** Copyright 1991,1992, Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.; ** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or ** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written ** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** ** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: ** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions ** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data ** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or ** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - ** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. */
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
** This file contains routines to render a span of pixel data (from a ** glDrawPixels or possibly a glCopyPixels request). */
** This routine is used to store one fragment from a DrawPixels request. ** It should only be used if the user is either texturing or fogging. */ void FASTCALL __glSlowDrawPixelsStore(__GLcolorBuffer *cfb, const __GLfragment *frag) { __GLcontext *gc = cfb->buf.gc; __GLvertex *rp = &gc->state.current.rasterPos; __GLfragment newfrag;
// The texturing code assumes that FPU truncation is enabled, so
// we have to turn it on for this case:
newfrag = *frag; if (gc->texture.textureEnabled) { __GLfloat qInv = __glOne / rp->texture.w; (*gc->procs.texture)(gc, &newfrag.color, rp->texture.x * qInv, rp->texture.y * qInv, __glOne); } if (gc->state.enables.general & __GL_FOG_ENABLE) { (*gc->procs.fogPoint)(gc, &newfrag, rp->eyeZ); } (*gc->procs.store)(cfb, &newfrag);
** The only span format supported by this routine is GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE. ** The store proc is assumed not to mess with the fragment color or alpha. ** ** zoomx is assumed to be less than -1.0 or greater than 1.0. */ void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderRGBubyte(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo, GLvoid *span) { __GLfloat zoomy; GLint itop, ibottom, iright; GLint row, column; GLint i, width; GLint coladd, rowadd; GLubyte *spanData; GLfloat *redMap, *greenMap, *blueMap; __GLfragment frag; void (FASTCALL *store)(__GLcolorBuffer *cfb, const __GLfragment *frag); GLint rows; GLint startCol; GLshort *pixelArray;
zoomy = spanInfo->zoomy; rowadd = spanInfo->rowadd; coladd = spanInfo->coladd; ibottom = spanInfo->startRow; itop = spanInfo->y + zoomy; width = spanInfo->realWidth;
redMap = (GLfloat*) gc->pixel.redCurMap; greenMap = (GLfloat*) gc->pixel.greenCurMap; blueMap = (GLfloat*) gc->pixel.blueCurMap; store = gc->procs.pxStore; frag.z = spanInfo->fragz; frag.color.a = ((GLfloat *) (gc->pixel.alphaCurMap))[255]; rows = spanInfo->rows; startCol = spanInfo->startCol; #ifdef NT
if (redMap) #endif
for (row = ibottom; row != itop; row += rowadd) { if (rows == 0) break; rows--; column = startCol; pixelArray = spanInfo->pixelArray; spanData = (GLubyte*) span; frag.y = row;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) { iright = column + *pixelArray++; frag.color.r = redMap[*spanData++]; frag.color.g = greenMap[*spanData++]; frag.color.b = blueMap[*spanData++]; do { frag.x = column;
/* This procedure will do the rest */ (*store)(gc->drawBuffer, &frag); column += coladd; } while (column != iright); } } spanInfo->rows = rows; spanInfo->startRow = itop;
** Render a RGB, UNSIGNED_BYTE span. ** ** zoomx is assumed to be less than or equal to 1.0 and greater than or equal ** to -1.0. ** ** The store proc is assumed not to mess with the fragment alpha. */ void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderRGBubyte2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo, GLvoid *span) { __GLfloat zoomy; GLint itop, ibottom; GLint row; GLint i; GLint rowadd, coladd; GLubyte *spanData; GLfloat *redMap, *greenMap, *blueMap; __GLfragment frag; void (FASTCALL *store)(__GLcolorBuffer *cfb, const __GLfragment *frag); GLint endCol, startCol; GLint rows;
zoomy = spanInfo->zoomy; rowadd = spanInfo->rowadd; coladd = spanInfo->coladd; ibottom = spanInfo->startRow; itop = spanInfo->y + zoomy;
frag.color.a = ((GLfloat *) (gc->pixel.alphaCurMap))[255]; frag.z = spanInfo->fragz; redMap = (GLfloat*) gc->pixel.redCurMap; greenMap = (GLfloat*) gc->pixel.greenCurMap; blueMap = (GLfloat*) gc->pixel.blueCurMap; store = gc->procs.pxStore; startCol = spanInfo->startCol; endCol = spanInfo->endCol; rows = spanInfo->rows; #ifdef NT
if (redMap) #endif
for (row = ibottom; row != itop; row += rowadd) { if (rows == 0) break; rows--; spanData = (GLubyte*) span; frag.y = row; i = startCol; do { frag.color.r = redMap[*spanData++]; frag.color.g = greenMap[*spanData++]; frag.color.b = blueMap[*spanData++]; frag.x = i;
/* This procedure will do the rest */ (*store)(gc->drawBuffer, &frag); i += coladd; } while (i != endCol); } spanInfo->rows = rows; spanInfo->startRow = itop;
** Render a GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE span. ** ** zoomx is assumed to be less than -1.0 or greater than 1.0. */ void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderRGBAubyte(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo, GLvoid *span) { __GLfloat zoomy; GLint itop, ibottom, iright; GLint row, column; GLint i, width; GLint coladd, rowadd; GLubyte *spanData; GLfloat *redMap, *greenMap, *blueMap, *alphaMap; __GLfragment frag; void (FASTCALL *store)(__GLcolorBuffer *cfb, const __GLfragment *frag); GLint rows; GLint startCol; GLshort *pixelArray;
zoomy = spanInfo->zoomy; rowadd = spanInfo->rowadd; coladd = spanInfo->coladd; ibottom = spanInfo->startRow; itop = spanInfo->y + zoomy; width = spanInfo->realWidth;
redMap = (GLfloat*) gc->pixel.redCurMap; greenMap = (GLfloat*) gc->pixel.greenCurMap; blueMap = (GLfloat*) gc->pixel.blueCurMap; alphaMap = (GLfloat*) gc->pixel.alphaCurMap; store = gc->procs.pxStore; frag.z = spanInfo->fragz; rows = spanInfo->rows; startCol = spanInfo->startCol; #ifdef NT
if (redMap) #endif
for (row = ibottom; row != itop; row += rowadd) { if (rows == 0) break; rows--; column = startCol; pixelArray = spanInfo->pixelArray; spanData = (GLubyte*) span; frag.y = row;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) { iright = column + *pixelArray++; frag.color.r = redMap[*spanData++]; frag.color.g = greenMap[*spanData++]; frag.color.b = blueMap[*spanData++]; frag.color.a = alphaMap[*spanData++]; do { frag.x = column;
/* This procedure will do the rest */ (*store)(gc->drawBuffer, &frag); column += coladd; } while (column != iright); } } spanInfo->rows = rows; spanInfo->startRow = itop;
** Render a GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE span. ** ** zoomx is assumed to be less than or equal to 1.0 and greater than or equal ** to -1.0. */ void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderRGBAubyte2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo, GLvoid *span) { __GLfloat zoomy; GLint itop, ibottom; GLint row; GLint i; GLint rowadd, coladd; GLubyte *spanData; GLfloat *redMap, *greenMap, *blueMap, *alphaMap; __GLfragment frag; void (FASTCALL *store)(__GLcolorBuffer *cfb, const __GLfragment *frag); GLint endCol, startCol; GLint rows;
zoomy = spanInfo->zoomy; rowadd = spanInfo->rowadd; coladd = spanInfo->coladd; ibottom = spanInfo->startRow; itop = spanInfo->y + zoomy;
frag.z = spanInfo->fragz; redMap = (GLfloat*) gc->pixel.redCurMap; greenMap = (GLfloat*) gc->pixel.greenCurMap; blueMap = (GLfloat*) gc->pixel.blueCurMap; alphaMap = (GLfloat*) gc->pixel.alphaCurMap; store = gc->procs.pxStore; startCol = spanInfo->startCol; endCol = spanInfo->endCol; rows = spanInfo->rows; #ifdef NT
if (redMap) #endif
for (row = ibottom; row != itop; row += rowadd) { if (rows == 0) break; rows--; spanData = (GLubyte*) span; frag.y = row; i = startCol; do { frag.color.r = redMap[*spanData++]; frag.color.g = greenMap[*spanData++]; frag.color.b = blueMap[*spanData++]; frag.color.a = alphaMap[*spanData++]; frag.x = i;
/* This procedure will do the rest */ (*store)(gc->drawBuffer, &frag); i += coladd; } while (i != endCol); } spanInfo->rows = rows; spanInfo->startRow = itop;
** Render a GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_UNSIGNED_INT span. This is for ** implementations with 32 bit depth buffers. ** ** zoomx is assumed to be less than -1.0 or greater than 1.0. */ void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderDepthUint(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo, GLvoid *span) { __GLfloat zoomy; GLint itop, ibottom, iright; GLint row, column; GLint i, width; GLint coladd, rowadd; GLuint *spanData; __GLfragment frag; void (FASTCALL *store)(__GLcolorBuffer *cfb, const __GLfragment *frag); GLint rows; GLint startCol; GLshort *pixelArray;
zoomy = spanInfo->zoomy; rowadd = spanInfo->rowadd; coladd = spanInfo->coladd; ibottom = spanInfo->startRow; itop = spanInfo->y + zoomy; width = spanInfo->realWidth;
frag.color.r = gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].r; frag.color.g = gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].g; frag.color.b = gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].b; frag.color.a = gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].a; store = gc->procs.pxStore; rows = spanInfo->rows; startCol = spanInfo->startCol; for (row = ibottom; row != itop; row += rowadd) { if (rows == 0) break; rows--; column = startCol; pixelArray = spanInfo->pixelArray; spanData = (GLuint*) span; frag.y = row;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) { iright = column + *pixelArray++; frag.z = *spanData++; /* Assumes 32 bit depth buffer */ do { frag.x = column;
/* This procedure will do the rest */ (*store)(gc->drawBuffer, &frag); column += coladd; } while (column != iright); } } spanInfo->rows = rows; spanInfo->startRow = itop;
** Render a GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_UNSIGNED_INT span. This is for ** implementations with 32 bit depth buffers. ** ** zoomx is assumed to be less than or equal to 1.0 and greater than or equal ** to -1.0. */ void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderDepthUint2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo, GLvoid *span) { __GLfloat zoomy; GLint itop, ibottom; GLint row; GLint i; GLint rowadd, coladd; GLuint *spanData; __GLfragment frag; void (FASTCALL *store)(__GLcolorBuffer *cfb, const __GLfragment *frag); GLint endCol, startCol; GLint rows;
zoomy = spanInfo->zoomy; rowadd = spanInfo->rowadd; coladd = spanInfo->coladd; ibottom = spanInfo->startRow; itop = spanInfo->y + zoomy;
frag.color.r = gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].r; frag.color.g = gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].g; frag.color.b = gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].b; frag.color.a = gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].a; store = gc->procs.pxStore; startCol = spanInfo->startCol; endCol = spanInfo->endCol; rows = spanInfo->rows; for (row = ibottom; row != itop; row += rowadd) { if (rows == 0) break; rows--; spanData = (GLuint*) span; frag.y = row; i = startCol; do { frag.z = *spanData++; /* Assumes 32 bit depth buffer */ frag.x = i;
/* This procedure will do the rest */ (*store)(gc->drawBuffer, &frag); i += coladd; } while (i != endCol); } spanInfo->rows = rows; spanInfo->startRow = itop;
** Render a GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_UNSIGNED_INT span. This is for ** implementations with 31 bit depth buffers. ** ** zoomx is assumed to be less than -1.0 or greater than 1.0. */ void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderDepth2Uint(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo, GLvoid *span) { __GLfloat zoomy; GLint itop, ibottom, iright; GLint row, column; GLint i, width; GLint coladd, rowadd; GLuint *spanData; __GLfragment frag; void (FASTCALL *store)(__GLcolorBuffer *cfb, const __GLfragment *frag); GLint rows; GLint startCol; GLshort *pixelArray;
zoomy = spanInfo->zoomy; rowadd = spanInfo->rowadd; coladd = spanInfo->coladd; ibottom = spanInfo->startRow; itop = spanInfo->y + zoomy; width = spanInfo->realWidth;
frag.color.r = gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].r; frag.color.g = gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].g; frag.color.b = gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].b; frag.color.a = gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].a; store = gc->procs.pxStore; rows = spanInfo->rows; startCol = spanInfo->startCol; for (row = ibottom; row != itop; row += rowadd) { if (rows == 0) break; rows--; column = startCol; pixelArray = spanInfo->pixelArray; spanData = (GLuint*) span; frag.y = row;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) { iright = column + *pixelArray++; frag.z = (*spanData++) >> 1; /* Assumes 31 bit depth buffer */ do { frag.x = column;
/* This procedure will do the rest */ (*store)(gc->drawBuffer, &frag); column += coladd; } while (column != iright); } } spanInfo->rows = rows; spanInfo->startRow = itop;
** Render a GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_UNSIGNED_INT span. This is for ** implementations with 31 bit depth buffers. ** ** zoomx is assumed to be less than or equal to 1.0 and greater than or equal ** to -1.0. */ void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderDepth2Uint2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo, GLvoid *span) { __GLfloat zoomy; GLint itop, ibottom; GLint row; GLint i; GLint rowadd, coladd; GLuint *spanData; __GLfragment frag; void (FASTCALL *store)(__GLcolorBuffer *cfb, const __GLfragment *frag); GLint endCol, startCol; GLint rows;
zoomy = spanInfo->zoomy; rowadd = spanInfo->rowadd; coladd = spanInfo->coladd; ibottom = spanInfo->startRow; itop = spanInfo->y + zoomy;
frag.color.r = gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].r; frag.color.g = gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].g; frag.color.b = gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].b; frag.color.a = gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].a; store = gc->procs.pxStore; startCol = spanInfo->startCol; endCol = spanInfo->endCol; rows = spanInfo->rows; for (row = ibottom; row != itop; row += rowadd) { if (rows == 0) break; rows--; spanData = (GLuint*) span; frag.y = row; i = startCol; do { frag.z = (*spanData++) >> 1; /* Assumes 31 bit depth buffer */ frag.x = i;
/* This procedure will do the rest */ (*store)(gc->drawBuffer, &frag); i += coladd; } while (i != endCol); } spanInfo->rows = rows; spanInfo->startRow = itop;
** Render a GL_STENCIL_INDEX, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT span. ** ** zoomx is assumed to be less than -1.0 or greater than 1.0. */ void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderStencilUshort(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo, GLvoid *span) { __GLfloat zoomy; GLint itop, ibottom, iright; GLint row, column; GLint i, width; GLint coladd, rowadd; GLushort *spanData; void (*store)(__GLstencilBuffer *sfb, GLint x, GLint y, GLint value); __GLstencilBuffer *sb = &gc->stencilBuffer; GLint rows; GLint startCol; GLint value; GLshort *pixelArray;
zoomy = spanInfo->zoomy; rowadd = spanInfo->rowadd; coladd = spanInfo->coladd; ibottom = spanInfo->startRow; itop = spanInfo->y + zoomy; width = spanInfo->realWidth;
store = sb->store; rows = spanInfo->rows; startCol = spanInfo->startCol; for (row = ibottom; row != itop; row += rowadd) { if (rows == 0) break; rows--; column = startCol; pixelArray = spanInfo->pixelArray; spanData = (GLushort*) span;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) { iright = column + *pixelArray++; value = *spanData++; do { (*store)(sb, column, row, value); column += coladd; } while (column != iright); } } spanInfo->rows = rows; spanInfo->startRow = itop; }
** Render a GL_STENCIL_INDEX, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT span. ** ** zoomx is assumed to be less than or equal to 1.0 and greater than or equal ** to -1.0. */ void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderStencilUshort2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo, GLvoid *span) { __GLfloat zoomy; GLint itop, ibottom; GLint row; GLint i; GLint rowadd, coladd; GLushort *spanData; void (*store)(__GLstencilBuffer *sfb, GLint x, GLint y, GLint value); __GLstencilBuffer *sb = &gc->stencilBuffer; GLint endCol, startCol; GLint rows;
zoomy = spanInfo->zoomy; rowadd = spanInfo->rowadd; coladd = spanInfo->coladd; ibottom = spanInfo->startRow; itop = spanInfo->y + zoomy;
store = sb->store; startCol = spanInfo->startCol; endCol = spanInfo->endCol; rows = spanInfo->rows; for (row = ibottom; row != itop; row += rowadd) { if (rows == 0) break; rows--; spanData = (GLushort*) span; i = startCol; do { (*store)(sb, i, row, *spanData++); i += coladd; } while (i != endCol); } spanInfo->rows = rows; spanInfo->startRow = itop; }
** Render a GL_STENCIL_INDEX, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE span. ** ** zoomx is assumed to be less than -1.0 or greater than 1.0. */ void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderStencilUbyte(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo, GLvoid *span) { __GLfloat zoomy; GLint itop, ibottom, iright; GLint row, column; GLint i, width; GLint coladd, rowadd; GLubyte *spanData; void (*store)(__GLstencilBuffer *sfb, GLint x, GLint y, GLint value); __GLstencilBuffer *sb = &gc->stencilBuffer; GLint rows; GLint startCol; GLint value; GLshort *pixelArray;
zoomy = spanInfo->zoomy; rowadd = spanInfo->rowadd; coladd = spanInfo->coladd; ibottom = spanInfo->startRow; itop = spanInfo->y + zoomy; width = spanInfo->realWidth;
store = sb->store; rows = spanInfo->rows; startCol = spanInfo->startCol; for (row = ibottom; row != itop; row += rowadd) { if (rows == 0) break; rows--; column = startCol; pixelArray = spanInfo->pixelArray; spanData = (GLubyte*) span;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) { iright = column + *pixelArray++; value = *spanData++; do { (*store)(sb, column, row, value); column += coladd; } while (column != iright); } } spanInfo->rows = rows; spanInfo->startRow = itop; }
** Render a GL_STENCIL_INDEX, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE span. ** ** zoomx is assumed to be less than or equal to 1.0 and greater than or equal ** to -1.0. */ void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderStencilUbyte2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo, GLvoid *span) { __GLfloat zoomy; GLint itop, ibottom; GLint row; GLint i; GLint rowadd, coladd; GLubyte *spanData; void (*store)(__GLstencilBuffer *sfb, GLint x, GLint y, GLint value); __GLstencilBuffer *sb = &gc->stencilBuffer; GLint endCol, startCol; GLint rows;
zoomy = spanInfo->zoomy; rowadd = spanInfo->rowadd; coladd = spanInfo->coladd; ibottom = spanInfo->startRow; itop = spanInfo->y + zoomy;
store = sb->store; startCol = spanInfo->startCol; endCol = spanInfo->endCol; rows = spanInfo->rows; for (row = ibottom; row != itop; row += rowadd) { if (rows == 0) break; rows--; spanData = (GLubyte*) span; i = startCol; do { (*store)(sb, i, row, *spanData++); i += coladd; } while (i != endCol); } spanInfo->rows = rows; spanInfo->startRow = itop; }
** Render a GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT span. gc->modes.rgbMode must ** be GL_FALSE. ** ** zoomx is assumed to be less than -1.0 or greater than 1.0. */ void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderCIushort(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo, GLvoid *span) { __GLfloat zoomy; GLint itop, ibottom, iright; GLint row, column; GLint i, width; GLint coladd, rowadd; GLushort *spanData; GLint rows; GLint startCol; __GLfragment frag; void (FASTCALL *store)(__GLcolorBuffer *cfb, const __GLfragment *frag); GLshort *pixelArray; GLint mask;
zoomy = spanInfo->zoomy; rowadd = spanInfo->rowadd; coladd = spanInfo->coladd; ibottom = spanInfo->startRow; itop = spanInfo->y + zoomy; width = spanInfo->realWidth; mask = gc->frontBuffer.redMax;
store = gc->procs.pxStore; frag.z = spanInfo->fragz; rows = spanInfo->rows; startCol = spanInfo->startCol; for (row = ibottom; row != itop; row += rowadd) { if (rows == 0) break; rows--; column = startCol; pixelArray = spanInfo->pixelArray; spanData = (GLushort*) span; frag.y = row;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) { iright = column + *pixelArray++; frag.color.r = *spanData++ & mask; do { frag.x = column; (*store)(gc->drawBuffer, &frag); column += coladd; } while (column != iright); } } spanInfo->rows = rows; spanInfo->startRow = itop;
** Render a GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT. gc->modes.rgbMode must ** be GL_FALSE. ** ** zoomx is assumed to be less than or equal to 1.0 and greater than or equal ** to -1.0. */ void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderCIushort2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo, GLvoid *span) { __GLfloat zoomy; GLint itop, ibottom; GLint row; GLint i; GLint rowadd, coladd; GLushort *spanData; GLint endCol, startCol; GLint rows; __GLfragment frag; void (FASTCALL *store)(__GLcolorBuffer *cfb, const __GLfragment *frag); GLint mask;
zoomy = spanInfo->zoomy; rowadd = spanInfo->rowadd; coladd = spanInfo->coladd; ibottom = spanInfo->startRow; itop = spanInfo->y + zoomy; mask = gc->frontBuffer.redMax;
store = gc->procs.pxStore; frag.z = spanInfo->fragz; startCol = spanInfo->startCol; endCol = spanInfo->endCol; rows = spanInfo->rows; for (row = ibottom; row != itop; row += rowadd) { if (rows == 0) break; rows--; spanData = (GLushort*) span; frag.y = row; i = startCol; do { frag.x = i; frag.color.r = *spanData++ & mask; (*store)(gc->drawBuffer, &frag); i += coladd; } while (i != endCol); } spanInfo->rows = rows; spanInfo->startRow = itop;
** Render a GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE span. gc->modes.rgbMode must ** be GL_FALSE. ** ** zoomx is assumed to be less than -1.0 or greater than 1.0. */ void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderCIubyte(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo, GLvoid *span) { __GLfloat zoomy; GLint itop, ibottom, iright; GLint row, column; GLint i, width; GLint coladd, rowadd; GLubyte *spanData; GLint rows; GLint startCol; GLfloat *indexMap; __GLfragment frag; void (FASTCALL *store)(__GLcolorBuffer *cfb, const __GLfragment *frag); GLshort *pixelArray;
zoomy = spanInfo->zoomy; rowadd = spanInfo->rowadd; coladd = spanInfo->coladd; ibottom = spanInfo->startRow; itop = spanInfo->y + zoomy; width = spanInfo->realWidth;
indexMap = (GLfloat*) gc->pixel.iCurMap; store = gc->procs.pxStore; frag.z = spanInfo->fragz; rows = spanInfo->rows; startCol = spanInfo->startCol; #ifdef NT
if (indexMap) #endif
for (row = ibottom; row != itop; row += rowadd) { if (rows == 0) break; rows--; column = startCol; pixelArray = spanInfo->pixelArray; spanData = (GLubyte*) span; frag.y = row;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) { iright = column + *pixelArray++; frag.color.r = indexMap[*spanData++]; do { frag.x = column; (*store)(gc->drawBuffer, &frag); column += coladd; } while (column != iright); } } spanInfo->rows = rows; spanInfo->startRow = itop;
** Render a GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE span. Also, gc->modes.rgbMode ** must be GL_FALSE. ** ** zoomx is assumed to be less than or equal to 1.0 and greater than or equal ** to -1.0. */ void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderCIubyte2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo, GLvoid *span) { __GLfloat zoomy; GLint itop, ibottom; GLint row; GLint i; GLint rowadd, coladd; GLubyte *spanData; GLint endCol, startCol; GLint rows; GLfloat *indexMap; __GLfragment frag; void (FASTCALL *store)(__GLcolorBuffer *cfb, const __GLfragment *frag);
zoomy = spanInfo->zoomy; rowadd = spanInfo->rowadd; coladd = spanInfo->coladd; ibottom = spanInfo->startRow; itop = spanInfo->y + zoomy;
indexMap = (GLfloat*) gc->pixel.iCurMap; store = gc->procs.pxStore; frag.z = spanInfo->fragz; startCol = spanInfo->startCol; endCol = spanInfo->endCol; rows = spanInfo->rows; #ifdef NT
if (indexMap) #endif
for (row = ibottom; row != itop; row += rowadd) { if (rows == 0) break; rows--; spanData = (GLubyte*) span; frag.y = row; i = startCol; do { frag.x = i; frag.color.r = indexMap[*spanData++]; (*store)(gc->drawBuffer, &frag); i += coladd; } while (i != endCol); } spanInfo->rows = rows; spanInfo->startRow = itop;
** Render a GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE span. Also, gc->modes.rgbMode ** must be GL_TRUE. ** ** zoomx is assumed to be less than -1.0 or greater than 1.0. */ void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderCIubyte3(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo, GLvoid *span) { __GLfloat zoomy; GLint itop, ibottom, iright; GLint row, column; GLint i, width; GLint coladd, rowadd; GLubyte *spanData; GLint rows; GLint startCol; GLfloat *redMap, *greenMap, *blueMap, *alphaMap; __GLfragment frag; GLubyte value; void (FASTCALL *store)(__GLcolorBuffer *cfb, const __GLfragment *frag); GLshort *pixelArray;
zoomy = spanInfo->zoomy; rowadd = spanInfo->rowadd; coladd = spanInfo->coladd; ibottom = spanInfo->startRow; itop = spanInfo->y + zoomy; width = spanInfo->realWidth;
redMap = (GLfloat*) gc->pixel.redCurMap; greenMap = (GLfloat*) gc->pixel.greenCurMap; blueMap = (GLfloat*) gc->pixel.blueCurMap; alphaMap = (GLfloat*) gc->pixel.alphaCurMap; store = gc->procs.pxStore; frag.z = spanInfo->fragz; rows = spanInfo->rows; startCol = spanInfo->startCol; #ifdef NT
if (redMap) #endif
for (row = ibottom; row != itop; row += rowadd) { if (rows == 0) break; rows--; column = startCol; pixelArray = spanInfo->pixelArray; spanData = (GLubyte*) span; frag.y = row;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) { iright = column + *pixelArray++; value = *spanData++; frag.color.r = redMap[value]; frag.color.g = greenMap[value]; frag.color.b = blueMap[value]; frag.color.a = alphaMap[value]; do { frag.x = column; (*store)(gc->drawBuffer, &frag); column += coladd; } while (column != iright); } } spanInfo->rows = rows; spanInfo->startRow = itop;
** Render a GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE span. Also, gc->modes.rgbMode ** must be GL_TRUE. ** ** zoomx is assumed to be less than or equal to 1.0 and greater than or equal ** to -1.0. */ void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderCIubyte4(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo, GLvoid *span) { __GLfloat zoomy; GLint itop, ibottom; GLint row; GLint i; GLint rowadd, coladd; GLubyte *spanData; GLint endCol, startCol; GLint rows; GLubyte value; GLfloat *redMap, *greenMap, *blueMap, *alphaMap; __GLfragment frag; void (FASTCALL *store)(__GLcolorBuffer *cfb, const __GLfragment *frag);
zoomy = spanInfo->zoomy; rowadd = spanInfo->rowadd; coladd = spanInfo->coladd; ibottom = spanInfo->startRow; itop = spanInfo->y + zoomy;
redMap = (GLfloat*) gc->pixel.redCurMap; greenMap = (GLfloat*) gc->pixel.greenCurMap; blueMap = (GLfloat*) gc->pixel.blueCurMap; alphaMap = (GLfloat*) gc->pixel.alphaCurMap; store = gc->procs.pxStore; frag.z = spanInfo->fragz; startCol = spanInfo->startCol; endCol = spanInfo->endCol; rows = spanInfo->rows; #ifdef NT
if (redMap) #endif
for (row = ibottom; row != itop; row += rowadd) { if (rows == 0) break; rows--; spanData = (GLubyte*) span; frag.y = row; i = startCol; do { frag.x = i; value = *spanData++; frag.color.r = redMap[value]; frag.color.g = greenMap[value]; frag.color.b = blueMap[value]; frag.color.a = alphaMap[value]; (*store)(gc->drawBuffer, &frag); i += coladd; } while (i != endCol); } spanInfo->rows = rows; spanInfo->startRow = itop;
** Render a GL_RGBA, scaled (by the implementation color scales) GL_FLOAT span. ** ** zoomx is assumed to be less than -1.0 or greater than 1.0. */ void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderRGBA(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo, GLvoid *span) { __GLfloat zoomy; GLint itop, ibottom, iright; GLint row, column; GLint i, width; GLint coladd, rowadd; GLfloat *spanData; __GLfragment frag; void (FASTCALL *store)(__GLcolorBuffer *cfb, const __GLfragment *frag); GLint rows; GLshort *pixelArray;
zoomy = spanInfo->zoomy; rowadd = spanInfo->rowadd; coladd = spanInfo->coladd; ibottom = spanInfo->startRow; itop = spanInfo->y + zoomy; width = spanInfo->realWidth;
store = gc->procs.pxStore;
rows = spanInfo->rows; frag.z = spanInfo->fragz; for (row = ibottom; row != itop; row += rowadd) { if (rows == 0) break; rows--; column = spanInfo->startCol; pixelArray = spanInfo->pixelArray; spanData = (GLfloat*) span; frag.y = row; for (i=0; i<width; i++) { iright = column + *pixelArray++; frag.color.r = *spanData++; frag.color.g = *spanData++; frag.color.b = *spanData++; frag.color.a = *spanData++; do { frag.x = column;
/* This procedure will do the rest */ (*store)(gc->drawBuffer, &frag); column += coladd; } while (column != iright); } } spanInfo->rows = rows; spanInfo->startRow = itop;
** Render a GL_RGBA, scaled (by the implementation color scales) GL_FLOAT span. ** ** zoomx is assumed to be less than or equal to 1.0 and greater than or equal ** to -1.0. */ void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderRGBA2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo, GLvoid *span) { __GLfloat zoomy; GLint itop, ibottom; GLint row, column; GLint i, width; GLint coladd, rowadd; GLfloat *spanData; __GLfragment frag; void (FASTCALL *store)(__GLcolorBuffer *cfb, const __GLfragment *frag); GLint rows;
zoomy = spanInfo->zoomy; rowadd = spanInfo->rowadd; coladd = spanInfo->coladd; ibottom = spanInfo->startRow; itop = spanInfo->y + zoomy; width = spanInfo->realWidth;
store = gc->procs.pxStore;
frag.z = spanInfo->fragz; rows = spanInfo->rows; for (row = ibottom; row != itop; row += rowadd) { if (rows == 0) break; rows--; column = spanInfo->startCol; spanData = (GLfloat*) span; frag.y = row; for (i=0; i<width; i++) { frag.color.r = *spanData++; frag.color.g = *spanData++; frag.color.b = *spanData++; frag.color.a = *spanData++; frag.x = column;
/* This procedure will do the rest */ (*store)(gc->drawBuffer, &frag); column += coladd; } } spanInfo->rows = rows; spanInfo->startRow = itop;
** Render a GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT span. ** ** zoomx is assumed to be less than -1.0 or greater than 1.0. */ void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderDepth(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo, GLvoid *span) { __GLfloat zoomy; GLint itop, ibottom, iright; GLint row, column; GLint i, width; GLint coladd, rowadd; GLfloat *spanData; __GLfragment frag; void (FASTCALL *store)(__GLcolorBuffer *cfb, const __GLfragment *frag); GLint rows; GLshort *pixelArray;
zoomy = spanInfo->zoomy; rowadd = spanInfo->rowadd; coladd = spanInfo->coladd; ibottom = spanInfo->startRow; itop = spanInfo->y + zoomy; width = spanInfo->realWidth;
store = gc->procs.pxStore; frag.color.r = gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].r; frag.color.g = gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].g; frag.color.b = gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].b; frag.color.a = gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].a;
rows = spanInfo->rows; for (row = ibottom; row != itop; row += rowadd) { if (rows == 0) break; rows--; column = spanInfo->startCol; pixelArray = spanInfo->pixelArray; spanData = (GLfloat*) span; frag.y = row; for (i=0; i<width; i++) { iright = column + *pixelArray++;
frag.z = *spanData++ * gc->depthBuffer.scale;
do { frag.x = column;
/* This procedure will do the rest */ (*store)(gc->drawBuffer, &frag); column += coladd; } while (column != iright); } } spanInfo->rows = rows; spanInfo->startRow = itop;
** Render a GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT. ** ** zoomx is assumed to be less than or equal to 1.0 and greater than or equal ** to -1.0. */ void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderDepth2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo, GLvoid *span) { __GLfloat zoomy; GLint itop, ibottom; GLint row, column; GLint i, width; GLint coladd, rowadd; GLfloat *spanData; __GLfragment frag; void (FASTCALL *store)(__GLcolorBuffer *cfb, const __GLfragment *frag); GLint rows;
zoomy = spanInfo->zoomy; rowadd = spanInfo->rowadd; coladd = spanInfo->coladd; ibottom = spanInfo->startRow; itop = spanInfo->y + zoomy; width = spanInfo->realWidth;
store = gc->procs.pxStore; frag.color.r = gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].r; frag.color.g = gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].g; frag.color.b = gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].b; frag.color.a = gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].a;
rows = spanInfo->rows; for (row = ibottom; row != itop; row += rowadd) { if (rows == 0) break; rows--; column = spanInfo->startCol; spanData = (GLfloat*) span; frag.y = row; for (i=0; i<width; i++) { frag.x = column; frag.z = *spanData++ * gc->depthBuffer.scale;
/* This procedure will do the rest */ (*store)(gc->drawBuffer, &frag); column += coladd; } } spanInfo->rows = rows; spanInfo->startRow = itop;
** Render a GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_FLOAT span (gc->modes.rgbMode == GL_FALSE). ** ** zoomx is assumed to be less than -1.0 or greater than 1.0. */ void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderCI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo, GLvoid *span) { __GLfloat zoomy; GLint itop, ibottom, iright; GLint row, column; GLint i, width; GLint coladd, rowadd; GLfloat *spanData; __GLfragment frag; void (FASTCALL *store)(__GLcolorBuffer *cfb, const __GLfragment *frag); GLint rows; GLshort *pixelArray; GLint mask;
zoomy = spanInfo->zoomy; rowadd = spanInfo->rowadd; coladd = spanInfo->coladd; ibottom = spanInfo->startRow; itop = spanInfo->y + zoomy; width = spanInfo->realWidth; mask = gc->frontBuffer.redMax;
store = gc->procs.pxStore; frag.z = spanInfo->fragz;
rows = spanInfo->rows; for (row = ibottom; row != itop; row += rowadd) { if (rows == 0) break; rows--; column = spanInfo->startCol; pixelArray = spanInfo->pixelArray; spanData = (GLfloat*) span; frag.y = row; for (i=0; i<width; i++) { iright = column + *pixelArray++; frag.color.r = (GLint) (*spanData++) & mask; do { frag.x = column;
/* This procedure will do the rest */ (*store)(gc->drawBuffer, &frag); column += coladd; } while (column != iright); } } spanInfo->rows = rows; spanInfo->startRow = itop; }
** Render a GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_FLOAT span (gc->modes.rgbMode == GL_FALSE). ** ** zoomx is assumed to be less than or equal to 1.0 and greater than or equal ** to -1.0. */ void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderCI2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo, GLvoid *span) { __GLfloat zoomy; GLint itop, ibottom; GLint row, column; GLint i, width; GLint coladd, rowadd; GLfloat *spanData; __GLfragment frag; void (FASTCALL *store)(__GLcolorBuffer *cfb, const __GLfragment *frag); GLint rows; GLint mask;
zoomy = spanInfo->zoomy; rowadd = spanInfo->rowadd; coladd = spanInfo->coladd; ibottom = spanInfo->startRow; itop = spanInfo->y + zoomy; width = spanInfo->realWidth; mask = gc->frontBuffer.redMax;
store = gc->procs.pxStore; frag.z = spanInfo->fragz;
rows = spanInfo->rows; for (row = ibottom; row != itop; row += rowadd) { if (rows == 0) break; rows--; column = spanInfo->startCol; spanData = (GLfloat*) span; frag.y = row; for (i=0; i<width; i++) { frag.color.r = (GLint) (*spanData++) & mask; frag.x = column;
/* This procedure will do the rest */ (*store)(gc->drawBuffer, &frag); column += coladd; } } spanInfo->rows = rows; spanInfo->startRow = itop; }
** Render a GL_STENCIL_INDEX, GL_FLOAT span. ** ** zoomx is assumed to be less than -1.0 or greater than 1.0. */ void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderStencil(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo, GLvoid *span) { __GLfloat zoomy; GLint itop, ibottom, iright; GLint row, column; GLint i, width; GLint coladd, rowadd; GLfloat *spanData; GLint index; __GLstencilBuffer *sb; GLint rows; GLshort *pixelArray;
zoomy = spanInfo->zoomy; rowadd = spanInfo->rowadd; coladd = spanInfo->coladd; ibottom = spanInfo->startRow; itop = spanInfo->y + zoomy; width = spanInfo->realWidth;
sb = &gc->stencilBuffer;
rows = spanInfo->rows; for (row = ibottom; row != itop; row += rowadd) { if (rows == 0) break; rows--; column = spanInfo->startCol; pixelArray = spanInfo->pixelArray; spanData = (GLfloat*) span; for (i=0; i<width; i++) { iright = column + *pixelArray++; index = *spanData++; do { (*sb->store)(sb, column, row, index); column += coladd; } while (column != iright); } } spanInfo->rows = rows; spanInfo->startRow = itop; }
** Render a GL_STENCIL_INDEX, GL_FLOAT span. ** ** zoomx is assumed to be less than or equal to 1.0 and greater than or equal ** to -1.0. */ void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderStencil2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo, GLvoid *span) { __GLfloat zoomy; GLint itop, ibottom; GLint row, column; GLint i, width; GLint coladd, rowadd; GLfloat *spanData; GLint index; __GLstencilBuffer *sb; GLint rows;
zoomy = spanInfo->zoomy; rowadd = spanInfo->rowadd; coladd = spanInfo->coladd; ibottom = spanInfo->startRow; itop = spanInfo->y + zoomy; width = spanInfo->realWidth;
sb = &gc->stencilBuffer;
rows = spanInfo->rows; for (row = ibottom; row != itop; row += rowadd) { if (rows == 0) break; rows--; column = spanInfo->startCol; spanData = (GLfloat*) span; for (i=0; i<width; i++) { index = *spanData++; (*sb->store)(sb, column, row, index); column += coladd; } } spanInfo->rows = rows; spanInfo->startRow = itop; }