Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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<HTML XMLNS:helpcenter> <HEAD>
Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation -->
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<XML id='xmlChannels'> <NODE NodeType='Frame1_Expand' Key='Top' Title='Support' URL='hcp://system/blurbs/isupport.htm'> <NODE NodeType='Expando_Link' Key='Channels' Title='' Description='' URL=''/> <!-- BETA only
<NODE NodeType='Spacer' Key='Spacer1'/> <NODE NodeType='Expando_Link' Key='Bug' Title='Report a Bug' URL='hcp://CN=Microsoft%20Corporation,L=Redmond,S=Washington,C=US/bugrep.htm'/> --> </NODE> </XML>
<XML id='xmlTools'> <NODE NodeType='Frame2' Key='Top' Title='See Also'> <NODE NodeType='Expando_Link' Key='Tools_About' Title='About Support' URL='hcp://system/blurbs/about_support.htm' Description='Read information about the Support page.'/> <NODE NodeType='Expando_Link' Key='Tools_MyComputer' Title='My Computer Information' URL='hcp://system/sysinfo/sysinfomain.htm' Description='Check what programs and hardware are installed on this computer, or the amount of memory available, or review diagnostic information about the health of your computer.'/> <NODE NodeType='Expando_Link' Key='Tools_SysInfo' Title='Advanced System Information' URL='hcp://system/sysinfo/sysInfoLaunch.htm' Description='Link to system information that you or a support professional might need to troubleshoot a problem or assess your computer's health.'/> <NODE NodeType='Expando_Link' Key='Tools_MSconfig' Title='System Configuration Utility' URL='hcp://system/sysinfo/sysConfigLaunch.htm' Description='Automate the routine troubleshooting steps that Microsoft support professionals use when diagnosing system configuration issues (Msconfig.exe).'/> </NODE> </XML>
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var skip_MicrosoftAssistedSupport = "PSS Online Assisted Support"; // Need to put special instructions here var skip_MicrosoftWhistlerBeta = "Microsoft Whistler Beta";
// Find out if the "Microsoft Assisted Support" Channel is required or not by reading the registry key var REG_MICROSOFT_CHANNEL_KEY = "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\SAF\\Channels\\Microsoft\\Display";
// Find out if this is a retail or an OEM build var REG_OEM_BUILD = "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\ProductId";
var g_lastHeight = 0; var g_timeout = null;
function tree_onSelect( flag ) { if(flag) idDisplay2.Unselect(); else idDisplay .Unselect();
try { var node = event.srcElement.data; if(node && node.URL != "") { if(pchealth.HelpSession.IsNavigating() == false) { if(node.Title) { pchealth.HelpSession.SetTitle( node.URL, node.Title ); } pchealth.UI_Contents.content.Navigate( node.URL, null, null, null, null ); } } } catch(e) { } }
function channels_ContextSwitch() { var ctx = pchealth.HelpSession.CurrentContext;
if(ctx.ContextName == "CHANNELS") { var oXML = xmlChannels.cloneNode( true ); var oRoot = oXML.documentElement; var oTemplate = oRoot.selectSingleNode( "//NODE[@Key=\"Channels\"]" ); var fPSSEnabled = true;
var objChannels // A collection of channels
var strVendorName; // String variable that holds the vendor name var strProductID; // String variable that holds the product ID var strURL; // String variable that holds the URL var strKey; // String variable that contains the key - is a concatenation of "Channels" & strVendorName & strProductID
try { var strRegVal = pchealth.RegRead( REG_OEM_BUILD ); if(strRegVal.match( /-OEM-/i )) { fPSSEnabled = false; } } catch (e) { } try { var dwRegVal = pchealth.RegRead( REG_MICROSOFT_CHANNEL_KEY ); if(dwRegVal == 1) { fPSSEnabled = true; } } catch (e) { }
// Enumerate thro the channels and generate the XML dynamically
objChannels = pchealth.Channels; objChannels.MoveFirst(); while(objChannels.EOF == false) { var strVendorName = objChannels.VendorName; var strVendorID = objChannels.VendorID; var strProductID = objChannels.ProductID; var strKey = "Channels\\" + strVendorID + "\\" + strProductID; var fSkip = false;
// If ProductID is "Microsoft Assisted Support" then store the information so that it can be displayed as the last channel if(strProductID == skip_MicrosoftAssistedSupport && fPSSEnabled == false) fSkip = true; if(strProductID == skip_MicrosoftWhistlerBeta ) fSkip = true;
if(fSkip == false) { var oNode = oTemplate.cloneNode( true );
oNode.attributes.getNamedItem( "Key" ).nodeValue = strKey; oNode.attributes.getNamedItem( "Title" ).nodeValue = objChannels.ProductName; oNode.attributes.getNamedItem( "URL" ).nodeValue = objChannels.SupportUrl; oNode.attributes.getNamedItem( "Description" ).nodeValue = objChannels.ProductDescription;
oTemplate.parentNode.insertBefore( oNode, oTemplate ); }
objChannels.MoveNext(); }
oTemplate.parentNode.removeChild( oTemplate );
idDisplay .Populate( oRoot ); idDisplay2.Populate( xmlTools.documentElement ); } }
function channels_PersistLoad() { var dataSer = idState.stateProperty( "dataser" );
if(dataSer) { idDisplay.Load( dataSer ); } }
function channels_TravelDone() { var dataSer;
try { dataSer = idDisplay.Save(); } catch(e) { dataSer = null; }
idState.stateProperty( "dataser" ) = dataSer; }
function channels_CheckSize() { var fState;
if(pchealth.UI_Context.height == 0) { channels_CheckSizeDelayed( true ); return; // Too early. } if(idSeeAlso.style.display == "") { g_lastHeight = idSeeAlso.scrollHeight; } fState = (g_lastHeight < pchealth.UI_Context.height * 0.5);
idSeeAlso.style.display = fState ? "" : "none"; }
function channels_CheckSizeDelayed( fSet ) { if(g_timeout != null) { window.clearTimeout( g_timeout );
g_timeout = null; }
if(fSet) { g_timeout = window.setTimeout( channels_CheckSize, 10 ); } }
function window::onunload() { channels_CheckSizeDelayed( false ); }
function window::onresize() { channels_CheckSize(); }
<helpcenter:events id=idEvents onContextSwitch="channels_ContextSwitch();" onPersistLoad="channels_PersistLoad();" onTravelDone="channels_TravelDone();" onOptionsChanged="channels_CheckSize()" onCssChanged="channels_CheckSize()" />
<helpcenter:state id=idState identity="Channels" />