//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "client_pch.h"
#include "cl_demoaction.h"
#include "cl_demoactionmanager.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Purpose:
CBaseDemoAction::CBaseDemoAction() { }
// Purpose:
CBaseDemoAction::~CBaseDemoAction() { }
// Purpose:
// Output : DEMOACTION
DEMOACTION CBaseDemoAction::GetType( void ) const { return m_Type; }
// Purpose:
// Input : actionType -
void CBaseDemoAction::SetType( DEMOACTION actionType ) { m_Type = actionType; }
// Purpose:
DEMOACTIONTIMINGTYPE CBaseDemoAction::GetTimingType( void ) const { return m_Timing; }
// Purpose:
// Input : timingtype -
void CBaseDemoAction::SetTimingType( DEMOACTIONTIMINGTYPE timingtype ) { m_Timing = timingtype; }
// Purpose:
// Input : fired -
void CBaseDemoAction::SetActionFired( bool fired ) { m_bActionFired = fired; }
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CBaseDemoAction::GetActionFired( void ) const { return m_bActionFired; }
// Purpose:
void CBaseDemoAction::SetFinishedAction( bool finished ) { m_bActionFinished = finished; if ( finished ) { OnActionFinished(); } }
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CBaseDemoAction::HasActionFinished( void ) const { return m_bActionFinished; }
#include "tier0/memdbgoff.h"
// Purpose:
// Input : sz -
// Output : void *CBaseDemoAction::operator
void *CBaseDemoAction::operator new( size_t sz ) { Assert( sz != 0 ); return calloc( 1, sz ); };
// Purpose:
// Input : *pMem -
// Output : void CBaseDemoAction::operator
void CBaseDemoAction::operator delete( void *pMem ) { #if defined( WIN32 ) && defined( _DEBUG )
// set the memory to a known value
int size = _msize( pMem ); Q_memset( pMem, 0xcd, size ); #endif
// get the engine to free the memory
free( pMem ); }
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Purpose:
struct DemoActionDictionary { DEMOACTION actiontype;; char const *name; DEMOACTIONFACTORY_FUNC func; DEMOACTIONEDIT_FUNC editfunc; };
static DemoActionDictionary g_rgDemoTypeNames[ NUM_DEMO_ACTIONS ] = { { DEMO_ACTION_UNKNOWN , "Unknown" }, { DEMO_ACTION_SKIPAHEAD , "SkipAhead" }, { DEMO_ACTION_STOPPLAYBACK , "StopPlayback" }, { DEMO_ACTION_PLAYCOMMANDS , "PlayCommands" }, { DEMO_ACTION_SCREENFADE_START , "ScreenFadeStart" }, { DEMO_ACTION_SCREENFADE_STOP , "ScreenFadeStop" }, { DEMO_ACTION_TEXTMESSAGE_START , "TextMessageStart" }, { DEMO_ACTION_TEXTMESSAGE_STOP , "TextMessageStop" }, { DEMO_ACTION_PLAYCDTRACK_START , "PlayCDTrackStart" }, { DEMO_ACTION_PLAYCDTRACK_STOP , "PlayCDTrackStop" }, { DEMO_ACTION_PLAYSOUND_START , "PlaySoundStart" }, { DEMO_ACTION_PLAYSOUND_END , "PlaySoundStop" },
{ DEMO_ACTION_ZOOM , "Zoom FOV" }, };
// Purpose:
// Input : actionType -
// func -
void CBaseDemoAction::AddFactory( DEMOACTION actionType, DEMOACTIONFACTORY_FUNC func ) { int idx = (int)actionType; if ( idx < 0 || idx >= NUM_DEMO_ACTIONS ) { Sys_Error( "CBaseDemoAction::AddFactory: Bogus factory type %i\n", idx ); return; }
g_rgDemoTypeNames[ idx ].func = func; }
// Purpose:
// Input : actionType -
CBaseDemoAction *CBaseDemoAction::CreateDemoAction( DEMOACTION actionType ) { int idx = (int)actionType; if ( idx < 0 || idx >= NUM_DEMO_ACTIONS ) { Sys_Error( "CBaseDemoAction::AddFactory: Bogus factory type %i\n", idx ); return NULL; }
DEMOACTIONFACTORY_FUNC pfn = g_rgDemoTypeNames[ idx ].func; if ( !pfn ) { ConMsg( "CBaseDemoAction::CreateDemoAction: Missing factory for %s\n", NameForType( actionType ) ); return NULL; }
return (*pfn)(); }
// Purpose:
// Input : actionType -
// func -
void CBaseDemoAction::AddEditorFactory( DEMOACTION actionType, DEMOACTIONEDIT_FUNC func ) { int idx = (int)actionType; if ( idx < 0 || idx >= NUM_DEMO_ACTIONS ) { Sys_Error( "CBaseDemoAction::AddEditorFactory: Bogus factory type %i\n", idx ); return; }
g_rgDemoTypeNames[ idx ].editfunc = func; }
// Purpose:
// Input : actionType -
// *parent -
// *action -
// newaction -
// Output : CBaseActionEditDialog
CBaseActionEditDialog *CBaseDemoAction::CreateActionEditor( DEMOACTION actionType, CDemoEditorPanel *parent, CBaseDemoAction *action, bool newaction ) { int idx = (int)actionType; if ( idx < 0 || idx >= NUM_DEMO_ACTIONS ) { Sys_Error( "CBaseDemoAction::AddFactory: Bogus factory type %i\n", idx ); return NULL; }
DEMOACTIONEDIT_FUNC pfn = g_rgDemoTypeNames[ idx ].editfunc; if ( !pfn ) { ConMsg( "CBaseDemoAction::CreateActionEditor: Missing edit factory for %s\n", NameForType( actionType ) ); return NULL; }
return (*pfn)( parent, action, newaction ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : actionType -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CBaseDemoAction::HasEditorFactory( DEMOACTION actionType ) { int idx = (int)actionType; if ( idx < 0 || idx >= NUM_DEMO_ACTIONS ) { return false; }
DEMOACTIONEDIT_FUNC pfn = g_rgDemoTypeNames[ idx ].editfunc; if ( !pfn ) { return false; }
return true; }
// Purpose:
struct DemoTimingTagDictionary { DEMOACTIONTIMINGTYPE timingtype;; char const *name; };
static DemoTimingTagDictionary g_rgDemoTimingTypeNames[ NUM_TIMING_TYPES ] = { { ACTION_USES_NEITHER , "TimeDontCare" }, { ACTION_USES_TICK , "TimeUseTick" }, { ACTION_USES_TIME , "TimeUseClock" }, };
// Purpose:
// Input : DEMOACTION -
// Output : char const
char const *CBaseDemoAction::NameForType( DEMOACTION actionType ) { int idx = (int)actionType; if ( idx < 0 || idx >= NUM_DEMO_ACTIONS ) { ConMsg( "ERROR: CBaseDemoAction::NameForType type %i out of range\n", idx ); return g_rgDemoTypeNames[ DEMO_ACTION_UNKNOWN ].name; } DemoActionDictionary *entry = &g_rgDemoTypeNames[ idx ]; Assert( entry->actiontype == actionType );
return entry->name; }
// Purpose:
// Input : *name -
// Output : DEMOACTION
DEMOACTION CBaseDemoAction::TypeForName( char const *name ) { int c = NUM_DEMO_ACTIONS; int i; for ( i= 0; i < c; i++ ) { DemoActionDictionary *entry = &g_rgDemoTypeNames[ i ]; if ( !Q_strcasecmp( entry->name, name ) ) { return entry->actiontype; } }
// Purpose:
// Input : DEMOACTION -
// Output : char const
char const *CBaseDemoAction::NameForTimingType( DEMOACTIONTIMINGTYPE timingType ) { int idx = (int)timingType; if ( idx < 0 || idx >= NUM_TIMING_TYPES ) { ConMsg( "ERROR: CBaseDemoAction::NameForTimingType type %i out of range\n", idx ); return g_rgDemoTimingTypeNames[ ACTION_USES_NEITHER ].name; } DemoTimingTagDictionary *entry = &g_rgDemoTimingTypeNames[ idx ]; Assert( entry->timingtype == timingType );
return entry->name; }
// Purpose:
// Input : *name -
// Output : DEMOACTION
DEMOACTIONTIMINGTYPE CBaseDemoAction::TimingTypeForName( char const *name ) { int c = NUM_TIMING_TYPES; int i; for ( i= 0; i < c; i++ ) { DemoTimingTagDictionary *entry = &g_rgDemoTimingTypeNames[ i ]; if ( !Q_strcasecmp( entry->name, name ) ) { return entry->timingtype; } }
static bool g_bSaveChained = false;
// Purpose: Simple printf wrapper which handles tab characters
// Input : buf -
// *fmt -
// ... -
void CBaseDemoAction::BufPrintf( int depth, CUtlBuffer& buf, char const *fmt, ... ) { va_list argptr; char string[1024]; va_start (argptr,fmt); Q_vsnprintf(string, sizeof( string ), fmt,argptr); va_end (argptr);
while ( depth-- > 0 ) { buf.Printf( "\t" ); }
buf.Printf( "%s", string ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : buf -
void CBaseDemoAction::SaveKeysToBuffer( int depth, CUtlBuffer& buf ) { // All derived actions will need to do a BaseClass::SaveKeysToBuffer call
g_bSaveChained = true;
BufPrintf( depth, buf, "name \"%s\"\n", GetActionName() ); if ( ActionHasTarget() ) { BufPrintf( depth, buf, "target \"%s\"\n", GetActionTarget() ); } switch ( GetTimingType() ) { default: case ACTION_USES_NEITHER: break; case ACTION_USES_TICK: { BufPrintf( depth, buf, "starttick \"%i\"\n", GetStartTick() ); } break; case ACTION_USES_TIME: { BufPrintf( depth, buf, "starttime \"%.3f\"\n", GetStartTime() ); } break; } }
// Purpose:
// Input : buf -
void CBaseDemoAction::SaveToBuffer( int depth, int index, CUtlBuffer& buf ) { // Store index
BufPrintf( depth, buf, "\"%i\"\n", index ); BufPrintf( depth, buf, "%{\n" );
g_bSaveChained = false;
// First key is factory name
BufPrintf( depth + 1, buf, "factory \"%s\"\n", NameForType( GetType() ) ); SaveKeysToBuffer( depth + 1, buf ); Assert( g_bSaveChained );
BufPrintf( depth, buf, "}\n" ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *name -
void CBaseDemoAction::SetActionName( char const *name ) { Q_strncpy( m_szActionName, name, sizeof( m_szActionName ) ); }
// Purpose: Parse root data
// Input : *pInitData -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CBaseDemoAction::Init( KeyValues *pInitData ) { char const *actionname = pInitData->GetString( "name", "" ); if ( !actionname || !actionname[ 0 ] ) { Msg( "CBaseDemoAction::Init: must specify a name for action!\n" ); return false; }
SetActionName( actionname );
m_nStartTick = pInitData->GetInt( "starttick", -1 ); m_flStartTime = pInitData->GetFloat( "starttime", -1.0f );
if ( m_nStartTick == -1 && m_flStartTime == -1.0f ) { m_Timing = ACTION_USES_NEITHER; } else if ( m_nStartTick != -1 ) { m_Timing = ACTION_USES_TICK; } else { Assert( m_flStartTime != -1.0f ); m_Timing = ACTION_USES_TIME; }
// See if there's a target name
char const *target = pInitData->GetString( "target", "" ); if ( target && target[ 0 ] ) { Q_strncpy( m_szActionTarget, target, sizeof( m_szActionTarget ) ); }
return true; }
// Purpose:
// Output : int
int CBaseDemoAction::GetStartTick( void ) const { Assert( m_Timing == ACTION_USES_TICK ); return m_nStartTick; }
// Purpose:
// Output : float
float CBaseDemoAction::GetStartTime( void ) const { Assert( m_Timing == ACTION_USES_TIME ); return m_flStartTime; }
// Purpose:
// Input : frame -
void CBaseDemoAction::SetStartTick( int tick ) { Assert( m_Timing == ACTION_USES_TICK ); m_nStartTick = tick; }
// Purpose:
// Input : t -
void CBaseDemoAction::SetStartTime( float t ) { Assert( m_Timing == ACTION_USES_TIME ); m_flStartTime = t; }
// Purpose:
// Input : demoframe -
// demotime -
bool CBaseDemoAction::Update( const DemoActionTimingContext& tc ) { // Already fired and done?
if ( HasActionFinished() ) { Assert( GetActionFired() ); return false; }
// Already fired, just waiting for finished tag
if ( GetActionFired() ) { return true; } // See if it's time to fire
switch ( GetTimingType() ) { default: case ACTION_USES_NEITHER: return false; case ACTION_USES_TICK: { if ( GetStartTick() >= tc.prevtick && GetStartTick() <= tc.curtick ) { demoaction->InsertFireEvent( this ); } } break; case ACTION_USES_TIME: { if ( GetStartTime() >= tc.prevtime && GetStartTime() <= tc.curtime ) { demoaction->InsertFireEvent( this ); } } break; }
return true; }
// Purpose:
// Output : char const
char const *CBaseDemoAction::GetActionName( void ) const { Assert( m_szActionName[ 0 ] ); return m_szActionName; }
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CBaseDemoAction::ActionHasTarget( void ) const { return m_szActionTarget[ 0 ] ? true : false; }
// Purpose:
// Output : char const
char const *CBaseDemoAction::GetActionTarget( void ) const { Assert( ActionHasTarget() ); return m_szActionTarget; }
// Purpose:
// Input : *name -
void CBaseDemoAction::SetActionTarget( char const *name ) { Q_strncpy( m_szActionTarget, name, sizeof( m_szActionTarget ) ); }
// Purpose: Restart timing info
void CBaseDemoAction::Reset( void ) { SetActionFired( false ); SetFinishedAction( false ); }
void CBaseDemoAction::OnActionFinished( void ) { }