// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998.
// refrasti.hpp
// Direct3D Reference Rasterizer - Main Internal Header File
// //
// Pixel Component Classes //
// //
// Color Component Class - Class used for color channel (alpha & rgb)
// processing.
// Internal format is single precision floating point. The 1.0 value maps
// to 0xff for 8 bit color.
class RRColorComp { FLOAT m_fVal;
// default, UINT8, & FLOAT assignment constructor
RRColorComp(void) : m_fVal(0.F) {;} RRColorComp(UINT8 uVal) : m_fVal((FLOAT)uVal/255.F) {;} RRColorComp(FLOAT fVal) : m_fVal(fVal) {;}
// copy and assignment operators
RRColorComp& operator=(const RRColorComp& A) { m_fVal = A.m_fVal; return *this; } RRColorComp& operator=(UINT8 uVal) { m_fVal = (1.f/255.f)*(FLOAT)uVal; return *this; } RRColorComp& operator=(FLOAT fVal) { m_fVal = fVal; return *this; } // round for integer get operations
operator UINT8() const { return (UINT8)( ( (255.f)*m_fVal) + .5f); } operator unsigned() const { return (unsigned)( ( (255.f)*m_fVal ) + .5f); } operator FLOAT() const { return m_fVal; }
// fixed point get function - specify number of integral and fractional bits
INT32 GetFixed( int iIntBits, int iFracBits ) const { // float value is in 0. to 1. range, so scale up by the total number of
// bits (the '-1' does the mapping such that (2**n)-1 is the max representable
// value, for example 0xff is max for 8 integral bits (not 0x100))
return (INT32)( ( m_fVal * (FLOAT)((1<<(iIntBits+iFracBits))-1) ) + .5f); }
// overloaded arithmetic operators - not much going on here for floating
// point (would be much more interesting if internal representation was
// fixed point)
// use compliment operator for component inverse (1. - value)
friend RRColorComp operator~(const RRColorComp& A) { return RRColorComp( 1.F - A.m_fVal ); }
friend RRColorComp operator+(const RRColorComp& A, const RRColorComp& B) { return RRColorComp( A.m_fVal + B.m_fVal ); } RRColorComp& operator+=(const RRColorComp& A) { m_fVal += A.m_fVal; return *this; }
friend RRColorComp operator-(const RRColorComp& A, const RRColorComp& B) { return RRColorComp( A.m_fVal - B.m_fVal ); } friend RRColorComp operator-(const RRColorComp& A, FLOAT fB) { return RRColorComp( A.m_fVal - fB ); }
friend RRColorComp operator*(const RRColorComp& A, const RRColorComp& B) { return RRColorComp( A.m_fVal * B.m_fVal ); } friend RRColorComp operator*(const RRColorComp& A, FLOAT fB) { return RRColorComp( A.m_fVal * fB ); } RRColorComp& operator*=(const RRColorComp& A) { m_fVal *= A.m_fVal; return *this; } RRColorComp& operator*=(const UINT8 uA) { m_fVal *= ((1./255.)*(FLOAT)uA); return *this; }
friend RRColorComp minimum(const RRColorComp& A, const RRColorComp& B) { return RRColorComp( min( A.m_fVal, B.m_fVal ) ); } friend RRColorComp maximum(const RRColorComp& A, const RRColorComp& B) { return RRColorComp( max( A.m_fVal, B.m_fVal ) ); } };
// Color Value Class - Holds an Alpha,Red,Green,Blue color value consisting of
// four RRColorComp objects.
class RRColor { public: RRColorComp A; RRColorComp R; RRColorComp G; RRColorComp B;
// default and UINT32 assignment constructor
RRColor( void ) : A(0.F), R(0.F), G(0.F), B(0.F) {;} RRColor( UINT32 uVal ) : A (UINT8( RGBA_GETALPHA( uVal ) )), R (UINT8( RGBA_GETRED( uVal ) )), G (UINT8( RGBA_GETGREEN( uVal ) )), B (UINT8( RGBA_GETBLUE( uVal ) )) {;} RRColor( FLOAT fR, FLOAT fG, FLOAT fB, FLOAT fA ) : R(fR), G(fG), B(fB), A(fA) {;}
// UINT32 copy operator
void operator=(const UINT32 uVal) // TODO: implement proper assignment operator?
{ A = UINT8( RGBA_GETALPHA( uVal ) ); R = UINT8( RGBA_GETRED( uVal ) ); G = UINT8( RGBA_GETGREEN( uVal ) ); B = UINT8( RGBA_GETBLUE( uVal ) ); } // casting operator
operator UINT32() const { return D3DRGBA( FLOAT(R), FLOAT(G), FLOAT(B), FLOAT(A) ); }
// methods to set all channels
void SetAllChannels( const RRColorComp& Val ) { A = Val; R = Val; G = Val; B = Val; } void SetAllChannels( FLOAT fVal ) { A = fVal; R = fVal; G = fVal; B = fVal; }
// conversions between surface format and RRColor - these define the
// correct way to map between resolutions
// convert from surface type format to RRColor
void ConvertFrom( RRSurfaceType Type, const char* pSurfaceBits ) { UINT16 u16BITS;
switch (Type) { default: case RR_STYPE_NULL: return; case RR_STYPE_B8G8R8A8: *this = *((UINT32*)pSurfaceBits); break; case RR_STYPE_B8G8R8X8: *this = *((UINT32*)pSurfaceBits); A = 1.F; break;
case RR_STYPE_B5G6R5: u16BITS = *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits); R = ((u16BITS>>(6+5)) & 0x001F)/31.f; G = ((u16BITS>> 5) & 0x003F)/63.f; B = ((u16BITS ) & 0x001F)/31.f; A = 1.F; break;
case RR_STYPE_B5G5R5: u16BITS = *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits); R = ((u16BITS>>(5+5)) & 0x001F)/31.f; G = ((u16BITS>> 5) & 0x001F)/31.f; B = ((u16BITS ) & 0x001F)/31.f; A = 1.F; break;
case RR_STYPE_B5G5R5A1: u16BITS = *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits); R = ((u16BITS>>(5+5)) & 0x001F)/31.f; G = ((u16BITS>> 5) & 0x001F)/31.f; B = ((u16BITS ) & 0x001F)/31.f; A = ( u16BITS & 0x8000 ) ? 1.f : 0.f; break;
case RR_STYPE_B4G4R4A4: u16BITS = *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits); R = ((u16BITS>>(4+4)) & 0x000F)/15.f; G = ((u16BITS>> 4) & 0x000F)/15.f; B = ((u16BITS ) & 0x000F)/15.f; A = ((u16BITS>>(4+4+4)) & 0x000F)/15.f; break;
case RR_STYPE_B8G8R8: R = *((UINT8*)pSurfaceBits+2); G = *((UINT8*)pSurfaceBits+1); B = *((UINT8*)pSurfaceBits+0); A = 1.F; break;
case RR_STYPE_L8: R = G = B = *((UINT8*)pSurfaceBits); A = 1.F; break;
case RR_STYPE_L8A8: u16BITS = *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits); R = G = B = (UINT8)(0xff & u16BITS); A = (UINT8)(0xff & (u16BITS >> 8)); break;
case RR_STYPE_B2G3R3: u16BITS = *((UINT8*)pSurfaceBits); R = ((u16BITS>>(3+2)) & 0x07)/7.f; G = ((u16BITS>> 2) & 0x07)/7.f; B = ((u16BITS ) & 0x03)/3.f; A = 1.F; break;
case RR_STYPE_L4A4: u16BITS = *((UINT8*)pSurfaceBits); R = G = B = (u16BITS & 0x0f)/15.f; A = ((u16BITS>>4) & 0x0f)/15.f; break;
case RR_STYPE_B2G3R3A8: u16BITS = *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits); R = ((u16BITS>>(3+2)) & 0x07)/7.f; G = ((u16BITS>> 2) & 0x07)/7.f; B = ((u16BITS ) & 0x03)/3.f; A = (UINT8)(0xff & (u16BITS >> 8)); break;
case RR_STYPE_U8V8: { INT8 iDU = *(( INT8*)pSurfaceBits+0); INT8 iDV = *(( INT8*)pSurfaceBits+1); // signed values are normalized with 2^(N-1), since -2^(N-1) can
// be exactly expressed in N bits
R = (FLOAT)iDU * (1.0F/128.0F); // fDU
G = (FLOAT)iDV * (1.0F/128.0F); // fDV
B = 1.0F; // fL
} break;
case RR_STYPE_U5V5L6: { UINT16 u16BITS = *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits); INT8 iDU = (INT8)(u16BITS & 0x1f); INT8 iDV = (INT8)((u16BITS>>5) & 0x1f); UINT8 uL = (UINT8)(u16BITS >> 10); iDU <<= 3; iDU >>= 3; // sign extension
iDV <<= 3; iDV >>= 3; // signed values are normalized with 2^(N-1), since -2^(N-1) can
// be exactly expressed in N bits
R = (FLOAT)iDU * (1.0F/16.0F); // fDU
G = (FLOAT)iDV * (1.0F/16.0F); // fDV
// the unsigned uL is normalized with 2^N - 1, since this is the
// largest representable value
B = (FLOAT)uL * (1.0F/63.0F); // fL
} break;
case RR_STYPE_U8V8L8: { INT8 iDU = *(( INT8*)pSurfaceBits+0); INT8 iDV = *(( INT8*)pSurfaceBits+1); UINT8 uL = *((UINT8*)pSurfaceBits+2); // signed values are normalized with 2^(N-1), since -2^(N-1) can
// be exactly expressed in N bits
R = (FLOAT)iDU * (1.0F/128.0F); // fDU
G = (FLOAT)iDV * (1.0F/128.0F); // fDV
// the unsigned uL is normalized with 2^N - 1, since this is the
// largest representable value
B = (FLOAT)uL * (1.0F/255.0F); // fL
} break;
// shadow map texture formats (read only, not needed for ConvertTo)
case RR_STYPE_Z16S0: { UINT16 u16BITS = *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits); R = 0.0F; G = (FLOAT)u16BITS * (1.0F/(FLOAT)0xffff); B = 0.0F; } break;
case RR_STYPE_Z24S8: case RR_STYPE_Z24S4: { UINT32 u32BITS = *((UINT32*)pSurfaceBits); R = 0.0F; G = (FLOAT)(u32BITS>>8) * (1.0F/(FLOAT)0xffffff); B = 0.0F; } break;
case RR_STYPE_S8Z24: case RR_STYPE_S4Z24: { UINT32 u32BITS = *((UINT32*)pSurfaceBits); R = 0.0F; G = (FLOAT)(u32BITS&0x00ffffff) * (1.0F/(FLOAT)0xffffff); B = 0.0F; } break;
case RR_STYPE_Z15S1: { UINT16 u16BITS = *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits); R = 0.0F; G = (FLOAT)(u16BITS>>1) * (1.0F/(FLOAT)0x7fff); B = 0.0F; } break;
case RR_STYPE_S1Z15: { UINT16 u16BITS = *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits); R = 0.0F; G = (FLOAT)(u16BITS&0x7fff) * (1.0F/(FLOAT)0x7fff); B = 0.0F; } break;
case RR_STYPE_Z32S0: { UINT32 u32BITS = *((UINT32*)pSurfaceBits); R = 0.0F; G = (FLOAT)u32BITS * (1.0F/(FLOAT)0xffffffff); B = 0.0F; } break; } }
// Convert surface type format to RRColor
void ConvertTo( RRSurfaceType Type, float fRoundOffset, char* pSurfaceBits ) const { int iR, iG, iB, iA;
switch (Type) { case RR_STYPE_B8G8R8A8: *((UINT8*)pSurfaceBits+0) = (UINT8)((FLOAT)B * 255. + fRoundOffset); *((UINT8*)pSurfaceBits+1) = (UINT8)((FLOAT)G * 255. + fRoundOffset); *((UINT8*)pSurfaceBits+2) = (UINT8)((FLOAT)R * 255. + fRoundOffset); *((UINT8*)pSurfaceBits+3) = (UINT8)((FLOAT)A * 255. + fRoundOffset); break;
case RR_STYPE_B8G8R8X8: *((UINT8*)pSurfaceBits+0) = (UINT8)((FLOAT)B * 255. + fRoundOffset); *((UINT8*)pSurfaceBits+1) = (UINT8)((FLOAT)G * 255. + fRoundOffset); *((UINT8*)pSurfaceBits+2) = (UINT8)((FLOAT)R * 255. + fRoundOffset); *((UINT8*)pSurfaceBits+3) = 0x00; break;
case RR_STYPE_B8G8R8: *((UINT8*)pSurfaceBits+0) = (UINT8)((FLOAT)B * 255. + fRoundOffset); *((UINT8*)pSurfaceBits+1) = (UINT8)((FLOAT)G * 255. + fRoundOffset); *((UINT8*)pSurfaceBits+2) = (UINT8)((FLOAT)R * 255. + fRoundOffset); break;
case RR_STYPE_B4G4R4A4: iA = (FLOAT)A * 15. + fRoundOffset; iR = (FLOAT)R * 15. + fRoundOffset; iG = (FLOAT)G * 15. + fRoundOffset; iB = (FLOAT)B * 15. + fRoundOffset; *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits) = (iA<<12) | (iR<<8) | (iG<<4) | iB; break;
case RR_STYPE_B5G6R5: iR = (FLOAT)R * 31. + fRoundOffset; // apply rounding bias then truncate
iG = (FLOAT)G * 63. + fRoundOffset; iB = (FLOAT)B * 31. + fRoundOffset; *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits) = (iR<<11) | (iG<<5) | iB; break;
case RR_STYPE_B5G5R5A1: iA = (FLOAT)A * 1. + fRoundOffset; iR = (FLOAT)R * 31. + fRoundOffset; iG = (FLOAT)G * 31. + fRoundOffset; iB = (FLOAT)B * 31. + fRoundOffset; *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits) = (iA<<15) | (iR<<10) | (iG<<5) | iB; break;
case RR_STYPE_B5G5R5: iR = (FLOAT)R * 31. + fRoundOffset; iG = (FLOAT)G * 31. + fRoundOffset; iB = (FLOAT)B * 31. + fRoundOffset; *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits) = (iR<<10) | (iG<<5) | iB; break;
case RR_STYPE_B2G3R3: iR = (FLOAT)R * 7. + fRoundOffset; iG = (FLOAT)G * 7. + fRoundOffset; iB = (FLOAT)B * 3. + fRoundOffset; *((UINT8*)pSurfaceBits) = (iR<<5) | (iG<<2) | iB; break; } } };
// RRDepth - Class for storing and manipulating pixel depth values. Underlying
// storage is a double precision floating point, which has sufficient precision
// and range to support 16 and 32 bit fixed point and 32 bit floating point.
// The UINT32 methods receive a 24 or 32 bit value, and the UINT16
// methods receive a 15 or 16 bit value.
class RRDepth { DOUBLE m_dVal; RRSurfaceType m_DepthSType; DOUBLE dGetValClamped(void) const { return min(1.,max(0.,m_dVal)); } DOUBLE dGetCnvScale(void) const { switch(m_DepthSType) { case RR_STYPE_Z16S0: return DOUBLE((1<<16)-1); case RR_STYPE_Z24S8: case RR_STYPE_S8Z24: case RR_STYPE_Z24S4: case RR_STYPE_S4Z24: return DOUBLE((1<<24)-1); case RR_STYPE_Z15S1: case RR_STYPE_S1Z15: return DOUBLE((1<<15)-1); case RR_STYPE_Z32S0: return DOUBLE(0xffffffff); // too big to be generated as above without INT64's
default: DPFRR(0, "RRDepth not initialized correctly"); return DOUBLE(0.0); } } public: // default and UINT16/32 assignment constructor
// default only for Pixel class, and requires that SetSType be called later
RRDepth() : m_dVal(0.F), m_DepthSType(RR_STYPE_NULL) {;} RRDepth(RRSurfaceType SType) : m_dVal(0.F), m_DepthSType(SType) {;} RRDepth(UINT16 uVal, RRSurfaceType SType): m_DepthSType(SType), m_dVal((DOUBLE)uVal/dGetCnvScale()) {;} RRDepth(UINT32 uVal, RRSurfaceType SType): m_DepthSType(SType), m_dVal((DOUBLE)uVal/dGetCnvScale()) {;}
// copy and assignment operators
RRDepth& operator=(const RRDepth& A) { m_dVal = A.m_dVal; m_DepthSType = A.m_DepthSType; return *this; } RRDepth& operator=(UINT16 uVal) { m_dVal = (DOUBLE)uVal/dGetCnvScale(); return *this; } RRDepth& operator=(UINT32 uVal) { m_dVal = (DOUBLE)uVal/dGetCnvScale(); return *this; } RRDepth& operator=(FLOAT fVal) { m_dVal = (DOUBLE)fVal; return *this; }
// round for integer get operations
operator UINT16() const { return (UINT16)( (dGetValClamped()*dGetCnvScale()) + .5); } operator UINT32() const { return (UINT32)( (dGetValClamped()*dGetCnvScale()) + .5); }
operator DOUBLE() const { return dGetValClamped(); } operator FLOAT() const { return (FLOAT)dGetValClamped(); } void SetSType(RRSurfaceType SType) { m_DepthSType = SType; } RRSurfaceType GetSType(void) const { return m_DepthSType; } };
// RRPixel - Class for encapsulation of all pixel information passed from
// scan conversion to pixel and fragment processing.
class RRPixel { public: INT16 iX; // pixel location
INT16 iY; //
RRColor Color; // pixel diffuse color
RRColor Specular; // pixel specular color (rgb only - alpha unused)
RRDepth Depth; // pixel depth
FLOAT fW; // pixel W value (unnormalized)
RRColorComp FogIntensity; // fog intensity (scalar)
RRCvgMask CvgMask; // coverage mask
// //
// Setup & Scan Convert //
// //
// Scan Converter State - Holds input and current state of scan converter.
// Filled in by setup.
struct _RRSCANCNVSTATE { // primitive vertex data
FLOAT fX0, fY0, fRHW0; FLOAT fX1, fY1, fRHW1; FLOAT fX2, fY2, fRHW2; // primitive transformed texture coord data
// x,y deltas
FLOAT fDelX10, fDelX02, fDelX21; FLOAT fDelY01, fDelY20, fDelY12;
// triangle edge functions and gradient data
RREdgeFunc EdgeFuncs[4]; // A,B,C values and A,B sign bits for 4 edges
// the fourth edge is only used to scan convert points
// triangle bounding box
INT16 iXMin, iXMax; INT16 iYMin, iYMax;
// line drawing data
INT64 iLineEdgeFunc[3]; // line function: Pminor = ([0]*Pmajor + [1])/[2]
BOOL bXMajor; // TRUE if X major; else Y major
INT16 iLineMin, iLineMax; // min and max pixel extent in major direction
INT16 iLineStep; // +1 or -1 depending on line major direction
// depth range for primitive (for clamp when sampling outside primitive area)
// may be Z or W
FLOAT fDepthMin, fDepthMax;
// attribute functions - static (per-primitive) data, non-texture,
// and texture functions
RRAttribFuncStatic AttribFuncStatic;
#define ATTRFUNC_R 0
#define ATTRFUNC_G 1
#define ATTRFUNC_B 2
#define ATTRFUNC_A 3
#define ATTRFUNC_SR 4
#define ATTRFUNC_SG 5
#define ATTRFUNC_SB 6
#define ATTRFUNC_SA 7
#define ATTRFUNC_F 8
#define ATTRFUNC_Z 9
#define RR_N_ATTRIBS 10
RRAttribFunc AttribFuncs[RR_N_ATTRIBS];
#define TEXFUNC_0 0
#define TEXFUNC_1 1
#define TEXFUNC_2 2
#define TEXFUNC_3 3
#define RR_N_TEX_ATTRIBS 4
// per-pixel data
// current position
INT16 iX,iY;
// Texture
// structure containing texture coordinate and gradient information
// for lookup and filtering
class RRTextureCoord { public: FLOAT fU; // texture coordinate
FLOAT fV; FLOAT fDUDX; // texture gradient dU/dX
FLOAT fDUDY; // texture gradient dU/dY
FLOAT fDVDX; // texture gradient dV/dX
FLOAT fDVDY; // texture gradient dV/dY
// structure containing normal and gradient information
// for environment map lookup and filtering
class RREnvTextureCoord { public: FLOAT fNX; // normal or reflection normal
FLOAT fNY; FLOAT fNZ; // FLOAT fENX; // eye normal
FLOAT fDNXDX; // normal gradient dNX/dX
FLOAT fDNXDY; // normal gradient dNX/dY
FLOAT fDNYDX; // normal gradient dNY/dX
FLOAT fDNYDY; // normal gradient dNY/dY
FLOAT fDNZDX; // normal gradient dNZ/dX
FLOAT fDNZDY; // normal gradient dNZ/dY
// routines to compute level of detail (texel->pixel coverage)
// (texfilt.cpp)
void ComputeSimpleLevelOfDetail( const RRTextureCoord& TCoord, // inputs
FLOAT& fLOD ); // outputs
void ComputeEnvMapLevelOfDetail( const RRTextureCoord& TCoord, // inputs
FLOAT& fLOD ); // outputs
void ComputeAnisotropicLevelOfDetail( const RRTextureCoord& TCoord, FLOAT fMaxAniso, // inputs
FLOAT& fLOD, FLOAT& fRatio, FLOAT fDelta[] ); // outputs
// //
// Pixel Engine //
// //
// coverage mask values
#define TL_CVGFULL 0xffff
#define TL_CVGZERO 0x0000
#define TL_CVGBITS 16
#define TL_CVGBITSm 4
typedef UINT16 CVGMASK;
// fragment - fragmented pixels have linked lists of these
struct _RRFRAGMENT { RRColor Color; RRDepth Depth; CVGMASK CvgMask; void* pNext; };
int CountFrags(RRFRAGMENT* pFrag); void DPFFrags(RRFRAGMENT* pFrag);
// Fragment Resolution Accumulator - accumulates fragments presented in
// front-to-back order; does fully correct transparency computations for
// non-opaque fragments
class FragResolveAccum { public: // coverage accumulation array - holds up to CVGBITS different
// alpha values and associated coverage masks; UsageMask indicates
// which entries are currently in use - each set bit in Usage mask
// indicates that the array entry corresponding to the index of the
// that bit holds a valid mask and alpha;
// the general idea here is that, in cases in which there are few
// fragments, numerous sample locations (within the pixel) will have
// the same alpha value, and thus can be grouped for the accumulation
struct { CVGMASK Mask; FLOAT fAlpha; } m_CvgArray[TL_CVGBITS]; CVGMASK m_ArrayUsageMask;
// accumulated color and alpha value
FLOAT m_fA, m_fR, m_fG, m_fB;
// mask where set bit indicates a subpixel with opaque alpha
CVGMASK m_CvgOpaqueMask;
// reset before each use...
void Reset( void );
// accumulate new fragment (front to back) - returns TRUE if
// full coverage achieved, FALSE otherwise
BOOL Accum( const CVGMASK CvgMask, const RRColor& Color );
// get RRColor from accumulator
void GetColor( RRColor& Color ); };
// statistics
struct _RRSTATS { INT32 cFragsAllocd; INT32 cMaxFragsAllocd; INT32 cFragsMerged; INT32 cFragsMergedToFull; };
// utilities
// compute pixel address from base, pitch, and surface type
char* PixelAddress( int iX, int iY, char* pBits, int iYPitch, RRSurfaceType SType );
// color interpolation utilities
void LerpColor(RRColor& Color, const RRColor& Color0, const RRColor& Color1, UINT8 uT); void BiLerpColor( RRColor& OutColor, const RRColor& Color00, const RRColor& Color01, const RRColor& Color10, const RRColor& Color11, UINT8 uA, UINT8 uB);
// Globals
// something to experiment with sometime - this sets the threshold at which
// pixel samples are considered opaque (and thus don't generate fragment
// no need to have all those 0xfe's generate fragments...
extern UINT8 g_uTransparencyAlphaThreshold;
// One special legacy texture op we can't easily map into the new texture
// ops.
#define D3DTOP_LEGACY_ALPHAOVR (0x7fffffff)
#endif // _REFRASTI_HPP