// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999
// File: dsoundcapturebufferobj.cpp
// dSoundCaptureBufferObj.cpp : Implementation of CDirectApp and DLL registration.
// DHF_DS entire file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Direct.h"
#include "dSound.h"
#include "dms.h"
#include "dSoundObj.h"
#include "dSoundCaptureBufferObj.h"
#include "dSoundCaptureObj.h"
CONSTRUCTOR(_dxj_DirectSoundCaptureBuffer, {}); DESTRUCTOR(_dxj_DirectSoundCaptureBuffer, {}); GETSET_OBJECT(_dxj_DirectSoundCaptureBuffer);
STDMETHODIMP C_dxj_DirectSoundCaptureBufferObject::getCaps(DSCBCaps *caps) { ((DSCBCAPS*)caps)->dwSize=sizeof(DSCBCAPS); return m__dxj_DirectSoundCaptureBuffer->GetCaps((DSCBCAPS*)caps); }
STDMETHODIMP C_dxj_DirectSoundCaptureBufferObject::getCurrentPosition(DSCursors *desc) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if(!desc) return E_POINTER;
return (m__dxj_DirectSoundCaptureBuffer->GetCurrentPosition((DWORD*)&desc->lPlay, (DWORD*)&desc->lWrite) ); }
STDMETHODIMP C_dxj_DirectSoundCaptureBufferObject::getStatus(long *stat) { return m__dxj_DirectSoundCaptureBuffer->GetStatus((DWORD*)stat); }
STDMETHODIMP C_dxj_DirectSoundCaptureBufferObject::start(long flags) { return m__dxj_DirectSoundCaptureBuffer->Start((DWORD)flags); }
STDMETHODIMP C_dxj_DirectSoundCaptureBufferObject::stop() { return m__dxj_DirectSoundCaptureBuffer->Stop(); }
STDMETHODIMP C_dxj_DirectSoundCaptureBufferObject::getFormat(WaveFormatex *format) { DWORD cb=0; return m__dxj_DirectSoundCaptureBuffer->GetFormat((WAVEFORMATEX*)format,sizeof(WaveFormatex),&cb); }
STDMETHODIMP C_dxj_DirectSoundCaptureBufferObject::initialize(I_dxj_DirectSoundCaptureBuffer *buffer,DSCBufferDesc *desc) { ((DSCBUFFERDESC*)desc)->dwSize=sizeof(DSCBUFFERDESC); DO_GETOBJECT_NOTNULL(LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE, lpref, buffer); return m__dxj_DirectSoundCaptureBuffer->Initialize(lpref,(DSCBUFFERDESC*)desc); }
STDMETHODIMP C_dxj_DirectSoundCaptureBufferObject::setNotificationPositions (long nElements,SAFEARRAY **ppsa) { if (!ISSAFEARRAY1D(ppsa,(DWORD)nElements)) return E_INVALIDARG; HRESULT hr; LPDIRECTSOUNDNOTIFY pDSN=NULL; hr=m__dxj_DirectSoundCaptureBuffer->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectSoundNotify,(void**)&pDSN); if FAILED(hr) return hr;
hr=pDSN->SetNotificationPositions((DWORD)nElements,(LPCDSBPOSITIONNOTIFY)((SAFEARRAY*)*ppsa)->pvData); pDSN->Release();
return hr; }
//Java has no direct access to system memory, so it allocates it's own buffer
//which is passed into WriteBuffer(). Because the environment is now double
//buffered there is no need to Lock Java memory. WriteBuffer() calls
//both lock and Unlock internally to write the result after the fact.
STDMETHODIMP C_dxj_DirectSoundCaptureBufferObject::writeBuffer(long start, long totsz, void *buf, long flags) { #pragma message ("SoundBuffer writeBuffer ")
byte *buffer=(byte*)buf; //(byte*)((SAFEARRAY*)*ppsa)->pvData;
if(!buffer) return E_POINTER;
LPVOID p1, p2; DWORD size1=0, size2=0; HRESULT val = E_FAIL; __try { if ((val = m__dxj_DirectSoundCaptureBuffer->Lock((DWORD)start, (DWORD)totsz, &p1, &size1, &p2, &size2, (DWORD)flags)) != DS_OK) return val;
// Copy to buffer end, then do a wrapped portion if it exists, then unlock
if (size1) memcpy (p1, &buffer[start], size1);
if (size2) memcpy(p2, &buffer, size2);
//docdoc: because Lock and Unlock are tied together within WriteBuffer,
// DSBufferDesc no longer needs to save Lock's system pointers.
val=m__dxj_DirectSoundCaptureBuffer->Unlock(p1, size1, p2, size2); } __except(0,0){ return E_FAIL; } return val; }
//Java has no direct access to system memory, so it allocates it's own buffer
//which is passed into WriteBuffer(). Because the environment is now double
//buffered there is no need to Lock Java memory. WriteBuffer() calls
//both lock and Unlock internally to write the result after the fact.
STDMETHODIMP C_dxj_DirectSoundCaptureBufferObject::readBuffer(long start, long totsz, void *buf, long flags) {
//byte *buffer=(byte*)((SAFEARRAY*)*ppsa)->pvData;
byte *buffer=(byte*)buf;
if(!buffer) return E_POINTER; LPVOID p1, p2; DWORD size1=0, size2=0; HRESULT val = E_FAIL; __try { if ((val = m__dxj_DirectSoundCaptureBuffer->Lock((DWORD)start, (DWORD)totsz, &p1, &size1, &p2, &size2, (DWORD)flags)) != DS_OK) return val;
// Copy to buffer end, then do a wrapped portion if it exists, then unlock
if (size1) memcpy (&buffer[start],p1, size1);
if (size2) memcpy(&buffer,p2, size2);
//docdoc: because Lock and Unlock are tied together within WriteBuffer,
// DSBufferDesc no longer needs to save Lock's system pointers.
val= m__dxj_DirectSoundCaptureBuffer->Unlock(p1, size1, p2, size2); } __except(0,0){ return E_FAIL; } return val; }