// Gradient.cpp - gradient drawing support
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Render.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#include "gradient.h"
HRESULT PaintGradientRadialRect(HDC hdc, RECT &rcBand, int iPartCount, GRADIENTPART *pGradientParts) { if (iPartCount < 2) return MakeError32(E_INVALIDARG);
int width = WIDTH(rcBand); int height = HEIGHT(rcBand);
int radius = width; if (height > width) radius = height;
radius = radius/2;
int radiusOffset = 0; int ratioTotal = 0; UCHAR ratio; bool firstColor = true; COLORREF color, prevcolor = 0;
for (int i=0; i <= iPartCount; i++) // go thru 1 extra time at end
{ if (i == iPartCount) // solid part of last color for remaining ratio
{ color = prevcolor; ratio = static_cast<UCHAR>(255 - ratioTotal); } else { color = RGBA2WINCOLOR(pGradientParts[i].Color); ratio = pGradientParts[i].Ratio; }
if (firstColor) { prevcolor = color; firstColor = false; }
int radius2 = radius*ratio/255; if (radius2) PaintGradientRadialBand(hdc, rcBand, radiusOffset, radius2, prevcolor, color);
radiusOffset += radius2; prevcolor = color; ratioTotal += ratio; }
return S_OK; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT PaintHorzGradient(HDC hdc, RECT &rcBand, int iPartCount, GRADIENTPART *pGradientParts) { if (iPartCount < 2) return MakeError32(E_INVALIDARG);
int width = WIDTH(rcBand); int xoffset = rcBand.left; int ratioTotal = 0; UCHAR ratio; bool firstColor = true; COLORREF color, prevcolor = 0;
for (int i=0; i <= iPartCount; i++) // go thru 1 extra time at end
{ if (i == iPartCount) // solid part of last color for remaining ratio
{ color = prevcolor; ratio = static_cast<UCHAR>(255 - ratioTotal); } else { color = RGBA2WINCOLOR(pGradientParts[i].Color); ratio = pGradientParts[i].Ratio; }
if (firstColor) { prevcolor = color; firstColor = false; }
int width2 = width*ratio/255; if (width2) { RECT rect2 = {xoffset, rcBand.top, xoffset+width2, rcBand.bottom}; PaintGradientHorzBand(hdc, rect2, prevcolor, color); }
xoffset += width2; prevcolor = color; ratioTotal += ratio; }
return S_OK; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT PaintVertGradient(HDC hdc, RECT &rcBounds, int iPartCount, GRADIENTPART *pGradientParts) { if (iPartCount < 2) return MakeError32(E_INVALIDARG);
int iHeight = HEIGHT(rcBounds); int yoffset = rcBounds.top; int ratioTotal = 0; UCHAR ratio; bool firstColor = true; COLORREF color, prevcolor = 0;
for (int i=0; i <= iPartCount; i++) // go thru 1 extra time at end
{ if (i == iPartCount) // solid part of last color for remaining ratio
{ color = prevcolor; ratio = static_cast<UCHAR>(255 - ratioTotal); } else { color = RGBA2WINCOLOR(pGradientParts[i].Color); ratio = pGradientParts[i].Ratio; }
if (firstColor) { prevcolor = color; firstColor = false; }
int iHeight2 = iHeight*ratio/255; if (iHeight2) { RECT rect2 = {rcBounds.left, yoffset, rcBounds.right, yoffset+iHeight2}; PaintGradientVertBand(hdc, rect2, prevcolor, color); }
yoffset += iHeight2; prevcolor = color; ratioTotal += ratio; }
return S_OK; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void DrawGradient(HDC hdc, RECT &rcBand, COLORREF color1, COLORREF color2, BOOL fHorz) { TRIVERTEX vert[2]; GRADIENT_RECT gRect;
vert[0].x = rcBand.left; vert[0].y = rcBand.top; vert[1].x = rcBand.right; vert[1].y = rcBand.bottom;
// first vertex
vert[0].Red = (USHORT)(GetRValue(color1) << 8); vert[0].Green = (USHORT)(GetGValue(color1) << 8); vert[0].Blue = (USHORT)(GetBValue(color1) << 8); vert[0].Alpha = 0x0000;
// second vertex
vert[1].Red = (USHORT)(GetRValue(color2) << 8); vert[1].Green = (USHORT)(GetGValue(color2) << 8); vert[1].Blue = (USHORT)(GetBValue(color2) << 8); vert[1].Alpha = 0x0000;
gRect.UpperLeft = 0; gRect.LowerRight = 1;
GdiGradientFill(hdc, vert, 2, &gRect, 1, fHorz ? GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_H : GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_V); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void PaintGradientHorzBand(HDC hdc, RECT &rcBand, COLORREF color1, COLORREF color2) { DrawGradient(hdc, rcBand, color1, color2, TRUE); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void PaintGradientVertBand(HDC hdc, RECT &rcBand, COLORREF color1, COLORREF color2) { DrawGradient(hdc, rcBand, color1, color2, FALSE); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void PaintGradientRadialBand(HDC hdc, RECT &rcBand, int radiusOffset, int radius, COLORREF color1, COLORREF color2) { int red1 = RED(color1); int red2 = RED(color2); int green1 = GREEN(color1); int green2 = GREEN(color2); int blue1 = BLUE(color1); int blue2 = BLUE(color2);
int maxcolors = abs(red1 - red2);
int cnt = abs(green1 - green2); if (cnt > maxcolors) maxcolors = cnt;
cnt = abs(blue1 - blue2); if (cnt > maxcolors) maxcolors = cnt;
int linewidth; if (color1 == color2) // just do solid color1
linewidth = radius; else if (radius > maxcolors) linewidth = radius/maxcolors; else linewidth = 1;
POINT center = {rcBand.left + WIDTH(rcBand)/2, rcBand.top + HEIGHT(rcBand)/2}; radiusOffset += linewidth/2; // center pen within line
for (int r=0; r < radius; r += linewidth) { int red = (red2*r + red1*(radius-r))/radius; int green = (green2*r + green1*(radius-r))/radius; int blue = (blue2*r + blue1*(radius-r))/radius;
int radius2 = radiusOffset + r; // center pen within target line
//---- calculate rcBand around "center" with "radius2" ----
int left = center.x - radius2; int right = center.x + radius2; int top = center.y - radius2; int bottom = center.y + radius2;
//---- overlap lines slightly so that bg doesn't leak thru ----
HPEN pen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, linewidth+2, RGB(red, green, blue)); HPEN oldpen = (HPEN)SelectObject(hdc, pen);
Arc(hdc, left, top, right, bottom, 0, 0, 0, 0);
SelectObject(hdc, oldpen); DeleteObject(pen); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------