// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998.
// rtarget.hpp
// Direct3D Reference Rasterizer - Render Target Methods
#include "pch.cpp"
#pragma hdrstop
// overload new & delete so that it can be allocated from caller-controlled
// pool
void* RRRenderTarget::operator new(size_t) { void* pMem = (void*)MEMALLOC( sizeof(RRRenderTarget) ); _ASSERTa( NULL != pMem, "malloc failure on render target object", return NULL; ); return pMem; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RRRenderTarget::operator delete(void* pv,size_t) { MEMFREE( pv ); }
// Constructor/Destructor
RRRenderTarget::RRRenderTarget( void ) { memset( this, 0, sizeof(*this) ); } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
RRRenderTarget::~RRRenderTarget( void ) { // Release nothing because we didnt take any ref-counts,
// simply return
return; }
// ReadPixelColor - Reads color buffer bits and expands out into an RRColor
// value. Buffer types without alpha return a 1.0 value for alpha. Low
// bits of <8 bit colors are returned as zero.
void RRRenderTarget::ReadPixelColor( INT32 iX, INT32 iY, RRColor& Color) { if ( NULL == m_pColorBufBits ) return;
char* pSurfaceBits = PixelAddress( iX, iY, m_pColorBufBits, m_iColorBufPitch, m_ColorSType ); Color.ConvertFrom( m_ColorSType, pSurfaceBits ); }
// WritePixelColor - Takes an RRColor value, formats it for the color buffer
// format, and writes the value into buffer.
// Dithering is applied here, when enabled, for <8 bits/channel surfaces.
void RRRenderTarget::WritePixelColor( INT32 iX, INT32 iY, const RRColor& Color, BOOL bDither) { if ( NULL == m_pColorBufBits ) return;
// default to round to nearest
FLOAT fRoundOffset = .5F; if ( bDither ) { static FLOAT fDitherTable[16] = { .0000f, .5000f, .1250f, .6750f, .7500f, .2500f, .8750f, .3750f, .1875f, .6875f, .0625f, .5625f, .9375f, .4375f, .8125f, .3125f };
// form 4 bit offset into dither table (2 LSB's of x and y) and get offset
unsigned uDitherOffset = ( ( iX << 2) & 0xc ) | (iY & 0x3 ); fRoundOffset = fDitherTable[uDitherOffset]; }
char* pSurfaceBits = PixelAddress( iX, iY, m_pColorBufBits, m_iColorBufPitch, m_ColorSType ); Color.ConvertTo( m_ColorSType, fRoundOffset, pSurfaceBits ); }
// Read/WritePixelDepth - Read/write depth buffer
void RRRenderTarget::WritePixelDepth( INT32 iX, INT32 iY, const RRDepth& Depth ) { // don't write if no Z buffer
if ( NULL == m_pDepthBufBits ) { return; }
char* pSurfaceBits = PixelAddress( iX, iY, m_pDepthBufBits, m_iDepthBufPitch, m_DepthSType );
switch (m_DepthSType) { case RR_STYPE_Z16S0: *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits) = UINT16(Depth); break; case RR_STYPE_Z24S8: case RR_STYPE_Z24S4: { // need to do read-modify-write to not step on stencil
UINT32 uBufferBits = *((UINT32*)pSurfaceBits); uBufferBits &= ~(0xffffff00); uBufferBits |= (UINT32(Depth) << 8); *((UINT32*)pSurfaceBits) = uBufferBits; } break; case RR_STYPE_S8Z24: case RR_STYPE_S4Z24: { // need to do read-modify-write to not step on stencil
UINT32 uBufferBits = *((UINT32*)pSurfaceBits); uBufferBits &= ~(0x00ffffff); uBufferBits |= (UINT32(Depth) & 0x00ffffff); *((UINT32*)pSurfaceBits) = uBufferBits; } break; case RR_STYPE_Z15S1: { // need to do read-modify-write to not step on stencil
UINT16 uBufferBits = *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits); uBufferBits &= ~(0xfffe); uBufferBits |= (UINT16(Depth) << 1); *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits) = uBufferBits; } break; case RR_STYPE_S1Z15: { // need to do read-modify-write to not step on stencil
UINT16 uBufferBits = *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits); uBufferBits &= ~(0x7fff); uBufferBits |= (UINT16(Depth) & 0x7fff); *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits) = uBufferBits; } break; case RR_STYPE_Z32S0: *((UINT32*)pSurfaceBits) = UINT32(Depth); break; } } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RRRenderTarget::ReadPixelDepth( INT32 iX, INT32 iY, RRDepth& Depth ) { // don't read if no Z buffer
if ( NULL == m_pDepthBufBits ) { return; }
char* pSurfaceBits = PixelAddress( iX, iY, m_pDepthBufBits, m_iDepthBufPitch, m_DepthSType );
switch (m_DepthSType) { case RR_STYPE_Z16S0: Depth = *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits); break; case RR_STYPE_Z24S8: case RR_STYPE_Z24S4: // take upper 24 bits aligned to LSB
Depth = ( *((UINT32*)pSurfaceBits) ) >> 8; break; case RR_STYPE_S8Z24: case RR_STYPE_S4Z24: // take lower 24 bits
Depth = ( *((UINT32*)pSurfaceBits) ) & 0x00ffffff; break; case RR_STYPE_Z15S1: // take upper 15 bits aligned to LSB
Depth = (UINT16)(( *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits) ) >> 1); break; case RR_STYPE_S1Z15: // take lower 15 bits
Depth = (UINT16)(( *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits) ) & 0x7fff); break; case RR_STYPE_Z32S0: Depth = *((UINT32*)pSurfaceBits); break; } }
// Read/WritePixelStencil - Read/Write of stencil bits within depth buffer
// surface; write is done with read-modify-write so depth bits are not disturbed;
// stencil mask is applied outside
void RRRenderTarget::WritePixelStencil( INT32 iX, INT32 iY, UINT8 uStencil) { // don't write if no Z/Stencil buffer or no stencil in Z buffer
if ( (NULL == m_pDepthBufBits) || ((RR_STYPE_Z24S8 != m_DepthSType) && (RR_STYPE_S8Z24 != m_DepthSType) && (RR_STYPE_S1Z15 != m_DepthSType) && (RR_STYPE_Z15S1 != m_DepthSType) && (RR_STYPE_Z24S4 != m_DepthSType) && (RR_STYPE_S4Z24 != m_DepthSType)) ) { return; }
char* pSurfaceBits = PixelAddress( iX, iY, m_pDepthBufBits, m_iDepthBufPitch, m_DepthSType );
// need to do read-modify-write to not step on Z
switch(m_DepthSType) { case RR_STYPE_Z24S8: { UINT32 uBufferBits = *((UINT32*)pSurfaceBits); uBufferBits &= ~(0x000000ff); uBufferBits |= uStencil; *((UINT32*)pSurfaceBits) = uBufferBits; } break; case RR_STYPE_S8Z24: { UINT32 uBufferBits = *((UINT32*)pSurfaceBits); uBufferBits &= ~(0xff000000); uBufferBits |= (uStencil << 24); *((UINT32*)pSurfaceBits) = uBufferBits; } break; case RR_STYPE_Z24S4: { UINT32 uBufferBits = *((UINT32*)pSurfaceBits); uBufferBits &= ~(0x000000ff); uBufferBits |= (uStencil & 0xf); *((UINT32*)pSurfaceBits) = uBufferBits; } break; case RR_STYPE_S4Z24: { UINT32 uBufferBits = *((UINT32*)pSurfaceBits); uBufferBits &= ~(0xff000000); uBufferBits |= ((uStencil & 0xf) << 24); *((UINT32*)pSurfaceBits) = uBufferBits; } break; case RR_STYPE_Z15S1: { UINT16 uBufferBits = *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits); uBufferBits &= ~(0x0001); uBufferBits |= uStencil & 0x1; *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits) = uBufferBits; } break; case RR_STYPE_S1Z15: { UINT16 uBufferBits = *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits); uBufferBits &= ~(0x8000); uBufferBits |= uStencil << 15; *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits) = uBufferBits; } break; }
} //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RRRenderTarget::ReadPixelStencil( INT32 iX, INT32 iY, UINT8& uStencil) { // don't read if no Z/Stencil buffer or no stencil in Z buffer
if ( (NULL == m_pDepthBufBits) || ((RR_STYPE_Z24S8 != m_DepthSType) && (RR_STYPE_S8Z24 != m_DepthSType) && (RR_STYPE_S1Z15 != m_DepthSType) && (RR_STYPE_Z15S1 != m_DepthSType) && (RR_STYPE_Z24S4 != m_DepthSType) && (RR_STYPE_S4Z24 != m_DepthSType) ) ) { return; }
char* pSurfaceBits = PixelAddress( iX, iY, m_pDepthBufBits, m_iDepthBufPitch, m_DepthSType );
switch(m_DepthSType) { case RR_STYPE_Z24S8: uStencil = (UINT8)( ( *((UINT32*)pSurfaceBits) ) & 0xff ); break; case RR_STYPE_S8Z24: uStencil = (UINT8)( ( *((UINT32*)pSurfaceBits) ) >> 24 ); break; case RR_STYPE_Z15S1: uStencil = (UINT8)( ( *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits) ) & 0x1 ); break; case RR_STYPE_S1Z15: uStencil = (UINT8)( ( *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits) ) >> 15 ); break; case RR_STYPE_Z24S4: uStencil = (UINT8)( ( *((UINT32*)pSurfaceBits) ) & 0xf ); break; case RR_STYPE_S4Z24: uStencil = (UINT8)( ( ( *((UINT32*)pSurfaceBits) ) >> 24 ) & 0xf); break; } }
// end