// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998.
// refrasti.cpp
// Direct3D Reference Rasterizer - Main Internal Object Methods
#include "pch.cpp"
#pragma hdrstop
// //
// global controls //
// //
// alpha needs to be less than this for a pixel to be considered non-opaque
UINT8 g_uTransparencyAlphaThreshold = 0xff;
// //
// ReferenceRasterizer Methods //
// //
// Overload new & delete for core object so that it can be allocated from
// caller-controlled pool
void* ReferenceRasterizer::operator new(size_t) { void* pMem = (void*)MEMALLOC( sizeof(ReferenceRasterizer) ); _ASSERTa( NULL != pMem, "malloc failure on RR object", return NULL; ); return pMem; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ReferenceRasterizer::operator delete(void* pv,size_t) { MEMFREE( pv ); }
// Constructor/Destructor for renderer core object.
ReferenceRasterizer::ReferenceRasterizer( LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_LCL pDDLcl, DWORD dwInterfaceType, RRDEVICETYPE dwDriverType ) { memset( this, 0, sizeof(*this) );
// allocate scan converter state and statistics
m_pSCS = (RRSCANCNVSTATE*)MEMALLOC( sizeof( *m_pSCS ) ); m_pStt = (RRSTATS*)MEMALLOC( sizeof( *m_pStt ) );
_ASSERTa( ( NULL != m_pSCS ) && ( NULL != m_pStt), "malloc failure on ReferenceRasterizer object", return; );
// associate the (single) static attribute data structure with each attribute
// function instance
int i, j; for ( i = 0; i < RR_N_ATTRIBS; i++ ) { m_pSCS->AttribFuncs[i].SetStaticDataPointer( &(m_pSCS->AttribFuncStatic) ); } for ( i = 0; i < D3DHAL_TSS_MAXSTAGES; i++ ) { for( j = 0; j < RR_N_TEX_ATTRIBS; j++) { m_pSCS->TextureFuncs[i][j].SetStaticDataPointer( &(m_pSCS->AttribFuncStatic) ); } }
// this is zero'ed above, so just set the 1.0 elements
// of the identity matrices
// 0 1 2 3
// 4 5 6 7
// 8 9 10 11
// 12 13 14 15
for ( i = 0; i < D3DHAL_TSS_MAXSTAGES; i++ ) { m_TextureStageState[i].m_fVal[D3DTSSI_MATRIX+0] = 1.0f; m_TextureStageState[i].m_fVal[D3DTSSI_MATRIX+5] = 1.0f; m_TextureStageState[i].m_fVal[D3DTSSI_MATRIX+10] = 1.0f; m_TextureStageState[i].m_fVal[D3DTSSI_MATRIX+15] = 1.0f; }
// All render and texture stage state is initialized by
// DIRECT3DDEVICEI::stateInitialize
m_dwInterfaceType = dwInterfaceType; m_dwDriverType = dwDriverType; m_pDDLcl = pDDLcl;
// defer allocating and clearing of fragment pointer buffer until fragments
// are actually generated
m_ppFragBuf = NULL;
// Texture handles
m_ppTextureArray = NULL; m_dwTexArrayLength = 0;
// StateOverride initialize
STATESET_INIT( m_renderstate_override );
// Initialize TL state and Data
ClearTexturesLocked(); } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ReferenceRasterizer::~ReferenceRasterizer( void ) { MEMFREE( m_ppFragBuf ); MEMFREE( m_pSCS); MEMFREE( m_pStt);
// Clean up statesets
for (DWORD i = 0; i < m_pStateSets.ArraySize(); i++) { if (m_pStateSets[i] != NULL) delete m_pStateSets[i]; }
// Free the Light Array
if (m_pLightArray) delete m_pLightArray;
// Free the Texture Array
for (i = 0; i<m_dwTexArrayLength; i++) { RRTexture* pTex = m_ppTextureArray[i]; if (pTex) delete pTex; } if (m_ppTextureArray) delete m_ppTextureArray; }
// //
// State Management Utilities //
// //
// MapTextureHandleToDevice - This is called when texture handles change or
// when leaving legacy texture mode. This maps the texture handle embedded
// in the per-stage state to texture object pointers.
void ReferenceRasterizer::MapTextureHandleToDevice( int iStage ) { // map one
m_pTexture[iStage] = MapHandleToTexture( m_TextureStageState[iStage].m_dwVal[D3DTSS_TEXTUREMAP] );
// initialize m_pStageState pointer in texture
if (m_pTexture[iStage]) { m_pTexture[iStage]->m_pStageState = &m_TextureStageState[0]; }
// update num active stages
UpdateActiveTexStageCount(); }
// GrowTexArray - On DX7.
HRESULT ReferenceRasterizer::GrowTexArray( DWORD dwTexHandle ) { DWORD dwNewArraySize = dwTexHandle+16; RRTexture **ppTmpTexArray = (RRTexture **)MEMALLOC( dwNewArraySize*sizeof(RRTexture*) ); if (ppTmpTexArray == NULL) { return DDERR_OUTOFMEMORY; } memset( ppTmpTexArray, 0, dwNewArraySize*sizeof(RRTexture*) );
// Save all the textures
for (DWORD i=0; i<m_dwTexArrayLength; i++) { ppTmpTexArray[i] = m_ppTextureArray[i]; }
if (m_ppTextureArray) { delete m_ppTextureArray; } m_ppTextureArray = ppTmpTexArray; m_dwTexArrayLength = dwNewArraySize; return D3D_OK; }
// SetTextureHandle - On DX7, this is called when a texture handle is set.
// This maps the texture handle embedded in the per-stage state to texture
// object pointers.
HRESULT ReferenceRasterizer::SetTextureHandle( int iStage, DWORD dwTexHandle ) { HRESULT hr = D3D_OK;
// Special case, if texture handle == 0, then unmap the texture from the TSS
if (dwTexHandle == 0) { m_pTexture[iStage] = NULL;
// update num active stages
UpdateActiveTexStageCount(); return D3D_OK; }
// If the texture handle is greater than the length of the array,
// the array needs to be grown.
if (dwTexHandle >= m_dwTexArrayLength) { HR_RET(GrowTexArray( dwTexHandle )); }
// Ask DDraw to decipher what this particular handle meant wrt. to the
// the DDraw_Local associated with this instance of the Refrast
LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_LCL pDDSLcl = NULL; BOOL bIsNew = FALSE; pDDSLcl = GetDDSurfaceLocal(m_pDDLcl, dwTexHandle, &bIsNew);
// If the particular array element is NULL it means that the
// texture has not yet been created.
if (m_ppTextureArray[dwTexHandle] == NULL) { if (TextureCreate(dwTexHandle, &m_ppTextureArray[dwTexHandle]) == FALSE) { return DDERR_OUTOFMEMORY; }
HR_RET(m_ppTextureArray[dwTexHandle]->Initialize( pDDSLcl )); } // This means that the texture bound to the dwHandle is not the
// same as what Refrast thinks it is, hence revalidate everything
else if (bIsNew) { HR_RET(m_ppTextureArray[dwTexHandle]->Initialize( pDDSLcl )); }
// map one
m_pTexture[iStage] = m_ppTextureArray[dwTexHandle];
// initialize m_pStageState pointer in texture
if (m_pTexture[iStage]) { #if DBG
int iTexCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < D3DHAL_TSS_MAXSTAGES; i++) { if (m_pTexture[iStage] == m_pTexture[i]) { iTexCount ++; } } if (iTexCount > 1) { DPFM(0,RAST,("Same texture handle was used more than once.\n")) } #endif
m_pTexture[iStage]->m_pStageState = &m_TextureStageState[0]; }
// update num active stages
UpdateActiveTexStageCount(); return D3D_OK; }
// UpdateActiveTexStageCount - Steps through per-stage renderstate and computes
// a count of currently active texture stages. For legacy texture, the count
// is always one.
void ReferenceRasterizer::UpdateActiveTexStageCount( void ) { // always one active texture stage for legacy texture mode
if ( NULL != m_dwRenderState[D3DRENDERSTATE_TEXTUREHANDLE] ) { m_cActiveTextureStages = 1; return; }
// count number of contiguous-from-zero active texture blend stages
m_cActiveTextureStages = 0; for ( int iStage=0; iStage<D3DHAL_TSS_MAXSTAGES; iStage++ ) { // check fir disabled stage (subsequent are thus inactive)
if ( m_TextureStageState[iStage].m_dwVal[D3DTSS_COLOROP] == D3DTOP_DISABLE ) { break; }
// check for incorrectly enabled stage (may be legacy)
if ( ( m_pTexture[iStage] == NULL ) && ( m_TextureStageState[iStage].m_dwVal[D3DTSS_COLORARG1] == D3DTA_TEXTURE ) ) { break; }
// stage is active
m_cActiveTextureStages++; } }
// MapHandleToTexture - Map handle to RRTexture pointer. Handle is a ppTex,
// so test it and reference it.
RRTexture* ReferenceRasterizer::MapHandleToTexture( D3DTEXTUREHANDLE hTex ) { if ( 0x0 == hTex ) { return NULL; } return ( *(RRTexture**)ULongToPtr(hTex) ); }
// end