Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "vgui/IScheme.h"
#include "vgui/ILocalize.h"
#include "vgui/ISurface.h"
#include "vgui/ISystem.h"
#include "vgui/IVGui.h"
#include "vgui_controls/ImagePanel.h"
#include "vgui_controls/KeyRepeat.h"
#include "BasePanel.h"
class CSaveGameBrowserDialog;
using namespace vgui;
// Purpose: selectable item with screenshot for an individual chapter in the dialog
class CGameSavePanel : public vgui::EditablePanel { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CGameSavePanel, vgui::EditablePanel );
public: CGameSavePanel( CSaveGameBrowserDialog *parent, SaveGameDescription_t *pSaveDesc, bool bCommandPanel = false ); ~CGameSavePanel( void );
virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme ); bool IsAutoSaveType( void ) { return ( Q_stristr( m_SaveInfo.szType, "autosave" ) != 0 ); }
const SaveGameDescription_t *GetSaveInfo( void ) { return ( const SaveGameDescription_t * ) &m_SaveInfo; } void SetDescription( SaveGameDescription_t *pDesc );
SaveGameDescription_t m_SaveInfo; // Stored internally for easy access
ImagePanel *m_pLevelPicBorder; ImagePanel *m_pLevelPic; ImagePanel *m_pCommentaryIcon; Label *m_pChapterTitle; Label *m_pTime; Label *m_pElapsedTime; Label *m_pType;
Color m_TextColor; Color m_DisabledColor; Color m_SelectedColor; Color m_FillColor;
bool m_bNewSavePanel; };
// Slot indices in new game menu
#define INVALID_INDEX -1
#define SLOT_OFFLEFT 0
#define SLOT_LEFT 1
#define SLOT_CENTER 2
#define SLOT_RIGHT 3
#define NUM_SLOTS 5
// Purpose: Handles starting a new game, skill and chapter selection
class CSaveGameBrowserDialog : public vgui::Frame { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CSaveGameBrowserDialog, vgui::Frame );
public: MESSAGE_FUNC( FinishScroll, "FinishScroll" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( FinishDelete, "FinishDelete" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( FinishInsert, "FinishInsert" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( FinishOverwriteFadeDown, "FinishOverwriteFadeDown" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( CloseAfterSave, "CloseAfterSave" );
CSaveGameBrowserDialog(vgui::Panel *parent ); ~CSaveGameBrowserDialog();
virtual void OnKeyCodePressed( vgui::KeyCode code );
virtual void Activate( void ); virtual void ApplySettings( KeyValues *inResourceData ); virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ); virtual void OnClose( void ); virtual void PaintBackground(); virtual void PerformSelectedAction( void ); virtual void PerformDeletion( void ); virtual void UpdateFooterOptions( void ); virtual void SortSaveGames( SaveGameDescription_t *pSaves, unsigned int nNumSaves ); virtual void OnThink( void ); virtual void OnKeyCodeReleased( vgui::KeyCode code ); virtual void OnDoneScanningSaveGames( void ) {} virtual void RefreshSaveGames( void ); unsigned int GetNumPanels( void ) { return m_SavePanels.Count(); } bool HasActivePanels( void ) { return ( m_SavePanels.Count() != 0 ); } CGameSavePanel *GetActivePanel( void ); int GetActivePanelIndex( void ) { return m_iSelectedSave; } CFooterPanel *GetFooterPanel( void ) { return m_pFooter; } const SaveGameDescription_t *GetPanelSaveDecription( int idx ) { return ( IsValidPanel(idx) ? m_SavePanels[idx]->GetSaveInfo() : NULL ); } const SaveGameDescription_t *GetActivePanelSaveDescription( void ) { return GetPanelSaveDecription( m_iSelectedSave ); }
uint GetStorageSpaceUsed( void ) { return m_nUsedStorageSpace; }
void SetSelectedSaveIndex( int index ); void SetSelectedSave( const char *chapter ); void AddPanel( CGameSavePanel *pPanel ) { m_SavePanels.AddToHead( pPanel ); } void RemoveActivePanel( void ); void AnimateInsertNewPanel( const SaveGameDescription_t *pDesc ); void AnimateOverwriteActivePanel( const SaveGameDescription_t *pNewDesc );
void SetControlDisabled( bool bState ) { m_bControlDisabled = bState; }
// Xbox: Defined values are also used to shift the slot indices
enum EScrollDirection { SCROLL_RIGHT = -1, SCROLL_NONE = 0, SCROLL_LEFT = 1 }; EScrollDirection m_ScrollDirection;
bool m_bFilterAutosaves; CKeyRepeatHandler m_KeyRepeat;
bool ParseSaveData( char const *pszFileName, char const *pszShortName, SaveGameDescription_t *save );
private: CUtlVector<CGameSavePanel *> m_SavePanels; int m_iSelectedSave; float m_ScrollSpeedSlow; float m_ScrollSpeedFast; int m_nDeletedPanel; // Panel being subtracted
int m_nAddedPanel; // Panel being added
SaveGameDescription_t m_NewSaveGameDesc; // Held for panel animations
uint m_nUsedStorageSpace; // Amount of disk space used by save games
vgui::Panel *m_pCenterBg; CFooterPanel *m_pFooter;
// Xbox
void ScrollSelectionPanels( EScrollDirection dir ); void PreScroll( EScrollDirection dir ); void PostScroll( EScrollDirection dir ); void SetFastScroll( bool fast ); void ContinueScrolling( void ); void AnimateSelectionPanels( void ); void ShiftPanelIndices( int offset ); bool IsValidPanel( const int idx ); void InitPanelIndexForDisplay( const int idx ); void UpdateMenuComponents( EScrollDirection dir ); void ScanSavedGames( bool bIgnoreAutosave ); void LayoutPanels( void ); // "No Save Games" label
void ShowNoSaveGameUI( void ); void HideNoSaveGameUI( void ); void PerformSlideAction( int nPanelIndex, int nNextPanelIndex ); void AnimateDialogStart( void );
int m_nCenterBgTallDefault; int m_PanelXPos[ NUM_SLOTS ]; int m_PanelYPos[ NUM_SLOTS ]; float m_PanelAlpha[ NUM_SLOTS ]; int m_PanelIndex[ NUM_SLOTS ]; float m_ScrollSpeed; int m_ButtonPressed; int m_ScrollCt; bool m_bScrolling : 1; bool m_bSaveGameIsCorrupt : 1; bool m_bControlDisabled : 1; };