//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
// vmpi_launch.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iphelpers.h"
#include "bitbuf.h"
#include "vmpi.h"
bool g_bBroadcast = false;
int PrintUsage() { printf( "vmpi_launch -machine <remote machine> -priority <priority> [-mpi_pw <password>] -command \"command line...\"\n" ); printf( "-command must be the last switch..\n" ); return 1; }
int GetCurMicrosecondsAndSleep( int sleepLen ) { Sleep( sleepLen );
int retVal; __asm { rdtsc mov retVal, eax } return retVal; }
const char* FindArg( int argc, char **argv, const char *pName, const char *pDefault ) { for ( int i=0; i < argc; i++ ) { if ( stricmp( argv[i], pName ) == 0 ) { if ( (i+1) < argc ) return argv[i+1]; else return pDefault; } } return NULL; }
int ParseArgs( int argc, char **argv, CIPAddr &remoteIP, int &iPriority, int &iFirstArg ) { if ( FindArg( argc, argv, "-broadcast", "1" ) ) g_bBroadcast = true;
if ( g_bBroadcast == false ) { const char *pRemoteIPStr = FindArg( argc, argv, "-machine", NULL ); if ( !pRemoteIPStr || !ConvertStringToIPAddr( pRemoteIPStr, &remoteIP ) ) { printf( "%s is not a valid machine name or IP address.\n", pRemoteIPStr ); return PrintUsage(); } } iPriority = 0; const char *pPriorityStr = FindArg( argc, argv, "-priority", NULL ); if ( pPriorityStr ) iPriority = atoi( pPriorityStr ); if ( iPriority < 0 || iPriority > 1000 ) { printf( "%s is not a valid priority.\n", pPriorityStr ); return PrintUsage(); }
const char *pCommand = FindArg( argc, argv, "-command", NULL ); if ( !pCommand ) { return PrintUsage(); } for ( iFirstArg=1; iFirstArg < argc; iFirstArg++ ) { if ( argv[iFirstArg] == pCommand ) break; }
return 0; }
void SendJobRequest( ISocket *pSocket, int argc, char **argv, CIPAddr &remoteIP, int &iPriority, int &iFirstArg, int jobID[4] ) { // Build the packet to send out the job.
char packetData[4096]; bf_write packetBuf; // Come up with a unique job ID.
jobID[0] = GetCurMicrosecondsAndSleep( 1 ); jobID[1] = GetCurMicrosecondsAndSleep( 1 ); jobID[2] = GetCurMicrosecondsAndSleep( 1 ); jobID[3] = GetCurMicrosecondsAndSleep( 1 );
// Broadcast out to tell all the machines we want workers.
packetBuf.StartWriting( packetData, sizeof( packetData ) ); packetBuf.WriteByte( VMPI_PROTOCOL_VERSION );
const char *pPassword = FindArg( argc, argv, "-mpi_pw", "" ); packetBuf.WriteString( pPassword ); packetBuf.WriteByte( VMPI_LOOKING_FOR_WORKERS ); packetBuf.WriteShort( 0 ); // Tell the port that we're listening on.
// In this case, there is no VMPI master waiting for the app to connect, so
// this parameter doesn't matter.
packetBuf.WriteShort( iPriority );
packetBuf.WriteLong( jobID[0] ); packetBuf.WriteLong( jobID[1] ); packetBuf.WriteLong( jobID[2] ); packetBuf.WriteLong( jobID[3] ); packetBuf.WriteWord( argc-iFirstArg ); // 1 command line argument..
// Write the alternate exe name.
for ( int iArg=iFirstArg; iArg < argc; iArg++ ) packetBuf.WriteString( argv[iArg] );
for ( int iBroadcastPort=VMPI_SERVICE_PORT; iBroadcastPort <= VMPI_LAST_SERVICE_PORT; iBroadcastPort++ ) { remoteIP.port = iBroadcastPort;
if ( g_bBroadcast == false ) pSocket->SendTo( &remoteIP, packetBuf.GetBasePointer(), packetBuf.GetNumBytesWritten() ); else pSocket->Broadcast( packetBuf.GetBasePointer(), packetBuf.GetNumBytesWritten(), iBroadcastPort ); }
if ( g_bBroadcast == false ) printf( "Sent command, waiting for reply...\n" ); else printf( "Sent command\n" ); }
bool WaitForJobStart( ISocket *pSocket, const CIPAddr &remoteIP, const int jobID[4] ) { while ( 1 ) { CIPAddr senderAddr; char data[4096]; int len = -1; if ( g_bBroadcast == false ) pSocket->RecvFrom( data, sizeof( data ), &senderAddr ); else pSocket->RecvFrom( data, sizeof( data ), NULL );
if ( len == 19 && memcmp( senderAddr.ip, remoteIP.ip, sizeof( senderAddr.ip ) ) == 0 && data[1] == VMPI_NOTIFY_START_STATUS && memcmp( &data[2], jobID, 16 ) == 0 ) { if ( data[18] == 0 ) { // Wasn't able to run.
printf( "Wasn't able to run on target machine.\n" ); return false; } else { // Ok, the process is running now.
printf( "Process running, waiting for completion...\n" ); return true; } }
Sleep( 100 ); } }
void WaitForJobEnd( ISocket *pSocket, const CIPAddr &remoteIP, const int jobID[4] ) { while ( 1 ) { CIPAddr senderAddr; char data[4096]; int len = pSocket->RecvFrom( data, sizeof( data ), &senderAddr ); if ( len == 18 && memcmp( senderAddr.ip, remoteIP.ip, sizeof( senderAddr.ip ) ) == 0 && data[1] == VMPI_NOTIFY_END_STATUS && memcmp( &data[2], jobID, 16 ) == 0 ) { int ret = *((int*)&data[2]); printf( "Finished [%d].\n", ret ); break; }
Sleep( 100 ); } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if ( argc < 4 ) { return PrintUsage(); }
// Parse the command line.
CIPAddr remoteIP; int iFirstArg, iPriority; int jobID[4];
int ret = ParseArgs( argc, argv, remoteIP, iPriority, iFirstArg ); if ( ret != 0 ) return ret;
// Now send the command to the vmpi service on that machine.
ISocket *pSocket = CreateIPSocket(); if ( !pSocket->BindToAny( 0 ) ) { printf( "Error binding a socket.\n" ); return 1; } SendJobRequest( pSocket, argc, argv, remoteIP, iPriority, iFirstArg, jobID );
// Wait for a reply, positive or negative.
if ( g_bBroadcast == false ) { if ( !WaitForJobStart( pSocket, remoteIP, jobID ) ) return 2;
WaitForJobEnd( pSocket, remoteIP, jobID ); } pSocket->Release(); return 0; }