* SPHash.h * This is modified from sr/include/hash_n.h to minimize dependencies on * application specific headers. * * Owner: bohsu * Copyright �2000 Microsoft Corporation All Rights Reserved. *****************************************************************************/ #pragma once
#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers
//--- Includes --------------------------------------------------------------
#include <windows.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <crtdbg.h>
#ifdef _DEBUG
#include <stdio.h>
#endif _DEBUG
//--- Forward and External Declarations -------------------------------------
//--- TypeDef and Enumeration Declarations ----------------------------------
//--- Constants -------------------------------------------------------------
//--- Class, Struct and Union Definitions -----------------------------------
* CSPHash Class * This is a templated hash table class. Note that the base CSPHash class * does not allocate or free the Keys and Values. To define a hash class * that manages its Keys and Values, derive a subclass an overload Add() * and ... *****************************************************************bohsu*/ template<class KEY, class VALUE> class CSPHash { public: // Constructor
CSPHash( VALUE ValueNIL = NULL, // Value representing NIL
UINT32 uInitialSize = 0); // Initial hash table size
// Destructor
virtual ~CSPHash();
// Returns number of (Key, Value) entries used in the hash table.
inline UINT32 GetNumEntries(void) const { return m_uNumEntriesUsed; }
// Returns the next entry starting at the given index. Set puIndex = 0 for the first entry.
VALUE GetNextEntry( UINT32 *puIndex, // Index to start looking for the next entry
KEY *pKey = NULL) const; // [out] Key of the next entry found
// Resets the content hash table.
virtual void Reset(void);
// Adds a (Key, Value) entry to the hash table.
HRESULT Add( KEY Key, // Key to add
VALUE Val); // Value associated with the Key
// Lookup a Value based on the Key. If not found, ValueNIL is returned.
VALUE Lookup( KEY Key) const; // Key to lookup
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Dumps the hash table statistics to file handle.
void DumpStat( FILE *hFile = NULL, // Output file handle. NULL -> DebugWindow
const char *strHeader = NULL) const; // Trace header
#endif _DEBUG
protected: // Data structure containing (Key, Value) pair
struct ENTRY { KEY Key; VALUE Value; };
// Find the index corresponding to the given Key.
int FindIndex( KEY Key) const; // Key to search for
static UINT32 NextPrime(UINT32 Val);
protected: //---------------------------------------------------------------
//--- The following functions can be overloaded by subclasses ---
// If Destroy*() is overloaded, you MUST overload the destructor with:
// virtual ~CSPDerivedHash() { Reset(); }
// Calling Reset() in the base class destructor has no effect because
// the derived subclass will have been destroyed already by the time it
// gets to the base class destructor. Thus, the correct DestroyKey() and
// DestroyValue() will never be called.
// Hash function mapping the Key to a UINT32 index.
virtual UINT32 HashKey(KEY Key) const { return (UINT32)Key; }
// Compare if two Keys are equal.
virtual bool AreKeysEqual(KEY Key1, KEY Key2) const { return Key1 == Key2; }
// Hash function used to determine the skip count.
virtual UINT32 HashKey2(KEY Key) const { return 1; }
// Overload if a deep copy of the Key needs to be made in Add().
virtual KEY CopyKey(KEY Key) const { return Key; }
// Overload if a deep copy of the Key needs to be made in Add().
virtual VALUE CopyValue(VALUE Value) const { return Value; }
// Overload if the Key needs to be destroyed.
virtual void DestroyKey(KEY Key) const { }
// Overload if the Value needs to be destroyed.
virtual void DestroyValue(VALUE Value) const { }
//--- Member Variables ---
protected: ENTRY *m_aTable; // Hash table containing (Key, Value) pairs
VALUE m_ValueNIL; // Value representing NIL
UINT32 m_uNumEntries; // Current size of hash table
UINT32 m_uNumEntriesInit; // Initial size of hash table
UINT32 m_uNumEntriesUsed; // Current number of entries used in hash table
#ifdef _DEBUG
UINT32 m_uAccess; // Number of times a Key is looked up
UINT32 m_uSearch; // Number of times a entry in the table is searched
UINT32 m_uRegrow; // Number of times the hash table regrew
#endif _DEBUG
* CSPStringHashW Class * CSPStringHashW is a hash of UNICODE strings to VALUEs. The UNICODE string * is treated as a constant. It is neither copied during Add() nor deleted * during destructor. Likewise, VALUE is treated as a simple data type and * is neither copied nor destroyed. If the application wants the class to * manage its own copy of the string key or VALUE, derive a subclass and * overload Copy*() and/or Destroy(). *****************************************************************bohsu*/ template<class VALUE> class CSPStringHashW : public CSPHash<const WCHAR *, VALUE> { protected: UINT32 StringHashW(const WCHAR *wcsKey, UINT32 uPrime) const { UINT32 uHashIndex = 0; for(const WCHAR *pwch = wcsKey; *pwch != NULL; pwch++) uHashIndex = uHashIndex * uPrime + *pwch; return uHashIndex; }
//--- Overloaded functions ---
protected: virtual UINT32 HashKey(const WCHAR* wcsKey) const { return StringHashW(wcsKey, 65599); } virtual UINT32 HashKey2(const WCHAR* wcsKey) const { return StringHashW(wcsKey, 257); } virtual bool AreKeysEqual(const WCHAR* wcsKey1, const WCHAR* wcsKey2) const { return wcscmp(wcsKey1, wcsKey2) == 0; } }; /***********************************************************************
* CSPGUIDHash Class * CSPGUIDHash is a hash of GUIDs to VALUEs. The GUID pointer is treated * as a constant. It is neither copied during Add() nor deleted * during destructor. Likewise, VALUE is treated as a simple data type and * is neither copied nor destroyed. If the application wants the class to * manage its own copy of the GUID key or VALUE, derive a subclass and * overload Copy*() and/or Destroy(). *****************************************************************bohsu*/ template<class VALUE> class CSPGUIDHash : public CSPHash<const GUID *, VALUE> { //--- Overloaded functions ---
protected: virtual UINT32 HashKey(const GUID *pguidKey) const { return pguidKey->Data1; } virtual UINT32 HashKey2(const GUID *pguidKey) const { return pguidKey->Data2; } virtual bool AreKeysEqual(const GUID *pguidKey1, const GUID *pguidKey2) const { // It is annoying that operator== for GUIDs return int (BOOL) instead of bool.
return (*pguidKey1 == *pguidKey2) != 0; } };
//--- Function Declarations -------------------------------------------------
//--- Inline Function Definitions -------------------------------------------
* CSPHash::CSPHash * *------------------* * Description: * Constructor. ****************************************************************bohsu*/ template<class KEY, class VALUE> CSPHash<KEY, VALUE>::CSPHash( VALUE ValueNIL, // Value representing NIL
UINT32 uInitialSize) // Initial hash table size
{ m_ValueNIL = ValueNIL; m_aTable = 0; m_uNumEntries = 0; m_uNumEntriesInit = uInitialSize; // Estimated final number of entries to be stored.
m_uNumEntriesUsed = 0;
#ifdef _DEBUG
m_uAccess = 0; m_uSearch = 0; m_uRegrow = 0; #endif _DEBUG
* CSPHash::~CSPHash * *-------------------* * Description: * Destructor. This does not free KEY and VALUE. * If Destroy*() is overloaded, call Reset() in the subclass destructor. ****************************************************************bohsu*/ template<class KEY, class VALUE> CSPHash<KEY, VALUE>::~CSPHash() { delete [] m_aTable; }
* CSPHash::GetNextEntry * *-----------------------* * Description: * Returns the next entry starting at the given index. Set puIndex = 0 for the first entry. ****************************************************************bohsu*/ template<class KEY, class VALUE> VALUE CSPHash<KEY, VALUE>::GetNextEntry( UINT32 *puIndex, // Index to start looking for the next entry
KEY *pKey) const // [out] Key of the next entry found
{ while (*puIndex < m_uNumEntries) { if (m_aTable[*puIndex].Value != m_ValueNIL) { if(pKey) *pKey = m_aTable[*puIndex].Key; return m_aTable[(*puIndex)++].Value; } ++*puIndex; } return m_ValueNIL; }
* CSPHash::Reset * *----------------* * Description: * Resets the content hash table. ****************************************************************bohsu*/ template<class KEY, class VALUE> void CSPHash<KEY, VALUE>::Reset() { for (UINT32 i=0; i < m_uNumEntries; i++) { if(m_aTable[i].Value != m_ValueNIL) { DestroyKey(m_aTable[i].Key); DestroyValue(m_aTable[i].Value); m_aTable[i].Value = m_ValueNIL; } } m_uNumEntriesUsed = 0; #ifdef _DEBUG
m_uAccess = m_uSearch = m_uRegrow = 0; #endif _DEBUG
* CSPHash::Add * *--------------* * Description: * Adds a (Key, Value) entry to the hash table. ****************************************************************bohsu*/ template<class KEY, class VALUE> HRESULT CSPHash<KEY, VALUE>::Add( KEY Key, // Key to add
VALUE Val) // Value associated with the Key
{ int ientry;
// Implementation uses Val==m_ValueNIL to detect empty entries.
_ASSERTE(Val != m_ValueNIL);
// Grow if allowed and we're more than half full.
// (Also handles initial alloc)
if (m_uNumEntriesUsed * 2 >= m_uNumEntries) { /* half-full, too crowded ==> regrow */ ENTRY * oldtable = m_aTable; UINT32 oldentry = m_uNumEntries; UINT32 prime = NextPrime(max(m_uNumEntriesUsed * 3 + 17, m_uNumEntriesInit));
#ifdef _DEBUG
m_uRegrow++; #endif _DEBUG
// Alloc new table.
m_aTable = new ENTRY[prime]; if (m_aTable == NULL) { m_aTable = oldtable; return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
for (UINT32 i=0; i < prime; i++) { m_aTable[i].Value = m_ValueNIL; }
m_uNumEntries = prime;
for (i = 0; i < oldentry; i++) { if (oldtable[i].Value != m_ValueNIL) { ientry = FindIndex(oldtable[i].Key); _ASSERTE(ientry >= 0 && m_aTable[ientry].Value == m_ValueNIL); m_aTable[ientry] = oldtable[i]; } } delete [] oldtable; }
// Find out where this element should end up.
ientry = FindIndex(Key); if (ientry < 0) return E_FAIL; // Too full
if (m_aTable[ientry].Value == m_ValueNIL) { // Not already there. Add it.
m_aTable[ientry].Key = CopyKey(Key); m_aTable[ientry].Value = CopyValue(Val);
m_uNumEntriesUsed++; } else { return S_FALSE; // It was already there.
return S_OK; }
* CSPHash::Lookup * *-----------------* * Description: * Lookup a Value based on the Key. If not found, ValueNIL is returned. ****************************************************************bohsu*/ template<class KEY, class VALUE> VALUE CSPHash<KEY, VALUE>::Lookup( KEY Key) const // Key to lookup
{ int ientry = FindIndex(Key); if (ientry < 0) return m_ValueNIL;
return m_aTable[ientry].Value; }
#ifdef _DEBUG
* CSPHash::DumpStat * *-------------------* * Description: * Dumps the hash table statistics to file handle. ****************************************************************bohsu*/ template<class KEY, class VALUE> void CSPHash<KEY, VALUE>::DumpStat( FILE *hFile, // Output file handle.
const char *strHeader) const // Trace header
{ if(hFile == NULL) { char buf[100];
sprintf(buf, "(%s) hash statistics:\n", strHeader ? strHeader : ""); OutputDebugString(buf); sprintf(buf, "load=%d/%d = %.3g, regrow = %d\n", m_uNumEntriesUsed, m_uNumEntries, (m_uNumEntries == 0) ? 0 : (float)m_uNumEntriesUsed/(float)m_uNumEntries, m_uRegrow); OutputDebugString(buf); sprintf(buf, "access %d/%d = %g\n\n", m_uSearch, m_uAccess, (m_uAccess == 0) ? 0 : (float) m_uSearch / (float) m_uAccess); OutputDebugString(buf); } else { fprintf(hFile, "(%s) hash statistics:\n", strHeader ? strHeader : ""); fprintf(hFile, "load=%d/%d = %.3g, regrow = %d\n", m_uNumEntriesUsed, m_uNumEntries, (m_uNumEntries == 0) ? 0 : (float)m_uNumEntriesUsed/(float)m_uNumEntries, m_uRegrow); fprintf(hFile, "access %d/%d = %g\n\n", m_uSearch, m_uAccess, (m_uAccess == 0) ? 0 : (float) m_uSearch / (float) m_uAccess); } } #endif _DEBUG
* CSPHash::FindIndex * *--------------------* * Description: * Find the index corresponding to the given Key. ****************************************************************bohsu*/ template<class KEY, class VALUE> int CSPHash<KEY, VALUE>::FindIndex( KEY Key) const { #ifdef _DEBUG
// Hack: Violate const declaration for statistics member variables
const_cast<CSPHash *>(this)->m_uAccess++; #endif _DEBUG
if (m_uNumEntries == 0) return -1;
UINT32 start = HashKey(Key) % m_uNumEntries; UINT32 index = start;
UINT32 skip = 0;
do { #ifdef _DEBUG
// Hack: Violate const declaration for statistics member variables
const_cast<CSPHash *>(this)->m_uSearch++; #endif _DEBUG
// Not in table; return index where it should be placed.
if (m_aTable[index].Value == m_ValueNIL) return index;
if (AreKeysEqual(m_aTable[index].Key, Key)) return index;
if (skip == 0) { skip = HashKey2(Key);
// Limit skip amount to non-zero and less than hash table size.
// Since m_uNumEntries is prime, they are relatively prime and so we're guaranteed
// to visit every bucket.
if (m_uNumEntries > 1) skip = skip % (m_uNumEntries - 1) + 1; }
index += skip; if (index >= m_uNumEntries) index -= m_uNumEntries; } while (index != start);
_ASSERTE(m_uNumEntriesUsed == m_uNumEntries); return -1; /* all full and not found */ }
* CSPHash::NextPrime * *--------------------* * Description: * Return a prime number greater than or equal to Val. * If overflow occurs, return 0. * * To Do: This function can be optimized significantly. ****************************************************************bohsu*/ template<class KEY, class VALUE> UINT32 CSPHash<KEY, VALUE>::NextPrime(UINT32 Val) { UINT32 maxFactor; UINT32 i; if (Val < 2) return 2; // the smallest prime number
while(Val < 0xFFFFFFFF) { maxFactor = (UINT32) sqrt ((double) Val); // Is Val a prime number?
for (i = 2; i <= maxFactor; i++) // Is i a factor of Val?
if (Val % i == 0) break; if (i > maxFactor) return (Val); Val++; }; return 0; }