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;---[ NetDav.inf ]------------------------------------------------------------
; WebDav Client Service
; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Signature = "$Windows NT$"
Class = NetClient
ClassGUID = {4d36e973-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
Provider = %Msft%
LayoutFile = layout.inf
%Msft% = MSFT
%WebClient.DisplayName% = WebClient, MS_WebClient
; Install Sections
Characteristics = 0x8
AddReg = WebClient.Reg
HKR, Ndi, Service, 0, "WebClient"
HKR, Ndi, CoServices, 0x10000, "WebClient", "MRxDAV"
HKR, Ndi, HelpText, 0, "%WebClient.HelpText%"
HKR, Ndi, ExcludeSetupStartServices, 0x10000, "MRxDAV"
HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange, 0, "noupper"
HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange, 0, "nolower"
DeviceName = WebDavRedirector
AddService = WebClient, 0x10, WebClient.AddService, WebClient.EventLog, Application
AddService = MRxDAV, 0, MRxDAV.AddService, MRxDAV.EventLog, System
DelService = WebClient, 0x204, Application
DelService = MRxDAV, 0x204
; Service Install Sections
DisplayName = %WebClient.ServiceDisplayName%
ServiceType = 0x20
@w:@@:StartType = 0x2
@s:@@:StartType = 0x4
ErrorControl = 0x1
Dependencies = MRxDAV
ServiceBinary = %11%\svchost.exe -k LocalService
LoadOrderGroup = NetworkProvider
StartName = "NT AUTHORITY"\LocalService
AddReg = WebClient.ServiceParams
Description = %WebClient.ServiceDescription%
AddReg = WebClient.EventLog.AddReg
DisplayName = %MRxDAV.ServiceDisplayName%
ServiceType = 0x2
StartType = 0x3
ErrorControl = 0x1
ServiceBinary = %12%\mrxdav.sys
AddReg = MRxDAV.ServiceParams.Secure,MRxDAV.ServiceParams
Description = %MRxDAV.ServiceDisplayName%
AddReg = MRxDAV.EventLog.AddReg
HKR, Parameters, ServiceDll, 0x20000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\webclnt.dll"
HKR, Parameters, ServerNotFoundCacheLifeTimeInSec, 0x10003, 0x3c
HKR, Parameters, AcceptOfficeAndTahoeServers, 0x10003, 0
HKR, Parameters, SupportLocking, 0x10003, 1
HKR, Parameters, ServiceDebug, 0x10003, 0
HKR, Parameters, FileSizeLimitInBytes, 0x10003, 0x2faf080
HKR, Parameters, FileAttributesLimitInBytes, 0x10003, 0xf4240
HKR, Parameters, ClientDebug, 0x10003, 0
HKR, NetworkProvider, Name, 0, %NetProviderName%
HKR, NetworkProvider, ProviderPath, 0x20000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\davclnt.dll"
HKR, EncryptedDirectories
HKR, Parameters, FileInformationCacheLifeTimeInSec, 0x00010003, 0x3c
HKR, Parameters, FileNotFoundCacheLifeTimeInSec, 0x00010003, 0x3c
HKR, Parameters, NameCacheMaxEntries, 0x00010003, 0x12c
HKR, Parameters, DAVDebugFlag, 0x00010003, 0
HKR, Parameters, UMRxDebugFlag, 0x00010003, 0
HKR, Parameters, CreateRequestTimeoutInSec, 0x00010003, 0x258
HKR, Parameters, CreateVNetRootRequestTimeoutInSec, 0x00010003, 0x3C
HKR, Parameters, QueryDirectoryRequestTimeoutInSec, 0x00010003, 0x258
HKR, Parameters, CloseRequestTimeoutInSec, 0x00010003, 0x258
HKR, Parameters, CreateSrvCallRequestTimeoutInSec, 0x00010003, 0x3C
HKR, Parameters, FinalizeSrvCallRequestTimeoutInSec, 0x00010003, 0x258
HKR, Parameters, FinalizeFobxRequestTimeoutInSec, 0x00010003, 0x258
HKR, Parameters, FinalizeVNetRootRequestTimeoutInSec, 0x00010003, 0x258
HKR, Parameters, ReNameRequestTimeoutInSec, 0x00010003, 0x258
HKR, Parameters, SetFileInfoRequestTimeoutInSec, 0x00010003, 0x258
HKR, Parameters, QueryFileInfoRequestTimeoutInSec, 0x00010003, 0x258
HKR, Parameters, QueryVolumeInfoRequestTimeoutInSec, 0x00010003, 0x258
HKR, Parameters, LockRefreshRequestTimeoutInSec, 0x00010003, 0x258