Copyright (c) 1992-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the main file of the analysis module.
Ori Gershony (t-orig) creation-date 6-July-1995
Revision History:
24-Aug-1999 [askhalid] copied from 32-bit wx86 directory and make work for 64bit.
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <wx86.h>
#include <wx86nt.h>
#include <wx86cpu.h>
#include <cpuassrt.h>
#include <threadst.h>
#include <instr.h>
#include <analysis.h>
#include <decoder.h>
#include <frag.h>
#include <config.h>
#include <compiler.h>
// Macro to determine when to stop looking ahead during compilation.
#define STOP_DECODING(inst) (Fragments[inst.Operation].Flags & OPFL_STOP_COMPILE)
// Map a REG_ constant (offset into cpu struct) into register bit map
// used by instruction data.
ULONG LocateEntryPoints( PINSTRUCTION InstructionStream, ULONG NumberOfInstructions ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function scans the InstructionStream and marks instructions which begin entrypoint. An instruction begins an entrypoint if its EntryPoint field has a different value than the previous instruction's value. No instruction will have a NULL pointer.
Note that in this pass, the EntryPoint field does *not* point to an ENTRYPOINT structure... it is only a marker.
IntelStart -- The intel address of the first instruction in the stream
IntelStart -- The last byte of the last intel instruction in the stream
Return Value:
Count of EntryPoints located. --*/ { ULONG i, j, intelDest; ULONG EntryPointCounter; ULONG IntelStart; ULONG IntelEnd;
if (CompilerFlags & COMPFL_SLOW) { //
// The compiler is supposed to generate slowmode code. Each
// x86 instruction gets its own ENTRYPOINT
EntryPointCounter=1; for (i=0; i<NumberOfInstructions; i++) { //
// Mark all instructions which don't correspond to 0-byte NOPs
// following optimized instructions as starting EntryPoints.
if (InstructionStream[i].Size) { EntryPointCounter++; } InstructionStream[i].EntryPoint = (PENTRYPOINT)EntryPointCounter; }
} else {
// Find all instructions which need Entrypoints.
// Performance is O(n^2) in the worst case, although
// it will be typically much closer to O(n)
// Instructions which mark the starts of Entrypoints have
// their .EntryPoint pointer set to non-NULL. Instructions which
// don't require entrypoints have it set to NULL;
IntelStart = InstructionStream[0].IntelAddress; IntelEnd = IntelStart + InstructionStream[NumberOfInstructions-1].IntelAddress + InstructionStream[NumberOfInstructions-1].Size;
// The first instruction always gets an entrypoint
InstructionStream[0].EntryPoint = (PENTRYPOINT)1;
// Visit each instruction in turn
for (i=0; i<NumberOfInstructions; i++) {
if (((i+1) < NumberOfInstructions) && (Fragments[InstructionStream[i].Operation].Flags & OPFL_END_NEXT_EP)) { //
// This instruction marks the end of an Entrypoint. The next
// instruction gets a new Entrypoint.
CPUASSERT(i < CpuInstructionLookahead-1 && i < NumberOfInstructions-1); InstructionStream[i+1].EntryPoint = (PENTRYPOINT)1; }
// Now see if it is a direct control transfer instruction with a
// destination that lies within this instruction stream. If it is,
// we want to create an Entry Point at the destination so that the
// control transfer will be compiled directly to the patched form,
// and won't have to be patched later.
if (Fragments[InstructionStream[i].Operation].Flags & OPFL_CTRLTRNS) { //
// The instruction is a direct control-transfer. If the
// destination is within the InstructionStream, create an
// Entrypoint at the destination.
if (InstructionStream[i].Operand1.Type == OPND_IMM || InstructionStream[i].Operand1.Type == OPND_NOCODEGEN) { // Get the intel destination from the instruction structure.
intelDest = InstructionStream[i].Operand1.Immed; } else { CPUASSERT(InstructionStream[i].Operand1.Type == OPND_ADDRREF ); // A FAR instruction - Operand1 is a ptr to a SEL:OFFSET pair
intelDest = *(UNALIGNED PULONG)(InstructionStream[i].Operand1.Immed); }
// Get the intel destination from the instruction structure.
// It is always an immediate with direct control transfers.
if ((intelDest >= IntelStart) && (intelDest <= IntelEnd)) { //
// Destination of the control-transfer is within the
// instructionstream. Find the destination instruction.
if (intelDest > InstructionStream[i].IntelAddress) { //
// The dest. address is at a higher address.
for (j=i+1; j<NumberOfInstructions; ++j) { if (InstructionStream[j].IntelAddress == intelDest) { break; } } } else { //
// The dest. address is at a lower address.
for (j=i; j>0; --j) { if (InstructionStream[j].IntelAddress == intelDest) { break; } } }
// An exact match may not be found in the event that the
// app is punning (either a real pun or the app is jumping
// into the middle of an optimized instruction). In
// either of the cases, defer entrypoint creation until
// the branch is actually taken.
if (j >= 0 && j < NumberOfInstructions) { //
// Exact match was found. Create an Entrypoint.
InstructionStream[j].EntryPoint = (PENTRYPOINT)1; } } } // if OPFL_CTRLTRNS
} // for ()
// Convert the EntryPoint field from NULL/non-NULL to a unique
// value for each range of instructions.
EntryPointCounter=1; i=0; while (i<NumberOfInstructions) { //
// This instruction marks the beginning of a basic block
InstructionStream[i].EntryPoint = (PENTRYPOINT)EntryPointCounter; j=i+1; while (j < NumberOfInstructions) { if ((j >= NumberOfInstructions) || (InstructionStream[j].Size && InstructionStream[j].EntryPoint)) { //
// Either ran out of instructions, or encountered an instruction
// which marks the start of the next basic block. Note that
// 0-byte NOP instructions are not allowed to start basic blocks
// as that violates the rules of OPT_ instructions.
break; } InstructionStream[j].EntryPoint = (PENTRYPOINT)EntryPointCounter; j++; } EntryPointCounter++; i = j; } } // if not COMPFL_SLOW
// At this point, EntryPointCounter holds the number of EntryPoints
// plus one, because we started the counter at 1, not 0. Correct
// that now.
return EntryPointCounter; }
VOID UpdateRegs( PINSTRUCTION pInstr, POPERAND Operand ) /*++
Routine Description:
Updates the list of registers referenced and/or modified based on the Operand.
pInstr -- the instruction to examine
Operand -- the operand of the instruction to examine
Return Value:
return-value - none
--*/ { switch (Operand->Type) { case OPND_NOCODEGEN: case OPND_REGREF: if (Operand->Reg != NO_REG) { pInstr->RegsSet |= MapRegNumToRegBits[Operand->Reg]; } break;
case OPND_REGVALUE: if (Operand->Reg != NO_REG) { pInstr->RegsNeeded |= MapRegNumToRegBits[Operand->Reg]; } break;
case OPND_ADDRREF: case OPND_ADDRVALUE8: case OPND_ADDRVALUE16: case OPND_ADDRVALUE32: if (Operand->Reg != NO_REG) { pInstr->RegsNeeded |= MapRegNumToRegBits[Operand->Reg]; } if (Operand->IndexReg != NO_REG) { pInstr->RegsNeeded |= MapRegNumToRegBits[Operand->IndexReg]; } break;
default: break; } }
VOID CacheIntelRegs( PINSTRUCTION InstructionStream, ULONG numInstr) /*++
Routine Description:
This function deterimes what x86 registers, if any, can be cached in RISC preserved registers.
InstructionStream -- The instruction stream returned by the decoder
numInstr -- The length of InstructionStream
Return Value:
return-value - none
--*/ { PINSTRUCTION pInstr; BYTE RegUsage[REGCOUNT]; DWORD RegsToCache; int i; PENTRYPOINT PrevEntryPoint;
// Calculate the RegsSet and RegsNeeded for the bottommost instruction
pInstr = &InstructionStream[numInstr-1]; pInstr->RegsSet = Fragments[pInstr->Operation].RegsSet; PrevEntryPoint = pInstr->EntryPoint; UpdateRegs(pInstr, &pInstr->Operand1); UpdateRegs(pInstr, &pInstr->Operand2); UpdateRegs(pInstr, &pInstr->Operand3);
// For each 32-bit register used as a parameter to this instruction,
// set the usage count to 1.
for (i=0; i<REGCOUNT; ++i) { if (pInstr->RegsNeeded & (REGMASK<<(REGSHIFT*i))) { RegUsage[i] = 1; } else { RegUsage[i] = 0; } }
// Loop over instruction stream from bottom to top, starting at the
// second-to-last instruction
for (pInstr--; pInstr >= InstructionStream; pInstr--) {
// Calculate the RegsSet and RegsNeeded values for this instruction
pInstr->RegsSet = Fragments[pInstr->Operation].RegsSet; UpdateRegs(pInstr, &pInstr->Operand1); UpdateRegs(pInstr, &pInstr->Operand2); UpdateRegs(pInstr, &pInstr->Operand3);
RegsToCache = 0;
if (PrevEntryPoint != pInstr->EntryPoint) {
// The current instruction marks the end of an Entrypoint.
PrevEntryPoint = pInstr->EntryPoint;
// For all x86 registers which have been read more than once
// but not modified in the basic block, load them into the
// cache before executing the first instruction in the basic
// block.
for (i=0; i<REGCOUNT; ++i) { if (RegUsage[i] > 1) { RegsToCache |= (REGMASK<<(REGSHIFT*i)); } }
// Reset the RegUsage[] array to indicate no registers are
// cached.
RtlZeroMemory(RegUsage, REGCOUNT);
} else {
// For each 32-bit x86 register modified by this instruction,
// update the caching info.
for (i=0; i<REGCOUNT; ++i) { DWORD RegBits = pInstr->RegsSet & (REGMASK<<(REGSHIFT*i)); if (RegBits) { //
// The ith 32-bit x86 register has been modified by this
// instruction
if (RegUsage[i] > 1) { //
// There is more than one consumer of the modified
// value so it is worth caching.
RegsToCache |= RegBits; }
// Since this x86 register was dirtied by this instruction,
// it usage count must be reset to 0.
RegUsage[i] = 0; } } }
// Update the list of x86 registers which can be loaded into
// cache registers before the next instruction executes.
pInstr[1].RegsToCache |= RegsToCache;
// For each 32-bit register used as a parameter to this instruction,
// bump the usage count.
for (i=0; i<REGCOUNT; ++i) { if (pInstr->RegsNeeded & (REGMASK<<(REGSHIFT*i))) { RegUsage[i]++; } } } }
VOID OptimizeInstructionStream( PINSTRUCTION IS, ULONG numInstr ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function performs various optimization on the instruction stream retured by the decoder.
IS -- The instruction stream returned by the decoder
numInstr -- The length of IS
Return Value:
return-value - none
--*/ { ULONG i;
CPUASSERTMSG(numInstr, "Cannot optimize 0-length instruction stream");
// Pass 1: Optimize x86 instruction stream, replacing single x86
// instructions with special-case instructions, and replacing
// multiple x86 instructions with single special-case OPT_
// instructions
for (i=0; i<numInstr; ++i) {
switch (IS[i].Operation) { case OP_Push32: if (i < numInstr-2 && IS[i].Operand1.Type == OPND_REGVALUE){
if (IS[i].Operand1.Reg == GP_EBP) { // OP_OPT_SetupStack --
// push ebp
// mov ebp, esp
// sub esp, x
if ((IS[i+1].Operation == OP_Mov32) && (IS[i+1].Operand1.Type == OPND_REGREF) && (IS[i+1].Operand1.Reg == GP_EBP) && (IS[i+1].Operand2.Type == OPND_REGVALUE) && (IS[i+1].Operand2.Reg == GP_ESP) && (IS[i+2].Operation == OP_Sub32) && (IS[i+2].Operand1.Type == OPND_REGREF) && (IS[i+2].Operand1.Reg == GP_ESP) && (IS[i+2].Operand2.Type == OPND_IMM)){
IS[i].Operation = OP_OPT_SetupStack; IS[i].Operand1.Type = OPND_IMM; IS[i].Operand1.Immed = IS[i+2].Operand2.Immed; IS[i].Size += IS[i+1].Size + IS[i+2].Size; IS[i].Operand2.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i+1].Operation = OP_Nop; IS[i+1].Operand1.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i+1].Operand2.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i+1].Size = 0; IS[i+2].Operation = OP_Nop; IS[i+2].Operand1.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i+2].Operand2.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i+2].Size = 0; i+=2; break; } } else if (IS[i].Operand1.Reg == GP_EBX) { // OP_OPT_PushEbxEsiEdi --
// push ebx
// push esi
// push edi
if ((IS[i+1].Operation == OP_Push32) && (IS[i+1].Operand1.Type == OPND_REGVALUE) && (IS[i+1].Operand1.Reg == GP_ESI) && (IS[i+2].Operation == OP_Push32) && (IS[i+2].Operand1.Type == OPND_REGVALUE) && (IS[i+2].Operand1.Reg == GP_EDI)){
IS[i].Operation = OP_OPT_PushEbxEsiEdi; IS[i].Size += IS[i+1].Size + IS[i+2].Size; IS[i].Operand1.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i].Operand2.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i+1].Operation = OP_Nop; IS[i+1].Operand1.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i+1].Operand2.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i+1].Size = 0; IS[i+2].Operation = OP_Nop; IS[i+2].Operand1.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i+2].Operand2.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i+2].Size = 0; i+=2; break; } } }
// It is not one of the other special PUSH sequences, so see
// if there are two consecutive PUSHes to merge together. Note:
// If the second PUSH references ESP, the two cannot be merged
// because the value is computed before 4 is subtracted from ESP.
// ie. the following is disallowed:
// PUSH ESP ; second operand to Push2 would have been
// ; built before the PUSH EAX was executed.
if (i < numInstr-1 && !IS[i].FsOverride && !IS[i+1].FsOverride && IS[i+1].Operation == OP_Push32 && IS[i+1].Operand1.Reg != GP_ESP && IS[i+1].Operand1.IndexReg != GP_ESP) {
IS[i].Operation = OP_OPT_Push232; IS[i].Operand2 = IS[i+1].Operand1; IS[i].Size += IS[i+1].Size; IS[i+1].Operation = OP_Nop; IS[i+1].Operand1.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i+1].Size = 0; i++; }
case OP_Pop32: // OP_OPT_PopEdiEsiEbx
// pop edi
// pop esi
// pop ebx
if (i < numInstr-2 && (IS[i].Operand1.Type == OPND_REGREF) && (IS[i].Operand1.Reg == GP_EDI) && (IS[i+1].Operation == OP_Pop32) && (IS[i+1].Operand1.Type == OPND_REGREF) && (IS[i+1].Operand1.Reg == GP_ESI) && (IS[i+2].Operation == OP_Pop32) && (IS[i+2].Operand1.Type == OPND_REGREF) && (IS[i+2].Operand1.Reg == GP_EBX)){
IS[i].Operation = OP_OPT_PopEdiEsiEbx; IS[i].Size += IS[i+1].Size + IS[i+2].Size; IS[i].Operand1.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i].Operand2.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i+1].Operation = OP_Nop; IS[i+1].Operand1.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i+1].Operand2.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i+1].Size = 0; IS[i+2].Operation = OP_Nop; IS[i+2].Operand1.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i+2].Operand2.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i+2].Size = 0; i+=2; } else if (i < numInstr-1 && !IS[i].FsOverride && !IS[i].FsOverride && IS[i].Operand1.Type == OPND_REGREF && IS[i+1].Operation == OP_Pop32 && IS[i+1].Operand1.Type == OPND_REGREF) {
// Fold the two POPs together. Both operands are REGREF,
// so there is no problem with interdependencies between
// memory touched by the first POP modifying the address
// of the second POP. ie. the following is not merged:
// POP [EAX] ; depends on results of first POP
IS[i].Operation = OP_OPT_Pop232; IS[i].Operand2 = IS[i+1].Operand1; IS[i].Size += IS[i+1].Size; IS[i+1].Operation = OP_Nop; IS[i+1].Operand1.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i+1].Size = 0; i++; } break;
case OP_Xor32: case OP_Sub32: if (IS[i].Operand1.Type == OPND_REGREF && IS[i].Operand2.Type == OPND_REGVALUE && IS[i].Operand1.Reg == IS[i].Operand2.Reg) { // Instruction is XOR samereg, samereg (ie. XOR EAX, EAX),
// or SUB samereg, samereg (ie. SUB ECX, ECX).
// Emit OP_OPT_ZERO32 samereg
IS[i].Operand2.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i].Operation = OP_OPT_ZERO32; } break;
case OP_Test8: if (IS[i].Operand1.Type == OPND_REGVALUE && IS[i].Operand2.Type == OPND_REGVALUE && IS[i].Operand1.Reg == IS[i].Operand2.Reg) { // Instruction is TEST samereg, samereg (ie. TEST EAX, EAX)
// Emit OP_OPT_FastTest8/16/32
IS[i].Operand1.Type = OPND_REGVALUE; IS[i].Operand2.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i].Operation = OP_OPT_FastTest8; } break;
case OP_Test16: if (IS[i].Operand1.Type == OPND_REGVALUE && IS[i].Operand2.Type == OPND_REGVALUE && IS[i].Operand1.Reg == IS[i].Operand2.Reg) { // Instruction is TEST samereg, samereg (ie. TEST EAX, EAX)
// Emit OP_OPT_FastTest8/16/32
IS[i].Operand1.Type = OPND_REGVALUE; IS[i].Operand2.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i].Operation = OP_OPT_FastTest16; } break;
case OP_Test32: if (IS[i].Operand1.Type == OPND_REGVALUE && IS[i].Operand2.Type == OPND_REGVALUE && IS[i].Operand1.Reg == IS[i].Operand2.Reg) { // Instruction is TEST samereg, samereg (ie. TEST EAX, EAX)
// Emit OP_OPT_FastTest8/16/32
IS[i].Operand1.Type = OPND_REGVALUE; IS[i].Operand2.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i].Operation = OP_OPT_FastTest32; } break;
case OP_Cmp32: if (i<numInstr+1 && IS[i+1].Operation == OP_Sbb32 && IS[i+1].Operand1.Type == OPND_REGREF && IS[i+1].Operand2.Type == OPND_REGVALUE && IS[i+1].Operand1.Reg == IS[i+1].Operand2.Reg) { // The two instructions are:
// CMP anything1, anything2
// SBB samereg, samereg
// The optimized instruction is:
// Operation = either CmpSbb32 or CmpSbbNeg32
// Operand1 = &samereg (passed as REGREF)
// Operand2 = anything1 (passed as ADDRVAL32 or REGVAL)
// Operand3 = anything2 (passed as ADDRVAL32 or REGVAL)
IS[i].Operand3 = IS[i].Operand2; IS[i].Operand2 = IS[i].Operand1; IS[i].Operand1 = IS[i+1].Operand1; if (i<numInstr+2 && IS[i+2].Operation == OP_Neg32 && IS[i+2].Operand1.Type == OPND_REGREF && IS[i+2].Operand1.Reg == IS[i+1].Operand1.Reg) { // The third instruction is NEG samereg, samereg
IS[i].Operation = OP_OPT_CmpSbbNeg32; IS[i+2].Operation = OP_Nop; IS[i+2].Operand1.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i+2].Operand2.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i+2].Size = 0; } else { IS[i].Operation = OP_OPT_CmpSbb32; } IS[i+1].Operation = OP_Nop; IS[i+1].Operand1.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i+1].Operand2.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i+1].Size = 0; i++; } break;
case OP_Cwd16: if (i<numInstr+1 && IS[i+1].Operation == OP_Idiv16) { IS[i].Operation = OP_OPT_CwdIdiv16; IS[i].Operand1 = IS[i+1].Operand1; IS[i].Size += IS[i+1].Size; IS[i+1].Operation = OP_Nop; IS[i+1].Operand1.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i+1].Size = 0; i++; } break;
case OP_Cwd32: if (i<numInstr+1 && IS[i+1].Operation == OP_Idiv32) { IS[i].Operation = OP_OPT_CwdIdiv32; IS[i].Operand1 = IS[i+1].Operand1; IS[i].Size += IS[i+1].Size; IS[i+1].Operation = OP_Nop; IS[i+1].Operand1.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i+1].Size = 0; i++; } break;
case OP_FP_FNSTSW: if (i<numInstr+1 && IS[i+1].Operation == OP_Sahf && IS[i].Operand1.Type == OPND_REGREF && IS[i].Operand1.Reg == GP_AX) {
// Replace FNSTSW AX / SAHF by one instruction
IS[i].Operation = OP_OPT_FNSTSWAxSahf; IS[i].Operand1.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i].Size += IS[i+1].Size; IS[i+1].Operation = OP_Nop; IS[i+1].Size = 0; i++; } break;
case OP_FP_FSTP_STi: if (IS[i].Operand1.Immed == 0) { IS[i].Operand1.Type = OPND_NONE; IS[i].Operation = OP_OPT_FSTP_ST0; } break;
} } }
VOID OptimizeIntelFlags( PINSTRUCTION IS, ULONG numInstr ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function analysis x86 flag register usage and switches instructions to use NoFlags versions if possible.
IS -- The instruction stream returned by the decoder
numInstr -- The length of IS
Return Value:
return-value - none
--*/ { USHORT FlagsNeeded; // flags required to execute current x86 instr
USHORT FlagsToGenerate; // flags which current x86 instr must generate
PFRAGDESCR pFragDesc; // ptr to Fragments[] array for current instr
ULONG i; // instruction index
BOOL fPassNeeded = TRUE;// TRUE if the outer loop needs to loop once more
ULONG PassNumber = 0; // number of times outer loop has looped
PENTRYPOINT pEPDest; // Entrypoint for destination of a ctrl transfer
USHORT KnownFlagsNeeded[MAX_INSTR_COUNT]; // flags needed for each instr
while (fPassNeeded) {
// This loop is executed at most two times. The second pass is only
// required if there is a control-transfer instruction whose
// destination is within the Instruction Stream and at a lower
// Intel address (ie. a backwards JMP).
fPassNeeded = FALSE; PassNumber++; CPUASSERT(PassNumber <= 2);
// Iterate over all x86 instructions decoded, from bottom to top,
// propagating flags info up. Start off by assuming all x86 flags
// must be up-to-date at the end of the last basic block.
FlagsNeeded = ALLFLAGS; i = numInstr; do { i--; pFragDesc = &Fragments[IS[i].Operation];
// Calculate what flags will need to be computed by this
// instruction and ones before this.
KnownFlagsNeeded[i] = FlagsNeeded | pFragDesc->FlagsNeeded; FlagsToGenerate = FlagsNeeded & pFragDesc->FlagsSet;
// Calculate what flags this instruction will need to have
// computed before it can be executed.
FlagsNeeded = (FlagsNeeded & ~FlagsToGenerate) | pFragDesc->FlagsNeeded;
if (pFragDesc->Flags & OPFL_CTRLTRNS) { ULONG IntelDest = IS[i].Operand1.Immed;
// For control-transfer instructions, FlagsNeeded also includes
// the flags required for the destination of the transfer.
if (IS[0].IntelAddress <= IntelDest && i > 0 && IS[i-1].IntelAddress >= IntelDest) { //
// The destination of the control-transfer is at a lower
// address in the Instruction Stream.
if (PassNumber == 1) { //
// Need to make a second pass over the flags
// optimizations in order to determine what flags are
// needed for the destination address.
fPassNeeded = TRUE; FlagsNeeded = ALLFLAGS; // assume all flags are needed
} else { ULONG j; USHORT NewFlagsNeeded;
// Search for the IntelDest within the Instruction
// Stream. IntelDest may not be found if there is
// a pun.
NewFlagsNeeded = ALLFLAGS; // assume there is a pun
for (j=0; j < i; ++j) { if (IS[j].IntelAddress == IntelDest) { NewFlagsNeeded = KnownFlagsNeeded[j]; break; } }
FlagsNeeded |= NewFlagsNeeded; } } else if (IS[i+1].IntelAddress <= IntelDest && IntelDest <= IS[numInstr-1].IntelAddress) { //
// The destination of the control-transfer is at a higher
// address in the Instruction Stream. Pick up the
// already-computed FlagsNeeded for the destination.
ULONG j; USHORT NewFlagsNeeded = ALLFLAGS; // assume a pun
for (j=i+1; j < numInstr; ++j) { if (IS[j].IntelAddress == IntelDest) { NewFlagsNeeded = KnownFlagsNeeded[j]; break; } }
FlagsNeeded |= NewFlagsNeeded;
} else { //
// Destination of the control-transfer is unknown. Assume
// the worst: all flags are required.
FlagsNeeded = ALLFLAGS; } }
if (!(FlagsToGenerate & pFragDesc->FlagsSet) && (pFragDesc->Flags & OPFL_HASNOFLAGS)) { //
// This instruction is not required to generate any flags, and
// it has a NOFLAGS version. Update the flags that need to be
// computed by instructions before this one, and modify the
// Operation number to point at the NoFlags fragment.
FlagsToGenerate &= pFragDesc->FlagsSet; if (pFragDesc->Flags & OPFL_ALIGN) { IS[i].Operation += 2; } else { IS[i].Operation ++; }
if (IS[i].Operation == OP_OPT_ZERONoFlags32) { //
// Special-case this to be a "mov [value], zero" so it is
// inlined.
IS[i].Operation = OP_Mov32; IS[i].Operand2.Type = OPND_IMM; IS[i].Operand2.Immed = 0; } } } while (i); } }
VOID DetermineEbpAlignment( PINSTRUCTION InstructionStream, ULONG numInstr ) /*++
Routine Description:
For each instruction in InstructionStream[], sets Instruction->EbpAligned based on whether EBP is assumed to be DWORD-aligned or not. EBP is assumed to be DWORD-aligned if a "MOV EBP, ESP" instruction is seen, and it is assumed to become unaligned at the first instruction which is flagged as modifying EBP.
InstructionStream -- The instruction stream returned by the decoder
numInstr -- The length of InstructionStream
Return Value:
return-value - none
--*/ { ULONG i; BOOL EbpAligned = FALSE;
for (i=0; i<numInstr; ++i) { if (InstructionStream[i].RegsSet & REGEBP) { //
// This instruction modified EBP
if (InstructionStream[i].Operation == OP_OPT_SetupStack || InstructionStream[i].Operation == OP_OPT_SetupStackNoFlags || (InstructionStream[i].Operation == OP_Mov32 && InstructionStream[i].Operand2.Type == OPND_REGVALUE && InstructionStream[i].Operand2.Reg == GP_ESP)) { //
// The instruction is either "MOV EBP, ESP" or one of the
// SetupStack fragments (which contains a "MOV EBP, ESP")
// assume Ebp is aligned from now on.
EbpAligned = TRUE; } else { EbpAligned = FALSE; } }
InstructionStream[i].EbpAligned = EbpAligned; } }
ULONG GetInstructionStream( PINSTRUCTION InstructionStream, PULONG NumberOfInstructions, PVOID pIntelInstruction, PVOID pLastIntelInstruction ) /*++
Routine Description:
Returns an instruction stream to the compiler. The instruction stream is terminated either when the buffer is full, or when we reach a control transfer instruction.
InstructionStream -- A pointer to the buffer where the decoded instructions are stored.
NumberOfInstructions -- Upon entry, this variable contains the maximal number of instructions the buffer can hold. When returning, it contains the actual number of instructions decoded.
pIntelInstruction -- A pointer to the first real intel instruction to be decoded.
pLastIntelInstruction -- A pointer to the last intel instruction to be compiled, 0xffffffff if not used.
Return Value:
Number of entrypoints required to describe the decoded instruction stream.
--*/ { ULONG numInstr=0; ULONG maxBufferSize; ULONG cEntryPoints;
maxBufferSize = (*NumberOfInstructions);
// Zero-fill the InstructionStream. The decoder depends on this.
RtlZeroMemory(InstructionStream, maxBufferSize*sizeof(INSTRUCTION));
#if DBG
// Do a little analysis on the address we're about to decode. If
// the address is part of a non-x86 image, log that to the debugger.
// That probably indicates a thunking problem. If the address is not
// part of an image, warn that the app is running generated code.
try { USHORT Instr;
// Try to read the instruction about to be executed. If we get
// an access violation, use 0 as the value of the instruction.
Instr = 0;
// Ignore BOP instructions - we assume we know what's going on with
// them.
if (Instr != 0xc4c4) {
st = NtQueryVirtualMemory(NtCurrentProcess(), pIntelInstruction, MemoryBasicInformation, &mbi, sizeof(mbi), NULL); if (NT_SUCCESS(st)) { PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS Headers;
Headers = RtlImageNtHeader(mbi.AllocationBase); if (!Headers || Headers->FileHeader.Machine != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386) { LOGPRINT((TRACELOG, "CPU Analysis warning: jumping from Intel to non-intel code at 0x%X\r\n", pIntelInstruction)); } } else { // Eip isn't pointing anywhere???
} } } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { ; } #endif //DBG
while (numInstr < maxBufferSize) {
DecodeInstruction ((DWORD) (ULONGLONG)pIntelInstruction, InstructionStream+numInstr); if ((STOP_DECODING(InstructionStream[numInstr])) || (pIntelInstruction >= pLastIntelInstruction)) {
// We reached a control transfer instruction
numInstr++; (*NumberOfInstructions) = numInstr; break; // SUCCESS
} pIntelInstruction = (PVOID) ((ULONGLONG)pIntelInstruction + (InstructionStream+numInstr)->Size);
numInstr++; }
// Optimize x86 code by merging x86 instructions into meta-instructions
// and cleaning up special x86 idioms.
if (!(CompilerFlags & COMPFL_SLOW)) { OptimizeInstructionStream (InstructionStream, numInstr); }
// Determine where all basic blocks are by filling in the EntryPoint
// field in each instruction. This must be done after
// OptimizeInstructionStream() runs so that EntryPoints don't fall
// into the middle of meta-instructions.
cEntryPoints = LocateEntryPoints(InstructionStream, numInstr);
// Perform optimizations which require knowledge of EntryPoints
if (numInstr > 2 && !(CompilerFlags & COMPFL_SLOW)) { if (!CpuDisableNoFlags) { OptimizeIntelFlags(InstructionStream, numInstr); }
if (!CpuDisableRegCache) { CacheIntelRegs(InstructionStream, numInstr); }
if (!CpuDisableEbpAlign) { DetermineEbpAlignment(InstructionStream, numInstr); } }
return cEntryPoints; }