//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "achievementmgr.h"
#include "baseachievement.h"
#include "tf_hud_statpanel.h"
#include "c_tf_team.h"
#include "c_tf_player.h"
#include "c_tf_playerresource.h"
#include "tf_gamerules.h"
#include "achievements_tf.h"
#include "c_tf_objective_resource.h"
class CAchievementTFHeavy_DamageTaken : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL ); SetGoal( 1 ); }
virtual void ListenForEvents() { ListenForGameEvent( "player_damaged" ); ListenForGameEvent( "teamplay_round_active" ); ListenForGameEvent( "localplayer_respawn" ); m_iDamageTotal = 0; }
void FireGameEvent_Internal( IGameEvent *event ) { if ( Q_strcmp( event->GetName(), "player_damaged" ) == 0 ) { m_iDamageTotal += event->GetInt( "amount" );
if ( m_iDamageTotal >= 1000 ) { IncrementCount(); } } else if ( FStrEq( event->GetName(), "teamplay_round_active" ) ) { m_iDamageTotal = 0; } else if ( FStrEq( event->GetName(), "localplayer_respawn" ) ) { m_iDamageTotal = 0; } }
private: int m_iDamageTotal; }; DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT( CAchievementTFHeavy_DamageTaken, ACHIEVEMENT_TF_HEAVY_DAMAGE_TAKEN, "TF_HEAVY_DAMAGE_TAKEN", 5 );
class CAchievementTFHeavy_DamageTypesTaken : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL ); SetGoal( 1 ); }
virtual void ListenForEvents() { ListenForGameEvent( "player_damaged" ); ListenForGameEvent( "teamplay_round_active" ); ListenForGameEvent( "localplayer_respawn" ); m_iDamageTypesTaken = 0; }
void FireGameEvent_Internal( IGameEvent *event ) { if ( Q_strcmp( event->GetName(), "player_damaged" ) == 0 ) { int iDmgType = event->GetInt( "type" );
// Melee weapons claim to be bullet & club. If dmg type includes club, ignore the bullet.
if ( iDmgType & (DMG_CLUB|DMG_SLASH) ) { iDmgType &= ~DMG_BULLET; } m_iDamageTypesTaken |= iDmgType;
// Get the achievement once we've been shot, burned, clubbed, and exploded.
if ( (m_iDamageTypesTaken & (DMG_BULLET|DMG_BUCKSHOT)) && (m_iDamageTypesTaken & DMG_BLAST) && (m_iDamageTypesTaken & (DMG_BURN|DMG_IGNITE)) && (m_iDamageTypesTaken & (DMG_CLUB|DMG_SLASH)) ) { IncrementCount(); } } else if ( FStrEq( event->GetName(), "teamplay_round_active" ) ) { m_iDamageTypesTaken = 0; } else if ( FStrEq( event->GetName(), "localplayer_respawn" ) ) { m_iDamageTypesTaken = 0; } }
private: int m_iDamageTypesTaken; }; DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT( CAchievementTFHeavy_DamageTypesTaken, ACHIEVEMENT_TF_HEAVY_TAKE_MULTI_DAMAGE, "TF_HEAVY_TAKE_MULTI_DAMAGE", 5 );
class CAchievementTFHeavy_SurviveCrocket : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL ); SetGoal( 1 ); } // Survive a direct hit from a critical rocket
// server awards this achievement, no other code within achievement necessary
class CAchievementTFHeavy_UncoverSpies : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL | ACH_LISTEN_KILL_ENEMY_EVENTS ); SetGoal( 10 ); SetStoreProgressInSteam( true ); }
virtual void Event_EntityKilled( CBaseEntity *pVictim, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pInflictor, IGameEvent *event ) { if ( !pVictim || !pVictim->IsPlayer() ) return;
CTFPlayer *pTFVictim = ToTFPlayer( pVictim );
if ( pTFVictim && pTFVictim->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_SPY ) && pTFVictim->m_Shared.InCond( TF_COND_STEALTHED ) ) { bool bSuccess = false;
// is the local player the killer or the assister?
if ( pAttacker == C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer() ) { bSuccess = true; } else { // did the local player assist in the kill?
int iAssisterIndex = engine->GetPlayerForUserID( event->GetInt( "assister" ) ); if ( iAssisterIndex > 0 ) { if ( iAssisterIndex == GetLocalPlayerIndex() ) { bSuccess = true; } } } if ( bSuccess ) { IncrementCount(); } } } }; DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT( CAchievementTFHeavy_UncoverSpies, ACHIEVEMENT_TF_HEAVY_UNCOVER_SPIES, "TF_HEAVY_UNCOVER_SPIES", 5 );
class CAchievementTFHeavy_AssistGrind : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL | ACH_LISTEN_KILL_ENEMY_EVENTS ); SetGoal( 1000 ); SetStoreProgressInSteam( true ); }
virtual void Event_EntityKilled( CBaseEntity *pVictim, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pInflictor, IGameEvent *event ) { if ( !pVictim || !pVictim->IsPlayer() ) return;
// did the local player assist in the kill?
int iAssisterIndex = engine->GetPlayerForUserID( event->GetInt( "assister" ) ); if ( iAssisterIndex > 0 ) { if ( iAssisterIndex == GetLocalPlayerIndex() ) { IncrementCount(); } } } }; DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT( CAchievementTFHeavy_AssistGrind, ACHIEVEMENT_TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_GRIND, "TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_GRIND", 5 );
class CAchievementTFHeavy_KillHeaviesGloves : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL | ACH_LISTEN_KILL_ENEMY_EVENTS ); SetGoal( 10 ); SetStoreProgressInSteam( true ); }
virtual void Event_EntityKilled( CBaseEntity *pVictim, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pInflictor, IGameEvent *event ) { if ( !pVictim || !pVictim->IsPlayer() ) return;
if ( pAttacker == C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer() && event->GetInt( "weaponid" ) == TF_WEAPON_FISTS ) { CTFPlayer *pTFVictim = ToTFPlayer( pVictim );
if ( pTFVictim && pTFVictim->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_HEAVYWEAPONS ) ) { if ( FStrEq( event->GetString( "weapon_logclassname", "" ), "gloves" ) ) { IncrementCount(); } } } } }; DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT( CAchievementTFHeavy_KillHeaviesGloves, ACHIEVEMENT_TF_HEAVY_KILL_HEAVIES_GLOVES, "TF_HEAVY_KILL_HEAVIES_GLOVES", 5 );
class CAchievementTFHeavy_AssistHeavyGrind : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL | ACH_LISTEN_KILL_ENEMY_EVENTS ); SetGoal( 25 ); SetStoreProgressInSteam( true ); }
virtual void Event_EntityKilled( CBaseEntity *pVictim, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pInflictor, IGameEvent *event ) { if ( !pVictim || !pVictim->IsPlayer() ) return;
C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if ( pLocalPlayer ) { int iAssisterIndex = engine->GetPlayerForUserID( event->GetInt( "assister" ) ); if ( iAssisterIndex > 0 ) { C_TFPlayer *pTFAttacker = ToTFPlayer( pAttacker ); C_TFPlayer *pTFAssister = ToTFPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iAssisterIndex ) ); if ( pTFAssister == pLocalPlayer || pTFAttacker == pLocalPlayer ) { if ( pTFAssister && pTFAssister->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_HEAVYWEAPONS ) && pTFAttacker && pTFAttacker->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_HEAVYWEAPONS ) ) { IncrementCount(); } } } } } }; DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT( CAchievementTFHeavy_AssistHeavyGrind, ACHIEVEMENT_TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_HEAVY_GRIND, "TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_HEAVY_GRIND", 5 );
class CAchievementTFHeavy_KillDominated : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL | ACH_LISTEN_KILL_ENEMY_EVENTS ); SetGoal( 20 ); SetStoreProgressInSteam( true ); }
virtual void Event_EntityKilled( CBaseEntity *pVictim, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pInflictor, IGameEvent *event ) { if ( !pVictim || !pVictim->IsPlayer() ) return;
if ( pAttacker == C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer() ) { bool bDomination = event->GetInt( "death_flags" ) & TF_DEATH_DOMINATION;
if ( !bDomination ) // we didn't dominate them with *THIS* kill
{ CTFPlayer *pTFAttacker = ToTFPlayer( pAttacker ); if ( pTFAttacker && pTFAttacker->m_Shared.IsPlayerDominated( pVictim->entindex() ) ) { IncrementCount(); } } } } }; DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT( CAchievementTFHeavy_KillDominated, ACHIEVEMENT_TF_HEAVY_KILL_DOMINATED, "TF_HEAVY_KILL_DOMINATED", 5 );
class CAchievementTFHeavy_KillCritPunch : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL | ACH_LISTEN_KILL_ENEMY_EVENTS ); SetGoal( 1 ); }
virtual void Event_EntityKilled( CBaseEntity *pVictim, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pInflictor, IGameEvent *event ) { if ( !pVictim || !pVictim->IsPlayer() ) return;
if ( pAttacker == C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer() && event->GetInt( "weaponid" ) == TF_WEAPON_FISTS ) { if ( event->GetInt( "damagebits" ) & DMG_CRITICAL ) { IncrementCount(); } } } }; DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT( CAchievementTFHeavy_KillCritPunch, ACHIEVEMENT_TF_HEAVY_KILL_CRIT_PUNCH, "TF_HEAVY_KILL_CRIT_PUNCH", 5 );
class CAchievementTFHeavy_KillUnderwater : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL | ACH_LISTEN_KILL_ENEMY_EVENTS ); SetGoal( 50 ); SetStoreProgressInSteam( true ); }
virtual void Event_EntityKilled( CBaseEntity *pVictim, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pInflictor, IGameEvent *event ) { if ( !pVictim || !pVictim->IsPlayer() ) return;
C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if ( pAttacker == pLocalPlayer && pVictim != pLocalPlayer ) { if ( pLocalPlayer->GetWaterLevel() >= WL_Eyes && pVictim->GetWaterLevel() >= WL_Waist ) { IncrementCount(); } } } }; DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT( CAchievementTFHeavy_KillUnderwater, ACHIEVEMENT_TF_HEAVY_KILL_UNDERWATER, "TF_HEAVY_KILL_UNDERWATER", 5 );
class CAchievementTFHeavy_HealMedikits : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL ); SetGoal( 1 ); }
virtual void ListenForEvents() { ListenForGameEvent( "teamplay_round_active" ); ListenForGameEvent( "localplayer_respawn" ); m_iHealTotal = 0; }
virtual void UpdateAchievement( int nData ) { if ( !LocalPlayerCanEarn() ) return;
m_iHealTotal += nData;
if ( m_iHealTotal >= 1000 ) { IncrementCount(); } }
void FireGameEvent_Internal( IGameEvent *event ) { if ( FStrEq( event->GetName(), "teamplay_round_active" ) || FStrEq( event->GetName(), "localplayer_respawn" ) ) { m_iHealTotal = 0; } }
class CAchievementTFHeavy_ReceiveUberGrind : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL ); SetGoal( 50 ); SetStoreProgressInSteam( true ); }
// client fires an event for this achievement, no other code within achievement necessary
class CAchievementTFHeavy_KillWhileSpunup : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL | ACH_LISTEN_KILL_ENEMY_EVENTS ); SetGoal( 1 ); }
virtual void ListenForEvents() { ListenForGameEvent( "localplayer_winddown" ); ListenForGameEvent( "teamplay_round_active" ); ListenForGameEvent( "localplayer_respawn" ); m_nNumKilled = 0; }
virtual void Event_EntityKilled( CBaseEntity *pVictim, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pInflictor, IGameEvent *event ) { if ( !pVictim || !pVictim->IsPlayer() ) return;
if ( pAttacker == C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer() && event->GetInt( "weaponid" ) == TF_WEAPON_MINIGUN ) { m_nNumKilled++;
if ( m_nNumKilled >= 5 ) { IncrementCount(); } } }
void FireGameEvent_Internal( IGameEvent *event ) { if ( FStrEq( event->GetName(), "localplayer_winddown" ) || FStrEq( event->GetName(), "teamplay_round_active" ) || FStrEq( event->GetName(), "localplayer_respawn" ) ) { m_nNumKilled = 0; } }
class CAchievementTFHeavy_PayloadCapGrind : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL ); SetGoal( 50 ); SetStoreProgressInSteam( true ); }
// server awards this achievement, no other code within achievement necessary
class CAchievementTFHeavy_KillMidAirMinigun : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL | ACH_LISTEN_KILL_ENEMY_EVENTS ); SetGoal( 10 ); SetStoreProgressInSteam( true ); }
virtual void Event_EntityKilled( CBaseEntity *pVictim, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pInflictor, IGameEvent *event ) { if ( !pVictim || !pVictim->IsPlayer() ) return;
if ( pAttacker == C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer() && event->GetInt( "weaponid" ) == TF_WEAPON_MINIGUN ) { if ( !( pVictim->GetFlags() & FL_ONGROUND ) ) { IncrementCount(); } } } }; DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT( CAchievementTFHeavy_KillMidAirMinigun, ACHIEVEMENT_TF_HEAVY_KILL_MIDAIR_MINIGUN, "TF_HEAVY_KILL_MIDAIR_MINIGUN", 5 );
class CAchievementTFHeavy_DefendControlPoint : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL ); SetGoal( 25 ); SetStoreProgressInSteam( true ); }
// server awards this achievement, no other code within achievement necessary
class CAchievementTFHeavy_FireLots : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL ); SetGoal( 1 ); }
// client weapon fires an event for this achievement, no other code within achievement necessary
class CAchievementTFHeavy_KillWithShotgun : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL | ACH_LISTEN_KILL_ENEMY_EVENTS ); SetGoal( 1 ); }
virtual void Event_EntityKilled( CBaseEntity *pVictim, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pInflictor, IGameEvent *event ) { if ( !pVictim || !pVictim->IsPlayer() ) return;
CTFPlayer *pAttackingPlayer = ToTFPlayer( pAttacker );
if ( pAttacker == C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer() && pAttackingPlayer->GetAmmoCount( TF_AMMO_PRIMARY ) <= 0 && event->GetInt( "weaponid" ) == TF_WEAPON_SHOTGUN_HWG ) { IncrementCount(); } } }; DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT( CAchievementTFHeavy_KillWithShotgun, ACHIEVEMENT_TF_HEAVY_KILL_SHOTGUN, "TF_HEAVY_KILL_SHOTGUN", 5 );
class CAchievementTFHeavy_EarnDominationForMedic : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL ); SetGoal( 1 ); }
// server awards this achievement, no other code within achievement necessary
class CAchievementTFHeavy_ClearStickybombs : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL ); SetGoal( 20 ); SetStoreProgressInSteam( true ); }
// server awards this achievement, no other code within achievement necessary
class CAchievementTFHeavy_FirstToCap : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL ); SetGoal( 1 ); }
virtual void ListenForEvents() { ListenForGameEvent( "teamplay_round_active" ); ListenForGameEvent( "teamplay_point_startcapture" ); m_bTeamCappedThisRound = false; }
void FireGameEvent_Internal( IGameEvent *event ) { if ( FStrEq( event->GetName(), "teamplay_round_active" ) ) { m_bTeamCappedThisRound = false; } else if ( FStrEq( event->GetName(), "teamplay_point_startcapture" ) ) { // only on maps with capture points
if ( TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->GetGameType() != TF_GAMETYPE_CP && TFGameRules()->GetGameType() != TF_GAMETYPE_ARENA ) return;
// we've already started a capture this round
if ( m_bTeamCappedThisRound ) return;
// is this event about our team?
if ( GetLocalPlayerTeam() == event->GetInt( "capteam" ) ) { m_bTeamCappedThisRound = true;
// we need to have started the capture by ourselves...not standing on the point with a group of people
const char *cappers = event->GetString( "cappers" ); if ( Q_strlen( cappers ) == 1 ) { // is the capper the local player?
if ( GetLocalPlayerIndex() == (int)cappers[0] ) { IncrementCount(); } } } } }
private: bool m_bTeamCappedThisRound; }; DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT( CAchievementTFHeavy_FirstToCap, ACHIEVEMENT_TF_HEAVY_FIRST_TO_CAP, "TF_HEAVY_FIRST_TO_CAP", 5 );
class CAchievementTFHeavy_KillTaunt : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL | ACH_LISTEN_KILL_ENEMY_EVENTS ); SetGoal( 1 ); }
virtual void Event_EntityKilled( CBaseEntity *pVictim, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pInflictor, IGameEvent *event ) { C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( pAttacker == pLocalPlayer ) { C_TFPlayer *pTFVictim = ToTFPlayer( pVictim ); if ( pTFVictim && event->GetInt( "customkill" ) == TF_DMG_CUSTOM_TAUNTATK_HIGH_NOON ) { IncrementCount(); } } } }; DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT( CAchievementTFHeavy_KillTaunt, ACHIEVEMENT_TF_HEAVY_KILL_TAUNT, "TF_HEAVY_KILL_TAUNT", 5 );
class CAchievementTFHeavy_TeleportFastKill : public CTFAchievementTeleporterTimingKills<CBaseTFAchievement> { // stub -- all code in parent class
class CAchievementTFHeavy_FreezecamTaunt : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL ); SetGoal( 1 ); }
// server awards this achievement, no other code within achievement necessary
class CAchievementTFHeavy_RevengeAssist : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL | ACH_LISTEN_KILL_ENEMY_EVENTS ); SetGoal( 5 ); SetStoreProgressInSteam( true ); }
virtual void Event_EntityKilled( CBaseEntity *pVictim, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pInflictor, IGameEvent *event ) { if ( !pVictim || !pVictim->IsPlayer() ) return;
if ( pAttacker == C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer() ) { // did the assister get revenge?
if ( event->GetInt( "death_flags" ) & TF_DEATH_ASSISTER_REVENGE ) { IncrementCount(); } } else { int iAssisterIndex = engine->GetPlayerForUserID( event->GetInt( "assister" ) ); if ( iAssisterIndex > 0 ) { if ( iAssisterIndex == GetLocalPlayerIndex() ) { // did the attacker get revenge?
if ( event->GetInt( "death_flags" ) & TF_DEATH_REVENGE ) { IncrementCount(); } } } } } }; DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT( CAchievementTFHeavy_RevengeAssist, ACHIEVEMENT_TF_HEAVY_REVENGE_ASSIST, "TF_HEAVY_REVENGE_ASSIST", 5 );
class CAchievementTFHeavy_DefendMedic : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL ); SetGoal( 50 ); SetStoreProgressInSteam( true ); }
// server awards this achievement, no other code within achievement necessary
class CAchievementTFHeavy_KillCappingEnemies : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL ); SetGoal( 15 ); SetStoreProgressInSteam( true ); }
// server awards this achievement, no other code within achievement necessary
class CAchievementTFHeavy_BlockInvulnHeavy : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL ); SetGoal( 1 ); }
// server awards this achievement, no other code within achievement necessary
class CAchievementTFHeavy_KillFlagCarriers : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL | ACH_LISTEN_KILL_ENEMY_EVENTS ); SetGoal( 10 ); SetStoreProgressInSteam( true ); }
virtual void Event_EntityKilled( CBaseEntity *pVictim, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pInflictor, IGameEvent *event ) { if ( !pVictim || !pVictim->IsPlayer() ) return;
if ( pAttacker == C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer() && pVictim != C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer() ) { C_TFPlayer *pTFVictim = ToTFPlayer( pVictim );
if ( pTFVictim && pTFVictim->HasTheFlag() ) { IncrementCount(); } } } }; DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT( CAchievementTFHeavy_KillFlagCarriers, ACHIEVEMENT_TF_HEAVY_KILL_FLAG_CARRIERS, "TF_HEAVY_KILL_FLAG_CARRIERS", 5 );
class CAchievementTFHeavy_StandNearDispenser : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL ); SetGoal( 20 ); SetStoreProgressInSteam( true ); }
// server awards this achievement, no other code within achievement necessary
class CAchievementTFHeavy_EatSandwiches : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL ); SetGoal( 100 ); SetStoreProgressInSteam( true ); }
// server awards this achievement, no other code within achievement necessary
class CAchievementTFHeavy_KillScouts : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL | ACH_LISTEN_KILL_ENEMY_EVENTS ); SetGoal( 50 ); SetStoreProgressInSteam( true ); }
virtual void Event_EntityKilled( CBaseEntity *pVictim, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pInflictor, IGameEvent *event ) { if ( !pVictim || !pVictim->IsPlayer() ) return;
if ( pAttacker == C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer() && event->GetInt( "weaponid" ) == TF_WEAPON_MINIGUN ) { C_TFPlayer *pTFVictim = ToTFPlayer( pVictim ); if ( pTFVictim && pTFVictim->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_SCOUT ) ) { if ( FStrEq( event->GetString( "weapon_logclassname", "" ), "natascha" ) ) { IncrementCount(); } } } } }; DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT( CAchievementTFHeavy_KillScouts, ACHIEVEMENT_TF_HEAVY_KILL_SCOUTS, "TF_HEAVY_KILL_SCOUTS", 5 );
class CAchievementTFHeavy_BlockCart : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL ); SetGoal( 25 ); SetStoreProgressInSteam( true ); }
virtual void ListenForEvents() { ListenForGameEvent( "teamplay_capture_blocked" ); }
void FireGameEvent_Internal( IGameEvent *event ) { if ( !TFGameRules() || TFGameRules()->GetGameType() != TF_GAMETYPE_ESCORT ) return;
if ( Q_strcmp( event->GetName(), "teamplay_capture_blocked" ) == 0 ) { int index = event->GetInt( "blocker", 0 ); if ( index == GetLocalPlayerIndex() ) { IncrementCount(); } } } }; DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT( CAchievementTFHeavy_BlockCart, ACHIEVEMENT_TF_HEAVY_BLOCK_CART, "TF_HEAVY_BLOCK_CART", 5 );
#define MAX_PARTNERS 12
class CAchievementTFHeavy_AssistMedicLarge : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL | ACH_LISTEN_KILL_EVENTS ); SetGoal( 1 ); }
virtual void ListenForEvents() { ListenForGameEvent( "teamplay_round_active" ); ListenForGameEvent( "localplayer_respawn" ); }
void FireGameEvent_Internal( IGameEvent *event ) { if ( FStrEq( event->GetName(), "teamplay_round_active" ) || FStrEq( event->GetName(), "localplayer_respawn" ) ) { m_Partners.Purge(); } }
int GetPartnerIndex( CBaseEntity *pPlayer ) { for ( int i = 0; i < m_Partners.Count(); i++ ) { if ( m_Partners[i].hPartner == pPlayer ) return i; } return -1; }
virtual void Event_EntityKilled( CBaseEntity *pVictim, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pInflictor, IGameEvent *event ) { if ( !pVictim || !pVictim->IsPlayer() ) return;
C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( pLocalPlayer ) { if ( pVictim->GetTeamNumber() != pLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber() ) { if ( pLocalPlayer == pAttacker ) { int iAssisterIndex = engine->GetPlayerForUserID( event->GetInt( "assister" ) ); if ( iAssisterIndex > 0 ) { C_TFPlayer *pTFAssister = ToTFPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iAssisterIndex ) ); if ( pTFAssister && pTFAssister->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_MEDIC ) ) { int index = GetPartnerIndex( pTFAssister ); if ( index == -1 ) { if ( m_Partners.Count() >= MAX_PARTNERS ) { // Remove the one with the least assists
int iLowest = 999; int iLowestIndex = -1; for ( int i = 0; i < m_Partners.Count(); i++ ) { if ( !m_Partners[i].hPartner ) { // Player is gone. Lets remove that one.
iLowestIndex = i; break; }
if ( m_Partners[i].iAssists < iLowest ) { iLowestIndex = i; iLowest = m_Partners[i].iAssists; } }
if ( iLowestIndex >= 0 ) { //Msg("FULL Removed %d (%s)\n", iLowestIndex, g_PR->GetPlayerName(m_Partners[iLowestIndex].hPartner->entindex()) );
m_Partners.Remove(iLowestIndex); } }
int iNewIndex = m_Partners.AddToTail(); m_Partners[iNewIndex].hPartner = pTFAssister; m_Partners[iNewIndex].iAssists = 1;
//Msg("Inserted %s into %d\n", g_PR->GetPlayerName(pTFAssister->entindex()), iNewIndex );
} else { m_Partners[index].iAssists++;
//Msg("Incremented %s in %d to %d\n", g_PR->GetPlayerName(m_Partners[index].hPartner->entindex()), index, m_Partners[index].iAssists );
if ( m_Partners[index].iAssists >= 10 ) { IncrementCount(); } } } else { // Ensure this guy isn't in our list. We can have non-medics in our list if we
// earn an assist with them, and then they switch classes in the respawn room.
int index = GetPartnerIndex( pTFAssister ); if ( index != -1 ) { m_Partners.Remove(index); } } } } }
// See if it's one of our partners
int index = GetPartnerIndex( pVictim ); if ( index != -1 ) { //Msg("DEATH: Removed %d (%s)\n", index, g_PR->GetPlayerName(m_Partners[index].hPartner->entindex()) );
m_Partners.Remove( index ); }
Msg("State:\n"); for ( int i = 0; i < m_Partners.Count(); i++ ) { if ( m_Partners[i].hPartner ) { Msg(" %d: %s with %d\n", i, g_PR->GetPlayerName(m_Partners[i].hPartner->entindex()), m_Partners[i].iAssists ); } else { Msg(" %d: EMPTY\n", i ); } } */ } }
private: struct partners_t { EHANDLE hPartner; int iAssists; };
class CAchievementTFHeavy_KillMedicPair : public CBaseTFAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL | ACH_LISTEN_KILL_ENEMY_EVENTS ); SetGoal( 1 ); }
virtual void ListenForEvents( void ) { ListenForGameEvent( "localplayer_respawn" ); ListenForGameEvent( "teamplay_round_active" );
m_hTargets.Purge(); }
void FireGameEvent_Internal( IGameEvent *event ) { const char *pszEventName = event->GetName();
if ( FStrEq( pszEventName, "localplayer_respawn" ) || FStrEq( pszEventName, "teamplay_round_active" ) ) { m_hTargets.Purge(); } }
int GetTargetIndex( CBaseEntity *pTarget ) { for ( int i = 0; i < m_hTargets.Count(); i++ ) { if ( m_hTargets[i].hTarget == pTarget ) return i; } return -1; }
void AddNewTarget( CBaseEntity *pTarget, CBaseEntity *pPartner ) { if ( !pTarget || !pPartner ) return;
// see if the target is already in our list or get a new index
int iTargetIndex = GetTargetIndex( pTarget ); if ( iTargetIndex == -1 ) { iTargetIndex = m_hTargets.AddToTail(); }
m_hTargets[iTargetIndex].hPartner = pPartner; m_hTargets[iTargetIndex].hTarget = pTarget; m_hTargets[iTargetIndex].flTimeToBeat = gpGlobals->curtime + 15.0f; // 15 seconds to kill the target
virtual void Event_EntityKilled( CBaseEntity *pVictim, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pInflictor, IGameEvent *event ) { if ( !pVictim || !pVictim->IsPlayer() ) return;
C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( pLocalPlayer ) { int iAssisterIndex = engine->GetPlayerForUserID( event->GetInt( "assister" ) );
if ( iAssisterIndex > 0 ) { C_TFPlayer *pTFAssister = ToTFPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iAssisterIndex ) ); C_TFPlayer *pTFAttacker = ToTFPlayer( pAttacker );
if ( ( pTFAttacker == pLocalPlayer && ( pTFAssister && pTFAssister->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_MEDIC ) ) ) || ( pTFAssister == pLocalPlayer && ( pTFAttacker && pTFAttacker->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_MEDIC ) ) ) ) { C_TFPlayer *pPartner = ( pTFAttacker == pLocalPlayer ) ? pTFAssister : pTFAttacker;
// is this victim in our list of targets?
int index = GetTargetIndex( pVictim ); if ( index != -1 ) { // did we kill them with the correct partner?
if ( m_hTargets[index].hPartner == pPartner ) { // did we beat the time?
if ( m_hTargets[index].flTimeToBeat > gpGlobals->curtime ) { IncrementCount(); } } } else { C_TFPlayer *pNewTarget = NULL; C_TFPlayer *pTFVictim = ToTFPlayer( pVictim ); if ( pTFVictim->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_HEAVYWEAPONS ) ) { for ( int i = 1 ; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients ; i++ ) { pNewTarget = ToTFPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) ); if ( pNewTarget && pNewTarget->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_MEDIC ) && pNewTarget->MedicGetHealTarget() == pTFVictim ) { // add all of his Medics to our list of targets (could be more than one Medic)
AddNewTarget( pNewTarget, pPartner ); } } } else if ( pTFVictim->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_MEDIC ) ) { pNewTarget = ToTFPlayer( pTFVictim->MedicGetHealTarget() ); if ( pNewTarget && pNewTarget->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_HEAVYWEAPONS ) ) { AddNewTarget( pNewTarget, pPartner ); } } } } } }
// is this victim in our list of targets?
int index = GetTargetIndex( pVictim ); if ( index != -1 ) { m_hTargets.Remove( index ); } }
private: struct targets_t { EHANDLE hPartner; EHANDLE hTarget; float flTimeToBeat; };
CUtlVector<targets_t> m_hTargets; }; DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT( CAchievementTFHeavy_KillMedicPair, ACHIEVEMENT_TF_HEAVY_KILL_MEDIC_PAIR, "TF_HEAVY_KILL_MEDIC_PAIR", 5 );
class CAchievementTFHeavy_AchieveProgress1 : public CAchievement_AchievedCount { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CAchievementTFHeavy_AchieveProgress1, CAchievement_AchievedCount ); void Init() { BaseClass::Init(); SetAchievementsRequired( 10, ACHIEVEMENT_TF_HEAVY_START_RANGE, ACHIEVEMENT_TF_HEAVY_END_RANGE ); } }; DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT( CAchievementTFHeavy_AchieveProgress1, ACHIEVEMENT_TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1, "TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1", 5 );
class CAchievementTFHeavy_AchieveProgress2 : public CAchievement_AchievedCount { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CAchievementTFHeavy_AchieveProgress2, CAchievement_AchievedCount ); void Init() { BaseClass::Init(); SetAchievementsRequired( 16, ACHIEVEMENT_TF_HEAVY_START_RANGE, ACHIEVEMENT_TF_HEAVY_END_RANGE ); } }; DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT( CAchievementTFHeavy_AchieveProgress2, ACHIEVEMENT_TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2, "TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2", 5 );
class CAchievementTFHeavy_AchieveProgress3 : public CAchievement_AchievedCount { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CAchievementTFHeavy_AchieveProgress3, CAchievement_AchievedCount ); void Init() { BaseClass::Init(); SetAchievementsRequired( 22, ACHIEVEMENT_TF_HEAVY_START_RANGE, ACHIEVEMENT_TF_HEAVY_END_RANGE ); } }; DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT( CAchievementTFHeavy_AchieveProgress3, ACHIEVEMENT_TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3, "TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3", 5 );
#endif // CLIENT_DLL