#include "windowspch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// #define _GDI32_ // must be defined in our precompiled header
#include <wingdi.h>
static WINGDIAPI BOOL WINAPI TransparentBlt(HDC hdcDest, int DstX, int DstY, int DstCx, int DstCy, HDC hSrc, int SrcX, int SrcY, int SrcCx, int SrcCy, UINT Color) { return FALSE; }
static WINGDIAPI BOOL WINAPI GradientFill(HDC hdc, PTRIVERTEX pVertex, ULONG nVertex, PVOID pMesh, ULONG nMesh, ULONG ulMode) { return FALSE; }
static WINGDIAPI BOOL WINAPI AlphaBlend(HDC hdcDest, int DstX, int DstY, int DstCx, int DstCy, HDC hSrc, int SrcX, int SrcY, int SrcCx, int SrcCy, BLENDFUNCTION BlendFunction) { return FALSE; }
// !! WARNING !! The entries below must be in alphabetical order, and are CASE SENSITIVE (eg lower case comes last!)
DEFINE_PROCNAME_ENTRIES(msimg32) { DLPENTRY(AlphaBlend) DLPENTRY(GradientFill) DLPENTRY(TransparentBlt) };