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - g_MarketplaceEntryPoint.uiOfferID, g_MarketplaceEntryPoint.dwEntryPoint, iCtrlr, ret );
CON_COMMAND_F( x360_marketplace_offer, "Get a known offer from x360 marketplace", FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE )
if ( args.ArgC() != 4 )
Warning( "Usage: x360_marketplace_offer type 0xOFFERID ui|dl\n" );
int iEntryPoint = Q_atoi( args.Arg( 1 ) );
char const *szArg2 = args.Arg( 2 );
uint64 uiOfferId = 0ull;
if ( 1 != sscanf( szArg2, "0x%llx", &uiOfferId ) )
uiOfferId = 0ull;
// Go to marketplace
g_MarketplaceEntryPoint.dwEntryPoint = iEntryPoint;
g_MarketplaceEntryPoint.uiOfferID = uiOfferId;
if ( !Q_stricmp( args.Arg( 3 ), "ui" ) )
// Console command that's fired from the destructive action confirmation for joining a new session while already in a previous session.
CON_COMMAND_F( confirm_join_new_session_exit_current, "Confirm that we wish to join a new session, destroying a previous session", FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE | FCVAR_HIDDEN )
new KeyValues( "OnInvite", "action", "join" ) );
CUIGameData* CUIGameData::m_Instance = 0;
bool CUIGameData::m_bModuleShutDown = false;
CUIGameData::CUIGameData() :
#if !defined( NO_STEAM )
m_CallbackUserStatsStored( NULL, NULL ),
m_CallbackUserStatsReceived( NULL, NULL ),
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE ) && !defined( NO_STEAM )
m_CallbackPersonaStateChanged( NULL, NULL ),
m_CGameUIPostInit( false )
// It's very dangerous to use "this" in initializer lists. Do it this way for safety and to kill some warnings.
#if !defined( NO_STEAM )
m_CallbackUserStatsStored.Register(this, &CUIGameData::Steam_OnUserStatsStored);
m_CallbackUserStatsReceived.Register(this, &CUIGameData::Steam_OnUserStatsReceived);
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE ) && !defined( NO_STEAM )
m_CallbackPersonaStateChanged.Register(this, &CUIGameData::Steam_OnPersonaStateChanged);
m_LookSensitivity = 1.0f;
m_flShowConnectionProblemTimer = 0.0f;
m_flTimeLastFrame = Plat_FloatTime();
m_bShowConnectionProblemActive = false;
g_pMatchFramework->GetEventsSubscription()->Subscribe( this );
m_bXUIOpen = false;
m_bWaitingForStorageDeviceHandle = false;
m_pAsyncJob = NULL;
m_pSelectStorageClient = NULL;
SetDefLessFunc( m_mapUserXuidToAvatar );
SetDefLessFunc( m_mapUserXuidToName );
// Unsubscribe from events system
g_pMatchFramework->GetEventsSubscription()->Unsubscribe( this );
CUIGameData* CUIGameData::Get()
if ( !m_Instance && !m_bModuleShutDown )
m_Instance = new CUIGameData();
return m_Instance;
void CUIGameData::Shutdown()
if ( !m_bModuleShutDown )
m_bModuleShutDown = true;
delete m_Instance;
m_Instance = NULL;
CON_COMMAND( ui_fake_connection_problem, "" )
int numMilliSeconds = 1000;
if ( args.ArgC() > 1 )
numMilliSeconds = Q_atoi( args.Arg( 1 ) );
float flTime = Plat_FloatTime();
DevMsg( "ui_fake_connection_problem %d @%.2f\n", numMilliSeconds, flTime );
int numTries = 2;
while ( ( 1000 * ( Plat_FloatTime() - flTime ) < numMilliSeconds ) &&
numTries --> 0 )
ThreadSleep( numMilliSeconds + 50 );
flTime = Plat_FloatTime();
DevMsg( "ui_fake_connection_problem finished @%.2f\n", flTime );
void CUIGameData::RunFrame()
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - RunFrame_Storage();
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - RunFrame_Invite();
// msmith - Put in the RunFrame for PS3.
#if defined( _PS3 )
if ( m_flShowConnectionProblemTimer > 0.0f )
float flCurrentTime = Plat_FloatTime();
float flTimeElapsed = ( flCurrentTime - m_flTimeLastFrame );
m_flTimeLastFrame = flCurrentTime;
if ( flTimeElapsed > 0.0f )
m_flShowConnectionProblemTimer -= flTimeElapsed;
if ( m_flShowConnectionProblemTimer > 0.0f )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily
if ( !m_bShowConnectionProblemActive &&
!CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().IsVisible() )
OpenWaitScreen( "#GameUI_RetryingConnectionToServer", 0.0f );
m_bShowConnectionProblemActive = true;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily
if ( m_bShowConnectionProblemActive )
// Before closing this particular waitscreen we need to establish
// a correct navback, otherwise it will not close - Vitaliy (bugbait #51272)
if ( CBaseModFrame *pWaitScreen = CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().GetWindow( WT_GENERICWAITSCREEN ) )
if ( !pWaitScreen->GetNavBack() )
if ( CBaseModFrame *pIngameMenu = CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().GetWindow( WT_INGAMEMAINMENU ) )
pWaitScreen->SetNavBack( pIngameMenu );
if ( !pWaitScreen->GetNavBack() )
// This waitscreen will fail to close, force the close!
CloseWaitScreen( NULL, "Connection Problems" );
m_bShowConnectionProblemActive = false;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily
void CUIGameData::OnSetStorageDeviceId( int iController, uint nDeviceId )
// Check to see if there is enough room on this storage device
CloseWaitScreen( NULL, "ReportNoDeviceSelected" );
m_pSelectStorageClient->OnDeviceFail( ISelectStorageDeviceClient::FAIL_NOT_SELECTED );
m_pSelectStorageClient = NULL;
else if ( xboxsystem->DeviceCapacityAdequate( iController, nDeviceId, COM_GetModDirectory() ) == false )
CloseWaitScreen( NULL, "ReportDeviceFull" );
m_pSelectStorageClient->OnDeviceFail( ISelectStorageDeviceClient::FAIL_FULL );
m_pSelectStorageClient = NULL;
// Set the storage device
XBX_SetStorageDeviceId( iController, nDeviceId );
void CUIGameData::OnGameUIPostInit()
m_CGameUIPostInit = true;
bool CUIGameData::CanPlayer2Join()
if ( demo_ui_enable.GetString()[0] )
return false;
if ( XBX_GetNumGameUsers() != 1 )
return false;
if ( XBX_GetPrimaryUserIsGuest() )
return false;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily
if ( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().GetActiveWindowType() != WT_MAINMENU )
return false;
return true;
return false;
void CUIGameData::OpenFriendRequestPanel(int index, uint64 playerXuid)
// dgoodenough - this looks to be x360 specific, so tag it as such
#ifdef _X360
XShowFriendRequestUI(index, playerXuid);
void CUIGameData::OpenInviteUI( char const *szInviteUiType )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - int iSlot = CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().GetLastActiveUserId();
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - int iCtrlr = XBX_GetUserIsGuest( iSlot ) ? XBX_GetPrimaryUserId() : XBX_GetUserId( iSlot );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if ( !Q_stricmp( szInviteUiType, "friends" ) )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - ::XShowFriendsUI( iCtrlr );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - else if ( !Q_stricmp( szInviteUiType, "players" ) )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - xonline->XShowGameInviteUI( iCtrlr, NULL, 0, 0 );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - else if ( !Q_stricmp( szInviteUiType, "party" ) )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - xonline->XShowPartyUI( iCtrlr );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - else if ( !Q_stricmp( szInviteUiType, "inviteparty" ) )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - xonline->XPartySendGameInvites( iCtrlr, NULL );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - else if ( !Q_stricmp( szInviteUiType, "community" ) )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - xonline->XShowCommunitySessionsUI( iCtrlr, XSHOWCOMMUNITYSESSION_SHOWPARTY );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - else if ( !Q_stricmp( szInviteUiType, "voiceui" ) )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - ::XShowVoiceChannelUI( iCtrlr );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - else if ( !Q_stricmp( szInviteUiType, "gamevoiceui" ) )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - ::XShowGameVoiceChannelUI();
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - else
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - DevWarning( "OpenInviteUI with wrong parameter `%s`!\n", szInviteUiType );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - Assert( 0 );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
void CUIGameData::ExecuteOverlayCommand( char const *szCommand )
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE ) && !defined( NO_STEAM )
if ( steamapicontext && steamapicontext->SteamFriends() &&
steamapicontext->SteamUtils() && steamapicontext->SteamUtils()->IsOverlayEnabled() )
steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->ActivateGameOverlay( szCommand );
DisplayOkOnlyMsgBox( NULL, "#SFUI_SteamOverlay_Title", "#SFUI_SteamOverlay_Text" );
ExecuteNTimes( 5, DevWarning( "ExecuteOverlayCommand( %s ) is unsupported\n", szCommand ) );
Assert( !"ExecuteOverlayCommand" );
bool CUIGameData::SignedInToLive()
if ( XBX_GetNumGameUsers() <= 0 ||
XBX_GetPrimaryUserIsGuest() )
return false;
for ( DWORD k = 0; k < XBX_GetNumGameUsers(); ++ k )
int iController = XBX_GetUserId( k );
IPlayer *player = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchSystem()->GetPlayerManager()->GetLocalPlayer( iController );
if ( !player )
return false;
if ( player->GetOnlineState() != IPlayer::STATE_ONLINE )
return false;
return true;
bool CUIGameData::AnyUserSignedInToLiveWithMultiplayerDisabled()
if ( XBX_GetNumGameUsers() <= 0 ||
XBX_GetPrimaryUserIsGuest() )
return false;
for ( DWORD k = 0; k < XBX_GetNumGameUsers(); ++ k )
int iController = XBX_GetUserId( k );
IPlayer *player = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchSystem()->GetPlayerManager()->GetLocalPlayer( iController );
if ( player && player->GetOnlineState() == IPlayer::STATE_NO_MULTIPLAYER )
return true;
return false;
bool CUIGameData::CheckAndDisplayErrorIfOffline( CBaseModFrame *pCallerFrame, char const *szMsg )
bool bOnlineFound = false;
if ( XBX_GetNumGameUsers() > 0 &&
!XBX_GetPrimaryUserIsGuest() )
for ( DWORD k = 0; k < XBX_GetNumGameUsers(); ++ k )
int iController = XBX_GetUserId( k );
IPlayer *player = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchSystem()->GetPlayerManager()->GetLocalPlayer( iController );
if ( player && player->GetOnlineState() > IPlayer::STATE_OFFLINE )
return false;
if ( bOnlineFound )
return false;
DisplayOkOnlyMsgBox( pCallerFrame, "#SFUI_XboxLive", szMsg );
return true;
return false;
bool CUIGameData::CheckAndDisplayErrorIfNotSignedInToLive( CBaseModFrame *pCallerFrame )
if ( !IsGameConsole() )
return false;
if ( SignedInToLive() )
return false;
char const *szMsg = "";
if ( AnyUserSignedInToLiveWithMultiplayerDisabled() )
szMsg = "#SFUI_MsgBx_NeedLiveNonGoldMsg";
// Show the splitscreen version if there are 2 non-guest accounts
if ( XBX_GetNumGameUsers() > 1 && XBX_GetUserIsGuest( 0 ) == false && XBX_GetUserIsGuest( 1 ) == false )
szMsg = "#SFUI_MsgBx_NeedLiveNonGoldSplitscreenMsg";
szMsg = "#SFUI_MsgBx_NeedLiveSinglescreenMsg";
// Show the splitscreen version if there are 2 non-guest accounts
if ( XBX_GetNumGameUsers() > 1 && XBX_GetUserIsGuest( 0 ) == false && XBX_GetUserIsGuest( 1 ) == false )
szMsg = "#SFUI_MsgBx_NeedLiveSplitscreenMsg";
DisplayOkOnlyMsgBox( pCallerFrame, "#SFUI_XboxLive", szMsg );
return true;
void CUIGameData::DisplayOkOnlyMsgBox( CBaseModFrame *pCallerFrame, const char *szTitle, const char *szMsg )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - GenericConfirmation* confirmation =
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - static_cast<GenericConfirmation*>( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_GENERICCONFIRMATION, pCallerFrame, false ) );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - GenericConfirmation::Data_t data;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.pWindowTitle = szTitle;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.pMessageText = szMsg;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.bOkButtonEnabled = true;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - confirmation->SetUsageData(data);
const char *CUIGameData::GetLocalPlayerName( int iController )
static CGameUIConVarRef cl_names_debug( "cl_names_debug" );
if ( cl_names_debug.GetInt() )
IPlayer *player = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchSystem()->GetPlayerManager()->GetLocalPlayer( iController );
if ( !player )
return "";
return player->GetName();
void CUIGameData::SetLookSensitivity(float sensitivity)
m_LookSensitivity = sensitivity;
static CGameUIConVarRef joy_yawsensitivity("joy_yawsensitivity");
float defaultValue = atof(joy_yawsensitivity.GetDefault());
joy_yawsensitivity.SetValue(defaultValue * sensitivity);
static CGameUIConVarRef joy_pitchsensitivity("joy_pitchsensitivity");
float defaultValue = atof(joy_pitchsensitivity.GetDefault());
joy_pitchsensitivity.SetValue(defaultValue * sensitivity);
float CUIGameData::GetLookSensitivity()
return m_LookSensitivity;
bool CUIGameData::IsXUIOpen()
return m_bXUIOpen;
void CUIGameData::OpenWaitScreen( const char * messageText, float minDisplayTime, KeyValues *pSettings )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if ( UI_IsDebug() )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - Msg( "[GAMEUI] OpenWaitScreen( %s )\n", messageText );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - WINDOW_TYPE wtActive = CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().GetActiveWindowType();
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - CBaseModFrame * backFrame = CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().GetWindow( wtActive );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if ( wtActive == WT_GENERICWAITSCREEN && backFrame )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - backFrame = backFrame->GetNavBack();
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - DevMsg( "CUIGameData::OpenWaitScreen - setting navback to %s instead of waitscreen\n", backFrame ? backFrame->GetName() : "NULL" );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if ( wtActive == WT_GENERICCONFIRMATION && backFrame )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - DevWarning( "Cannot display waitscreen! Active window of higher priority: %s\n", backFrame->GetName() );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - return;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - GenericWaitScreen* waitScreen = static_cast<GenericWaitScreen*>(
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_GENERICWAITSCREEN, backFrame, false, pSettings ) );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if( waitScreen )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - waitScreen->SetNavBack( backFrame );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - waitScreen->ClearData();
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - waitScreen->AddMessageText( messageText, minDisplayTime );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
void CUIGameData::UpdateWaitPanel( const char * messageText, float minDisplayTime )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if ( UI_IsDebug() )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - Msg( "[GAMEUI] UpdateWaitPanel( %s )\n", messageText );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - GenericWaitScreen* waitScreen = static_cast<GenericWaitScreen*>(
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().GetWindow( WT_GENERICWAITSCREEN ) );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if( waitScreen )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - waitScreen->AddMessageText( messageText, minDisplayTime );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
void CUIGameData::UpdateWaitPanel( const wchar_t * messageText, float minDisplayTime )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if ( UI_IsDebug() )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - Msg( "[GAMEUI] UpdateWaitPanel( %S )\n", messageText );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - GenericWaitScreen* waitScreen = static_cast<GenericWaitScreen*>(
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().GetWindow( WT_GENERICWAITSCREEN ) );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if( waitScreen )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - waitScreen->AddMessageText( messageText, minDisplayTime );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
void CUIGameData::CloseWaitScreen( vgui::Panel * callbackPanel, const char * message )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if ( UI_IsDebug() )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - Msg( "[GAMEUI] CloseWaitScreen( %s )\n", message );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - GenericWaitScreen* waitScreen = static_cast<GenericWaitScreen*>(
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().GetWindow( WT_GENERICWAITSCREEN ) );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if( waitScreen )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - waitScreen->SetCloseCallback( callbackPanel, message );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
void CUIGameData::NeedConnectionProblemWaitScreen ( void )
m_flShowConnectionProblemTimer = 1.0f;
static void PasswordEntered()
CUIGameData::Get()->FinishPasswordUI( true );
static void PasswordNotEntered()
CUIGameData::Get()->FinishPasswordUI( false );
void CUIGameData::ShowPasswordUI( char const *pchCurrentPW )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - PasswordEntry *pwEntry = static_cast<PasswordEntry*>( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_PASSWORDENTRY, NULL, false ) );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if ( pwEntry )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - PasswordEntry::Data_t data;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.pWindowTitle = "#SFUI_PasswordEntry_Title";
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.pMessageText = "#SFUI_PasswordEntry_Prompt";
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.bOkButtonEnabled = true;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.bCancelButtonEnabled = true;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.m_szCurrentPW = pchCurrentPW;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.pfnOkCallback = PasswordEntered;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.pfnCancelCallback = PasswordNotEntered;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - pwEntry->SetUsageData(data);
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
void CUIGameData::FinishPasswordUI( bool bOk )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - PasswordEntry *pwEntry = static_cast<PasswordEntry*>( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().GetWindow( WT_PASSWORDENTRY ) );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if ( pwEntry )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if ( bOk )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - char pw[ 256 ];
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - pwEntry->GetPassword( pw, sizeof( pw ) );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - engine->SetConnectionPassword( pw );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - else
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - engine->SetConnectionPassword( "" );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
IImage *CUIGameData::GetAvatarImage( XUID playerID )
return NULL;
if ( !playerID )
return NULL;
// do we already have this image cached?
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - CAvatarImage *pImage = NULL;
int iIndex = m_mapUserXuidToAvatar.Find( playerID );
if ( iIndex == m_mapUserXuidToAvatar.InvalidIndex() )
// cache a new image
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - pImage = new CAvatarImage();
// We may fail to set the steam ID - if the player is not our friend and we are not in a lobby or game, eg
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if ( !pImage->SetAvatarSteamID( playerID ) )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - delete pImage;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - return NULL;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - iIndex = m_mapUserXuidToAvatar.Insert( playerID, pImage );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - else
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - pImage = m_mapUserXuidToAvatar.Element( iIndex );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - return pImage;
return NULL; // DWenger - Added temporarily
#endif // !_GAMECONSOLE
char const * CUIGameData::GetPlayerName( XUID playerID, char const *szPlayerNameSpeculative )
static CGameUIConVarRef cl_names_debug( "cl_names_debug" );
if ( cl_names_debug.GetInt() )
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE ) && !defined( NO_STEAM )
if ( steamapicontext && steamapicontext->SteamUtils() &&
steamapicontext->SteamFriends() && steamapicontext->SteamUser() )
int iIndex = m_mapUserXuidToName.Find( playerID );
if ( iIndex == m_mapUserXuidToName.InvalidIndex() )
char const *szName = steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->GetFriendPersonaName( playerID );
if ( szName && *szName )
iIndex = m_mapUserXuidToName.Insert( playerID, szName );
if ( iIndex != m_mapUserXuidToName.InvalidIndex() )
return m_mapUserXuidToName.Element( iIndex ).Get();
return szPlayerNameSpeculative;
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE ) && !defined( NO_STEAM )
void CUIGameData::Steam_OnPersonaStateChanged( PersonaStateChange_t *pParam )
if ( !pParam->m_ulSteamID )
if ( pParam->m_nChangeFlags & k_EPersonaChangeName )
int iIndex = m_mapUserXuidToName.Find( pParam->m_ulSteamID );
if ( iIndex != m_mapUserXuidToName.InvalidIndex() )
CUtlString utlName = m_mapUserXuidToName.Element( iIndex );
m_mapUserXuidToName.RemoveAt( iIndex );
GetPlayerName( pParam->m_ulSteamID, utlName.Get() );
if ( pParam->m_nChangeFlags & k_EPersonaChangeAvatar )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - CAvatarImage *pImage = NULL;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - int iIndex = m_mapUserXuidToAvatar.Find( pParam->m_ulSteamID );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if ( iIndex != m_mapUserXuidToAvatar.InvalidIndex() )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - pImage = m_mapUserXuidToAvatar.Element( iIndex );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
// Re-fetch the image if we have it cached
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if ( pImage )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - pImage->SetAvatarSteamID( pParam->m_ulSteamID );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
CON_COMMAND_F( ui_reloadscheme, "Reloads the resource files for the active UI window", 0 )
void CUIGameData::ReloadScheme()
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().ReloadScheme();
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - CBaseModFrame *window = CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().GetWindow( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().GetActiveWindowType() );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if( window )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - window->ReloadSettings();
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - CBaseModFooterPanel *footer = CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().GetFooterPanel();
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if( footer )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - footer->ReloadSettings();
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
CBaseModFrame * CUIGameData::GetParentWindowForSystemMessageBox()
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - WINDOW_TYPE wtActive = CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().GetActiveWindowType();
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - WINDOW_PRIORITY wPriority = CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().GetActiveWindowPriority();
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - CBaseModFrame *pCandidate = CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().GetWindow( wtActive );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if ( pCandidate )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if ( wPriority >= WPRI_WAITSCREEN && wPriority <= WPRI_MESSAGE )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if ( UI_IsDebug() )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - DevMsg( "GetParentWindowForSystemMessageBox: using navback of %s\n", pCandidate->GetName() );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
// Message would not be able to nav back to waitscreen or another message
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - pCandidate = pCandidate->GetNavBack();
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - else if ( wPriority > WPRI_MESSAGE )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if ( UI_IsDebug() )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - DevMsg( "GetParentWindowForSystemMessageBox: using NULL since a higher priority window is open %s\n", pCandidate->GetName() );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
// Message would not be able to nav back to a higher level priority window
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - pCandidate = NULL;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - return pCandidate;
return NULL; // DWenger - temporary code
bool CUIGameData::IsActiveSplitScreenPlayerSpectating( void )
// int iLocalPlayerTeam;
// if ( GameClientExports()->GetPlayerTeamIdByUserId( -1, iLocalPlayerTeam ) )
// {
// if ( iLocalPlayerTeam != GameClientExports()->GetTeamId_Survivor() &&
// iLocalPlayerTeam != GameClientExports()->GetTeamId_Infected() )
// return true;
// }
return false;
struct ServerCookie_t
uint64 m_uiCookie;
double m_dblTimeCached;
CUtlMap< uint64, ServerCookie_t, int32, CDefLess< uint64 > > g_mapServerCookies;
static uint64 Helper_GetServerCookie( uint64 gsid )
int32 i = g_mapServerCookies.Find( gsid );
if ( i == g_mapServerCookies.InvalidIndex() )
return 0;
if ( Plat_FloatTime() - g_mapServerCookies.Element( i ).m_dblTimeCached > 60.0f )
return 0;
return g_mapServerCookies.Element( i ).m_uiCookie;
void CUIGameData::OnEvent( KeyValues *pEvent )
char const *szEvent = pEvent->GetName();
if ( !Q_stricmp( "OnSysXUIEvent", szEvent ) )
m_bXUIOpen = !Q_stricmp( "opening", pEvent->GetString( "action", "" ) );
else if ( !Q_stricmp( "OnProfileUnavailable", szEvent ) )
#if defined( _DEMO ) && defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
// Activate game ui to see the dialog
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if ( !CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().IsVisible() )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - engine->ExecuteClientCmd( "gameui_activate" );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
// Pop a message dialog if their storage device was changed
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - GenericConfirmation* confirmation = static_cast<GenericConfirmation*>( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_GENERICCONFIRMATION,
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - GetParentWindowForSystemMessageBox(), false ) );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - GenericConfirmation::Data_t data;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.pWindowTitle = "#SFUI_MsgBx_AchievementNotWrittenTitle";
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.pMessageText = "#SFUI_MsgBx_AchievementNotWritten";
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.bOkButtonEnabled = true;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - confirmation->SetUsageData( data );
else if ( !Q_stricmp( "OnInvite", szEvent ) )
// Check if the user just accepted invite
if ( !Q_stricmp( "accepted", pEvent->GetString( "action" ) ) )
// Check if we have an outstanding session
IMatchSession *pIMatchSession = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchSession();
if ( !pIMatchSession )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - Invite_Connecting();
// User is accepting an invite and has an outstanding
// session, TCR requires confirmation of destructive actions
if ( int *pnConfirmed = ( int * ) pEvent->GetPtr( "confirmed" ) )
*pnConfirmed = 0;
// Show the prompt to confirm they wish to join a new session
else if ( !Q_stricmp( "storage", pEvent->GetString( "action" ) ) )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if ( !Invite_IsStorageDeviceValid() )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if ( int *pnConfirmed = ( int * ) pEvent->GetPtr( "confirmed" ) )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - *pnConfirmed = 0; // make the invite accepting code wait
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
else if ( !Q_stricmp( "error", pEvent->GetString( "action" ) ) )
char const *szReason = pEvent->GetString( "error", "" );
if ( XBX_GetNumGameUsers() < 2 )
RemapText_t arrText[] = {
{ "", "#InviteError_Unknown", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ "NotOnline", "#InviteError_NotOnline1", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ "NoMultiplayer", "#InviteError_NoMultiplayer1", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ "SameConsole", "#InviteError_SameConsole1", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ NULL, NULL, RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL }
szReason = RemapText_t::RemapRawText( arrText, szReason );
RemapText_t arrText[] = {
{ "", "#InviteError_Unknown", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ "NotOnline", "#InviteError_NotOnline2", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ "NoMultiplayer", "#InviteError_NoMultiplayer2", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ "SameConsole", "#InviteError_SameConsole2", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ NULL, NULL, RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL }
szReason = RemapText_t::RemapRawText( arrText, szReason );
// Show the message box
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - GenericConfirmation* confirmation = static_cast<GenericConfirmation*>( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_GENERICCONFIRMATION,
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - GetParentWindowForSystemMessageBox(), false ) );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - GenericConfirmation::Data_t data;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.pWindowTitle = "#SFUI_XboxLive";
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.pMessageText = szReason;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.bOkButtonEnabled = true;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - confirmation->SetUsageData(data);
else if ( !Q_stricmp( "OnSysStorageDevicesChanged", szEvent ) )
#if defined( _DEMO ) && defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
// If a storage device change is in progress, the simply ignore
// the notification callback, but pop the dialog
if ( m_pSelectStorageClient )
DevWarning( "Ignored OnSysStorageDevicesChanged while the storage selection was in progress...\n" );
// Activate game ui to see the dialog
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if ( !CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().IsVisible() )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - engine->ExecuteClientCmd( "gameui_activate" );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
// Pop a message dialog if their storage device was changed
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - GenericConfirmation* confirmation = static_cast<GenericConfirmation*>( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_GENERICCONFIRMATION,
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - GetParentWindowForSystemMessageBox(), false ) );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - GenericConfirmation::Data_t data;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.pWindowTitle = "#GameUI_Console_StorageRemovedTitle";
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.pMessageText = "#SFUI_MsgBx_StorageDeviceRemoved";
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.bOkButtonEnabled = true;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - extern void OnStorageDevicesChangedSelectNewDevice();
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.pfnOkCallback = m_pSelectStorageClient ? NULL : &OnStorageDevicesChangedSelectNewDevice; // No callback if already in the middle of selecting a storage device
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - confirmation->SetUsageData( data );
#if defined( _PS3 )
else if ( !Q_stricmp( "OnPSMoveOutOfViewChanged", szEvent ) )
int inViewStatus = pEvent->GetInt( "OutOfViewBool" );
if ( inViewStatus == 0 )
if ( g_pInputSystem->MotionControllerActive() )
// here is where we open the "move out of view" message box!
PopupManager::ShowSingleUsePopup( POPUP_TYPE_PSMOVE_OUT_OF_VIEW );
PopupManager::HideSingleUsePopup( POPUP_TYPE_PSMOVE_OUT_OF_VIEW );
else if ( !Q_stricmp( "OnPSEyeChangedStatus", szEvent ) )
int32 camStatus = pEvent->GetInt( "CamStatus" );
if ( camStatus == CELL_OK )
// remove message box either way.
PopupManager::HideSingleUsePopup( POPUP_TYPE_PSEYE_DISCONNECTED );
// only show this warning if the camera is removed AND we're using the move or sharpshooter
// otherwise it's not important
if ( g_pInputSystem->MotionControllerActive() )
PopupManager::ShowSingleUsePopup( POPUP_TYPE_PSEYE_DISCONNECTED );
else if ( !Q_stricmp( "OnSysInputDevicesChanged", szEvent ) )
unsigned int nInactivePlayers = 0; // Number of users on the spectating team (ie. idle), or disconnected in this call
int iOldSlot = engine->GetActiveSplitScreenPlayerSlot();
int nDisconnectedDevices = pEvent->GetInt( "mask" );
for ( unsigned int nSlot = 0; nSlot < XBX_GetNumGameUsers(); ++nSlot, nDisconnectedDevices >>= 1 )
engine->SetActiveSplitScreenPlayerSlot( nSlot );
// See if this player is spectating (ie. idle)
bool bSpectator = IsActiveSplitScreenPlayerSpectating();
if ( bSpectator )
if ( nDisconnectedDevices & 0x1 )
// Only count disconnections if that player wasn't idle
if ( !bSpectator )
engine->ClientCmd( "go_away_from_keyboard" );
engine->SetActiveSplitScreenPlayerSlot( iOldSlot );
// If all the spectators and all the disconnections account for all possible users, we need to pop a message
// Also, if the GameUI is up, always show the disconnection message
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if ( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().IsVisible() || nInactivePlayers == XBX_GetNumGameUsers() )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if ( !CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().IsVisible() )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - engine->ExecuteClientCmd( "gameui_activate" );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
// Pop a message if a valid controller was removed!
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - GenericConfirmation* confirmation = static_cast<GenericConfirmation*>( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_GENERICCONFIRMATION,
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - GetParentWindowForSystemMessageBox(), false ) );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - GenericConfirmation::Data_t data;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.pWindowTitle = "#SFUI_MsgBx_ControllerUnpluggedTitle";
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.pMessageText = "#SFUI_MsgBx_ControllerUnplugged";
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.bOkButtonEnabled = true;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - confirmation->SetUsageData(data);
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
else if ( !Q_stricmp( "OnMatchPlayerMgrReset", szEvent ) )
char const *szReason = pEvent->GetString( "reason", "" );
bool bShowDisconnectedMsgBox = true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( szReason, "GuestSignedIn" ) )
char const *szDestroyedSessionState = pEvent->GetString( "settings/game/state", "lobby" );
if ( !Q_stricmp( "lobby", szDestroyedSessionState ) )
bShowDisconnectedMsgBox = false;
engine->HideLoadingPlaque(); // This may not go away unless we force it to hide
// Go to the attract screen
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().CloseAllWindows( CBaseModPanel::CLOSE_POLICY_EVEN_MSGS );
// Show the message box
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - GenericConfirmation* confirmation = bShowDisconnectedMsgBox ? static_cast<GenericConfirmation*>( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_GENERICCONFIRMATION, NULL, false ) ) : NULL;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - CAttractScreen::SetAttractMode( CAttractScreen::ATTRACT_GAMESTART );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_ATTRACTSCREEN, NULL );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if ( confirmation )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - GenericConfirmation::Data_t data;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.pWindowTitle = "#SFUI_MsgBx_SignInChangeC";
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.pMessageText = "#SFUI_MsgBx_SignInChange";
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.bOkButtonEnabled = true;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - if ( !Q_stricmp( szReason, "GuestSignedIn" ) )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - {
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.pWindowTitle = "#SFUI_MsgBx_DisconnectedFromSession"; // "Disconnect"
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.pMessageText = "#SFUI_MsgBx_SignInChange"; // "Sign-in change has occured."
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - confirmation->SetUsageData(data);
// When a confirmation shows up it prevents attract screen from opening, so reset user slots here:
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - XBX_ResetUserIdSlots();
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - XBX_SetPrimaryUserId( XBX_INVALID_USER_ID );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - XBX_SetPrimaryUserIsGuest( 0 );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - XBX_SetNumGameUsers( 0 ); // users not selected yet
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - }
else if ( !Q_stricmp( "OnEngineDisconnectReason", szEvent ) )
char const *szReason = pEvent->GetString( "reason", "" );
if ( char const *szDisconnectHdlr = pEvent->GetString( "disconnecthdlr", NULL ) )
// If a disconnect handler was set during the event, then we don't interfere with
// the dialog explaining disconnection, just let the disconnect handler do everything.
RemapText_t arrText[] = {
{ "", "#DisconnectReason_Unknown", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ "Lost connection to LIVE", "#DisconnectReason_LostConnectionToLIVE", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ "Player removed from host session", "#DisconnectReason_PlayerRemovedFromSession", RemapText_t::MATCH_SUBSTR },
{ "Connection to server timed out", "#SFUI_MsgBx_DisconnectedFromServer", RemapText_t::MATCH_SUBSTR },
{ "Server shutting down", "#SFUI_MsgBx_DisconnectedServerShuttingDown", RemapText_t::MATCH_SUBSTR },
{ "Added to banned list", "#SessionError_Kicked", RemapText_t::MATCH_SUBSTR },
{ "Kicked and banned", "#SessionError_Kicked", RemapText_t::MATCH_SUBSTR },
{ "You have been voted off", "#SessionError_Kicked", RemapText_t::MATCH_SUBSTR },
{ "All players idle", "#L4D_ServerShutdownIdle", RemapText_t::MATCH_SUBSTR },
{ "", "#DisconnectReason_Unknown", RemapText_t::MATCH_START }, // Catch all cases for X360
{ NULL, NULL, RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL }
szReason = RemapText_t::RemapRawText( arrText, szReason );
// Go back to main menu and display the disconnection reason
engine->HideLoadingPlaque(); // This may not go away unless we force it to hide
// Go to the main menu
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().CloseAllWindows( CBaseModPanel::CLOSE_POLICY_EVEN_MSGS );
// Show the message box
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - GenericConfirmation* confirmation = static_cast<GenericConfirmation*>( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_GENERICCONFIRMATION, NULL, false ) );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_MAINMENU, NULL );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - GenericConfirmation::Data_t data;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.pWindowTitle = "#SFUI_MsgBx_DisconnectedFromSession"; // "Disconnect"
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.pMessageText = szReason;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.bOkButtonEnabled = true;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - confirmation->SetUsageData(data);
else if ( !Q_stricmp( "OnEngineEndGame", szEvent ) )
// If we are connected and there was no session object to handle the event
if ( !g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchSession() )
// Issue the disconnect command
engine->ExecuteClientCmd( "disconnect" );
else if ( !Q_stricmp( "OnMatchSessionUpdate", szEvent ) )
if ( !Q_stricmp( "error", pEvent->GetString( "state", "" ) ) )
char chErrorMsgBuffer[128] = {0};
char chErrorTitleBuffer[128] = {0};
char const *szError = pEvent->GetString( "error", "" );
char const *szErrorTitle = "#SFUI_MsgBx_DisconnectedFromSession";
RemapText_t arrText[] = {
{ "", "#SessionError_Unknown", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ "n/a", "#SessionError_NotAvailable", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ "create", "#SessionError_Create", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ "createclient", "#SessionError_NotAvailable", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ "connect", "#SessionError_Connect", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ "full", "#SessionError_Full", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ "lock", "#SessionError_Lock", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ "kicked", "#SessionError_Kicked", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ "migrate", "#SessionError_Migrate", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ "nomap", "#SessionError_NoMap", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ "SteamServersDisconnected", "#SessionError_SteamServersDisconnected", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ NULL, NULL, RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL }
szError = RemapText_t::RemapRawText( arrText, szError );
if ( !Q_stricmp( "turequired", szError ) )
// Special case for TU required message
// If we have a localization string for the TU message then this means that the other box
// is running and older version of the TU
char const *szTuRequiredCode = pEvent->GetString( "turequired" );
CFmtStr strLocKey( "#SessionError_TU_Required_%s", szTuRequiredCode );
if ( g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( strLocKey ) )
Q_strncpy( chErrorMsgBuffer, strLocKey, sizeof( chErrorMsgBuffer ) );
szError = chErrorMsgBuffer;
szError = "#SessionError_TU_RequiredMessage";
szErrorTitle = "#SessionError_TU_RequiredTitle";
// Go to the main menu
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().CloseAllWindows( CBaseModPanel::CLOSE_POLICY_EVEN_MSGS );
// Show the message box
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - GenericConfirmation* confirmation = static_cast<GenericConfirmation*>( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_GENERICCONFIRMATION, NULL, false ) );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_MAINMENU, NULL );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - GenericConfirmation::Data_t data;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.pWindowTitle = szErrorTitle;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.pMessageText = szError;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.bOkButtonEnabled = true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( "dlcrequired", szError ) )
// Special case for DLC required message
uint64 uiDlcRequiredMask = pEvent->GetUint64( "dlcrequired" );
int iDlcRequired = 0;
// Find the first DLC in the reported missing mask that is required
for ( int k = 1; k < sizeof( uiDlcRequiredMask ); ++ k )
if ( uiDlcRequiredMask & ( 1ull << k ) )
iDlcRequired = k;
CFmtStr strLocKey( "#SessionError_DLC_RequiredTitle_%d", iDlcRequired );
if ( !g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( strLocKey ) )
iDlcRequired = 0;
// Try to figure out if this DLC is paid/free/unknown
KeyValues *kvDlcDetails = new KeyValues( "" );
KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete_kvDlcDetails( kvDlcDetails );
if ( !kvDlcDetails->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, "resource/UI/BaseModUI/dlcdetailsinfo.res", "MOD" ) )
kvDlcDetails = NULL;
// Determine the DLC offer ID
uint64 uiDlcOfferID = 0ull;
if ( 1 != sscanf( kvDlcDetails->GetString( CFmtStr( "dlc%d/offerid", iDlcRequired ) ), "0x%llx", &uiDlcOfferID ) )
uiDlcOfferID = 0ull;
// Format the strings
bool bKicked = !Q_stricmp( pEvent->GetString( "action" ), "kicked" );
wchar_t const *wszLine1 = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( CFmtStr( "#SessionError_DLC_Required%s_%d", bKicked ? "Kicked" : "Join", iDlcRequired ) );
wchar_t const *wszLine2 = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( CFmtStr( "#SessionError_DLC_Required%s_%d", uiDlcOfferID ? "Offer" : "Message", iDlcRequired ) );
int numBytesTwoLines = ( Q_wcslen( wszLine1 ) + Q_wcslen( wszLine2 ) + 4 ) * sizeof( wchar_t );
wchar_t *pwszTwoLines = ( wchar_t * ) stackalloc( numBytesTwoLines );
Q_snwprintf( pwszTwoLines, numBytesTwoLines, L"%s%s", wszLine1, wszLine2 );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.pMessageTextW = pwszTwoLines;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.pMessageText = NULL;
Q_snprintf( chErrorTitleBuffer, sizeof( chErrorTitleBuffer ), "#SessionError_DLC_RequiredTitle_%d", iDlcRequired );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.pWindowTitle = chErrorTitleBuffer;
if ( uiDlcOfferID )
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.bCancelButtonEnabled = true;
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - data.pfnOkCallback = GoToMarketplaceForOffer;
g_MarketplaceEntryPoint.uiOfferID = uiDlcOfferID;
g_MarketplaceEntryPoint.dwEntryPoint = kvDlcDetails->GetInt( CFmtStr( "dlc%d/type", iDlcRequired ) );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily - confirmation->SetUsageData(data);
else if ( !Q_strcmp( "OnEngineLevelLoadingSession", szEvent ) )
/* Removed for partner depot */
class ClientJob_EMsgGCCStrike15_v2_ClientRequestJoinFriendData : public GCSDK::CGCClientJob
explicit ClientJob_EMsgGCCStrike15_v2_ClientRequestJoinFriendData( GCSDK::CGCClient *pGCClient ) : GCSDK::CGCClientJob( pGCClient )
virtual bool BYieldingRunJobFromMsg( GCSDK::IMsgNetPacket *pNetPacket )
GCSDK::CProtoBufMsg<CMsgGCCStrike15_v2_ClientRequestJoinFriendData> msg( pNetPacket );
if ( msg.Body().has_errormsg() )
RemapText_t arrText[] = {
{ "Game is full", "#SFUI_DisconnectReason_LobbyFull", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ "Certified server required", "#SFUI_DisconnectReason_CertifiedServerRequired", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ "Certified server denied", "#SFUI_DisconnectReason_CertifiedServerDenied", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ "PW server required", "#SFUI_DisconnectReason_PWServerRequired", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ "PW server denied", "#SFUI_DisconnectReason_PWServerDenied", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ NULL, NULL, RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL }
char const *szReason = RemapText_t::RemapRawText( arrText, msg.Body().errormsg().c_str() );
CMessageBoxScaleform::UnloadAllDialogs( true );
CCommandMsgBox::CreateAndShow( "#SFUI_Disconnect_Title", szReason, true );
return false;
if ( msg.Body().res().serverid() )
ServerCookie_t sc = { msg.Body().res().reservationid(), Plat_FloatTime() };
g_mapServerCookies.InsertOrReplace( msg.Body().res().serverid(), sc );
return true;
GC_REG_CLIENT_JOB( ClientJob_EMsgGCCStrike15_v2_ClientRequestJoinFriendData, k_EMsgGCCStrike15_v2_ClientRequestJoinFriendData );
class ClientJob_EMsgGCCStrike15_v2_ClientRequestJoinServerData : public GCSDK::CGCClientJob
explicit ClientJob_EMsgGCCStrike15_v2_ClientRequestJoinServerData( GCSDK::CGCClient *pGCClient ) : GCSDK::CGCClientJob( pGCClient )
virtual bool BYieldingRunJobFromMsg( GCSDK::IMsgNetPacket *pNetPacket )
GCSDK::CProtoBufMsg<CMsgGCCStrike15_v2_ClientRequestJoinServerData> msg( pNetPacket );
if ( msg.Body().has_errormsg() )
RemapText_t arrText[] = {
{ "Game is full", "#SFUI_DisconnectReason_LobbyFull", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ "Certified server required", "#SFUI_DisconnectReason_CertifiedServerRequired", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ "Certified server denied", "#SFUI_DisconnectReason_CertifiedServerDenied", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ "PW server required", "#SFUI_DisconnectReason_PWServerRequired", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ "PW server denied", "#SFUI_DisconnectReason_PWServerDenied", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL },
{ NULL, NULL, RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL }
char const *szReason = RemapText_t::RemapRawText( arrText, msg.Body().errormsg().c_str() );
CMessageBoxScaleform::UnloadAllDialogs( true );
GameUI().CreateCommandMsgBox( "#SFUI_Disconnect_Title", szReason, true );
return false;
ServerCookie_t sc = { msg.Body().res().reservationid(), Plat_FloatTime() };
g_mapServerCookies.InsertOrReplace( msg.Body().serverid(), sc );
return true;
GC_REG_CLIENT_JOB( ClientJob_EMsgGCCStrike15_v2_ClientRequestJoinServerData, k_EMsgGCCStrike15_v2_ClientRequestJoinServerData );
#if !defined( NO_STEAM )
void CUIGameData::Steam_OnUserStatsStored( UserStatsStored_t *pParam )
#if defined( _PS3 )
void CUIGameData::Steam_OnUserStatsReceived( UserStatsReceived_t *pParam )
#if defined( _PS3 )
// A bunch of helper KeyValues hierarchy readers
bool GameModeHasDifficulty( char const *szGameMode )
return !Q_stricmp( szGameMode, "coop" ) || !Q_stricmp( szGameMode, "realism" );
char const * GameModeGetDefaultDifficulty( char const *szGameMode )
if ( !GameModeHasDifficulty( szGameMode ) )
return "normal";
IPlayerLocal *pProfile = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchSystem()->GetPlayerManager()->GetLocalPlayer( XBX_GetActiveUserId() );
if ( !pProfile )
return "normal";
UserProfileData const &upd = pProfile->GetPlayerProfileData();
switch ( upd.difficulty )
case 1: return "easy";
case 2: return "hard";
default: return "normal";
bool GameModeHasRoundLimit( char const *szGameMode )
return !Q_stricmp( szGameMode, "scavenge" ) || !Q_stricmp( szGameMode, "teamscavenge" );
bool GameModeIsSingleChapter( char const *szGameMode )
return !Q_stricmp( szGameMode, "survival" ) || !Q_stricmp( szGameMode, "scavenge" ) || !Q_stricmp( szGameMode, "teamscavenge" );
// DWenger - Pulled out temporarily
const char *COM_GetModDirectory()
static char modDir[MAX_PATH];
if ( Q_strlen( modDir ) == 0 )
const char *gamedir = CommandLine()->ParmValue("-game", CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-defaultgamedir", "hl2" ) );
Q_strncpy( modDir, gamedir, sizeof(modDir) );
if ( strchr( modDir, '/' ) || strchr( modDir, '\\' ) )
Q_StripLastDir( modDir, sizeof(modDir) );
int dirlen = Q_strlen( modDir );
Q_strncpy( modDir, gamedir + dirlen, sizeof(modDir) - dirlen );
return modDir;
uint64 GetDlcInstalledMask()
static ConVarRef mm_dlcs_mask_fake( "mm_dlcs_mask_fake" );
char const *szFakeDlcsString = mm_dlcs_mask_fake.GetString();
if ( *szFakeDlcsString )
return atoi( szFakeDlcsString );
static ConVarRef mm_dlcs_mask_extras( "mm_dlcs_mask_extras" );
uint64 uiDLCmask = ( unsigned ) mm_dlcs_mask_extras.GetInt();
bool bSearchPath = false;
int numDLCs = g_pFullFileSystem->IsAnyDLCPresent( &bSearchPath );
for ( int j = 0; j < numDLCs; ++ j )
unsigned int uiDlcHeader = 0;
if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->GetAnyDLCInfo( j, &uiDlcHeader, NULL, 0 ) )
int idDLC = DLC_LICENSE_ID( uiDlcHeader );
if ( idDLC < 1 || idDLC >= 31 )
continue; // unsupported DLC id
uiDLCmask |= ( 1ull << idDLC );
return uiDLCmask;