Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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// dll.cpp
#include <iostream.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <shlwapip.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include "cowsite.h"
#include "Iface.h" // Interface declarations
#include "Registry.h" // Registry helper functions
#include "migutil.h"
#include "migeng.h"
#include "migfact.h"
#include "migtask.h"
#include "migoobe.h"
// Global variables
HMODULE g_hModule = NULL; // DLL module handle
static long g_cComponents = 0; // Count of active components
// Friendly name of component
const char g_szFriendlyName[] = "Migration Wizard Engine";
// Version-independent ProgID
const char g_szVerIndProgID[] = "MigWiz";
// ProgID
const char g_szProgID[] = "MigWiz.1";
// Exported functions
STDAPI DllAddRef() { InterlockedIncrement(&g_cComponents); return S_OK; }
STDAPI DllRelease() { InterlockedDecrement(&g_cComponents); return S_OK; }
// Can DLL unload now?
STDAPI DllCanUnloadNow() { if (g_cComponents == 0) { return S_OK; } else { return S_FALSE; } }
// Get class factory
STDAPI DllGetClassObject(const CLSID& clsid, const IID& iid, void** ppv) { HRESULT hres;
DllAddRef(); if (IsEqualIID(clsid, CLSID_MigWizEngine)) { hres = CMigFactory_Create(clsid, iid, ppv); } else { *ppv = NULL; hres = CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE; }
DllRelease(); return hres; }
// Server registration
STDAPI DllRegisterServer() { return RegisterServer(g_hModule, CLSID_MigWizEngine, g_szFriendlyName, g_szVerIndProgID, g_szProgID); }
// Server unregistration
STDAPI DllUnregisterServer() { return UnregisterServer(CLSID_MigWizEngine, g_szVerIndProgID, g_szProgID); }
// DLL module information
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hModule, DWORD dwReason, void* lpReserved) { if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { g_hModule = (HMODULE)hModule; DisableThreadLibraryCalls((HMODULE)hModule); // PERF: makes faster because we don't get thread msgs
} return TRUE; }