Copyright (c) 1991-1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
32 bit version of mapping routines for NetServerGet/SetInfo API
Dan Hinsley (danhi) 06-Jun-1991
User Mode - Win32
Revision History:
24-Apr-1991 danhi Created
06-Jun-1991 Danhi Sweep to conform to NT coding style
08-Aug-1991 JohnRo Implement downlevel NetWksta APIs. Made some UNICODE changes. Got rid of tabs in source file.
15-Aug-1991 W-ShankN Added UNICODE mapping layer.
02-Apr-1992 beng Added xport apis
26-Aug-1992 JohnRo RAID 4463: NetServerGetInfo(level 3) to downlevel: assert in convert.c. --*/
#include <nt.h>
#include <windef.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <winerror.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <tstring.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <excpt.h>
#include <lmcons.h>
#include <lmerr.h> // NERR_ equates.
#include <lmserver.h> // NetServer APIs.
#include <lmapibuf.h> // NetApiBufferFree
#include <mapsupp.h> // BUILD_LENGTH_ARRAY
#include <xsdef16.h> // DEF16_*
#include <dlserver.h> // SERVER_INFO_0
#include <mserver.h>
NET_API_STATUS NetpMakeServerLevelForNT( IN DWORD Level, PSERVER_INFO_102 pLevel102, PSERVER_INFO_502 pLevel402, PSERVER_INFO_2 * ppLevel2 );
NET_API_STATUS NetpMakeServerLevelForOS2( IN DWORD Level, PSERVER_INFO_102 pLevel102, PSERVER_INFO_402 pLevel402, PSERVER_INFO_2 * ppLevel2 );
NET_API_STATUS NetpSplitServerForNT( LPTSTR Server, IN DWORD Level, PSERVER_INFO_2 pLevel2, PSERVER_INFO_102 * ppLevel102, PSERVER_INFO_502 * ppLevel402 );
DWORD MNetServerEnum( LPTSTR pszServer, DWORD nLevel, LPBYTE * ppbBuffer, DWORD * pcEntriesRead, DWORD flServerType, LPTSTR pszDomain ) { DWORD cTotalAvail; DWORD dwErr; DWORD i; LPBYTE Source; LPBYTE Dest;
ASSERT(nLevel == 100 || nLevel == 101);
// In either the case of 100 or 101, all we need to do is move
// the information up over the top of the platform id.
dwErr = NetServerEnum(pszServer, nLevel, ppbBuffer, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, pcEntriesRead, &cTotalAvail, flServerType, pszDomain, NULL);
if (dwErr == NERR_Success || dwErr == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { //
// Cycle thru the returned entries, moving each one up over the
// platform id. None of the strings need to be moved.
if (nLevel == 100) { for (i = 0, Source = Dest = (LPBYTE)*ppbBuffer; i < *pcEntriesRead; i++, Source += sizeof(SERVER_INFO_100), Dest += sizeof(SERVER_INFO_0)) { memmove(Dest, Source + FIELD_OFFSET(SERVER_INFO_100, sv100_name), sizeof(SERVER_INFO_0)); } } else { for (i = 0, Source = Dest = (LPBYTE)*ppbBuffer; i < *pcEntriesRead; i++, Source += sizeof(SERVER_INFO_101), Dest += sizeof(SERVER_INFO_1)) { memmove(Dest, Source + FIELD_OFFSET(SERVER_INFO_100, sv100_name), sizeof(SERVER_INFO_1)); } } }
return dwErr; }
DWORD MNetServerGetInfo( LPTSTR ptszServer, DWORD nLevel, LPBYTE * ppbBuffer ) { DWORD ReturnCode;
// It all depends on what info level they've asked for:
switch(nLevel) { case 0: {
PSERVER_INFO_100 pLevel100;
// Everything they need is in level 100. Get it.
ReturnCode = NetServerGetInfo(ptszServer, 100, (LPBYTE *) & pLevel100);
if (ReturnCode) { return ReturnCode; }
// Since it's just the UNICODEZ string, just copy it up in
// the RPC allocated buffer and return it.
((PSERVER_INFO_0)(pLevel100))->sv0_name = pLevel100->sv100_name;
*ppbBuffer = (LPBYTE) pLevel100; break; }
case 1: { PSERVER_INFO_101 pLevel101;
// Everything they need is in level 101. Get it.
ReturnCode = NetServerGetInfo(ptszServer, 101, (LPBYTE *) & pLevel101);
if (ReturnCode) { return ReturnCode; }
// Level 101 is identical to the 32 bit version of info level 1
// except for the platform_id. All I have to do is move the
// fields up sizeof(DWORD) and then pass the buffer on to the user.
memcpy( (LPBYTE)pLevel101, (LPBYTE)&(pLevel101->sv101_name), sizeof(SERVER_INFO_101) - sizeof(DWORD));
*ppbBuffer = (LPBYTE) pLevel101; break; }
case 2: case 3: { PSERVER_INFO_102 pLevel102; LPBYTE pLevel2; LPBYTE pLevelx02 = NULL;
// Level 2/3 requires information from both platform dependant and
// platform independent levels. Get level 102 first, which will
// tell us what platform we're running on (as well as supply some
// of the other information we'll need.
ReturnCode = NetServerGetInfo(ptszServer, 102, (LPBYTE *) &pLevel102);
if (ReturnCode) { return ReturnCode; }
// Get the platform dependant information and then call the
// platform dependant worker function that will create the
// level 2/3 structure.
if (pLevel102->sv102_platform_id == SV_PLATFORM_ID_NT) {
ReturnCode = NetServerGetInfo(ptszServer, 502, & pLevelx02);
if (ReturnCode) { NetApiBufferFree(pLevel102); return ReturnCode; }
ReturnCode = NetpMakeServerLevelForNT(nLevel, pLevel102, (PSERVER_INFO_502) pLevelx02, (PSERVER_INFO_2 *) & pLevel2);
if (ReturnCode) { NetApiBufferFree(pLevel102); NetApiBufferFree(pLevelx02); return ReturnCode; } } else if (pLevel102->sv102_platform_id == SV_PLATFORM_ID_OS2) {
ReturnCode = NetServerGetInfo(ptszServer, 402, & pLevelx02);
if (ReturnCode) { NetApiBufferFree(pLevel102); return ReturnCode; }
ReturnCode = NetpMakeServerLevelForOS2(nLevel, pLevel102, (PSERVER_INFO_402) pLevelx02, (PSERVER_INFO_2 *) & pLevel2);
if (ReturnCode) { NetApiBufferFree(pLevel102); NetApiBufferFree(pLevelx02); return ReturnCode; } }
// I got an unknown platform id back, this should never happen!
else { NetApiBufferFree(pLevel102); return(ERROR_UNEXP_NET_ERR); }
// I've built the old style structure, stick the pointer
// to the new structure in the user's pointer and return.
*ppbBuffer = (LPBYTE) pLevel2;
NetApiBufferFree(pLevel102); NetApiBufferFree(pLevelx02);
break; }
// Not a level I recognize
default: return ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; }
return NERR_Success; }
DWORD MNetServerSetInfoLevel2( LPBYTE pbBuffer ) { DWORD ReturnCode;
PSERVER_INFO_102 pLevel102 = NULL; PSERVER_INFO_502 pLevel502 = NULL;
// Create the NT levels based on the structure passed in
NetpSplitServerForNT(NULL, 2, (PSERVER_INFO_2) pbBuffer, &pLevel102, &pLevel502);
// Now SetInfo for both levels (takes two to cover all the
// information in the old structure
ReturnCode = NetServerSetInfo(NULL, 102, (LPBYTE) pLevel102, NULL);
// We no longer want to disable autotuning of all these parameters, so we don't set this info.
// The only things settable are AutoDisc, Comment, and Hidden, which are all in the 102 structure.
if (ReturnCode == NERR_Success) { ReturnCode = NetServerSetInfo(NULL, 502, (LPBYTE) pLevel502, NULL); } */
NetApiBufferFree(pLevel102); NetApiBufferFree(pLevel502);
return ReturnCode; }
NET_API_STATUS NetpMakeServerLevelForOS2( IN DWORD Level, PSERVER_INFO_102 pLevel102, PSERVER_INFO_402 pLevel402, PSERVER_INFO_2 * ppLevel2 ) {
DWORD BytesRequired = 0; NET_API_STATUS ReturnCode; DWORD Level2_102_Length[3]; DWORD Level2_402_Length[3]; DWORD Level3_403_Length[1]; DWORD i; LPTSTR pFloor;
// Initialize the Level2_102_Length array with the length of each string
// in the 102 and 402 buffers, and allocate the new buffer for
BUILD_LENGTH_ARRAY(BytesRequired, 2, 102, Server) BUILD_LENGTH_ARRAY(BytesRequired, 2, 402, Server)
// If we're doing a level 3, Initialize the Level3_403_Length array with
// the length of each string
if (Level == 3) { // Can't use the macro here, due to not really having a pLevel403
// BUILD_LENGTH_ARRAY(BytesRequired, 3, 403, Server)
for (i = 0; NetpServer3_403[i].Source != MOVESTRING_END_MARKER; i++) { Level3_403_Length[i] = (DWORD) STRLEN( (LPVOID) *((LPTSTR*) (LPVOID) (((LPBYTE) (LPVOID) pLevel402) + NetpServer3_403[i].Source)) ); BytesRequired += Level3_403_Length[i]; } }
// Allocate the new buffer which will be returned to the user. Allocate
// the space for a level 3 even if you only need level 2, it's only 12
// bytes and it would take more than that in code to differentiate
ReturnCode = NetapipBufferAllocate(BytesRequired + sizeof(SERVER_INFO_3), (LPVOID *) ppLevel2); if (ReturnCode) { return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
// First get the floor to start moving strings in at.
pFloor = (LPTSTR)((LPBYTE)*ppLevel2 + BytesRequired + sizeof(SERVER_INFO_2));
// Now move the variable length entries into the new buffer from both the
// 102 and 402 data structures.
(VOID) NetpMoveStrings( &pFloor, (LPTSTR) (LPVOID) pLevel102, (LPVOID) *ppLevel2, NetpServer2_102, Level2_102_Length);
(VOID) NetpMoveStrings( &pFloor, (LPTSTR) (LPVOID) pLevel402, (LPVOID) *ppLevel2, NetpServer2_402, Level2_402_Length);
// Now set the rest of the fields in the fixed length portion
// of the structure
(*ppLevel2)->sv2_version_major = pLevel102->sv102_version_major; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_version_minor = pLevel102->sv102_version_minor; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_type = pLevel102->sv102_type; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_ulist_mtime = pLevel402->sv402_ulist_mtime; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_glist_mtime = pLevel402->sv402_glist_mtime; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_alist_mtime = pLevel402->sv402_alist_mtime; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_users = pLevel102->sv102_users; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_disc = pLevel102->sv102_disc; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_security = pLevel402->sv402_security;
(*ppLevel2)->sv2_auditing = 0;
(*ppLevel2)->sv2_numadmin = pLevel402->sv402_numadmin; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_lanmask = pLevel402->sv402_lanmask; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_hidden = (DWORD) pLevel102->sv102_hidden; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_announce = pLevel102->sv102_announce; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_anndelta = pLevel102->sv102_anndelta; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_licenses = pLevel102->sv102_licenses; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_chdevs = pLevel402->sv402_chdevs; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_chdevq = pLevel402->sv402_chdevq; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_chdevjobs = pLevel402->sv402_chdevjobs; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_connections = pLevel402->sv402_connections; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_shares = pLevel402->sv402_shares; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_openfiles = pLevel402->sv402_openfiles; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_sessopens = pLevel402->sv402_sessopens; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_sessvcs = pLevel402->sv402_sessvcs; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_sessreqs = pLevel402->sv402_sessreqs; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_opensearch = pLevel402->sv402_opensearch; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_activelocks = pLevel402->sv402_activelocks; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_numreqbuf = pLevel402->sv402_numreqbuf; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_sizreqbuf = pLevel402->sv402_sizreqbuf; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_numbigbuf = pLevel402->sv402_numbigbuf; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_numfiletasks = pLevel402->sv402_numfiletasks; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_alertsched = pLevel402->sv402_alertsched; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_erroralert = pLevel402->sv402_erroralert; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_logonalert = pLevel402->sv402_logonalert; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_accessalert = pLevel402->sv402_accessalert; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_diskalert = pLevel402->sv402_diskalert; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_netioalert = pLevel402->sv402_netioalert; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_maxauditsz = pLevel402->sv402_maxauditsz;
// If we're building a level 3, do the incremental fields
if (Level == 3) { //
// Now finish up by moving in the level 3 stuff. This assumes that all
// the offsets into the level 2 and level 3 structures are the same
// except for the additional level 3 stuff
// First the string
(VOID) NetpMoveStrings( &pFloor, (LPTSTR) (LPVOID) pLevel402, (LPVOID) *ppLevel2, NetpServer3_403, Level3_403_Length);
// Now the fixed length data
((PSERVER_INFO_3) (LPVOID) (*ppLevel2))->sv3_auditedevents = ((PSERVER_INFO_403) (LPVOID) pLevel402)->sv403_auditedevents; ((PSERVER_INFO_3) (LPVOID) (*ppLevel2))->sv3_autoprofile = ((PSERVER_INFO_403) (LPVOID) pLevel402)->sv403_autoprofile;
return (NERR_Success);
NET_API_STATUS NetpMakeServerLevelForNT( IN DWORD Level, PSERVER_INFO_102 pLevel102, PSERVER_INFO_502 pLevel502, PSERVER_INFO_2 * ppLevel2 ) {
DWORD BytesRequired = 0; NET_API_STATUS ReturnCode; DWORD Level2_102_Length[3]; DWORD i; LPTSTR pFloor;
// Initialize the Level2_102_Length array with the length of each string
// in the 102 buffer, and allocate the new buffer for SERVER_INFO_2
BUILD_LENGTH_ARRAY(BytesRequired, 2, 102, Server)
// Allocate the new buffer which will be returned to the user. Allocate
// space for a level 3 just in case
ReturnCode = NetapipBufferAllocate(BytesRequired + sizeof(SERVER_INFO_3), (LPVOID *) ppLevel2); if (ReturnCode) { return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
// First get the floor to start moving strings in at.
pFloor = (LPTSTR)((LPBYTE)*ppLevel2 + BytesRequired + sizeof(SERVER_INFO_3));
// Now move the variable length entries into the new buffer from the
// 2 data structure.
(VOID) NetpMoveStrings( &pFloor, (LPTSTR) (LPVOID) pLevel102, (LPVOID) *ppLevel2, NetpServer2_102, Level2_102_Length);
// Clear string pointers in the level 2 structure for strings that
// don't exist in NT.
(*ppLevel2)->sv2_alerts = NULL; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_guestacct = NULL; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_srvheuristics = NULL;
// Now set the rest of the fields in the fixed length portion
// of the structure
(*ppLevel2)->sv2_version_major = pLevel102->sv102_version_major; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_version_minor = pLevel102->sv102_version_minor; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_type = pLevel102->sv102_type; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_users = pLevel102->sv102_users; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_disc = pLevel102->sv102_disc; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_hidden = (DWORD) pLevel102->sv102_hidden; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_announce = pLevel102->sv102_announce; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_anndelta = pLevel102->sv102_anndelta; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_licenses = pLevel102->sv102_licenses;
(*ppLevel2)->sv2_sessopens = pLevel502->sv502_sessopens; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_sessvcs = pLevel502->sv502_sessvcs; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_opensearch = pLevel502->sv502_opensearch; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_sizreqbuf = pLevel502->sv502_sizreqbuf;
(*ppLevel2)->sv2_ulist_mtime = DEF16_sv_ulist_mtime; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_glist_mtime = DEF16_sv_glist_mtime; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_alist_mtime = DEF16_sv_alist_mtime;
(*ppLevel2)->sv2_security = SV_USERSECURITY; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_auditing = DEF16_sv_auditing; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_numadmin = (DWORD) DEF16_sv_numadmin; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_lanmask = DEF16_sv_lanmask; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_chdevs = DEF16_sv_chdevs; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_chdevq = DEF16_sv_chdevq; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_chdevjobs = DEF16_sv_chdevjobs; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_connections = DEF16_sv_connections; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_shares = DEF16_sv_shares; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_openfiles = DEF16_sv_openfiles; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_sessreqs = DEF16_sv_sessreqs; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_activelocks = DEF16_sv_activelocks; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_numreqbuf = DEF16_sv_numreqbuf; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_numbigbuf = DEF16_sv_numbigbuf; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_numfiletasks = DEF16_sv_numfiletasks; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_alertsched = DEF16_sv_alertsched; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_erroralert = DEF16_sv_erroralert; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_logonalert = DEF16_sv_logonalert; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_accessalert = DEF16_sv_accessalert; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_diskalert = DEF16_sv_diskalert; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_netioalert = DEF16_sv_netioalert; (*ppLevel2)->sv2_maxauditsz = DEF16_sv_maxauditsz;
// If we're building a level 3, do the incremental fields
if (Level == 3) { //
// Now finish up by moving in the level 3 stuff. This assumes that all
// the offsets into the level 2 and level 3 structures are the same
// except for the additional level 3 stuff
// First the string
((PSERVER_INFO_3) (LPVOID) *ppLevel2)->sv3_autopath = NULL;
// Now the fixed length data
((PSERVER_INFO_3) (LPVOID) (*ppLevel2))->sv3_auditedevents = DEF16_sv_auditedevents; ((PSERVER_INFO_3) (LPVOID) (*ppLevel2))->sv3_autoprofile = DEF16_sv_autoprofile;
return (NERR_Success);
NET_API_STATUS NetpSplitServerForNT( IN LPTSTR Server, IN DWORD Level, PSERVER_INFO_2 pLevel2, PSERVER_INFO_102 * ppLevel102, PSERVER_INFO_502 * ppLevel502 ) {
DWORD BytesRequired = 0; NET_API_STATUS ReturnCode; DWORD Level102_2_Length[3]; DWORD i; LPTSTR pFloor;
// Initialize the Level102_2_Length array with the length of each string
// in the 2 buffer
BUILD_LENGTH_ARRAY(BytesRequired, 102, 2, Server)
// Allocate the new 102 buffer which will be returned to the user
ReturnCode = NetapipBufferAllocate(BytesRequired + sizeof(SERVER_INFO_102), (LPVOID *) ppLevel102); if (ReturnCode) { return (ReturnCode); }
// First get the floor to start moving strings in at.
pFloor = (LPTSTR)((LPBYTE)*ppLevel102 + BytesRequired + sizeof(SERVER_INFO_102));
// Now move the variable length entries into the new buffer from the
// level 2 data structure.
(VOID) NetpMoveStrings( &pFloor, (LPTSTR) (LPVOID) pLevel2, (LPVOID) *ppLevel102, NetpServer102_2, Level102_2_Length);
// Now let's do the same stuff for the 502 structure (except that there
// are no variable length strings.
// Get the current 502 information, and then lay the new information
// over the top of it
ReturnCode = NetServerGetInfo(Server, 502, (LPBYTE *) (LPVOID) ppLevel502); if (ReturnCode) { return (ReturnCode); }
// Now set the rest of the fields in the fixed length portion
// of the structure
(*ppLevel102)->sv102_version_major = pLevel2->sv2_version_major; (*ppLevel102)->sv102_version_minor = pLevel2->sv2_version_minor; (*ppLevel102)->sv102_type = pLevel2->sv2_type; (*ppLevel102)->sv102_users = pLevel2->sv2_users; (*ppLevel102)->sv102_disc = pLevel2->sv2_disc; (*ppLevel102)->sv102_hidden = (BOOL) pLevel2->sv2_hidden; (*ppLevel102)->sv102_announce = pLevel2->sv2_announce; (*ppLevel102)->sv102_anndelta = pLevel2->sv2_anndelta; (*ppLevel102)->sv102_licenses = pLevel2->sv2_licenses;
(*ppLevel502)->sv502_sessopens = pLevel2->sv2_sessopens; (*ppLevel502)->sv502_sessvcs = pLevel2->sv2_sessvcs; (*ppLevel502)->sv502_opensearch = pLevel2->sv2_opensearch; (*ppLevel502)->sv502_sizreqbuf = pLevel2->sv2_sizreqbuf;
return (NERR_Success);