Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. ;---[ NetDav.inf ]------------------------------------------------------------
  2. ;
  3. ; WebDav Client Service
  4. ;
  5. ; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  6. ;
  7. [Version]
  8. Signature = "$Windows NT$"
  9. Class = NetClient
  10. ClassGUID = {4d36e973-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
  11. Provider = %Msft%
  12. LayoutFile = layout.inf
  13. [Manufacturer]
  14. %Msft% = MSFT
  15. [ControlFlags]
  16. ExcludeFromSelect=MS_WebClient
  17. [MSFT]
  18. %WebClient.DisplayName% = WebClient, MS_WebClient
  19. ;
  20. ; Install Sections
  21. ;
  22. [WebClient]
  23. Characteristics = 0x8
  24. AddReg = WebClient.Reg
  25. [WebClient.Reg]
  26. HKR, Ndi, Service, 0, "WebClient"
  27. HKR, Ndi, CoServices, 0x10000, "WebClient", "MRxDAV"
  28. HKR, Ndi, HelpText, 0, "%WebClient.HelpText%"
  29. HKR, Ndi, ExcludeSetupStartServices, 0x10000, "MRxDAV"
  30. HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange, 0, "noupper"
  31. HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange, 0, "nolower"
  32. [WebClient.NetworkProvider]
  33. DeviceName = WebDavRedirector
  34. [WebClient.Services]
  35. AddService = WebClient, 0x10, WebClient.AddService, WebClient.EventLog, Application
  36. AddService = MRxDAV, 0, MRxDAV.AddService, MRxDAV.EventLog, System
  37. [WebClient.Remove.Services]
  38. DelService = WebClient, 0x204, Application
  39. DelService = MRxDAV, 0x204
  40. ; Service Install Sections
  41. ;
  42. [WebClient.AddService]
  43. DisplayName = %WebClient.ServiceDisplayName%
  44. ServiceType = 0x20
  45. @w:@@:StartType = 0x2
  46. @s:@@:StartType = 0x4
  47. ErrorControl = 0x1
  48. Dependencies = MRxDAV
  49. ServiceBinary = %11%\svchost.exe -k LocalService
  50. LoadOrderGroup = NetworkProvider
  51. StartName = "NT AUTHORITY"\LocalService
  52. AddReg = WebClient.ServiceParams
  53. Description = %WebClient.ServiceDescription%
  54. [WebClient.EventLog]
  55. AddReg = WebClient.EventLog.AddReg
  56. [MRxDAV.AddService]
  57. DisplayName = %MRxDAV.ServiceDisplayName%
  58. ServiceType = 0x2
  59. StartType = 0x3
  60. ErrorControl = 0x1
  61. ServiceBinary = %12%\mrxdav.sys
  62. AddReg = MRxDAV.ServiceParams.Secure,MRxDAV.ServiceParams
  63. Description = %MRxDAV.ServiceDisplayName%
  64. [MRxDAV.EventLog]
  65. AddReg = MRxDAV.EventLog.AddReg
  66. [WebClient.ServiceParams]
  67. HKR, Parameters, ServiceDll, 0x20000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\webclnt.dll"
  68. HKR, Parameters, ServerNotFoundCacheLifeTimeInSec, 0x10003, 0x3c
  69. HKR, Parameters, AcceptOfficeAndTahoeServers, 0x10003, 0
  70. HKR, Parameters, SupportLocking, 0x10003, 1
  71. HKR, Parameters, ServiceDebug, 0x10003, 0
  72. HKR, Parameters, FileSizeLimitInBytes, 0x10003, 0x2faf080
  73. HKR, Parameters, FileAttributesLimitInBytes, 0x10003, 0xf4240
  74. HKR, Parameters, ClientDebug, 0x10003, 0
  75. HKR, NetworkProvider, Name, 0, %NetProviderName%
  76. HKR, NetworkProvider, ProviderPath, 0x20000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\davclnt.dll"
  77. [WebClient.EventLog.AddReg]
  78. HKR,,EventMessageFile,0x00020000,"%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netevent.dll"
  79. HKR,,TypesSupported,0x00010001,7
  80. [MRxDAV.ServiceParams.Secure]
  81. HKR, EncryptedDirectories
  82. [MRxDAV.ServiceParams.Secure.Security]
  83. "D:P(A;;GA;;;SY)"
  84. [MRxDAV.ServiceParams]
  85. HKR, Parameters, FileInformationCacheLifeTimeInSec, 0x00010003, 0x3c
  86. HKR, Parameters, FileNotFoundCacheLifeTimeInSec, 0x00010003, 0x3c
  87. HKR, Parameters, NameCacheMaxEntries, 0x00010003, 0x12c
  88. HKR, Parameters, DAVDebugFlag, 0x00010003, 0
  89. HKR, Parameters, UMRxDebugFlag, 0x00010003, 0
  90. HKR, Parameters, CreateRequestTimeoutInSec, 0x00010003, 0x258
  91. HKR, Parameters, CreateVNetRootRequestTimeoutInSec, 0x00010003, 0x3C
  92. HKR, Parameters, QueryDirectoryRequestTimeoutInSec, 0x00010003, 0x258
  93. HKR, Parameters, CloseRequestTimeoutInSec, 0x00010003, 0x258
  94. HKR, Parameters, CreateSrvCallRequestTimeoutInSec, 0x00010003, 0x3C
  95. HKR, Parameters, FinalizeSrvCallRequestTimeoutInSec, 0x00010003, 0x258
  96. HKR, Parameters, FinalizeFobxRequestTimeoutInSec, 0x00010003, 0x258
  97. HKR, Parameters, FinalizeVNetRootRequestTimeoutInSec, 0x00010003, 0x258
  98. HKR, Parameters, ReNameRequestTimeoutInSec, 0x00010003, 0x258
  99. HKR, Parameters, SetFileInfoRequestTimeoutInSec, 0x00010003, 0x258
  100. HKR, Parameters, QueryFileInfoRequestTimeoutInSec, 0x00010003, 0x258
  101. HKR, Parameters, QueryVolumeInfoRequestTimeoutInSec, 0x00010003, 0x258
  102. HKR, Parameters, LockRefreshRequestTimeoutInSec, 0x00010003, 0x258
  103. [MRxDAV.EventLog.AddReg]
  104. HKR,,EventMessageFile,0x00020000,"%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netevent.dll"
  105. HKR,,TypesSupported,0x00010001,7