// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998.
// scancnv.cpp
// Direct3D Reference Rasterizer - Primitive Scan Conversion
#include "pch.cpp"
#pragma hdrstop
// //
// Scan Conversion Utilities //
// //
// ComputePixelAttrib(Clamp/Tex) - Evaluates given linear function at current
// scan conversion position (m_SCCS.iX,iY). Return is FLOAT value.
// Clamp version clamps result to 0. to 1. range.
// Tex version does texture coordinate function (unclamped).
FLOAT ReferenceRasterizer::ComputePixelAttrib( int iAttrib ) { return m_pSCS->AttribFuncs[iAttrib].Eval(); } FLOAT ReferenceRasterizer::ComputePixelAttribClamp( int iAttrib ) { FLOAT fValue = ComputePixelAttrib( iAttrib ); fValue = MAX( MIN( fValue, 1. ), 0. ); return fValue; } //
// iStage specifies set of transformed texture coordinates
// iCrd specifies which value within coord
FLOAT ReferenceRasterizer::ComputePixelAttribTex( int iStage, int iCrd ) { return m_pSCS->TextureFuncs[iStage][iCrd].Eval(iStage); }
// ComputeFogIntensity - Computes scalar fog intensity value and writes it to
// the RRPixel.FogIntensity value.
void ReferenceRasterizer::ComputeFogIntensity( RRPixel& Pixel ) { FLOAT fFogDensity, fPow; FLOAT fFogStart, fFogEnd;
// select fog index - this is either Z or W depending on the W range
// use Z if projection matrix is set to an affine projection, else use W
// (both for perspective projection and an unset projection matrix - the
// latter is preferred for legacy content which uses TLVERTEX)
FLOAT fFogIndex = ( ( 1.f == m_pRenderTarget->m_fWRange[0] ) && ( 1.f == m_pRenderTarget->m_fWRange[1] ) ) ? ( MAX( MIN( ComputePixelAttribClamp( ATTRFUNC_Z ), m_pSCS->fDepthMax ), m_pSCS->fDepthMin ) ) // use clamped Z for affine projection
: ( Pixel.fW ); // use W for non-affine projection
// compute fog intensity
if ( m_dwRenderState[D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGENABLE] ) { // select between vertex and table fog - vertex fog is selected if
// fog is enabled but the renderstate fog table mode is disabled
switch ( m_dwRenderState[D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGTABLEMODE] ) { default: case D3DFOG_NONE: // table fog disabled, so use interpolated vertex fog value for fog intensity
Pixel.FogIntensity = ComputePixelAttribClamp( ATTRFUNC_F ); break;
case D3DFOG_EXP: fFogDensity = m_fRenderState[D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGTABLEDENSITY]; fPow = fFogDensity * fFogIndex; // note that exp(-x) returns a result in the range (0.0, 1.0]
// for x >= 0
Pixel.FogIntensity = (float)exp( -fPow ); break;
case D3DFOG_EXP2: fFogDensity = m_fRenderState[D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGTABLEDENSITY]; fPow = fFogDensity * fFogIndex; Pixel.FogIntensity = (float)exp( -(fPow*fPow) ); break;
case D3DFOG_LINEAR: fFogStart = m_fRenderState[D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGTABLESTART]; fFogEnd = m_fRenderState[D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGTABLEEND]; if (fFogIndex >= fFogEnd) { Pixel.FogIntensity = 0.0f; } else if (fFogIndex <= fFogStart) { Pixel.FogIntensity = 1.0f; } else { Pixel.FogIntensity = ( fFogEnd - fFogIndex ) / ( fFogEnd - fFogStart ); } break; } } }
// DoScanCnvGenPixel - This is called for each generated pixel, and extracts and
// processes attributes from the interpolator state, and passes the pixels on to
// the pixel processing module.
void ReferenceRasterizer::DoScanCnvGenPixel( RRCvgMask CvgMask, BOOL bTri ) { // set per-pixel state for attribute evaluators
m_pSCS->AttribFuncStatic.SetPerPixelData( m_pSCS->iX, m_pSCS->iY );
// instantiate and fill out pixel struct
RRPixel Pixel; memset(&Pixel, 0, sizeof(Pixel)); Pixel.iX = m_pSCS->iX; Pixel.iY = m_pSCS->iY; Pixel.fW = m_pSCS->AttribFuncStatic.GetPixelW(); Pixel.CvgMask = CvgMask; Pixel.Depth.SetSType(m_pRenderTarget->m_DepthSType);
// get depth from clamp interpolator and clamp
if ( m_dwRenderState[D3DRENDERSTATE_ZENABLE] || m_dwRenderState[D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGENABLE]) { if ( D3DZB_USEW == m_dwRenderState[D3DRENDERSTATE_ZENABLE] ) { // depth buffering with W value
FLOAT fW = Pixel.fW;
// clamp to primitive range (due to sampling outside primitive for antialiasing)
// (triangles only)
if ( bTri ) { fW = MAX( MIN( fW, m_pSCS->fDepthMax ), m_pSCS->fDepthMin ); }
// apply normalization to get to 0. to 1. range
fW = (fW - m_fWBufferNorm[0]) * m_fWBufferNorm[1];
Pixel.Depth = fW; } else { // depth buffering with Z value
FLOAT fZ = ComputePixelAttribClamp( ATTRFUNC_Z );
// clamp to primitive range (due to sampling outside primitive for antialiasing)
// (triangles only)
if ( bTri ) { fZ = MAX( MIN( fZ, m_pSCS->fDepthMax ), m_pSCS->fDepthMin ); }
Pixel.Depth = fZ; }
// snap off extra bits by converting to/from buffer format
// this is mainly because of storing RRDepth values in the fragment buffer
// and then comparing these (higher resolution) values to the buffer value
// when forming the fragment lists at each pixel - cleanly snapping off the
// extra bits here solves this problem
switch ( m_pRenderTarget->m_DepthSType) { case RR_STYPE_Z16S0: Pixel.Depth = UINT16( Pixel.Depth ); break; case RR_STYPE_Z24S4: case RR_STYPE_Z24S8: Pixel.Depth = UINT32( Pixel.Depth ); break; case RR_STYPE_Z15S1: Pixel.Depth = UINT16( Pixel.Depth ); break; case RR_STYPE_Z32S0: Pixel.Depth = UINT32( Pixel.Depth ); break; case RR_STYPE_S1Z15: Pixel.Depth = UINT16( Pixel.Depth ); break; case RR_STYPE_S4Z24: case RR_STYPE_S8Z24: Pixel.Depth = UINT32( Pixel.Depth ); break; } }
// set pixel diffuse color from clamped interpolator values
Pixel.Color.A = ComputePixelAttribClamp( ATTRFUNC_A ); Pixel.Color.R = ComputePixelAttribClamp( ATTRFUNC_R ); Pixel.Color.G = ComputePixelAttribClamp( ATTRFUNC_G ); Pixel.Color.B = ComputePixelAttribClamp( ATTRFUNC_B );
// set pixel specular color from clamped interpolator values
if ( m_qwFVFControl & D3DFVF_SPECULAR ) { Pixel.Specular.A = ComputePixelAttribClamp( ATTRFUNC_SA ); Pixel.Specular.R = ComputePixelAttribClamp( ATTRFUNC_SR ); Pixel.Specular.G = ComputePixelAttribClamp( ATTRFUNC_SG ); Pixel.Specular.B = ComputePixelAttribClamp( ATTRFUNC_SB ); }
// compute fog intensity
ComputeFogIntensity( Pixel );
// send to pixel processor
DoPixel( Pixel ); }
// //
// Triangle Scan Conversion //
// //
// DoScanCnvTri - Scans the bounding box of the triangle and generates pixels.
void ReferenceRasterizer::DoScanCnvTri( int iEdgeCount ) { DPFM(3,RAST,("DoScanCnvTri:\n"))
// do simple scan of surface-intersected triangle bounding box
for ( m_pSCS->iY = m_pSCS->iYMin; m_pSCS->iY <= m_pSCS->iYMax; m_pSCS->iY++ ) { for ( m_pSCS->iX = m_pSCS->iXMin; m_pSCS->iX <= m_pSCS->iXMax; m_pSCS->iX++ ) { RRCvgMask CvgMask = 0xFFFF; // assume pixel is inside all edges
for ( int iEdge=0; iEdge<iEdgeCount; iEdge++ ) { if ( m_bFragmentProcessingEnabled ) { CvgMask &= m_pSCS->EdgeFuncs[iEdge].AATest( m_pSCS->iX, m_pSCS->iY) ; } else { CvgMask &= m_pSCS->EdgeFuncs[iEdge].PSTest( m_pSCS->iX, m_pSCS->iY) ; } }
if ( CvgMask != 0x0000 ) { // pixel is not out, so process it
DoScanCnvGenPixel( CvgMask, TRUE ); } } } }
// //
// Line Scan Conversion //
// //
// LinePatternStateMachine
// Runs the line pattern state machine and returns TRUE if the pixel is to be
// drawn, false otherwise. Always returns true if wRepeatFactor is 0, which
// means pattern is disabled.
static BOOL LinePatternStateMachine(DWORD dwLinePattern, WORD& wRepeati, WORD& wPatterni) { union { D3DLINEPATTERN LPat; DWORD dwLPat; } LinePat; LinePat.dwLPat = dwLinePattern;
if (LinePat.LPat.wRepeatFactor) { WORD wBit = (LinePat.LPat.wLinePattern >> wPatterni) & 1; if (++wRepeati >= LinePat.LPat.wRepeatFactor) { wRepeati = 0; wPatterni = (wPatterni+1) & 0xf; } return (BOOL)wBit; } else { return TRUE; } }
// DivRoundDown(A,B) = ceiling(A/B - 1/2)
// ceiling(A/B - 1/2) == floor(A/B + 1/2 - epsilon)
// == floor( (A + (B/2 - epsilon))/B )
// Does correct thing for all sign combinations of A and B.
INT64 DivRoundDown(INT64 iA, INT32 iB) { INT32 i = 0; static const INT32 iEps[3] = { 1, // iA > 0, iB > 0
0, // iA < 0, iB > 0 OR iA > 0, iB < 0
1 // iA < 0, iB < 0
}; if (iA < 0) { i++; iA = -iA; } if (iB < 0) { i++; iB = -iB; } iA += (iB-iEps[i]) >> 1; iA /= iB; if (iEps[i] == 0) iA = -iA; return(iA); }
// DoScanCnvLine - Walks the line major axis, computes the appropriate minor
// axis coordinate, and generates pixels.
void ReferenceRasterizer::DoScanCnvLine( void ) { DPFM(3,RAST,("DoScanCnvLine:\n"))
// step in major axis
INT16 iMajorCoord = m_pSCS->iLineMin; int cSteps = abs( m_pSCS->iLineMax - m_pSCS->iLineMin ); // state for line pattern state machine
WORD wRepeati = 0; WORD wPatterni = 0;
for ( int cStep = 0; cStep <= cSteps; cStep++ ) { // evaluate line function to compute minor coord for this major
INT64 iMinorCoord = ( ( m_pSCS->iLineEdgeFunc[0] * (INT64)(iMajorCoord<<4) ) + m_pSCS->iLineEdgeFunc[1] ); iMinorCoord = DivRoundDown(iMinorCoord, m_pSCS->iLineEdgeFunc[2]<<4);
m_pSCS->iX = m_pSCS->bXMajor ? iMajorCoord : iMinorCoord; m_pSCS->iY = m_pSCS->bXMajor ? iMinorCoord : iMajorCoord;
// check if the point is inside the viewport
if ( ( m_pSCS->iX >= m_pRenderTarget->m_Clip.left ) && ( m_pSCS->iX <= m_pRenderTarget->m_Clip.right ) && ( m_pSCS->iY >= m_pRenderTarget->m_Clip.top ) && ( m_pSCS->iY <= m_pRenderTarget->m_Clip.bottom ) ) { // The line pattern should have been walked in from its origin, which may have been
// offscreen, to be completely correct.
if (LinePatternStateMachine(m_dwRenderState[D3DRENDERSTATE_LINEPATTERN], wRepeati, wPatterni)) { DoScanCnvGenPixel( 0xFFFF, FALSE ); } }
iMajorCoord += m_pSCS->iLineStep; } }
// end