// Circular hash code.
// This code implements a circular hash algorithm, intended as a variable
// length hash function that is fast to update. (The hash function will be
// called many times.) This is done by SHA-1'ing each of the inputs, then
// circularly XORing this value into a buffer.
#ifndef KMODE_RNG
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <ntifs.h>
#include <windef.h>
#endif // KMODE_RNG
#include <sha.h>
#include <md4.h>
#include "circhash.h"
#ifdef KMODE_RNG
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, InitCircularHash)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, DestroyCircularHash)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, GetCircularHashValue)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, UpdateCircularHash)
#endif // ALLOC_PRAGMA
#endif // KMODE_RNG
// internal state flags
#define CH_VALID_HASH_CTXT 0x1423
BOOL InitCircularHash( IN CircularHash *NewHash, IN DWORD dwUpdateInc, IN DWORD dwAlgId, IN DWORD dwMode ) {
#ifdef KMODE_RNG
if (NULL == NewHash) return FALSE;
NewHash->dwCircHashVer = CH_VALID_HASH_CTXT; NewHash->dwCircSize = sizeof(NewHash->CircBuf); NewHash->dwMode = dwMode; NewHash->dwCircInc = dwUpdateInc; NewHash->dwCurCircPos = 0; NewHash->dwAlgId = dwAlgId;
return TRUE; }
VOID DestroyCircularHash( IN CircularHash *OldHash ) { #ifdef KMODE_RNG
if ((NULL == OldHash) || (CH_VALID_HASH_CTXT != OldHash->dwCircHashVer)) return;
RtlZeroMemory( OldHash, sizeof( *OldHash ) ); }
BOOL GetCircularHashValue( IN CircularHash *CurrentHash, OUT BYTE **ppbHashValue, OUT DWORD *pcbHashValue ) { #ifdef KMODE_RNG
if ((NULL == CurrentHash) || (CH_VALID_HASH_CTXT != CurrentHash->dwCircHashVer)) return FALSE;
*ppbHashValue = CurrentHash->CircBuf; *pcbHashValue = CurrentHash->dwCircSize;
return TRUE; }
BOOL UpdateCircularHash( IN CircularHash *CurrentHash, IN VOID *pvData, IN DWORD cbData ) { A_SHA_CTX shaCtx; MD4_CTX md4Ctx; BYTE LocalResBuf[A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN]; PBYTE pHash; DWORD dwHashSize; DWORD i, j;
PBYTE pbCircularBuffer; DWORD cbCircularBuffer; DWORD cbCircularPosition;
#ifdef KMODE_RNG
if ((NULL == CurrentHash) || (CH_VALID_HASH_CTXT != CurrentHash->dwCircHashVer)) return FALSE;
pbCircularBuffer = CurrentHash->CircBuf; cbCircularBuffer = CurrentHash->dwCircSize; cbCircularPosition = CurrentHash->dwCurCircPos;
// First, hash in the result
if( CurrentHash->dwAlgId == CH_ALG_MD4 ) {
dwHashSize = MD4DIGESTLEN;
MD4Init(&md4Ctx); MD4Update(&md4Ctx, (unsigned char*)pvData, cbData);
if (CurrentHash->dwMode & CH_MODE_FEEDBACK) { MD4Update(&md4Ctx, pbCircularBuffer, cbCircularBuffer); }
MD4Final(&md4Ctx); pHash = md4Ctx.digest;
} else {
dwHashSize = A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN;
A_SHAInit(&shaCtx); A_SHAUpdateNS(&shaCtx, (unsigned char*)pvData, cbData);
if (CurrentHash->dwMode & CH_MODE_FEEDBACK) { A_SHAUpdateNS(&shaCtx, pbCircularBuffer, cbCircularBuffer); }
A_SHAFinalNS(&shaCtx, LocalResBuf); pHash = LocalResBuf; }
// Now, XOR this into the circular buffer
// this is a slow way of doing this (byte at time, versus DWORD/DWORD64),
// but it'll work for now...
// In most cases, we can assume we'll wrap once, but let's keep it general for now.
j = cbCircularPosition;
for( i = 0 ; i < dwHashSize ; i++ ) { if (j >= cbCircularBuffer) j = 0;
pbCircularBuffer[j] ^= pHash[i];
j++; }
// Update. Since dwCircInc should be relatively prime to dwCircSize, this
// should result in the pointer continually cycling through dwCircSize values.
CurrentHash->dwCurCircPos = (cbCircularPosition + CurrentHash->dwCircInc) % cbCircularBuffer;
return TRUE; }