================================== TEXPOW2 by Iikka Keranen 2001
Loads TGA files and scales them up to the closest power of two. Overwrites the originals, so be careful and make backups. ================================== */
#define FLIST_LEN 2000
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "texpow2.h"
======= PROTOTYPES FOR FUNCS ======= */
long countval(char *str);
======= MAIN ======= */
// Glob vars...
long width, height;
void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned char *animname=NULL; unsigned char odname[256]; unsigned char ofname[256]; unsigned char *fname[FLIST_LEN]; long flags=0, contents=0, value=0; long x; unsigned char ignpal=0; short opn=0, numsrc=0; t_i_image *in; t_i_image *out;
printf("TEXPOW2 by Iikka Ker�nen 2001\n\n"); if (argc<2) { printf("Usage: TEXPOW2 <source> [source2] [source3] ... [options]\n"); printf("Options:\n"); printf("-o output dir -- output directory (by default, replaces original)\n\n"); return; }
for (x=1;x<argc;x++) { if (!stricmp(argv[x]+strlen(argv[x])-4,".tga")) { fname[numsrc]=argv[x]; numsrc++; } if (x<argc-1) { if (!strcmp(argv[x],"-o")) { strcpy(odname, argv[x+1]); opn=1; } } }
if (numsrc==1) printf("%d texture to be converted...\n", numsrc); else printf("%d textures to be converted...\n", numsrc);
for (x=0;x<numsrc;x++) { printf("%s ... ",fname[x]); if (!opn) strcpy(ofname, fname[x]); else sprintf(ofname, "%s/%s", odname, fname[x]);
in = i_load_tga(fname[x]); if (in) { out = powerof2(in); if (out) { i_save_tga(out, ofname); printf("Saved %s\n", ofname); } else { printf("Error!\n"); } } } }
======== SCALE ======== */
t_i_image *powerof2(t_i_image *img1) { int32 x,y,w,h; int32 dx, dy, tx, ty; uint32 c1, c2, c3, c4;
t_i_image *img;
w = 1; h = 1; while (w < img1->w) w = w * 2; while (h < img1->h) h = h * 2;
if (w < 2 || h < 2) return NULL;
img=new_image(w, h); if (!img) return NULL;
dx = ((img1->w) << 16) / (w); dy = ((img1->h) << 16) / (h); ty = 0; for (y = 0; y < h; y++) { tx = 0; for (x = 0; x < w; x++) { c1 = i_getpixel(img1, (tx>>16), (ty>>16)); c2 = i_getpixel(img1, (tx>>16)+1, (ty>>16)); c3 = i_getpixel(img1, (tx>>16), (ty>>16)+1); c4 = i_getpixel(img1, (tx>>16)+1, (ty>>16)+1);
c1 = i_pixel_alphamix(c1, c2, (tx & 0xffff)>>8); c2 = i_pixel_alphamix(c3, c4, (tx & 0xffff)>>8); c1 = i_pixel_alphamix(c1, c2, (ty & 0xffff)>>8);
i_putpixel(img, x, y, c1);
tx += dx; } ty += dy; }
return img; }
======== IMAGE ======== */
t_i_image *new_image(int32 w, int32 h) { t_i_image *img;
img=malloc(sizeof(t_i_image)); if (!img) { return NULL; }
img->w=w; img->h=h;
img->data=calloc(w*h, sizeof(uint32)); if (!img->data) { free(img); return NULL; }
img->data32 = (int32 *) img->data;
return img; }
void del_image(t_i_image *img) { if (!img) return;
if (img->data) free(img->data);
free(img); }
============= TGA SAVE/LOAD ============= */
t_i_image *i_load_tga(char *fname) { uint8 id_len, pal_type, img_type; uint16 f_color, pal_colors; uint8 pal_size; uint16 left, top, img_w, img_h; uint8 bpp, des_bits;
t_i_image *image;
uint8 *buffer; uint8 *line;
int32 x,y,po; uint8 die=0;
FILE *img;
img=fopen(fname, "rb"); if (!img) return NULL;
// load header
id_len=fgetc(img); pal_type=fgetc(img); img_type=fgetc(img); f_color=fgetc(img); f_color+=fgetc(img)<<8; pal_colors=fgetc(img); pal_colors+=fgetc(img)<<8; pal_size=fgetc(img); left=fgetc(img); left+=fgetc(img)<<8; top=fgetc(img); top+=fgetc(img)<<8; img_w=fgetc(img); img_w+=fgetc(img)<<8; img_h=fgetc(img); img_h+=fgetc(img)<<8; bpp=fgetc(img); des_bits=fgetc(img);
// check for unsupported features
if (id_len!=0 || pal_colors!=0 || (img_type!=2 && img_type!=3)) die=1;
if (img_type==3 && bpp!=8) die=1;
if (img_type==2 && bpp!=24 && bpp!=32) die=1;
if (die) { fclose(img); return NULL; }
// allocate buffer for the image
image=new_image(img_w, img_h); if (!image) return NULL; buffer=image->data;
// allocate temp buffer to store each line as they're read from the file
line=malloc(img_w*(bpp>>3)); if (!line) { del_image(image); fclose(img); return NULL; }
image->data32=(uint32 *)image->data;
// actually read the image data from file
for (y=0;y<img_h;y++) { // read a line into memory
fread(line, 1, img_w*(bpp>>3), img);
// convert into 32bit truecolor
if (des_bits & 0x20) po=y*img_w*4; else po=(img_h-y-1)*img_w*4; for (x=0;x<img_w;x++) { switch(bpp) { case 8: buffer[po++]=line[x]; buffer[po++]=line[x]; buffer[po++]=line[x]; buffer[po++]=0; break; case 24: buffer[po++]=line[x*3]; buffer[po++]=line[x*3+1]; buffer[po++]=line[x*3+2]; buffer[po++]=0; break; case 32: buffer[po++]=line[x*4]; buffer[po++]=line[x*4+1]; buffer[po++]=line[x*4+2]; buffer[po++]=line[x*4+3]; break; } } }
return image; }
void i_save_tga(t_i_image *image, char *fname) { uint16 img_w=image->w, img_h=image->h; uint8 *buffer; int32 y,x, po; FILE *img;
img=fopen(fname, "wb"); if (!img) return;
// save header
fputc(0, img); // id_len
fputc(0, img); // pal_type
fputc(2, img); // img_type
fputc(0, img); fputc(0, img); // f_color
fputc(0, img); fputc(0, img); // pal_colors
fputc(0, img); // pal_size
fputc(0, img); fputc(0, img); // left
fputc(0, img); fputc(0, img); // top
fputc(img_w&255, img); fputc(img_w>>8, img); // width
fputc(img_h&255, img); fputc(img_h>>8, img); // height
fputc(24, img); // bpp
fputc(0, img); // des_bits
// save the image data to file
for (y=0;y<img_h;y++) { po=(img_h-y-1)*img_w*4; for (x = 0; x < img_w; x++) { fputc(buffer[po+x*4], img); fputc(buffer[po+x*4+1], img); fputc(buffer[po+x*4+2], img); } //fwrite(buffer+po, 1, img_w*4, img);
} }
========= PIXEL ========= */
uint32 i_rgb_to_32(uint32 r, uint32 g, uint32 b, uint32 a) { uint32 co;
return co; }
void i_putpixel(t_i_image *img, int32 x, int32 y, uint32 co) { img->data32[(y%img->h)*img->w+(x%img->w)]=co; }
void i_putpixel_rgba(t_i_image *img, int32 x, int32 y, int32 r, int32 g, int32 b, int32 a) { uint32 co;
co=i_rgb_to_32(r,g,b,a); //(a<<24)+(r<<16)+(g<<8)+b;
img->data32[(y%img->h)*img->w+(x%img->w)]=co; }
uint32 i_getpixel(t_i_image *img, int32 x, int32 y) { uint32 co;
return co; }
int32 i_getpixel_ch(t_i_image *img, int32 x, int32 y, int32 ch) { uint32 co;
// ch: 0:red 1:green 2:blue 3:alpha
switch (ch) { case 0: // red
co=(co>>16)&255; break; case 1: // green
co=(co>>8)&255; break; case 2: // blue
co=co&255; break; case 3: // alpha
co=(co>>24)&255; break; default: ; }
return co; }
uint32 i_pixel_alphamix(uint32 c1, uint32 c2, uint32 p) { uint32 co;
co=i_pixel_add(i_pixel_multiply_n(c1,256-p), i_pixel_multiply_n(c2,p));
return co; }
uint32 i_pixel_multiply_n(uint32 c1, uint32 n) { uint32 co,r,g,b,a;
r=(((c1>>16)&255)*n)>>8; g=(((c1>>8)&255) *n)>>8; b=(((c1>>0)&255) *n)>>8; a=(((c1>>24)&255)*n)>>8;
return co; }
uint32 i_pixel_add(uint32 co1, uint32 co2) { uint32 co,r,g,b,a;
r=MIN(255, MAX(0, ((co1>>16)&255)+((co2>>16)&255))); g=MIN(255, MAX(0, ((co1>>8 )&255)+((co2>>8 )&255))); b=MIN(255, MAX(0, ((co1>>0 )&255)+((co2>>0 )&255))); a=MIN(255, MAX(0, ((co1>>24)&255)+((co2>>24)&255)));
return co; }
======== MISC ======== */
long countval(char *str) { long val=0,n,l;
l=strlen(str); for (n=0;n<l;n++) if (str[n]>47 && str[n]<58) val=val*10+str[n]-48;
return val; }