Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: BattleZone.cpp
Abstract: This app is a really good example of things not to do:
1. Infinite loop on mciSendString('play...'). In order to fix this we return a failure case if the same play string is sent twice and the device is playing already. Note that the behaviour of the mciSendString API is consistent with win9x. Someone managed to repro this hang on win9x, but it's more difficult.
2. They call SetCooperativeLevel(DDSCL_NORMAL) between a Begin/End Scene. On NT, this causes the Z-Buffer to be lost which means that when EndScene is called, it returns D3DERR_SURFACESLOST which causes the app to AV. Notes:
This is an app specific shim.
02/10/2000 linstev Created
#include "precomp.h"
#include <mmsystem.h>
IMPLEMENT_SHIM_BEGIN(BattleZone) #include "ShimHookMacro.h"
CString * g_csLastCommand = NULL; MCIDEVICEID g_wDeviceID = 0; LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE g_lpZBuffer = NULL;
Store the DeviceId.
MCIERROR APIHOOK(mciSendCommandA)( MCIDEVICEID IDDevice, UINT uMsg, DWORD fdwCommand, DWORD dwParam ) { MCIERROR mErr = ORIGINAL_API(mciSendCommandA)( IDDevice, uMsg, fdwCommand, dwParam);
if ((mErr == 0) && (uMsg == MCI_OPEN)) { g_wDeviceID = ((LPMCI_OPEN_PARMS)dwParam)->wDeviceID; }
return mErr; }
Prevent looping.
MCIERROR APIHOOK(mciSendStringA)( LPCSTR lpszCommand, LPSTR lpszReturnString, UINT cchReturn, HANDLE hwndCallback ) { DPFN( eDbgLevelInfo, "mciSendStringA: %s", lpszCommand);
CSTRING_TRY { CString csCommand(lpszCommand); if (csCommand.Compare(*g_csLastCommand) == 0) { MCI_STATUS_PARMS mciStatus; ZeroMemory(&mciStatus, sizeof(mciStatus)); mciStatus.dwItem = MCI_STATUS_MODE; if (0 == ORIGINAL_API(mciSendCommandA)( g_wDeviceID, MCI_STATUS, MCI_STATUS_ITEM, (DWORD_PTR)&mciStatus)) { if (mciStatus.dwReturn == MCI_MODE_PLAY) { DPFN( eDbgLevelWarning, "Device still playing, returning busy"); return MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_READY; } } } else { *g_csLastCommand = csCommand; } } CSTRING_CATCH { // Do nothing
return ORIGINAL_API(mciSendStringA)( lpszCommand, lpszReturnString, cchReturn, hwndCallback); }
Hook create surface to find the zbuffer we'll need to restore later. Note that we use HookObject to get the surface release notification.
HRESULT COMHOOK(IDirectDraw, CreateSurface)( PVOID pThis, LPDDSURFACEDESC lpDDSurfaceDesc, LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE *lplpDDSurface, IUnknown* pUnkOuter ) { HRESULT hReturn; _pfn_IDirectDraw_CreateSurface pfnOld = ORIGINAL_COM(IDirectDraw, CreateSurface, pThis);
if (SUCCEEDED(hReturn = (*pfnOld)( pThis, lpDDSurfaceDesc, lplpDDSurface, pUnkOuter))) { if (lpDDSurfaceDesc->ddsCaps.dwCaps & DDSCAPS_ZBUFFER) { g_lpZBuffer = *lplpDDSurface; DPFN( eDbgLevelInfo, "Found ZBuffer", g_lpZBuffer); } }
return hReturn; }
Use SetCooperativeLevel to keep track of who the exclusive mode owner is. --*/
HRESULT COMHOOK(IDirectDraw, SetCooperativeLevel)( PVOID pThis, HWND hWnd, DWORD dwFlags ) { HRESULT hReturn;
// Original SetCooperativeLevel
_pfn_IDirectDraw_SetCooperativeLevel pfnOld = ORIGINAL_COM(IDirectDraw, SetCooperativeLevel, pThis);
hReturn = (*pfnOld)(pThis, hWnd, dwFlags);
__try { if (g_lpZBuffer && (g_lpZBuffer->IsLost() == DDERR_SURFACELOST)) { g_lpZBuffer->Restore(); DPFN( eDbgLevelInfo, "Restoring lost ZBuffer"); } } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { }
return hReturn; }
Allocate global variables.
BOOL NOTIFY_FUNCTION( DWORD fdwReason) { if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { CSTRING_TRY { g_csLastCommand = new CString; return g_csLastCommand != NULL; } CSTRING_CATCH { return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
COMHOOK_ENTRY(DirectDraw, IDirectDraw, CreateSurface, 6) COMHOOK_ENTRY(DirectDraw, IDirectDraw, SetCooperativeLevel, 20)