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// Util.C
// Copyright 1995 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// contains routines that we will find useful.
#include "pch.h"
#include <comcat.h>
// for ASSERT and FAIL
BOOL g_bDllVerChecked = FALSE;
// VERSION.DLL functions
HINSTANCE g_hinstVersion = NULL;
// temporary until we get an updated ComCat.H
EXTERN_C const CATID CATID_SimpleFrameControl = {0xD40C2700,0xFFA1,0x11cf,{0x82,0x34,0x00,0xaa,0x00,0xC1,0xAB,0x85}};
// These are externals for registering the control CATID's
extern const CATID *g_rgCATIDImplemented[];
extern const CATID *g_rgCATIDRequired[];
extern const int g_ctCATIDImplemented;
extern const int g_ctCATIDRequired;
// this table is used for copying data around, and persisting properties.
// basically, it contains the size of a given data type
const BYTE g_rgcbDataTypeSize[] = {
0, // VT_EMPTY= 0,
0, // VT_NULL= 1,
sizeof(short), // VT_I2= 2,
sizeof(long), // VT_I4 = 3,
sizeof(float), // VT_R4 = 4,
sizeof(double), // VT_R8= 5,
sizeof(CURRENCY), // VT_CY= 6,
sizeof(DATE), // VT_DATE = 7,
sizeof(BSTR), // VT_BSTR = 8,
sizeof(IDispatch *), // VT_DISPATCH = 9,
sizeof(SCODE), // VT_ERROR = 10,
sizeof(VARIANT_BOOL), // VT_BOOL = 11,
sizeof(VARIANT), // VT_VARIANT= 12,
sizeof(IUnknown *), // VT_UNKNOWN= 13,
#ifndef MDAC_BUILD
// overloaded new
// Please use New instead of new by inheriting from the class CtlNewDelete
// in Macros.H
inline void * _cdecl operator new
size_t size
if (!g_hHeap)
g_hHeap = GetProcessHeap();
return g_hHeap ? CtlHeapAlloc(g_hHeap, 0, size) : NULL;
return CtlHeapAlloc(g_hHeap, 0, size);
// overloaded delete
// retail case just uses win32 Local* heap mgmt functions
// Parameters:
// void * - [in] free me!
// Notes:
void _cdecl operator delete ( void *ptr)
if (ptr)
CtlHeapFree(g_hHeap, 0, ptr);
// MakeWideFromAnsi
// given a string, make a BSTR out of it.
// Parameters:
// LPSTR - [in]
// BYTE - [in]
// Output:
// LPWSTR - needs to be cast to final desired result
// Notes:
LPWSTR MakeWideStrFromAnsi
LPSTR psz,
BYTE bType
LPWSTR pwsz;
int i;
// arg checking.
if (!psz)
return NULL;
// compute the length of the required BSTR
i = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, psz, -1, NULL, 0);
if (i <= 0) return NULL;
// allocate the widestr
switch (bType) {
case STR_BSTR:
// -1 since it'll add it's own space for a NULL terminator
pwsz = (LPWSTR) SysAllocStringLen(NULL, i - 1);
pwsz = (LPWSTR) CoTaskMemAlloc(i * sizeof(WCHAR));
FAIL("Bogus String Type.");
if (!pwsz) return NULL;
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, psz, -1, pwsz, i);
pwsz[i - 1] = 0;
return pwsz;
// MakeWideStrFromResId
// given a resource ID, load it, and allocate a wide string for it.
// Parameters:
// WORD - [in] resource id.
// BYTE - [in] type of string desired.
// Output:
// LPWSTR - needs to be cast to desired string type.
// Notes:
LPWSTR MakeWideStrFromResourceId
BYTE bType
int i;
char szTmp[512];
// load the string from the resources.
i = LoadString(GetResourceHandle(), wId, szTmp, 512);
if (!i) return NULL;
return MakeWideStrFromAnsi(szTmp, bType);
// MakeWideStrFromWide
// given a wide string, make a new wide string with it of the given type.
// Parameters:
// LPWSTR - [in] current wide str.
// BYTE - [in] desired type of string.
// Output:
// Notes:
LPWSTR MakeWideStrFromWide
LPWSTR pwsz,
BYTE bType
LPWSTR pwszTmp;
int i;
if (!pwsz) return NULL;
// just copy the string, depending on what type they want.
switch (bType) {
i = lstrlenW(pwsz);
pwszTmp = (LPWSTR)CoTaskMemAlloc((i * sizeof(WCHAR)) + sizeof(WCHAR));
if (!pwszTmp) return NULL;
memcpy(pwszTmp, pwsz, (sizeof(WCHAR) * i) + sizeof(WCHAR));
case STR_BSTR:
pwszTmp = (LPWSTR)SysAllocString(pwsz);
return pwszTmp;
// StringFromGuidA
// returns an ANSI string from a CLSID or GUID
// Parameters:
// REFIID - [in] clsid to make string out of.
// LPSTR - [in] buffer in which to place resultant GUID.
// Output:
// int - number of chars written out.
// Notes:
int StringFromGuidA
REFIID riid,
LPSTR pszBuf
return wsprintf((char *)pszBuf, "{%08lX-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X}", riid.Data1,
riid.Data2, riid.Data3, riid.Data4[0], riid.Data4[1], riid.Data4[2],
riid.Data4[3], riid.Data4[4], riid.Data4[5], riid.Data4[6], riid.Data4[7]);
// RegisterUnknownObject
// registers a simple CoCreatable object. nothing terribly serious.
// we add the following information to the registry:
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<CLSID> = <ObjectName> Object
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<CLSID>\InprocServer32 = <path to local server>
// Parameters:
// LPCSTR - [in] Object Name
// REFCLSID - [in] CLSID of the object
// Output:
// BOOL - FALSE means couldn't register it all
// Notes:
BOOL RegisterUnknownObject
LPCSTR pszObjectName,
LPCSTR pszLabelName,
REFCLSID riidObject,
BOOL fAptThreadSafe
HKEY hk = NULL, hkSub = NULL;
char szGuidStr[GUID_STR_LEN];
DWORD dwPathLen, dwDummy;
char szScratch[MAX_PATH];
long l;
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<CLSID> = <ObjectName> Object
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<CLSID>\InprocServer32 = <path to local server>
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<CLSID>\InprocServer32 @ThreadingModel = Apartment
// If someone has added Implemented Categories for our control, then
// don't blow away the entire CLSID section as we will blow away
// these keys. Ideally we should clean up all other keys, but
// implemented categories, but this would be expensive.
if (!ExistImplementedCategories(riidObject))
// clean out any garbage
UnregisterUnknownObject(riidObject, NULL);
if (!StringFromGuidA(riidObject, szGuidStr))
goto CleanUp;
wsprintf(szScratch, "CLSID\\%s", szGuidStr);
l = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szScratch, 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hk, &dwDummy);
if (!pszLabelName)
wsprintf(szScratch, "%s Object", pszObjectName);
lstrcpy(szScratch, pszLabelName);
l = RegSetValueEx(hk, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szScratch, lstrlen(szScratch) + 1);
l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "InprocServer32", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy);
dwPathLen = GetModuleFileName(g_hInstance, szScratch, sizeof(szScratch));
if (!dwPathLen) goto CleanUp;
l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szScratch, dwPathLen + 1);
if (fAptThreadSafe)
l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, "ThreadingModel", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)"Apartment", sizeof("Apartment"));
// Blow away any existing key that would say we're Apartment model threaded
RegDeleteValue(hkSub, "ThreadingModel");
return TRUE;
// we are not very happy!
if (hk) RegCloseKey(hk);
if (hkSub) RegCloseKey(hkSub);
return FALSE;
// RegisterAutomationObject
// given a little bit of information about an automation object, go and put it
// in the registry.
// we add the following information in addition to that set up in
// RegisterUnknownObject:
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<LibraryName>.<ObjectName> = <ObjectName> Object
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<LibraryName>.<ObjectName>\CLSID = <CLSID>
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<LibraryName>.<ObjectName>\CurVer = <ObjectName>.Object.<VersionNumber>
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<LibraryName>.<ObjectName>.<VersionNumber> = <ObjectName> Object
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<LibraryName>.<ObjectName>.<VersionNumber>\CLSID = <CLSID>
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<CLSID>\TypeLib = <LibidOfTypeLibrary>
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<CLSID>\ProgID = <LibraryName>.<ObjectName>.<VersionNumber>
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<CLSID>\VersionIndependentProgID = <LibraryName>.<ObjectName>
// Parameters:
// LPCSTR - [in] Library Name
// LPCSTR - [in] Object Name
// long - [in] Object Version Number
// long - [in] typelib major ver
// long - [in] typelib minor ver
// REFCLSID - [in] LIBID of type library
// REFCLSID - [in] CLSID of the object
// Output:
// BOOL - FALSE means not all of it was registered
// Notes:
BOOL RegisterAutomationObject
LPCSTR pszLibName,
LPCSTR pszObjectName,
LPCSTR pszLabelName,
long lVersion,
long lTLMajor,
long lTLMinor,
REFCLSID riidLibrary,
REFCLSID riidObject,
BOOL fAptThreadSafe
ICatRegister *pCatRegister;
HKEY hk = NULL, hkSub = NULL;
char szGuidStr[GUID_STR_LEN];
char szScratch[MAX_PATH];
long l;
DWORD dwDummy;
// This is a warning assert. If you've tripped this, then your current component
// is within VERSION_DELTA versions of exceeding MAX_VERSION. Consider bumping up MAX_VERSION
// or change the delta to a smaller number. Reasonable settings for these
// depend on how often you do a major version change of your component.
ASSERT(MAX_VERSION > VERSION_DELTA, "The MAX_VERSION setting is not in line with what we expect it to be.");
ASSERT(lVersion <= MAX_VERSION - VERSION_DELTA, "Version number of component is approaching or exceeds limit of checked range. Consider increasing MAX_VERSION value.");
// first register the simple Unknown stuff.
if (!RegisterUnknownObject(pszObjectName, pszLabelName, riidObject, fAptThreadSafe)) return FALSE;
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<LibraryName>.<ObjectName> = <ObjectName> Object
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<LibraryName>.<ObjectName>\CLSID = <CLSID>
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<LibraryName>.<ObjectName>\CurVer = <ObjectName>.Object.<VersionNumber>
lstrcpy(szScratch, pszLibName);
lstrcat(szScratch, ".");
lstrcat(szScratch, pszObjectName);
l = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szScratch, 0L, "",
NULL, &hk, &dwDummy);
if (!pszLabelName)
wsprintf(szScratch, "%s Object", pszObjectName);
lstrcpy(szScratch, pszLabelName);
l = RegSetValueEx(hk, NULL, 0L, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szScratch, lstrlen(szScratch)+1);
l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "CLSID", 0L, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy);
if (!StringFromGuidA(riidObject, szGuidStr))
goto CleanUp;
l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0L, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szGuidStr, lstrlen(szGuidStr) + 1);
l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "CurVer", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy);
ASSERT(pszObjectName, "Object name is NULL");
wsprintf(szScratch, "%s.%s.%ld", pszLibName, pszObjectName, lVersion);
l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szScratch, lstrlen(szScratch) + 1);
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<LibraryName>.<ObjectName>.<VersionNumber> = <ObjectName> Object
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<LibraryName>.<ObjectName>.<VersionNumber>\CLSID = <CLSID>
l = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szScratch, 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hk, &dwDummy);
if (!pszLabelName)
wsprintf(szScratch, "%s Object", pszObjectName);
lstrcpy(szScratch, pszLabelName);
l = RegSetValueEx(hk, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szScratch, lstrlen(szScratch) + 1);
l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "CLSID", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy);
l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szGuidStr, lstrlen(szGuidStr) + 1);
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<CLSID>\ProgID = <LibraryName>.<ObjectName>.<VersionNumber>
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<CLSID>\VersionIndependentProgID = <LibraryName>.<ObjectName>
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<CLSID>\TypeLib = <LibidOfTypeLibrary>
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<CLSID>\Version = "<TLMajor>.<TLMinor>"
if (!StringFromGuidA(riidObject, szGuidStr)) goto CleanUp;
wsprintf(szScratch, "CLSID\\%s", szGuidStr);
l = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szScratch, 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
KEY_READ|KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hk, &dwDummy);
l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "VersionIndependentProgID", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy);
wsprintf(szScratch, "%s.%s", pszLibName, pszObjectName);
l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szScratch, lstrlen(szScratch) + 1);
l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "ProgID", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy);
wsprintf(szScratch, "%s.%s.%ld", pszLibName, pszObjectName, lVersion);
l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szScratch, lstrlen(szScratch) + 1);
l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "TypeLib", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE,
NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy);
if (!StringFromGuidA(riidLibrary, szGuidStr)) goto CleanUp;
l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szGuidStr, lstrlen(szGuidStr) + 1);
// now set up the version information
l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "Version", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy);
wsprintf(szScratch, "%ld.%ld", lTLMajor, lTLMinor);
l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szScratch, lstrlen(szScratch) + 1);
// now, finally, register ourselves with component categories
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_StdComponentCategoriesMgr, NULL,
(void **)&pCatRegister);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
pCatRegister->RegisterClassImplCategories(riidObject, 1,
(GUID *)&CATID_Programmable);
return TRUE;
if (hk) RegCloseKey(hkSub);
if (hk) RegCloseKey(hk);
return FALSE;
// RegisterControlObject.
// in addition to writing out automation object information, this function
// writes out some values specific to a control.
// What we add here:
// Parameters:
// LPCSTR - [in] Library Name
// LPCSTR - [in] Object Name
// long - [in] Object Major Version Number
// long - [in] Object Minor Vesrion Number
// long - [in] TypeLib Major Version Number
// long - [in] Typelib minor version number
// REFCLSID - [in] LIBID of type library
// REFCLSID - [in] CLSID of the object
// DWORD - [in] misc status flags for ctl
// WORD - [in] toolbox id for control
// BOOL - [in] Apartment thread safe flag
// BOOL - [in] Control bit:Flag to tell whether to add the Control key or not.
// Output:
// Notes:
// - not the most terribly efficient routine.
BOOL RegisterControlObject
LPCSTR pszLibName,
LPCSTR pszObjectName,
LPCSTR pszLabelName,
long lMajorVersion,
long lMinorVersion,
long lTLMajor,
long lTLMinor,
REFCLSID riidLibrary,
REFCLSID riidObject,
DWORD dwMiscStatus,
WORD wToolboxBitmapId,
BOOL fAptThreadSafe,
BOOL fControl
ICatRegister *pCatRegister;
HKEY hk, hkSub = NULL, hkSub2 = NULL;
char szTmp[MAX_PATH];
char szGuidStr[GUID_STR_LEN];
DWORD dwDummy;
// first register all the automation information for this sucker.
if (!RegisterAutomationObject(pszLibName, pszObjectName, pszLabelName, lMajorVersion, lTLMajor, lTLMinor, riidLibrary, riidObject, fAptThreadSafe)) return FALSE;
// then go and register the control specific stuff.
StringFromGuidA(riidObject, szGuidStr);
wsprintf(szTmp, "CLSID\\%s", szGuidStr);
l = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szTmp, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hk);
if (l != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
// create the control flag.
if (fControl)
l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "Control", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy);
hkSub = NULL;
// now set up the MiscStatus Bits...
l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "MiscStatus", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy);
szTmp[0] = '0';
szTmp[1] = '\0';
l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szTmp, 2);
l = RegCreateKeyEx(hkSub, "1", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkSub2, &dwDummy);
wsprintf(szTmp, "%d", dwMiscStatus);
l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub2, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szTmp, lstrlen(szTmp) + 1);
hkSub = NULL;
// Don't need Toolbox bitmap for designers and other non-controls
if (fControl)
// now set up the toolbox bitmap
GetModuleFileName(g_hInstance, szTmp, MAX_PATH);
wsprintf(szGuidStr, ", %d", wToolboxBitmapId);
lstrcat(szTmp, szGuidStr);
l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "ToolboxBitmap32", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy);
l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szTmp, lstrlen(szTmp) + 1);
// now, finally, register ourselves with component categories
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_StdComponentCategoriesMgr, NULL,
(void **)&pCatRegister);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
int iCounter;
"Array for CATID's is too small. Need to adjust.");
// Register all the implemented CATID's of the control.
if(g_ctCATIDImplemented > 0)
for(iCounter = 0; iCounter < g_ctCATIDImplemented &&
iCounter < CATID_ARRAY_SIZE; iCounter++)
memcpy(&(rgCatid[iCounter]), g_rgCATIDImplemented[iCounter], sizeof(CATID));
(GUID *)rgCatid);
} //if
// Register all the Required CATID's of the control.
if(g_ctCATIDRequired > 0)
for(iCounter = 0; iCounter < g_ctCATIDRequired &&
iCounter < CATID_ARRAY_SIZE; iCounter++)
memcpy(&(rgCatid[iCounter]), g_rgCATIDRequired[iCounter], sizeof(CATID));
(GUID *)rgCatid);
} //if
if (hk)
if (hkSub)
return (l == ERROR_SUCCESS) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// UnregisterUnknownObject
// cleans up all the stuff that RegisterUnknownObject puts in the
// registry.
// Parameters:
// REFCLSID - [in] CLSID of the object
// BOOL - [out] Returns TRUE if all keys were deleted for the
// given CLSID. Returns FALSE if only the
// InprocServer32 key or no keys were deleted.
// The caller can pass NULL if they don't care
// about what set of keys were removed.
// Output:
// BOOL - FALSE means not all of it was registered
// Notes:
// WARNING! This routine assumes that all framework built components
// and their predessors are in-process server 32-bit DLLs.
// If other server types exist for control's CLSID
// the CLSID entry will be blown away for these server types.
// If the framework and the control are built as 16-bit components
// and you unregister the control, the information will be left
// in the registry. You're on your own to make this work for 16-bit.
// This routine *only* preserves the CLSID section if
// a 16-bit InprocServer key is found.
BOOL UnregisterUnknownObject
REFCLSID riidObject,
BOOL *pfAllRemoved
char szScratch[MAX_PATH];
HKEY hk;
long l;
// Start on the assumption that we are going to blow away the entire section
// for the given CLSID. If this turns out to be a false assumption we'll
// reset this to FALSE.
if (pfAllRemoved)
*pfAllRemoved = TRUE;
// delete everybody of the form
if (!StringFromGuidA(riidObject, szScratch))
return FALSE;
if (l != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
// See if a 16-bit in-proc server is register for this object
// If so, then we don't want to disturb any of the keys except
// the 32-bit in-proc server key
if (ExistInprocServer(hk, szScratch))
// Move one more level down to the InprocServer32 key and only delete it
// We need to preserve the other keys for the InprocServer.
lstrcat(szScratch, "\\InprocServer32");
if (pfAllRemoved)
*pfAllRemoved = FALSE;
f = DeleteKeyAndSubKeys(hk, szScratch);
return f;
// UnregisterAutomationObject
// unregisters an automation object, including all of it's unknown object
// information.
// Parameters:
// LPCSTR - [in] Library Name
// LPCSTR - [in] Object Name
// long - [in] Version Number
// REFCLSID - [in] CLSID of the object
// Output:
// BOOL - FALSE means couldn't get it all unregistered.
// Notes:
BOOL UnregisterAutomationObject
LPCSTR pszLibName,
LPCSTR pszObjectName,
long lVersion,
REFCLSID riidObject
char szScratch[MAX_PATH];
HKEY hk;
BOOL f, fAllRemoved, fFailure;
long l, lVersionFound;
DWORD dwDummy;
BOOL bSuccess;
// first thing -- unregister Unknown information
f = UnregisterUnknownObject(riidObject, &fAllRemoved);
if (!f) return FALSE;
if (fAllRemoved)
// delete everybody of the form
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<LibraryName>.<ObjectName>.<VersionNumber> [\] *
// Note: It's important we unregister the version dependent progid first
// otherwise, if another version of the component was unregistered
// it will have blown away the version independent progid, we'd
// fail and never blow away the version dependent progid
wsprintf(szScratch, "%s.%s.%ld", pszLibName, pszObjectName, lVersion);
f = DeleteKeyAndSubKeys(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szScratch);
if (!f) return FALSE;
// Before we blow away the version independent ProgId, make sure there are
// no version dependent ProgIds out there
if (!QueryOtherVersionProgIds(pszLibName, pszObjectName, lVersion, &lVersionFound, &fFailure))
ASSERT(!fFailure, "QueryOtherVersionProgIds failed");
// If a failure occurred such that we don't know if there was another version,
// error on the side of leaving the version dependent ProgId in the registry.
if (!fFailure)
// delete everybody of the form:
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<LibraryName>.<ObjectName> [\] *
wsprintf(szScratch, "%s.%s", pszLibName, pszObjectName);
f = DeleteKeyAndSubKeys(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szScratch);
if (!f) return FALSE;
// This is here to fix a bug in the previous version of the framework
// In the previous version we'd blindly blow away the progid for the
// component without looking for other versions. To help
// resolve this, we'll restore the progid if we found other
// version dependent progids.
ASSERT(lVersionFound > 0, "Version number found is 0");
bSuccess = CopyVersionDependentProgIdToIndependentProgId(pszLibName, pszObjectName, lVersionFound);
ASSERT(bSuccess, "Failed to copy version dependent ProgId to version independent ProgId");
// The previous version of the framework didn't write out the CurVer sub-key so
// we need to take care of that here.
wsprintf(szScratch, "%s.%s\\CurVer", pszLibName, pszObjectName);
l = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szScratch, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hk);
l = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szScratch, 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hk, &dwDummy);
ASSERT(ERROR_SUCCESS == l, "Failed to create reg key");
wsprintf(szScratch, "%s.%s.%ld", pszLibName, pszObjectName, lVersionFound);
l = RegSetValueEx(hk, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szScratch, lstrlen(szScratch) + 1);
ASSERT(ERROR_SUCCESS == l, "Failed to set key value");
l = RegCloseKey(hk);
ASSERT(ERROR_SUCCESS == l, "Failed to close key");
l = RegCloseKey(hk);
return TRUE;
// UnregisterTypeLibrary
// blows away the type library keys for a given libid.
// Parameters:
// REFCLSID - [in] libid to blow away.
// Output:
// Notes:
// - WARNING: this function just blows away the entire type library section,
// including all localized versions of the type library. mildly anti-
// social, but not killer.
BOOL UnregisterTypeLibrary
REFCLSID riidLibrary
HKEY hk;
char szScratch[GUID_STR_LEN];
long l;
// convert the libid into a string.
if (!StringFromGuidA(riidLibrary, szScratch))
return FALSE;
l = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "TypeLib", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hk);
if (l != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
f = DeleteKeyAndSubKeys(hk, szScratch);
return f;
// DeleteKeyAndSubKeys
// deletes a key and all of its subkeys.
// Parameters:
// HKEY - [in] delete the descendant specified
// LPCSTR - [in] i'm the descendant specified
// Output:
// BOOL - TRUE OK, FALSE baaaad.
// Notes:
// - I don't feel too bad about implementing this recursively, since the
// depth isn't likely to get all the great.
// - Despite the win32 docs claiming it does, RegDeleteKey doesn't seem to
// work with sub-keys under windows 95.
BOOL DeleteKeyAndSubKeys
HKEY hkIn,
LPCSTR pszSubKey
HKEY hk;
char szTmp[MAX_PATH];
DWORD dwTmpSize;
long l;
l = RegOpenKeyEx(hkIn, pszSubKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hk);
if (l != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
// loop through all subkeys, blowing them away.
f = TRUE;
while (f) {
dwTmpSize = MAX_PATH;
// We're deleting keys, so always enumerate the 0th
l = RegEnumKeyEx(hk, 0, szTmp, &dwTmpSize, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (l != ERROR_SUCCESS) break;
f = DeleteKeyAndSubKeys(hk, szTmp);
// there are no subkeys left, [or we'll just generate an error and return FALSE].
// let's go blow this dude away.
l = RegDeleteKey(hkIn, pszSubKey);
return (l == ERROR_SUCCESS) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// QueryOtherVersionProgIds [RegisterTypeLib helper]
// Searches for other version dependent ProgIds for a component
// Parameters:
// pszLibName - [in] lib name portion of ProgId <libname.coclass>
// pszObjectName - [in] coclass portion of ProgId <libname.coclass>
// lVersion - [in] Major version number of our component
// plFoundVersion - [out] The largest version number found not equal to our own.
// The version number will be less than or equal to MAX_VERSION
// pfFailure - [out] Flag indicating that a failure occurred preventing
// us from knowing if there are any other ProgIds
// Output:
// BOOL - TRUE: One or more other version dependent progids exist
// FALSE: No other version dependent progids exist
// Notes:
// - If a version dependent ProgId exceeds MAX_VERSION we won't find it.
// - ASSUMPTION: Major versions are checked for starting at MAX_VERSION and working
// down to 1. An assert will occur if your component
// approaches MAX_VERSION allowing you to bump up MAX_VERSION.
// The assumption is that major version changes on components
// built with the framework are rare. It should take many
// dev cycles and many years to approach this limit.
// Once you get near the limit the assert fires and you
// can modify the value to anticipate future versions.
// This will allow components built today to successfully
// find ProgIds for other components built in the future.
// However, at some point a component built today won't
// be able to find other controls that exceed today's
// MAX_VERSION value. If this is a concern, re-write
// this routine to use RegEnumKey and look for any
// version dependent ProgId independent of it's version number.
// We chose not to implement it this way, since there may be
// several hundred calls to RegEnumKey to find the ProgId
// you're looking for. It's cheaper to make at most MAX_VERSION
// calls.
BOOL QueryOtherVersionProgIds
LPCSTR pszLibName,
LPCSTR pszObjectName,
long lVersion,
long *plFoundVersion,
BOOL *pfFailure
BOOL fFound;
char szTmp[MAX_PATH];
long lVer;
long l;
HKEY hk, hkVersion;
// This is a warning assert. If you've tripped this, then your current component
// is within VERSION_DELTA versions of exceeding MAX_VERSION. Consider bumping up MAX_VERSION
// or change the delta to a smaller number. Reasonable settings for these
// depend on how often you do a major version change of your component.
ASSERT(MAX_VERSION > VERSION_DELTA, "The MAX_VERSION setting is not in line with what we expect it to be.");
ASSERT(lVersion <= MAX_VERSION - VERSION_DELTA, "Version number of component is approaching or exceeds limit of checked range. Consider increasing MAX_VERSION value.");
// Initialize out params
if (plFoundVersion)
*plFoundVersion = 0;
if (pfFailure)
*pfFailure = TRUE;
fFound = FALSE;
l = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hk);
if (l != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE; // Note: If this fails we don't know whether a version dependent ProgId exists or not.
// We need to walk backwards down from MAX_VERSION so that we end up with the largest version number
// not equaling our own
// PERF: It's cheaper to look for a realistic set of versions than it is to enumerate all registry keys
// looking for a partial match on the ProgId to figure out what versions are available.
for (lVer = MAX_VERSION; lVer > 0; lVer--)
// We know about our version number, skip it.
if (lVersion == lVer)
// Create version dependent ProgId
wsprintf(szTmp, "%s.%s.%ld", pszLibName, pszObjectName, lVer);
l = RegOpenKeyEx(hk, szTmp, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkVersion);
// We found another version dependent ProgId other than our own - bail out
fFound = TRUE;
if (plFoundVersion)
*plFoundVersion = lVer;
l = RegCloseKey(hkVersion);
ASSERT(l == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Failed to close version dependent key");
goto CleanUp;
// If we made it this far, then we know for certain whether there were other
// version dependent progids or not. Reflect back to the caller there
// was no general failure that led to us not know whether there were
// any version dependent ProgIds
if (pfFailure)
*pfFailure = FALSE;
l = RegCloseKey(hk);
return fFound;
// CopyVersionDependentProgIdToIndependentProgId [RegisterTypeLib helper]
// Copies the contents of the version dependent ProgId to a version
// independent ProgId
// Parameters:
// pszLibName - [in] lib name portion of ProgId <libname.coclass>
// pszObjectName - [in] coclass portion of ProgId <libname.coclass>
// lVersion - [in] Major version number of our component
// Output:
// BOOL - TRUE: ProgId was copied successfully
// FALSE: ProgId was not copied successfully
// Notes:
BOOL CopyVersionDependentProgIdToIndependentProgId
LPCSTR pszLibName,
LPCSTR pszObjectName,
long lVersion
HKEY hkVerDependent, hkVerIndependent;
char szTmp[MAX_PATH];
long l, lTmp;
BOOL bSuccess;
DWORD dwDummy;
// Get a handle to the version dependent ProgId
wsprintf(szTmp, "%s.%s.%ld", pszLibName, pszObjectName, lVersion);
l = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szTmp, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkVerDependent);
ASSERT(ERROR_SUCCESS == l, "Failed to open the version dependent ProgId");
return FALSE;
// Blow away the version independent ProgId
wsprintf(szTmp, "%s.%s", pszLibName, pszObjectName);
DeleteKeyAndSubKeys(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szTmp);
// Create the initial key for the version independent ProgId
KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkVerIndependent, &dwDummy);
goto CleanUp;
// Copy the contents of the version dependent ProgId to the version independent ProgId
bSuccess = CopyRegistrySection(hkVerDependent, hkVerIndependent);
lTmp = RegCloseKey(hkVerDependent);
ASSERT(ERROR_SUCCESS == lTmp, "Failed to close registry key");
lTmp = RegCloseKey(hkVerIndependent);
ASSERT(ERROR_SUCCESS == lTmp, "Failed to close registry key");
return (ERROR_SUCCESS == l) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// CopyRegistrySection
// Recursively copies a section of the registry to another section of the
// registry
// Parameters:
// hkSource - [in] The source key to copy from
// hkDest - [in] The dest key to copy to
// Output:
// BOOL - TRUE: Registry section was copied successfully
// FALSE: Registry section was not copied successfully
// Notes:
// - In order for this to work, only the top-level destination key should exist.
// We assume that there are no sub-keys under the destination key.
BOOL CopyRegistrySection(HKEY hkSource, HKEY hkDest)
char szTmp[MAX_PATH];
long l, lTmp;
DWORD dwKey, dwDummy, cbData;
HKEY hkSrcSub, hkDestSub;
BOOL bSuccess;
DWORD dwType;
// Copy the value of the source key to the destination key
cbData = sizeof(szTmp);
l = RegQueryValueEx(hkSource, NULL, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE *) szTmp, &cbData);
return FALSE;
l = RegSetValueEx(hkDest, NULL, NULL, dwType, (const BYTE *) szTmp, cbData);
return FALSE;
dwKey = 0;
// Enumerate through all of the sub-keys underneath the source key
while (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegEnumKeyEx(hkSource, dwKey, szTmp, &cbData, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ft))
ASSERT(cbData > 0, "RegEnumKeyEx returned 0 length string");
// Open the registry source sub-key
l = RegOpenKeyEx(hkSource, szTmp, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkSrcSub);
ASSERT(ERROR_SUCCESS == l, "Failed to open reg key");
// Create the registry dest sub-key
l = RegCreateKeyEx(hkDest, szTmp, 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkDestSub, &dwDummy);
ASSERT(ERROR_SUCCESS == l, "Failed to create reg key");
lTmp = RegCloseKey(hkSrcSub);
ASSERT(ERROR_SUCCESS == lTmp, "Failed to close reg key");
// Recursively call ourselves copying all sub-entries from the source key to the dest key
bSuccess = CopyRegistrySection(hkSrcSub, hkDestSub);
ASSERT(bSuccess, "Recursive call to CopyRegistrySection failed");
// Cleanup
lTmp = RegCloseKey(hkSrcSub);
ASSERT(ERROR_SUCCESS == l, "Failed to close reg key");
lTmp = RegCloseKey(hkDestSub);
ASSERT(ERROR_SUCCESS == l, "Failed to close reg key");
return (ERROR_SUCCESS == l ? TRUE : FALSE);
// GetHelpFilePath [RegisterTypeLib helper]
// Returns the path to the Windows\Help directory
// Parameters:
// char * - [in/out] Pointer to buffer that will contain
// the HELP path we will return to the caller
// UINT - [in] Number of bytes in the buffer
// Output:
// UINT - Returns the number of bytes actually copied to the buffer
UINT GetHelpFilePath(char *pszPath, UINT cbPath)
UINT cb;
char szHelp[] = "\\HELP";
ASSERT(pszPath, "Path pointer is NULL");
// No need to continue if specified buffer size is zero or less
if (cbPath == 0)
return 0;
cb = GetWindowsDirectory(pszPath, cbPath);
ASSERT(cb > 0, "Windows path is zero length");
// Concatenate "\HELP" onto the Windows directory
cb += lstrlen(szHelp);
if (cb < cbPath)
lstrcat(pszPath, szHelp);
FAIL("Unable to add HELP path to Windows, buffer too small");
return cb;
// ExistInprocServer [RegisterUnknownObject Helper]
// Checks for the Implemented Categories key under a given key
// Parameters:
// riid - [in] CLSID of object to be examined
// Output:
// BOOL - Returns TRUE if Implemented Categories exists
// Returns FALSE if Implemented Categories doesn't exist
BOOL ExistImplementedCategories(REFCLSID riid)
char szGuidStr[MAX_PATH];
char szScratch[MAX_PATH];
long l;
DWORD dwDummy;
HKEY hkCLSID, hkImplementedCategories;
if (!StringFromGuidA(riid, szGuidStr))
return FALSE;
wsprintf(szScratch, "CLSID\\%s", szGuidStr);
l = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szScratch, 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
KEY_READ, NULL, &hkCLSID, &dwDummy);
if (l != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
l = RegOpenKeyEx(hkCLSID, "Implemented Categories", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkImplementedCategories);
if (l != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
// If we made it this far, then the 'Implemented Categories' key must have been found
return TRUE;
// ExistInprocServer [UnregisterUnknownObject Helper]
// Checks for other servers such as (16-bit) InProcServer under the
// CLSID section for a given CLSID guid.
// Parameters:
// HKEY - [in] HKEY top-level key where to look for the given
// char * - [in] CLSID of server that we want to see if there
// is an (16-bit) InProcServer registered.
// Output:
// BOOL - Returns TRUE if a 16-bit in-proc server is registered
// Returns FALSE if no 16-bit in-proc server is registered
BOOL ExistInprocServer(HKEY hkCLSID, char *pszCLSID)
HKEY hkInProcServer;
char szInprocServer[MAX_PATH];
wsprintf(szInprocServer, "%s\\InprocServer", pszCLSID);
// Attempt to open the 16-bit 'InProcServer' key
l = RegOpenKeyEx(hkCLSID, szInprocServer, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkInProcServer);
if (l != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
// If we made it this far, then the 'InProcServer' key must have been found
return TRUE;
// FileExtension
// Given a filename returns the file extension without the preceeded period.
char *FileExtension(const char *pszFilename)
char *pPeriod;
ASSERT(pszFilename, "Passed in filename is NULL");
// Start at the end of the string and work backwards looking for a period
pPeriod = (char *) pszFilename + lstrlen(pszFilename) - 1;
while (pPeriod >= pszFilename)
if (*pPeriod == '.')
return ++pPeriod;
// No extension name was found
return NULL;
// Conversion Routines
// the following stuff is stuff used for the various conversion routines.
#define HIMETRIC_PER_INCH 2540
#define MAP_PIX_TO_LOGHIM(x,ppli) ( (HIMETRIC_PER_INCH*(x) + ((ppli)>>1)) / (ppli) )
#define MAP_LOGHIM_TO_PIX(x,ppli) ( ((ppli)*(x) + HIMETRIC_PER_INCH/2) / HIMETRIC_PER_INCH )
static int s_iXppli; // Pixels per logical inch along width
static int s_iYppli; // Pixels per logical inch along height
static BYTE s_fGotScreenMetrics; // Are above valid?
// GetScreenMetrics
// private function we call to set up various metrics the conversion routines
// will use.
// Notes:
static void GetScreenMetrics
HDC hDCScreen;
// we have to critical section this in case two threads are converting
// things at the same time
if (s_fGotScreenMetrics)
goto Done;
// we want the metrics for the screen
hDCScreen = GetDC(NULL);
ASSERT(hDCScreen, "couldn't get a DC for the screen.");
s_iXppli = GetDeviceCaps(hDCScreen, LOGPIXELSX);
s_iYppli = GetDeviceCaps(hDCScreen, LOGPIXELSY);
ReleaseDC(NULL, hDCScreen);
s_fGotScreenMetrics = TRUE;
// we're done with our critical seciton. clean it up
// HiMetricToPixel
// converts from himetric to Pixels.
// Parameters:
// const SIZEL * - [in] dudes in himetric
// SIZEL * - [out] size in pixels.
// Notes:
void HiMetricToPixel(const SIZEL * lpSizeInHiMetric, LPSIZEL lpSizeInPix)
// We got logical HIMETRIC along the display, convert them to pixel units
lpSizeInPix->cx = MAP_LOGHIM_TO_PIX(lpSizeInHiMetric->cx, s_iXppli);
lpSizeInPix->cy = MAP_LOGHIM_TO_PIX(lpSizeInHiMetric->cy, s_iYppli);
// PixelToHiMetric
// converts from pixels to himetric.
// Parameters:
// const SIZEL * - [in] size in pixels
// SIZEL * - [out] size in himetric
// Notes:
void PixelToHiMetric(const SIZEL * lpSizeInPix, LPSIZEL lpSizeInHiMetric)
// We got pixel units, convert them to logical HIMETRIC along the display
lpSizeInHiMetric->cx = MAP_PIX_TO_LOGHIM(lpSizeInPix->cx, s_iXppli);
lpSizeInHiMetric->cy = MAP_PIX_TO_LOGHIM(lpSizeInPix->cy, s_iYppli);
// _MakePath
// little helper routine for RegisterLocalizedTypeLibs and GetResourceHandle.
// not terrilby efficient or smart, but it's registration code, so we don't
// really care.
// Notes:
void _MakePath
LPSTR pszFull,
const char * pszName,
LPSTR pszOut
LPSTR psz;
LPSTR pszLast;
lstrcpy(pszOut, pszFull);
psz = pszLast = pszOut;
while (*psz) {
if (*psz == '\\')
pszLast = AnsiNext(psz);
psz = AnsiNext(psz);
// got the last \ character, so just go and replace the name.
lstrcpy(pszLast, pszName);
// from Globals.C
extern HINSTANCE g_hInstResources;
// GetResourceHandle
// returns the resource handle. we use the host's ambient Locale ID to
// determine, from a table in the DLL, which satellite DLL to load for
// localized resources. If a satellite .DLL is not supported or not found
// the instance handle of the object is returned.
// Input:
// lcid = 0 - [in, optional] Locale id that caller wants resource handle for
// This overrides the default lcid. If no lcid
// is provided or its 0, then the default lcid is used.
// Output:
// Notes:
// The localized .DLL must be at the same location as the client object or control.
// If the .DLL is not in the same location it will not be found and the resource
// handle of the client object or control will be returned.
// If a localized .DLL containing the full language abbreviation is not found,
// the language abbreviation is truncated to two characters and the satellite
// DLL with that name is attempted. For example, the name MyCtlJPN.DLL and
// MyCtlJP.DLL are both valid.
// If an lcid is passed in then we will attempt to find a satellite DLL matching
// the desired lcid. If the lcid is not 0, doesn't match the default lcid and a
// library is found and loaded for it, we don't cache the library's instance handle.
// Its up to the caller to call FreeLibrary on the returned handle. The caller should
// compare the returned handle against g_hInstResources and g_hInstance. If its not
// equal to either of these handles then call FreeLibrary on it. If it is equal to
// either of these handles then the call must *not* call FreeLibrary on it.
HINSTANCE _stdcall GetResourceHandle
LCID lcid /* = 0 */
int i;
char szExtension[5], szModuleName[MAX_PATH];
char szDllName[MAX_PATH], szFinalName[MAX_PATH];
char szBaseName[MAX_PATH];
HINSTANCE hInstResources;
int iCompare;
int iReCompare;
char szEnvironValue[MAX_PATH];
char szMessage[5 * MAX_PATH]; // The message includes 4 file references plus message text
DWORD dwLength;
DWORD dwSuccess = 0;
// crit sect this so that we don't screw anything up.
// If we fall out, we need to make sure we're returning the cached resource handle
hInstResources = g_hInstResources;
// don't do anything if we don't have to
// If the resource handle has already been cached and the passed in lcid matches the
// cached lcid or its the default, we just use the saved instance.
if ((hInstResources && (lcid == 0 || lcid == g_lcidLocale)) || !g_fSatelliteLocalization)
goto CleanUp;
if (lcid == 0)
// Passed in LCID is zero so we want the instance for the default lcid.
lcid = g_lcidLocale;
// we're going to call GetLocaleInfo to get the abbreviated name for the
// LCID we've got.
i = GetLocaleInfo(lcid, LOCALE_SABBREVLANGNAME, szExtension, sizeof(szExtension));
if (!i) goto CleanUp;
// we've got the language extension. go and load the DLL name from the
// resources and then tack on the extension.
// please note that all inproc sers -must- have the string resource 1001
// defined to the base name of the server if they wish to support satellite
// localization.
i = LoadString(g_hInstance, 1001, szBaseName, sizeof(szBaseName));
ASSERT(i, "This server doesn't have IDS_SERVERBASENAME defined in their resources!");
if (!i) goto CleanUp;
if (g_fSatelliteLangExtension)
// got the basename and the extention. go and combine them, and then add
// on the .DLL for them.
wsprintf(szDllName, "%s%s.DLL", szBaseName, szExtension);
// try to load in the DLL
dwLength =
GetModuleFileName(g_hInstance, szModuleName, MAX_PATH);
ASSERT(dwLength > 0, "GetModuleFileName failed");
_MakePath(szModuleName, szDllName, szFinalName);
hInstResources = LoadLibrary(szFinalName);
// This will help diagnose problems where a machine may contain two satellite .DLLs
// one using the long extension name and the other the short extension name.
// We'll at least get a warning under DEBUG that we've got two plausible satellite
// DLLs hanging around, but we're only going to use one of them: the one with the long name.
if (hInstResources && lstrlen(szExtension) > 2)
HINSTANCE hinstTemp;
char szExtTemp[MAX_PATH];
// Truncate the language extension to the first two characters
lstrcpy(szExtTemp, szExtension); // Don't want to whack the extension as this will cause
// the next if statement to always fail if we truncate it here.
// Make a copy and use it.
szExtTemp[2] = '\0';
wsprintf(szDllName, "%s%s.DLL", szBaseName, szExtTemp);
_MakePath(szModuleName, szDllName, szFinalName);
// Try loading the localized .DLL using the truncated lang abbreviation
hinstTemp = LoadLibrary(szFinalName);
ASSERT(hinstTemp == NULL, "Satellite DLLs with both long and short language abbreviations found. Using long abbreviation.");
#endif // DEBUG
if (!hInstResources && lstrlen(szExtension) > 2)
// Truncate the language extension to the first two characters
szExtension[2] = '\0';
wsprintf(szDllName, "%s%s.DLL", szBaseName, szExtension);
_MakePath(szModuleName, szDllName, szFinalName);
// Try loading the localized .DLL using the truncated lang abbreviation
hInstResources = LoadLibrary(szFinalName);
// if we couldn't find it with the entire LCID, try it with just the primary
// langid
if (!hInstResources)
LPSTR psz;
LCID lcid;
i = GetLocaleInfo(lcid, LOCALE_SABBREVLANGNAME, szExtension, sizeof(szExtension));
if (!i) goto CleanUp;
// reconstruct the DLL name. the -7 is the length of XXX.DLL. mildly
// hacky, but it should be fine. there are no DBCS lang identifiers.
// finally, retry the load
psz = szFinalName + lstrlen(szFinalName);
memcpy((LPBYTE)psz - 7, szExtension, 3);
hInstResources = LoadLibrary(szFinalName);
//try under the <base path>\LCID\<sxBaseName.dll>
if (!hInstResources)
wsprintf(szDllName, "%u\\%s.dll", lcid, szBaseName);
_MakePath(szModuleName, szDllName, szFinalName);
hInstResources = LoadLibrary(szFinalName);
char *psz;
GetModuleFileName(g_hInstance, szModuleName, MAX_PATH);
psz = strrchr(szModuleName, '\\');
*psz = NULL;
// szModuleName should now contain the path for the DLL
// now concatenate the resource location
strcat(szModuleName, "\\resources\\");
wsprintf(szDllName, "%s%d", szModuleName, lcid);
strcat(szDllName, "\\");
strcat(szDllName, szBaseName);
strcat(szDllName, ".DLL");
// try to load in the DLL
hInstResources = LoadLibrary(szDllName);
// if we couldn't load the DLL for some reason, then just return the
// current resource handle, which is good enough.
if (!hInstResources)
hInstResources = g_hInstance;
if (!g_hInstResources && (lcid == 0 || lcid == g_lcidLocale))
// We only cache the instance handle for the default LCID.
// For all other passed in lcid values we will LoadLibrary on the satellite DLL each time.
// Its recommended that the calling app cache the returned instance handle for the given
// lcid passed in.
g_hInstResources = hInstResources;
ASSERT(hInstResources, "Resource handle is NULL");
// =-------------------------------------------------------------------
// Satellite .DLL version check
// =-------------------------------------------------------------------
// The satellite .DLL version must exactly match the version of the
if ((!g_bDllVerChecked) ||
(lcid != g_lcidLocale && lcid != 0))
// If we're using a satellite .DLL
// (hInstResources != g_hInstance), do a version check.
// If the passed in lcid is different than what we've cached and we're
// using a satellite .DLL, do the version check.
// Make sure we have a satellite .DLL
if (hInstResources != g_hInstance)
dwLength =
GetModuleFileName(hInstResources, szFinalName, MAX_PATH);
ASSERT(dwLength > 0, "GetModuleFileName failed");
iCompare = CompareDllVersion(szFinalName, TRUE);
if (VERSION_LESS_THAN == iCompare)
wsprintf(szMessage, "Major version compare: VERSION resource info in %s is less than VERSION info in %s. Non-localized resources will be used. In order to see localized resources, you need to obtain a version of %s that matches %s.", szFinalName, szModuleName, szFinalName, szModuleName);
DisplayAssert(szMessage, "", _szThisFile, __LINE__);
else if (VERSION_GREATER_THAN == iCompare)
wsprintf(szMessage, "Major version compare: VERSION resource info in %s is greater than VERSION info in %s. Non-localized resources will be used. In order to see localized resources, you need to obtain a version of %s that matches %s.", szFinalName, szModuleName, szFinalName, szModuleName);
DisplayAssert(szMessage, "", _szThisFile, __LINE__);
else if (VERSION_EQUAL == iCompare)
// Vegas #29024: Only enable full version assert if environment variable is set.
dwSuccess = GetEnvironmentVariable("INTL_VERSION_COMPARE", szEnvironValue, MAX_PATH);
if (dwSuccess > 0)
// Re-do the comparison using a full-version compare
// Note: Don't use iCompare here otherwise DEBUG builds will default to non-localized resources
// when major version comparison succeeds, but full version compare fails.
iReCompare = CompareDllVersion(szFinalName, FALSE);
if (VERSION_LESS_THAN == iReCompare)
wsprintf(szMessage, "Warning: Full version compare: VERSION resource info in %s is less than VERSION info in %s. Localized resources will continue to be used, but may not be in sync.", szFinalName, szModuleName);
DisplayAssert(szMessage, "", _szThisFile, __LINE__);
else if (VERSION_GREATER_THAN == iReCompare)
wsprintf(szMessage, "Warning: Full version compare: VERSION resource info in %s is greater than VERSION info in %s. Localized resources will continue to be used, but may not be in sync.", szFinalName, szModuleName);
DisplayAssert(szMessage, "", _szThisFile, __LINE__);
// If CompareDllVersion ever returns NOT_EQUAL it means it didn't get far enough
// to figure out if the version was less than or greater than. It must have failed.
// Note: In this case, we go ahead and use the satellite .DLL anyway. It may be that
// the satellite .DLL doesn't contain VERSION info.
ASSERT(VERSION_NOT_EQUAL != iCompare, "Failure attempting to compare satellite .DLL version");
if (VERSION_LESS_THAN == iCompare || VERSION_GREATER_THAN == iCompare)
// If the check fails, return the instance of ourself, not the
// satellite .DLL. Resources will be displayed in English.
hInstResources = g_hInstance;
if (lcid == 0 || lcid == g_lcidLocale)
g_hInstResources = g_hInstance;
if (lcid == 0 || lcid == g_lcidLocale)
g_bDllVerChecked = TRUE;
return hInstResources;
// CompareDllVersion
// Given a pointer to an external filename, compare the version info in the
// file with the version info in our own binary (.DLL or .OCX).
// Parameters:
// Returns: S_OK if type flags are successfully found, otherwise an error code
VERSIONRESULT _stdcall CompareDllVersion(const char * pszFilename, BOOL bCompareMajorVerOnly)
// Default to not equal. The only time we're not equal is if something failed.
BOOL bResult;
char szModuleName[MAX_PATH];
WORD wMajorVerMe;
WORD wMajorVerDll;
DWORD dwLength;
// Get VERSION info for our own .DLL/.OCX (aka Me)
ASSERT(g_hInstance, "hInstance is NULL");
dwLength = GetModuleFileName(g_hInstance, szModuleName, MAX_PATH);
ASSERT(dwLength > 0, "GetModuleFilename failed");
if (0 == dwLength)
goto CleanUp;
// Make sure we're not comparing the same file
ASSERT(0 != lstrcmpi(szModuleName, pszFilename), "The same file is being compared");
bResult = GetVerInfo(szModuleName, &ffiMe);
ASSERT(bResult, "GetVerInfo failed");
if (!bResult)
goto CleanUp;
ASSERT(0xFEEF04BD == ffiMe.dwSignature, "Bad VS_FIXEDFILEINFO signature for Me");
// Get version info for the passed in .DLL name
bResult = GetVerInfo(pszFilename, &ffiDll);
ASSERT(bResult, "GetVerInfo failed");
if (!bResult)
goto CleanUp;
ASSERT(0xFEEF04BD == ffiDll.dwSignature, "Bad VS_FIXEDFILEINFO signature for Me");
if (bCompareMajorVerOnly)
// Major version compare
wMajorVerMe = HIWORD(ffiMe.dwFileVersionMS);
wMajorVerDll = HIWORD(ffiDll.dwFileVersionMS);
if (wMajorVerMe == wMajorVerDll)
else if (wMajorVerMe > wMajorVerDll)
// Full version compare
// Compare the version with our build version set by constants in DWINVERS.H
if (ffiMe.dwFileVersionMS == ffiDll.dwFileVersionMS &&
ffiMe.dwFileVersionLS == ffiDll.dwFileVersionLS)
else if (ffiMe.dwFileVersionMS == ffiDll.dwFileVersionMS)
if (ffiMe.dwFileVersionLS > ffiDll.dwFileVersionLS)
else if (ffiMe.dwFileVersionMS < ffiDll.dwFileVersionMS)
return vrResult;
// GetVerInfo
// Returns the VERSION resource fixed file info struct for a given file.
// Parameters:
// pszFilename - [in] Filename to return version info for
// pffi - [out] Version info
BOOL _stdcall GetVerInfo(const char * pszFilename, VS_FIXEDFILEINFO *pffi)
DWORD dwHandle = 0;
DWORD dwVersionSize = 0;
UINT uiLength = 0;
DWORD dwGetLastError;
BYTE *pVersionInfo = NULL;
BOOL bResult = FALSE;
memset(pffi, 0, sizeof(VS_FIXEDFILEINFO));
dwVersionSize = CallGetFileVersionInfoSize((char *) pszFilename, &dwHandle);
dwGetLastError = GetLastError();
ASSERT(dwVersionSize > 0, "GetFileVersionInfoSize failed");
if (0 == dwVersionSize)
goto CleanUp;
pVersionInfo = (BYTE *) HeapAlloc(g_hHeap, 0, dwVersionSize);
ASSERT(pVersionInfo, "pVersionInfo is NULL");
if (NULL == pVersionInfo)
goto CleanUp;
bResult = CallGetFileVersionInfo((char *) pszFilename, dwHandle, dwVersionSize, pVersionInfo);
ASSERT(bResult, "GetFileVersionInfo failed");
if (!bResult)
goto CleanUp;
bResult = CallVerQueryValue(pVersionInfo, "\\", (void **) &pffiTemp, &uiLength);
ASSERT(bResult, "VerQueryValue failed");
if (!bResult)
goto CleanUp;
ASSERT(sizeof(VS_FIXEDFILEINFO) == uiLength, "Returned length is invalid");
memcpy(pffi, pffiTemp, uiLength);
if (pVersionInfo)
HeapFree(g_hHeap, 0, pVersionInfo);
return bResult;
// CallGetFileVersionInfoSize [VERSION.DLL API wrapper]
// This does a dynamic call to the GetFileVersionInfoSize API function. If
// VERSION.DLL isn't loaded, then this function loads it.
BOOL CallGetFileVersionInfoSize
LPTSTR lptstrFilename,
LPDWORD lpdwHandle
// One-time setup of VERSION.DLL and function pointer
if (!g_pGetFileVersionInfoSize)
if (!g_hinstVersion)
g_hinstVersion = LoadLibrary(DLL_VERSION);
ASSERT(g_hinstVersion, "Failed to load VERSION.DLL");
if (!g_hinstVersion)
return FALSE;
ASSERT(g_pGetFileVersionInfoSize, "Failed to get proc address for GetFileVersionInfoSize");
if (!g_pGetFileVersionInfoSize)
return FALSE;
// Call GetFileVersionInfoSize
return g_pGetFileVersionInfoSize(lptstrFilename, lpdwHandle);
// CallGetFileVersionInfo [VERSION.DLL API wrapper]
// This does a dynamic call to the GetFileVersionInfo API function. If
// VERSION.DLL isn't loaded, then this function loads it.
BOOL CallGetFileVersionInfo
LPTSTR lpststrFilename,
DWORD dwHandle,
DWORD dwLen,
// One-time setup of VERSION.DLL and function pointer
if (!g_pGetFileVersionInfo)
if (!g_hinstVersion)
g_hinstVersion = LoadLibrary(DLL_VERSION);
ASSERT(g_hinstVersion, "Failed to load VERSION.DLL");
if (!g_hinstVersion)
return FALSE;
g_pGetFileVersionInfo = (PGETFILEVERSIONINFO) GetProcAddress(g_hinstVersion, FUNC_GETFILEVERSIONINFO);
ASSERT(g_pGetFileVersionInfo, "Failed to get proc address for GetFileVersionInfo");
if (!g_pGetFileVersionInfo)
return FALSE;
// Call GetFileVersionInfo
return g_pGetFileVersionInfo(lpststrFilename, dwHandle, dwLen, lpData);
// CallVerQueryValue [VERSION.DLL API wrapper]
// This does a dynamic call to the VerQueryValue API function. If
// VERSION.DLL isn't loaded, then this function loads it.
BOOL CallVerQueryValue
const LPVOID pBlock,
LPTSTR lpSubBlock,
LPVOID *lplpBuffer,
// One-time setup of VERSION.DLL and function pointer
if (!g_pVerQueryValue)
if (!g_hinstVersion)
g_hinstVersion = LoadLibrary(DLL_VERSION);
ASSERT(g_hinstVersion, "Failed to load VERSION.DLL");
if (!g_hinstVersion)
return FALSE;
g_pVerQueryValue = (PVERQUERYVALUE) GetProcAddress(g_hinstVersion, FUNC_VERQUERYVALUE);
ASSERT(g_pVerQueryValue, "Failed to get proc address for VerQueryValue");
if (!g_pVerQueryValue)
return FALSE;
// Call VerQueryValue
return g_pVerQueryValue(pBlock, lpSubBlock, lplpBuffer, puLen);
// GetTypeInfoFlagsForGuid
// Given a pointer to a TypeLib and a TypeInfo guid, returns the TYPEFLAGS
// associated with the TypeInfo
// Parameters:
// pTypeLib - [in] Pointer of TypeLib to find typeinfo type flags
// guidTypeInfo - [in] Guid of TypeInfo we're looking for
// pwFlags - [out] TYPEFLAGS associated with the typeinfo
// Returns: S_OK if type flags are successfully found, otherwise an error code
HRESULT GetTypeFlagsForGuid(ITypeLib *pTypeLib, REFGUID guidTypeInfo, WORD *pwFlags)
ITypeInfo *pTypeInfo;
TYPEATTR *pTypeAttr;
if (!pTypeLib || !pwFlags)
return E_POINTER;
*pwFlags = 0;
// Search for the given guid in the TypeLib
hr = pTypeLib->GetTypeInfoOfGuid(guidTypeInfo, &pTypeInfo);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Get the type attributes for the found TypeInfo
hr = pTypeInfo->GetTypeAttr(&pTypeAttr);
ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to get ctl TypeInfo TypeAttr");
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
*pwFlags = pTypeAttr->wTypeFlags;
return hr;