//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "attribute_manager.h"
#include "gamestringpool.h"
#include "saverestore.h"
#include "saverestore_utlvector.h"
#include "fmtstr.h"
#include "KeyValues.h"
#include "econ_item_system.h"
#if defined( TF_DLL ) || defined( TF_CLIENT_DLL )
#include "tf_gamerules.h" // attribute cache flushing; can be generalized if/when Dota needs similar functionality
#endif // defined( TF_DLL ) || defined( TF_CLIENT_DLL )
BEGIN_DATADESC_NO_BASE( CAttributeManager ) DEFINE_UTLVECTOR( m_Providers, FIELD_EHANDLE ), DEFINE_UTLVECTOR( m_Receivers, FIELD_EHANDLE ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_iReapplyProvisionParity, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_hOuter, FIELD_EHANDLE ), // DEFINE_FIELD( m_bPreventLoopback, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), // Don't need to save
#ifndef DOTA_DLL
BEGIN_DATADESC( CAttributeContainerPlayer ) END_DATADESC() #endif
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
EXTERN_SEND_TABLE( DT_ScriptCreatedItem ); #else
EXTERN_RECV_TABLE( DT_ScriptCreatedItem ); #endif
BEGIN_NETWORK_TABLE_NOBASE( CAttributeManager, DT_AttributeManager ) #ifndef CLIENT_DLL
SendPropEHandle( SENDINFO(m_hOuter) ), SendPropInt( SENDINFO(m_ProviderType), 4, SPROP_UNSIGNED ), SendPropInt( SENDINFO(m_iReapplyProvisionParity), PROVIDER_PARITY_BITS, SPROP_UNSIGNED ), #else
RecvPropEHandle( RECVINFO(m_hOuter) ), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_ProviderType) ), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_iReapplyProvisionParity) ), #endif
BEGIN_NETWORK_TABLE_NOBASE( CAttributeContainer, DT_AttributeContainer ) #ifndef CLIENT_DLL
SendPropEHandle( SENDINFO(m_hOuter) ), SendPropInt( SENDINFO(m_ProviderType), 4, SPROP_UNSIGNED ), SendPropInt( SENDINFO(m_iReapplyProvisionParity), PROVIDER_PARITY_BITS, SPROP_UNSIGNED ), SendPropDataTable(SENDINFO_DT(m_Item), &REFERENCE_SEND_TABLE(DT_ScriptCreatedItem)), #else
RecvPropEHandle( RECVINFO(m_hOuter) ), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_ProviderType) ), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_iReapplyProvisionParity) ), RecvPropDataTable(RECVINFO_DT(m_Item), 0, &REFERENCE_RECV_TABLE(DT_ScriptCreatedItem)), #endif
#ifndef DOTA_DLL
BEGIN_NETWORK_TABLE_NOBASE( CAttributeContainerPlayer, DT_AttributeContainerPlayer ) #ifndef CLIENT_DLL
SendPropEHandle( SENDINFO(m_hOuter) ), SendPropInt( SENDINFO(m_ProviderType), 4, SPROP_UNSIGNED ), SendPropInt( SENDINFO(m_iReapplyProvisionParity), PROVIDER_PARITY_BITS, SPROP_UNSIGNED ), SendPropEHandle( SENDINFO(m_hPlayer) ), #else
RecvPropEHandle( RECVINFO(m_hOuter) ), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_ProviderType) ), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_iReapplyProvisionParity) ), RecvPropEHandle( RECVINFO( m_hPlayer ) ), #endif
template< class T > T AttributeConvertFromFloat( float flValue ) { return static_cast<T>( flValue ); }
template<> float AttributeConvertFromFloat<float>( float flValue ) { return flValue; }
template<> int AttributeConvertFromFloat<int>( float flValue ) { return RoundFloatToInt( flValue ); }
// All fields in the object are all initialized to 0.
void *CAttributeManager::operator new( size_t stAllocateBlock ) { // call into engine to get memory
Assert( stAllocateBlock != 0 ); void *pMem = malloc( stAllocateBlock ); memset( pMem, 0, stAllocateBlock ); return pMem; };
void *CAttributeManager::operator new( size_t stAllocateBlock, int nBlockUse, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) { // call into engine to get memory
Assert( stAllocateBlock != 0 ); void *pMem = malloc( stAllocateBlock ); memset( pMem, 0, stAllocateBlock ); return pMem; }
CAttributeManager::CAttributeManager() { m_nCalls = 0; m_nCurrentTick = 0; }
// Purpose:
void CAttributeManager::OnPreDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType ) { m_iOldReapplyProvisionParity = m_iReapplyProvisionParity; }
// Purpose:
void CAttributeManager::OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType ) { if ( m_iReapplyProvisionParity != m_iOldReapplyProvisionParity ) { // We've changed who we're providing to in some way. Reapply it.
IHasAttributes *pAttribInterface = GetAttribInterface( GetOuter() ); if ( pAttribInterface ) { pAttribInterface->ReapplyProvision(); }
m_iOldReapplyProvisionParity = m_iReapplyProvisionParity.Get(); } } #endif // CLIENT_DLL
// Purpose: Call this inside your entity's Spawn()
void CAttributeManager::InitializeAttributes( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { Assert( GetAttribInterface( pEntity ) ); m_hOuter = pEntity; m_bPreventLoopback = false; }
// Purpose:
void CAttributeManager::ProvideTo( CBaseEntity *pProvider ) { IHasAttributes *pOwnerAttribInterface = GetAttribInterface( pProvider ); if ( pOwnerAttribInterface ) { pOwnerAttribInterface->GetAttributeManager()->AddProvider( m_hOuter.Get() );
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
m_iReapplyProvisionParity = (m_iReapplyProvisionParity + 1) & PROVIDER_PARITY_MASK; NetworkStateChanged(); #endif
} }
// Purpose:
void CAttributeManager::StopProvidingTo( CBaseEntity *pProvider ) { IHasAttributes *pOwnerAttribInterface = GetAttribInterface( pProvider ); if ( pOwnerAttribInterface ) { pOwnerAttribInterface->GetAttributeManager()->RemoveProvider( m_hOuter.Get() ); #ifndef CLIENT_DLL
m_iReapplyProvisionParity = (m_iReapplyProvisionParity + 1) & PROVIDER_PARITY_MASK; NetworkStateChanged(); #endif
} }
// Purpose:
void CAttributeManager::AddProvider( CBaseEntity *pProvider ) { // Make sure he's not already in our list, and prevent circular provision
Assert( !IsBeingProvidedToBy(pProvider) ); Assert( !IsProvidingTo(pProvider) );
// Ensure he's allowed to provide
IHasAttributes *pProviderAttrInterface = GetAttribInterface( pProvider ); Assert( pProviderAttrInterface );
m_Providers.AddToTail( pProvider ); pProviderAttrInterface->GetAttributeManager()->m_Receivers.AddToTail( GetOuter() );
ClearCache(); }
// Purpose:
void CAttributeManager::RemoveProvider( CBaseEntity *pProvider ) { Assert( pProvider );
IHasAttributes *pProviderAttrInterface = GetAttribInterface( pProvider ); Assert( pProviderAttrInterface );
if ( !IsBeingProvidedToBy( pProvider ) ) return; Assert( pProviderAttrInterface->GetAttributeManager()->IsProvidingTo( GetOuter() ) ); Assert( pProviderAttrInterface->GetAttributeManager()->m_Receivers.Find( GetOuter() ) != pProviderAttrInterface->GetAttributeManager()->m_Receivers.InvalidIndex() );
m_Providers.FindAndFastRemove( pProvider ); pProviderAttrInterface->GetAttributeManager()->m_Receivers.FindAndFastRemove( GetOuter() );
ClearCache(); }
// Purpose:
void CAttributeManager::ClearCache( void ) { if ( m_bPreventLoopback ) return;
m_bPreventLoopback = true;
// Tell all providers relying on me that they need to wipe their cache too
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_Receivers, i ) { IHasAttributes *pAttribInterface = GetAttribInterface( m_Receivers[i].Get() ); if ( pAttribInterface ) { pAttribInterface->GetAttributeManager()->ClearCache(); } }
// Tell our owner that he needs to clear his too, in case he has attributes affecting him
IHasAttributes *pMyAttribInterface = GetAttribInterface( m_hOuter.Get().Get() ); if ( pMyAttribInterface ) { pMyAttribInterface->GetAttributeManager()->ClearCache(); }
m_bPreventLoopback = false;
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
// Force out client to clear their cache as well
m_iReapplyProvisionParity = (m_iReapplyProvisionParity + 1) & PROVIDER_PARITY_MASK; NetworkStateChanged(); #endif
// Purpose:
int CAttributeManager::GetGlobalCacheVersion() const { #if defined( TF_DLL ) || defined( TF_CLIENT_DLL )
return TFGameRules() ? TFGameRules()->GetGlobalAttributeCacheVersion() : 0; #else
return 0; #endif
// Purpose: Return true if this entity is providing attributes to the specified entity
bool CAttributeManager::IsProvidingTo( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) const { IHasAttributes *pAttribInterface = GetAttribInterface( pEntity ); if ( pAttribInterface ) { if ( pAttribInterface->GetAttributeManager()->IsBeingProvidedToBy( GetOuter() ) ) return true; }
return false; }
// Purpose: Return true if this entity is being provided attributes by the specified entity
bool CAttributeManager::IsBeingProvidedToBy( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) const { return ( m_Providers.Find( pEntity ) != m_Providers.InvalidIndex() ); }
// Purpose: Wrapper that checks to see if we've already got the result in our cache
float CAttributeManager::ApplyAttributeFloatWrapper( float flValue, CBaseEntity *pInitiator, string_t iszAttribHook, CUtlVector<CBaseEntity*> *pItemList ) { VPROF_BUDGET( "CAttributeManager::ApplyAttributeFloatWrapper", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_ATTRIBUTES );
#ifdef DEBUG
AssertMsg1( m_nCalls != 5000, "%d calls for attributes in a single tick. This is slow and bad.", m_nCalls );
if( m_nCurrentTick != gpGlobals->tickcount ) { m_nCalls = 0; m_nCurrentTick = gpGlobals->tickcount; }
++m_nCalls; #endif
// Have we requested a global attribute cache flush?
const int iGlobalCacheVersion = GetGlobalCacheVersion(); if ( m_iCacheVersion != iGlobalCacheVersion ) { ClearCache(); m_iCacheVersion = iGlobalCacheVersion; }
// We can't cache off item references so if we asked for them we need to execute the whole slow path.
if ( !pItemList ) { int iCount = m_CachedResults.Count(); for ( int i = iCount-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( m_CachedResults[i].iAttribHook == iszAttribHook ) { if ( m_CachedResults[i].in.fl == flValue ) return m_CachedResults[i].out.fl;
// We've got a cached result for a different flIn value. Remove the cached result to
// prevent stacking up entries for different requests (i.e. crit chance)
m_CachedResults.Remove(i); break; } } }
// Wasn't in cache, or we need item references. Do the work.
float flResult = ApplyAttributeFloat( flValue, pInitiator, iszAttribHook, pItemList );
// Add it to our cache if we didn't ask for item references. We could add the result value here
// even if we did but we'd need to walk the cache to search for an old entry to overwrite first.
if ( !pItemList ) { int iIndex = m_CachedResults.AddToTail(); m_CachedResults[iIndex].in.fl = flValue; m_CachedResults[iIndex].out.fl = flResult; m_CachedResults[iIndex].iAttribHook = iszAttribHook; }
return flResult; }
// Purpose: Wrapper that checks to see if we've already got the result in our cache
string_t CAttributeManager::ApplyAttributeStringWrapper( string_t iszValue, CBaseEntity *pInitiator, string_t iszAttribHook, CUtlVector<CBaseEntity*> *pItemList /*= NULL*/ ) { // Have we requested a global attribute cache flush?
const int iGlobalCacheVersion = GetGlobalCacheVersion(); if ( m_iCacheVersion != iGlobalCacheVersion ) { ClearCache(); m_iCacheVersion = iGlobalCacheVersion; }
// We can't cache off item references so if we asked for them we need to execute the whole slow path.
if ( !pItemList ) { int iCount = m_CachedResults.Count(); for ( int i = iCount-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( m_CachedResults[i].iAttribHook == iszAttribHook ) { if ( m_CachedResults[i].in.isz == iszValue ) { return m_CachedResults[i].out.isz; }
// We've got a cached result for a different flIn value. Remove the cached result to
// prevent stacking up entries for different requests (i.e. crit chance)
m_CachedResults.Remove(i); break; } } }
// Wasn't in cache, or we need item references. Do the work.
string_t iszOut = ApplyAttributeString( iszValue, pInitiator, iszAttribHook, pItemList );
// Add it to our cache if we didn't ask for item references. We could add the result value here
// even if we did but we'd need to walk the cache to search for an old entry to overwrite first.
if ( !pItemList ) { int iIndex = m_CachedResults.AddToTail(); m_CachedResults[iIndex].in.isz = iszValue; m_CachedResults[iIndex].out.isz = iszOut; m_CachedResults[iIndex].iAttribHook = iszAttribHook; }
return iszOut; }
// Purpose:
float CAttributeManager::ApplyAttributeFloat( float flValue, CBaseEntity *pInitiator, string_t iszAttribHook, CUtlVector<CBaseEntity*> *pItemList ) { VPROF_BUDGET( "CAttributeManager::ApplyAttributeFloat", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_ATTRIBUTES );
if ( m_bPreventLoopback || !GetOuter() ) return flValue;
// We need to prevent loopback between two items both providing to the same entity.
m_bPreventLoopback = true;
IHasAttributes *pInitiatorAttribInterface = GetAttribInterface( pInitiator );
// See if we have any providers. If we do, tell them to apply.
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_Providers, iHook ) { CBaseEntity *pProvider = m_Providers[iHook].Get(); if ( !pProvider ) continue; if ( pProvider == pInitiator ) continue; IHasAttributes *pAttribInterface = GetAttribInterface( pProvider ); Assert( pAttribInterface );
// Don't allow weapons to provide to other weapons being carried by the same person
if ( pInitiatorAttribInterface && pAttribInterface->GetAttributeManager()->GetProviderType() == PROVIDER_WEAPON && pInitiatorAttribInterface->GetAttributeManager()->GetProviderType() == PROVIDER_WEAPON ) { continue; }
flValue = pAttribInterface->GetAttributeManager()->ApplyAttributeFloat( flValue, pInitiator, iszAttribHook, pItemList ); }
// Then see if our owner has any attributes he wants to apply as well.
// i.e. An aura is providing attributes to this weapon's carrier.
IHasAttributes *pMyAttribInterface = GetAttribInterface( m_hOuter.Get().Get() ); Assert( pMyAttribInterface );
if ( pMyAttribInterface && pMyAttribInterface->GetAttributeOwner() ) { IHasAttributes *pOwnerAttribInterface = GetAttribInterface( pMyAttribInterface->GetAttributeOwner() ); if ( pOwnerAttribInterface ) { flValue = pOwnerAttribInterface->GetAttributeManager()->ApplyAttributeFloat( flValue, pInitiator, iszAttribHook, pItemList ); } }
m_bPreventLoopback = false;
return flValue; }
string_t CAttributeManager::ApplyAttributeString( string_t iszValue, CBaseEntity *pInitiator, string_t iszAttribHook /*= NULL_STRING*/, CUtlVector<CBaseEntity*> *pItemList /*= NULL*/ ) { VPROF_BUDGET( "CAttributeManager::ApplyAttributeString", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_ATTRIBUTES );
if ( m_bPreventLoopback || !GetOuter() ) return iszValue;
// We need to prevent loopback between two items both providing to the same entity.
m_bPreventLoopback = true;
IHasAttributes *pInitiatorAttribInterface = GetAttribInterface( pInitiator );
// See if we have any providers. If we do, tell them to apply.
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_Providers, iHook ) { CBaseEntity *pProvider = m_Providers[iHook].Get();
if ( !pProvider ) continue;
if ( pProvider == pInitiator ) continue;
IHasAttributes *pAttribInterface = GetAttribInterface( pProvider ); Assert( pAttribInterface );
// Don't allow weapons to provide to other weapons being carried by the same person
if ( pInitiatorAttribInterface && pAttribInterface->GetAttributeManager()->GetProviderType() == PROVIDER_WEAPON && pInitiatorAttribInterface->GetAttributeManager()->GetProviderType() == PROVIDER_WEAPON ) { continue; }
iszValue = pAttribInterface->GetAttributeManager()->ApplyAttributeString( iszValue, pInitiator, iszAttribHook, pItemList ); }
// Then see if our owner has any attributes he wants to apply as well.
// i.e. An aura is providing attributes to this weapon's carrier.
IHasAttributes *pMyAttribInterface = GetAttribInterface( m_hOuter.Get().Get() ); Assert( pMyAttribInterface );
if ( pMyAttribInterface->GetAttributeOwner() ) { IHasAttributes *pOwnerAttribInterface = GetAttribInterface( pMyAttribInterface->GetAttributeOwner() ); if ( pOwnerAttribInterface ) { iszValue = pOwnerAttribInterface->GetAttributeManager()->ApplyAttributeString( iszValue, pInitiator, iszAttribHook, pItemList ); } }
m_bPreventLoopback = false;
return iszValue; }
// Purpose: Call this inside your entity's Spawn()
void CAttributeContainer::InitializeAttributes( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { BaseClass::InitializeAttributes( pEntity );
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
if ( !m_Item.IsValid() ) { Warning("Item '%s' not setup correctly. Attempting to create attributes on an unitialized item.\n", m_hOuter.Get()->GetDebugName() ); } */ #endif
m_Item.GetAttributeList()->SetManager( this );
OnAttributeValuesChanged(); }
static void ApplyAttribute( const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttributeDef, float& flValue, const float flValueModifier ) { Assert( pAttributeDef ); Assert( pAttributeDef->GetAttributeType() ); AssertMsg1( pAttributeDef->GetAttributeType()->BSupportsGameplayModificationAndNetworking(), "Attempt to hook the value of attribute '%s' which doesn't support hooking! Pull the value of the attribute directly using FindAttribute()!", pAttributeDef->GetDefinitionName() );
const int iAttrDescFormat = pAttributeDef->GetDescriptionFormat();
switch ( iAttrDescFormat ) { case ATTDESCFORM_VALUE_IS_PERCENTAGE: case ATTDESCFORM_VALUE_IS_INVERTED_PERCENTAGE: { flValue *= flValueModifier; } break;
case ATTDESCFORM_VALUE_IS_OR: { int iTmp = flValue; iTmp |= (int)flValueModifier; flValue = iTmp; } break;
case ATTDESCFORM_VALUE_IS_DATE: Assert( !"Attempt to apply date attribute in ApplyAttribute()." ); // No-one should be hooking date descriptions
default: // Unknown value format.
AssertMsg1( false, "Unknown attribute value type %i in ApplyAttribute().", iAttrDescFormat ); break; } }
// Purpose: Given two attributes, return a collated value.
float CollateAttributeValues( const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttrDef1, const float flAttribValue1, const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttrDef2, const float flAttribValue2 ) { Assert( pAttrDef1 ); Assert( pAttrDef2 ); AssertMsg2( !Q_stricmp( pAttrDef1->GetAttributeClass(), pAttrDef2->GetAttributeClass() ), "We can only collate attributes of matching definitions: mismatch between '%s' / '%s'!", pAttrDef1->GetAttributeClass(), pAttrDef2->GetAttributeClass() ); AssertMsg2( pAttrDef1->GetDescriptionFormat() == pAttrDef2->GetDescriptionFormat(), "We can only collate attributes of matching description format: mismatch between '%u' / '%u'!", pAttrDef1->GetDescriptionFormat(), pAttrDef2->GetDescriptionFormat() );
const int iAttrDescFormat = pAttrDef1->GetDescriptionFormat();
float flValue = 0; switch ( iAttrDescFormat ) { case ATTDESCFORM_VALUE_IS_PERCENTAGE: case ATTDESCFORM_VALUE_IS_INVERTED_PERCENTAGE: { flValue = 1.0; } break;
case ATTDESCFORM_VALUE_IS_DATE: Assert( !"Attempt to apply date attribute in CollateAttributeValues()." ); // No-one should be hooking date descriptions
default: // Unknown value format.
AssertMsg1( false, "Unknown attribute value type %i in ApplyAttribute().", iAttrDescFormat ); break; }
ApplyAttribute( pAttrDef1, flValue, flAttribValue1 ); ApplyAttribute( pAttrDef2, flValue, flAttribValue2 );
return flValue; }
// Purpose:
class CEconItemAttributeIterator_ApplyAttributeFloat : public CEconItemSpecificAttributeIterator { public: CEconItemAttributeIterator_ApplyAttributeFloat( CBaseEntity *pOuter, float flInitialValue, string_t iszAttribHook, CUtlVector<CBaseEntity *> *pItemList ) : m_pOuter( pOuter ) , m_flValue( flInitialValue ) , m_iszAttribHook( iszAttribHook ) , m_pItemList( pItemList ) { Assert( pOuter ); }
virtual bool OnIterateAttributeValue( const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttrDef, attrib_value_t value ) { COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof( value ) == sizeof( float ) );
Assert( pAttrDef );
if ( pAttrDef->GetCachedClass() != m_iszAttribHook ) return true;
if ( m_pItemList && !m_pItemList->HasElement( m_pOuter ) ) { m_pItemList->AddToTail( m_pOuter ); }
ApplyAttribute( pAttrDef, m_flValue, *reinterpret_cast<float *>( &value ) );
// We assume that each attribute can only be in the attribute list for a single item once, but we're
// iterating over attribute *classes* here, not unique attribute types, so we carry on looking.
return true; }
float GetResultValue() const { return m_flValue; }
private: CBaseEntity *m_pOuter; float m_flValue; string_t m_iszAttribHook; CUtlVector<CBaseEntity *> *m_pItemList; };
// Purpose:
float CAttributeContainer::ApplyAttributeFloat( float flValue, CBaseEntity *pInitiator, string_t iszAttribHook, CUtlVector<CBaseEntity*> *pItemList ) { if ( m_bPreventLoopback || !GetOuter() ) return flValue;
// We need to prevent loopback between two items both providing to the same entity.
m_bPreventLoopback = true;
// ...
CEconItemAttributeIterator_ApplyAttributeFloat it( GetOuter(), flValue, iszAttribHook, pItemList ); m_Item.IterateAttributes( &it );
m_bPreventLoopback = false;
return BaseClass::ApplyAttributeFloat( it.GetResultValue(), pInitiator, iszAttribHook, pItemList ); }
#ifndef DOTA_DLL
// Purpose:
float CAttributeContainerPlayer::ApplyAttributeFloat( float flValue, CBaseEntity *pInitiator, string_t iszAttribHook, CUtlVector<CBaseEntity*> *pItemList ) { if ( m_bPreventLoopback || !GetOuter() ) return flValue;
m_bPreventLoopback = true;
CEconItemAttributeIterator_ApplyAttributeFloat it( GetOuter(), flValue, iszAttribHook, pItemList );
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = GetPlayer(); if ( pPlayer ) { pPlayer->m_AttributeList.IterateAttributes( &it ); }
m_bPreventLoopback = false;
return BaseClass::ApplyAttributeFloat( it.GetResultValue(), pInitiator, iszAttribHook, pItemList ); }
// Purpose:
class CEconItemAttributeIterator_ApplyAttributeString : public CEconItemSpecificAttributeIterator { public: CEconItemAttributeIterator_ApplyAttributeString( CBaseEntity *pOuter, string_t iszInitialValue, string_t iszAttribHook, CUtlVector<CBaseEntity *> *pItemList ) : m_pOuter( pOuter ) , m_iszValue( iszInitialValue ) , m_iszAttribHook( iszAttribHook ) , m_pItemList( pItemList ) , m_bFoundString( false ) { Assert( pOuter ); }
virtual bool OnIterateAttributeValue( const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttrDef, attrib_value_t value ) { COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof( value ) == sizeof( float ) );
// Do we want to process attribute of this type?
Assert( pAttrDef ); Assert( pAttrDef->GetCachedClass() != m_iszAttribHook ); //AssertMsg( 0, "OnIterateAttributeValue of type CAttribute_String, we shouldn't get here." );
return true; }
virtual bool OnIterateAttributeValue( const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttrDef, const CAttribute_String& value ) { Assert( pAttrDef ); if ( pAttrDef->GetCachedClass() != m_iszAttribHook ) return true;
if ( FoundString() ) return true;
m_iszValue = AllocPooledString( value.value().c_str() );
m_bFoundString = true;
return true; }
string_t GetResultValue() { return m_iszValue; }
private: bool FoundString() { // Implement something for the case where there's more than one of the same attribute
AssertMsg( !m_bFoundString, "Already found a string attribute with %s class, return the first attribute found.", STRING( m_iszAttribHook ) );
return m_bFoundString; }
CBaseEntity *m_pOuter; string_t m_iszValue; string_t m_iszAttribHook; CUtlVector<CBaseEntity *> *m_pItemList; bool m_bFoundString; };
// Purpose:
string_t CAttributeContainer::ApplyAttributeString( string_t iszValue, CBaseEntity *pInitiator, string_t iszAttribHook /*= NULL_STRING*/, CUtlVector<CBaseEntity*> *pItemList /*= NULL*/ ) { if ( m_bPreventLoopback || !GetOuter() ) return iszValue;
// We need to prevent loopback between two items both providing to the same entity.
m_bPreventLoopback = true;
// ...
CEconItemAttributeIterator_ApplyAttributeString it( GetOuter(), iszValue, iszAttribHook, pItemList ); m_Item.IterateAttributes( &it );
m_bPreventLoopback = false;
return BaseClass::ApplyAttributeString( it.GetResultValue(), pInitiator, iszAttribHook, pItemList ); }
string_t CAttributeContainerPlayer::ApplyAttributeString( string_t iszValue, CBaseEntity *pInitiator, string_t iszAttribHook /*= NULL_STRING*/, CUtlVector<CBaseEntity*> *pItemList /*= NULL*/ ) { if ( m_bPreventLoopback || !GetOuter() ) return iszValue;
m_bPreventLoopback = true;
CEconItemAttributeIterator_ApplyAttributeString it( GetOuter(), iszValue, iszAttribHook, pItemList );
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = GetPlayer(); if ( pPlayer ) { pPlayer->m_AttributeList.IterateAttributes( &it ); }
m_bPreventLoopback = false;
return BaseClass::ApplyAttributeString( it.GetResultValue(), pInitiator, iszAttribHook, pItemList ); }