// Util.C
// Copyright 1995 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// contains routines that we will find useful.
#include "pch.h"
#include <comcat.h>
// for ASSERT and FAIL
BOOL g_bDllVerChecked = FALSE;
// VERSION.DLL functions
// temporary until we get an updated ComCat.H
EXTERN_C const CATID CATID_SimpleFrameControl = {0xD40C2700,0xFFA1,0x11cf,{0x82,0x34,0x00,0xaa,0x00,0xC1,0xAB,0x85}};
// These are externals for registering the control CATID's
extern const CATID *g_rgCATIDImplemented[]; extern const CATID *g_rgCATIDRequired[]; extern const int g_ctCATIDImplemented; extern const int g_ctCATIDRequired;
// this table is used for copying data around, and persisting properties.
// basically, it contains the size of a given data type
const BYTE g_rgcbDataTypeSize[] = { 0, // VT_EMPTY= 0,
0, // VT_NULL= 1,
sizeof(short), // VT_I2= 2,
sizeof(long), // VT_I4 = 3,
sizeof(float), // VT_R4 = 4,
sizeof(double), // VT_R8= 5,
sizeof(CURRENCY), // VT_CY= 6,
sizeof(DATE), // VT_DATE = 7,
sizeof(BSTR), // VT_BSTR = 8,
sizeof(IDispatch *), // VT_DISPATCH = 9,
sizeof(SCODE), // VT_ERROR = 10,
sizeof(VARIANT_BOOL), // VT_BOOL = 11,
sizeof(VARIANT), // VT_VARIANT= 12,
sizeof(IUnknown *), // VT_UNKNOWN= 13,
#ifndef MDAC_BUILD
// overloaded new
// Please use New instead of new by inheriting from the class CtlNewDelete
// in Macros.H
inline void * _cdecl operator new ( size_t size ) { if (!g_hHeap) { g_hHeap = GetProcessHeap(); return g_hHeap ? CtlHeapAlloc(g_hHeap, 0, size) : NULL; }
return CtlHeapAlloc(g_hHeap, 0, size); }
// overloaded delete
// retail case just uses win32 Local* heap mgmt functions
// Parameters:
// void * - [in] free me!
// Notes:
void _cdecl operator delete ( void *ptr) { if (ptr) CtlHeapFree(g_hHeap, 0, ptr); }
// MakeWideFromAnsi
// given a string, make a BSTR out of it.
// Parameters:
// LPSTR - [in]
// BYTE - [in]
// Output:
// LPWSTR - needs to be cast to final desired result
// Notes:
LPWSTR MakeWideStrFromAnsi ( LPSTR psz, BYTE bType ) { LPWSTR pwsz; int i;
// arg checking.
if (!psz) return NULL;
// compute the length of the required BSTR
i = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, psz, -1, NULL, 0); if (i <= 0) return NULL;
// allocate the widestr
switch (bType) { case STR_BSTR: // -1 since it'll add it's own space for a NULL terminator
pwsz = (LPWSTR) SysAllocStringLen(NULL, i - 1); break; case STR_OLESTR: pwsz = (LPWSTR) CoTaskMemAlloc(i * sizeof(WCHAR)); break; default: FAIL("Bogus String Type."); }
if (!pwsz) return NULL; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, psz, -1, pwsz, i); pwsz[i - 1] = 0; return pwsz; }
// MakeWideStrFromResId
// given a resource ID, load it, and allocate a wide string for it.
// Parameters:
// WORD - [in] resource id.
// BYTE - [in] type of string desired.
// Output:
// LPWSTR - needs to be cast to desired string type.
// Notes:
LPWSTR MakeWideStrFromResourceId ( WORD wId, BYTE bType ) { int i;
char szTmp[512];
// load the string from the resources.
i = LoadString(GetResourceHandle(), wId, szTmp, 512); if (!i) return NULL;
return MakeWideStrFromAnsi(szTmp, bType); }
// MakeWideStrFromWide
// given a wide string, make a new wide string with it of the given type.
// Parameters:
// LPWSTR - [in] current wide str.
// BYTE - [in] desired type of string.
// Output:
// Notes:
LPWSTR MakeWideStrFromWide ( LPWSTR pwsz, BYTE bType ) { LPWSTR pwszTmp; int i;
if (!pwsz) return NULL;
// just copy the string, depending on what type they want.
switch (bType) { case STR_OLESTR: i = lstrlenW(pwsz); pwszTmp = (LPWSTR)CoTaskMemAlloc((i * sizeof(WCHAR)) + sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!pwszTmp) return NULL; memcpy(pwszTmp, pwsz, (sizeof(WCHAR) * i) + sizeof(WCHAR)); break;
case STR_BSTR: pwszTmp = (LPWSTR)SysAllocString(pwsz); break; }
return pwszTmp; }
// StringFromGuidA
// returns an ANSI string from a CLSID or GUID
// Parameters:
// REFIID - [in] clsid to make string out of.
// LPSTR - [in] buffer in which to place resultant GUID.
// Output:
// int - number of chars written out.
// Notes:
int StringFromGuidA ( REFIID riid, LPSTR pszBuf ) { return wsprintf((char *)pszBuf, "{%08lX-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X}", riid.Data1, riid.Data2, riid.Data3, riid.Data4[0], riid.Data4[1], riid.Data4[2], riid.Data4[3], riid.Data4[4], riid.Data4[5], riid.Data4[6], riid.Data4[7]);
// RegisterUnknownObject
// registers a simple CoCreatable object. nothing terribly serious.
// we add the following information to the registry:
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<CLSID> = <ObjectName> Object
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<CLSID>\InprocServer32 = <path to local server>
// Parameters:
// LPCSTR - [in] Object Name
// REFCLSID - [in] CLSID of the object
// Output:
// BOOL - FALSE means couldn't register it all
// Notes:
BOOL RegisterUnknownObject ( LPCSTR pszObjectName, LPCSTR pszLabelName, REFCLSID riidObject, BOOL fAptThreadSafe ) { HKEY hk = NULL, hkSub = NULL; char szGuidStr[GUID_STR_LEN]; DWORD dwPathLen, dwDummy; char szScratch[MAX_PATH]; long l;
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<CLSID> = <ObjectName> Object
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<CLSID>\InprocServer32 = <path to local server>
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<CLSID>\InprocServer32 @ThreadingModel = Apartment
// If someone has added Implemented Categories for our control, then
// don't blow away the entire CLSID section as we will blow away
// these keys. Ideally we should clean up all other keys, but
// implemented categories, but this would be expensive.
if (!ExistImplementedCategories(riidObject)) // clean out any garbage
UnregisterUnknownObject(riidObject, NULL);
if (!StringFromGuidA(riidObject, szGuidStr)) goto CleanUp; wsprintf(szScratch, "CLSID\\%s", szGuidStr); l = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szScratch, 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hk, &dwDummy); CLEANUP_ON_ERROR(l);
if (!pszLabelName) wsprintf(szScratch, "%s Object", pszObjectName); else lstrcpy(szScratch, pszLabelName);
l = RegSetValueEx(hk, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szScratch, lstrlen(szScratch) + 1);
l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "InprocServer32", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy); CLEANUP_ON_ERROR(l);
dwPathLen = GetModuleFileName(g_hInstance, szScratch, sizeof(szScratch)); if (!dwPathLen) goto CleanUp;
l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szScratch, dwPathLen + 1); CLEANUP_ON_ERROR(l);
if (fAptThreadSafe) { l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, "ThreadingModel", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)"Apartment", sizeof("Apartment")); CLEANUP_ON_ERROR(l); } else { // Blow away any existing key that would say we're Apartment model threaded
RegDeleteValue(hkSub, "ThreadingModel"); }
RegCloseKey(hkSub); RegCloseKey(hk);
return TRUE;
// we are not very happy!
CleanUp: if (hk) RegCloseKey(hk); if (hkSub) RegCloseKey(hkSub); return FALSE;
// RegisterAutomationObject
// given a little bit of information about an automation object, go and put it
// in the registry.
// we add the following information in addition to that set up in
// RegisterUnknownObject:
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<LibraryName>.<ObjectName> = <ObjectName> Object
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<LibraryName>.<ObjectName>\CLSID = <CLSID>
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<LibraryName>.<ObjectName>\CurVer = <ObjectName>.Object.<VersionNumber>
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<LibraryName>.<ObjectName>.<VersionNumber> = <ObjectName> Object
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<LibraryName>.<ObjectName>.<VersionNumber>\CLSID = <CLSID>
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<CLSID>\TypeLib = <LibidOfTypeLibrary>
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<CLSID>\ProgID = <LibraryName>.<ObjectName>.<VersionNumber>
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<CLSID>\VersionIndependentProgID = <LibraryName>.<ObjectName>
// Parameters:
// LPCSTR - [in] Library Name
// LPCSTR - [in] Object Name
// long - [in] Object Version Number
// long - [in] typelib major ver
// long - [in] typelib minor ver
// REFCLSID - [in] LIBID of type library
// REFCLSID - [in] CLSID of the object
// Output:
// BOOL - FALSE means not all of it was registered
// Notes:
BOOL RegisterAutomationObject ( LPCSTR pszLibName, LPCSTR pszObjectName, LPCSTR pszLabelName, long lVersion, long lTLMajor, long lTLMinor, REFCLSID riidLibrary, REFCLSID riidObject, BOOL fAptThreadSafe ) { ICatRegister *pCatRegister; HRESULT hr; HKEY hk = NULL, hkSub = NULL; char szGuidStr[GUID_STR_LEN]; char szScratch[MAX_PATH]; long l; DWORD dwDummy;
// This is a warning assert. If you've tripped this, then your current component
// is within VERSION_DELTA versions of exceeding MAX_VERSION. Consider bumping up MAX_VERSION
// or change the delta to a smaller number. Reasonable settings for these
// depend on how often you do a major version change of your component.
ASSERT(MAX_VERSION > VERSION_DELTA, "The MAX_VERSION setting is not in line with what we expect it to be."); ASSERT(lVersion <= MAX_VERSION - VERSION_DELTA, "Version number of component is approaching or exceeds limit of checked range. Consider increasing MAX_VERSION value.");
// first register the simple Unknown stuff.
if (!RegisterUnknownObject(pszObjectName, pszLabelName, riidObject, fAptThreadSafe)) return FALSE;
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<LibraryName>.<ObjectName> = <ObjectName> Object
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<LibraryName>.<ObjectName>\CLSID = <CLSID>
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<LibraryName>.<ObjectName>\CurVer = <ObjectName>.Object.<VersionNumber>
lstrcpy(szScratch, pszLibName); lstrcat(szScratch, "."); lstrcat(szScratch, pszObjectName);
if (!pszLabelName) wsprintf(szScratch, "%s Object", pszObjectName); else lstrcpy(szScratch, pszLabelName);
l = RegSetValueEx(hk, NULL, 0L, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szScratch, lstrlen(szScratch)+1); CLEANUP_ON_ERROR(l);
l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "CLSID", 0L, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy); CLEANUP_ON_ERROR(l);
if (!StringFromGuidA(riidObject, szGuidStr)) goto CleanUp;
l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0L, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szGuidStr, lstrlen(szGuidStr) + 1); CLEANUP_ON_ERROR(l);
RegCloseKey(hkSub); l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "CurVer", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy); CLEANUP_ON_ERROR(l);
ASSERT(pszObjectName, "Object name is NULL"); wsprintf(szScratch, "%s.%s.%ld", pszLibName, pszObjectName, lVersion); l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szScratch, lstrlen(szScratch) + 1); CLEANUP_ON_ERROR(l);
RegCloseKey(hkSub); RegCloseKey(hk);
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<LibraryName>.<ObjectName>.<VersionNumber> = <ObjectName> Object
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<LibraryName>.<ObjectName>.<VersionNumber>\CLSID = <CLSID>
if (!pszLabelName) wsprintf(szScratch, "%s Object", pszObjectName); else lstrcpy(szScratch, pszLabelName);
l = RegSetValueEx(hk, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szScratch, lstrlen(szScratch) + 1); CLEANUP_ON_ERROR(l);
l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "CLSID", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy); CLEANUP_ON_ERROR(l);
l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szGuidStr, lstrlen(szGuidStr) + 1); CLEANUP_ON_ERROR(l);
RegCloseKey(hkSub); RegCloseKey(hk);
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<CLSID>\ProgID = <LibraryName>.<ObjectName>.<VersionNumber>
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<CLSID>\VersionIndependentProgID = <LibraryName>.<ObjectName>
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<CLSID>\TypeLib = <LibidOfTypeLibrary>
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<CLSID>\Version = "<TLMajor>.<TLMinor>"
if (!StringFromGuidA(riidObject, szGuidStr)) goto CleanUp; wsprintf(szScratch, "CLSID\\%s", szGuidStr);
l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "VersionIndependentProgID", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy); CLEANUP_ON_ERROR(l);
wsprintf(szScratch, "%s.%s", pszLibName, pszObjectName); l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szScratch, lstrlen(szScratch) + 1); CLEANUP_ON_ERROR(l);
l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "ProgID", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy); CLEANUP_ON_ERROR(l);
wsprintf(szScratch, "%s.%s.%ld", pszLibName, pszObjectName, lVersion); l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szScratch, lstrlen(szScratch) + 1); CLEANUP_ON_ERROR(l);
RegCloseKey(hkSub); l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "TypeLib", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy);
if (!StringFromGuidA(riidLibrary, szGuidStr)) goto CleanUp;
l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szGuidStr, lstrlen(szGuidStr) + 1); CLEANUP_ON_ERROR(l);
// now set up the version information
RegCloseKey(hkSub); l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "Version", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy); CLEANUP_ON_ERROR(l);
wsprintf(szScratch, "%ld.%ld", lTLMajor, lTLMinor); l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szScratch, lstrlen(szScratch) + 1);
// now, finally, register ourselves with component categories
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_StdComponentCategoriesMgr, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ICatRegister, (void **)&pCatRegister); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pCatRegister->RegisterClassImplCategories(riidObject, 1, (GUID *)&CATID_Programmable); pCatRegister->Release(); }
RegCloseKey(hkSub); RegCloseKey(hk); return TRUE;
CleanUp: if (hk) RegCloseKey(hkSub); if (hk) RegCloseKey(hk); return FALSE; }
// RegisterControlObject.
// in addition to writing out automation object information, this function
// writes out some values specific to a control.
// What we add here:
// Parameters:
// LPCSTR - [in] Library Name
// LPCSTR - [in] Object Name
// long - [in] Object Major Version Number
// long - [in] Object Minor Vesrion Number
// long - [in] TypeLib Major Version Number
// long - [in] Typelib minor version number
// REFCLSID - [in] LIBID of type library
// REFCLSID - [in] CLSID of the object
// DWORD - [in] misc status flags for ctl
// WORD - [in] toolbox id for control
// BOOL - [in] Apartment thread safe flag
// BOOL - [in] Control bit:Flag to tell whether to add the Control key or not.
// Output:
// Notes:
// - not the most terribly efficient routine.
BOOL RegisterControlObject ( LPCSTR pszLibName, LPCSTR pszObjectName, LPCSTR pszLabelName, long lMajorVersion, long lMinorVersion, long lTLMajor, long lTLMinor, REFCLSID riidLibrary, REFCLSID riidObject, DWORD dwMiscStatus, WORD wToolboxBitmapId, BOOL fAptThreadSafe, BOOL fControl ) { ICatRegister *pCatRegister; HRESULT hr; HKEY hk, hkSub = NULL, hkSub2 = NULL; char szTmp[MAX_PATH]; char szGuidStr[GUID_STR_LEN]; DWORD dwDummy; CATID rgCatid[CATID_ARRAY_SIZE]; LONG l;
// first register all the automation information for this sucker.
if (!RegisterAutomationObject(pszLibName, pszObjectName, pszLabelName, lMajorVersion, lTLMajor, lTLMinor, riidLibrary, riidObject, fAptThreadSafe)) return FALSE;
// then go and register the control specific stuff.
StringFromGuidA(riidObject, szGuidStr); wsprintf(szTmp, "CLSID\\%s", szGuidStr); l = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szTmp, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hk); if (l != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
// create the control flag.
if (fControl) { l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "Control", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy); CLEANUP_ON_ERROR(l); RegCloseKey(hkSub); hkSub = NULL; }
// now set up the MiscStatus Bits...
l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "MiscStatus", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy); CLEANUP_ON_ERROR(l);
szTmp[0] = '0'; szTmp[1] = '\0'; l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szTmp, 2); CLEANUP_ON_ERROR(l);
l = RegCreateKeyEx(hkSub, "1", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkSub2, &dwDummy); CLEANUP_ON_ERROR(l);
wsprintf(szTmp, "%d", dwMiscStatus); l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub2, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szTmp, lstrlen(szTmp) + 1); RegCloseKey(hkSub2); CLEANUP_ON_ERROR(l);
RegCloseKey(hkSub); hkSub = NULL;
// Don't need Toolbox bitmap for designers and other non-controls
if (fControl) { // now set up the toolbox bitmap
GetModuleFileName(g_hInstance, szTmp, MAX_PATH); wsprintf(szGuidStr, ", %d", wToolboxBitmapId); lstrcat(szTmp, szGuidStr);
l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "ToolboxBitmap32", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy); CLEANUP_ON_ERROR(l);
l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szTmp, lstrlen(szTmp) + 1); CLEANUP_ON_ERROR(l); }
// now, finally, register ourselves with component categories
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_StdComponentCategoriesMgr, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ICatRegister, (void **)&pCatRegister); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { int iCounter;
ASSERT(g_ctCATIDImplemented <= CATID_ARRAY_SIZE && g_ctCATIDRequired <= CATID_ARRAY_SIZE, "Array for CATID's is too small. Need to adjust.");
// Register all the implemented CATID's of the control.
if(g_ctCATIDImplemented > 0) { for(iCounter = 0; iCounter < g_ctCATIDImplemented && iCounter < CATID_ARRAY_SIZE; iCounter++) memcpy(&(rgCatid[iCounter]), g_rgCATIDImplemented[iCounter], sizeof(CATID));
pCatRegister->RegisterClassImplCategories(riidObject, g_ctCATIDImplemented, (GUID *)rgCatid); } //if
// Register all the Required CATID's of the control.
if(g_ctCATIDRequired > 0) { for(iCounter = 0; iCounter < g_ctCATIDRequired && iCounter < CATID_ARRAY_SIZE; iCounter++) memcpy(&(rgCatid[iCounter]), g_rgCATIDRequired[iCounter], sizeof(CATID));
pCatRegister->RegisterClassReqCategories(riidObject, g_ctCATIDRequired, (GUID *)rgCatid); } //if
pCatRegister->Release(); }
CleanUp: if (hk) RegCloseKey(hk); if (hkSub) RegCloseKey(hkSub);
return (l == ERROR_SUCCESS) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
// UnregisterUnknownObject
// cleans up all the stuff that RegisterUnknownObject puts in the
// registry.
// Parameters:
// REFCLSID - [in] CLSID of the object
// BOOL - [out] Returns TRUE if all keys were deleted for the
// given CLSID. Returns FALSE if only the
// InprocServer32 key or no keys were deleted.
// The caller can pass NULL if they don't care
// about what set of keys were removed.
// Output:
// BOOL - FALSE means not all of it was registered
// Notes:
// WARNING! This routine assumes that all framework built components
// and their predessors are in-process server 32-bit DLLs.
// If other server types exist for control's CLSID
// the CLSID entry will be blown away for these server types.
// If the framework and the control are built as 16-bit components
// and you unregister the control, the information will be left
// in the registry. You're on your own to make this work for 16-bit.
// This routine *only* preserves the CLSID section if
// a 16-bit InprocServer key is found.
BOOL UnregisterUnknownObject ( REFCLSID riidObject, BOOL *pfAllRemoved ) { char szScratch[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hk; BOOL f; long l;
// Start on the assumption that we are going to blow away the entire section
// for the given CLSID. If this turns out to be a false assumption we'll
// reset this to FALSE.
if (pfAllRemoved) *pfAllRemoved = TRUE;
// delete everybody of the form
if (!StringFromGuidA(riidObject, szScratch)) return FALSE;
l = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hk); if (l != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
// See if a 16-bit in-proc server is register for this object
// If so, then we don't want to disturb any of the keys except
// the 32-bit in-proc server key
if (ExistInprocServer(hk, szScratch)) { // Move one more level down to the InprocServer32 key and only delete it
// We need to preserve the other keys for the InprocServer.
lstrcat(szScratch, "\\InprocServer32"); if (pfAllRemoved) *pfAllRemoved = FALSE; }
f = DeleteKeyAndSubKeys(hk, szScratch);
return f; }
// UnregisterAutomationObject
// unregisters an automation object, including all of it's unknown object
// information.
// Parameters:
// LPCSTR - [in] Library Name
// LPCSTR - [in] Object Name
// long - [in] Version Number
// REFCLSID - [in] CLSID of the object
// Output:
// BOOL - FALSE means couldn't get it all unregistered.
// Notes:
BOOL UnregisterAutomationObject ( LPCSTR pszLibName, LPCSTR pszObjectName, long lVersion, REFCLSID riidObject ) { char szScratch[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hk; BOOL f, fAllRemoved, fFailure; long l, lVersionFound; DWORD dwDummy; BOOL bSuccess;
// first thing -- unregister Unknown information
f = UnregisterUnknownObject(riidObject, &fAllRemoved); if (!f) return FALSE;
if (fAllRemoved) { // delete everybody of the form
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<LibraryName>.<ObjectName>.<VersionNumber> [\] *
// Note: It's important we unregister the version dependent progid first
// otherwise, if another version of the component was unregistered
// it will have blown away the version independent progid, we'd
// fail and never blow away the version dependent progid
wsprintf(szScratch, "%s.%s.%ld", pszLibName, pszObjectName, lVersion); f = DeleteKeyAndSubKeys(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szScratch); if (!f) return FALSE;
// Before we blow away the version independent ProgId, make sure there are
// no version dependent ProgIds out there
if (!QueryOtherVersionProgIds(pszLibName, pszObjectName, lVersion, &lVersionFound, &fFailure)) { ASSERT(!fFailure, "QueryOtherVersionProgIds failed");
// If a failure occurred such that we don't know if there was another version,
// error on the side of leaving the version dependent ProgId in the registry.
if (!fFailure) { // delete everybody of the form:
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<LibraryName>.<ObjectName> [\] *
wsprintf(szScratch, "%s.%s", pszLibName, pszObjectName); f = DeleteKeyAndSubKeys(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szScratch); if (!f) return FALSE; } } else { // This is here to fix a bug in the previous version of the framework
// In the previous version we'd blindly blow away the progid for the
// component without looking for other versions. To help
// resolve this, we'll restore the progid if we found other
// version dependent progids.
ASSERT(lVersionFound > 0, "Version number found is 0"); bSuccess = CopyVersionDependentProgIdToIndependentProgId(pszLibName, pszObjectName, lVersionFound); ASSERT(bSuccess, "Failed to copy version dependent ProgId to version independent ProgId"); // The previous version of the framework didn't write out the CurVer sub-key so
// we need to take care of that here.
wsprintf(szScratch, "%s.%s\\CurVer", pszLibName, pszObjectName); l = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szScratch, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hk); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != l) { l = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szScratch, 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hk, &dwDummy); ASSERT(ERROR_SUCCESS == l, "Failed to create reg key"); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == l) { wsprintf(szScratch, "%s.%s.%ld", pszLibName, pszObjectName, lVersionFound); l = RegSetValueEx(hk, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szScratch, lstrlen(szScratch) + 1); ASSERT(ERROR_SUCCESS == l, "Failed to set key value");
l = RegCloseKey(hk); ASSERT(ERROR_SUCCESS == l, "Failed to close key"); } } else { l = RegCloseKey(hk); } }
return TRUE; }
// UnregisterTypeLibrary
// blows away the type library keys for a given libid.
// Parameters:
// REFCLSID - [in] libid to blow away.
// Output:
// Notes:
// - WARNING: this function just blows away the entire type library section,
// including all localized versions of the type library. mildly anti-
// social, but not killer.
BOOL UnregisterTypeLibrary ( REFCLSID riidLibrary ) { HKEY hk; char szScratch[GUID_STR_LEN]; long l; BOOL f;
// convert the libid into a string.
if (!StringFromGuidA(riidLibrary, szScratch)) return FALSE;
l = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "TypeLib", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hk); if (l != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
f = DeleteKeyAndSubKeys(hk, szScratch); RegCloseKey(hk); return f; }
// DeleteKeyAndSubKeys
// deletes a key and all of its subkeys.
// Parameters:
// HKEY - [in] delete the descendant specified
// LPCSTR - [in] i'm the descendant specified
// Output:
// BOOL - TRUE OK, FALSE baaaad.
// Notes:
// - I don't feel too bad about implementing this recursively, since the
// depth isn't likely to get all the great.
// - Despite the win32 docs claiming it does, RegDeleteKey doesn't seem to
// work with sub-keys under windows 95.
BOOL DeleteKeyAndSubKeys ( HKEY hkIn, LPCSTR pszSubKey ) { HKEY hk; char szTmp[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwTmpSize; long l; BOOL f;
l = RegOpenKeyEx(hkIn, pszSubKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hk); if (l != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
// loop through all subkeys, blowing them away.
f = TRUE; while (f) { dwTmpSize = MAX_PATH; // We're deleting keys, so always enumerate the 0th
l = RegEnumKeyEx(hk, 0, szTmp, &dwTmpSize, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (l != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; f = DeleteKeyAndSubKeys(hk, szTmp); }
// there are no subkeys left, [or we'll just generate an error and return FALSE].
// let's go blow this dude away.
RegCloseKey(hk); l = RegDeleteKey(hkIn, pszSubKey);
return (l == ERROR_SUCCESS) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
// QueryOtherVersionProgIds [RegisterTypeLib helper]
// Searches for other version dependent ProgIds for a component
// Parameters:
// pszLibName - [in] lib name portion of ProgId <libname.coclass>
// pszObjectName - [in] coclass portion of ProgId <libname.coclass>
// lVersion - [in] Major version number of our component
// plFoundVersion - [out] The largest version number found not equal to our own.
// The version number will be less than or equal to MAX_VERSION
// pfFailure - [out] Flag indicating that a failure occurred preventing
// us from knowing if there are any other ProgIds
// Output:
// BOOL - TRUE: One or more other version dependent progids exist
// FALSE: No other version dependent progids exist
// Notes:
// - If a version dependent ProgId exceeds MAX_VERSION we won't find it.
// - ASSUMPTION: Major versions are checked for starting at MAX_VERSION and working
// down to 1. An assert will occur if your component
// approaches MAX_VERSION allowing you to bump up MAX_VERSION.
// The assumption is that major version changes on components
// built with the framework are rare. It should take many
// dev cycles and many years to approach this limit.
// Once you get near the limit the assert fires and you
// can modify the value to anticipate future versions.
// This will allow components built today to successfully
// find ProgIds for other components built in the future.
// However, at some point a component built today won't
// be able to find other controls that exceed today's
// MAX_VERSION value. If this is a concern, re-write
// this routine to use RegEnumKey and look for any
// version dependent ProgId independent of it's version number.
// We chose not to implement it this way, since there may be
// several hundred calls to RegEnumKey to find the ProgId
// you're looking for. It's cheaper to make at most MAX_VERSION
// calls.
BOOL QueryOtherVersionProgIds ( LPCSTR pszLibName, LPCSTR pszObjectName, long lVersion, long *plFoundVersion, BOOL *pfFailure ) { BOOL fFound; char szTmp[MAX_PATH]; long lVer; long l; HKEY hk, hkVersion;
CHECK_POINTER(pszLibName); CHECK_POINTER(pszObjectName);
// This is a warning assert. If you've tripped this, then your current component
// is within VERSION_DELTA versions of exceeding MAX_VERSION. Consider bumping up MAX_VERSION
// or change the delta to a smaller number. Reasonable settings for these
// depend on how often you do a major version change of your component.
ASSERT(MAX_VERSION > VERSION_DELTA, "The MAX_VERSION setting is not in line with what we expect it to be."); ASSERT(lVersion <= MAX_VERSION - VERSION_DELTA, "Version number of component is approaching or exceeds limit of checked range. Consider increasing MAX_VERSION value.");
// Initialize out params
if (plFoundVersion) *plFoundVersion = 0;
if (pfFailure) *pfFailure = TRUE;
fFound = FALSE; l = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hk); ASSERT(l == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Failed to open HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"); if (l != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE; // Note: If this fails we don't know whether a version dependent ProgId exists or not.
// We need to walk backwards down from MAX_VERSION so that we end up with the largest version number
// not equaling our own
// PERF: It's cheaper to look for a realistic set of versions than it is to enumerate all registry keys
// looking for a partial match on the ProgId to figure out what versions are available.
for (lVer = MAX_VERSION; lVer > 0; lVer--) { // We know about our version number, skip it.
if (lVersion == lVer) continue;
// Create version dependent ProgId
wsprintf(szTmp, "%s.%s.%ld", pszLibName, pszObjectName, lVer);
l = RegOpenKeyEx(hk, szTmp, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkVersion);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == l) { // We found another version dependent ProgId other than our own - bail out
fFound = TRUE;
if (plFoundVersion) *plFoundVersion = lVer;
l = RegCloseKey(hkVersion); ASSERT(l == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Failed to close version dependent key"); goto CleanUp; } }
// If we made it this far, then we know for certain whether there were other
// version dependent progids or not. Reflect back to the caller there
// was no general failure that led to us not know whether there were
// any version dependent ProgIds
if (pfFailure) *pfFailure = FALSE; l = RegCloseKey(hk); ASSERT(l == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Failed closing HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key");
return fFound; }
// CopyVersionDependentProgIdToIndependentProgId [RegisterTypeLib helper]
// Copies the contents of the version dependent ProgId to a version
// independent ProgId
// Parameters:
// pszLibName - [in] lib name portion of ProgId <libname.coclass>
// pszObjectName - [in] coclass portion of ProgId <libname.coclass>
// lVersion - [in] Major version number of our component
// Output:
// BOOL - TRUE: ProgId was copied successfully
// FALSE: ProgId was not copied successfully
// Notes:
BOOL CopyVersionDependentProgIdToIndependentProgId ( LPCSTR pszLibName, LPCSTR pszObjectName, long lVersion ) { CHECK_POINTER(pszLibName); CHECK_POINTER(pszObjectName); HKEY hkVerDependent, hkVerIndependent; char szTmp[MAX_PATH]; long l, lTmp; BOOL bSuccess; DWORD dwDummy; // Get a handle to the version dependent ProgId
wsprintf(szTmp, "%s.%s.%ld", pszLibName, pszObjectName, lVersion);
l = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szTmp, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkVerDependent); ASSERT(ERROR_SUCCESS == l, "Failed to open the version dependent ProgId"); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != l) return FALSE;
// Blow away the version independent ProgId
wsprintf(szTmp, "%s.%s", pszLibName, pszObjectName); DeleteKeyAndSubKeys(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szTmp);
// Create the initial key for the version independent ProgId
l = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szTmp, 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkVerIndependent, &dwDummy); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != l) goto CleanUp;
// Copy the contents of the version dependent ProgId to the version independent ProgId
bSuccess = CopyRegistrySection(hkVerDependent, hkVerIndependent); l = (bSuccess) ? ERROR_SUCCESS : !ERROR_SUCCESS;
CleanUp: lTmp = RegCloseKey(hkVerDependent); ASSERT(ERROR_SUCCESS == lTmp, "Failed to close registry key");
lTmp = RegCloseKey(hkVerIndependent); ASSERT(ERROR_SUCCESS == lTmp, "Failed to close registry key"); return (ERROR_SUCCESS == l) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
// CopyRegistrySection
// Recursively copies a section of the registry to another section of the
// registry
// Parameters:
// hkSource - [in] The source key to copy from
// hkDest - [in] The dest key to copy to
// Output:
// BOOL - TRUE: Registry section was copied successfully
// FALSE: Registry section was not copied successfully
// Notes:
// - In order for this to work, only the top-level destination key should exist.
// We assume that there are no sub-keys under the destination key.
BOOL CopyRegistrySection(HKEY hkSource, HKEY hkDest) { char szTmp[MAX_PATH]; long l, lTmp; DWORD dwKey, dwDummy, cbData; HKEY hkSrcSub, hkDestSub; BOOL bSuccess; FILETIME ft; DWORD dwType;
// Copy the value of the source key to the destination key
cbData = sizeof(szTmp); l = RegQueryValueEx(hkSource, NULL, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE *) szTmp, &cbData);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != l) return FALSE;
l = RegSetValueEx(hkDest, NULL, NULL, dwType, (const BYTE *) szTmp, cbData); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != l) return FALSE;
dwKey = 0;
// Enumerate through all of the sub-keys underneath the source key
while (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegEnumKeyEx(hkSource, dwKey, szTmp, &cbData, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ft)) { ASSERT(cbData > 0, "RegEnumKeyEx returned 0 length string"); // Open the registry source sub-key
l = RegOpenKeyEx(hkSource, szTmp, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkSrcSub); ASSERT(ERROR_SUCCESS == l, "Failed to open reg key"); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != l) break;
// Create the registry dest sub-key
l = RegCreateKeyEx(hkDest, szTmp, 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkDestSub, &dwDummy); ASSERT(ERROR_SUCCESS == l, "Failed to create reg key"); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != l) { lTmp = RegCloseKey(hkSrcSub); ASSERT(ERROR_SUCCESS == lTmp, "Failed to close reg key"); break; }
// Recursively call ourselves copying all sub-entries from the source key to the dest key
bSuccess = CopyRegistrySection(hkSrcSub, hkDestSub); ASSERT(bSuccess, "Recursive call to CopyRegistrySection failed");
// Cleanup
lTmp = RegCloseKey(hkSrcSub); ASSERT(ERROR_SUCCESS == l, "Failed to close reg key");
lTmp = RegCloseKey(hkDestSub); ASSERT(ERROR_SUCCESS == l, "Failed to close reg key");
dwKey++; }
return (ERROR_SUCCESS == l ? TRUE : FALSE); }
// GetHelpFilePath [RegisterTypeLib helper]
// Returns the path to the Windows\Help directory
// Parameters:
// char * - [in/out] Pointer to buffer that will contain
// the HELP path we will return to the caller
// UINT - [in] Number of bytes in the buffer
// Output:
// UINT - Returns the number of bytes actually copied to the buffer
UINT GetHelpFilePath(char *pszPath, UINT cbPath) { UINT cb; char szHelp[] = "\\HELP"; ASSERT(pszPath, "Path pointer is NULL");
// No need to continue if specified buffer size is zero or less
if (cbPath == 0) return 0;
cb = GetWindowsDirectory(pszPath, cbPath); ASSERT(cb > 0, "Windows path is zero length"); // Concatenate "\HELP" onto the Windows directory
cb += lstrlen(szHelp); if (cb < cbPath) lstrcat(pszPath, szHelp); else FAIL("Unable to add HELP path to Windows, buffer too small");
return cb; }
// ExistInprocServer [RegisterUnknownObject Helper]
// Checks for the Implemented Categories key under a given key
// Parameters:
// riid - [in] CLSID of object to be examined
// Output:
// BOOL - Returns TRUE if Implemented Categories exists
// Returns FALSE if Implemented Categories doesn't exist
BOOL ExistImplementedCategories(REFCLSID riid) { char szGuidStr[MAX_PATH]; char szScratch[MAX_PATH]; long l; DWORD dwDummy; HKEY hkCLSID, hkImplementedCategories;
if (!StringFromGuidA(riid, szGuidStr)) return FALSE; wsprintf(szScratch, "CLSID\\%s", szGuidStr);
l = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szScratch, 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ, NULL, &hkCLSID, &dwDummy); if (l != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE; l = RegOpenKeyEx(hkCLSID, "Implemented Categories", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkImplementedCategories); RegCloseKey(hkCLSID);
if (l != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE; RegCloseKey(hkImplementedCategories);
// If we made it this far, then the 'Implemented Categories' key must have been found
return TRUE; }
// ExistInprocServer [UnregisterUnknownObject Helper]
// Checks for other servers such as (16-bit) InProcServer under the
// CLSID section for a given CLSID guid.
// Parameters:
// HKEY - [in] HKEY top-level key where to look for the given
// char * - [in] CLSID of server that we want to see if there
// is an (16-bit) InProcServer registered.
// Output:
// BOOL - Returns TRUE if a 16-bit in-proc server is registered
// Returns FALSE if no 16-bit in-proc server is registered
BOOL ExistInprocServer(HKEY hkCLSID, char *pszCLSID) { HKEY hkInProcServer; LONG l; char szInprocServer[MAX_PATH];
wsprintf(szInprocServer, "%s\\InprocServer", pszCLSID); // Attempt to open the 16-bit 'InProcServer' key
l = RegOpenKeyEx(hkCLSID, szInprocServer, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkInProcServer); if (l != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE; RegCloseKey(hkInProcServer);
// If we made it this far, then the 'InProcServer' key must have been found
return TRUE; }
// FileExtension
// Given a filename returns the file extension without the preceeded period.
char *FileExtension(const char *pszFilename) { char *pPeriod;
ASSERT(pszFilename, "Passed in filename is NULL");
// Start at the end of the string and work backwards looking for a period
pPeriod = (char *) pszFilename + lstrlen(pszFilename) - 1; while (pPeriod >= pszFilename) { if (*pPeriod == '.') return ++pPeriod;
pPeriod--; }
// No extension name was found
return NULL; }
// Conversion Routines
// the following stuff is stuff used for the various conversion routines.
#define HIMETRIC_PER_INCH 2540
#define MAP_PIX_TO_LOGHIM(x,ppli) ( (HIMETRIC_PER_INCH*(x) + ((ppli)>>1)) / (ppli) )
#define MAP_LOGHIM_TO_PIX(x,ppli) ( ((ppli)*(x) + HIMETRIC_PER_INCH/2) / HIMETRIC_PER_INCH )
static int s_iXppli; // Pixels per logical inch along width
static int s_iYppli; // Pixels per logical inch along height
static BYTE s_fGotScreenMetrics; // Are above valid?
// GetScreenMetrics
// private function we call to set up various metrics the conversion routines
// will use.
// Notes:
static void GetScreenMetrics ( void ) { HDC hDCScreen;
// we have to critical section this in case two threads are converting
// things at the same time
ENTERCRITICALSECTION1(&g_CriticalSection); if (s_fGotScreenMetrics) goto Done;
// we want the metrics for the screen
hDCScreen = GetDC(NULL);
ASSERT(hDCScreen, "couldn't get a DC for the screen."); s_iXppli = GetDeviceCaps(hDCScreen, LOGPIXELSX); s_iYppli = GetDeviceCaps(hDCScreen, LOGPIXELSY);
ReleaseDC(NULL, hDCScreen); s_fGotScreenMetrics = TRUE;
// we're done with our critical seciton. clean it up
Done: LEAVECRITICALSECTION1(&g_CriticalSection); }
// HiMetricToPixel
// converts from himetric to Pixels.
// Parameters:
// const SIZEL * - [in] dudes in himetric
// SIZEL * - [out] size in pixels.
// Notes:
void HiMetricToPixel(const SIZEL * lpSizeInHiMetric, LPSIZEL lpSizeInPix) { GetScreenMetrics();
// We got logical HIMETRIC along the display, convert them to pixel units
lpSizeInPix->cx = MAP_LOGHIM_TO_PIX(lpSizeInHiMetric->cx, s_iXppli); lpSizeInPix->cy = MAP_LOGHIM_TO_PIX(lpSizeInHiMetric->cy, s_iYppli); }
// PixelToHiMetric
// converts from pixels to himetric.
// Parameters:
// const SIZEL * - [in] size in pixels
// SIZEL * - [out] size in himetric
// Notes:
void PixelToHiMetric(const SIZEL * lpSizeInPix, LPSIZEL lpSizeInHiMetric) { GetScreenMetrics();
// We got pixel units, convert them to logical HIMETRIC along the display
lpSizeInHiMetric->cx = MAP_PIX_TO_LOGHIM(lpSizeInPix->cx, s_iXppli); lpSizeInHiMetric->cy = MAP_PIX_TO_LOGHIM(lpSizeInPix->cy, s_iYppli); }
// _MakePath
// little helper routine for RegisterLocalizedTypeLibs and GetResourceHandle.
// not terrilby efficient or smart, but it's registration code, so we don't
// really care.
// Notes:
void _MakePath ( LPSTR pszFull, const char * pszName, LPSTR pszOut ) { LPSTR psz; LPSTR pszLast;
lstrcpy(pszOut, pszFull); psz = pszLast = pszOut; while (*psz) { if (*psz == '\\') pszLast = AnsiNext(psz); psz = AnsiNext(psz); }
// got the last \ character, so just go and replace the name.
lstrcpy(pszLast, pszName); }
// from Globals.C
extern HINSTANCE g_hInstResources;
// GetResourceHandle
// returns the resource handle. we use the host's ambient Locale ID to
// determine, from a table in the DLL, which satellite DLL to load for
// localized resources. If a satellite .DLL is not supported or not found
// the instance handle of the object is returned.
// Input:
// lcid = 0 - [in, optional] Locale id that caller wants resource handle for
// This overrides the default lcid. If no lcid
// is provided or its 0, then the default lcid is used.
// Output:
// Notes:
// The localized .DLL must be at the same location as the client object or control.
// If the .DLL is not in the same location it will not be found and the resource
// handle of the client object or control will be returned.
// If a localized .DLL containing the full language abbreviation is not found,
// the language abbreviation is truncated to two characters and the satellite
// DLL with that name is attempted. For example, the name MyCtlJPN.DLL and
// MyCtlJP.DLL are both valid.
// If an lcid is passed in then we will attempt to find a satellite DLL matching
// the desired lcid. If the lcid is not 0, doesn't match the default lcid and a
// library is found and loaded for it, we don't cache the library's instance handle.
// Its up to the caller to call FreeLibrary on the returned handle. The caller should
// compare the returned handle against g_hInstResources and g_hInstance. If its not
// equal to either of these handles then call FreeLibrary on it. If it is equal to
// either of these handles then the call must *not* call FreeLibrary on it.
HINSTANCE _stdcall GetResourceHandle ( LCID lcid /* = 0 */ ) { int i; char szExtension[5], szModuleName[MAX_PATH]; char szDllName[MAX_PATH], szFinalName[MAX_PATH]; char szBaseName[MAX_PATH]; HINSTANCE hInstResources; int iCompare;
int iReCompare; char szEnvironValue[MAX_PATH]; char szMessage[5 * MAX_PATH]; // The message includes 4 file references plus message text
DWORD dwLength; DWORD dwSuccess = 0; #endif
// crit sect this so that we don't screw anything up.
ENTERCRITICALSECTION1(&g_CriticalSection); // If we fall out, we need to make sure we're returning the cached resource handle
hInstResources = g_hInstResources;
// don't do anything if we don't have to
// If the resource handle has already been cached and the passed in lcid matches the
// cached lcid or its the default, we just use the saved instance.
if ((hInstResources && (lcid == 0 || lcid == g_lcidLocale)) || !g_fSatelliteLocalization) goto CleanUp; if (lcid == 0) // Passed in LCID is zero so we want the instance for the default lcid.
lcid = g_lcidLocale;
// we're going to call GetLocaleInfo to get the abbreviated name for the
// LCID we've got.
i = GetLocaleInfo(lcid, LOCALE_SABBREVLANGNAME, szExtension, sizeof(szExtension)); if (!i) goto CleanUp;
// we've got the language extension. go and load the DLL name from the
// resources and then tack on the extension.
// please note that all inproc sers -must- have the string resource 1001
// defined to the base name of the server if they wish to support satellite
// localization.
i = LoadString(g_hInstance, 1001, szBaseName, sizeof(szBaseName)); ASSERT(i, "This server doesn't have IDS_SERVERBASENAME defined in their resources!"); if (!i) goto CleanUp;
if (g_fSatelliteLangExtension) #endif
{ // got the basename and the extention. go and combine them, and then add
// on the .DLL for them.
wsprintf(szDllName, "%s%s.DLL", szBaseName, szExtension);
// try to load in the DLL
dwLength = #endif
GetModuleFileName(g_hInstance, szModuleName, MAX_PATH);
ASSERT(dwLength > 0, "GetModuleFileName failed");
_MakePath(szModuleName, szDllName, szFinalName);
hInstResources = LoadLibrary(szFinalName);
// This will help diagnose problems where a machine may contain two satellite .DLLs
// one using the long extension name and the other the short extension name.
// We'll at least get a warning under DEBUG that we've got two plausible satellite
// DLLs hanging around, but we're only going to use one of them: the one with the long name.
if (hInstResources && lstrlen(szExtension) > 2) { HINSTANCE hinstTemp; char szExtTemp[MAX_PATH];
// Truncate the language extension to the first two characters
lstrcpy(szExtTemp, szExtension); // Don't want to whack the extension as this will cause
// the next if statement to always fail if we truncate it here.
// Make a copy and use it.
szExtTemp[2] = '\0'; wsprintf(szDllName, "%s%s.DLL", szBaseName, szExtTemp); _MakePath(szModuleName, szDllName, szFinalName);
// Try loading the localized .DLL using the truncated lang abbreviation
hinstTemp = LoadLibrary(szFinalName); ASSERT(hinstTemp == NULL, "Satellite DLLs with both long and short language abbreviations found. Using long abbreviation."); }
#endif // DEBUG
if (!hInstResources && lstrlen(szExtension) > 2) { // Truncate the language extension to the first two characters
szExtension[2] = '\0'; wsprintf(szDllName, "%s%s.DLL", szBaseName, szExtension); _MakePath(szModuleName, szDllName, szFinalName);
// Try loading the localized .DLL using the truncated lang abbreviation
hInstResources = LoadLibrary(szFinalName); }
// if we couldn't find it with the entire LCID, try it with just the primary
// langid
if (!hInstResources) { LPSTR psz; LCID lcid; lcid = MAKELCID(MAKELANGID(PRIMARYLANGID(LANGIDFROMLCID(g_lcidLocale)), SUBLANG_DEFAULT), SORT_DEFAULT); i = GetLocaleInfo(lcid, LOCALE_SABBREVLANGNAME, szExtension, sizeof(szExtension)); if (!i) goto CleanUp;
// reconstruct the DLL name. the -7 is the length of XXX.DLL. mildly
// hacky, but it should be fine. there are no DBCS lang identifiers.
// finally, retry the load
psz = szFinalName + lstrlen(szFinalName); memcpy((LPBYTE)psz - 7, szExtension, 3); hInstResources = LoadLibrary(szFinalName); }
//try under the <base path>\LCID\<sxBaseName.dll>
if (!hInstResources) {
wsprintf(szDllName, "%u\\%s.dll", lcid, szBaseName); _MakePath(szModuleName, szDllName, szFinalName); hInstResources = LoadLibrary(szFinalName); } }
else { char *psz;
GetModuleFileName(g_hInstance, szModuleName, MAX_PATH); psz = strrchr(szModuleName, '\\'); *psz = NULL;
// szModuleName should now contain the path for the DLL
// now concatenate the resource location
strcat(szModuleName, "\\resources\\"); wsprintf(szDllName, "%s%d", szModuleName, lcid); strcat(szDllName, "\\"); strcat(szDllName, szBaseName); strcat(szDllName, ".DLL");
// try to load in the DLL
hInstResources = LoadLibrary(szDllName); }
// if we couldn't load the DLL for some reason, then just return the
// current resource handle, which is good enough.
if (!hInstResources) hInstResources = g_hInstance;
if (!g_hInstResources && (lcid == 0 || lcid == g_lcidLocale)) // We only cache the instance handle for the default LCID.
// For all other passed in lcid values we will LoadLibrary on the satellite DLL each time.
// Its recommended that the calling app cache the returned instance handle for the given
// lcid passed in.
g_hInstResources = hInstResources;
ASSERT(hInstResources, "Resource handle is NULL");
// =-------------------------------------------------------------------
// Satellite .DLL version check
// =-------------------------------------------------------------------
// The satellite .DLL version must exactly match the version of the
if ((!g_bDllVerChecked) || (lcid != g_lcidLocale && lcid != 0)) { // If we're using a satellite .DLL
// (hInstResources != g_hInstance), do a version check.
// If the passed in lcid is different than what we've cached and we're
// using a satellite .DLL, do the version check.
// Make sure we have a satellite .DLL
if (hInstResources != g_hInstance) { #if DEBUG
dwLength = #endif
GetModuleFileName(hInstResources, szFinalName, MAX_PATH);
ASSERT(dwLength > 0, "GetModuleFileName failed");
iCompare = CompareDllVersion(szFinalName, TRUE); #if DEBUG
if (VERSION_LESS_THAN == iCompare) { wsprintf(szMessage, "Major version compare: VERSION resource info in %s is less than VERSION info in %s. Non-localized resources will be used. In order to see localized resources, you need to obtain a version of %s that matches %s.", szFinalName, szModuleName, szFinalName, szModuleName); DisplayAssert(szMessage, "", _szThisFile, __LINE__); } else if (VERSION_GREATER_THAN == iCompare) { wsprintf(szMessage, "Major version compare: VERSION resource info in %s is greater than VERSION info in %s. Non-localized resources will be used. In order to see localized resources, you need to obtain a version of %s that matches %s.", szFinalName, szModuleName, szFinalName, szModuleName); DisplayAssert(szMessage, "", _szThisFile, __LINE__); } else if (VERSION_EQUAL == iCompare) {
// Vegas #29024: Only enable full version assert if environment variable is set.
dwSuccess = GetEnvironmentVariable("INTL_VERSION_COMPARE", szEnvironValue, MAX_PATH);
if (dwSuccess > 0) { // Re-do the comparison using a full-version compare
// Note: Don't use iCompare here otherwise DEBUG builds will default to non-localized resources
// when major version comparison succeeds, but full version compare fails.
iReCompare = CompareDllVersion(szFinalName, FALSE);
if (VERSION_LESS_THAN == iReCompare) { wsprintf(szMessage, "Warning: Full version compare: VERSION resource info in %s is less than VERSION info in %s. Localized resources will continue to be used, but may not be in sync.", szFinalName, szModuleName); DisplayAssert(szMessage, "", _szThisFile, __LINE__); } else if (VERSION_GREATER_THAN == iReCompare) { wsprintf(szMessage, "Warning: Full version compare: VERSION resource info in %s is greater than VERSION info in %s. Localized resources will continue to be used, but may not be in sync.", szFinalName, szModuleName); DisplayAssert(szMessage, "", _szThisFile, __LINE__); } }
// If CompareDllVersion ever returns NOT_EQUAL it means it didn't get far enough
// to figure out if the version was less than or greater than. It must have failed.
// Note: In this case, we go ahead and use the satellite .DLL anyway. It may be that
// the satellite .DLL doesn't contain VERSION info.
ASSERT(VERSION_NOT_EQUAL != iCompare, "Failure attempting to compare satellite .DLL version"); if (VERSION_LESS_THAN == iCompare || VERSION_GREATER_THAN == iCompare) { // If the check fails, return the instance of ourself, not the
// satellite .DLL. Resources will be displayed in English.
hInstResources = g_hInstance;
if (lcid == 0 || lcid == g_lcidLocale) { g_hInstResources = g_hInstance; } }
if (lcid == 0 || lcid == g_lcidLocale) g_bDllVerChecked = TRUE; }
return hInstResources; }
// CompareDllVersion
// Given a pointer to an external filename, compare the version info in the
// file with the version info in our own binary (.DLL or .OCX).
// Parameters:
// Returns: S_OK if type flags are successfully found, otherwise an error code
VERSIONRESULT _stdcall CompareDllVersion(const char * pszFilename, BOOL bCompareMajorVerOnly) { // Default to not equal. The only time we're not equal is if something failed.
VERSIONRESULT vrResult = VERSION_NOT_EQUAL; BOOL bResult; VS_FIXEDFILEINFO ffiMe, ffiDll; char szModuleName[MAX_PATH]; WORD wMajorVerMe; WORD wMajorVerDll;
DWORD dwLength;
// Get VERSION info for our own .DLL/.OCX (aka Me)
ASSERT(g_hInstance, "hInstance is NULL"); dwLength = GetModuleFileName(g_hInstance, szModuleName, MAX_PATH); ASSERT(dwLength > 0, "GetModuleFilename failed");
if (0 == dwLength) goto CleanUp;
// Make sure we're not comparing the same file
ASSERT(0 != lstrcmpi(szModuleName, pszFilename), "The same file is being compared");
bResult = GetVerInfo(szModuleName, &ffiMe); ASSERT(bResult, "GetVerInfo failed"); if (!bResult) goto CleanUp;
ASSERT(0xFEEF04BD == ffiMe.dwSignature, "Bad VS_FIXEDFILEINFO signature for Me");
// Get version info for the passed in .DLL name
bResult = GetVerInfo(pszFilename, &ffiDll); ASSERT(bResult, "GetVerInfo failed"); if (!bResult) goto CleanUp;
ASSERT(0xFEEF04BD == ffiDll.dwSignature, "Bad VS_FIXEDFILEINFO signature for Me"); if (bCompareMajorVerOnly) { // Major version compare
wMajorVerMe = HIWORD(ffiMe.dwFileVersionMS); wMajorVerDll = HIWORD(ffiDll.dwFileVersionMS);
if (wMajorVerMe == wMajorVerDll) return VERSION_EQUAL; else if (wMajorVerMe > wMajorVerDll) return VERSION_LESS_THAN; else return VERSION_GREATER_THAN;
} else { // Full version compare
// Compare the version with our build version set by constants in DWINVERS.H
if (ffiMe.dwFileVersionMS == ffiDll.dwFileVersionMS && ffiMe.dwFileVersionLS == ffiDll.dwFileVersionLS) { vrResult = VERSION_EQUAL; } else if (ffiMe.dwFileVersionMS == ffiDll.dwFileVersionMS) { if (ffiMe.dwFileVersionLS > ffiDll.dwFileVersionLS) vrResult = VERSION_LESS_THAN; else vrResult = VERSION_GREATER_THAN; } else if (ffiMe.dwFileVersionMS < ffiDll.dwFileVersionMS) { vrResult = VERSION_LESS_THAN; } else { vrResult = VERSION_GREATER_THAN; }
CleanUp: return vrResult;
// GetVerInfo
// Returns the VERSION resource fixed file info struct for a given file.
// Parameters:
// pszFilename - [in] Filename to return version info for
// pffi - [out] Version info
BOOL _stdcall GetVerInfo(const char * pszFilename, VS_FIXEDFILEINFO *pffi) { DWORD dwHandle = 0; DWORD dwVersionSize = 0; UINT uiLength = 0; VS_FIXEDFILEINFO * pffiTemp;
DWORD dwGetLastError; #endif
BYTE *pVersionInfo = NULL; BOOL bResult = FALSE;
memset(pffi, 0, sizeof(VS_FIXEDFILEINFO)); dwVersionSize = CallGetFileVersionInfoSize((char *) pszFilename, &dwHandle);
dwGetLastError = GetLastError(); #endif
ASSERT(dwVersionSize > 0, "GetFileVersionInfoSize failed");
if (0 == dwVersionSize) goto CleanUp;
pVersionInfo = (BYTE *) HeapAlloc(g_hHeap, 0, dwVersionSize); ASSERT(pVersionInfo, "pVersionInfo is NULL"); if (NULL == pVersionInfo) goto CleanUp;
bResult = CallGetFileVersionInfo((char *) pszFilename, dwHandle, dwVersionSize, pVersionInfo); ASSERT(bResult, "GetFileVersionInfo failed"); if (!bResult) goto CleanUp;
bResult = CallVerQueryValue(pVersionInfo, "\\", (void **) &pffiTemp, &uiLength); ASSERT(bResult, "VerQueryValue failed"); if (!bResult) goto CleanUp;
ASSERT(sizeof(VS_FIXEDFILEINFO) == uiLength, "Returned length is invalid"); memcpy(pffi, pffiTemp, uiLength);
if (pVersionInfo) HeapFree(g_hHeap, 0, pVersionInfo);
return bResult; }
// CallGetFileVersionInfoSize [VERSION.DLL API wrapper]
// This does a dynamic call to the GetFileVersionInfoSize API function. If
// VERSION.DLL isn't loaded, then this function loads it.
BOOL CallGetFileVersionInfoSize ( LPTSTR lptstrFilename, LPDWORD lpdwHandle ) { EnterCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection);
// One-time setup of VERSION.DLL and function pointer
if (!g_pGetFileVersionInfoSize) { if (!g_hinstVersion) { g_hinstVersion = LoadLibrary(DLL_VERSION); ASSERT(g_hinstVersion, "Failed to load VERSION.DLL"); if (!g_hinstVersion) return FALSE; } g_pGetFileVersionInfoSize = (PGETFILEVERSIONINFOSIZE) GetProcAddress(g_hinstVersion, FUNC_GETFILEVERSIONINFOSIZE); ASSERT(g_pGetFileVersionInfoSize, "Failed to get proc address for GetFileVersionInfoSize"); if (!g_pGetFileVersionInfoSize) return FALSE; } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection);
// Call GetFileVersionInfoSize
return g_pGetFileVersionInfoSize(lptstrFilename, lpdwHandle); }
// CallGetFileVersionInfo [VERSION.DLL API wrapper]
// This does a dynamic call to the GetFileVersionInfo API function. If
// VERSION.DLL isn't loaded, then this function loads it.
BOOL CallGetFileVersionInfo ( LPTSTR lpststrFilename, DWORD dwHandle, DWORD dwLen, LPVOID lpData ) { EnterCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection);
// One-time setup of VERSION.DLL and function pointer
if (!g_pGetFileVersionInfo) { if (!g_hinstVersion) { g_hinstVersion = LoadLibrary(DLL_VERSION); ASSERT(g_hinstVersion, "Failed to load VERSION.DLL"); if (!g_hinstVersion) return FALSE; } g_pGetFileVersionInfo = (PGETFILEVERSIONINFO) GetProcAddress(g_hinstVersion, FUNC_GETFILEVERSIONINFO); ASSERT(g_pGetFileVersionInfo, "Failed to get proc address for GetFileVersionInfo"); if (!g_pGetFileVersionInfo) return FALSE; } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection);
// Call GetFileVersionInfo
return g_pGetFileVersionInfo(lpststrFilename, dwHandle, dwLen, lpData); }
// CallVerQueryValue [VERSION.DLL API wrapper]
// This does a dynamic call to the VerQueryValue API function. If
// VERSION.DLL isn't loaded, then this function loads it.
BOOL CallVerQueryValue ( const LPVOID pBlock, LPTSTR lpSubBlock, LPVOID *lplpBuffer, PUINT puLen ) { EnterCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection);
// One-time setup of VERSION.DLL and function pointer
if (!g_pVerQueryValue) { if (!g_hinstVersion) { g_hinstVersion = LoadLibrary(DLL_VERSION); ASSERT(g_hinstVersion, "Failed to load VERSION.DLL"); if (!g_hinstVersion) return FALSE; } g_pVerQueryValue = (PVERQUERYVALUE) GetProcAddress(g_hinstVersion, FUNC_VERQUERYVALUE); ASSERT(g_pVerQueryValue, "Failed to get proc address for VerQueryValue"); if (!g_pVerQueryValue) return FALSE; } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection);
// Call VerQueryValue
return g_pVerQueryValue(pBlock, lpSubBlock, lplpBuffer, puLen); }
// GetTypeInfoFlagsForGuid
// Given a pointer to a TypeLib and a TypeInfo guid, returns the TYPEFLAGS
// associated with the TypeInfo
// Parameters:
// pTypeLib - [in] Pointer of TypeLib to find typeinfo type flags
// guidTypeInfo - [in] Guid of TypeInfo we're looking for
// pwFlags - [out] TYPEFLAGS associated with the typeinfo
// Returns: S_OK if type flags are successfully found, otherwise an error code
HRESULT GetTypeFlagsForGuid(ITypeLib *pTypeLib, REFGUID guidTypeInfo, WORD *pwFlags) { ITypeInfo *pTypeInfo; TYPEATTR *pTypeAttr; HRESULT hr;
if (!pTypeLib || !pwFlags) return E_POINTER;
*pwFlags = 0;
// Search for the given guid in the TypeLib
hr = pTypeLib->GetTypeInfoOfGuid(guidTypeInfo, &pTypeInfo);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Get the type attributes for the found TypeInfo
hr = pTypeInfo->GetTypeAttr(&pTypeAttr); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to get ctl TypeInfo TypeAttr");
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Return TYPEFLAGS
*pwFlags = pTypeAttr->wTypeFlags; pTypeInfo->ReleaseTypeAttr(pTypeAttr); }
pTypeInfo->Release(); }
return hr; }