//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "History.h"
#include "MainFrm.h" // FIXME: For ObjectProperties
#include "MapDoc.h"
#include "MapView2D.h"
#include "MapPointHandle.h"
#include "PopupMenus.h"
#include "Render2D.h"
#include "StatusBarIDs.h" // For SetStatusText
#include "ToolManager.h"
#include "ToolPointHandle.h"
#include "Selection.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
class CToolPointHandleMsgWnd : public CWnd { public:
bool Create(void); void PreMenu2D(CToolPointHandle *pTool, CMapView2D *pView);
afx_msg void OnCenter(); //}}AFX_MSG
CToolPointHandle *m_pToolPointHandle; CMapView2D *m_pView2D; };
static CToolPointHandleMsgWnd s_wndToolMessage; static const char *g_pszClassName = "ValveEditor_PointHandleToolWnd";
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CToolPointHandleMsgWnd, CWnd) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CToolPointHandleMsgWnd)
// Purpose: Creates the hidden window that receives context menu commands for the
// block tool.
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CToolPointHandleMsgWnd::Create(void) { WNDCLASS wndcls; memset(&wndcls, 0, sizeof(WNDCLASS)); wndcls.lpfnWndProc = AfxWndProc; wndcls.hInstance = AfxGetInstanceHandle(); wndcls.lpszClassName = g_pszClassName;
if (!AfxRegisterClass(&wndcls)) { return(false); }
return(CWnd::CreateEx(0, g_pszClassName, g_pszClassName, 0, CRect(0, 0, 10, 10), NULL, 0) == TRUE); }
// Purpose: Attaches the tool to this window before activating the context menu.
void CToolPointHandleMsgWnd::PreMenu2D(CToolPointHandle *pToolPointHandle, CMapView2D *pView) { Assert(pToolPointHandle != NULL); m_pToolPointHandle = pToolPointHandle; m_pView2D = pView; }
// Purpose:
void CToolPointHandleMsgWnd::OnCenter() { if (m_pToolPointHandle) { m_pToolPointHandle->CenterOnParent(m_pView2D); } }
// Purpose: Constructor.
CToolPointHandle::CToolPointHandle(void) { m_pPoint = NULL; }
// Purpose: Attaches the point to the tool for manipulation.
void CToolPointHandle::Attach(CMapPointHandle *pPoint) { m_pPoint = pPoint; }
// Purpose: Handles left button down events in the 2D view.
// Input : Per CWnd::OnLButtonDown.
// Output : Returns true if the message was handled, false if not.
bool CToolPointHandle::OnLMouseDown2D(CMapView2D *pView, UINT nFlags, const Vector2D &VPoint) { //
// Activate this tool and start dragging the axis endpoint.
ToolManager()->PushTool(TOOL_POINT_HANDLE); pView->SetCapture();
GetHistory()->MarkUndoPosition( m_pDocument->GetSelection()->GetList(), "Modify Origin"); GetHistory()->Keep(m_pPoint); return true; }
// Purpose: Handles left button up events in the 2D view.
// Input : Per CWnd::OnLButtonUp.
// Output : Returns true if the message was handled, false if not.
bool CToolPointHandle::OnLMouseUp2D(CMapView2D *pView, UINT nFlags, const Vector2D &VPoint) { m_pPoint->UpdateOrigin(m_pPoint->m_Origin);
ToolManager()->PopTool(); ReleaseCapture();
m_pDocument->UpdateAllViews( MAPVIEW_UPDATE_TOOL ); return true; }
// Purpose: Handles mouse move events in the 2D view.
// Input : Per CWnd::OnMouseMove.
// Output : Returns true if the message was handled, false if not.
bool CToolPointHandle::OnMouseMove2D(CMapView2D *pView, UINT nFlags, const Vector2D &vPoint) { //
// Make sure the point is visible.
pView->ToolScrollToPoint( vPoint );
// Snap the point to half the grid size. Do this so that we can always center
// the origin even on odd-width objects.
Vector vecWorld; pView->ClientToWorld(vecWorld, vPoint);
m_pDocument->Snap(vecWorld, constrainHalfSnap);
// Move to the snapped position.
m_pPoint->m_Origin[pView->axHorz] = vecWorld[pView->axHorz]; m_pPoint->m_Origin[pView->axVert] = vecWorld[pView->axVert]; //
// Update the status bar and the views.
char szBuf[128]; sprintf(szBuf, " @%.0f, %.0f ", m_pPoint->m_Origin[pView->axHorz], m_pPoint->m_Origin[pView->axVert]); SetStatusText(SBI_COORDS, szBuf);
m_pDocument->UpdateAllViews( MAPVIEW_UPDATE_TOOL );
return true; }
// Purpose: Renders the tool in the 2D view.
// Input : pRender - The interface to use for rendering.
void CToolPointHandle::RenderTool2D(CRender2D *pRender) { SelectionState_t eState = m_pPoint->SetSelectionState(SELECT_MODIFY); m_pPoint->Render2D(pRender); m_pPoint->SetSelectionState(eState); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *pView -
// point -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CToolPointHandle::OnContextMenu2D(CMapView2D *pView, UINT nFlags, const Vector2D &vPoint) { static CMenu menu, menuCreate; static bool bInit = false;
if (!bInit) { bInit = true;
// Create the menu.
menu.LoadMenu(IDR_POPUPS); menuCreate.Attach(::GetSubMenu(menu.m_hMenu, IDM_POPUP_POINT_HANDLE));
// Create the window that handles menu messages.
s_wndToolMessage.Create(); }
if (!pView->PointInClientRect(vPoint) ) { return false; }
CPoint ptScreen( vPoint.x,vPoint.y); pView->ClientToScreen(&ptScreen);
s_wndToolMessage.PreMenu2D(this, pView); menuCreate.TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTBUTTON | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON | TPM_LEFTALIGN, ptScreen.x, ptScreen.y, &s_wndToolMessage);
return true; }
// Purpose:
void CToolPointHandle::CenterOnParent(CMapView *pView) { if (m_pPoint) { GetHistory()->MarkUndoPosition(m_pDocument->GetSelection()->GetList(), "Center Origin"); GetHistory()->Keep(m_pPoint);
CMapClass *pParent = m_pPoint->GetParent();
Vector vecCenter; pParent->GetBoundsCenter(vecCenter); m_pPoint->UpdateOrigin(vecCenter); m_pDocument->UpdateAllViews( MAPVIEW_UPDATE_TOOL ); } }