//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "KeyValues.h"
#include "schemainitutils.h"
#include "c_tf_player.h"
#include <igameresources.h>
#include "tf_gc_client.h"
#include "tf_player.h"
#include "iscorer.h"
#endif // #ifdef CLIENT_DLL
#include "tf_quest_restriction.h"
#include "tf_gamerules.h"
#include "tf_item_schema.h"
#include "econ_item_system.h"
#include "tf_logic_robot_destruction.h"
#include "tier2/fileutils.h"
#include "steamworks_gamestats.h"
#include "tf_quickplay_shared.h"
static const int s_nMinConnectedPlayersForQuestProgress = 2; static const int s_nMaxInputCount = 100; static const char *g_skQuestEventsFile = "tf/scripts/items/unencrypted/_quest_events.txt";
template<typename CTFQuestConditionSubClass_t> CTFQuestCondition *CreateCTFQuestConditionSubClass() { return new CTFQuestConditionSubClass_t(); } typedef CTFQuestCondition *(*pfnQuestCreate)();
#define FIELD_NONE 0
#define FIELD_PLAYER 1<<0
#define FIELD_OBJECT 1<<1
#define FIELD_WEAPON_NAME 1<<2
#define FIELD_SCORER 1<<3
#define FIELD_WEAPON_TYPE 1<<5
#define FIELD_FLAG_EVENT 1<<6
#define FIELD_TEAM 1<<7
#define FIELD_CONDITION 1<<9
#define FIELD_CRIT 1<<10
#define FIELD_WEAPON_CLASS 1<<14
const char* k_pszQuestConditionRequiredFieldStrings[] = { "player", // FIELD_PLAYER
"object_type", // FIELD_OBJECT
"weapon_name", // FIELD_WEAPON_NAME
"scorer", // FIELD_SCORER
"custom_damage", // FIELD_CUSTOM_DAMAGE
"weapon_type", // FIELD_WEAPON_TYPE
"flag_event", // FIELD_FLAG_EVENT
"team_restriction", // FIELD_TEAM
"loadout_position", // FIELD_LOADOUT_POSITION
"condition", // FIELD_CONDITION
"crit_kill", // FIELD_CRIT
"weapon_def_index", // FIELD_WEAPON_DEF_INDEX
"halloween_boss_type", // FIELD_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_TYPE
"weapon_class", // FIELD_WEAPON_CLASS
"bonuseffect", // FIELD_BONUSEFFECT
"deflected_projectile", // FIELD_DEFLECTED_PROJECTILE
struct QuestConditionEntry_t; CUtlMap< const char*, QuestConditionEntry_t* > k_mapConditions( StringLessThan ); struct QuestConditionEntry_t { QuestConditionEntry_t( const char* pszName, int nRequiredField, pfnQuestCreate pfnCreate ) : m_nRequiredFields( nRequiredField ) , m_pfnQuestCreate( pfnCreate ) , m_pszFieldName( pszName ) { k_mapConditions.Insert( pszName, this ); } int m_nRequiredFields; pfnQuestCreate m_pfnQuestCreate; const char* m_pszFieldName; };
#define REGISTER_QUEST_CONDITION_SUB_CLASS( derivedClass, condName, nCondReqFields ) QuestConditionEntry_t k_s##condName##RegisteredEntry( #condName, nCondReqFields, CreateCTFQuestConditionSubClass< derivedClass > );
bool IsValidServerForQuests( CSteamID steamIDQuestOwner ) { // Check if we're on beta. If so, allow it.
if ( ( engine->GetAppID() == 810 || engine->GetAppID() == 440 ) && ( steamIDQuestOwner.GetEUniverse() == k_EUniverseBeta || steamIDQuestOwner.GetEUniverse() == k_EUniverseDev ) ) return true;
// TODO Do we want to exclude quest progress after the match is over or during warm-up? We'd need another function
// and to check it in appropriate spots -- this guy returning false if the match is over gives the user
// "Invalid server" status on their quest display and so on.
// We only allow for quests to be tracked on Valve servers -- check if we joined via MM. Don't care if the match is
// still running.
EMatchGroup eMatchGroup = TFGameRules()->GetCurrentMatchGroup(); bool bTrustedMatch = ( eMatchGroup != k_nMatchGroup_Invalid ) && GetMatchGroupDescription( eMatchGroup )->BIsTrustedServersOnly(); if ( !bTrustedMatch ) return false;
return true; }
void GetInvalidReasonsNames( const InvalidReasonsContainer_t& invalidReasons, CUtlVector< CUtlString >& vecStrings ) { static const char* arReasons[] = { "#TF_QuestInvalid_WrongMap", // INVALID_QUEST_REASON_WRONG_MAP = 0,
for( int i=0; i < invalidReasons.m_bits.GetNumBits(); ++i ) { if ( invalidReasons.m_bits.IsBitSet( i ) ) { vecStrings.AddToTail( arReasons[i] ); } } }
KeyValues* GetQuestEventsKeyValues() { static KeyValues *pQuestEvents = NULL; if ( pQuestEvents == NULL ) { CUtlBuffer bufRawData; bufRawData.SetBufferType( true, true ); bool bReadFileOK = g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( g_skQuestEventsFile, NULL, bufRawData ); if ( !bReadFileOK ) { AssertMsg1( false, "Couldn't load quest events file: %s!", g_skQuestEventsFile ); return NULL; } pQuestEvents = new KeyValues( "quest_events" ); pQuestEvents->LoadFromBuffer( NULL, bufRawData ); }
return pQuestEvents; }
// getting key of params that are unique per event
void GetValidParamsKeyFromEvent( const char *pszKeyName, const char *pszRestrictionName, const char *pszEventName, KeyValues *pRequiredKeys ) { KeyValues *pQuestEvents = GetQuestEventsKeyValues();
if ( pQuestEvents ) { KeyValues *pEvent = pQuestEvents->FindKey( pszEventName ); AssertMsg1( pEvent, "Failed to find specified event name %s", pszEventName ); if ( pEvent ) { KeyValues *pRestriction = pEvent->FindKey( pszRestrictionName ); AssertMsg2( pRestriction, "Failed to find specified restriction name %s :: %s", pszEventName, pszRestrictionName ); if ( pRestriction ) { KeyValues *pParamsKey = pRestriction->FindKey( pszKeyName ); AssertMsg3( pParamsKey, "Failed to find specified param key name %s :: %s :: %s", pszEventName, pszRestrictionName, pszKeyName ); if ( pParamsKey ) { if ( pParamsKey->GetString( "uses_method", NULL ) ) { KeyValues* pKVMethod = pParamsKey->FindKey( "method" ); AssertMsg3( pKVMethod, "Failed to find method block in %s :: %s :: %s", pszEventName, pszRestrictionName, pszKeyName ); if ( pKVMethod ) { const char* pszType = pKVMethod->GetString( "type", NULL ); AssertMsg3( pszType, "Missing method type in %s :: %s :: %s", pszEventName, pszRestrictionName, pszKeyName ); if ( FStrEq( pszType, "weapon_def_index" ) ) { KeyValues *pWeaponNames = new KeyValues( "value" );
const CTFItemDefinition* pItemDef = NULL; const CEconItemSchema::SortedItemDefinitionMap_t& mapItems = GetItemSchema()->GetSortedItemDefinitionMap(); FOR_EACH_MAP( mapItems, it ) { pItemDef = static_cast< const CTFItemDefinition* >( mapItems[it] ); Assert( pItemDef->GetDefinitionIndex() != INVALID_ITEM_DEF_INDEX ); if ( pItemDef->GetDefaultLoadoutSlot() == LOADOUT_POSITION_PRIMARY || pItemDef->GetDefaultLoadoutSlot() == LOADOUT_POSITION_SECONDARY || pItemDef->GetDefaultLoadoutSlot() == LOADOUT_POSITION_MELEE || pItemDef->GetDefaultLoadoutSlot() == LOADOUT_POSITION_PDA || pItemDef->GetDefaultLoadoutSlot() == LOADOUT_POSITION_PDA2 || pItemDef->GetDefaultLoadoutSlot() == LOADOUT_POSITION_BUILDING ) { KeyValues *pNewWeapon = pWeaponNames->CreateNewKey(); pNewWeapon->SetName( CFmtStr( "%d", pItemDef->GetDefinitionIndex() ) ); pNewWeapon->SetString( "english_name", pItemDef->GetDefinitionName() ); } }
pRequiredKeys->AddSubKey( pWeaponNames ); } else if ( FStrEq( pszType, "weapon_name" ) ) { KeyValues *pWeaponNames = new KeyValues( "value" );
// Add a few here that we magically use in the code elsewhere. Sigh...
pWeaponNames->AddSubKey( new KeyValues( "obj_attachment_sapper" ) ); pWeaponNames->AddSubKey( new KeyValues( "building_carried_destroyed" ) );
const CEconItemDefinition* pItemDef = NULL; const CEconItemSchema::SortedItemDefinitionMap_t& mapItems = GetItemSchema()->GetSortedItemDefinitionMap(); for ( int it = mapItems.FirstInorder(); it != mapItems.InvalidIndex(); it = mapItems.NextInorder( it ) ) { pItemDef = mapItems[it]; if ( pItemDef->GetIconClassname() ) { pWeaponNames->AddSubKey( new KeyValues( pItemDef->GetIconClassname() ) ); } }
pRequiredKeys->AddSubKey( pWeaponNames ); } else if ( FStrEq( pszType, "weapon_type" ) ) { KeyValues *pWeaponType = new KeyValues( "value" ); for ( int i=0; i<TF_WEAPON_COUNT; ++i ) { const char *pszWeaponName = WeaponIdToAlias( i ); KeyValues *pNewWeapon = pWeaponType->CreateNewKey(); pNewWeapon->SetName( CFmtStr( "%d", i ) ); pNewWeapon->SetString( "english_name", pszWeaponName ); }
pRequiredKeys->AddSubKey( pWeaponType ); } else if ( FStrEq( pszType, "item_class" ) ) { KeyValues *pItemClassNames = new KeyValues( "value" );
const CEconItemDefinition* pItemDef = NULL; const CEconItemSchema::SortedItemDefinitionMap_t& mapItems = GetItemSchema()->GetSortedItemDefinitionMap(); CUtlMap< const char*, int > mapTypeNames( StringLessThan ); for ( int it = mapItems.FirstInorder(); it != mapItems.InvalidIndex(); it = mapItems.NextInorder( it ) ) { pItemDef = mapItems[it]; const char *pszClass = pItemDef->GetItemClass(); if ( pszClass && mapTypeNames.Find( pszClass ) == mapTypeNames.InvalidIndex() ) { mapTypeNames.Insert( pszClass ); pItemClassNames->AddSubKey( new KeyValues( pItemDef->GetItemClass() ) ); } }
pRequiredKeys->AddSubKey( pItemClassNames ); } else { AssertMsg5( false, "Type %s in %s :: %s :: %s didnt match any types defined in %s", pszType, pszEventName, pszRestrictionName, pszKeyName, __FUNCTION__ ); } } } else { pRequiredKeys->AddSubKey( pParamsKey->MakeCopy() ); } } } } } }
// Purpose:
CTFQuestCondition::CTFQuestCondition() : m_pParent( NULL ) {}
// Purpose:
CTFQuestCondition::~CTFQuestCondition() { }
// Purpose:
bool CTFQuestCondition::BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVItem, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors /* = NULL */ ) { // check if restriction name matches the keyvalue name
//const char *pszType = pKVItem->GetString( "type" );
//SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( FStrEq( pszType, GetConditionName() ), "%s", CFmtStr( "Invalid quest restriction name '%s' for '%s'", pszType, GetConditionName() ).Get() )
return true; }
// Purpose: Print out debug text
void CTFQuestCondition::PrintDebugText() const { DevMsg( "'%s %s'", GetConditionName(), GetValueString() ); }
// Purpose: Get the owner player
const CTFPlayer *CTFQuestCondition::GetQuestOwner() const { if ( m_pParent ) return m_pParent->GetQuestOwner();
return NULL; }
// Purpose: Global quest objective validation checks
bool CTFQuestCondition::IsValidForPlayer( const CTFPlayer *pOwner, InvalidReasonsContainer_t& invalidReasons ) const { if ( pOwner ) { CSteamID steamIDOwner; const_cast< CTFPlayer* >( pOwner )->GetSteamID( &steamIDOwner ); // Ugh
// Can only do quests on Valve servers
if ( !IsValidServerForQuests( steamIDOwner ) ) { invalidReasons.m_bits.Set( INVALID_QUEST_REASON_VALVE_SERVERS_ONLY ); } }
// Cannot do quests in MvM
if ( TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsMannVsMachineMode() ) { invalidReasons.m_bits.Set( INVALID_QUEST_REASON_NO_MVM ); }
return true; }
void CTFQuestCondition::GetValidRestrictions( CUtlVector< const char* >& vecOutValidChildren ) const { const CTFQuestCondition* pParent = this; const CTFQuestEvaluator* pEvaluatorParent = NULL; while( pParent && !pEvaluatorParent ) { pEvaluatorParent = dynamic_cast< const CTFQuestEvaluator* >( pParent ); pParent = pParent->GetParent(); }
KeyValues* pKVQuestEvents = GetQuestEventsKeyValues(); KeyValues* pKVEvent = pKVQuestEvents->FindKey( pEvaluatorParent->GetEventName() ); FOR_EACH_MAP( k_mapConditions, i ) { QuestConditionEntry_t* pCondEntry = k_mapConditions[ i ]; // All fields need to be present in the event for the condition to be a valid child
bool bAnyFound = false; bool bAllFound = true; if ( pCondEntry->m_nRequiredFields != FIELD_NONE ) { int nMaxCount = Q_log2( FIELD_LAST_FIELD ); for( int nField = 0; nField <= nMaxCount && bAllFound; ++nField ) { if ( pCondEntry->m_nRequiredFields & (1<<nField) ) { bAnyFound = true; bAllFound &= pKVEvent->FindKey( k_pszQuestConditionRequiredFieldStrings[ nField ] ) != NULL; } } } else { bAllFound = true; bAnyFound = true; }
if ( bAnyFound && bAllFound ) { vecOutValidChildren.AddToTail( k_mapConditions.Key( i ) ); } } }
void CTFQuestCondition::GetValidEvaluators( CUtlVector< const char* >& vecOutValidChildren ) const { vecOutValidChildren.AddToTail( "event_listener" ); vecOutValidChildren.AddToTail( "counter" ); }
void CTFQuestRestriction::GetValidTypes( CUtlVector< const char* >& vecOutValidChildren ) const { GetValidRestrictions( vecOutValidChildren ); }
void CTFQuestRestriction::GetValidChildren( CUtlVector< const char* >& vecOutValidChildren ) const { GetValidRestrictions( vecOutValidChildren ); }
CTFQuestEvaluator::CTFQuestEvaluator() { m_pszAction = NULL; }
void CTFQuestEvaluator::GetOutputKeyValues( KeyValues *pOutputKeys ) { if ( m_pszAction ) { pOutputKeys->SetString( "action", m_pszAction ); } }
void CTFQuestEvaluator::GetValidTypes( CUtlVector< const char* >& vecOutValidChildren ) const { GetValidEvaluators( vecOutValidChildren ); }
void CTFQuestEvaluator::GetValidChildren( CUtlVector< const char* >& vecOutValidChildren ) const { GetValidRestrictions( vecOutValidChildren ); }
// Purpose: base quest operator restriction
class CTFQuestOperatorRestriction: public CTFQuestRestriction { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CTFQuestOperatorRestriction, CTFQuestRestriction )
virtual ~CTFQuestOperatorRestriction() { m_vecRestrictions.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); }
virtual bool BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVItem, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors /* = NULL */ ) OVERRIDE { if ( !CTFQuestRestriction::BInitFromKV( pKVItem, pVecErrors ) ) return false;
int nInputCount = 0; FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pKVItem, pSubKey ) { if ( GetMaxInputCount() > 0 ) { SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( nInputCount < GetMaxInputCount(), "%s", CFmtStr( "Too many input for operator '%s'. expected %d input(s)", GetConditionName(), GetMaxInputCount() ).Get() ); } const char *pszType = pSubKey->GetString( "type" ); CTFQuestRestriction *pNewRestriction = CreateRestrictionByName( pszType, this ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( pNewRestriction != NULL, "%s", CFmtStr( "Failed to create quest restriction name '%s' for '%s'", pszType, GetConditionName() ).Get() );
SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( pNewRestriction->BInitFromKV( pSubKey, pVecErrors ), "Failed to init from KeyValues" );
m_vecRestrictions.AddToTail( pNewRestriction ); nInputCount++; } SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( nInputCount > 0 && nInputCount <= GetMaxInputCount(), "%s", CFmtStr( "Invalid number of specified input. Expected from 0 to %d inputs.", GetMaxInputCount() ).Get() );
return true; }
virtual bool IsOperator() const OVERRIDE { return true; }
virtual void PrintDebugText() const OVERRIDE { DevMsg( "( " ); FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecRestrictions, i ) { if ( i == 0 ) { m_vecRestrictions[i]->PrintDebugText(); } else { DevMsg( " %s ", GetConditionName() ); m_vecRestrictions[i]->PrintDebugText(); } } DevMsg( " )" ); }
CTFQuestCondition* AddChildByName( const char *pszChildName ) OVERRIDE { if ( m_vecRestrictions.Count() >= GetMaxInputCount() ) { Assert( m_vecRestrictions.Count() < GetMaxInputCount() ); return NULL; }
CTFQuestRestriction *pNewRestriction = CreateRestrictionByName( pszChildName, this ); if ( pNewRestriction ) { m_vecRestrictions.AddToTail( pNewRestriction ); }
return pNewRestriction; }
virtual int GetChildren( CUtlVector< CTFQuestCondition* >& vecChildren ) OVERRIDE { FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecRestrictions, i ) { vecChildren.AddToTail( m_vecRestrictions[i] ); }
return vecChildren.Count(); }
bool RemoveAndDeleteChild( CTFQuestCondition *pChild ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestRestriction *pRestrictionChild = assert_cast< CTFQuestRestriction* >( pChild ); bool bRemoved = m_vecRestrictions.FindAndFastRemove( pRestrictionChild ); Assert( bRemoved );
if ( bRemoved ) { delete pChild; }
return bRemoved; }
virtual int GetMaxInputCount() const OVERRIDE { return s_nMaxInputCount; }
CUtlVector< CTFQuestRestriction* > m_vecRestrictions; };
// Purpose: AND quest operator restriction
class CTFQuestAndOperatorRestriction : public CTFQuestOperatorRestriction { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CTFQuestAndOperatorRestriction, CTFQuestOperatorRestriction )
virtual bool PassesRestrictions( IGameEvent *pEvent ) const OVERRIDE { FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecRestrictions, i ) { if ( !m_vecRestrictions[i]->PassesRestrictions( pEvent ) ) return false; }
return true; }
virtual bool IsValidForPlayer( const CTFPlayer *pOwner, InvalidReasonsContainer_t& invalidReasons ) const { BaseClass::IsValidForPlayer( pOwner, invalidReasons );
bool bIsForLocalPlayer = false; InvalidReason operatorReasons; FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecRestrictions, i ) { bIsForLocalPlayer |= m_vecRestrictions[i]->IsValidForPlayer( pOwner, operatorReasons ); }
if ( bIsForLocalPlayer ) { invalidReasons.m_bits.Or( operatorReasons.m_bits, &invalidReasons.m_bits ); }
return bIsForLocalPlayer; } }; REGISTER_QUEST_CONDITION_SUB_CLASS( CTFQuestAndOperatorRestriction, AND, FIELD_NONE );
// Purpose: OR quest operator restriction
class CTFQuestOrOperatorRestriction : public CTFQuestOperatorRestriction { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CTFQuestOrOperatorRestriction, CTFQuestOperatorRestriction )
virtual bool PassesRestrictions( IGameEvent *pEvent ) const OVERRIDE { FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecRestrictions, i ) { if ( m_vecRestrictions[i]->PassesRestrictions( pEvent ) ) return true; }
return false; }
virtual bool IsValidForPlayer( const CTFPlayer *pOwner, InvalidReasonsContainer_t& invalidReasons ) const { BaseClass::IsValidForPlayer( pOwner, invalidReasons );
bool bIsForLocalPlayer = false;
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecRestrictions, i ) { InvalidReason operatorReason; if ( m_vecRestrictions[i]->IsValidForPlayer( pOwner, operatorReason ) ) { bIsForLocalPlayer = true; invalidReasons.m_bits.Or( operatorReason.m_bits, &invalidReasons.m_bits ); } }
return bIsForLocalPlayer; } }; REGISTER_QUEST_CONDITION_SUB_CLASS( CTFQuestOrOperatorRestriction, OR, FIELD_NONE );
// Purpose: NOT quest operator restriction
class CTFQuestNotOperatorRestriction : public CTFQuestOperatorRestriction { public: virtual bool PassesRestrictions( IGameEvent *pEvent ) const OVERRIDE { return !m_vecRestrictions[0]->PassesRestrictions( pEvent ); }
virtual bool IsValidForPlayer( const CTFPlayer *pOwner, InvalidReasonsContainer_t& invalidReasons ) const { return false; } virtual void PrintDebugText() const OVERRIDE { CTFQuestRestriction *pRestriction = m_vecRestrictions[0]; if ( pRestriction->IsOperator() ) { DevMsg( "%s ", GetConditionName() ); pRestriction->PrintDebugText(); } else { // add () for non-operator to keep the debug text format consistent
DevMsg( "%s ( ", GetConditionName() ); pRestriction->PrintDebugText(); DevMsg( " )" ); } }
protected: virtual int GetMaxInputCount() const OVERRIDE { return 1; } }; REGISTER_QUEST_CONDITION_SUB_CLASS( CTFQuestNotOperatorRestriction, NOT, FIELD_NONE );
class CTFGenericStringRestriction : public CTFQuestRestriction { public: CTFGenericStringRestriction() : m_pszKeyName( NULL ) , m_pszValue( NULL ) {} virtual const char *GetConditionName() const OVERRIDE { return m_pszFieldName; }
virtual bool BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVItem, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors /* = NULL */ ) OVERRIDE { if ( !CTFQuestRestriction::BInitFromKV( pKVItem, pVecErrors ) ) return false;
m_pszKeyName = pKVItem->GetString( "key_to_lookup" ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_pszKeyName != NULL, "Missing key to lookup for generic_string restriction!" );
m_pszValue = pKVItem->GetString( "value" ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_pszValue != NULL, "Missing value to compare against for generic_string restriction!" );
return true; }
virtual bool PassesRestrictions( IGameEvent *pEvent ) const OVERRIDE { const char* pszValue = pEvent->GetString( m_pszKeyName ); if ( pszValue ) { return FStrEq( pszValue, m_pszValue ); }
return false; }
virtual void GetOutputKeyValues( KeyValues *pOutputKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestRestriction::GetOutputKeyValues( pOutputKeys );
pOutputKeys->SetString( "key_to_lookup", m_pszKeyName ); pOutputKeys->SetString( "value", m_pszValue ); }
virtual void GetRequiredParamKeys( KeyValues *pRequiredKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestRestriction::GetRequiredParamKeys( pRequiredKeys );
GetValidParamsKeyFromEvent( "key_to_lookup", m_pszFieldName, m_pszEventName, pRequiredKeys ); GetValidParamsKeyFromEvent( "value", m_pszFieldName, m_pszEventName, pRequiredKeys ); }
const char *m_pszKeyName; const char *m_pszValue; };
class CTFGenericSubStringRestriction : public CTFGenericStringRestriction { public: CTFGenericSubStringRestriction() {}
virtual bool PassesRestrictions( IGameEvent *pEvent ) const OVERRIDE { const char* pszValue = pEvent->GetString( m_pszKeyName ); if ( pszValue ) { return V_stristr( pszValue, m_pszValue ) != NULL; }
return false; } };
class CTFWeaponClassRestriction : public CTFGenericStringRestriction { public: CTFWeaponClassRestriction() {}
virtual bool PassesRestrictions( IGameEvent *pEvent ) const OVERRIDE { const char* pszValue = pEvent->GetString( m_pszKeyName ); if ( pszValue ) { const CEconItemDefinition* pItemDef = GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinition( atoi( pszValue ) ); Assert( pItemDef ); if ( pItemDef ) { return FStrEq( pItemDef->GetItemClass(), m_pszValue ); } }
return false; }
// Purpose: quest player restriction
class CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction : public CTFQuestRestriction { public: CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction() : m_pszPlayerKey( NULL ) , m_pszPlayerMethod( NULL ) {}
virtual bool BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVItem, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors /* = NULL */ ) OVERRIDE { if ( !CTFQuestRestriction::BInitFromKV( pKVItem, pVecErrors ) ) return false;
m_pszPlayerKey = pKVItem->GetString( "player_key", NULL ); Assert( m_pszPlayerKey ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_pszPlayerKey != NULL, "missing 'player_key'" );
static const char *s_pszValidGetMethod[] = { "by_id", "by_entindex", "by_cappers" }; m_pszPlayerMethod = pKVItem->GetString( "get_player" ); bool bIsValidMethod = false; for ( int i=0; i<ARRAYSIZE( s_pszValidGetMethod ); ++i ) { if ( FStrEq( m_pszPlayerMethod, s_pszValidGetMethod[i] ) ) { bIsValidMethod = true; break; } } SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( bIsValidMethod, "Invalid 'get_player'" );
return true; }
virtual bool PassesRestrictions( IGameEvent *pEvent ) const OVERRIDE { CTFPlayer *pPlayer = GetPlayerFromEvent( pEvent ); if ( !pPlayer ) return false;
return BPlayerCheck( pPlayer, pEvent ); }
CTFPlayer *GetPlayerFromEvent( IGameEvent *pEvent ) const { CTFPlayer *pPlayer = NULL; if ( FStrEq( m_pszPlayerMethod, "by_id" ) ) { int iPlayerID = pEvent->GetInt( m_pszPlayerKey ); pPlayer = ToTFPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByUserId( iPlayerID ) ); } else if ( FStrEq( m_pszPlayerMethod, "by_entindex" ) ) { int iPlayerIndex = pEvent->GetInt( m_pszPlayerKey ); pPlayer = ToTFPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iPlayerIndex ) ); } else if ( FStrEq( m_pszPlayerMethod, "by_cappers" ) ) { Assert( FStrEq( m_pszPlayerKey, "cappers" ) ); const CTFPlayer *pQuestOwner = GetQuestOwner(); const char *cappers = pEvent->GetString( m_pszPlayerKey ); for ( int i = 0; i < Q_strlen( cappers ); i++ ) { int iPlayerIndex = (int)cappers[i]; CTFPlayer *pCapper = ToTFPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iPlayerIndex ) ); if ( pCapper == pQuestOwner ) { pPlayer = pCapper; break; } } }
return pPlayer; }
virtual void GetRequiredParamKeys( KeyValues *pRequiredKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestRestriction::GetRequiredParamKeys( pRequiredKeys );
GetValidParamsKeyFromEvent( "player_key", "player", m_pszEventName, pRequiredKeys ); GetValidParamsKeyFromEvent( "get_player", "player", m_pszEventName, pRequiredKeys ); }
virtual void GetOutputKeyValues( KeyValues *pOutputKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestRestriction::GetOutputKeyValues( pOutputKeys );
pOutputKeys->SetString( "player_key", m_pszPlayerKey ); pOutputKeys->SetString( "get_player", m_pszPlayerMethod ); }
virtual bool BPlayerCheck( const CTFPlayer* pPlayer, IGameEvent *pEvent ) const = 0;
const char *m_pszPlayerKey; const char *m_pszPlayerMethod; };
// Purpose: quest player restriction
class CTFQuestPlayerDisguiseRestriction : public CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction { public: CTFQuestPlayerDisguiseRestriction() {}
virtual bool BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVItem, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors /* = NULL */ ) OVERRIDE { if ( !CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::BInitFromKV( pKVItem, pVecErrors ) ) return false;
m_eDisguiseState = (EDisguiseTargetState_t)pKVItem->GetInt( "disguise_target", DISGUISE_STATE_DONT_CARE );
return true; }
virtual void GetRequiredParamKeys( KeyValues *pRequiredKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::GetRequiredParamKeys( pRequiredKeys );
// Disguise state
{ KeyValues *pKVDisguiseKeys = new KeyValues( "disguise_target" ); pKVDisguiseKeys->SetString( "english_name", "Disguise" );
KeyValues * pKVDisguiseState = pKVDisguiseKeys->CreateNewKey(); pKVDisguiseState->SetName( "0" ); pKVDisguiseState->SetString( "english_name", "Owner disguised as the player" );
pKVDisguiseState = pKVDisguiseKeys->CreateNewKey(); pKVDisguiseState->SetName( "1" ); pKVDisguiseState->SetString( "english_name", "Owner NOT disguised as the player" );
pKVDisguiseState = pKVDisguiseKeys->CreateNewKey(); pKVDisguiseState->SetName( "2" ); pKVDisguiseState->SetString( "english_name", "Player disguised as the owner" );
pKVDisguiseState = pKVDisguiseKeys->CreateNewKey(); pKVDisguiseState->SetName( "3" ); pKVDisguiseState->SetString( "english_name", "Player NOT disguised as the owner" );
pRequiredKeys->AddSubKey( pKVDisguiseKeys ); } }
virtual void GetOutputKeyValues( KeyValues *pOutputKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::GetOutputKeyValues( pOutputKeys );
pOutputKeys->SetInt( "disguise_target", m_eDisguiseState ); }
virtual bool BPlayerCheck( const CTFPlayer* pPlayer, IGameEvent *pEvent ) const OVERRIDE { // Disguise state check
const CTFPlayer* pPlayerDisguiseTarget = ToTFPlayer( pPlayer->m_Shared.GetDisguiseTarget() ); const CTFPlayer* pOwnerDisguiseTarget = ToTFPlayer( GetQuestOwner()->m_Shared.GetDisguiseTarget() );
// owner in disguise
if ( pOwnerDisguiseTarget ) { // must disguise as same class to look the same
if ( m_eDisguiseState == DISGUISE_STATE_OWNER_IS_PLAYER && pOwnerDisguiseTarget == pPlayer && GetQuestOwner()->m_Shared.GetDisguiseClass() == pPlayer->GetPlayerClass()->GetClassIndex() ) return true;
if ( m_eDisguiseState == DISGUISE_STATE_OWNER_IS_NOT_PLAYER && pOwnerDisguiseTarget != pPlayer ) return true; }
// player in disguise
if ( pPlayerDisguiseTarget ) { // must disguise as same class to look the same
if ( m_eDisguiseState == DISGUISE_STATE_PLAYER_IS_OWNER && pPlayerDisguiseTarget == GetQuestOwner() && pPlayer->m_Shared.GetDisguiseClass() == GetQuestOwner()->GetPlayerClass()->GetClassIndex() ) return true;
if ( m_eDisguiseState == DISGUISE_STATE_PLAYER_IS_NOT_OWNER && pPlayerDisguiseTarget != GetQuestOwner() ) return true; }
return false; }
EDisguiseTargetState_t m_eDisguiseState; }; REGISTER_QUEST_CONDITION_SUB_CLASS( CTFQuestPlayerDisguiseRestriction, player_disguise, FIELD_PLAYER );
// Purpose: quest player jumping-state restriction
class CTFQuestPlayerJumpingRestriction : public CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction { public: CTFQuestPlayerJumpingRestriction() {}
virtual bool BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVItem, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors /* = NULL */ ) OVERRIDE { if ( !CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::BInitFromKV( pKVItem, pVecErrors ) ) return false;
m_eJumpingState = (EJumpingState_t)pKVItem->GetInt( "jumping_state", JUMPING_STATE_IS_NOT_JUMPING );
return true; }
virtual void GetRequiredParamKeys( KeyValues *pRequiredKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::GetRequiredParamKeys( pRequiredKeys );
// Jumping state
{ KeyValues *pKVJumpingKeys = new KeyValues( "jumping_state" ); pKVJumpingKeys->SetString( "english_name", "Jumping" ); KeyValues * pKVJumpState = pKVJumpingKeys->CreateNewKey(); pKVJumpState->SetName( "0" ); pKVJumpState->SetString( "english_name", "Must NOT be jumping" ); pKVJumpState = pKVJumpingKeys->CreateNewKey(); pKVJumpState->SetName( "1" ); pKVJumpState->SetString( "english_name", "Must be at least jumping" );
pKVJumpState = pKVJumpingKeys->CreateNewKey(); pKVJumpState->SetName( "2" ); pKVJumpState->SetString( "english_name", "Must be at least double-jumping" );
pKVJumpState = pKVJumpingKeys->CreateNewKey(); pKVJumpState->SetName( "3" ); pKVJumpState->SetString( "english_name", "Must be at least triple-jumping" );
pRequiredKeys->AddSubKey( pKVJumpingKeys ); } }
virtual void GetOutputKeyValues( KeyValues *pOutputKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::GetOutputKeyValues( pOutputKeys ); pOutputKeys->SetInt( "jumping_state", m_eJumpingState ); }
virtual bool BPlayerCheck( const CTFPlayer* pPlayer, IGameEvent *pEvent ) const OVERRIDE { #ifdef GAME_DLL
CTFPlayer* pNonConstPlayer = const_cast< CTFPlayer* >( pPlayer );
int nNumJumps = pNonConstPlayer->GetGroundEntity() == NULL ? 1 : 0; nNumJumps += pPlayer->m_Shared.GetAirDash(); nNumJumps += pPlayer->m_bScattergunJump;
if ( m_eJumpingState == JUMPING_STATE_IS_NOT_JUMPING ) { return nNumJumps == 0; } else if ( m_eJumpingState == JUMPING_STATE_IS_JUMPING ) { return nNumJumps >= 1; } else if ( m_eJumpingState == JUMPING_STATE_IS_DOUBLE_JUMPING ) { return nNumJumps >= 2; } else if ( m_eJumpingState == JUMPING_STATE_IS_TRIPLE_JUMPING ) { return nNumJumps >= 3; } else { AssertMsg1( false, "Unhandled EJumpingState_t case %d!", m_eJumpingState ); } #endif
return false; }
EJumpingState_t m_eJumpingState; }; REGISTER_QUEST_CONDITION_SUB_CLASS( CTFQuestPlayerJumpingRestriction, player_jumping, FIELD_PLAYER );
// Purpose: quest player alive-state restriction
class CTFQuestPlayerAliveRestriction : public CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction { public: CTFQuestPlayerAliveRestriction() {}
virtual bool BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVItem, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors /* = NULL */ ) OVERRIDE { if ( !CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::BInitFromKV( pKVItem, pVecErrors ) ) return false;
m_bAliveState = pKVItem->GetBool( "alive_state", true );
return true; }
virtual void GetRequiredParamKeys( KeyValues *pRequiredKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::GetRequiredParamKeys( pRequiredKeys );
KeyValues *pKVAliveKeys = new KeyValues( "alive_state" ); pKVAliveKeys->SetString( "english_name", "Alive" ); KeyValues * pKVAliveState = pKVAliveKeys->CreateNewKey(); pKVAliveState->SetName( "1" ); pKVAliveState->SetString( "english_name", "Must be alive" );
pKVAliveState = pKVAliveKeys->CreateNewKey(); pKVAliveState->SetName( "0" ); pKVAliveState->SetString( "english_name", "Must be dead" );
pRequiredKeys->AddSubKey( pKVAliveKeys ); }
virtual void GetOutputKeyValues( KeyValues *pOutputKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::GetOutputKeyValues( pOutputKeys ); pOutputKeys->SetInt( "alive_state", m_bAliveState ); }
virtual bool BPlayerCheck( const CTFPlayer* pPlayer, IGameEvent *pEvent ) const OVERRIDE { return ( pPlayer->m_iHealth > 0 ) == m_bAliveState; }
bool m_bAliveState; }; REGISTER_QUEST_CONDITION_SUB_CLASS( CTFQuestPlayerAliveRestriction, player_alive, FIELD_PLAYER );
// Purpose: quest player distance restriction relative to the owner
class CTFQuestPlayerDistanceRestriction : public CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction { public: CTFQuestPlayerDistanceRestriction() {}
virtual bool BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVItem, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors /* = NULL */ ) OVERRIDE { if ( !CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::BInitFromKV( pKVItem, pVecErrors ) ) return false;
m_eCheckType = (EDistanceCheck_t)pKVItem->GetInt( "distance_check_type", INVALID_CHECK_TYPE ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_eCheckType != INVALID_CHECK_TYPE, "Invalid distance_check_type %d!", m_eCheckType );
m_nDistance = pKVItem->GetInt( "distance_to_check", 0 ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_eCheckType != 0, "Distance must be non-zero!" );
return true; }
virtual void GetRequiredParamKeys( KeyValues *pRequiredKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::GetRequiredParamKeys( pRequiredKeys );
KeyValues *pKVDistanceCheckTypeKeys = new KeyValues( "distance_check_type" ); pKVDistanceCheckTypeKeys->SetString( "english_name", "Alive" ); KeyValues * pKVType = pKVDistanceCheckTypeKeys->CreateNewKey(); pKVType->SetName( "1" ); pKVType->SetString( "english_name", "Closer than" );
pKVType = pKVDistanceCheckTypeKeys->CreateNewKey(); pKVType->SetName( "2" ); pKVType->SetString( "english_name", "Further than" );
pRequiredKeys->AddSubKey( pKVDistanceCheckTypeKeys );
KeyValues *pDistanceKey = new KeyValues( "distance_to_check" ); pDistanceKey->SetString( "control_type", "text_entry" );
pRequiredKeys->AddSubKey( pDistanceKey ); }
virtual void GetOutputKeyValues( KeyValues *pOutputKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::GetOutputKeyValues( pOutputKeys ); pOutputKeys->SetInt( "distance_check_type", m_eCheckType ); pOutputKeys->SetInt( "distance_to_check", m_nDistance ); }
virtual bool BPlayerCheck( const CTFPlayer* pPlayer, IGameEvent *pEvent ) const OVERRIDE { int nTestDist = m_nDistance * m_nDistance; int nPlayerDistSq = ( pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin() - GetQuestOwner()->GetAbsOrigin() ).LengthSqr();
if ( m_eCheckType == CLOSER_THAN ) { return nPlayerDistSq < nTestDist; } else { return nPlayerDistSq > nTestDist; } }
EDistanceCheck_t m_eCheckType; float m_nDistance; }; REGISTER_QUEST_CONDITION_SUB_CLASS( CTFQuestPlayerDistanceRestriction, player_distance, FIELD_PLAYER );
// Purpose: quest player restriction
class CTFQuestPlayerIsOwnerRestriction : public CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction { public: CTFQuestPlayerIsOwnerRestriction() {}
virtual bool BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVItem, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors /* = NULL */ ) OVERRIDE { if ( !CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::BInitFromKV( pKVItem, pVecErrors ) ) return false;
// should check if this player is quest owner?
m_bIsOwner = pKVItem->GetBool( "is_owner" );
return true; }
virtual bool IsValidForPlayer( const CTFPlayer *pOwner, InvalidReasonsContainer_t& invalidReasons ) const { CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::IsValidForPlayer( pOwner, invalidReasons );
return m_bIsOwner && pOwner == GetQuestOwner(); }
virtual void GetRequiredParamKeys( KeyValues *pRequiredKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::GetRequiredParamKeys( pRequiredKeys );
KeyValues *pIsOwnerKey = new KeyValues( "is_owner" ); pIsOwnerKey->SetString( "english_name", "is_owner" );
KeyValues *pIsOwnerKeyChoiceTrue = new KeyValues( "1" ); pIsOwnerKeyChoiceTrue->SetString( "english_name", "true" );
KeyValues *pIsOwnerKeyChoiceFalse = new KeyValues( "0" ); pIsOwnerKeyChoiceFalse->SetString( "english_name", "false" );
pIsOwnerKey->AddSubKey( pIsOwnerKeyChoiceTrue ); pIsOwnerKey->AddSubKey( pIsOwnerKeyChoiceFalse );
pRequiredKeys->AddSubKey( pIsOwnerKey ); }
virtual void GetOutputKeyValues( KeyValues *pOutputKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::GetOutputKeyValues( pOutputKeys ); pOutputKeys->SetBool( "is_owner", m_bIsOwner ); }
virtual bool BPlayerCheck( const CTFPlayer* pPlayer, IGameEvent *pEvent ) const OVERRIDE { return m_bIsOwner == ( pPlayer == GetQuestOwner() ); }
bool m_bIsOwner; }; REGISTER_QUEST_CONDITION_SUB_CLASS( CTFQuestPlayerIsOwnerRestriction, player_is_owner, FIELD_PLAYER );
// Purpose: quest class restriction
class CTFQuestPlayerClassRestriction : public CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CTFQuestPlayerClassRestriction, CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction )
CTFQuestPlayerClassRestriction() { m_iClass = TF_CLASS_UNDEFINED; }
virtual const char *GetValueString() const OVERRIDE { return GetItemSchema()->GetClassUsabilityStrings()[ m_iClass ]; }
virtual bool BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVItem, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors /* = NULL */ ) OVERRIDE { if ( !CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::BInitFromKV( pKVItem, pVecErrors ) ) return false;
const char *pszClassName = pKVItem->GetString( "value", NULL ); m_iClass = StringFieldToInt( pszClassName, GetItemSchema()->GetClassUsabilityStrings() ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( IsValidTFPlayerClass( m_iClass ), "%s", CFmtStr( "Invalid owner class restriction '%s' for quest objective", pszClassName ).Get() );
return true; }
virtual bool IsValidForPlayer( const CTFPlayer *pOwner, InvalidReasonsContainer_t& invalidReasons ) const { BaseClass::IsValidForPlayer( pOwner, invalidReasons );
if ( !BPlayerCheck( pOwner, NULL ) ) invalidReasons.m_bits.Set( INVALID_QUEST_REASON_WRONG_CLASS );
return false; }
virtual void GetRequiredParamKeys( KeyValues *pRequiredKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::GetRequiredParamKeys( pRequiredKeys );
KeyValues *pClassesKey = new KeyValues( "value" ); for ( int i=0; i<GetItemSchema()->GetClassUsabilityStrings().Count(); ++i ) { const char *pszClassName = GetItemSchema()->GetClassUsabilityStrings()[i]; pClassesKey->AddSubKey( new KeyValues( pszClassName ) ); }
pRequiredKeys->AddSubKey( pClassesKey ); }
virtual void GetOutputKeyValues( KeyValues *pOutputKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::GetOutputKeyValues( pOutputKeys );
pOutputKeys->SetString( "value", GetValueString() ); }
virtual bool BPlayerCheck( const CTFPlayer* pPlayer, IGameEvent *pEvent ) const OVERRIDE { // Check if the classes match
int iClass = pPlayer->GetPlayerClass()->GetClassIndex(); return m_iClass == iClass; }
int m_iClass; }; REGISTER_QUEST_CONDITION_SUB_CLASS( CTFQuestPlayerClassRestriction, player_class, FIELD_PLAYER );
// Purpose: quest player condition restriction
class CTFQuestPlayerConditionRestriction : public CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction { public: virtual const char *GetValueString() const OVERRIDE { return GetTFConditionName( m_eCondition ); }
virtual bool BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVItem, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors /* = NULL */ ) OVERRIDE { if ( !CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::BInitFromKV( pKVItem, pVecErrors ) ) return false;
const char *pszConditionName = pKVItem->GetString( "value", NULL ); m_eCondition = GetTFConditionFromName( pszConditionName ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_eCondition != TF_COND_INVALID, "%s", CFmtStr( "Invalid %s restriction '%s' for quest objective", GetConditionName(), pszConditionName ).Get() );
m_bOwnerMustBeProvider = pKVItem->GetBool( "provider_must_be_owner", false );
return true; }
virtual void GetRequiredParamKeys( KeyValues *pRequiredKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::GetRequiredParamKeys( pRequiredKeys );
KeyValues *pConditionsKey = new KeyValues( "value" ); for ( int i=0; i<TF_COND_LAST; ++i ) { const char *pszConditionName = GetTFConditionName( ETFCond( i ) ); pConditionsKey->AddSubKey( new KeyValues( pszConditionName ) ); } pRequiredKeys->AddSubKey( pConditionsKey );
KeyValues *pRequireOwnerIsProvider = new KeyValues( "provider_must_be_owner" );
KeyValues *pIsOwnerKeyChoiceTrue = new KeyValues( "1" ); pIsOwnerKeyChoiceTrue->SetString( "english_name", "true" ); pRequireOwnerIsProvider->AddSubKey( pIsOwnerKeyChoiceTrue );
KeyValues *pIsOwnerKeyChoiceFalse = new KeyValues( "0" ); pIsOwnerKeyChoiceFalse->SetString( "english_name", "false" ); pRequireOwnerIsProvider->AddSubKey( pIsOwnerKeyChoiceFalse );
pRequiredKeys->AddSubKey( pRequireOwnerIsProvider ); }
virtual void GetOutputKeyValues( KeyValues *pOutputKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::GetOutputKeyValues( pOutputKeys );
pOutputKeys->SetString( "value", GetValueString() ); pOutputKeys->SetBool( "provider_must_be_owner", m_bOwnerMustBeProvider ); }
virtual bool BPlayerCheck( const CTFPlayer* pPlayer, IGameEvent *pEvent ) const OVERRIDE { // Must be in the condition
if ( !pPlayer->m_Shared.InCond( m_eCondition ) ) return false;
// Might require the owner is the provider
if ( m_bOwnerMustBeProvider && pPlayer->m_Shared.GetConditionProvider( m_eCondition ) != GetQuestOwner() ) return false; return true; }
ETFCond m_eCondition; bool m_bOwnerMustBeProvider; }; REGISTER_QUEST_CONDITION_SUB_CLASS( CTFQuestPlayerConditionRestriction, player_condition, FIELD_PLAYER );
// Purpose: quest player condition restriction
class CTFQuestPlayerObjectRestriction : public CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CTFQuestPlayerObjectRestriction, CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction )
CTFQuestPlayerObjectRestriction() : m_pszObjectKey( NULL ), m_eObjectType( OBJ_DISPENSER ) {}
virtual const char *GetValueString() const OVERRIDE { return GetObjectInfo( m_eObjectType )->m_pObjectName; }
virtual bool BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVItem, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors /* = NULL */ ) OVERRIDE { if ( !CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::BInitFromKV( pKVItem, pVecErrors ) ) return false;
m_pszObjectKey = pKVItem->GetString( "object_key", NULL ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_pszObjectKey != NULL, "Missing object_key" );
const char *pszObjectTypeName = pKVItem->GetString( "value", NULL ); m_eObjectType = (ObjectType_t)GetBuildableId( pszObjectTypeName ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_eObjectType != OBJ_LAST, "%s", CFmtStr( "Invalid %s restriction '%s' for quest objective", GetConditionName(), pszObjectTypeName ).Get() );
return true; }
virtual bool IsValidForPlayer( const CTFPlayer *pOwner, InvalidReasonsContainer_t& invalidReasons ) const { CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::IsValidForPlayer( pOwner, invalidReasons );
if ( !pOwner->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_ENGINEER ) ) invalidReasons.m_bits.Set( INVALID_QUEST_REASON_WRONG_CLASS );
return false; }
virtual void GetRequiredParamKeys( KeyValues *pRequiredKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::GetRequiredParamKeys( pRequiredKeys );
GetValidParamsKeyFromEvent( "object_key", CTFQuestPlayerObjectRestriction::GetConditionName(), m_pszEventName, pRequiredKeys );
KeyValues *pObjectKey = new KeyValues( "value" ); for ( int i=0; i<OBJ_LAST; ++i ) { const char *pszObjectName = GetObjectInfo( ObjectType_t(i) )->m_pObjectName; pObjectKey->AddSubKey( new KeyValues( pszObjectName ) ); }
pRequiredKeys->AddSubKey( pObjectKey ); }
virtual void GetOutputKeyValues( KeyValues *pOutputKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::GetOutputKeyValues( pOutputKeys );
pOutputKeys->SetString( "object_key", m_pszObjectKey ); pOutputKeys->SetString( "value", GetValueString() ); }
virtual bool BPlayerCheck( const CTFPlayer* pPlayer, IGameEvent *pEvent ) const OVERRIDE { int nEntIndex = pEvent->GetInt( m_pszObjectKey ); #ifdef GAME_DLL
CBaseEntity *pObj = UTIL_EntityByIndex( nEntIndex ); #else
CBaseEntity *pObj = ClientEntityList().GetEnt( nEntIndex ); #endif
CBaseObject *pPlayerObj = pPlayer->GetObjectOfType( m_eObjectType ); return pObj && pPlayerObj && pObj == pPlayerObj; } const char *m_pszObjectKey; ObjectType_t m_eObjectType; }; REGISTER_QUEST_CONDITION_SUB_CLASS( CTFQuestPlayerObjectRestriction, object_type, FIELD_PLAYER | FIELD_OBJECT );
// Purpose: quest player condition restriction
class CTFQuestScorerRestriction : public CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction { public: CTFQuestScorerRestriction() : m_pszScorerKey( NULL ) {}
virtual bool BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVItem, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors /* = NULL */ ) OVERRIDE { if ( !CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::BInitFromKV( pKVItem, pVecErrors ) ) return false;
m_pszScorerKey = pKVItem->GetString( "scorer_key", NULL ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_pszScorerKey != NULL, "Missing scorer key" );
return true; }
virtual bool IsValidForPlayer( const CTFPlayer *pOwner, InvalidReasonsContainer_t& invalidReasons ) const { BaseClass::IsValidForPlayer( pOwner, invalidReasons );
if ( !pOwner->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_ENGINEER ) ) invalidReasons.m_bits.Set( INVALID_QUEST_REASON_WRONG_CLASS );
return false; }
virtual void GetRequiredParamKeys( KeyValues *pRequiredKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::GetRequiredParamKeys( pRequiredKeys );
GetValidParamsKeyFromEvent( "scorer_key", GetConditionName(), m_pszEventName, pRequiredKeys ); }
virtual void GetOutputKeyValues( KeyValues *pOutputKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::GetOutputKeyValues( pOutputKeys );
pOutputKeys->SetString( "scorer_key", m_pszScorerKey ); }
virtual bool BPlayerCheck( const CTFPlayer* pPlayer, IGameEvent *pEvent ) const OVERRIDE { #ifdef GAME_DLL
int nEntIndex = pEvent->GetInt( m_pszScorerKey );
CBaseEntity *pEnt = UTIL_EntityByIndex( nEntIndex ); IScorer* pScorer = dynamic_cast< IScorer* >( pEnt ); if ( !pScorer ) return false;
return pScorer->GetScorer() == pPlayer; #else
return true; #endif
const char *m_pszScorerKey; }; REGISTER_QUEST_CONDITION_SUB_CLASS( CTFQuestScorerRestriction, scorer, FIELD_PLAYER | FIELD_SCORER );
// Purpose: quest weapon restriction
class CTFQuestWeaponTypeRestriction : public CTFGenericStringRestriction { public: virtual const char *GetValueString() const OVERRIDE { return WeaponIdToAlias( m_eWeaponType ); }
virtual bool BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVItem, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors /* = NULL */ ) OVERRIDE { if ( !CTFGenericStringRestriction::BInitFromKV( pKVItem, pVecErrors ) ) return false;
m_eWeaponType = (ETFWeaponType)atoi( m_pszValue ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_eWeaponType != TF_WEAPON_NONE, "%s", CFmtStr( "Invalid weapon restriction '%s' for quest objective", m_pszValue ).Get() );
return true; }
virtual bool PassesRestrictions( IGameEvent *pEvent ) const OVERRIDE { ETFWeaponType weaponID = (ETFWeaponType)pEvent->GetInt( m_pszKeyName ); return m_eWeaponType == weaponID; }
private: ETFWeaponType m_eWeaponType; }; REGISTER_QUEST_CONDITION_SUB_CLASS( CTFQuestWeaponTypeRestriction, weapon_type, FIELD_WEAPON_TYPE );
// Purpose: quest custom damage restriction
class CTFQuestCustomDamageRestriction : public CTFQuestRestriction { public: virtual const char *GetValueString() const OVERRIDE { return GetCustomDamageName( m_eCustomDamageType ); }
virtual bool BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVItem, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors /* = NULL */ ) OVERRIDE { if ( !CTFQuestRestriction::BInitFromKV( pKVItem, pVecErrors ) ) return false;
const char *pszCustomDamageName = pKVItem->GetString( "value", NULL ); m_eCustomDamageType = GetCustomDamageFromName( pszCustomDamageName ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_eCustomDamageType != TF_DMG_CUSTOM_NONE, "%s", CFmtStr( "Invalid weapon restriction '%s' for quest objective", pszCustomDamageName ).Get() );
m_pszCustomDamageKey = pKVItem->GetString( "custom_damage_key", NULL ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_pszCustomDamageKey != NULL, "Invalid custom_damage_key!" );
return true; }
virtual bool PassesRestrictions( IGameEvent *pEvent ) const OVERRIDE { ETFDmgCustom customDamageType = (ETFDmgCustom)pEvent->GetInt( m_pszCustomDamageKey ); return m_eCustomDamageType == customDamageType; }
virtual void GetRequiredParamKeys( KeyValues *pRequiredKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestRestriction::GetRequiredParamKeys( pRequiredKeys );
GetValidParamsKeyFromEvent( "custom_damage_key", GetConditionName(), m_pszEventName, pRequiredKeys );
KeyValues *pDamageKey = new KeyValues( "value" ); for ( int i=0; i<TF_DMG_CUSTOM_END; ++i ) { const char *pszCustomDamageName = GetCustomDamageName( ETFDmgCustom( i ) ); pDamageKey->AddSubKey( new KeyValues( pszCustomDamageName ) ); }
pRequiredKeys->AddSubKey( pDamageKey ); }
virtual void GetOutputKeyValues( KeyValues *pOutputKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestRestriction::GetOutputKeyValues( pOutputKeys );
pOutputKeys->SetString( "value", GetValueString() ); }
private: ETFDmgCustom m_eCustomDamageType; const char *m_pszCustomDamageKey; }; REGISTER_QUEST_CONDITION_SUB_CLASS( CTFQuestCustomDamageRestriction, custom_damage, FIELD_CUSTOM_DAMAGE );
// Purpose: quest flag event restriction
class CTFFlagEventTypeRestriction : public CTFQuestRestriction { public:
CTFFlagEventTypeRestriction() : m_eEventType( TF_FLAGEVENT_CAPTURE ) , m_pszKeyName( NULL ) {}
virtual const char *GetValueString() const OVERRIDE { return GetCTFEventName( m_eEventType ); }
virtual bool BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVItem, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors /* = NULL */ ) OVERRIDE { if ( !CTFQuestRestriction::BInitFromKV( pKVItem, pVecErrors ) ) return false;
const char *pszEventType = pKVItem->GetString( "value", NULL ); m_eEventType = GetCTFEventTypeFromName( pszEventType ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_eEventType != TF_NUM_FLAG_EVENTS, "%s", CFmtStr( "Invalid CTF Event Type '%s' for quest objective", pszEventType ).Get() );
m_pszKeyName = pKVItem->GetString( "event_key", "eventtype" ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_pszKeyName != NULL, "Missing \"event_key\" for flag_event_type" );
return true; }
virtual bool PassesRestrictions( IGameEvent *pEvent ) const OVERRIDE { ETFFlagEventTypes eEventType = (ETFFlagEventTypes)pEvent->GetInt( m_pszKeyName ); return m_eEventType == eEventType; }
virtual void GetRequiredParamKeys( KeyValues *pRequiredKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestRestriction::GetRequiredParamKeys( pRequiredKeys );
GetValidParamsKeyFromEvent( "event_key", "flag_event", m_pszEventName, pRequiredKeys );
KeyValues *pEventKey = new KeyValues( "value" ); for ( int i=1; i<TF_NUM_FLAG_EVENTS; ++i ) { const char *pszEventType = GetCTFEventName( ETFFlagEventTypes( i ) ); pEventKey->AddSubKey( new KeyValues( pszEventType ) ); }
pRequiredKeys->AddSubKey( pEventKey ); }
virtual void GetOutputKeyValues( KeyValues *pOutputKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestRestriction::GetOutputKeyValues( pOutputKeys );
pOutputKeys->SetString( "value", GetValueString() ); pOutputKeys->SetString( "event_key", m_pszKeyName ); }
private: ETFFlagEventTypes m_eEventType; const char* m_pszKeyName; }; REGISTER_QUEST_CONDITION_SUB_CLASS( CTFFlagEventTypeRestriction, flag_event_type, FIELD_FLAG_EVENT );
static const char *s_pszTeamRestrictionNames[] = { "TEAM_ANY", "TEAM_IS_OWNERS", "TEAM_IS_NOT_OWNERS", }; //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: quest custom damage restriction
class CTFQuestTeamRestriction : public CTFQuestRestriction { public:
CTFQuestTeamRestriction() : m_eTeamRestriction( TEAM_RESTRICTION_ANY ) , m_pszTeamKey( NULL ) {}
virtual const char *GetValueString() const OVERRIDE { return s_pszTeamRestrictionNames[ m_eTeamRestriction ]; }
virtual bool BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVItem, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors /* = NULL */ ) OVERRIDE { if ( !CTFQuestRestriction::BInitFromKV( pKVItem, pVecErrors ) ) return false;
m_eTeamRestriction = (ETeamRestriction)pKVItem->GetInt( "team_requirement", TEAM_RESTRICTION_ANY );
m_pszTeamKey = pKVItem->GetString( "team_key", NULL ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_pszTeamKey != NULL, "Missing \"m_pszTeamKey\" in team_restriction" );
return true; }
virtual bool PassesRestrictions( IGameEvent *pEvent ) const OVERRIDE { int nTeam = pEvent->GetInt( m_pszTeamKey, TEAM_INVALID ); if ( nTeam == TEAM_INVALID ) { AssertMsg( 0, "This event doesn't specify a team." ); return false; }
const CTFPlayer *pOwner = GetQuestOwner(); bool bTeamIsOwners = nTeam == pOwner->GetTeamNumber(); if ( ( m_eTeamRestriction == TEAM_RESTRICTION_IS_OWNERS && !bTeamIsOwners ) || ( m_eTeamRestriction == TEAM_RESTRICTION_IS_NOT_OWNERS && bTeamIsOwners ) ) { return false; }
return true; }
virtual void GetRequiredParamKeys( KeyValues *pRequiredKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestRestriction::GetRequiredParamKeys( pRequiredKeys );
GetValidParamsKeyFromEvent( "team_key", GetConditionName(), m_pszEventName, pRequiredKeys );
KeyValues *pTeamReq = new KeyValues( "team_requirement" );
for( int i=0; i<TEAM_RESTRICTION_MAX; ++i ) { KeyValues *pTeam = new KeyValues( CFmtStr( "%d", i ) ); pTeam->SetString( "english_name", s_pszTeamRestrictionNames[ i ] ); pTeamReq->AddSubKey( pTeam ); }
pRequiredKeys->AddSubKey( pTeamReq ); }
virtual void GetOutputKeyValues( KeyValues *pOutputKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestRestriction::GetOutputKeyValues( pOutputKeys );
pOutputKeys->SetInt( "team_requirement", m_eTeamRestriction ); pOutputKeys->SetString( "team_key", m_pszTeamKey ); }
private: ETeamRestriction m_eTeamRestriction; const char* m_pszTeamKey; }; REGISTER_QUEST_CONDITION_SUB_CLASS( CTFQuestTeamRestriction, team_restriction, FIELD_TEAM );
// Purpose: quest map restriction
class CTFQuestMapRestriction : public CTFQuestRestriction { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CTFQuestMapRestriction, CTFQuestRestriction )
CTFQuestMapRestriction() : m_pszMapName( NULL ) { }
virtual const char *GetValueString() const OVERRIDE { return m_pszMapName; }
virtual bool BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVItem, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors /* = NULL */ ) OVERRIDE { if ( !CTFQuestRestriction::BInitFromKV( pKVItem, pVecErrors ) ) return false;
m_pszMapName = pKVItem->GetString( "value", NULL ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_pszMapName != NULL, "Missing map name." ); // TODO: validate map name against some white list here
return true; }
virtual bool PassesRestrictions( IGameEvent *pEvent ) const OVERRIDE { return IsValidMap(); }
virtual bool IsValidForPlayer( const CTFPlayer *pOwner, InvalidReasonsContainer_t& invalidReasons ) const { BaseClass::IsValidForPlayer( pOwner, invalidReasons );
if ( !IsValidMap() ) invalidReasons.m_bits.Set( INVALID_QUEST_REASON_WRONG_MAP );
return true; }
virtual void GetRequiredParamKeys( KeyValues *pRequiredKeys ) OVERRIDE { //const CUtlVector<SchemaMap_t>& maps = GetItemSchema()->GetMaps();
KeyValues *pMapKey = new KeyValues( "value" ); pMapKey->SetString( "control_type", "text_entry" ); /*for ( int i=0; i<maps.Count(); ++i )
{ const char *pszMapName = maps[i].pszMapName; pMapKey->AddSubKey( new KeyValues( pszMapName ) ); }*/
pRequiredKeys->AddSubKey( pMapKey ); }
virtual void GetOutputKeyValues( KeyValues *pOutputKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestRestriction::GetOutputKeyValues( pOutputKeys );
pOutputKeys->SetString( "value", GetValueString() ); }
private: bool IsValidMap() const { #ifdef CLIENT_DLL
const char *pszMapName = TFGameRules()->MapName(); #else
const char *pszMapName = gpGlobals->mapname.ToCStr(); #endif
return !V_stricmp( m_pszMapName, pszMapName ); }
const char *m_pszMapName; }; REGISTER_QUEST_CONDITION_SUB_CLASS( CTFQuestMapRestriction, map, FIELD_NONE );
// Purpose: quest game type restriction
class CTFQuestGameTypeRestriction : public CTFQuestRestriction { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CTFQuestGameTypeRestriction, CTFQuestRestriction )
CTFQuestGameTypeRestriction() : m_eGameType( (ETFGameType)0 ) {}
virtual const char *GetValueString() const OVERRIDE { return GetEnumGameTypeName( m_eGameType ); }
virtual bool BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVItem, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors /* = NULL */ ) OVERRIDE { if ( !CTFQuestRestriction::BInitFromKV( pKVItem, pVecErrors ) ) return false;
const char *pszVal = pKVItem->GetString( "value", NULL ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( pszVal != NULL, "Missing game_type name." ); m_eGameType = GetGameTypeFromName( pszVal ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_eGameType != TF_GAMETYPE_UNDEFINED, "Invalid game_type name." );
return true; }
virtual bool PassesRestrictions( IGameEvent *pEvent ) const OVERRIDE { return TFGameRules()->GetGameType() == m_eGameType; }
virtual bool IsValidForPlayer( const CTFPlayer *pOwner, InvalidReasonsContainer_t& invalidReasons ) const { BaseClass::IsValidForPlayer( pOwner, invalidReasons );
if ( TFGameRules()->GetGameType() != m_eGameType ) invalidReasons.m_bits.Set( INVALID_QUEST_REASON_WRONG_GAME_MODE );
return false; }
virtual void GetRequiredParamKeys( KeyValues *pRequiredKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestRestriction::GetRequiredParamKeys( pRequiredKeys );
KeyValues *pGameType = new KeyValues( "value" ); for ( int i=0; i<TF_GAMETYPE_COUNT; ++i ) { const char *pszGameType = GetEnumGameTypeName( ETFGameType( i ) ); pGameType->AddSubKey( new KeyValues( pszGameType ) ); }
pRequiredKeys->AddSubKey( pGameType ); }
virtual void GetOutputKeyValues( KeyValues *pOutputKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestRestriction::GetOutputKeyValues( pOutputKeys );
pOutputKeys->SetString( "value", GetValueString() ); }
private: ETFGameType m_eGameType; }; REGISTER_QUEST_CONDITION_SUB_CLASS( CTFQuestGameTypeRestriction, game_type, FIELD_NONE );
static const char *s_loadout_position_names[] = { // Weapons & Equipment
// Wearables. If you add new wearable slots, make sure you add them to IsWearableSlot() below this.
"LOADOUT_POSITION_ACTION", // More wearables, yay!
// Extra PDA mod slots
// Purpose: quest loadout position restriction
class CTFQuestLoadoutPositionRestriction : public CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CTFQuestLoadoutPositionRestriction, CTFQuestRestriction )
CTFQuestLoadoutPositionRestriction() : m_eLoadoutPosition( LOADOUT_POSITION_INVALID ) , m_pszLoadoutKey( NULL ) {}
virtual const char *GetValueString() const OVERRIDE { if ( m_eLoadoutPosition == LOADOUT_POSITION_INVALID ) { return "LOADOUT_POSITION_INVALID"; } return s_loadout_position_names[ m_eLoadoutPosition ]; }
virtual bool BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVItem, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors /* = NULL */ ) OVERRIDE { if ( !CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::BInitFromKV( pKVItem, pVecErrors ) ) return false;
const char *pszVal = pKVItem->GetString( "value", NULL ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( pszVal != NULL, "Missing loadout_position name." ); m_eLoadoutPosition = GetLoadoutPositionByName( pszVal ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_eLoadoutPosition != LOADOUT_POSITION_INVALID, "Invalid loadout_position name." );
m_pszPlayerKey = pKVItem->GetString( "player_key", NULL ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_pszPlayerKey != NULL, "Missing \"player_key\" in loadout_position" );
m_pszLoadoutKey = pKVItem->GetString( "loadout_key", NULL ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_pszLoadoutKey != NULL, "Missing \"loadout_key\" in loadout_position" );
return true; }
virtual void GetRequiredParamKeys( KeyValues *pRequiredKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::GetRequiredParamKeys( pRequiredKeys );
GetValidParamsKeyFromEvent( "loadout_key", GetConditionName(), m_pszEventName, pRequiredKeys );
KeyValues *pLoadoutPositions = new KeyValues( "value" ); int iLoadoutPositionCount = ARRAYSIZE( s_loadout_position_names ); for ( int i=0; i<iLoadoutPositionCount; ++i ) { const char *pszLoadoutPosition = s_loadout_position_names[i]; pLoadoutPositions->AddSubKey( new KeyValues( pszLoadoutPosition ) ); }
pRequiredKeys->AddSubKey( pLoadoutPositions ); }
virtual void GetOutputKeyValues( KeyValues *pOutputKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestBasePlayerRestriction::GetOutputKeyValues( pOutputKeys );
pOutputKeys->SetString( "value", GetValueString() );
pOutputKeys->SetString( "loadout_key", m_pszLoadoutKey ); }
private: loadout_positions_t GetLoadoutPositionByName( const char *pszLoadoutPositionName ) { int iLoadoutPositionCount = ARRAYSIZE( s_loadout_position_names ); for ( int i=0; i<iLoadoutPositionCount; ++i ) { if ( FStrEq( pszLoadoutPositionName, s_loadout_position_names[i] ) ) { return loadout_positions_t(i); } }
virtual bool BPlayerCheck( const CTFPlayer* pPlayer, IGameEvent *pEvent ) const OVERRIDE { int iClass = pPlayer->GetPlayerClass()->GetClassIndex();
item_definition_index_t iItemDef = pEvent->GetInt( m_pszLoadoutKey, INVALID_ITEM_DEF_INDEX ); if ( iItemDef != INVALID_ITEM_DEF_INDEX ) { GameItemDefinition_t *pDef = ItemSystem()->GetStaticDataForItemByDefIndex( iItemDef ); Assert( pDef ); if ( pDef ) { return pDef->GetLoadoutSlot( iClass ) == m_eLoadoutPosition; } } return false; }
loadout_positions_t m_eLoadoutPosition; const char* m_pszLoadoutKey; }; REGISTER_QUEST_CONDITION_SUB_CLASS( CTFQuestLoadoutPositionRestriction, loadout_position, FIELD_PLAYER | FIELD_LOADOUT_POSITION );
// Purpose: quest player condition restriction
class CTFConditionQuestCondition : public CTFQuestRestriction { public: CTFConditionQuestCondition() : m_pszKeyName( NULL ) {}
virtual const char *GetValueString() const OVERRIDE { return GetTFConditionName( m_eCondition ); }
virtual bool BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVItem, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors /* = NULL */ ) OVERRIDE { const char *pszKeyName = pKVItem->GetString( "condition_key", NULL ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( pszKeyName != NULL, "Missing key_to_lookup in condition" );
const char *pszConditionName = pKVItem->GetString( "value" ); m_eCondition = GetTFConditionFromName( pszConditionName ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_eCondition != TF_COND_INVALID, "%s", CFmtStr( "Invalid %s restriction '%s' for quest objective", GetConditionName(), pszConditionName ).Get() );
return true; }
virtual void GetRequiredParamKeys( KeyValues *pRequiredKeys ) OVERRIDE { KeyValues *pConditionsKey = new KeyValues( "value" ); for ( int i=0; i<TF_COND_LAST; ++i ) { const char *pszConditionName = GetTFConditionName( ETFCond( i ) ); pConditionsKey->AddSubKey( new KeyValues( pszConditionName ) ); }
GetValidParamsKeyFromEvent( "condition_key", GetConditionName(), m_pszEventName, pRequiredKeys );
pRequiredKeys->AddSubKey( pConditionsKey ); }
virtual void GetOutputKeyValues( KeyValues *pOutputKeys ) OVERRIDE { pOutputKeys->SetString( "value", GetValueString() ); pOutputKeys->SetString( "condition_key", m_pszKeyName ); }
virtual bool PassesRestrictions( IGameEvent *pEvent ) const OVERRIDE { return pEvent->GetInt( m_pszKeyName ) == m_eCondition; }
ETFCond m_eCondition; const char *m_pszKeyName; }; REGISTER_QUEST_CONDITION_SUB_CLASS( CTFConditionQuestCondition, condition, FIELD_CONDITION );
CTFQuestRestriction *CreateRestrictionByName( const char *pszName, CTFQuestCondition* pParent ) { CTFQuestRestriction *pNewRestriction = NULL; auto idx = k_mapConditions.Find( pszName ); if ( idx != k_mapConditions.InvalidIndex() ) { pNewRestriction = static_cast<CTFQuestRestriction*>( k_mapConditions[ idx ]->m_pfnQuestCreate() ); pNewRestriction->SetFieldName( k_mapConditions[ idx ]->m_pszFieldName ); pNewRestriction->SetTypeName( k_mapConditions.Key( idx ) ); }
if ( pNewRestriction ) { pNewRestriction->SetParent( pParent );
const char *pszEventName = pParent->GetEventName();
// in the case that parent has no event name (new node from editor)
// default the event name to the first valid event from the global event list
if ( !pszEventName ) { KeyValues *pQuestEvents = GetQuestEventsKeyValues(); if ( pQuestEvents ) { const KeyValues *pFirstKey = pQuestEvents->GetFirstTrueSubKey(); if ( pFirstKey ) { pszEventName = pFirstKey->GetName(); } } }
pNewRestriction->SetEventName( pszEventName ); } AssertMsg( pNewRestriction, "Invalid quest restriction type '%s'", pszName ); return pNewRestriction; }
// Purpose: quest event
class CTFQuestEventListener : public CTFQuestEvaluator, public CGameEventListener { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CTFQuestEventListener, CTFQuestEvaluator )
CTFQuestEventListener() { m_pRestrictions = NULL; m_pszEventName = NULL; m_pszOverrideScoreKeyName = NULL; }
virtual ~CTFQuestEventListener() { if ( m_pRestrictions ) { delete m_pRestrictions; } }
virtual const char *GetConditionName() const OVERRIDE { return "event_listener"; } virtual const char *GetValueString() const OVERRIDE { return m_pszEventName; }
virtual bool BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVItem, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors /* = NULL */ ) OVERRIDE { if ( !CTFQuestEvaluator::BInitFromKV( pKVItem, pVecErrors ) ) return false;
m_pszEventName = pKVItem->GetString( "event_name", NULL ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_pszEventName != NULL, "%s", CFmtStr( "Invalid %s condition. Missing 'event_name'", GetConditionName() ).Get() ); #ifdef GAME_DLL // Only the server needs to listen for events
ListenForGameEvent( m_pszEventName ); #endif
m_pszOverrideScoreKeyName = pKVItem->GetString( "score_key_name", "none" ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_pszOverrideScoreKeyName != NULL, "Missing score_key_name" );
FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pKVItem, pSubKey ) { SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( !m_pRestrictions, "%s", CFmtStr( "Too many input for operator '%s'.", GetConditionName() ).Get() );
const char *pszType = pSubKey->GetString( "type" ); m_pRestrictions = CreateRestrictionByName( pszType, this ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_pRestrictions != NULL, "%s", CFmtStr( "Failed to create quest restriction name '%s' for '%s'", pszType, GetConditionName() ).Get() );
SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_pRestrictions->BInitFromKV( pSubKey, pVecErrors ), "Failed to init from KeyValues" ); }
return true; }
virtual bool IsValidForPlayer( const CTFPlayer *pOwner, InvalidReasonsContainer_t& invalidReasons ) const { BaseClass::IsValidForPlayer( pOwner, invalidReasons );
int nNumFound = 0; for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients && nNumFound < s_nMinConnectedPlayersForQuestProgress; ++i ) { #ifdef CLIENT_DLL
IGameResources *gr = GameResources(); if ( !gr || !gr->IsConnected( i ) ) continue; #else
CBasePlayer* pPlayer = ToTFPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) ); if ( !pPlayer ) continue; #endif
++nNumFound; }
if ( nNumFound < s_nMinConnectedPlayersForQuestProgress ) invalidReasons.m_bits.Set( INVALID_QUEST_REASON_NOT_ENOUGH_PLAYERS );
if ( m_pRestrictions ) { m_pRestrictions->IsValidForPlayer( pOwner, invalidReasons ); }
return true; }
virtual void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *pEvent ) OVERRIDE { // This can happen when the player's SteamID isn't setup yet after a
// disconnect -> reconnect
if ( GetQuestOwner() == NULL ) return;
InvalidReasonsContainer_t invalidReasons; IsValidForPlayer( GetQuestOwner(), invalidReasons );
if ( !invalidReasons.m_bits.IsAllClear() ) return;
const char *pszEventName = pEvent->GetName(); if ( FStrEq( m_pszEventName, pszEventName ) ) { if ( !m_pRestrictions || m_pRestrictions->PassesRestrictions( pEvent ) ) { int nScoreOverride = m_pszOverrideScoreKeyName ? pEvent->GetInt( m_pszOverrideScoreKeyName, 1 ) : 1;
EvaluateCondition( this, nScoreOverride ); } } }
virtual void EvaluateCondition( CTFQuestEvaluator *pSender, int nScore ) OVERRIDE { Assert( GetParent() && GetParent()->IsEvaluator() ); assert_cast< CTFQuestEvaluator* >( GetParent() )->EvaluateCondition( pSender, nScore ) ; }
virtual void ResetCondition() OVERRIDE { // DO NOTHING
CTFQuestCondition* AddChildByName( const char *pszChildName ) OVERRIDE { if ( m_pRestrictions ) { Assert( m_pRestrictions == NULL ); return NULL; } m_pRestrictions = CreateRestrictionByName( pszChildName, this ); Assert( m_pRestrictions ); return m_pRestrictions; }
virtual int GetChildren( CUtlVector< CTFQuestCondition* >& vecChildren ) OVERRIDE { if ( m_pRestrictions ) { vecChildren.AddToTail( m_pRestrictions ); return vecChildren.Count(); }
return 0; }
bool RemoveAndDeleteChild( CTFQuestCondition *pChild ) OVERRIDE { bool bRemoved = m_pRestrictions == pChild; Assert( bRemoved );
if ( bRemoved ) { delete m_pRestrictions; m_pRestrictions = NULL; }
return bRemoved; }
virtual void GetRequiredParamKeys( KeyValues *pRequiredKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestEvaluator::GetRequiredParamKeys( pRequiredKeys );
KeyValues *pQuestEvents = GetQuestEventsKeyValues(); if ( pQuestEvents ) { KeyValues *pScoreKeys = new KeyValues( "score_key_name" ); KeyValues *pEventsKey = new KeyValues( "event_name" ); FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pQuestEvents, pSubKey ) { const char *pszEventName = pSubKey->GetName(); pEventsKey->AddSubKey( new KeyValues( pszEventName ) );
if ( m_pszEventName && FStrEq( pszEventName, m_pszEventName ) ) { KeyValues* pScoreSubKeys = pSubKey->FindKey( "score_keys" ); if ( pScoreSubKeys ) { FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pScoreSubKeys, pScore ) { pScoreKeys->AddSubKey( new KeyValues( pScore->GetName() ) ); } } } }
pRequiredKeys->AddSubKey( pEventsKey ); if ( pScoreKeys->GetFirstTrueSubKey() ) { pScoreKeys->AddSubKey( new KeyValues( "none" ) ); pRequiredKeys->AddSubKey( pScoreKeys ); } }
virtual void GetOutputKeyValues( KeyValues *pOutputKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestEvaluator::GetOutputKeyValues( pOutputKeys );
pOutputKeys->SetString( "event_name", GetValueString() ); pOutputKeys->SetString( "score_key_name", m_pszOverrideScoreKeyName ); }
virtual const char* GetEventName() const OVERRIDE { return m_pszEventName; }
virtual void SetEventName( const char *pszEventName ) OVERRIDE { m_pszEventName = pszEventName; }
virtual int GetMaxInputCount() const { return 1; }
const char *m_pszEventName; const char *m_pszOverrideScoreKeyName; CTFQuestRestriction *m_pRestrictions; };
// Purpose: count evaluator
class CTFQuestCountEvaluator : public CTFQuestEvaluator { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CTFQuestCountEvaluator, CTFQuestEvaluator )
virtual ~CTFQuestCountEvaluator() { m_vecChildren.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); }
virtual const char *GetConditionName() const OVERRIDE { return "counter"; }
virtual bool BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVItem, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors /* = NULL */ ) OVERRIDE { if ( !CTFQuestEvaluator::BInitFromKV( pKVItem, pVecErrors ) ) return false;
m_nStart = m_nCount = pKVItem->GetInt( "start" ); m_nEnd = pKVItem->GetInt( "end" );
FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pKVItem, pSubKey ) { const char *pszType = pSubKey->GetString( "type" ); CTFQuestEvaluator *pNewCond = assert_cast< CTFQuestEvaluator* >( CreateEvaluatorByName( pszType, this ) ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( pNewCond && pNewCond->BInitFromKV( pSubKey, pVecErrors ), "Failed to init from KeyValues" );
const char *pszAction = pSubKey->GetString( "action", NULL ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( pszAction != NULL, "Missing action key" ); pNewCond->SetAction( pszAction );
m_vecChildren.AddToTail( pNewCond ); }
return true; }
virtual bool IsValidForPlayer( const CTFPlayer *pOwner, InvalidReasonsContainer_t& invalidReasons ) const { BaseClass::IsValidForPlayer( pOwner, invalidReasons );
bool bIsForLocalPlayer = false; FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecChildren, i ) { bIsForLocalPlayer |= m_vecChildren[i]->IsValidForPlayer( pOwner, invalidReasons ); }
return bIsForLocalPlayer; }
virtual void EvaluateCondition( CTFQuestEvaluator *pSender, int nScore ) OVERRIDE { const char *pszAction = pSender->GetAction(); if ( FStrEq( pszAction, "increment" ) ) { m_nCount += nScore; } else if ( FStrEq( pszAction, "decrement" ) ) { m_nCount -= nScore; // Don't dip below 0!
m_nCount = Max( 0, m_nCount ); } else if ( FStrEq( pszAction, "reset" ) ) { m_nCount = 0; } else { AssertMsg( 0, "Invalid evaluation condition '%s' for '%s'", pSender->GetConditionName(), GetConditionName() ); }
// Check how many time over we've scored
int nNumScored = m_nCount / m_nEnd; // Store the remainded
m_nCount -= ( nNumScored * m_nEnd );
if ( nNumScored > 0 ) { Assert( GetParent() && GetParent()->IsEvaluator() ); assert_cast< CTFQuestEvaluator* >( GetParent() )->EvaluateCondition( this, nNumScored ) ; } }
virtual void ResetCondition() OVERRIDE { m_nCount = 0; FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecChildren, i ) { m_vecChildren[i]->ResetCondition(); } }
virtual int GetChildrenSubTypeCount() const { return COUNTER_TYPE_COUNT; }
virtual int GetChildren( CUtlVector< CTFQuestCondition* >& vecChildren ) OVERRIDE { for ( int i=0; i<m_vecChildren.Count(); ++i ) { vecChildren.AddToTail( m_vecChildren[i] ); } return vecChildren.Count(); }
bool RemoveAndDeleteChild( CTFQuestCondition *pChild ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestEvaluator *pEvaluatorChild = assert_cast< CTFQuestEvaluator* >( pChild ); bool bRemoved = m_vecChildren.FindAndFastRemove( pEvaluatorChild ); Assert( bRemoved );
if ( bRemoved ) { delete pChild; }
return bRemoved; }
CTFQuestCondition* AddChildByName( const char *pszChildName ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestEvaluator *pNewEvaluator = CreateEvaluatorByName( pszChildName, this ); if ( pNewEvaluator ) { m_vecChildren.AddToTail( pNewEvaluator ); } return pNewEvaluator; }
virtual int GetMaxInputCount() const { return s_nMaxInputCount; }
virtual void GetRequiredParamKeys( KeyValues *pRequiredKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestEvaluator::GetRequiredParamKeys( pRequiredKeys );
KeyValues* pKVCounts = pRequiredKeys->CreateNewKey(); pKVCounts->SetName( "end" ); pKVCounts->SetString( "control_type", "text_entry" ); }
virtual void GetOutputKeyValues( KeyValues *pOutputKeys ) OVERRIDE { CTFQuestEvaluator::GetOutputKeyValues( pOutputKeys );
pOutputKeys->SetInt( "end", m_nEnd ); }
virtual void GetValidChildren( CUtlVector< const char* >& vecOutValidChildren ) const OVERRIDE { vecOutValidChildren.AddToTail( "event_listener" ); vecOutValidChildren.AddToTail( "counter" ); }
CUtlVector< CTFQuestEvaluator* > m_vecChildren; int m_nCount; int m_nStart; int m_nEnd; };
void CTFQuestEvaluator::GetRequiredParamKeys( KeyValues *pRequiredKeys ) { if ( GetParent() && dynamic_cast< CTFQuestCountEvaluator* >( GetParent() ) ) { KeyValues *pActionsKey = new KeyValues( "action" ); pActionsKey->AddSubKey( new KeyValues( "increment" ) ); pActionsKey->AddSubKey( new KeyValues( "decrement" ) ); pActionsKey->AddSubKey( new KeyValues( "reset" ) );
pRequiredKeys->AddSubKey( pActionsKey ); } }
CTFQuestEvaluator *CreateEvaluatorByName( const char *pszName, CTFQuestCondition* pParent ) { CTFQuestEvaluator *pNewEvaluator = NULL; if ( FStrEq( pszName, "event_listener" ) ) { pNewEvaluator = new CTFQuestEventListener; } else if ( FStrEq( pszName, "counter" ) ) { pNewEvaluator = new CTFQuestCountEvaluator; }
if ( pNewEvaluator ) { pNewEvaluator->SetParent( pParent ); } AssertMsg( pNewEvaluator, "Invalid quest evaluator type '%s'", pszName ); return pNewEvaluator; }