<HTML XMLNS:helpcenter> <HEAD> #include "header.inc" #include "debug_js.inc" #include "common.inc" #include "constants.inc"
<TITLE>Remote Assistance</TITLE> <meta http-equiv="MSThemeCompatible" content="Yes"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <LINK id="UI_StyleSheet" REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="../../Css/rc.css"> <LINK ID=Stylesheet_Ref4 href="hcp://system/css/shared.css" rel=STYLESHEET type=text/css> #ifdef _OLDTOOLBAR <LINK ID=Stylesheet_Ref1 href="hcp://system/css/Behaviors.css" rel=STYLESHEET type=text/css> <LINK ID=Stylesheet_Ref2 href="hcp://system/css/Layout.css" rel=STYLESHEET type=text/css> <LINK ID=Stylesheet_Ref3 href="hcp://system/css/NavBar.css" rel=STYLESHEET type=text/css> #else <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript" EVENT="onCommand( tb, id )" FOR="idTB"> switch ( id ) { case "btnTakeControl": case "btnReleaseControl": Helper_TakeControl(); break;
case "btnSendFile_1": Helper_LaunchFileXfer( 0 ); break;
case "btnVoice": case "btnVoiceStop": Helper_SendVoice(); break;
case "btnOptions": Helper_HandleOptions(); break;
case "btnQuit_1": Helper_QuitMethod(); break;
case "btnHelp": Help(); break; }
</SCRIPT> #endif <script LANGUAGE="Javascript" >
var g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper = null; var oSAFClassFactory = parent.oSAFClassFactory;
#ifndef _OLDTOOLBAR var g_bTakeControlDisabled = false; #endif
/* * Localizable constants, text and messages */ var L_STOPTALKING_Text = " Stop <U>T</U>alking"; var L_STARTTALKING_Text = " Start <u>T</u>alking"; var L_ERRRCTOGGLEFAILED_Text = "The 'Take Control' feature is not responding. Please try again or restart the session."; var L_WAITINGFOR_Text = "Requesting control..."; var L_TORESPOND_Text = " to respond to the remote control request.";
// // VOIP Messages // var L_ERRVOIP2_Text = c_szVoiceError;
function DisableToolbar() { TraceFunctEnter("DisableToolbar");
try { try { idTB.SetState( "btnTakeControl", false ); } catch(error) { // ignore }
try { idTB.SetState( "btnReleaseControl", false ); } catch(error) { // ignore }
idTB.SetState( "btnSendFile_1", false );
try { idTB.SetState( "btnVoice", false ); } catch(error) { // ignore }
try { idTB.SetState( "btnVoiceStop", false ); } catch(error) { // ignore }
idTB.SetState( "btnOptions", false ); idTB.SetState( "btnQuit_1", false ); } catch(error) { parent.FatalError( parent.L_RCCTL_Text, error ); }
TraceFunctLeave(); }
/*++ Control handling routines --*/ // // Security Check // function DoLoad() { var L_ERRACCESSDENIED_Text = "Directly launching this page is not allowed. ";
MAC_IF_DIRECTLAUNCH_CLIENT { idBody.style.visibility = "hidden"; alert( L_ERRACCESSDENIED_Text ); return; }
// Set the mode of the Toolbar object specifically for RA. idTB.Mode = 1;
// // Helper_InitializeTools: Stuff done when the RCControl page is loaded // function Helper_InitializeTools() { TraceFunctEnter("Helper_InitializeTools"); try { InitTrace(); // Start with the button enabled #ifdef _OLDTOOLBAR btnVoice.disabled = false; #else idTB.SetState( "btnVoice", true ); #endif // // Point to the parent Helper object // if (parent.g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper != null) { g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper = parent.g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper; }
// // Setup the control // parent.Helper_SetupControlChannel();
// // Initialization // g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_bConnected = true; // // See the remote screen // g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient.ConnectRemoteDesktop();
// // If VoIP is enabled // if(true == parent.g_bVoIPEnabled ) { // // Create the m_oSAFIntercomClient // NOTE: call connect in ListenSuccess Message // alert("Creating m_oSAFIntercomClient..."); g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oSAFIntercomClient = oSAFClassFactory.CreateObject_IntercomClient();
if( null == g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oSAFIntercomClient ) { parent.FatalError(parent.L_RCCTL_Text); } g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oSAFIntercomClient.onVoiceDisconnected = Helper_onVoiceDisconnected;
g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oSAFIntercomClient.onVoiceConnected = Helper_onVoiceConnected;
g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oSAFIntercomClient.onVoiceDisabled = Helper_onVoiceDisabled; } } catch(error) { parent.FatalError( parent.L_RCCTL_Text, error ); } TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
// // Routine to enable Remote Control // function Helper_TakeControl() { TraceFunctEnter("Helper_TakeControl"); try { if( parent.frames.idFrameScreen.g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_bConnected == false ) { // // Disconnected // TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
#ifdef _OLDTOOLBAR if((null != g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient) && (false == btnTakeControl_1.disabled)) { #else if(null != g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient) { #endif // // If RemoteControl is not ON already, Enable it // if( (false == g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_bRCEnabled )&& (false == g_bTakeControlDisabled)) { parent.Helper_SendControlCommand( c_szRemoteCtrlStart ); // // Disable Take Control button // #ifdef _OLDTOOLBAR btnTakeControl_1.disabled = true; #else idTB.SetState( "btnTakeControl", false ); g_bTakeControlDisabled = true; #endif var sMsg = L_WAITINGFOR_Text; parent.frames.idFrameStatus.Helper_UpdateStatus( sMsg ); idTB.SetState( "btnReleaseControl", true ); } else { #ifdef _OLDTOOLBAR btnTakeControl_1.innerHTML = parent.L_TAKECONTROL_Text; #else idTB.SetVisibility( "btnTakeControl", true); idTB.SetState( "btnTakeControl", true ); idTB.SetVisibility( "btnReleaseControl", false); #endif g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_bRCEnabled = false; g_bTakeControlDisabled = false; parent.Helper_ResetHelpee(); // Log event log (event 4) try { var oLogger = new ActiveXObject("RACplDlg.RAEventLog");
var args = new Array(2); args[0] = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_szLocalUser; args[1] = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_szUserName; // expert oLogger.LogRemoteAssistanceEvent(0,6,args);
} catch(e) { // do nothing } // // Change Mode // parent.frames.idFrameStatus.Helper_UpdateStatus( parent.L_SCREENVIEWONLY_Text ); } } } catch(error) { parent.FatalError( L_ERRRCTOGGLEFAILED_Text, error ); }
TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
// // Helper_LaunchFileXfer: Launches the File Xfer UI // function Helper_LaunchFileXfer( mode ) { TraceFunctEnter("Helper_LaunchFileXfer"); var vArgs = new Array(11);
try { if( parent.frames.idFrameScreen.g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_bConnected == false ) { // // Disconnected // TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
vArgs[0] = mode; // Source Mode vArgs[1] = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oControlChannel; // Control Channel vArgs[2] = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oSAFRemoteDesktopChannelMgr; // Channel Manager vArgs[3] = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_iChannelId; vArgs[4] = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oFso; // File system object vArgs[5] = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oSAFClassFactory; // File SaveAs dialog object vArgs[6] = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_szUserName; // Receiver - Remote Username vArgs[7] = new ActiveXObject("SAFRCFileDlg.FileOpen"); // Logging DCR - Sending in a reference to the RAEventLog object // vArgs[8] = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_szLocalUser; // Local Username vArgs[9] = parent.frames.idFrameScreen.g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_szHelpeeIP; // Remote IP vArgs[10] = new ActiveXObject("RACplDlg.RAEventLog"); var subWin = window.showModelessDialog( c_szFileXferURL, vArgs, "dialogwidth:" + c_FileXferWidth + "px;dialogHeight:" + c_FileXferHeight + "px;status:no;resizable:no;help:no"); parent.AddOpenSubWin( subWin ); } catch(error) { parent.FatalError( parent.L_RCCTL_Text, error ); }
TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
// // Helper_QuitMethod: Quit the UI // function Helper_QuitMethod() { MAC_IF_DIRECTLAUNCH_CLIENT { return; } TraceFunctEnter("Helper_QuitMethod"); try {
if( false == parent.g_ExpertDisconnected ) { parent.g_ExpertDisconnected = true; }
// Call Exit on the Voice object to release reference in RTC if ((null != g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper) && (null != g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oSAFIntercomClient)) { try { DebugTrace("Calling g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oSAFIntercomClient.Exit"); g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oSAFIntercomClient.Exit(); DebugTrace("g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oSAFIntercomClient.Exit completed sucessfully"); } catch(error) { DebugTrace( "Error: " + error.description + " Number: " + error.number); } } if( parent.frames.idFrameScreen.g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_bConnected == false ) { // // Disconnected // #ifndef _ONCONNECT_INIT if( null != parent.oSAFClassFactory ) { parent.oSAFClassFactory.Close(); } #endif TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
// // Disconnect RC // DebugTrace("Disabling controls..."); idBody.disabled = true; parent.frames.idFrameStatus.btnActual.disabled=true; parent.frames.idFrameStatus.btnScale.disabled=true; parent.frames.idFrameStatus.Helper_UpdateStatus( parent.L_DISCONNECTION_Text );
DebugTrace("Calling parent.RCDisconnect"); parent.RCDisconnect(); } catch(error) { parent.FatalError( parent.L_RCCTL_Text, error ); } return; }
// // Helper_SendVoice: Send voice across // function Helper_SendVoice() { TraceFunctEnter("Helper_SendVoice");
try { // // Check if VoIP is enabled // if(false == parent.g_bVoIPEnabled ) { // // VoIP is disabled // TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
if( parent.frames.idFrameScreen.g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_bConnected == false ) { // // Disconnected // TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
// Gray button #ifdef _OLDTOOLBAR btnVoice.disabled = true; #else idTB.SetState( "btnVoice", false ); #endif // Disable incoming 'PreStart' requests parent.g_bStartEnabled = false;
// Send the Helpee/Client a PreStart message parent.Helper_SendControlCommand( c_szVoipPreStart ); } catch(error) { parent.FatalError( parent.L_RCCTL_Text, error ); }
TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
// // Helper_HandleOptions: Set Options // function Helper_HandleOptions() { TraceFunctEnter("Helper_HandleOptions");
try { if( parent.frames.idFrameScreen.g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_bConnected == false ) { // // Disconnected // TraceFunctLeave(); return; } var obj=new ActiveXObject( szProgIDSetting ); var vArgs=new Array(3); vArgs[0]=parent; vArgs[1]=obj; vArgs[2]=""; var ret=window.showModalDialog("Setting.htm",vArgs,"dialogWidth:405px;dialogHeight:330px;dialogTop:200px;dialogLeft:400px;edge:raised;status:no;help:no;"); } catch(error) { parent.FatalError( parent.L_RCCTL_Text, error ); }
TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
// // Helper_onVoiceDisconnected : This callback is called when the onVoiceDisconnected event is fired (on the helper/client) // function Helper_onVoiceDisconnected() { TraceFunctEnter("Helper_onVoiceDisconnected");
try { if (true == g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_bConnected) { // alert("in onVoiceDisconnected!");
// Persist state for VoIP connection parent.g_bVoipConnected = false;
// Ungray the voice button, only if we are enabled. if (parent.g_bVoIPEnabled == true) { #ifdef _OLDTOOLBAR // Ungray the Voice Button btnVoice.disabled = false; // Set the not connected image imgVoicePic.src = "../Common/SendVoice.gif"; txtVoice.innerHTML = L_STARTTALKING_Text; #else idTB.SetVisibility( "btnVoice", true ); idTB.SetState( "btnVoice", true ); idTB.SetVisibility( "btnVoiceStop", false ); #endif } parent.g_bStartEnabled = true; } } catch (error) { parent.FatalError( parent.L_RCCTL_Text, error ); }
// // Helper_onVoiceConnected() : This callback is called when the onVoiceConnected event is fired on the helper/client // function Helper_onVoiceConnected() { TraceFunctEnter("Helper_onVoiceConnected");
try {
// alert("in onVoiceConnected!");
// Persist state for VoIP connection parent.g_bVoipConnected = true;
parent.g_bStartEnabled = true;
#ifdef _OLDTOOLBAR // Ungray the Voice Button btnVoice.disabled = false; imgVoicePic.src = "../Common/SendVoiceOn.gif"; txtVoice.innerHTML = L_STOPTALKING_Text; #else idTB.SetVisibility( "btnVoice", false ); idTB.SetVisibility( "btnVoiceStop", true ); idTB.SetState( "btnVoiceStop", true ); #endif } catch (error) { parent.FatalError( parent.L_RCCTL_Text, error ); }
TraceFunctLeave(); }
// // Helper_onVoiceDisabled() : This callback is called when the onVoiceDisabled event is fired on the helper/client // function Helper_onVoiceDisabled() { TraceFunctEnter("Helper_onVoiceDisabled");
try {
if (parent.g_bVoIPEnabled == true) {
// Disable the voice on this machine parent.g_bVoIPEnabled = false; parent.g_bVoipConnected = false; parent.DisplayMessage( L_ERRVOIP2_Text ); // Gray out the voice button #ifdef _OLDTOOLBAR btnVoice.disabled = true; #else idTB.SetState( "btnVoice", false ); #endif // set me to bad parent.g_stateVoipMe = 2;
// Send a message to the Helper to disable it's voice also parent.Helper_SendControlCommand( c_szVoipDisable );
} } catch(error) { parent.FatalError( parent.L_RCCTL_Text, error ); } TraceFunctLeave(); }
function Help() { TraceFunctEnter("Help"); try { parent.LaunchHelpEx(0); } catch( error ) { parent.FatalError( parent.L_ERRFATAL_Text, error ); }
TraceFunctLeave(); }
function document.onkeydown() { try { parent.iKeyCode[ parent.iKeyCnt ] = window.event.keyCode; parent.iKeyCnt = (parent.iKeyCnt+1)%3;
switch( parent.iKeyCode[ parent.iKeyCnt ] ) { case 0x8: window.event.returnValue = false; break; } } catch(error) { SetFocus(); window.event.returnValue = false; } }
function SetFocus() { try { idTB.focus(); } catch(error) { idBody.focus(); } }
<STYLE> .styRAToolBarTable { visibility:visible; margin-Left:1mm; margin-top:1mm; margin-bottom:1mm; Height:80%; } </STYLE> </head>
<body id="idBody" onFocus="SetFocus()" onLoad="DoLoad()" tabindex=-1 onunload="Helper_QuitMethod()" scroll=no> #ifdef _OLDTOOLBAR <Table id="idControlPanel" name="idControlPanel" border=0 class="styRAToolBarTable" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 > <tr> <td class="vAlign" style="width:20%"> <helpcenter:button id="btnTakeControl" onaction="Helper_TakeControl();" tabindex=1 accesskey="C" style="width:100%" title="Take Control" body='<img class="vAlign" src="TakeControl.gif" id="imgTakeControl_1"> <Span style="visibility:visible" class="styText styBlack vAlign" id="btnTakeControl_1"> Take <U>C</U>ontrol </Span>' /> </td> <td class="vAlign" align="center" id="imgHdrBrk1"> <img src="combobox_line.gif"> </td>
<td class="vAlign" style="width:16%"> <helpcenter:button id="btnSendFile_1" onaction="Helper_LaunchFileXfer(0);" tabindex=2 accesskey="F" style="width:100%" title="Send a File" body='<img class="vAlign" src="../Common/SendFile.gif" id="imgSendFile"> <Span class="styText styBlack vAlign" id="txtSendFile"> Send a <u>F</u>ile </Span>' /> </td>
<td class="vAlign" align="center" id="imgHdrBrk2"> <img src="combobox_line.gif"> </td>
<td class="vAlign" style="width:16%"> <helpcenter:button id="btnVoice" onaction="Helper_SendVoice();" tabindex=3 accesskey="T" style="width:100%" title="Voice" body='<img class="vAlign" id="imgVoicePic" src="../Common/SendVoice.gif" > <Span class="styText styBlack vAlign" id="txtVoice"> Start <u>T</u>alking </Span>' /> </td>
<td class="vAlign" align="center" id="imgHdrBrk3"> <img src="combobox_line.gif"> </td>
<td class="vAlign" style="width:16%"> <helpcenter:button id="btnOptions" onaction="Helper_HandleOptions();" tabindex=4 accesskey="S" style="width:100%" title="Settings" body='<img class="vAlign" src="../Common/Options.gif" id="imgSettings"> <Span class="styText styBlack vAlign" id="txtSettings"> <u>S</u>ettings </Span>' /> </td>
<td class="vAlign" align="center" id="imgHdrBrk4"> <img src="combobox_line.gif"> </td>
<td class="vAlign" style="width:16%"> <helpcenter:button id="btnQuit_1" onaction="Helper_QuitMethod();" tabindex=5 accesskey="D" style="width:100%" title="Disconnect" body='<img class="vAlign" src="../Common/Quit.gif" id="imgQuit"> <Span class="styText styBlack vAlign" id="txtDisconnect"> <u>D</u>isconnect </Span>'
/> </td>
<td class="vAlign" align="center" id="imgHdrBrk5"> <img src="combobox_line.gif"> </td>
<td class="vAlign"> <helpcenter:button id='btnHelp' onaction="Help();" tabindex=6 style="width:100%" title="Help" body='<img class="vAlign" src="../Common/HelpCenter.gif" id="imgHelpCenter"> <Span class="styText styBlack vAlign" id="txtHelp"> Help </Span>' /> </td> </tr> </table> #else // _OLDTOOLBAR
<OBJECT id="idTB" name="idTB" CLASSID="CLSID:FC7D9E08-3F9E-11d3-93C0-00C04F72DAF7" WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=100% > <PARAM id=NoLoc1 name="Definition" value="RAToolbar.xml"> </OBJECT>
#endif </body> </html>