//#define CEXPORT extern "C"__declspec( dllexport )
#define CEXPORT
// Call this exported function to enable/disable logging to "intlstr.log"
// -disabled by default
CEXPORT void FAR PASCAL StringLogging( BOOL bActiveState);
typedef void ( FAR PASCAL *FNStringLogging)(BOOL bActiveState);
// Call this exported function to generate and retrieve a random string.
// iMaxChar - Maximum number of characters (not bytes) in the return string.
// bAbsolute - TRUE, if you want the exact number of char specify in iMaxChar
// FALSE, if you want a random number of char, up to a maximum of iMaxChar.
// bValidate - TRUE, if you want every char to be a legal char
// FALSE, if you do not want any validation. Will gen any char
// with in the 255 and DBCS range.
CEXPORT int FAR PASCAL GetRandIntlString( int iMaxChars, BOOL bAbs, BOOL bCheck, LPSTR szInternational);
typedef int ( FAR PASCAL *FNGetRandIntlString)(int iMaxChars, BOOL bAbs, BOOL bCheck, LPSTR szInternational); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Call this exported function to generate and retrieve a sequential string.
// iMaxChar - Maximum number of characters (not bytes) in the return string.
// bAbsolute - TRUE, if you want the exact number of char specify in iMaxChar
// FALSE, if you want a random number of char, up to a maximum of iMaxChar.
// bValidate - TRUE, if you want every char to be a legal char
// FALSE, if you do not want any validation. Will gen any char
// with in the 255 and DBCS range.
CEXPORT int FAR PASCAL GetIntlString( int iMaxChars, BOOL bAbs, BOOL bCheck, LPSTR szInternational);
typedef int ( FAR PASCAL *FNGetIntlString)(int iMaxChars, BOOL bAbs, BOOL bCheck, LPSTR szInternational); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Call this exported function to generate and retrieve a string with the locale
// Specific top 20 problem characters as identified by the test leads of those
// Areas
// iMaxChar - Maximum number of characters (not bytes) in the return string.
// bAbsolute - TRUE, if you want the exact number of char specify in iMaxChar
// FALSE, if you want a random number of char, up to a maximum of iMaxChar.
// bValidate - TRUE, if you want every char to be a legal char
// FALSE, if you do not want any validation. Will gen any char
// with in the 255 and DBCS range.
CEXPORT int FAR PASCAL GetProbCharString( int iMaxChars, BOOL bAbs, BOOL bCheck, LPSTR szInternational);
typedef int ( FAR PASCAL *FNGetProbCharString)(int iMaxChars, BOOL bAbs, BOOL bCheck, LPSTR szInternational);
CEXPORT int FAR PASCAL GetTop20String( int iMaxChars, BOOL bAbs, BOOL bCheck, LPSTR szInternational);
typedef int ( FAR PASCAL *FNGetTop20String)(int iMaxChars, BOOL bAbs, BOOL bCheck, LPSTR szInternational);
// This function returns a string of problem Unicode Round Trip Conversion
// characters if there are found problem characters for the tested code page.
// Currently (2/98) only Japanese code page 932 has identified urtc problem characters.
// If this function is invoked on a non-japanese machine, problem characters
// are returned like GetProbCharString() is invoked.
CEXPORT int WINAPI GetProbURTCString( int iMaxChars, BOOL bAbs, BOOL bCheck, LPSTR szInternational);
typedef int ( WINAPI *FNGetProbURTCString)(int iMaxChars, BOOL bAbs, BOOL bCheck, LPSTR szInternational);
// Added by Smoore 05-28-98 per willro's instruction
// This function returns a string of Unicode, UTF7, or UTF8 characters.
// These characters may or may not be valid ansi characters when converted
// depending on the setting of bCheck (true or fault)
// iMaxChars: int maximum number of chars (bytes) in szbuff. Must >= 4
// because each UTFs char can be upto 3 bytes long.
// bAbs: if set true, exact number (iMaxChars) will be generated,
// if set falise, number of generated chars will be random.
// bcheck: if true, generated chars will be based on valid ansi chars
// if false, generated chars may be based on random ansi chars
// which can contain invalid and or mapped ansi chars.
// szbuff: string buffer (bytes) to contain converted unicode characters
// Size must match the value of iMaxChars.
// iType: Type of conversion to make. For example Unicode, UTF7, or UTF8.
// iacp: Reserved. Must be 0 for now until further notice.
// Currently the generated string is based on the system's ansi code page.
// In the future, these functions will generate string based on the input acp.
// RETURN: -1 if failed or
// if iType is UNICODE, return number of wide characters in szbuff.
// if iType is UTFs, return number of bytes in szbuff
CEXPORT int WINAPI GetUniStrRandAnsi( int iMaxChars, BOOL bAbs, BOOL bCheck, LPSTR szbuff, int iType, int iacp);
typedef int ( WINAPI *FNGetUniStrRandAnsi)(int iMaxChars, BOOL bAbs, BOOL bCheck, LPSTR szbuff, int iType, int iacp);
// Added by Smoore 05-28-98 per willro's instruction
// This function returns a string of Unicode, UTF7, or UTF8 characters.
// If this string is converted to ansi, the ansi characters will be invalid.
// iMaxChars: int maximum number of chars (bytes) in szbuff. Must >= 4
// because each UTFs char can be upto 3 bytes long.
// bAbs: if set true, exact number (iMaxChars) will be generated,
// if set falise, number of generated chars will be random.
// bcheck: if true, generated unicode chars will be based on valid ansi chars
// if false, generated unicode char may be based on random ansi chars
// which can contain invalid and or mapped ansi chars.
// szbuff: string buffer (bytes) to contain converted unicode characters
// Size must match the value of iMaxChars.
// iType: Type of conversion to make. For example Unicode, UTF7, or UTF8.
// iacp: Reserved. Must be 0 for now until further notice.
// Currently the generated string is based on the system's ansi code page.
// In the future, these functions will generate string based on the input acp.
// RETURN: -1 if failed or
// if iType is UNICODE, return number of wide characters in szbuff.
// if iType is UTFs, return number of bytes in szbuff
CEXPORT int WINAPI GetUniStrInvalidAnsi( int iMaxChars, BOOL bAbs, LPSTR szbuff, int iType, int iacp);
typedef int ( WINAPI *FNGetUniStrInvalidAnsi)(int iMaxChars, BOOL bAbs, LPSTR szbuff, int iType, int iacp);
// Added by Smoore 05-28-98 per willro's instruction
// This function returns a string of Unicode, UTF7, or UTF8 characters.
// If this string is converted to ansi, the ansi characters will be mapped.
// For example, the copy right symbol ( circleed c) will be mapped to C
// in some code pages.
// iMaxChars: int maximum number of chars (bytes) in szbuff. Must >= 4
// because each UTFs char can be upto 3 bytes long.
// bAbs: if set true, exact number (iMaxChars) will be generated,
// if set falise, number of generated chars will be random.
// bcheck: if true, generated unicode chars will be based on valid ansi chars
// if false, generated unicode char may be based on random ansi chars
// which can contain invalid and or mapped ansi chars.
// szbuff: string buffer (bytes) to contain converted unicode characters
// Size must match the value of iMaxChars.
// iType: Type of conversion to make. For example Unicode, UTF7, or UTF8.
// iacp: Reserved. Must be 0 for now until further notice.
// Currently the generated string is based on the system's ansi code page.
// In the future, these functions will generate string based on the input acp.
// RETURN: -1 if failed or
// if iType is UNICODE, return number of wide characters in szbuff.
// if iType is UTFs, return number of bytes in szbuff
CEXPORT int WINAPI GetUniStrMappedAnsi( int iMaxChars, BOOL bAbs, LPSTR szbuff, int iType, int iacp);
typedef int ( WINAPI *FNGetUniStrMappedAnsi)(int iMaxChars, BOOL bAbs, LPSTR szbuff, int iType, int iacp);