Copyright (c) 1989-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Intermediate Language translator for core typegraph
GregJen Dec-24-1993 Created.
* include files ***************************************************************************/
#include "becls.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "ilxlat.hxx"
#include "ilreg.hxx"
* local data ***************************************************************************/
* externs ***************************************************************************/
extern CMD_ARG * pCommand; extern BOOL IsTempName( char *); extern REUSE_DICT * pReUseDict;
* definitions ***************************************************************************/
// #define trace_cg
// node_href::ILxlate
// Notes:
CG_CLASS * node_href::ILxlate( XLAT_CTXT * pContext ) { #ifdef trace_cg
printf("..node_href,\t%s\n", GetSymName()); #endif
if ( !GetChild() ) { named_node * pRef = Resolve(); if ( !pRef ) { SemError( this, *pContext, UNSATISFIED_HREF, GetSymName() ); exit( UNSATISFIED_HREF ); } } return GetChild()->ILxlate( pContext ); }
// node_forward::ILxlate
// Notes:
CG_CLASS * node_forward::ILxlate( XLAT_CTXT * pContext ) { #ifdef trace_cg
printf("..node_forward,\t%s\n", GetSymName()); #endif
// MIDL_ASSERT( GetChild() && "unsatisfied node_forward encountered" );
node_skl* pChild = GetChild(); // forward interface definitions return null
if ( ( pContext->GetParent()->IsInterfaceOrObject() ) && ( pChild->NodeKind() == NODE_INTERFACE_REFERENCE ) ) return NULL;
if ( pChild ) { // pass it on to the child...
return pChild->ILxlate( pContext ); } else { // try again
pChild = ResolveFDecl(); if ( pChild ) { // pass it on to the child...
return pChild->ILxlate( pContext ); } else { SemError( this, *pContext, UNSATISFIED_FORWARD, GetSymName() ); exit( UNSATISFIED_FORWARD ); } }
// node_id::ILxlate
// Notes:
CG_CLASS * node_id::ILxlate( XLAT_CTXT * pContext ) { #ifdef trace_cg
printf("..node_id,\t%s\n", GetSymName()); #endif
XLAT_CTXT MyContext( this, pContext ); CG_CLASS * pCG;
MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_ID); MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_HELPCONTEXT); MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_HELPSTRINGCONTEXT); MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_HELPSTRING); MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_HIDDEN);
while(MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_CUSTOM)); pCG = GetChild()->ILxlate( &MyContext );
if (NODE_MODULE == pContext->GetParent()->NodeKind()) { CG_ID * pID = new CG_ID (this, MyContext); pID->SetChild(pCG); pCG = pID; }
pContext->ReturnSize( MyContext );
return pCG;
// node_field::ILxlate
// Notes:
CG_CLASS * node_field::ILxlate( XLAT_CTXT * pContext ) {
CG_NDR * pCG; CG_CLASS * pChildCG; XLAT_CTXT MyContext( this, pContext ); BOOL fUnionField; CG_CASE * pFirstCase; CG_CASE * pCurCase; expr_node * pSwitchExpr = NULL; node_su_base * pParent = (node_su_base *)pContext->GetParent(); BOOL fConfFld = FALSE;
MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_ID); MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_IDLDESCATTR); MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_VARDESCATTR); MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_HELPSTRING); MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_HELPSTRINGCONTEXT); MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_HELPCONTEXT); MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_HIDDEN); while(MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_CUSTOM)); while (MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_MEMBER));
#ifdef trace_cg
printf("..node_field,\t%s\n", GetSymName()); #endif
if ( ( fUnionField = ( MyContext.FInSummary( ATTR_CASE ) || MyContext.FInSummary( ATTR_DEFAULT ) ) ) != 0 ) { CG_CASE * pPrevCase = NULL; node_case * pCaseAttr; expr_list * pExprList; expr_node * pExpr;
pCG = new CG_UNION_FIELD( this, MyContext );
// for each case attribute, make a CG_CASE for each expr in the attr
while ( ( pCaseAttr = (node_case *) MyContext.ExtractAttribute( ATTR_CASE ) ) != 0 ) { pExprList = pCaseAttr->GetExprList(); pExprList->Init(); while ( pExprList->GetPeer( &pExpr ) == STATUS_OK ) { pCurCase = new CG_CASE( this, pExpr ); pCurCase->SetChild( pCG ); if ( pPrevCase ) pPrevCase->SetSibling( pCurCase ); else pFirstCase = pCurCase; pPrevCase = pCurCase; } }
// now process the default, if any
if ( MyContext.ExtractAttribute( ATTR_DEFAULT ) ) { pCurCase = new CG_DEFAULT_CASE( this ); pCurCase->SetChild( pCG ); if ( pPrevCase ) pPrevCase->SetSibling( pCurCase ); else pFirstCase = pCurCase; pPrevCase = pCurCase; }
// mark the last case for this arm
pCurCase->SetLastCase( TRUE ); }
// if we have a switch_is expr, fetch it..
if ( MyContext.FInSummary( ATTR_SWITCH_IS ) ) { node_switch_is * pAttr; if ( pCommand->IsNDR64Run() ) { pAttr = (node_switch_is*)MyContext.GetAttribute( ATTR_SWITCH_IS ); } else { pAttr = (node_switch_is*)MyContext.ExtractAttribute( ATTR_SWITCH_IS ); } pSwitchExpr = pAttr->GetExpr(); }
// process the child of the field
pChildCG = GetChild()->ILxlate( &MyContext );
// can't use attribute list after here...
MyContext.AdjustForZP(); // fix up alignments for current ZP
MyContext.GetOffset( *pContext ); // offset in parent struct/union
node_skl * pBasic = GetBasicType();
// If this is NDR64, treat conformant fields the same
// as nonconformant fields since conformant arrays
// have an alignment even is they have 0 elements.
if ( !pCommand->IsNDR64Run() && pParent->HasConformance() && IsLastField() && ( pBasic->NodeKind() != NODE_STRUCT ) && !fUnionField) // if I'm a conf. field
{ fConfFld = TRUE; MyContext.AlignConfOffset(); // round mem, not wire up to alignment
} else if ( pBasic->IsEncapsulatedStruct() || ( pBasic->NodeKind() == NODE_UNION ) ) { MyContext.AlignEmbeddedUnion(); } else { MyContext.AlignOffset(); // round up to alignment
CG_FIELD *pField = NULL;
if (fUnionField ) { pCG->SetChild( pChildCG ); pCG = pFirstCase; pField = (CG_FIELD *) pCG->GetChild(); MIDL_ASSERT( ID_CG_UNION_FIELD == pField->GetCGID() ); pContext->ReturnUnionSize( MyContext ); // return size and alignment
} else { pField = new CG_FIELD( this, MyContext ); pField->SetChild( pChildCG ); pField->SetSwitchExpr( pSwitchExpr ); pCG = pField; pContext->ReturnOffset( MyContext ); // return rounded-up offset
// Treat conformant fields the same as non-conformant fields in Ndr64.
// The wire-size and wire_offset should be 0 though.
if ( !pCommand->IsNDR64Run() && fConfFld ) pContext->ReturnConfSize( MyContext ); // don't munge wire size!
else pContext->ReturnSize( MyContext ); // return size and alignment
if ( HasUnknownRepAs() ) pField->SetHasEmbeddedUnknownRepAs();
if ( fConfFld ) { pCG->SetMemorySize( 0 ); pCG->SetWireSize( 0 ); } return pCG; };
// node_bitfield::ILxlate
// Notes:
CG_CLASS * node_bitfield::ILxlate( XLAT_CTXT* pContext ) { #ifdef trace_cg
printf("..node_bitfield,\t%s\n", GetSymName()); #endif
XLAT_CTXT MyContext( this, pContext );
SemError( this, MyContext, FAILED_TO_GENERATE_BIT_FIELD, GetSymName() );
return NULL; };
// node_enum::ILxlate
// Notes:
CG_CLASS * node_enum::ILxlate( XLAT_CTXT * pContext ) { #ifdef trace_cg
printf("..node_enum,\t%s\n", GetSymName()); #endif
XLAT_CTXT MyContext( this, pContext ); node_range_attr* pRange = (node_range_attr*) MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_RANGE); node_base_attr *pV1enum = MyContext.ExtractAttribute( ATTR_V1_ENUM );
pContext->ExtractAttribute(ATTR_TYPEDESCATTR); MyContext.EnumTypeSizes ( this, // All enums are 32bit on wire in new syntax.
pCommand->IsNDR64Run() || pV1enum ); CG_ENUM * pCG = new CG_ENUM( this, MyContext );
if ( pCommand->IsSwitchDefined( SWITCH_ROBUST ) ) { pCG->SetRangeAttribute( pRange ); }
pContext->ReturnSize( MyContext ); return pCG;
// node_struct::ILxlate
// Notes:
CG_CLASS * node_struct::ILxlate( XLAT_CTXT * pContext ) {
MEM_ITER MemIter( this ); node_field * pN; CG_STRUCT * pCG; CG_CLASS * pChildCG = NULL; CG_CLASS * pPrevChildCG = NULL; CG_CLASS * pFirstChildCG = NULL; XLAT_CTXT MyContext( this, pContext ); REUSE_INFO * pSaved; BOOL fHasMovedFields = FALSE; // has fields with diff mem/wire offsets
MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_TYPEDESCATTR); MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_HIDDEN); while(MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_CUSTOM)); #ifdef trace_cg
printf("..node_struct,\t%s\n", GetSymName()); #endif
MyContext.ExtractAttribute( ATTR_STRING );
// raw rpc doesn't care about uuid's on structs, typelibs get a new context
// during GetTypeInfo.
MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_GUID); // process any context_handle attributes from param nodes
if ( MyContext.ExtractAttribute( ATTR_CONTEXT ) ) { CG_NDR * pChildCG;
MyContext.ContextHandleSizes( this ); pContext->ReturnSize( MyContext ); pChildCG = new CG_CONTEXT_HANDLE ( this, 0, MyContext ); return pChildCG; } // clear member attributes
while (MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_MEMBER));
// at this point, there should be no more attributes...
MIDL_ASSERT( !MyContext.HasAttributes() );
// store our own zp value for below
MyContext.GetZeePee() = GetZeePee();
// see if we were already generated
if ( pReUseDict->GetReUseEntry( pSaved, this ) ) { // reuse found...
pSaved->FetchInfo( &MyContext, pChildCG ); pContext->ReturnSize( MyContext ); return pChildCG; } // manufature the CG node (to allow for recursion)
switch (Complexity) { case FLD_PLAIN: { pCG = new CG_STRUCT( this, MyContext, HasAtLeastOnePointer() ); break; } case FLD_CONF: { pCG = new CG_CONFORMANT_STRUCT( this, MyContext, HasAtLeastOnePointer(), NULL ); break; } case FLD_CONF_VAR: { pCG = new CG_CONFORMANT_VARYING_STRUCT( this, MyContext, HasAtLeastOnePointer(), NULL ); break; } case FLD_VAR: default: { pCG = new CG_COMPLEX_STRUCT( this, MyContext, HasAtLeastOnePointer(), NULL ); break; } }
// save our CG node so that recursive use can find it
pSaved->SaveInfo( &MyContext, pCG);
// for each of the fields, call the core transformer.
while ( ( pN = (node_field *) MemIter.GetNext() ) != 0 ) { pChildCG = pN->ILxlate( &MyContext );
// adjust the size and current offset of the struct, special
// case the conformant field ( last one )
// Except if this is the new transfer syntax. In that case
// the wire has a pad to the array even if the array has 0
// elements. This allows a case like this to be simple instead
// of complex.
// struct MyStruct {
// char s;
// [size_is(s)] long s[];
// };
if ( !pCommand->IsNDR64Run() && ( fHasConformance && !pN->GetSibling() && ( pN->GetBasicType()->NodeKind() != NODE_STRUCT ) ) ) { MyContext.AdjustConfSize(); } else { MyContext.AdjustSize(); }
if ( !MyContext.SameOffsets() ) fHasMovedFields = TRUE;
// Add the field to the list of fields if it's available
// pChildCG might be NULL if it's imported from .tlb and being
// processed earlier.
if ( pChildCG ) { if( pPrevChildCG ) { pPrevChildCG->SetSibling( pChildCG ); } else { pFirstChildCG = pChildCG; };
pPrevChildCG = pChildCG; } else SemError( this, MyContext, FAILED_TO_GENERATE_FIELD, GetSymName() );
// get the type of the field to determine kind of struct
// conformant structs don't get trailing padding
if ( !fHasConformance ) // The new transfer syntax pads the wire size for structures to the
// the new wire alignment.
if ( pCommand->IsNDR64Run() ) { MyContext.Ndr64AdjustTotalStructSize(); } else { MyContext.AdjustTotalSize(); }
pContext->ReturnSize( MyContext );
pCG->SetChild( pFirstChildCG );
// Sizes aren't determined until after the fields have been made,
// so we have to set them manually. For the same reason, i.e. because of
// invalid recursive definitions, we check the memory size here.
pCG->SetSizesAndAlignments( MyContext );
if ( pCommand->IsNDR64Run() ) {
if ( pCG->GetMemorySize() >= SIZE_2GB ) { SemError( this, MyContext, SIZE_EXCEEDS_2GB, NULL ); exit( SIZE_EXCEEDS_2GB ); } } else if ( pCG->GetMemorySize() > 65535 ) { SemError( this, MyContext, STRUCT_SIZE_EXCEEDS_64K, NULL ); exit( STRUCT_SIZE_EXCEEDS_64K ); }
// this picks up whatever is the last field...
if ( fHasConformance ) ((CG_CONFORMANT_STRUCT *) pCG)->SetConformantField( pChildCG );
if ( fHasMovedFields ) { pCG->SetHasMovedFields(); }
pSaved->SaveInfo( &MyContext, pCG);
return pCG; };
// node_en_struct::ILxlate
// Notes:
CG_CLASS * node_en_struct::ILxlate( XLAT_CTXT * pContext ) { MEM_ITER MemIter( this ); node_skl * pN; CG_STRUCT * pCG; CG_CLASS * pChildCG = NULL; CG_CLASS * pPrevChildCG = NULL; CG_CLASS * pFirstChildCG = NULL; XLAT_CTXT MyContext( this, pContext ); REUSE_INFO * pSaved;
#ifdef trace_cg
printf("..node_en_struct,\t%s\n", GetSymName()); #endif
// store our own zp value for below
MyContext.GetZeePee() = GetZeePee(); while(MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_CUSTOM)); // raw rpc doesn't care about uuid's on structs, typelibs get a new context
// during GetTypeInfo.
// process any context_handle attributes from param nodes
if ( MyContext.ExtractAttribute( ATTR_CONTEXT ) ) { CG_HANDLE * pHdlCG;
MyContext.ContextHandleSizes( this ); pContext->ReturnSize( MyContext ); pHdlCG = new CG_CONTEXT_HANDLE ( this, 0, MyContext ); return pHdlCG; }
// at this point, there should be no more attributes...
MIDL_ASSERT( !MyContext.HasAttributes() );
if ( pReUseDict->GetReUseEntry( pSaved, this ) ) { // reuse found...
pSaved->FetchInfo( &MyContext, pChildCG ); pContext->ReturnSize( MyContext ); return pChildCG; }
// manufature the CG node (to allow for recursion)
pCG = new CG_ENCAPSULATED_STRUCT( this, MyContext, HasAtLeastOnePointer() );
// set that struct is encapsulated
// pCG->SetIsEncapsulated();
// save our CG node so that recursive use can find it
pSaved->SaveInfo( &MyContext, pCG);
// for each of the fields, call the core transformer.
while ( ( pN = MemIter.GetNext() ) != 0 ) { pChildCG = pN->ILxlate( &MyContext ); MyContext.AdjustSize();
if (pChildCG) { if( pPrevChildCG ) { pPrevChildCG->SetSibling( pChildCG ); } else { pFirstChildCG = pChildCG; };
pPrevChildCG = pChildCG; } else SemError( this, MyContext, FAILED_TO_GENERATE_FIELD, GetSymName() ); }
MyContext.AdjustTotalSize(); pContext->ReturnSize( MyContext );
pCG->SetChild( pFirstChildCG );
// set sizes manually, since they weren't known at constructor time.
pCG->SetSizesAndAlignments( MyContext );
if ( pCommand->IsNDR64Run() ) { if ( pCG->GetMemorySize() >= SIZE_2GB ) { SemError( this, MyContext, SIZE_EXCEEDS_2GB, NULL ); exit( SIZE_EXCEEDS_2GB ); } } else if ( pCG->GetMemorySize() > 65535 ) { SemError( this, MyContext, STRUCT_SIZE_EXCEEDS_64K, NULL ); exit( STRUCT_SIZE_EXCEEDS_64K ); }
pSaved->SaveInfo( &MyContext, pCG);
return pCG; };
// node_union::ILxlate
// Notes:
CG_CLASS * node_union::ILxlate( XLAT_CTXT * pContext ) { XLAT_CTXT MyContext( this, pContext ); MEM_ITER MemIter( this ); CG_CASE * pCurCaseCG; CG_CASE * pFirstCaseCG = NULL; CG_CASE * pLastCaseCG = NULL; CG_UNION * pUnionCG; node_field * pCurField; REUSE_INFO * pSaved; BOOL fMSUnion; BOOL fEncap = IsEncapsulatedUnion(); node_switch_type * pSwTypeAttr = ( node_switch_type *) MyContext.ExtractAttribute( ATTR_SWITCH_TYPE ); node_switch_is * pSwIsAttr = NULL; node_skl * pReuseKey = this;
if ( pCommand->IsNDR64Run() ) { pSwIsAttr = (node_switch_is *)MyContext.ExtractAttribute( ATTR_SWITCH_IS );
if ( !fEncap ) { pReuseKey = (node_skl*)pSwIsAttr; } }
MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_TYPEDESCATTR); while(MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_CUSTOM)); #ifdef trace_cg
printf("..node_union,\t%s\n", GetSymName()); #endif
// process any context_handle attributes from param nodes
if ( MyContext.ExtractAttribute( ATTR_CONTEXT ) ) { CG_NDR * pChildCG;
MyContext.ContextHandleSizes( this ); pContext->ReturnSize( MyContext ); pChildCG = new CG_CONTEXT_HANDLE ( this, 0, MyContext ); return pChildCG; }
// decide if we are a MS union or a DCE union
fMSUnion = (NULL != MyContext.ExtractAttribute( ATTR_MS_UNION ));
fMSUnion = fMSUnion || GetMyInterfaceNode()->FInSummary( ATTR_MS_UNION ) || pCommand->IsSwitchDefined( SWITCH_MS_UNION );
fMSUnion = fMSUnion && !fEncap;
// store our own zp value for below
MyContext.GetZeePee() = GetZeePee();
if ( pReUseDict->GetReUseEntry( pSaved, pReuseKey ) ) { CG_CLASS * pCG;
// reuse found...
pSaved->FetchInfo( &MyContext, pCG ); pContext->ReturnSize( MyContext ); return pCG; }
pUnionCG = new CG_UNION( this, MyContext, HasAtLeastOnePointer() );
// save our CG node so that recursive use can find it
pSaved->SaveInfo( &MyContext, pUnionCG);
// process the union arms
while ( ( pCurField = (node_field *) MemIter.GetNext() ) != 0 ) { pCurCaseCG = (CG_CASE *) pCurField->ILxlate( &MyContext ); // MyContext.AdjustSize();
// add all the cases for the given field to the list
if( pLastCaseCG ) { pLastCaseCG->SetSibling( pCurCaseCG ); } else { pFirstCaseCG = pCurCaseCG; };
// advance pLastCaseCG to the end of the list
pLastCaseCG = pCurCaseCG; MIDL_ASSERT( pLastCaseCG && "Null case list" );
while ( pLastCaseCG->GetSibling() ) pLastCaseCG = (CG_CASE *) pLastCaseCG->GetSibling();
// add a definition for the switch type to the CG node
if ( pSwTypeAttr ) { node_skl * pNode = pSwTypeAttr->GetType(); // it gets its own context, so I doesn't mess up our sizing
XLAT_CTXT SwTypeCtxt( &MyContext );
CG_NDR * pSwCG = (CG_NDR *) pNode->ILxlate( &SwTypeCtxt );
pUnionCG->SetSwitchType( pSwCG ); }
if ( pCommand->IsNDR64Run() && pSwIsAttr ) { pUnionCG->SetNdr64SwitchIsExpr( pSwIsAttr->GetExpr() ); }
// add the case list to the union node and set all the union entries
pUnionCG->SetChild( pFirstCaseCG );
pUnionCG->SetSizesAndAlignments( MyContext ); pUnionCG->SetUnionFlavor( unsigned short ( fMSUnion ? UNION_NONENCAP_MS : UNION_NONENCAP_DCE ) );
if ( pCommand->IsNDR64Run() ) { if ( pUnionCG->GetMemorySize() >= SIZE_2GB ) { SemError( this, MyContext, SIZE_EXCEEDS_2GB, NULL ); exit( SIZE_EXCEEDS_2GB ); } }
pSaved->SaveInfo( &MyContext, pUnionCG);
if ( pCommand->IsNDR64Run() && !fEncap ) {
// If this is an nonencapsulated union, then we need to pass up the union alignment
// instead of the arm alignment. To do this, put the max of the arm alignment and
// switchtype alignment is the context.
// we don't care about union in tlb: they might not have switch
CG_NDR * pSwCG = dynamic_cast<CG_NDR*>( pUnionCG->GetSwitchType() );
if ( pSwCG != NULL ) MyContext.GetWireAlign() = MyContext.GetWireAlign() > pSwCG->GetWireAlignment() ? MyContext.GetWireAlign() : pSwCG->GetWireAlignment();
pContext->ReturnSize( MyContext );
return pUnionCG; };
// node_en_union::ILxlate
// Notes:
// for an encapsulated union, we return the following tree:
// CG_ENCAP_STRUCT ( with switch field )
// |
// |
// | | |
// |
// etc.
CG_CLASS * node_en_union::ILxlate( XLAT_CTXT * pContext ) { CG_UNION * pUnionCG;
#ifdef trace_cg
printf("..node_en_union,\t%s\n", GetSymName()); #endif
XLAT_CTXT MyContext( this, pContext );
// call non-encap union processor
pUnionCG = (CG_UNION *) node_union::ILxlate( pContext );
pUnionCG->SetUnionFlavor( UNION_ENCAP ); if ( pCommand->IsNDR64Run() ) { if ( pUnionCG->GetMemorySize() >= SIZE_2GB ) { SemError( this, MyContext, SIZE_EXCEEDS_2GB, NULL ); exit( SIZE_EXCEEDS_2GB ); } } else if (pUnionCG->GetMemoryAlignment() > 16) { SemError( this, MyContext, ENCAP_UNION_ARM_ALIGN_EXCEEDS_16, NULL ); }
return pUnionCG; };
// node_def::ILxlate
// Notes:
CG_CLASS * node_def::ILxlate( XLAT_CTXT * pContext ) { CG_CLASS * pChildCG = NULL; XLAT_CTXT MyContext( this, pContext ); node_transmit * pTransmitAttr = (node_transmit *) MyContext.ExtractAttribute( ATTR_TRANSMIT ); node_wire_marshal * pWireMarshalAttr= (node_wire_marshal *) MyContext.ExtractAttribute( ATTR_WIRE_MARSHAL ); node_represent_as * pRepresentAttr = (node_represent_as *) MyContext.ExtractAttribute( ATTR_REPRESENT_AS ); node_user_marshal * pUserMarshalAttr= (node_user_marshal *) MyContext.ExtractAttribute( ATTR_USER_MARSHAL ); node_cs_char * pCSCharAttr = (node_cs_char *) MyContext.ExtractAttribute( ATTR_CSCHAR ); BOOL fEncode = (NULL != MyContext.ExtractAttribute( ATTR_ENCODE ) ); BOOL fDecode = (NULL != MyContext.ExtractAttribute( ATTR_DECODE ) );
node_guid * pGUID = (node_guid *)MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_GUID); node_version * pVer = (node_version *)MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_VERSION); node_constant_attr * pHC = (node_constant_attr *)MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_HELPCONTEXT); node_text_attr * pHelpStr = (node_text_attr *)MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_HELPSTRING); XLAT_CTXT * pIntfCtxt = (XLAT_CTXT *) MyContext.GetInterfaceContext(); BOOL fIsHRESULT = IsHResultOrSCode(); REUSE_INFO * pSaved;
MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_HELPSTRINGCONTEXT); while(MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_CUSTOM));
#ifdef trace_cg
printf("..node_def,\t%s\n", GetSymName()); #endif
fEncode |= pIntfCtxt->FInSummary( ATTR_ENCODE ); fDecode |= pIntfCtxt->FInSummary( ATTR_DECODE );
// only direct children of the interface get these bits
if ( !pContext->GetParent()->IsInterfaceOrObject() ) { fEncode = FALSE; fDecode = FALSE; } BOOL fInLibrary = MyContext.AnyAncestorBits(IL_IN_LIBRARY); BOOL fHidden = (NULL != MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_HIDDEN)); BOOL fPublic = FALSE; MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_TYPEDESCATTR);
// check for public attribute
node_type_attr * pTA; while ( ( pTA = (node_type_attr *)MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_TYPE) ) != 0 ) { switch (pTA->GetAttr()) { case TATTR_PUBLIC: fPublic = TRUE; break; default: // MIDL_ASSERT(!"Illegal attribute found on node_def during ILxlate");
break; } } // clear member attributes
while (MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_MEMBER));
BOOL fNeedsCGTYPEDEF = fInLibrary && (fPublic || NULL != pGUID || NULL != pVer || NULL != pHC || NULL != pHelpStr || fHidden) && !(fEncode || fDecode || pRepresentAttr || pTransmitAttr || pUserMarshalAttr || pWireMarshalAttr || pCSCharAttr);
if (fNeedsCGTYPEDEF) { // see if we're already generated
if (pReUseDict->GetReUseEntry(pSaved, this)) { MyContext.ExtractAttribute( ATTR_V1_ENUM );
// reuse found...
pSaved->FetchInfo(&MyContext, pChildCG); pContext->ReturnSize(MyContext); return pChildCG; } } // process handle stuff
if ( GetHandleKind() == HDL_CTXT ) { MyContext.ExtractAttribute( ATTR_CONTEXT ); } else if (GetHandleKind() == HDL_GEN) { MyContext.ExtractAttribute( ATTR_HANDLE ); }
// process the child, except for context handles and transmit_as types
if ( ( GetHandleKind() != HDL_CTXT ) && !pTransmitAttr && !pWireMarshalAttr) { pChildCG = (CG_CLASS *) GetChild()->ILxlate( &MyContext ); if (NULL != pChildCG && !IsTempName( GetSymName() ) ) { switch ( pChildCG->GetCGID() ) { // special case transmit_as to set the presented type
case ID_CG_TRANSMIT_AS: ((CG_TRANSMIT_AS *) pChildCG)->SetPresentedType( this ); break; case ID_CG_COCLASS: break; // acf attributes are NOT transitive
case ID_CG_REPRESENT_AS: case ID_CG_USER_MARSHAL: // odl attributes are also NOT transitive
case ID_CG_TYPEDEF: break; // idl attributes ARE transitive
case ID_CG_CONTEXT_HDL: case ID_CG_GENERIC_HDL: default: ((CG_NDR *)pChildCG)->SetType( this ); } }
// an HRESULT return type should be a CG_HRESULT
if ( fIsHRESULT ) { if ( !MyContext.FindAncestorContext( NODE_PARAM ) ) { node_proc * pProc; WALK_CTXT * pProcCtxt = MyContext.FindAncestorContext( NODE_PROC );
if ( pProcCtxt ) { pProc = (node_proc *)pProcCtxt->GetParent(); if ( pProc->FInSummary( ATTR_OBJECT ) || pProc->GetMyInterfaceNode()->FInSummary( ATTR_OBJECT ) ) { pChildCG = new CG_HRESULT( this, MyContext ); } } } } // HRESULT tests
} else if ( pTransmitAttr ) { node_skl * pXmit; CG_TRANSMIT_AS * pTransCG;
pXmit = pTransmitAttr->GetTransmitAsType();
// get rid of dangling attributes from the non-transmitted side
// we've already picked up the attributes that go with our node
MyContext.ClearAttributes(); pChildCG = (CG_CLASS *) pXmit->ILxlate( &MyContext );
MyContext.FixMemSizes( this ); // if the child had generic handle, skip that...
if ( pChildCG->GetCGID() == ID_CG_GENERIC_HDL ) pChildCG = (CG_CLASS*) pChildCG->GetChild();
pTransCG = new CG_TRANSMIT_AS( pXmit, this, MyContext );
pTransCG->SetChild( pChildCG ); pChildCG = pTransCG; } else if ( pWireMarshalAttr ) { // Note that this is a node like for a transmit_as attribute,
// but we map it into CG_USER_MARSHAL like for a user_marshal node.
// "this" is the node for the presented type.
node_skl * pXmit = pWireMarshalAttr->GetWireMarshalType();
// get rid of dangling attributes from the non-transmitted side
// we've already picked up the attributes that go with our node
MyContext.ClearAttributes(); pChildCG = (CG_CLASS *) pXmit->ILxlate( &MyContext );
MyContext.FixMemSizes( this );
// no support for user_marshal with Oi or Oi1.
// Have to use Oi2 or Os.
if ( (pCommand->GetOptimizationFlags() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER) && ! (pCommand->GetOptimizationFlags() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER_V2) ) SemError( this, MyContext, REQUIRES_I2, "[wire_marshal]" );
CG_USER_MARSHAL * pUserCG = new CG_USER_MARSHAL( pXmit, GetSymName(), // pres type name
this, MyContext, TRUE // from transmit_as
pUserCG->SetChild( pChildCG ); pChildCG = pUserCG; }
if ( GetHandleKind() != HDL_NONE ) { CG_NDR * pCG;
if ( GetHandleKind() == HDL_CTXT ) { MyContext.ContextHandleSizes( this ); // remaining attributes are not needed e.g. pointer attrs
pCG = new CG_CONTEXT_HANDLE ( this, 0, MyContext ); MyContext.ClearAttributes(); } else // HDL_GEN
{ pCG = new CG_GENERIC_HANDLE( this, NULL, MyContext ); }
pCG->SetChild( pChildCG ); pChildCG = pCG; }
if ( pRepresentAttr ) { node_skl * pRepT = pRepresentAttr->GetRepresentationType();
if (pRepT) { MyContext.FixMemSizes( pRepT ); }
CG_REPRESENT_AS * pRepCG = new CG_REPRESENT_AS( this, pRepresentAttr->GetRepresentationName(), pRepT, MyContext );
pRepCG->SetChild( pChildCG ); pChildCG = pRepCG; } else if ( pUserMarshalAttr ) { node_skl * pUserT = pUserMarshalAttr->GetRepresentationType();
if (pUserT) { MyContext.FixMemSizes( pUserT ); }
// no support for user_marshal with Oi or Oi1.
// Have to use Oi2 or Os.
if ( (pCommand->GetOptimizationFlags() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER) && ! (pCommand->GetOptimizationFlags() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER_V2) ) SemError( this, MyContext, REQUIRES_I2, "[user_marshal]" );
CG_USER_MARSHAL * pUserCG = new CG_USER_MARSHAL( this, pUserMarshalAttr->GetRepresentationName(), pUserT, MyContext, FALSE // not from transmit_as
pUserCG->SetChild( pChildCG ); pChildCG = pUserCG; } // wire marshal has to be under transmit as.
if ( fEncode || fDecode ) { CG_TYPE_ENCODE * pPickleCG; CG_PARAM * pParamCG; CG_PROC * pProcCG;
pPickleCG = new CG_TYPE_ENCODE( this, fEncode, fDecode ); pPickleCG->SetChild( pChildCG );
pParamCG = new CG_PARAM( this, 0, MyContext, NULL, 0); pParamCG->SetChild( pPickleCG );
pProcCG = new CG_TYPE_ENCODE_PROC( 0, this, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, unsigned short ( pCommand->Is64BitEnv() ? OPTIMIZE_ALL_I2_FLAGS : OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER ), 0, pCommand->IsSwitchDefined( SWITCH_ROBUST ) ); pProcCG->SetChild( pParamCG );
pChildCG = (CG_CLASS *)pProcCG; }
if ( pCSCharAttr ) { MyContext.FixMemSizes( pCSCharAttr->GetUserType() ); }
if (fNeedsCGTYPEDEF) { if (NULL == pChildCG) { // The only way we should be able to get here is if we had a typedef
// that contained a forward reference to an interface, dispinterface, etc.
// MKTYPLIB disallowed this but we're gonna go ahead and allow it.
pChildCG = ((node_interface *)GetChild())->GetCG(TRUE); } CG_TYPEDEF * pTD = new CG_TYPEDEF(this, MyContext); pTD->SetChild(pChildCG); pChildCG = (CG_CLASS *) pTD;
// remember this node so we don't generate two of these
pSaved->SaveInfo(&MyContext, pChildCG); } pContext->ReturnSize( MyContext );
return pChildCG;
// node_pointer::ILxlate
// Notes:
CG_CLASS * node_pointer::ILxlate( XLAT_CTXT * pContext ) { node_skl* pType = GetBasicType(); CG_CLASS * pChildCG = NULL; CG_NDR * pCG = NULL; XLAT_CTXT MyContext( this, pContext ); PTRTYPE PtrKind = PTR_UNKNOWN; FIELD_ATTR_INFO FAInfo; node_allocate * pAlloc; short AllocDetails = 0; node_byte_count * pCountAttr; while(MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_CUSTOM)); #ifdef trace_cg
printf("..node_pointer,\t%s\n", GetSymName()); #endif
// process misc attributes
if ( ( pAlloc = (node_allocate *) MyContext.ExtractAttribute( ATTR_ALLOCATE ) ) != 0 ) { AllocDetails = pAlloc->GetAllocateDetails(); }
// process pointer attributes
PtrKind = MyContext.GetPtrKind();
// see if a param or return type context attr reached us...
pCountAttr = (node_byte_count *) MyContext.ExtractAttribute( ATTR_BYTE_COUNT );
// process field attributes
// see if we have any field attributes (are conformant or varying)
FAInfo.SetControl( TRUE, pType->IsPtrOrArray() ); MyContext.ExtractFieldAttributes( &FAInfo ); FAInfo.Normalize();
switch ( FAInfo.Kind ) { case FA_NONE: { if ( ( pType->NodeKind() == NODE_INTERFACE_REFERENCE || pType->IsInterfaceOrObject() ) && MyContext.AnyAncestorBits(IL_IN_LIBRARY) ) { //This is an interface pointer without an [iid_is] attribute but in a type library.
// we don't care about the pointee
MIDL_ASSERT ( FAInfo.pIIDIsExpr == NULL ); node_skl* pIf = ( pType->NodeKind() == NODE_INTERFACE_REFERENCE ) ? ( ( node_interface_reference* ) pType )->GetRealInterface() : pType ;
pCG = new CG_INTERFACE_POINTER( this, (node_interface *)pIf ); node_skl* pAlias = GetChild();
if ( pType->NodeKind() != NODE_INTERFACE_REFERENCE && pAlias && pAlias->NodeKind() == NODE_DEF) { ( (CG_INTERFACE_POINTER* ) pCG )->SetTypeAlias( ( CG_TYPEDEF* ) pAlias->ILxlate( &MyContext ) ); } } else if ( pCountAttr ) { pCG = new CG_BYTE_COUNT_POINTER( this, PtrKind, pCountAttr->GetByteCountParam() ); } else { pCG = new CG_POINTER( this, PtrKind, AllocDetails ); } break; } case FA_VARYING: { pCG = new CG_LENGTH_POINTER( this, PtrKind, AllocDetails, &FAInfo ); break; } case FA_CONFORMANT: { pCG = new CG_SIZE_POINTER( this, PtrKind, AllocDetails, &FAInfo ); break; } case FA_CONFORMANT_VARYING: { pCG = new CG_SIZE_LENGTH_POINTER( this, PtrKind, AllocDetails, &FAInfo ); break; } case FA_STRING: { pCG = new CG_STRING_POINTER( this, PtrKind, AllocDetails ); if (FAInfo.StringKind == STR_BSTRING) { ((CG_STRING_POINTER *) pCG)->SetBStr(); } break; } case FA_CONFORMANT_STRING: { if (FAInfo.StringKind == STR_STRING) { pCG = new CG_SIZE_STRING_POINTER( this, PtrKind, AllocDetails, &FAInfo ); } break; } case FA_INTERFACE: { //This is an interface pointer with an [iid_is] attribute.
// we don't care about the pointee
node_skl* pIf = ( pType->NodeKind() == NODE_INTERFACE_REFERENCE ) ? ( ( node_interface_reference* ) pType )->GetRealInterface() : pType ; pCG = new CG_IIDIS_INTERFACE_POINTER( this, pIf, FAInfo.pIIDIsExpr ); break; } default: // string + varying combinations
{ MIDL_ASSERT (!"Invalid pointer kind"); break; } }
// process any context_handle attributes from param nodes
if ( MyContext.FInSummary( ATTR_CONTEXT ) ) if ( pType->NodeKind() != NODE_POINTER ) { MyContext.ExtractAttribute( ATTR_CONTEXT ); MyContext.ContextHandleSizes( this ); pContext->ReturnSize( MyContext ); pCG = new CG_CONTEXT_HANDLE ( this, 0, MyContext ); #ifdef trace_cg
printf("..node_pointer return 1\n"); #endif
return pCG; }
// ignore pointers do not need to be rpc-able
if ( MyContext.ExtractAttribute( ATTR_IGNORE ) ) { MyContext.IgnoredPtrSizes(); pContext->ReturnSize( MyContext ); pCG = new CG_IGNORED_POINTER( this );
return pCG; }
// process child
node_skl* pChild = GetChild();
if ( ( !pType->IsInterfaceOrObject() ) && FAInfo.Kind != FA_INTERFACE && !pCG->IsInterfacePointer() ) { pChildCG = GetChild()->ILxlate( &MyContext ); }
// if we are the pointer above an interface, we should get changed
// into an interface pointer
if ( ( ( pType->NodeKind() == NODE_INTERFACE_REFERENCE ) || ( pType->IsInterfaceOrObject() ) ) && !pCG->IsInterfacePointer() ) { pCG = (CG_NDR *)pChildCG; pChildCG = NULL; }
if ( pCG == 0 ) { SemError( this, *pContext, UNDEFINED_SYMBOL, pChild->GetSymName() ); exit( UNDEFINED_SYMBOL ); }
// do a three way merge of attributes to pass to parent.
// Get a new context since the starting context was polleted with pointee attributes.
XLAT_CTXT NewPointerContext( this, pContext ); NewPointerContext.BaseTypeSizes( this );
pContext->ReturnSize( NewPointerContext); // update sizes with the size of the pointer
pCG->SetSizesAndAlignments( NewPointerContext );
pCG->SetChild( pChildCG );
if ( HasCSType() ) { node_def *pChild = (node_def *) GetChild(); MIDL_ASSERT( NODE_DEF == pChild->NodeKind() ); node_cs_char *p = (node_cs_char *) pChild->GetAttribute( ATTR_CSCHAR ); MIDL_ASSERT( NULL != p );
( (CG_POINTER *) pCG )->SetCSUserType( p );
CG_NDR *pUserTypeCG = (CG_NDR *) p->GetUserType()->ILxlate( &MyContext ); p->SetElementSize( pUserTypeCG->GetMemorySize() ); }
#ifdef trace_cg
printf("..node_pointer return 2\n"); #endif
return pCG; }
// node_array::ILxlate
// Notes:
CG_CLASS * node_array::ILxlate( XLAT_CTXT * pContext ) { CG_CLASS * pChildCG; CG_ARRAY * pCG; unsigned short Dimensions; PTRTYPE PtrKind = PTR_UNKNOWN; XLAT_CTXT MyContext( this, pContext ); FIELD_ATTR_INFO FAInfo; while(MyContext.ExtractAttribute(ATTR_CUSTOM)); #ifdef trace_cg
printf("..node_array,\t%s\n", GetSymName()); #endif
// process any context_handle attributes from param nodes
if ( MyContext.ExtractAttribute( ATTR_CONTEXT ) ) { CG_NDR * pCG;
MyContext.ContextHandleSizes( this ); pContext->ReturnSize( MyContext ); pCG = new CG_CONTEXT_HANDLE ( this, 0, MyContext ); return pCG; }
// process pointer attributes
PtrKind = MyContext.GetPtrKind(); MIDL_ASSERT( PtrKind != PTR_UNKNOWN );
// see if we have any field attributes (are conformant or varying)
FAInfo.SetControl( FALSE, GetChild()->IsPtrOrArray() ); MyContext.ExtractFieldAttributes( &FAInfo ); FAInfo.Normalize( pLowerBound, pUpperBound );
// The 64bit transfer syntax has it's own mechanism
// for propagating conformant/variance among array dimensions.
if ( !pCommand->IsNDR64Run() ) { // if we are multi-dimensional, absorb parent information
if ( MyContext.AnyAncestorBits( IL_IN_MULTIDIM_CONF ) ) FAInfo.Kind |= FA_CONFORMANT; // don't propogate varying down into a string
if ( MyContext.AnyAncestorBits( IL_IN_MULTIDIM_VAR ) && ( ( FAInfo.Kind & FA_STRING ) == 0 )) FAInfo.Kind |= FA_VARYING; }
// if our child is also an array, tell it about us
if ( GetBasicType()->NodeKind() == NODE_ARRAY ) { if ( FAInfo.Kind & FA_CONFORMANT ) MyContext.SetAncestorBits( IL_IN_MULTIDIM_CONF ); if ( FAInfo.Kind & FA_VARYING ) MyContext.SetAncestorBits( IL_IN_MULTIDIM_VAR ); } else { MyContext.ClearAncestorBits( IL_IN_MULTIDIM_CONF | IL_IN_MULTIDIM_VAR ); }
// process the child
pChildCG = GetChild()->ILxlate( &MyContext );
MyContext.ArraySize( this, &FAInfo );
// fetch # of dimensions from child;
if ( pChildCG->IsArray() ) { Dimensions = unsigned short ( ( (CG_ARRAY *) pChildCG )->GetDimensions() + 1 ); // force all inner dimensions to be REF
( (CG_ARRAY *) pChildCG )->SetPtrType( PTR_REF ); } else { Dimensions = 1; }
// force embedded arrays to be REF
if ( PtrKind != PTR_REF ) { WALK_CTXT * pUpperCtxt = MyContext.GetParentContext(); while ( pUpperCtxt ) { NODE_T Kind = pUpperCtxt->GetParent()->NodeKind(); if ( Kind == NODE_PARAM ) break; else if ( Kind == NODE_DEF ) { node_def * pNode = (node_def *) pUpperCtxt->GetParent(); if ( pNode->FInSummary( ATTR_TRANSMIT ) || pNode->FInSummary( ATTR_REPRESENT_AS ) ) { PtrKind = PTR_REF; break; } // else go up another level
} else { PtrKind = PTR_REF; break; } pUpperCtxt = pUpperCtxt->GetParentContext(); } }
switch ( FAInfo.Kind ) { case FA_NONE: { pCG = new CG_FIXED_ARRAY( this, &FAInfo, Dimensions, MyContext ); break; } case FA_VARYING: { pCG = new CG_VARYING_ARRAY( this, &FAInfo, Dimensions, MyContext );
break; } case FA_CONFORMANT: { pCG = new CG_CONFORMANT_ARRAY( this, &FAInfo, Dimensions, MyContext );
break; } case FA_CONFORMANT_VARYING: { pCG = new CG_CONFORMANT_VARYING_ARRAY( this, &FAInfo, Dimensions, MyContext );
break; } case FA_STRING: { pCG = new CG_STRING_ARRAY( this, &FAInfo, Dimensions, MyContext );
break; } case FA_CONFORMANT_STRING: { pCG = new CG_CONFORMANT_STRING_ARRAY( this, &FAInfo, Dimensions, MyContext );
break; } default: // string + varying combinations
{ MIDL_ASSERT (!"invalid conf/var combination"); break; } }
pContext->ReturnSize( MyContext ); pCG->SetPtrType( PtrKind );
if ( HasCSType() ) { node_def *pChild = (node_def *) GetChild(); MIDL_ASSERT( NODE_DEF == pChild->NodeKind() ); node_cs_char *p = (node_cs_char *) pChild->GetAttribute( ATTR_CSCHAR ); MIDL_ASSERT( NULL != p );
( (CG_ARRAY *) pCG )->SetCSUserType( p );
CG_NDR *pUserTypeCG = (CG_NDR *) p->GetUserType()->ILxlate( &MyContext ); p->SetElementSize( pUserTypeCG->GetMemorySize() ); }
pCG->SetChild( pChildCG );
if ( pCommand->IsNDR64Run() ) { if ( pCG->GetMemorySize() >= SIZE_2GB ) { SemError( this, MyContext, SIZE_EXCEEDS_2GB, NULL ); exit( SIZE_EXCEEDS_2GB ); } }
return pCG; };