page ,132 title COMMAND Initialization ;/* ; * Microsoft Confidential ; * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1991 ; * All Rights Reserved. ; */
; ; Revision History ; ================ ; M002 SR 07/15/90 Resize right at the start because ; Carousel depends on it. ; ; M004 SR 07/17/90 Initialization reworked so that ; transient is now moved at EndInit. ; The old approach assumed that the ; biggest block is the one currently ; loaded in, an assumption not true ; for UMBs. ; ; M005 SR 07/20/90 Numerous hacks for Carousel ; 1. Set CurrentPDB to ours at start ; 2. Normalize cs:ip of int 2fh hook ; so that cs is different. ; ; M013 SR 08/06/90 Fixed Setup_res_end & Move_res_code ; to use new GetVersion call that ; returns info about whether DOS is in ; HMA or not. ; ; M015 SR 08/09/90 Increased default environment size to ; 256 bytes from 160 bytes ; ; M026 SR 9/12/90 Fixed environment trashing on second ; Command if new comspec is given. ; ; M030 SR 10/3/90 Before calling int 2fh 4a02h, set di ; to 0ffffh so that we are ok if no one ; answers this int 2fh. ; ; M042 SR 12/13/90 Bug #4660. Changed setup_res_end to ; take care of the dummy segment that ; adds a para to the resident size. ;
.xlist .xcref include comsw.asm include dossym.inc include pdb.inc include mult.inc include syscall.inc include doscntry.inc include comseg.asm include comequ.asm include resmsg.equ
include envdata.asm include xmm.inc include cmdsvc.inc include dossvc.inc .list .cref
ENVBIG equ 32768 ENVSML equ 256 ;Increased to 256 ; M015 KOREA_COUNTRY_CODE equ 82
CODERES segment public byte
extrn ContC :near extrn DskErr :near extrn Int_2e :near extrn LodCom :near extrn MsgInt2fHandler :far extrn SetVect :near extrn ChkSum :near extrn CrLf :near extrn LoadCom :near extrn RPrint :near ifdef BILINGUAL extrn RPrint@ :near endif ; BILINGUAL
extrn EndCode :byte extrn StartCode :byte
ifdef DBCS extrn ItestKanj :near endif
extrn BadMemErr :near
DATARES segment public byte
extrn Abort_Char :byte extrn AccDen :byte extrn Append_State :word extrn Batch :word extrn Com_Fcb1 :dword extrn Com_Fcb2 :dword extrn Com_Ptr :dword extrn ComDrv :byte extrn ComSpec :byte extrn ComSpec_End :word extrn Crit_Msg_Off :word extrn Crit_Msg_Seg :word extrn DataResEnd :byte extrn Dbcs_Vector_Addr :word extrn EchoFlag :byte extrn EnvirSeg :word extrn ExtMsgEnd :byte extrn fFail :byte extrn FUCase_addr :word extrn InitFlag :byte extrn Int2fHandler :dword extrn Io_Save :word extrn Io_Stderr :byte extrn LTpa :word extrn MemSiz :word extrn MySeg :word extrn MySeg1 :word extrn MySeg2 :word extrn MySeg3 :word extrn Nest :word extrn OldTerm :dword extrn Parent :word extrn ParseMes_Ptr :word extrn ParsMsgPtrs :word extrn PermCom :byte extrn PutBackDrv :byte extrn PutBackComSpec :byte extrn RDirChar :byte extrn Res_Tpa :word extrn ResMsgEnd :word extrn RSwitChar :byte extrn SingleCom :word extrn KSwitchFlag :byte extrn Sum :word extrn TrnSeg :word extrn TrnMvFlg :byte
extrn ResSize :word extrn RStack :word
extrn ComInHMA :byte ;flag set if in HMA extrn XMMCallAddr :dword ;far call address to XMM EXTRN SCS_CMDPROMPT :BYTE EXTRN SCS_DOSONLY :BYTE
; ;All far pointers to resident routines that are to be patched ; extrn Int2f_Entry :dword extrn Int2e_Entry :dword extrn Ctrlc_Entry :dword extrn CritErr_Entry :dword
extrn Int2f_Trap :near extrn Int2e_Trap :near extrn Ctrlc_Trap :near extrn CritErr_Trap :near extrn LodCom_Trap :near
extrn EndInit :near
extrn Carousel_i2f_Hook :byte ; M005
extrn SCS_REENTERED :byte extrn SCS_FIRSTCOM :byte
ifdef BETA3WARN %out Take this out before we ship
extrn Beta3Warned:byte endif
;;ENVIRONMENT segment public para ; default COMMAND environment ;; ;; extrn EComSpec :byte ;; extrn EnvirEnd :byte ;; extrn PathString :byte ;; ;;ENVIRONMENT ends
TAIL segment public para
extrn TranStart :word
TAIL ends
TRANCODE segment public byte
extrn DatInit :far
TRANDATA segment
extrn TranDataEnd :byte
TRANSPACE segment public byte
extrn TranSpaceEnd :byte
; ******************************************************************* ; START OF INIT PORTION ; This code is deallocated after initialization.
;NTVDM not used extrn AutoBat :byte extrn BadComAccMsg :byte extrn BadComLkMsg :byte extrn Badcspfl :byte extrn BadVerMsg :byte
extrn Chuckenv :byte extrn Command_?_syn :byte extrn Command_c_syn :byte extrn Command_d_syn :byte extrn Command_e_syn :byte extrn Command_f_syn :byte extrn Command_k_syn :byte extrn Command_l_syn :byte extrn Command_l2_syn :byte extrn Command_m_syn :byte extrn Command_u_syn :byte extrn Command_p_syn :byte extrn Command_y_syn :byte extrn Command_z_syn :byte extrn Comnd1_syn :word extrn Comnd1_addr :dword extrn ComSpect :byte extrn ComspString :byte extrn CopyrightMsg :byte extrn Dswitch :byte ;; extrn Ecomloc :word extrn EnvMax :word extrn EnvSiz :word extrn EqualSign :byte extrn Eswitch :byte extrn Ext_msg :byte extrn HelpMsgs:word extrn InitAdd :dword extrn InitEnd :word extrn Init_Parse :dword extrn Internat_Info :byte ; NTVDM not used extrn KautoBat :byte extrn Lcasea :byte extrn Lcasez :byte extrn Num_positionals :word extrn OldEnv :word extrn Old_parse_ptr :word extrn OutEnvMsg :byte extrn Parse_command :byte extrn PrdAttm :byte extrn ResetEnv :word extrn Scswitch :byte extrn Skswitch :byte extrn Space :byte extrn Triage_Add :dword extrn TrnSize :word extrn Ucasea :byte extrn UsedEnv :word
extrn PathString :byte extrn ComspString :byte extrn Reloc_Table :word extrn FirstCom :byte extrn ResJmpTable :dword
extrn TriageError :near
extrn DevFlag :byte extrn PathFlag :byte
PUBLIC ConProc PUBLIC Init_ContC_SpecialCase
assume cs:ResGroup,ds:ResGroup,es:ResGroup,ss:ResGroup
org 0 ZERO = $
ConProc: mov sp,offset ResGroup:RStack ; must be first instruction ; ; M005; We need to set the PSP to us right at start because Carousel needs ; M005; to be lied to and it does not set PSP when it transfers control to ; M005; us after loading us as an overlay. By setting PSP, we ensure that ; M005; command.com is also not lied to. ; mov ah,SET_CURRENT_PDB ; M005 mov bx,es ; M005 int 21h ; M005
mov ah,GET_VERSION int 21h cmp ax,EXPECTED_VERSION je OkDos ; DOS version is ok
mov dx,offset ResGroup:BadVerMsg ; DX = ptr to msg call RPrint mov ax,es cmp es:PDB_Parent_Pid,ax ; if COMMAND is own parent, Here: jnz GoExit ; loop forever SVC SVC_DEMEXITVDM
GoExit: int 20h ; otherwise, exit okdos:
; ; Calculate and save the end of the INIT segment (which is also ; the beginning of TRANGROUP). ; mov dx,offset resgroup:TranStart+15 ;eg get end of init code mov cl,4 ;eg change to paragraphs shr dx,cl ;eg mov ax,cs ;eg get current segment add ax,dx ;eg calculate segment of end of init mov InitEnd,ax ;eg save this
SAVE <SI,BP> xor si,si xor bp,bp mov al,5 ; query cmdprompt mov ah,setdpb int 21h mov byte ptr [scs_cmdprompt],al ; ds is resseg mov al,7 ; query DOSONLY bit mov ah,setdpb int 21h mov byte ptr [scs_dosonly],al ; ds is resseg RESTORE <BP,SI>
; ; Check for /? on the command line. If found, display help text ; and exit. ; ; NOTE: this routine may terminate the program, never returning. ; call CheckHelp
call CheckZSwitch
;SR; ; We have to patch the segment values for the various interrupt entry points. ;This is because we need to have the default addresses of the handlers in our ;stub before the relocation is done. These values will then be changed once ;the resident is relocated ; call patch_segs
; ; Turn APPEND off during initialization processing ; mov ax,APPENDINSTALL ; see if append installed int 2fh ; cmp al,0 ; append installed? je set_msg_addr ; no - continue mov ax,APPENDDOS ; see if append DOS version right int 2fh ; cmp ax,-1 ; append version correct? jne set_msg_addr ; no - continue mov ax,APPENDGETSTATE ; Get the state of Append int 2fh ; mov Append_State,bx ; save append state xor bx,bx ; clear out state mov ax,APPENDSETSTATE ; Set the state of Append int 2fh ; set everything off
set_msg_addr: mov di,offset resgroup:DataresEnd ; get address of resident end mov ResMsgEnd,di ; save it
call get_XMMAddr ;get XMM call address ; ;Check if this is the first instance of command.com. If not, we just exit ;this routine without moving any code. ;After the int 2fh, ds:si points at the resident jump table in the previous ;stub. We just have to copy this over ;
mov ax,GET_COMMAND_STATE int 2fh assume ds:nothing
or ax,ax jnz first_com ;this is the first instance
ifdef BETA3WARN %out Take this out before we ship
mov es:Beta3Warned, 0ffh endif
mov word ptr es:ResJmpTable,si ;save old stub jump table mov word ptr es:ResJmpTable+2,ds jmp short init_cntry
first_com: mov es:FirstCom,1 ;indicate first command.com mov SCS_FIRSTCOM,1
init_cntry: push es pop ds assume ds:RESGROUP
mov ah,GETEXTCNTRY ; get extended country info mov al,4 ; get file ucase table mov dx,-1 ; mov bx,-1 ; mov cx,5 ; number of bytes we want mov di,offset resgroup:Fucase_addr ; buffer for address int 21h ;
; Bugbug: conditionalize dbcs_vector stuff? push ds ; mov ax, (ECS_CALL shl 8) or GETLEADBTBL ; int 21h ; mov bx,ds ; get segment to bx pop ds ; mov Dbcs_vector_addr,si ; save address of mov Dbcs_vector_addr+2,bx ; dbcs vector
mov ax,word ptr ds:PDB_Parent_Pid ; Init PARENT so we can exit mov Parent,ax ; correctly. mov ax,word ptr ds:Pdb_Exit mov word ptr OldTerm,ax mov ax,word ptr ds:Pdb_Exit+2 mov word ptr Oldterm+2,ax
mov ax,offset ResGroup:EndCode + 15 mov cl,4 ; ax = size of resident part of shr ax,cl ; command in paragraphs. Add mov cx,cs ; this to CS and you get the add ax,cx ; segment of the TPA.
mov Res_tpa, ax ; Temporarily save the TPA segment and ax, 0f000h add ax, 01000h ; Round up to next 64K boundary jnc TpaSet ; Memory wrap if carry set mov ax, Res_tpa TpaSet: mov Ltpa,ax ; Good enough for the moment mov ax,word ptr ds:PDB_Block_Len ; ax = # of paras given to command
mov Myseg1,ds ; These 3 variables are used as part of mov Myseg2,ds ; 3 long ptrs that the transient will mov Myseg,ds ; use to call resident routines. mov Myseg3,ds ; segment of msg retriever routine mov Memsiz,ax ; Needed for execing other programs
; M002; ; M002; First reallocate the COMMAND size to its memory image ; M002; push ax ; M002 mov bx,offset RESGROUP:TranStart ; M002 add bx,offset TRANGROUP:TranSpaceEnd; M002 add bx,15 ; M002; round up the size
mov cl,4 ; M002 shr bx,cl ;size of command.com ; M002
mov ah,SETBLOCK ;free all memory above pgm ; M002 int 21h ; M002 pop ax ; M002
; ; Compute maximum size of environment ; mov EnvMax,(Environsiz + 15) / 16 + (EnvMaximum-zero + 15)/16 - 1 ; ; Compute minimum size of environment ;
mov EnvSiz, ENVSML / 16
mov dx,offset TranGroup:Transpaceend + 15 ; dx = size of transient mov cl,4 ; in paragraphs. shr dx,cl mov Trnsize,dx ;eg save size of transient in paragraphs
sub ax,dx ; max seg addr - # para's needed for transient mov Trnseg,ax ; = seg addr to load the transient at. mov ax,ds:PDB_Environ ; ax = environment segment or ax,ax ; if there is no environment segment, jz buildenv ; go compute one. inc byte ptr Chuckenv ; flag no new environseg to set up jmp short environpassed ; otherwise one was passed to us.
buildenv: ; (this label isn't very accurate) ; ;We allocate a buffer here just large enough to hold the 'PATH=' and ;the COMSPEC. After parsing, we will allocate an environment of the right ;size and free this buffer. We need this buffer because we no longer have an ;ENVIRONMENT segment but need a place to store the COMSPEC which can be ;given on the command line before we know the environment size. This routine ;will not return in case of an allocation error. It will either exit or hang ;depending on whether or not this is the first COMMAND.COM or not. ;
call alloc_env ;try to allocate buffer
;; mov ax,offset ResGroup:PathString ; compute the segment of the ;; mov cl,4 ; environment and put it in ;; shr ax,cl ; ax. ;; mov dx,ds ;; add ax,dx
environpassed: mov Envirseg,ax ; save the environment's segment and mov es,ax ; load into es. assume es:nothing
gottheenvir: ; ; initialize the command drive ; mov ah,GET_DEFAULT_DRIVE int 21h inc al mov Comdrv,al
mov al,byte ptr ds:Fcb ; al = default drive number for command or al,al jz nocomdrv ; no drive specified
mov ah,':' mov Comdrv,al add al,40h ; convert number to uppercase character
std cmp byte ptr Chuckenv,0 ; if a new environment is being built, jnz notwidenv ; move the default comspec string in it push ds ; 2 bytes to make room for a drivespec. push es ; the drivespec is in ax and is copied pop ds ; on to the front of the string. mov di,Env_Ecomspec + ENVIRONSIZ2 - 1 ;eg mov si,Env_Ecomspec + ENVIRONSIZ2 - 3 ;eg
mov cx,ENVIRONSIZ2 - 2 rep movsb pop ds mov word ptr es:Env_Ecomspec,ax
notwidenv: cld ; add the drivespec to the string ; NTVDM not used ; mov word ptr AutoBat,ax ; used to reference autoexec.bat ; mov word ptr KautoBat,ax ; used to reference kautoexe.bat 3/3/kk
nocomdrv: call setvect ; set interrupt vectors 22h, 23h, & 24h
;********************************* ; parsing starts here ;*********************************
push cs ; get local segment push cs ; into ds,es pop ds ; pop es ;
assume ds:ResGroup,es:ResGroup ;
mov si,80h ; get command line lodsb ; get length of line mov di,si ; get line position in di xor ah,ah ; ax = length of command line ; ; insure that the command line correctly ends with a cr ; add di,ax ; go to end of command line mov byte ptr [di],0dh ; insert a carriage return xor cx,cx ; clear cx mov Num_positionals,cx ; initialize positionals ; ; Scan the command line looking for the parameters ;
Parse_command_line: mov di,offset ResGroup:Parse_Command ; Get address of parse_command mov cx,Num_positionals ; Get number of positionals xor dx,dx ; clear dx mov Old_parse_ptr,si ; save position before calling parser call init_parse ; call parser mov Num_positionals,cx ; Save number of positionals cmp ax,END_OF_LINE ; are we at end of line? jnz SkipArgdsDoneJmp jmp ArgsDoneJ3 ; yes - exit
SkipArgdsDoneJmp: cmp ax,RESULT_NO_ERROR ; did an error occur jz parse_cont ; no - continue
; ; Before issuing error message - make sure switch is not /C or /K ;
parse_line_error: push si ; save line position push ax ; save error number cmp ax,BADSWT_PTR ; Was error invalid switch? jnz parse_line_error_disp ; No - just issue message mov di,si ; Get terminating pointer in DI mov si,Old_parse_ptr ; Get starting pointer in SI
init_chk_delim: cmp si,di ; at end of parsed parameter? jz parse_line_error_disp ; Yes - just display message lodsb ; cmp al,Space ; Skip blank spaces jz init_chk_delim ; cmp al,TAB_CHR ; Skip tab characters jz init_chk_delim ;
cmp al,Rswitchar ; Switch? jnz parse_line_error_disp ; No - just issue message lodsb ; Get the char after the switch
ifdef DBCS call ItestKanj ; Is it DBCS? jnz parse_line_error_disp ; Yes - can't be /C or /K endif
call iupconv ; upper case it cmp al,Scswitch ; it is /C? jz AltSetCSwitch cmp al,Skswitch ; it is /K? jz AltSetKSwitch jmp parse_line_error_disp ; AltSetCSwitch: pop dx ; even up stack pop dx ; even up stack jmp setSSwitch ; Yes - go set COMMAND /C
AltSetKSwitch: pop dx ; even up stack pop dx ; even up stack jmp setKSwitch ; Yes - go set COMMAND /K
pop ax ; restore error number pop si ; restore line position mov dx,ax ; get message number call RPrintParse call CrLf jmp short Parse_command_line ; continue parsing
parse_cont: ; ; See if a switch was entered ; ; Bugbug: See if Comnd1_Syn can be moved into a reg. before the compare
; ; Several stub switches have been added below in order to provide improved ; compatibility with applications using unsupported switches in command.com ; The stubs generally do not do anything, but, they keep command.com ; from erroring out. In many cases, this is enough to keep the app working. ; ; STUB SWITCHES ; /LOW Force command.com to keep resident data in LOW memory. ; (does nothing) ; /Y Step through batch file specified by /c or /k ; (does nothing) ; /L:nnnn internal buffers size ; (does nothing) ; /U:nnn input buffers size ; (does nothing) ; /K command run batch file specified by command and continue ; turns on /P switch if not already specified. ;
cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset ResGroup:Command_f_syn ; was /F entered? jnz NoFSwitch jmp SetFSwitch ; yes go set fail switch
NoFSwitch: cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset resgroup:Command_p_syn ; was /P entered? jnz NoPSwitch jmp SetPSwitch ; yes go set up PERMCOM
NoPSwitch: cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset resgroup:Command_d_syn ; was /D entered? jnz NoDSwitch jmp SetDSwitch ; yes go set date switch
NoDSwitch: cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset resgroup:Command_c_syn ; was /C entered? jnz NoSSwitch jmp SetSSwitch ; yes go set up SINGLECOM
NoSSwitch: cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset resgroup:Command_k_syn ; was /K entered? jnz NoKSwitch jmp SetKSwitch ; yes go set up environment
cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset resgroup:Command_y_syn ; was /Y entered? jnz NoYSwitch jmp SetYSwitch ; yes go set up environment
cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset resgroup:Command_e_syn ; was /E entered? jnz NoESwitch jmp SetESwitch ; yes go set up environment
cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset resgroup:Command_l_syn ; was /LOW entered? jnz NoLSwitch jmp SetLSwitch ; yes go set up message flag
cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset resgroup:Command_l2_syn ; was /L entered? jnz NoL2Switch jmp SetL2Switch ; yes go set up environment
cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset resgroup:Command_m_syn ; was /MSG entered? jnz NoMSwitch jmp SetMSwitch ; yes go set up message flag
NoMSwitch: cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset resgroup:Command_u_syn ; was /U entered? jnz NoUSwitch jmp SetUSwitch ; yes go set up message flag
jmp ChkOtherArgs ; Must be something else
ArgsdoneJ3: ; long jump needed jmp ArgsDone ;
SetFSwitch: cmp fFail,-1 ; has fail switch been set? jnz failok ; no - set it mov ax,Moreargs_ptr ; set up too many arguments jmp parse_line_error ; go issue error message
failok: mov fFail,-1 ; fail all INT 24s. jmp Parse_command_line ;
SetPSwitch: ; ; We have a permanent COMMAND switch /P. Flag this and stash the ; termination address. ; cmp PermCom,0 ; has /p switch been set? jz permcomok ; no - set it mov ax,moreargs_ptr ; set up too many arguments jmp parse_line_error ; go issue error message
permcomok: inc PermCom mov word ptr OldTerm,offset DATARES:LodCom_Trap mov word ptr OldTerm+2,ds ; ; make sure that we display the date and time. if the flag was not ; initialized, set it to indicate yes, do prompt. ;
cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset resgroup:Command_k_syn jnz RealPSwitch jmp ArgsDone RealPSwitch: cmp byte ptr PrdAttm,-1 jnz Parse_command_line_jmp ; keep parsing mov byte ptr PrdAttm,0 ; if not set explicit, set to prompt
Parse_command_line_jmp: ; jmp parse_command_line ; keep parsing
ArgsDoneJump: jmp ArgsDone
SetDSwitch: ; ; Flag no date/time prompting. ; cmp Dswitch,0 ; has /D switch been set? jz setdateok ; no - set it mov ax,Moreargs_ptr ; set up too many arguments jmp parse_line_error ; go issue error message
setdateok: inc Dswitch ; indicate /D entered mov byte ptr PrdAttm,1 ; user explicitly says no date time jmp Parse_command_line ; continue parsing
SetYSwitch: ; ; Y switch is ignored. Present to keep apps that actually use it in a ; static create process or something from having problems ; (important after a win9xupg.) ; jmp Parse_command_line ; continue parsing
SetKSwitch: ; ; Treat this just like /C, just keep going ; mov KSwitchFlag,1 jmp SetSSwitch
; ; Look for environment-size setting switch ; ; The environment size is represented in decimal bytes and is ; converted into pargraphs (rounded up to the next paragraph). ;
SetSSwitch: ; ; Set up pointer to command line, flag no date/time and turn off singlecom. ; mov SingleCom,si ; point to the rest of the command line mov Permcom,0 ; a singlecom must not be a permcom mov byte ptr PrdAttm,1 ; no date or time either, explicit jmp ArgsDone ; ; Look for environment-size setting switch ; ; The environment size is represented in decimal bytes and is ; converted into pargraphs (rounded up to the next paragraph). ;
SetESwitch: cmp Eswitch,0 ; has fail switch been set? jz eswitchok ; no - set it mov ax,Moreargs_ptr ; set up too many arguments jmp Parse_line_error ; go issue error message
eswitchok: inc Eswitch ; indicate /E entered mov di,offset ResGroup:Comnd1_Addr ; get number returned mov bx,word ptr [di] ; into bx
add bx, 0fh ; Round up to next paragraph mov cl,4 ; convert to pargraphs shr bx, cl ; by right 4
mov EnvSiz,BX ; EnvSiz is in paragraphs jmp Parse_command_line ; continue parsing command line
SetL2Switch: Jmp Parse_Command_Line
SetMSwitch: cmp Ext_msg,SET_EXTENDED_MSG ; has /MSG switch been set? jnz setMswitchok ; no - set it mov ax,Moreargs_ptr ; set up too many arguments jmp Parse_line_error ; go issue error message setMswitchok: mov Ext_msg,SET_EXTENDED_MSG ; set /MSG switch jmp Parse_command_line ; keep parsing
SetLSwitch: jmp Parse_Command_Line
SetUSwitch: Jmp Parse_Command_Line
ArgsDoneJ: jmp ArgsDone
; ; We have a non-switch character here. ; ChkOtherArgs: push ds ; push si ; save place in command line lds si,Comnd1_Addr ; get address of filespec assume ds:nothing ;
mov dx,si ; put in dx also mov ax,(OPEN shl 8) or 2 ; Read and write int 21h jc ChkSrchSpec ; Wasn't a file mov bx,ax mov ax,IOCTL shl 8 int 21h test dl,80h jnz IsaDevice
BadSetCon: ; mov ah,CLOSE ; Close initial handle, wasn't a device int 21h jmp short ChkSrchSpec
IsaDevice: xor dh,dh or dl,3 ; Make sure has CON attributes mov ax,(IOCTL shl 8) or 1 int 21h jc BadSetCon ; Can't set attributes - quit mov dx,bx ; Save new handle
cmp es:DevFlag,1 jz DevErr
push cx mov cx,3 xor bx,bx
rcclloop: ; Close 0,1 and 2 mov ah,CLOSE int 21h inc bx loop rcclloop
mov bx,dx ; New device handle mov ah,XDUP int 21h ; Dup to 0 mov ah,XDUP int 21h ; Dup to 1 mov ah,XDUP int 21h ; Dup to 2 mov ah,CLOSE int 21h ; Close initial handle pop cx pop si ; restore position of command line pop ds ; ;SR; ; Register the fact that we already have redirected the output and cannot do ;it again ; inc es:DevFlag ; jmp Parse_command_line ; continue parsing
DevErr: pop si pop ds mov dx,1 call RPrintParse ;"Too many parameters" call CrLf jmp Parse_command_line
ChkSrchSpec: ; Not a device, so must be directory spec
cmp es:PathFlag,1 ;already set COMSPEC? jz DevErr ;yes, error
inc es:PathFlag ;mark that we have a path ; ;We do not have an ENVIRONMENT segment any more so we need to allocate a ;temporary buffer to hold the COMSPEC. Later, this buffer will be freed and ;its contents moved to the final location of the environment. If there was ;no environment passed before, then a buffer has already been allocated and ;so we check for this case. Fortunately, Chuckenv would have been previously ;set if we had been passed an environment. ;
mov ax,EnvirSeg cmp byte ptr Chuckenv,1 ;passed environment? mov byte ptr Chuckenv,0 ;ignore passed environment jne no_alloc ;no, default, dont allocate ; ;We have to override the passed environment. Allocate a buffer for use now. ;This buffer will later be replaced by a proper environment ; call alloc_env ;allocate env buffer
;; mov ax,offset ResGroup:PathString ; Figure environment pointer ;; mov cl,4 ;; shr ax,cl ;; mov dx,cs ; ;; add ax,dx
mov EnvirSeg,ax no_alloc: mov es,ax assume es:nothing push si ; remember location of file xor cx,cx ; clear cx for counting
countloop: lodsb ; get a character inc cx ; increment counter cmp al,END_OF_LINE_OUT ; are we at end of line? jnz countloop ; no - keep counting
mov al,Space dec si ; move back one mov byte ptr [si],al ; put a space at end of line pop si ; get location back
mov di,Env_Ecomspec ; get location of COMSPEC
ComtrLoop: lodsb dec cx cmp al,Space jz SetComsr stosb
ifdef DBCS xor ah,ah endif
jcxz setcomsr
ifdef DBCS
push ds ; Make sure we have push cs ; local DS for pop ds ; ItestKanj call ItestKanj pop ds ; restore parser ds jz ComtrLoop dec cx movsb inc ah jcxz setcomsr
jmp short comtrloop
setcomsr: push cx
push cs ; Get local segment pop ds ; assume ds:ResGroup ;
push ds mov si,offset ResGroup:ComSpect mov cx,14
mov al,es:[di-1]
ifdef DBCS or ah,ah jnz iNotRoot ; Last char was KANJI second byte, might be '\' endif
cmp al,RDirChar jnz iNotRoot inc si ; Don't make a double / dec cx
iNotRoot: rep movsb
mov dx,Env_Ecomspec ; Now lets make sure its good! push es pop ds
mov ax,OPEN shl 8 int 21h ; Open COMMAND.COM pop ds jc SetComsrBad ; No COMMAND.COM here mov bx,ax ; Handle mov ah,CLOSE int 21h ; Close COMMAND.COM
SetComsrRet: pop cx pop si pop ds ; assume ds:ResGroup ;
ArgsDoneJ2: push cs ; Make sure local ES is pop es ; restored jmp Parse_command_line ; continue parsing command line
SetComsrBad: mov dx,offset ResGroup:BadComlkMsg ; dx = ptr to msg
; Note: we're about to make a near call to TriageError, which ; lives in a different segment and group. Some linkers will ; generate a warning like "Possible fix-up overflow". We're ; ok, though, because we all fit in 64 KB and, at init time, ; we're still all together.
call triageError cmp ax, 65 jnz doprt mov dx,offset ResGroup:BadComaccMsg ; dx = ptr to msg DoPrt: call RPrint mov si,offset ResGroup:ComSpect mov di,Env_Ecomspec mov cx,14 rep movsb ; get my default back
jmp short SetComsrRet
;********************************* ; Parsing Ends Here ;*********************************
mov es,EnvirSeg ; get environment back assume es:nothing ;
cmp PermCom,0 jz ComReturns
push es ; Save environment pointer mov ah,SET_CURRENT_PDB mov bx,ds mov es,bx int 21h ; current process is me mov di,PDB_EXIT ; Diddle the addresses in my header mov ax,offset DATARES:LodCom_Trap stosw mov ax,ds stosw mov ax,offset DATARES:Ctrlc_Trap stosw mov ax,ds stosw mov ax,offset DATARES:CritErr_Trap stosw mov ax,ds stosw mov word ptr ds:PDB_Parent_Pid,ds ; Parent is me forever
mov dx,offset DATARES:Int2e_Trap mov ax,(SET_INTERRUPT_VECTOR shl 8) or 02eh int 21h ;set magic interrupt pop es ;Remember environment
ComReturns: mov ax,word ptr ds:PDB_Parent_Pid mov Parent,ax ; Save parent mov word ptr ds:PDB_Parent_Pid,ds ; Parent is me mov ax,word ptr ds:PDB_Jfn_Table mov Io_save,ax ; Get the default stdin and out mov al,byte ptr ds:[PDB_Jfn_Table+2] mov Io_Stderr,al ; Get the default stdin and out mov word ptr Com_ptr+2,ds ; set all these to resident mov word ptr Com_fcb1+2,ds mov word ptr Com_fcb2+2,ds mov di,offset ResGroup:ComSpec
mov si,Env_Ecomspec cmp byte ptr Chuckenv,0
mov ax,ds ; Xchg es,ds push es pop ds mov es,ax
jz CopyComsp ; All set up for copy
push cs pop ds
mov si,offset ResGroup:ComspString push es push di call IfindE mov si,di push es pop ds pop di pop es jnc CopyComsp
ComSpecNofnd: mov si,Env_Ecomspec ; push cs pop ds
assume es:ResGroup
CopyComsp: mov es:PutBackComSpec.SubstPtr,di ; Save ptr to beginning of comspec path cmp byte ptr [si+1],':' ; Is there a drive specifier in comspec jnz CopyComspLoop ; If not, do not skip over first 2 bytes add es:PutBackComSpec.SubstPtr,2
CopyComspLoop: lodsb stosb or al,al jnz CopyComspLoop mov es:Comspec_end,di ; Save ptr to end of comspec path dec es:Comspec_end mov ah,es:comdrv add ah,'A'-1 mov es:PutBackDrv,ah ; save drive letter
call setup_for_messages ; set up parse and extended error messages ;SR; ;The routine below sets up the exact resident size of COMMAND. If this is not ;the first COMMAND, then the resident code is not duplicated and the resident ;size is just the data. If we are the first COMMAND, it checks if we are to ;be loaded into HIMEM. If not, then the resident size includes the code and ;the data otherwise it is just the data. ; call Setup_res_end ;put resident size in ResSize
push cs pop ds assume ds:RESGROUP
;; if we are the permanent one, tell ntvdm the real comspec. cmp PermCom, 0 je comspec_to_32_done push ax mov dx, offset RESGROUP:ComSpec CMDSVC SVC_CMDCOMSPEC mov SCS_PAUSE,al ; yst 4-5-93 pop ax
comspec_to_32_done: ;; mov bx,ResMsgEnd ; get end of resident ;; add bx,15 ;; mov cl,4 ;; shr bx,cl
Public EnvMaximum EnvMaximum: ;;; ;;; NOTE: The transient has to loaded directly after shrinking to the ;;; resident size. ;;; There is an assumption made when loading the transient that it ;;; still intact after the resident portion. ;;; If any other ALLOC/DEALLOC/SETBLOCK operations are performed ;;; inbetween, then there is a real good chance that the non-resident ;;; portion will be overwritten by arena information.
;SR; ;Do not shrink to the resident now. We will then be running in deallocated ;memory and BAAADNESS! can ensue. ;
;; mov ah,SETBLOCK ;; int 21h ; shrink to the resident only
; ; Load in the transient and compute the checksum. We may do this in one of ; two ways: First, cheat and use the transient loading code that exists in ; the resident piece. This may be OK except that it will hit the disk. ; ; But we do not need to hit the disk! The transient is already loaded but is ; in the wrong place. We need to block transfer it up to the correct spot. ;
; ; M004; Start of changes ;
; ; Compute checksum right now before we can get corrupted and save it ;
mov si,offset RESGROUP:TranStart add si,100h mov cx,offset TRANGROUP:TranDataEnd - 100H
cld shr cx,1 xor dx,dx Ichksum: lodsw add dx,ax adc dx,0 loop Ichksum
mov Sum,dx ;store checksum
; ; M004; End of changes ;
cmp byte ptr PrdAttm,0 ;eg jnz NoBatchSeg ;eg don't do autoexec or date time ; ; allocate batch segment for d:/autoexec.bat + no arguments ;
; NTVDM temp name of the batch file may be up to 63 bytes, plus NULL ; mov bx,((SIZE BatchSegment) + 15 + 1 + 0fh)/16 ;eg mov bx,((SIZE BatchSegment) + 64 + 0fh)/16 ;eg
mov ah,ALLOC ;eg int 21h ;eg jc NoBatchSeg ;eg didn't allocate - pretend no batch mov Batch,ax ;eg save batch segment
nobatchseg: ;; mov bx, 0ffffh ; get size of largest block for env ;; mov ah, ALLOC ;; int 21h ;; ;;; only allocate maximum 64k worth of environment ;; ;; sub bx,TrnSize ;eg subtract # of transient paragraphs ;; sub bx,128 ;eg make sure we have 2k left ;; mov EnvMax, bx ;; cmp bx, 4096 ; 64k = 4096 paragraphs ;; jb maxok ;; mov bx, 4096-1 ;; mov EnvMax, bx ;;maxok: ;; ;; mov ah, ALLOC ; get max size ;; int 21h ;; mov bx,EnvirSeg ;g get old environment segment mov OldEnv,bx ;g save it
mov UsedEnv,0 ;g initialize env size counter mov ds,bx assume ds:nothing
;; mov EnvirSeg,ax ;;;Bugbug: There is no need to initialize es at this point-- no string moves ;; mov es,ax
xor si,si mov di,si ;SR; ;This is the maximum allowed size for the environment ; mov bx,4096 - 1 ; max. allowed env. size mov EnvMax,bx
shl bx,1 shl bx,1 shl bx,1 shl bx,1 mov EnvMax, bx ; convert envmax to bytes dec bx ; dec by one to leave room for double 0 xor dx,dx ; use dx to indicate that there was ; no environment size error. public NxtStr NxtStr: call GetStrLen ; get the size of the current env string
;Bugbug: Can use ss here to address UsedEnv
push ds ;g get addressability to environment push cs ;g counter pop ds ;g assume ds:ResGroup add UsedEnv,cx ;g add the string length to env size pop ds ;g assume ds:nothing cmp cx,1 ; end of environment was encountered. jz EnvExit sub bx,cx jae OkCpyStr ; can't fit in all of enviroment. inc dx ; out of env space msg must be displayed jmp short EnvExit OkCpyStr: jmp NxtStr EnvExit:
push cs pop ds assume ds:ResGroup or dx,dx ; dx will be non-zero if error jz EnvNoErr mov dx,offset ResGroup:OutEnvMsg ; dx = ptr to msg call RPrint
EnvNoErr: mov ax,EnvSiz ;env size previously set mov cl,4 shl ax,cl ;get size in bytes cmp ax,UsedEnv ;is it a new env? ja st_envsize ;yes, store the size
mov ax,UsedEnv add ax,15 ;round up st_envsize: shr ax,cl mov EnvSiz,ax ;store env size needed(paras) ;;; ;;; bx now has the left over size of the maximum environment ;;; we want to shrink the environment down to the minimum size ;;; set the environment size to max(envsiz,env used)
;; mov cx, EnvMax ;; sub cx, bx ; cx now has the environment used ;; add cx, 16 ; round up to next paragraph ;; shr cx, 1 ;; shr cx, 1 ;; shr cx, 1 ;; shr cx, 1 ;; cmp cx, EnvSiz ; is environment used > envsiz ;; jb EnvSet ;; mov EnvSiz, cx ;;EnvSet: ;; mov bx, EnvSiz ; set environment to size needed ;; mov ax,es ;eg get environment segment ;; add ax,bx ;eg add number of environment paragraphs ;; cmp ax,InitEnd ;eg does this go past end of init? ;; ja EnvSetOk ;eg yes - do the setblock ;; mov ax,es ;eg no - get back the environment segment ;; mov bx,InitEnd ;eg get the segment at end of init ;; sub bx,ax ;eg setblock envir segment to end of init code ;; mov ResetEnv,1 ;eg set flag so we know to set envir later ;; ;;envsetok: ;; mov ah, setblock ;; int 21h ifndef NEC_98 cmp SCS_FIRSTCOM,1 jz nophead ; don't print header for first instance else ;NEC_98 endif ;NEC_98 cmp SCS_CMDPROMPT,1 je nophead cmp SingleCom,0 jnz nophead ; don't print header if singlecom mov dx,offset ResGroup:CopyrightMsg ; dx = ptr to msg call RPrint
cmp Batch,0 ;eg did we set up a batch segment? jnz DoDate ;eg yes - go initialize it jmp NoDttm ; don't do autoexec or date time ; ; allocate batch segment for d:/autoexec.bat + no arguments ; DoDate: mov ax,Batch ;eg get batch segment mov EchoFlag,3 ; set batch echo mov Nest,1 ; g set nest flag to 1 batch mov es,ax ; ; initialize the segment ; xor di,di mov al,BATCHTYPE stosb mov al,1 ; g initialize echo for batch exit stosb ; g ;SR; ; Hosebag! This guy does not use the struct fields to init the BatchSegment ; xor ax,ax ; initialize to zero stosb ; clear out BatchEOF
stosw ; g batch segment of last job - batlast stosw ; g segment for for stosb ; g for flag stosw ; position in file - batseek stosw ; ; clean out the parameters ; mov ax,-1 ; initialize to no parameters mov cx,10 rep stosw
; ; NTVDM Get temp file name from 32 bit command.lib ; if 0 ; ; decide whether we should grab the default drive ; cmp byte ptr AutoBat,0 jnz NoAutSet mov ah,GET_DEFAULT_DRIVE int 21h add al,Ucasea
mov AutoBat,al mov KautoBat,al ; 3/3/kk
; ; copy in the batch file name (including nul) ; mov si,offset ResGroup:AutoBat mov cx,8 rep movsw movsb ; move in carriage return to terminate string endif push es pop ds assume ds:nothing
;NTVDM not used mov dx,offset ResGroup:AutoBat mov ax,OPEN shl 8 int 21h ; see if autoexec.bat exists
push cs pop ds assume ds:ResGroup
jc NoAbat mov bx,ax mov ah,CLOSE int 21h ifndef NEC_98 jmp Drv0 ; go process autoexec else ;NEC_98 jmp short Drv0 ; NEC01 91/07/30 Warning Error Del endif ;NEC_98
noabat: push ax call Setup_Seg mov word ptr Triage_Add+2,ax pop ax call Triage_Add cmp ax, 65 jz AccDenErr ; was network access denied
; NTVDM we don't do kautoexe.bat if 0 ; If AUTOEXEC.BAT is not found, then check for KAUTOEXE.BAT. Changed ; by Ellen to check only when in Korea. The country information ; returned will overlay the old parse data area, but we don't care ; since we won't need the parse information or country information. ; We only care about the country code returned in BX.
mov dx,offset ResGroup:Internat_Info ; set up internat vars mov ax,INTERNATIONAL shl 8 ; get country dependent info int 21h ; jc NoKabat ; error - don't bother with it cmp bx,KOREA_COUNTRY_CODE ; are we speaking korean? jnz OpenErr ; no, don't check for kautoexe
mov di,BatFile ; 3/3/kk mov si,offset ResGroup:KautoBat ; another trial to do 3/3/kk mov cx,8 ; auto execution for the 3/3/kk rep movsw ; non-english country 3/3/kk movsb ; move in carraige return to terminate string mov dx,offset ResGroup:KautoBat ; 3/3/kk mov ax,OPEN shl 8 ; 3/3/kk int 21h ; see if kautoexe.bat exists 3/3/kk jc NoKabat ; 3/3/kk mov bx,ax ; 3/3/kk mov ah,CLOSE ; 3/3/kk int 21h ; 3/3/kk jmp short Drv0 ; 3/3/kk
NoKabat: ; 3/3/kk call Triage_Add ; get extended error cmp ax, 65 ; network access denied? jnz OpenErr ; no - go deallocate batch endif
AccDenErr: ; yes - put out message mov dx,offset ResGroup:AccDen ; dx = ptr to msg call RPrint
OpenErr: mov es,Batch ; not found--turn off batch job mov ah,DEALLOC int 21h mov Batch,0 ; after dealloc in case of ^c mov EchoFlag,1 mov Nest,0 ;g indicate no batch in progress
DoDttm: mov ax,offset TranGroup:Datinit mov word ptr InitAdd,ax ;;;M004 mov ax,TrnSeg ; ; M004; We cant use TrnSeg now because it is not initialized. We now that ; M004; the transient starts on a para boundary at the label TranStart. ; M004; We use TranStart to get the start of the transient segment. ; mov ax,offset RESGROUP:TranStart ; M004 mov cl,4 ; M004 shr ax,cl ; get relative seg ; M004 mov cx,cs add ax,cx ; ax = transient seg ; M004
mov word ptr InitAdd+2,ax ; call dword ptr InitAdd
Copyright: public Copyright ; Bugbug: remove Copyright label.
;if IBMVER ; cmp SingleCom,0 ; jnz Drv0 ; don't print header if singlecom ; mov dx,offset ResGroup:CopyrightMsg ; dx = ptr to msg ; call RPrint ;endif
Drv0: ; Reset APPEND state push ds ; save data segment push cs ; Get local segment into DS pop ds ; mov ax,APPENDSETSTATE ; Set the state of Append mov bx,Append_State ; back to the original state int 2fh ; pop ds ; get data segment back ; ;Check FirstCom set previously to see if this is the first instance of ;command.com. If not, we do not move command.com. Instead, we copy over the ;jump table from the previous stub to the current stub. ; cmp FirstCom,1 ;first command.com? jz move_code ;yes, move it
push es push ds
push ds pop es mov di,offset DATARES:Int2f_Entry
mov ds,word ptr es:ResJmpTable+2 ;get segment address mov si,word ptr es:ResJmpTable ;get offset address
mov cx,NUM_RELOC_ENTRIES ;number of dword ptrs shl cx,1 shl cx,1 ;size of table in bytes
cld rep movsb ;copy the jump table ; ;Check if the resident code is in HMA. We assume that it is in HMA if its ;code segment > 0f000h. If in HMA, we set the ComInHMA flag ; cmp es:[di-2],0f000h ;is resident code in HMA? jb res_low ;no, dont set flag
mov es:ComInHMA,1 ;indicate code in HMA
res_low: pop ds pop es jmp short finish_init ; ;Now, we can move the resident code to its final location, either to HIMEM ;or to overlay the messages in the data segment if the user has not used the ;/msg switch. ; move_code: call Move_res_code ;move the code
finish_init: jmp RESGROUP:EndInit ;g finish initializing
; ; Get length of string pointed to by DS:SI. Length includes NULL. ; Length is returned in CX ; GetStrLen: xor cx,cx NxtChar: lodsb inc cx or al,al jnz NxtChar ret ; ; If the transient has been loaded in TranSeg, then we need to use that ; segment for calls to routines in the transient area. Otherwise, the current ; code segment is used ; Segment returned in AX. ; Setup_Seg: mov ax,TrnSeg cmp TrnMvFlg, 1 ; Has transient portion been moved jz setup_end push bx mov bx,cs mov ax,offset ResGroup:TranStart shr ax,1 shr ax,1 shr ax,1 shr ax,1 add ax,bx pop bx setup_end: ret
;*** RPrintParse - display parse error message ; ; ENTRY DX = parse error # ; ; EXIT nothing ; ; USED flags ; ; EFFECTS ; Message is displayed on stdout.
RPrintParse proc
assume ds:ResGroup,ss:ResGroup
push dx ; preserve DX xchg bx,dx ; bx = parse error # ; dx = saved BX ifdef BILINGUAL push ax push bx mov ax,4f01h ; get code page xor bx,bx int 2fh ifdef JAPAN cmp bx,932 endif ; JAPAN ifdef KOREA cmp bx,949 endif ; KOREA ifdef TAIWAN cmp bx,950 endif ; TAIWAN ifdef PRC cmp bx,936 endif ; TAIWAN pop bx pop ax jz @f ; if DBCS code page add bx,11 @@: endif ; BILINGUAL dec bx ; bx = parse error index, from 0 shl bx,1 ; bx = offset in word table mov bx,ParsMsgPtrs[bx] ; bx = ptr to error msg xchg bx,dx ; dx = ptr to error msg ; bx = restored ifdef BILINGUAL call RPrint@ ; print the message else ; !BILINGUAL call RPrint ; print the message endif ; !BILINGUAL pop dx ; restore DX ret
RPrintParse endp
IfindE: call ifind ; find the name jc ifind2 ; carry means not found jmp short Iscasb1 ; scan for = sign ; ; on return of find1, es:di points to beginning of name ; ifind: cld call Icount0 ; cx = length of name mov es,EnvirSeg xor di,di
ifind1: push cx push si push di
Ifind11: lodsb
ifdef DBCS
call ItestKanj jz NotKanj4 dec si lodsw inc di inc di cmp ax,es:[di-2] jnz Ifind12 dec cx loop Ifind11 jmp short Ifind12 NotKanj4:
call IupConv inc di cmp al,es:[di-1] jnz Ifind12 loop Ifind11
Ifind12: pop di pop si pop cx jz Ifind2 push cx call Iscasb2 ; scan for a nul pop cx cmp byte ptr es:[di],0 jnz Ifind1 stc ; indicate not found
Ifind2: ret
Icount0: push ds pop es mov di,si
push di ; count number of chars until "=" call Iscasb1 jmp short Icountx push di ; count number of chars until nul call Iscasb2
Icountx: pop cx sub di,cx xchg di,cx ret
Iscasb1: mov al,Equalsign ; scan for an = jmp short Iscasbx
Iscasb2: xor al,al ; scan for a nul
Iscasbx: mov cx,100h repnz scasb ret
; **************************************************************** ; * ; * ROUTINE: IUPCONV (ADDED BY EMG 4.00) ; * ; * FUNCTION: This routine returns the upper case equivalent of ; * the character in AL from the file upper case table ; * in DOS if character if above ascii 128, else ; * subtracts 20H if between "a" and "z". ; * ; * INPUT: DS set to resident ; * AL char to be upper cased ; * FUCASE_ADDR set to the file upper case table ; * ; * OUTPUT: AL upper cased character ; * ; ****************************************************************
IupConv proc near assume ds:ResGroup ;
cmp al,80h ; see if char is > ascii 128 jb other_fucase ; no - upper case math sub al,80h ; only upper 128 chars in table push ds ; push bx ; lds bx,dword ptr fucase_addr+1 ; get table address add bx,2 ; skip over first word xlat ds:byte ptr [bx] ; convert to upper case pop bx ; pop ds ; jmp short iupconv_end ; we finished - exit
other_fucase: ; cmp al,Lcasea ; if between "a" and "z", jb iupconv_end ; subtract 20h to get cmp al,Lcasez ; upper case equivalent. ja iupconv_end ; sub al,20h ; Change lower-case to upper
iupconv_end: ; ret
IupConv endp ;
init_contc_specialcase: ; This routine is called if control-C add sp,6 ; is type during the date/time prompt push si ; at initialization time. The desired mov si,dx ; response is to make it look like the mov word ptr [si+1],0d00h ; user typed <CR> by "popping" the pop si ; INT 21h stuff off the stack, putting iret ; a <CR> in the user's buffer, and ; returning directly to the user. ; In this case the user is TCODE.
; **************************************************************** ; * ; * ROUTINE: Setup_for_messages ; * ; * FUNCTION: Sets up system for PARSE and EXTENDED ERROR ; * messages as follows: ; * ; * IF /P and /MSG are entered ; * keep PARSE and EXTENDED ERRORS in memory ; * ELSE IF /P is entered ; * use PARSE and EXTENDED ERRORS on disk ; * remove PARSE ERRORS from memory ; * ELSE ; * remove PARSE ERRORS from memory ; * ENDIF ; * ; * INPUT: PERMCOM Set up with user input ; * EXT_MSG Set up with user input ; * System set up to retain PARSE ERRORS ; * ; * OUTPUT: registers unchanged ; * ; ****************************************************************
setup_for_messages proc near
push bx push ds ; save data segment push es ; save environment segment push ax ; push dx ; push di ; mov ax,cs ; get local segment to ES and DS mov ds,ax ; mov es,ax ;
cmp PermCom,0 ; was permcom set? jz no_permcom ; No - don't worry about messages
;* We're permanent. Install our message services int 2f handler.
push es mov ax,(GET_INTERRUPT_VECTOR shl 8) or 2Fh int 21h mov word ptr Int2fHandler,bx mov word ptr Int2fHandler+2,es pop es
; DS = RESGROUP seg addr
; ; M005; We will not hook int 2fh on any command.com other than the first. ; M005; Carousel loads as a permanent command.com and when we exit Carousel, ; M005; it just wipes our arena out. So, int 2fh is still hooked and the ; M005; first int 2fh call after exit from Carousel (from the DOS terminate ; M005; call) goes off into space. ; cmp FirstCom,0 ; M005 je no_msg_hook ; M005 ; ; M005; !!!SLIMIEST CAROUSEL HACK OFF ALL!!! ; M005; Carousel plays around with the interrupt vector tables. He saves it ; M005; before loading a new command.com. Then, it takes hold of the current ; M005; command.com's PSP and then looks at all interrupt vectors whose ; M005; segment matches the command.com PSP and then updates these segments ; M005; to the new command.com's PSP in his saved vector table. Whenever we ; M005; we pop into his menu, he puts this saved table into the vector table. ; M005; If we now quit, Carousel just wipes out command.com's arena and then ; M005; issues a terminate. Unfortunately, the int 2fh vector is pointing at ; M005; the command.com that was wiped out and so the next int 2fh call will ; M005; bomb. To prevent Carousel from doing this clever(1**$$#) patching, we ; M005; renormalize our int 2fh pointer so that its cs is not the same as the ; M005; command.com PSP. Now, he does no such patching and our int 2fh vector ; M005; remains nice and happy. The renormalized pointer points at a far ; M005; jump to the actual int 2fh entry point. ; push ds ; M005 mov dx,offset DATARES:Carousel_i2f_Hook ; M005 sub dx,10h ; renormalize offset; M005 mov ax,ds ; M005 inc ax ; Relocated cs ; M005 mov ds,ax ; M005 mov ax,(SET_INTERRUPT_VECTOR shl 8) or 2Fh int 21h pop ds ; M005 mov word ptr Carousel_i2f_Hook+3,ds ; M005 ; patch in the cs for jump no_msg_hook: ; M005
cmp Ext_Msg,SET_EXTENDED_MSG jne short permcom_end ; no /msg - exit
permcom_slash_msg: ; Keep messages in memory mov di,offset ResGroup:ExtMsgEnd ; get address of resident end mov ResMsgEnd,di ; save it jmp short permcom_end ; exit
no_permcom: cmp Ext_msg,SET_EXTENDED_MSG ; was /msg specified? jnz permcom_end ; no - no error mov dx,LessArgs_Ptr ; get message number for "Required parameter missing" call RPrintParse
permcom_end: pop di ; pop dx ; pop ax ; pop es ; get environment back pop ds ; pop bx
ret ;
setup_for_messages endp
;*** CheckHelp - print help text and exit if /? is on command line ; ; ENTRY command-line tail at 81h ; ; EXIT return if /? not found ; terminate if /? found ; ; USED AX,BX,CX,DX,SI,DI ; ; EFFECTS Help text displayed if /? found on command line
CheckHelp proc
mov si,81h ; DS:SI = ptr to command-line tail mov di,offset RESGROUP:Parse_Command ; ES:DI = ptr to primary parse block xor cx,cx ; CX = # positional param's found xor dx,dx ; DX will be ptr to result buffer
chParse: call Init_Parse ; call system parser
cmp ax,END_OF_LINE je chRet ; end of command line, no /? found cmp ax,RESULT_NO_ERROR je chWhich ; valid syntax element found jmp chParse ; go parse more
chWhich: cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset RESGROUP:Command_?_Syn je chHelp ; /? found - display help & exit cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset RESGROUP:Command_C_Syn je chRet ; /c found - ignore rest of line cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset RESGROUP:Command_K_Syn je chRet ; /k found - ignore rest of line cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset RESGROUP:Command_z_Syn je chRet ; /c found - ignore rest of line jmp chParse ; anything else - ignore, keep looking
chHelp: mov si,offset RESGROUP:HelpMsgs ; SI = ptr to msg ptr list chHelpNext: lodsw ; AX = ptr to msg or ax,ax jz chHelpDone ; end of list - all done mov dx,ax ; DX = ptr to msg call RPrint ; display msg jmp chHelpNext ; go do next msg chHelpDone: int 20h ; terminate program
chRet: ret
CheckHelp endp
st_invalid macro mov ax,0ffffh push ax push ax endm
st_valid macro push bx push cx endm
CleanForStd macro add sp,12 endm
;*** CheckZSwitch - Handle special /Z switch of command.com. ; This switch has been added for SCS functionality ; such that DOS apps can exec non-dos apps and ; still leave DOS in a consistant state such that ; it can be re-entered. ; ; ENTRY command-line tail at 81h ; ; EXIT non-dos binary is execed and command.com terminates after ; non-dos binary completes. ; ; EFFECTS
CheckZSwitch proc assume cs:RESGROUP,ds:RESGROUP,es:RESGROUP,ss:RESGROUP
mov si,81h ; DS:SI = ptr to command-line tail mov di,offset RESGROUP:Parse_Command ; ES:DI = ptr to primary parse block xor cx,cx ; CX = # positional param's found xor dx,dx ; DX will be ptr to result buffer
czParse: call Init_Parse ; call system parser
cmp ax,END_OF_LINE je czRet ; end of command line, no /? found cmp ax,RESULT_NO_ERROR je czWhich ; valid syntax element found jmp short czRet
czWhich: cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset RESGROUP:Command_z_Syn je czSwitch jmp short czRet
czSwitch: push bp xor bx,bx mov si,bx mov bp,bx mov ax,5303h int 21h jnc st_stdin st_invalid jmp short go_stdout st_stdin: st_valid go_stdout: mov bx,1 mov ax,5303h int 21h jnc st_stdout st_invalid jmp short go_stderr st_stdout: st_valid go_stderr: mov bx,2 mov ax,5303h int 21h jnc st_stderr st_invalid jmp short std_done st_stderr: st_valid std_done: mov ah,19h int 21h mov si,84h ; 84h because that is where the real ; command starts (i.e. 7/z\bfoo.exe) mov bx,ds:2ch mov bp,sp push es mov es,bx xor ah,ah ; no "cmd /c" CMDSVC SVC_CMDEXEC ; Exec non-dos binary pop es ; ds:si is command tail (DOS_style) ; es is env segment ; al = current drive ; ss:bp = std handles ; returns al = return code lahf CleanForStd pop bp sahf jc czReEnter
mov ah,4ch int 21h
czRet: ret
czReEnter: xor ah,ah mov [SCS_REENTERED],3 mov byte ptr ds:80h,0 ret
CheckZSwitch endp
;***** Setup_res_end -- This routine determines the resident size of COMMAND. ; It determines based on 2 factors: ; 1. Is this is the first COMMAND? ; 2. Is COMMAND to be loaded into HIMEM? ; The strategy works as follows: ; ; if ( First COMMAND) ; then if (COMMAND in HIMEM) ; ResSize = resident_data; ; else ; ResSize = resident_data + resident_code; ; else ; ResSize = resident_data; ; ; Int 2fh calls have been added to determine whether or not we are the first ;COMMAND and whether DOS is in HIMEM. ; ; ENTRY: ResMsgEnd = resident size of data in paras ; ; EXIT: ResSize = resident size in low memory ; ; REGISTERS AFFECTED: ax,cx,dx ;
; NTVDM use diff al value so we don't confuse dos 5.0 ; NTVDM command.com GET_COMMAND_STATE equ 5500h GET_COMMAND_STATE equ 5501h GET_HMA_ADDR equ 4a02h
Setup_res_end proc near
push ds mov ax,cs mov ds,ax ;ds = RESGROUP assume ds:RESGROUP
mov cx,ResMsgEnd ;set resident size = data
;M042 -- Begin changes ;If messages are to be kept behind, we need to round up the messages to ;the next para boundary. This is because we have a dummy segment between the ;data and the resident code segment so that the code segment starts on a ;para boundary ; cmp cx,offset RESGROUP: ExtMsgEnd ;messages to be resident? jne calc_res ;no, continue add cx,15 ;round up and cx,0fff0h calc_res: ; ;M042 -- End changes ; xor ax,ax cmp FirstCom,1 ;is it first command.com? jnz not_first ;no, do not keep code ; ;We issue a version check call with al=01 to detect if DOS is in HMA. If so, ;bit 4 of dh is set ; push bx push cx mov ax,(SET_CTRL_C_TRAPPING shl 8) or 06h ;is DOS in HIMEM? ;M013 int 21h pop cx ;bugbug: remove version check after testing cmp bl,5 ;bl has true version ; M013 jb oldver
xor ax,ax and dh,10h ;is DOS in HMA ; M013 pop bx jnz not_first ;DOS in HIMEM, code not ; resident
mov ax,offset CODERES: EndCode ;size of code in bytes not_first: ; ;Note that ax = 0(side effect of int 2fh), if the code is not to be retained ; add cx,ax add cx,15 ;round up to next para shr cx,1 shr cx,1 shr cx,1 shr cx,1 ;ax = para size of res code mov ResSize,cx ;store resident size
pop ds assume ds:nothing ret ;bugbug: remove this code (for version independent COMMAND) after testing oldver: pop bx mov ax,offset CODERES: EndCode ;size of code in bytes jmp short not_first
setup_res_end endp
;*** Move_res_code -- This routine moves the resident code to its final ; location. We check if DOS is in HIMEM. If so, we try to load ourselves ; in HIMEM. If we fail, then we remain low and update ResSize to reflect ; the correct resident size. When remaining low, we have to check if we ; need to overlay the messages part of the data segment which is determined ; by the /msg switch. ; ; ENTRY: ResMsgEnd = end of resident data ; ; EXIT: The resident code is either up high or in its final location ; down low. ; ; REGISTERS AFFECTED: ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di ;
Move_res_code proc near
push ds push es
mov ax,cs mov ds,ax assume ds:RESGROUP
mov ax,(SET_CTRL_C_TRAPPING shl 8) or 06h ; M013 int 21h ;DOS in HIMEM?
and dh,10h ; M013 jnz move_high ;yes, move code high
; ;Check if messages have been discarded or not ; load_low: push ds pop es ;es = RESGROUP mov di,ResMsgEnd ;end offset in DATARES mov bx,offset RESGROUP: ExtMsgEnd ;end offset of messages
cmp di,bx ;are messages to be kept? jz no_move ;yes, dont move code
jmp short setup_move ;es:di points at dest.
; ;We have to call DOS to get the load address in HIMEM for COMMAND ;We pass in bx the number of bytes we need ; mov bx,offset CODERES: EndCode
;M030; ; Set di=0ffffh so that we load low in case no one answers this int 2fh ; mov di,0ffffh ;DT - in case no-one handles ;this ; M030 mov ax,GET_HMA_ADDR int 2fh
; ;If the offset = 0xffff, then no HMA available ; cmp di,0ffffh ;HMA available? mov ComInHMA,1 ;assume command.com in HMA jnz setup_move ;no error, es:di = memory
mov ComInHMA,0 ;could not load in HMA ; ;Zero means that we do not have enough HIMEM. Remain low and update ;ResSize to reflect this ; mov cx,ResMsgEnd ;size of data in bytes mov ax,offset CODERES: EndCode ;size of code in bytes
add cx,ax add cx,15 ;round up to next para shr cx,1 shr cx,1 shr cx,1 shr cx,1 ;ax = para size of res code mov ResSize,cx ;store resident size jmp short load_low ;let code remain low
no_move: mov cl,4 add di,0fh and di,0fff0h ;round it to a para offset jmp short patch_up
setup_move: mov si,offset RESGROUP: StartCode mov cx,offset CODERES: EndCode ;cx = bytes to move
cld push di ;need di for patching offset rep movsb pop di
patch_up: call patch_stub pop es pop ds assume ds:nothing ret
Move_res_code endp
;*** Alloc_env -- This routine allocates the temporary environment for the ; Init code to initialize the COMSPEC. This is not a complete environment. ; Later on, at EndInit time, a proper sized environment is allocated and ; the contents of this temporary environment are copied to it. This routine ; will not be called in case a valid environment is passed to command.com ; ; ENTRY: None ; ; EXIT: ax = segment of allocated environment segment ; ; REGISTERS AFFECTED: ax,bx,cx ;
Alloc_env proc near
push ds push es push si push di
; ;Allocate default environment size ; mov bx,SIZE Environment / 16 ;temp env size in paras mov ah,ALLOC int 21h jc init_nomem ;insufficient memory, error
mov es,ax assume es:nothing ;es = temp env segment xor di,di mov ax,di ; ;First clear out the entire buffer ; mov cx,SIZE Environment rep stosb
; ;Init. the path string (PATH=) first ;
push ss ; M026 pop ds ; ds = RESGROUP ; M026 assume ds:RESGROUP ; M026 mov si,offset RESGROUP: PathString ;ds:si = "PATH=\0" mov di,Env_Pathstring ;offset of Path in env seg pathlp: lodsb stosb or al,al ;end of string? jnz pathlp ;no, continue transfer ; ;Init. the Comspec string ; mov si,offset RESGROUP: ComspString ;"COMSPEC=\COMMAND.COM\0" mov di,Env_Comstring ;location of Comspec string comsplp: lodsb stosb or al,al ;end of string? jnz comsplp
mov ax,es ;return env seg in ax
pop di pop si pop es pop ds assume ds:nothing ret
init_nomem: ; ;We call the error routine from here. This routine never returns. It either ;terminates COMMAND with error( if it is not the first invocation ) or hangs ;the system ( if it is the first COMMAND.COM ). ; call alloc_error
Alloc_env endp
;*** Alloc_error: This routine just jumps to the actual label where we ; check if this is a permanent or secondary command.com and take the ; appropriate action. ; ; ENTRY: ds = RESGROUP = DATARES ; ; EXIT: None - does not return ; ; REGISTERS AFFECTED: Does not matter ;
public Alloc_error Alloc_error proc near
jmp RESGROUP:BadMemErr
Alloc_error endp
;*** Patch_stub -- This routine patches in the segment and offset values in ; the stub table of the various entry points in the resident code segment. ; Some of them are interrupt entry points and some of them are entries from ; the transient to the resident code segment. ; ; ENTRY: ds = RESGROUP ; es:di = segment:offset of final location of resident code ; ; EXIT: All segments and offsets patched into the stub table ; ; REGISTERS AFFECTED: ax, bx, cx, dx, si, di ; ; Patch_stub proc near
assume ds:RESGROUP
push es
mov bx,es ;bx = resident code segment mov dx,di mov di,offset DATARES:Int2f_Entry mov si,offset RESGROUP:Reloc_Table push ds pop es ;es = RESGROUP = DATARES ; ;bx:dx = segment:offset of resident code segment ;es:di = entry point table in stub ;ds:si = offset table in INIT segment -- offsets of code entry points now ; mov cx,NUM_RELOC_ENTRIES ;number of entry points patchlp: lodsw ;get current offset add ax,dx ;offset it by code seg location stosw ;store offset mov ax,bx stosw ;store segment loop patchlp
pop es ret
Patch_stub endp
;*** Patch_segs -- This routine patches the segment values in the dword ; pointers that the stub uses to jump to the actual handler. These values ; are temporarily needed to handle these interrupts if they occur before ; the resident is relocated to its final position and all the addresses of ; the handlers have been updated. ; ; ENTRY: es = PSP segment = code segment ; ; EXIT: Current segment values patched into the jump table in the ; stub. ; ; REGISTERS AFFECTED: ax, cx, di ;
Patch_segs proc near
mov di,offset RESGROUP:Int2f_Entry mov cx,4 ;we have to patch 4 handlers add di,2 mov ax,es
pseglp: stosw ;store the segment value add di,2 ;skip the next offset value loop pseglp
Patch_segs endp
;*** get_XMMAddr -- This routine gets the call address for the XMM driver ; by issuing the appropriate int 2fh. This is stored in a stub variable ; and is used by the stub when we have to jump to the resident in HMA ; ; ENTRY: ds = RESGROUP ; ; EXIT: XMMCallAddr = XMM driver far call address ; ; REGISTERS AFFECTED: ;
get_XMMAddr proc near assume ds:RESGROUP
push es
mov ax,XMM_MULTIPLEX SHL 8 + XMM_INSTALL_CHECK int 2Fh cmp al,80h ; Q: installed jne short cXMMexit ; N: set error, quit ; ; get the XMM control functions entry point, save it, we ; need to call it later. ; mov ax,XMM_MULTIPLEX SHL 8 + XMM_FUNCTION_ADDR int 2Fh
mov word ptr [XMMCallAddr], bx mov word ptr [XMMCallAddr+2],es
cXMMexit: pop es ret ; done
get_XMMAddr endp
; IRename ; Input : ds:dx - Existing File ; ds:di - NewFile ; Output None ;
IRename proc near
mov ah,56h push ds pop es int 21h ret
IRename endp
; IAccess ; Input : ds:dx - file name ; Output CY Set if file not found ; CY Clear if file found
IAccess proc near
mov ax,4300h int 21h ret
IAccess endp
; IDelete ; Input ds:dx - file to delete ; Output None
IDelete proc near
mov ah,41h int 21h ret
IDelete endp