Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Filesystem recognition/identification routines.
Ted Miller (tedm) 16-September-1993
Revision History:
#include "spprecmp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <bootfat.h>
#include <bootf32.h>
#include <bootntfs.h>
#include <boot98f.h> //NEC98
#include <boot98n.h> //NEC98
#include <boot98f2.h> //NEC98
#include <patchbc.h>
// Packed FAT boot sector.
typedef struct _BOOTSECTOR { UCHAR Jump[3]; // offset = 0x000 0
UCHAR Oem[8]; // offset = 0x003 3
UCHAR BytesPerSector[2]; UCHAR SectorsPerCluster[1]; UCHAR ReservedSectors[2]; UCHAR Fats[1]; UCHAR RootEntries[2]; UCHAR Sectors[2]; UCHAR Media[1]; UCHAR SectorsPerFat[2]; UCHAR SectorsPerTrack[2]; UCHAR Heads[2]; UCHAR HiddenSectors[4]; UCHAR LargeSectors[4]; UCHAR PhysicalDriveNumber[1]; // offset = 0x024 36
UCHAR Reserved[1]; // offset = 0x025 37
UCHAR Signature[1]; // offset = 0x026 38
UCHAR Id[4]; // offset = 0x027 39
UCHAR VolumeLabel[11]; // offset = 0x02B 43
UCHAR SystemId[8]; // offset = 0x036 54
UCHAR BootStrap[510-62]; UCHAR AA55Signature[2]; } BOOTSECTOR, *PBOOTSECTOR;
// Packed NTFS boot sector.
typedef struct _NTFS_BOOTSECTOR { UCHAR Jump[3]; UCHAR Oem[8]; UCHAR BytesPerSector[2]; UCHAR SectorsPerCluster[1]; UCHAR ReservedSectors[2]; UCHAR Fats[1]; UCHAR RootEntries[2]; UCHAR Sectors[2]; UCHAR Media[1]; UCHAR SectorsPerFat[2]; UCHAR SectorsPerTrack[2]; UCHAR Heads[2]; UCHAR HiddenSectors[4]; UCHAR LargeSectors[4]; UCHAR Unused[4]; LARGE_INTEGER NumberSectors; LARGE_INTEGER MftStartLcn; LARGE_INTEGER Mft2StartLcn; CHAR ClustersPerFileRecordSegment; UCHAR Reserved0[3]; CHAR DefaultClustersPerIndexAllocationBuffer; UCHAR Reserved1[3]; LARGE_INTEGER SerialNumber; ULONG Checksum; UCHAR BootStrap[512-86]; USHORT AA55Signature; } NTFS_BOOTSECTOR, *PNTFS_BOOTSECTOR;
// Various signatures
BOOLEAN SpIsFat( IN HANDLE PartitionHandle, IN ULONG BytesPerSector, IN PVOID AlignedBuffer, OUT BOOLEAN *Fat32 )
Routine Description:
Determine whether a partition contians a FAT or FAT32 filesystem.
PartitionHandle - supplies handle to open partition. The partition should have been opened for synchronous i/o.
BytesPerSector - supplies the number of bytes in a sector on the disk. This value should be ultimately derived from IOCTL_DISK_GET_DISK_GEOMETRY.
AlignedBuffer - supplies buffer to be used for i/o of a single sector.
Fat32 - if this routine returns TRUE then this receives a flag indicating whether the volume is fat32.
Return Value:
TRUE if the drive appears to be FAT.
// Get partition info. This is so we can check to make sure the
// file system on the partition isn't actually larger than the
// partition itself. This happens for example when people
// abuse the win9x rawread/rawwrite oem tool.
Status = ZwDeviceIoControlFile( PartitionHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatusBlock, IOCTL_DISK_GET_PARTITION_INFO, NULL, 0, &PartitionInfo, sizeof(PartitionInfo) );
if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_SETUP_ID, DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, "SETUP: SpIsFat: unable to get partition info (%lx)\n",Status)); return(FALSE); }
if((ULONGLONG)(PartitionInfo.PartitionLength.QuadPart / BytesPerSector) > 0xffffffffUi64) { //
// This can't happen since the BPB can't describe it.
return(FALSE); } SecCnt = (ULONG)(PartitionInfo.PartitionLength.QuadPart / BytesPerSector);
ASSERT(sizeof(BOOTSECTOR)==512); BootSector = AlignedBuffer;
// Read the boot sector (sector 0).
Status = SpReadWriteDiskSectors( PartitionHandle, 0, 1, BytesPerSector, BootSector, FALSE );
if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_SETUP_ID, DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, "SETUP: SpIsFat: Error %lx reading sector 0\n",Status)); return(FALSE); }
// Adjust large sector count if necessary.
if(U_USHORT(BootSector->Sectors)) { U_ULONG(BootSector->LargeSectors) = 0;
if((ULONG)U_USHORT(BootSector->Sectors) > SecCnt) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_SETUP_ID, DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, "SETUP: Boot sector on a disk has inconsistent size information!!\n")); return(FALSE); } } else { if(U_ULONG(BootSector->LargeSectors) > SecCnt) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_SETUP_ID, DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, "SETUP: Boot sector on a disk has inconsistent size information!!\n")); return(FALSE); } }
// Check various fields for permissible values.
// Note that this check does not venture into fields beyond the BPB,
// so disks with sector size < 512 are allowed.
if((BootSector->Jump[0] != 0x49) // Fujitsu FMR
&& (BootSector->Jump[0] != 0xe9) && (BootSector->Jump[0] != 0xeb)) { return(FALSE); }
bps = U_USHORT(BootSector->BytesPerSector); if((bps != 128) && (bps != 256) && (bps != 512) && (bps != 1024) && (bps != 2048) && (bps != 4096)) { return(FALSE); }
if((BootSector->SectorsPerCluster[0] != 1) && (BootSector->SectorsPerCluster[0] != 2) && (BootSector->SectorsPerCluster[0] != 4) && (BootSector->SectorsPerCluster[0] != 8) && (BootSector->SectorsPerCluster[0] != 16) && (BootSector->SectorsPerCluster[0] != 32) && (BootSector->SectorsPerCluster[0] != 64) && (BootSector->SectorsPerCluster[0] != 128)) {
return(FALSE); }
if(!U_USHORT(BootSector->ReservedSectors) || !BootSector->Fats[0]) { return(FALSE); }
if(!U_USHORT(BootSector->Sectors) && !U_ULONG(BootSector->LargeSectors)) { return(FALSE); }
if((BootSector->Media[0] != 0x00) // FMR (formatted by OS/2)
&& (BootSector->Media[0] != 0x01) // FMR (floppy, formatted by DOS)
&& (BootSector->Media[0] != 0xf0) && (BootSector->Media[0] != 0xf8) && (BootSector->Media[0] != 0xf9) && (BootSector->Media[0] != 0xfa) // FMR
&& (BootSector->Media[0] != 0xfb) && (BootSector->Media[0] != 0xfc) && (BootSector->Media[0] != 0xfd) && (BootSector->Media[0] != 0xfe) && (BootSector->Media[0] != 0xff)) { return(FALSE); }
// Final distinction is between FAT and FAT32.
// Root dir entry count is 0 on FAT32.
if(U_USHORT(BootSector->SectorsPerFat) && !U_USHORT(BootSector->RootEntries)) { return(FALSE); } *Fat32 = (BOOLEAN)(U_USHORT(BootSector->RootEntries) == 0); return(TRUE); }
BOOLEAN SpIsNtfs( IN HANDLE PartitionHandle, IN ULONG BytesPerSector, IN PVOID AlignedBuffer, IN ULONG WhichOne )
Routine Description:
Determine whether a partition contians an NTFS filesystem.
PartitionHandle - supplies handle to open partition. The partition should have been opened for synchronous i/o.
BytesPerSector - supplies the number of bytes in a sector on the disk. This value should be ultimately derived from IOCTL_DISK_GET_DISK_GEOMETRY.
AlignedBuffer - supplies buffer to be used for i/o of a single sector.
WhichOne - supplies a value that allows the caller to try more than one sector. 0 = sector 0. 1 = sector n-1. 2 = sector n/2, where n = number of sectors in the partition.
Return Value:
TRUE if the drive appears to be FAT.
// Get partition information.
Status = ZwDeviceIoControlFile( PartitionHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatusBlock, IOCTL_DISK_GET_PARTITION_INFO, NULL, 0, &PartitionInfo, sizeof(PartitionInfo) );
if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_SETUP_ID, DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, "SETUP: SpIsNtfs: unable to get partition info (%lx)\n",Status)); return(FALSE); }
SecCnt = (ULONGLONG)PartitionInfo.PartitionLength.QuadPart / BytesPerSector;
ASSERT(sizeof(NTFS_BOOTSECTOR)==512); BootSector = AlignedBuffer;
// Read the boot sector (sector 0).
Status = SpReadWriteDiskSectors( PartitionHandle, (ULONG)(WhichOne ? ((WhichOne == 1) ? SecCnt-1 : SecCnt/2) : 0), 1, BytesPerSector, BootSector, FALSE );
if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_SETUP_ID, DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, "SETUP: SpIsNtfs: Error %lx reading sector %u\n",Status,WhichOne ? ((WhichOne == 1) ? SecCnt-1 : SecCnt/2) : 0)); return(FALSE); }
// Caulculate the checksum.
for(Checksum=0,l=(PULONG)BootSector; l<(PULONG)&BootSector->Checksum; l++) { Checksum += *l; }
// Ensure that NTFS appears in the OEM field.
if(strncmp(BootSector->Oem,"NTFS ",8)) { return(FALSE); }
// The number of bytes per sector must match the value
// reported by the device, and must be less than or equal to
// the page size.
if((U_USHORT(BootSector->BytesPerSector) != BytesPerSector) || (U_USHORT(BootSector->BytesPerSector) > PAGE_SIZE)) { return(FALSE); }
// Other checks.
// Note that these checks do not venture into fields beyond 128 bytes,
// so disks with sector size < 512 are allowed.
if((BootSector->SectorsPerCluster[0] != 1) && (BootSector->SectorsPerCluster[0] != 2) && (BootSector->SectorsPerCluster[0] != 4) && (BootSector->SectorsPerCluster[0] != 8) && (BootSector->SectorsPerCluster[0] != 16) && (BootSector->SectorsPerCluster[0] != 32) && (BootSector->SectorsPerCluster[0] != 64) && (BootSector->SectorsPerCluster[0] != 128)) {
return(FALSE); }
if(U_USHORT(BootSector->ReservedSectors) || BootSector->Fats[0] || U_USHORT(BootSector->RootEntries) || U_USHORT(BootSector->Sectors) || U_USHORT(BootSector->SectorsPerFat) || U_ULONG(BootSector->LargeSectors)) {
return(FALSE); }
// ClustersPerFileRecord can be less than zero if file records
// are smaller than clusters. This number is the negative of a shift count.
// If clusters are smaller than file records then this number is
// still the clusters per file records.
if(BootSector->ClustersPerFileRecordSegment <= -9) { if(BootSector->ClustersPerFileRecordSegment < -31) { return(FALSE); }
} else if((BootSector->ClustersPerFileRecordSegment != 1) && (BootSector->ClustersPerFileRecordSegment != 2) && (BootSector->ClustersPerFileRecordSegment != 4) && (BootSector->ClustersPerFileRecordSegment != 8) && (BootSector->ClustersPerFileRecordSegment != 16) && (BootSector->ClustersPerFileRecordSegment != 32) && (BootSector->ClustersPerFileRecordSegment != 64)) {
return(FALSE); }
// ClustersPerIndexAllocationBuffer can be less than zero if index buffers
// are smaller than clusters. This number is the negative of a shift count.
// If clusters are smaller than index buffers then this number is
// still the clusters per index buffers.
if(BootSector->DefaultClustersPerIndexAllocationBuffer <= -9) { if(BootSector->DefaultClustersPerIndexAllocationBuffer < -31) { return(FALSE); }
} else if((BootSector->DefaultClustersPerIndexAllocationBuffer != 1) && (BootSector->DefaultClustersPerIndexAllocationBuffer != 2) && (BootSector->DefaultClustersPerIndexAllocationBuffer != 4) && (BootSector->DefaultClustersPerIndexAllocationBuffer != 8) && (BootSector->DefaultClustersPerIndexAllocationBuffer != 16) && (BootSector->DefaultClustersPerIndexAllocationBuffer != 32) && (BootSector->DefaultClustersPerIndexAllocationBuffer != 64)) {
return(FALSE); }
if((ULONGLONG)BootSector->NumberSectors.QuadPart > SecCnt) { return(FALSE); }
if((((ULONGLONG)BootSector->MftStartLcn.QuadPart * BootSector->SectorsPerCluster[0]) > SecCnt) || (((ULONGLONG)BootSector->Mft2StartLcn.QuadPart * BootSector->SectorsPerCluster[0]) > SecCnt)) {
return(FALSE); }
return(TRUE); }
FilesystemType SpIdentifyFileSystem( IN PWSTR DevicePath, IN ULONG BytesPerSector, IN ULONG PartitionOrdinal )
Routine Description:
Identify the filesystem present on a given partition.
DevicePath - supplies the name in the nt namespace for the disk's device object.
BytesPerSector - supplies value reported by IOCTL_GET_DISK_GEOMETRY.
PartitionOrdinal - supplies the ordinal of the partition to be identified.
Return Value:
Value from the FilesystemType enum identifying the filesystem.
{ NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE Handle; FilesystemType fs; PUCHAR UnalignedBuffer,AlignedBuffer; BOOLEAN Fat32;
// First open the partition.
Status = SpOpenPartition(DevicePath,PartitionOrdinal,&Handle,FALSE);
if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_SETUP_ID, DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, "SETUP: SpIdentifyFileSystem: unable to open %ws\\partition%u (%lx)\n", DevicePath, PartitionOrdinal ));
return(FilesystemUnknown); }
UnalignedBuffer = SpMemAlloc(2*BytesPerSector); AlignedBuffer = ALIGN(UnalignedBuffer,BytesPerSector);
// Check for each filesystem we know about.
if(SpIsFat(Handle,BytesPerSector,AlignedBuffer,&Fat32)) { fs = Fat32 ? FilesystemFat32 : FilesystemFat; } else { if(SpIsNtfs(Handle,BytesPerSector,AlignedBuffer,0)) { fs = FilesystemNtfs; } else { fs = FilesystemUnknown; } }
return(fs); }
ULONG NtfsMirrorBootSector ( IN HANDLE Handle, IN ULONG BytesPerSector, IN OUT PUCHAR *Buffer )
Routine Description:
Finds out where the mirror boot sector is.
Handle - supplies handle to open partition. The partition should have been opened for synchronous i/o.
BytesPerSector - supplies the number of bytes in a sector on the disk. This value should be ultimately derived from IOCTL_DISK_GET_DISK_GEOMETRY.
Buffer - receives the address of the buffer we use to read the boot sector
Return Value:
0 - mirror sector not found 1 - mirror in sector n-1 2 - mirror in sector n/2 where n = number of sectors in the partition.
{ NTSTATUS Status; PUCHAR UnalignedBuffer, AlignedBuffer; ULONG Mirror;
Mirror = 0;
// Set up our buffer
UnalignedBuffer = SpMemAlloc (2*BytesPerSector); ASSERT (UnalignedBuffer); AlignedBuffer = ALIGN (UnalignedBuffer, BytesPerSector);
// Look for the mirror boot sector
if (SpIsNtfs (Handle,BytesPerSector,AlignedBuffer,1)) { Mirror = 1; } else if (SpIsNtfs (Handle,BytesPerSector,AlignedBuffer,2)) { Mirror = 2; }
// Give the caller a copy of the buffer
if (Buffer) { *Buffer = SpMemAlloc (BytesPerSector); RtlMoveMemory (*Buffer, AlignedBuffer, BytesPerSector); }
SpMemFree (UnalignedBuffer); return Mirror; }
VOID WriteNtfsBootSector ( IN HANDLE PartitionHandle, IN ULONG BytesPerSector, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG WhichOne )
Routine Description:
Writes a NTFS boot sector to sector 0 or one of the mirror locations.
PartitionHandle - supplies handle to open partition. The partition should have been opened for synchronous i/o.
BytesPerSector - supplies the number of bytes in a sector on the disk. This value should be ultimately derived from IOCTL_DISK_GET_DISK_GEOMETRY.
AlignedBuffer - supplies buffer to be used for i/o of a single sector.
WhichOne - supplies a value that allows the caller to try more than one sector. 0 = sector 0. 1 = sector n-1. 2 = sector n/2, where n = number of sectors in the partition.
Return Value:
{ NTSTATUS Status; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; PARTITION_INFORMATION PartitionInfo; PUCHAR UnalignedBuffer, AlignedBuffer; ULONGLONG SecCnt;
UnalignedBuffer = SpMemAlloc (2*BytesPerSector); ASSERT (UnalignedBuffer); AlignedBuffer = ALIGN (UnalignedBuffer, BytesPerSector); RtlMoveMemory (AlignedBuffer, Buffer, BytesPerSector);
// Get partition information.
Status = ZwDeviceIoControlFile( PartitionHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatusBlock, IOCTL_DISK_GET_PARTITION_INFO, NULL, 0, &PartitionInfo, sizeof(PartitionInfo) );
if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_SETUP_ID, DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, "SETUP: WriteNtfsBootSector: unable to get partition info (%lx)\n", Status)); return; }
SecCnt = (ULONGLONG)PartitionInfo.PartitionLength.QuadPart / BytesPerSector;
// Write the boot sector.
Status = SpReadWriteDiskSectors( PartitionHandle, (ULONG)(WhichOne ? ((WhichOne == 1) ? SecCnt-1 : SecCnt/2) : 0), 1, BytesPerSector, AlignedBuffer, TRUE );
if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_SETUP_ID, DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, "SETUP: WriteNtfsBootSector: Error %lx reading sector 0\n", Status)); return; }
SpMemFree (UnalignedBuffer); }
BOOLEAN SpPatchBootMessages( VOID ) { LPWSTR UnicodeMsg; LPSTR FatNtldrMissing; LPSTR FatDiskError; LPSTR FatPressKey; LPSTR NtfsNtldrMissing; LPSTR NtfsNtldrCompressed; LPSTR NtfsDiskError; LPSTR NtfsPressKey; LPSTR MbrInvalidTable; LPSTR MbrIoError; LPSTR MbrMissingOs; ULONG l; extern unsigned char x86BootCode[512];
// we don't touch boot code on NEC98
if (IsNEC_98) { //NEC98
return(TRUE); } //NEC98
UnicodeMsg = TemporaryBuffer + (sizeof(TemporaryBuffer) / sizeof(WCHAR) / 2);
// Deal with FAT -- get messages and patch.
SpFormatMessage(UnicodeMsg,100,SP_BOOTMSG_FAT_NTLDR_MISSING); FatNtldrMissing = (PCHAR)TemporaryBuffer; RtlUnicodeToOemN(FatNtldrMissing,100,&l,UnicodeMsg,(wcslen(UnicodeMsg)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
SpFormatMessage(UnicodeMsg,100,SP_BOOTMSG_FAT_DISK_ERROR); FatDiskError = FatNtldrMissing + l; RtlUnicodeToOemN(FatDiskError,100,&l,UnicodeMsg,(wcslen(UnicodeMsg)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
SpFormatMessage(UnicodeMsg,100,SP_BOOTMSG_FAT_PRESS_KEY); FatPressKey = FatDiskError + l; RtlUnicodeToOemN(FatPressKey,100,&l,UnicodeMsg,(wcslen(UnicodeMsg)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
if(!PatchMessagesIntoFatBootCode(FatBootCode,FALSE,FatNtldrMissing,FatDiskError,FatPressKey)) { return(FALSE); }
if(!PatchMessagesIntoFatBootCode(Fat32BootCode,TRUE,FatNtldrMissing,FatDiskError,FatPressKey)) { return(FALSE); }
// Deal with NTFS -- get messages and patch.
SpFormatMessage(UnicodeMsg,100,SP_BOOTMSG_NTFS_NTLDR_MISSING); NtfsNtldrMissing = (PCHAR)TemporaryBuffer; RtlUnicodeToOemN(NtfsNtldrMissing,100,&l,UnicodeMsg,(wcslen(UnicodeMsg)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
SpFormatMessage(UnicodeMsg,100,SP_BOOTMSG_NTFS_NTLDR_COMPRESSED); NtfsNtldrCompressed = NtfsNtldrMissing + l; RtlUnicodeToOemN(NtfsNtldrCompressed,100,&l,UnicodeMsg,(wcslen(UnicodeMsg)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
SpFormatMessage(UnicodeMsg,100,SP_BOOTMSG_NTFS_DISK_ERROR); NtfsDiskError = NtfsNtldrCompressed + l; RtlUnicodeToOemN(NtfsDiskError,100,&l,UnicodeMsg,(wcslen(UnicodeMsg)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
SpFormatMessage(UnicodeMsg,100,SP_BOOTMSG_NTFS_PRESS_KEY); NtfsPressKey = NtfsDiskError + l; RtlUnicodeToOemN(NtfsPressKey,100,&l,UnicodeMsg,(wcslen(UnicodeMsg)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
if(!PatchMessagesIntoNtfsBootCode(NtfsBootCode,NtfsNtldrMissing,NtfsNtldrCompressed,NtfsDiskError,NtfsPressKey)) { return(FALSE); }
// Deal with MBR -- get messages and patch.
SpFormatMessage(UnicodeMsg,100,SP_BOOTMSG_MBR_INVALID_TABLE); MbrInvalidTable = (PCHAR)TemporaryBuffer; RtlUnicodeToOemN(MbrInvalidTable,100,&l,UnicodeMsg,(wcslen(UnicodeMsg)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
SpFormatMessage(UnicodeMsg,100,SP_BOOTMSG_MBR_IO_ERROR); MbrIoError = MbrInvalidTable + l; RtlUnicodeToOemN(MbrIoError,100,&l,UnicodeMsg,(wcslen(UnicodeMsg)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
SpFormatMessage(UnicodeMsg,100,SP_BOOTMSG_MBR_MISSING_OS); MbrMissingOs = MbrIoError + l; RtlUnicodeToOemN(MbrMissingOs,100,&l,UnicodeMsg,(wcslen(UnicodeMsg)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
if(!PatchMessagesIntoMasterBootCode(x86BootCode,MbrInvalidTable,MbrIoError,MbrMissingOs)) { return(FALSE); }
return(TRUE); }