Copyright (c) 1993-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Abstract :
This file contains the routines called by MIDL 2.0 stubs and the interpreter for computing the buffer size needed for a parameter.
Author :
David Kays dkays September 1993.
Revision History :
#include "ndrp.h"
#include "ndrole.h"
#include "attack.h"
#include "pointerq.h"
RPCRTAPI void RPC_ENTRY NdrUDTSimpleTypeSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, unsigned char * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat );
extern const PSIZE_ROUTINE SizeRoutinesTable[] = { NdrUDTSimpleTypeSize, NdrUDTSimpleTypeSize, NdrUDTSimpleTypeSize, NdrUDTSimpleTypeSize, NdrUDTSimpleTypeSize, NdrUDTSimpleTypeSize, NdrUDTSimpleTypeSize, NdrUDTSimpleTypeSize, NdrUDTSimpleTypeSize, NdrUDTSimpleTypeSize, NdrUDTSimpleTypeSize, NdrUDTSimpleTypeSize, NdrUDTSimpleTypeSize, NdrUDTSimpleTypeSize, NdrUDTSimpleTypeSize, NdrUDTSimpleTypeSize, NdrUDTSimpleTypeSize, NdrPointerBufferSize, NdrPointerBufferSize, NdrPointerBufferSize, NdrPointerBufferSize,
NdrSimpleStructBufferSize, NdrSimpleStructBufferSize, NdrConformantStructBufferSize, NdrConformantStructBufferSize, NdrConformantVaryingStructBufferSize,
NdrConformantArrayBufferSize, NdrConformantVaryingArrayBufferSize, NdrFixedArrayBufferSize, NdrFixedArrayBufferSize, NdrVaryingArrayBufferSize, NdrVaryingArrayBufferSize,
NdrConformantStringBufferSize, NdrConformantStringBufferSize, NdrConformantStringBufferSize, NdrConformantStringBufferSize,
NdrNonConformantStringBufferSize, NdrNonConformantStringBufferSize, NdrNonConformantStringBufferSize, NdrNonConformantStringBufferSize,
NdrEncapsulatedUnionBufferSize, NdrNonEncapsulatedUnionBufferSize, NdrByteCountPointerBufferSize,
NdrXmitOrRepAsBufferSize, // transmit as
NdrXmitOrRepAsBufferSize, // represent as
// New Post NT 3.5 token serviced from here on.
0, // NdrHardStructBufferSize,
NdrXmitOrRepAsBufferSize, // transmit as ptr
NdrXmitOrRepAsBufferSize, // represent as ptr
0, // FC_PIPE
0, // FC_INT3264
0, // FC_UINT3264
0, // NdrCsArrayBufferSize,
0, // NdrCsTagBufferSize
const PSIZE_ROUTINE * pfnSizeRoutines = SizeRoutinesTable;
void NdrpInterfacePointerBufferSize ( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat );
RPCRTAPI void RPC_ENTRY NdrTypeSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, unsigned char * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) { (*pfnSizeRoutines[ROUTINE_INDEX(*pFormat)])( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat ); }
void RPC_ENTRY NdrUDTSimpleTypeSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Get the size a top level or embedded simple type.
Used for VT_USERDEFINED but in fact simple types, like TKIND_ENUM and TKIND_ALIAS
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the data being sized. pFormat - Pointer's format string description.
Return :
--*/ { LENGTH_ALIGN( pStubMsg->BufferLength, SIMPLE_TYPE_ALIGNMENT(*pFormat) );
pStubMsg->BufferLength += SIMPLE_TYPE_BUFSIZE(*pFormat);
pMemory += SIMPLE_TYPE_MEMSIZE(*pFormat); }
void RPC_ENTRY NdrPointerBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Computes the needed buffer size for a top level pointer to anything. Pointers embedded in structures, arrays, or unions call NdrpPointerBufferSize directly.
Used for FC_RP, FC_UP, FC_FP, FC_OP.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the data being sized. pFormat - Pointer's format string description.
Return :
--*/ { //
// Add 4 bytes for a unique or full pointer.
if ( *pFormat != FC_RP ) { LENGTH_ALIGN(pStubMsg->BufferLength,0x3);
pStubMsg->BufferLength += PTR_WIRE_SIZE; }
NdrpPointerBufferSize( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat ); }
__forceinline void NdrpPointerBufferSizeInternal( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Private routine for sizing a pointee. This is the entry point for pointers embedded in structures, arrays, or unions.
Used for FC_RP, FC_UP, FC_FP, FC_OP.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the data being sized. pFormat - Pointer's format string description. pStubMsg->BufferLength - ready for the pointee.
Return :
--*/ {
if ( FC_IP == *pFormat ) {
if ( IS_BROKEN_INTERFACE_POINTER(pStubMsg->uFlags) ) { // The pointee is effectivly both the pointer
// and the pointee.
NdrInterfacePointerBufferSize( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat ); return; }
if ( ! pMemory ) return;
NdrpInterfacePointerBufferSize( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat ); return; }
uchar uFlagsSave;
if ( ! pMemory ) return;
if ( *pFormat == FC_FP ) { //
// Check if we have already sized this full pointer.
if ( NdrFullPointerQueryPointer( pStubMsg->FullPtrXlatTables, pMemory, FULL_POINTER_BUF_SIZED, 0 ) ) return; }
if ( ! SIMPLE_POINTER(pFormat[1]) ) { //
// Pointer to complex type.
if ( POINTER_DEREF(pFormat[1]) ) pMemory = *((uchar **)pMemory);
pFormat += 2;
pFormat += *((signed short *)pFormat); } else { switch ( pFormat[2] ) { case FC_C_CSTRING : case FC_C_BSTRING : case FC_C_WSTRING : case FC_C_SSTRING : // Increment to the string description.
pFormat += 2; break; default : //
// Pointer to simple type. Make an upper bound estimate.
SIMPLE_TYPE_BUF_INCREMENT(pStubMsg->BufferLength, pFormat[2]); return; } }
uFlagsSave = pStubMsg->uFlags; RESET_CONF_FLAGS_TO_STANDALONE(pStubMsg->uFlags);
(*pfnSizeRoutines[ROUTINE_INDEX(*pFormat)])( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat ); pStubMsg->uFlags = uFlagsSave; }
pMemory(pMemoryNew), pFormat(pFormatNew), Memory(pStubMsg->Memory), uFlags(pStubMsg->uFlags) {
void NDR_BUFSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT::Dispatch( MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg) { SAVE_CONTEXT<uchar*> MemorySave( pStubMsg->Memory, Memory ); SAVE_CONTEXT<uchar> uFlagsSave( pStubMsg->uFlags, uFlags ); NDR_ASSERT( !pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark, "PointerBufferMark is not 0\n");
NdrpPointerBufferSizeInternal( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat ); }
#if defined(DBG)
void NDR_BUFSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT::Print() { DbgPrint("NDR_BUFSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT\n"); DbgPrint("pNext: %p\n", pNext ); DbgPrint("pMemory: %p\n", pMemory ); DbgPrint("pFormat: %p\n", pFormat ); DbgPrint("Memory: %p\n", Memory ); DbgPrint("uFlags: %x\n", uFlags ); } #endif
void NdrpEnquePointerBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) { NDR32_POINTER_CONTEXT PointerContext( pStubMsg );
RpcTryFinally { NDR_BUFSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT *pElement = new(PointerContext.GetActiveState()) NDR_BUFSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT(pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat); PointerContext.Enque( pElement ); PointerContext.DispatchIfRequired();
} RpcFinally { PointerContext.EndContext(); } RpcEndFinally
void NdrpPointerBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) {
if ( !NdrIsLowStack( pStubMsg ) ) { NdrpPointerBufferSizeInternal( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat ); return; }
NdrpEnquePointerBufferSize( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat );
void RPC_ENTRY NdrpRangeBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Computes the buffer size needed for a simple type with range on it. Used for FC_RANGE.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the structure being sized. pFormat - Structure's format string description.
Return :
--*/ { // This routine is needed because the precomputed buf size is missing in some cases.
// So it is cheaper to have the routine than to change code paths elsewhere.
LENGTH_ALIGN( pStubMsg->BufferLength, SIMPLE_TYPE_ALIGNMENT(FcType) ); pStubMsg->BufferLength += SIMPLE_TYPE_BUFSIZE(FcType); }
void RPC_ENTRY NdrSimpleStructBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Computes the buffer size needed for a simple structure.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the structure being sized. pFormat - Structure's format string description.
Return :
--*/ { LENGTH_ALIGN(pStubMsg->BufferLength,pFormat[1]);
// Add size of the structure.
pStubMsg->BufferLength += (ulong) *((ushort *)(pFormat + 2));
// Add size of embedded pointers.
if ( *pFormat == FC_PSTRUCT ) { NdrpEmbeddedPointerBufferSize( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat + 4 ); } }
void RPC_ENTRY NdrConformantStructBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Computes the buffer size needed for a conformant structure.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the structure being sized. pFormat - Structure's format string description.
Return :
--*/ { PFORMAT_STRING pFormatArray; ulong FlatSize;
// set by the embedding complex struct
uchar fIsEmbeddedStructSave = IS_EMBED_CONF_STRUCT( pStubMsg->uFlags );
// accounted for by the outermost embedding complex struct
if ( !fIsEmbeddedStructSave ) { // Align and add size for conformance count.
pStubMsg->BufferLength += 4; } // Align
LENGTH_ALIGN(pStubMsg->BufferLength, pFormat[1] );
FlatSize = (ulong) *((ushort *)(pFormat + 2));
pStubMsg->BufferLength += FlatSize;
// Increment to the offset to array description.
pFormat += 4;
pFormatArray = pFormat + *((signed short *)pFormat);
// Size our array - pass a memory pointer to the conformant array.
NdrpConformantArrayBufferSize( pStubMsg, pMemory + FlatSize, pFormatArray );
pFormat += 2;
if ( *pFormat == FC_PP ) { NdrpEmbeddedPointerBufferSize( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat ); }
// Set the reverse flag to signal that array has been marshaled.
if ( fIsEmbeddedStructSave ) SET_CONF_ARRAY_DONE( pStubMsg->uFlags ); }
void RPC_ENTRY NdrConformantVaryingStructBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Computes the buffer size needed for a conformant varying structure.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the structure being sized. pFormat - Structure's format string description.
Return :
--*/ { PPRIVATE_SIZE_ROUTINE pfnSize; PFORMAT_STRING pFormatArray; ulong FlatSize;
// set by the outermost embedding complex struct
uchar fIsEmbeddedStructSave = IS_EMBED_CONF_STRUCT( pStubMsg->uFlags );
// accounted for by the outermost embedding complex struct
if ( !fIsEmbeddedStructSave ) { // Align
pStubMsg->BufferLength += 4; }
// Align
LENGTH_ALIGN(pStubMsg->BufferLength, pFormat[1] );
FlatSize = (ulong) *((ushort *)(pFormat + 2));
pStubMsg->BufferLength += FlatSize;
// Increment to the offset to array description.
pFormat += 4;
pFormatArray = pFormat + *((signed short *)pFormat);
switch ( *pFormatArray ) { case FC_CVARRAY : pfnSize = NdrpConformantVaryingArrayBufferSize; break; default : pfnSize = NdrpConformantStringBufferSize; break; }
(*pfnSize)( pStubMsg, pMemory + FlatSize, pFormatArray );
pFormat += 2;
if ( *pFormat == FC_PP ) { pStubMsg->MaxCount = pStubMsg->ActualCount; NdrpEmbeddedPointerBufferSize( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat ); }
// Set the reverse flag to signal that array has been marshaled.
if ( fIsEmbeddedStructSave ) SET_CONF_ARRAY_DONE( pStubMsg->uFlags ); }
#if 0
void RPC_ENTRY NdrHardStructBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Computes the buffer size needed for a hard structure.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the structure being sized. pFormat - Structure's format string description.
Return :
--*/ { LENGTH_ALIGN(pStubMsg->BufferLength,pFormat[1]);
pStubMsg->BufferLength += *((ushort *)&pFormat[10]);
if ( *((short *)&pFormat[14]) ) { pFormat += 12;
pMemory += *((ushort *)pFormat)++;
pFormat += *((short *)pFormat);
(*pfnSizeRoutines[ROUTINE_INDEX(*pFormat)])( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat ); } } #endif // 0
void RPC_ENTRY NdrComplexStructBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Computes the buffer size needed for a complex structure.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the structure being sized. pFormat - Structure's format string description.
Return :
--*/ {
PFORMAT_STRING pFormatPointers; PFORMAT_STRING pFormatArray; PFORMAT_STRING pFormatComplex; long Alignment; long Align8Mod; BOOL fEmbedConfStructContext; uchar* pMemoryLoop; PFORMAT_STRING pFormatLoop;
uchar fIsEmbeddedStructSave = IS_EMBED_CONF_STRUCT( pStubMsg->uFlags ); uchar * pMemorySave = pStubMsg->Memory;
// If were not ignoring pointees and the the stub message PointerBufferMark field is 0,
// then determine the position in the buffer where pointees will be marshalled.
// We have to do this to handle embedded pointers.
bool fSetPointerBufferMark = !pStubMsg->IgnoreEmbeddedPointers && !pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark; if ( fSetPointerBufferMark ) {
pStubMsg->IgnoreEmbeddedPointers = TRUE; ulong BufferLengthSave = pStubMsg->BufferLength; NdrComplexStructBufferSize( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat );
// If the size of the flat part is zero and this is the first item to be
// marshalled, add a small offset to the buffer so that we can continue
// to use PointerBufferMark as an is embedded flag.
if ( !pStubMsg->BufferLength) { pStubMsg->BufferLength += NDR_MAX_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT; BufferLengthSave += NDR_MAX_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT; }
pStubMsg->IgnoreEmbeddedPointers = FALSE; pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark = (uchar *) UlongToPtr(pStubMsg->BufferLength); pStubMsg->BufferLength = BufferLengthSave; }
// This is used when computing the count(s) for size_is or length_is
// pointers.
pStubMsg->Memory = pMemory;
Alignment = pFormat[1];
// This is used for support of structs with doubles passed on an
// i386 stack, and of struct with longs on 16 bit platforms.
// A cast to long is what we need.
Align8Mod = 0x7 & PtrToLong( pMemory );
pFormat += 4;
fEmbedConfStructContext = fIsEmbeddedStructSave;
// Get conformant array description.
if ( *((ushort *)pFormat) ) { pFormatArray = pFormat + *((signed short *)pFormat);
// mark Complex struct embedding Conformant struct case
if ( FixWireRepForDComVerGTE54( pStubMsg ) ) fEmbedConfStructContext = TRUE;
// accounted for by the outermost embedding complex struct
if ( !fIsEmbeddedStructSave ) { //
// Align and add size of conformance count(s).
LENGTH_ALIGN(pStubMsg->BufferLength,0x3); pStubMsg->BufferLength += 4 * NdrpArrayDimensions( pStubMsg, pFormatArray, FALSE); } } else pFormatArray = 0;
pFormat += 2;
// Get pointer layout description.
if ( *((ushort *)pFormat) ) pFormatPointers = pFormat + *((ushort *)pFormat); else pFormatPointers = 0;
pFormat += 2;
// save variables for second loop
pMemoryLoop = pMemory; pFormatLoop = pFormat;
LENGTH_ALIGN(pStubMsg->BufferLength,Alignment); //
// size the structure member by member.
for ( ; *pFormat != FC_END; pFormat++ ) { switch ( *pFormat ) { //
// simple types
case FC_CHAR : case FC_BYTE : case FC_SMALL : case FC_WCHAR : case FC_SHORT : case FC_LONG : #if defined(__RPC_WIN64__)
case FC_INT3264: case FC_UINT3264: #endif
case FC_FLOAT : case FC_HYPER : case FC_DOUBLE : case FC_ENUM16 : case FC_ENUM32 : case FC_IGNORE : LENGTH_ALIGN( pStubMsg->BufferLength, SIMPLE_TYPE_ALIGNMENT(*pFormat) ); pStubMsg->BufferLength += SIMPLE_TYPE_BUFSIZE(*pFormat); pMemory += SIMPLE_TYPE_MEMSIZE(*pFormat); break;
case FC_POINTER : LENGTH_ALIGN(pStubMsg->BufferLength,0x3); pStubMsg->BufferLength += PTR_WIRE_SIZE; if ( !pStubMsg->IgnoreEmbeddedPointers ) { POINTER_BUFFERLENGTH_SWAP_CONTEXT SwapContext( pStubMsg );
NdrpPointerBufferSize( pStubMsg, *((uchar **)pMemory), pFormatPointers ); }
pFormatPointers += 4; pMemory += PTR_MEM_SIZE; break;
// Embedded complex types.
case FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX : // Add padding.
pMemory += pFormat[1];
pFormat += 2;
// Get the type's description.
pFormatComplex = pFormat + *((signed short UNALIGNED *)pFormat);
if ( FC_IP == *pFormatComplex ) { // Treat embedded interface pointers the same as regular pointers.
LENGTH_ALIGN( pStubMsg->BufferLength, 0x3 ); pStubMsg->BufferLength += PTR_WIRE_SIZE;
if ( !pStubMsg->IgnoreEmbeddedPointers ) { POINTER_BUFFERLENGTH_SWAP_CONTEXT SwapContext( pStubMsg );
NdrpPointerBufferSize( pStubMsg, *((uchar **)pMemory), pFormatComplex); } pMemory += PTR_MEM_SIZE; pFormat++; break;
// Needed for embedded conf structs
if ( fEmbedConfStructContext ) SET_EMBED_CONF_STRUCT( pStubMsg->uFlags );
(*pfnSizeRoutines[ROUTINE_INDEX(*pFormatComplex)]) ( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormatComplex );
pMemory = NdrpMemoryIncrement( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormatComplex );
// Increment the main format string one byte. The loop
// will increment it one more byte past the offset field.
case FC_ALIGNM2 : ALIGN( pMemory, 0x1 ); break;
case FC_ALIGNM4 : ALIGN( pMemory, 0x3 ); break;
case FC_ALIGNM8 : //
// We have to play some tricks for the i386 to handle the case
// when an 8 byte aligned structure is passed by value. The
// alignment of the struct on the stack is not guaranteed to be
// on an 8 byte boundary.
pMemory -= Align8Mod; ALIGN( pMemory, 0x7 ); pMemory += Align8Mod;
case FC_STRUCTPAD1 : case FC_STRUCTPAD2 : case FC_STRUCTPAD3 : case FC_STRUCTPAD4 : case FC_STRUCTPAD5 : case FC_STRUCTPAD6 : case FC_STRUCTPAD7 : pMemory += (*pFormat - FC_STRUCTPAD1) + 1; break; case FC_STRUCTPADN : // FC_STRUCTPADN 0 <unsigned short>
pMemory += *(((unsigned short *)pFormat) + 1); pFormat += 3; break;
case FC_PAD : break;
// Done with layout.
case FC_END : break;
default : NDR_ASSERT(0,"NdrComplexStructBufferSize : bad format char"); RpcRaiseException( RPC_S_INTERNAL_ERROR ); return; } // switch
} // for
// Size any conformant array.
// accounted for by the outermost embedding complex struct
// .. but not when embedded and not when array done by an embeded conf struct.
if ( pFormatArray && !fIsEmbeddedStructSave && ! IS_CONF_ARRAY_DONE( pStubMsg->uFlags ) ) { PPRIVATE_SIZE_ROUTINE pfnSize;
switch ( *pFormatArray ) { case FC_CARRAY : pfnSize = NdrpConformantArrayBufferSize; break;
case FC_CVARRAY : pfnSize = NdrpConformantVaryingArrayBufferSize; break;
case FC_BOGUS_ARRAY : pfnSize = NdrpComplexArrayBufferSize; break;
// case FC_C_WSTRING :
// case FC_C_CSTRING :
// case FC_C_BSTRING :
// case FC_C_SSTRING :
default : pfnSize = NdrpConformantStringBufferSize; break; }
(*pfnSize)( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormatArray ); }
if ( fIsEmbeddedStructSave ) SET_EMBED_CONF_STRUCT( pStubMsg->uFlags ); else RESET_CONF_ARRAY_DONE( pStubMsg->uFlags );
pStubMsg->Memory = pMemorySave;
if ( fSetPointerBufferMark ) { pStubMsg->BufferLength = PtrToUlong(pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark); pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark = NULL; } }
void RPC_ENTRY NdrFixedArrayBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Computes the buffer size needed for a fixed array of any number of dimensions.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the array being sized. pFormat - Array's format string description.
Return :
--*/ { LENGTH_ALIGN(pStubMsg->BufferLength,pFormat[1]);
if ( *pFormat == FC_SMFARRAY ) { pFormat += 2; pStubMsg->BufferLength += *((ushort *&)pFormat)++; } else { pFormat += 2; pStubMsg->BufferLength += *((ulong UNALIGNED *&)pFormat)++; }
if ( *pFormat == FC_PP ) { NdrpEmbeddedPointerBufferSize( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat ); } }
void RPC_ENTRY NdrConformantArrayBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Computes the buffer size needed for a top level one dimensional conformant array.
Used for FC_CARRAY.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the array being sized. pFormat - Array's format string description.
Return :
--*/ { //
// Align and add size for conformance count.
pStubMsg->BufferLength += 4;
NdrpConformantArrayBufferSize( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat ); }
void NdrpConformantArrayBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Private routine for computing the buffer size needed for a one dimensional conformant array. This is the entry point for unmarshalling an embedded conformant array.
Used for FC_CARRAY.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the array being sized. pFormat - Array's format string description.
Return :
--*/ { ulong ConformanceCount;
ConformanceCount = (ulong) NdrpComputeConformance( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat );
if ( ((long)ConformanceCount) < 0 ) RpcRaiseException( RPC_X_INVALID_BOUND );
if ( ! ConformanceCount ) return;
pFormat += 2;
// Add array size.
pStubMsg->BufferLength += *((ushort *)pFormat) * ConformanceCount;
pFormat += 6; CORRELATION_DESC_INCREMENT( pFormat );
if ( *pFormat == FC_PP ) { NdrpEmbeddedPointerBufferSize( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat ); } }
void RPC_ENTRY NdrConformantVaryingArrayBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Computes the buffer size needed for a top level one dimensional conformant varying array.
Used for FC_CVARRAY.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the array being sized. pFormat - Array's format string description.
Return :
--*/ { //
// Align and add size for conformance count.
pStubMsg->BufferLength += 4;
NdrpConformantVaryingArrayBufferSize( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat ); }
void NdrpConformantVaryingArrayBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Private routine for computing the buffer size needed for a one dimensional conformant varying array. This is the entry point for buffer sizing an embedded conformant varying array.
Used for FC_CVARRAY.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the array being sized. pFormat - Array's format string description.
Return :
--*/ { ulong ConformanceCount;
// Align and add size for offset and actual count.
pStubMsg->BufferLength += 8;
NdrpComputeVariance( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat );
// Check if the bounds are valid
ConformanceCount = (ulong) NdrpComputeConformance( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat );
if ( ( ((long)ConformanceCount) < 0 ) || ( ((long)pStubMsg->ActualCount) < 0 ) || ( ((long)pStubMsg->Offset) < 0 ) || ( (pStubMsg->Offset + pStubMsg->ActualCount) > ConformanceCount ) ) RpcRaiseException( RPC_X_INVALID_BOUND );
if ( ! pStubMsg->ActualCount ) return;
LENGTH_ALIGN(pStubMsg->BufferLength, pFormat[1]);
pFormat += 2;
// Add array size.
pStubMsg->BufferLength += *((ushort *)pFormat) * pStubMsg->ActualCount;
if ( *pFormat == FC_PP ) { //
// MaxCount must contain the number of shipped elements in the array
// before sizing embedded pointers.
pStubMsg->MaxCount = pStubMsg->ActualCount;
NdrpEmbeddedPointerBufferSize( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat ); } }
void RPC_ENTRY NdrVaryingArrayBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Computes the buffer size needed for a top level or embedded one dimensional varying array.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the array being sized. pFormat - Array's format string description.
Return :
Arguments :
pMemory - pointer to the parameter to size pFormat - pointer to the format string description of the parameter
--*/ { ulong Elements; ulong ElementSize;
// Align and add size for offset and actual count.
pStubMsg->BufferLength += 8;
NdrpComputeVariance( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat );
// Check if the bounds are valid
Elements = (*pFormat == FC_SMVARRAY) ? *((ushort *)(pFormat + 4)) : *((ulong UNALIGNED *)(pFormat + 6));
if ( ( ((long)pStubMsg->ActualCount) < 0 ) || ( ((long)pStubMsg->Offset) < 0 ) || ( (pStubMsg->Offset + pStubMsg->ActualCount) > Elements ) ) RpcRaiseException( RPC_X_INVALID_BOUND );
if ( ! pStubMsg->ActualCount ) return;
LENGTH_ALIGN(pStubMsg->BufferLength, pFormat[1]);
if (*pFormat == FC_SMVARRAY) { ElementSize = *((ushort *)(pFormat + 6)); pFormat += 12; } else { ElementSize = *((ushort *)(pFormat + 10)); pFormat += 16; } CORRELATION_DESC_INCREMENT( pFormat );
pStubMsg->BufferLength += ElementSize * pStubMsg->ActualCount;
if ( *pFormat == FC_PP ) { //
// MaxCount must contain the number of shipped elements in the array
// before sizing embedded pointers.
pStubMsg->MaxCount = pStubMsg->ActualCount;
NdrpEmbeddedPointerBufferSize( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat ); } }
void RPC_ENTRY NdrComplexArrayBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Computes the buffer size needed for a top level complex array.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the array being sized. pFormat - Array's format string description.
Return :
Array of ref pointers does not have wire representation for the pointers themselves, regardless whether array is top level or embedded in a struct. --*/ { bool fSetPointerBufferMark = !pStubMsg->IgnoreEmbeddedPointers && (! pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark );
if ( fSetPointerBufferMark ) { //
// Save the current conformance and variance fields. The sizing
// routine can overwrite them.
ULONG_PTR MaxCountSave = pStubMsg->MaxCount; ulong OffsetSave = pStubMsg->Offset; ulong ActualCountSave = pStubMsg->ActualCount; ulong BufferLengthSave = pStubMsg->BufferLength; pStubMsg->IgnoreEmbeddedPointers = TRUE;
NdrComplexArrayBufferSize( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat );
// If the size of the flat part is zero and this is the first item to be
// marshalled, add a small offset to the buffer so that we can continue
// to use PointerBufferMark as an is embedded flag.
if ( !pStubMsg->BufferLength) { pStubMsg->BufferLength += NDR_MAX_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT; BufferLengthSave += NDR_MAX_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT; }
pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark = (uchar *) UlongToPtr(pStubMsg->BufferLength); pStubMsg->IgnoreEmbeddedPointers = FALSE;
// Restore conformance and variance fields.
pStubMsg->MaxCount = MaxCountSave; pStubMsg->Offset = OffsetSave; pStubMsg->ActualCount = ActualCountSave; pStubMsg->BufferLength = BufferLengthSave;
// Add in conformance sizes if we are the outermost dimension.
if ( pStubMsg->pArrayInfo == 0 ) { //
// Align and add size for any conformance count(s).
if ( *((long UNALIGNED *)(pFormat + 4)) != 0xffffffff ) { LENGTH_ALIGN(pStubMsg->BufferLength,0x3); pStubMsg->BufferLength += NdrpArrayDimensions( pStubMsg, pFormat, FALSE ) * 4; } }
NdrpComplexArrayBufferSize( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat ); if ( fSetPointerBufferMark ) { pStubMsg->BufferLength = PtrToUlong(pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark); pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark = NULL; }
void NdrpComplexArrayBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Private routine for determing the buffer size of a complex array. This is the entry point for buffer sizing an embedded complex array.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the array being sized. pFormat - Array's format string description.
Return :
--*/ { ARRAY_INFO ArrayInfo; PARRAY_INFO pArrayInfo; PSIZE_ROUTINE pfnSize; PFORMAT_STRING pFormatStart; ulong Elements; ulong Offset, Count; ulong MemoryElementSize; long Dimension; uchar Alignment; //
// Lots of setup if we are the outer dimension.
if ( ! pStubMsg->pArrayInfo ) { NdrpInitArrayInfo(pStubMsg, &ArrayInfo ); //
// Set this to 0 so that NdrpMemoryIncrement will know to call
// NdrpComputeConformance when computing our size.
pStubMsg->pArrayInfo->BufferConformanceMark = 0; }
pFormatStart = pFormat;
pArrayInfo = pStubMsg->pArrayInfo;
Dimension = pArrayInfo->Dimension;
// Get the array alignment.
Alignment = pFormat[1];
pFormat += 2;
// Get the number of elements (0 if conformance present).
Elements = *((ushort *&)pFormat)++;
// Check for conformance description.
if ( *((long UNALIGNED *)pFormat) != 0xffffffff ) { Elements = (ulong) NdrpComputeConformance( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormatStart ); }
pFormat += 4; CORRELATION_DESC_INCREMENT( pFormat );
// Check for variance description.
if ( *((long UNALIGNED *)pFormat) != 0xffffffff ) { NdrpComputeVariance( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormatStart );
Offset = pStubMsg->Offset; Count = pStubMsg->ActualCount;
if ( Dimension == 0 ) { //
// Align and add in size of variance count(s).
LENGTH_ALIGN(pStubMsg->BufferLength,0x3); pStubMsg->BufferLength += NdrpArrayDimensions( pStubMsg, pFormatStart, TRUE ) * 8; } } else { Offset = 0; Count = Elements; }
pFormat += 4; CORRELATION_DESC_INCREMENT( pFormat );
// Check bounds
if ( ( ((long)Elements) < 0 ) || ( ((long)Count) < 0 ) || ( ((long)Offset) < 0 ) || ( (Offset + Count) > Elements ) ) RpcRaiseException( RPC_X_INVALID_BOUND );
if ( Count ) { LENGTH_ALIGN( pStubMsg->BufferLength, Alignment );
if ( *pFormat == FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX ) { ulong CountSave; uchar* pMemorySave; PFORMAT_STRING pFormatSave;
pFormat += 2; pFormat += *((signed short *)pFormat);
if ( FC_IP == *pFormat ) goto PointerSizing;
pfnSize = pfnSizeRoutines[ROUTINE_INDEX(*pFormat)];
pArrayInfo->Dimension = Dimension + 1;
MemoryElementSize = (ulong) ( NdrpMemoryIncrement( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat ) - pMemory ); if ( ! IS_ARRAY_OR_STRING(*pFormat) ) pStubMsg->pArrayInfo = 0;
// If there is variance then increment the memory pointer to the first
// element actually being sized.
if ( Offset ) pMemory += Offset * MemoryElementSize;
pFormatSave = pFormat; pMemorySave = pMemory; CountSave = Count;
for ( ; Count--; ) { // Keep track of multidimensional array dimension.
if ( IS_ARRAY_OR_STRING(*pFormat) ) pArrayInfo->Dimension = Dimension + 1;
(*pfnSize)( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat );
pMemory += MemoryElementSize; }
pMemory += MemoryElementSize;
} else if ( *pFormat == FC_UP || *pFormat == FC_FP || *pFormat == FC_OP || *pFormat == FC_RP || *pFormat == FC_IP ) { PointerSizing: //
// Shallow size the array
if ( *pFormat != FC_RP ) { pStubMsg->BufferLength += Count * PTR_WIRE_SIZE; }
// If there is variance then increment the memory pointer to the first
// element actually being sized.
if ( Offset ) pMemory += Offset * PTR_MEM_SIZE;
// size the pointees
if ( !pStubMsg->IgnoreEmbeddedPointers ) { bool UseBrokenInterfacePointerRep = (FC_IP == *pFormat) && !FixWireRepForDComVerGTE54( pStubMsg ); // If this is the broken interface pointer format, make sure we
// have enough space for both the pointer and pointee where
// the pointer should have been.
if ( UseBrokenInterfacePointerRep ) SET_BROKEN_INTERFACE_POINTER( pStubMsg->uFlags );
// Need this in case we have a variant offset.
pStubMsg->pArrayInfo = 0; // Switch to the pointee buffer.
for ( ; Count--; ) { NdrpPointerBufferSize( pStubMsg, *((uchar **&)pMemory)++, pFormat ); } if ( UseBrokenInterfacePointerRep ) RESET_BROKEN_INTERFACE_POINTER( pStubMsg->uFlags ); }
} else if (*pFormat == FC_RANGE ) { pStubMsg->BufferLength += Count * SIMPLE_TYPE_BUFSIZE( pFormat[1] ); } else { NDR_ASSERT( IS_SIMPLE_TYPE(*pFormat), "NdrpComplexArrayBufferSize : bad format char" ); pStubMsg->BufferLength += Count * SIMPLE_TYPE_BUFSIZE(*pFormat); } }
// pArrayInfo must be zero when not valid.
pStubMsg->pArrayInfo = (Dimension == 0) ? 0 : pArrayInfo; }
void RPC_ENTRY NdrNonConformantStringBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Computes the buffer size needed for a non conformant string.
Used for FC_CSTRING, FC_WSTRING, FC_SSTRING, and FC_BSTRING (NT Beta2 compatability only).
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the array being sized. pFormat - Array's format string description.
Return :
--*/ { long MaxSize; long Length;
// Align and add size for variance counts.
pStubMsg->BufferLength += 8;
switch ( *pFormat ) { case FC_CSTRING : case FC_BSTRING : Length = strlen((char*)pMemory) + 1; break; case FC_WSTRING : Length = (wcslen((wchar_t *)pMemory) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t); break; case FC_SSTRING : Length = NdrpStringStructLen( pMemory, pFormat[1] ) + 1; Length *= pFormat[1]; break; default : NDR_ASSERT(0,"NdrNonConformantStringBufferSize : Bad format type"); RpcRaiseException( RPC_S_INTERNAL_ERROR ); return; }
// Check bounds
MaxSize = *((ushort *)(pFormat + 2));
switch ( *pFormat ) { case FC_WSTRING : MaxSize *= sizeof(wchar_t); break; case FC_SSTRING : MaxSize *= pFormat[1]; break; default : break; }
if ( Length > MaxSize ) RpcRaiseException(RPC_X_INVALID_BOUND);
pStubMsg->BufferLength += Length; }
void RPC_ENTRY NdrConformantStringBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Computes the buffer size needed for a top level conformant string.
Used for FC_C_CSTRING, FC_C_WSTRING, FC_C_SSTRING, and FC_C_BSTRING (NT Beta2 compatability only).
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the array being sized. pFormat - Array's format string description.
Return :
--*/ { //
// Add in size for conformance marshalling only if this string is not
// in a multidimensional array.
if ( pStubMsg->pArrayInfo == 0 ) { // Align and add size for conformance count.
pStubMsg->BufferLength += 4; }
NdrpConformantStringBufferSize( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat ); }
void NdrpConformantStringBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Private routine for computing the buffer size needed for a conformant string. This is the entry point for an embedded conformant string.
Used for FC_C_CSTRING, FC_C_WSTRING, FC_C_SSTRING, and FC_C_BSTRING (NT Beta2 compatability only).
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the array being sized. pFormat - Array's format string description.
Return :
--*/ { long MaxSize; long Length;
// Align and add size for variance.
pStubMsg->BufferLength += 8;
switch ( *pFormat ) { case FC_C_CSTRING : case FC_C_BSTRING : Length = strlen((char*)pMemory) + 1; break; case FC_C_WSTRING : Length = (wcslen((wchar_t *)pMemory) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t); break; case FC_C_SSTRING : Length = NdrpStringStructLen( pMemory, pFormat[1] ) + 1; Length *= pFormat[1]; break; default : NDR_ASSERT(0,"NdrpConformantStringBufferSize : Bad format type"); RpcRaiseException( RPC_S_INTERNAL_ERROR ); return; }
// Do bounds checking.
if ( ((*pFormat != FC_C_SSTRING) && (pFormat[1] == FC_STRING_SIZED)) || ((*pFormat == FC_C_SSTRING) && (pFormat[2] == FC_STRING_SIZED)) ) { MaxSize = (ulong) NdrpComputeConformance( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat ); switch ( *pFormat ) { case FC_C_WSTRING : MaxSize *= sizeof(wchar_t); break; case FC_C_SSTRING : MaxSize *= pFormat[1]; break; default : break; }
if ( (MaxSize < 0) || (Length > MaxSize) ) RpcRaiseException(RPC_X_INVALID_BOUND); }
pStubMsg->BufferLength += Length; }
void RPC_ENTRY NdrEncapsulatedUnionBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Computes the buffer size needed for an encapsulated union.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the union being sized. pFormat - Union's format string description.
Return :
--*/ { long SwitchIs; uchar SwitchType;
SwitchType = LOW_NIBBLE(pFormat[1]);
switch ( SwitchType ) { case FC_SMALL : case FC_CHAR : SwitchIs = (long) *((char *)pMemory); break; case FC_USMALL : SwitchIs = (long) *((uchar *)pMemory); break;
case FC_ENUM16 : case FC_SHORT : SwitchIs = (long) *((short *)pMemory); break;
case FC_USHORT : case FC_WCHAR : SwitchIs = (long) *((ushort *)pMemory); break; case FC_LONG : case FC_ULONG : case FC_ENUM32 : // FC_INT3264 is mapped to FC_LONG.
SwitchIs = *((long *)pMemory); break; default : NDR_ASSERT(0,"NdrEncapsulatedBufferSize : bad switch type"); RpcRaiseException( RPC_S_INTERNAL_ERROR ); return; }
// Increment memory pointer to the union.
pMemory += HIGH_NIBBLE(pFormat[1]);
NdrpUnionBufferSize( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat + 2, SwitchIs, SwitchType ); }
void RPC_ENTRY NdrNonEncapsulatedUnionBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Computes the buffer size needed for a non encapsulated union.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the union being sized. pFormat - Union's format string description.
Return :
--*/ { long SwitchIs; uchar SwitchType;
SwitchType = pFormat[1];
SwitchIs = (ulong) NdrpComputeSwitchIs( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat );
// Set the format string to the memory size and arm description.
pFormat += 6; CORRELATION_DESC_INCREMENT( pFormat ); pFormat += *((signed short *)pFormat);
NdrpUnionBufferSize( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat, SwitchIs, SwitchType ); }
void NdrpUnionBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat, long SwitchIs, uchar SwitchType ) /*++
Routine Description :
Private routine for computing the buffer size needed for a union. This routine is used for sizing both encapsulated and non-encapsulated unions.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the union being sized. pFormat - Union's format string description. SwitchIs - The union's switch is. SwitchType - The union's switch type.
Return :
--*/ { long Arms; long Alignment;
// Size the switch_is.
LENGTH_ALIGN(pStubMsg->BufferLength,SIMPLE_TYPE_ALIGNMENT(SwitchType)); pStubMsg->BufferLength += SIMPLE_TYPE_BUFSIZE(SwitchType);
// Skip the memory size field.
pFormat += 2;
// Get the union alignment (0 if this is a DCE union) and align the
// buffer on this alignment.
Alignment = (uchar) ( *((ushort *)pFormat) >> 12 );
Arms = (long) ( *((ushort *&)pFormat)++ & 0x0fff );
// Search for the arm.
for ( ; Arms; Arms-- ) { if ( *((long UNALIGNED *&)pFormat)++ == SwitchIs ) { //
// Found the right arm, break out.
break; }
// Else increment format string.
pFormat += 2; }
// Check if we took the default arm and no default arm is specified.
if ( ! Arms && (*((ushort *)pFormat) == (ushort) 0xffff) ) { RpcRaiseException( RPC_S_INVALID_TAG ); }
// Return if the arm is empty.
if ( ! *((ushort *)pFormat) ) return;
// Get the arm's description.
// We need a real solution after beta for simple type arms. This could
// break if we have a format string larger than about 32K.
if ( IS_MAGIC_UNION_BYTE(pFormat) ) { // Re-align again, only does something usefull for DCE unions.
unsigned char FcType = pFormat[0];
LENGTH_ALIGN( pStubMsg->BufferLength, SIMPLE_TYPE_ALIGNMENT( FcType )); pStubMsg->BufferLength += SIMPLE_TYPE_BUFSIZE( FcType ); } else { pFormat += *((signed short *)pFormat);
// If the union arm we take is a pointer, we have to dereference the
// current memory pointer since we're passed a pointer to the union
// (regardless of whether the actual parameter was a by-value union
// or a pointer to a union).
if ( IS_POINTER_TYPE(*pFormat) ) {
if ( pStubMsg->IgnoreEmbeddedPointers ) { //
// If we're ignoring pointers then just add in the size of a pointer
// here and return.
LENGTH_ALIGN(pStubMsg->BufferLength,0x3); pStubMsg->BufferLength += PTR_WIRE_SIZE; return; }
pMemory = *((uchar **)pMemory);
if ( pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark ) { // If the union is embedded, tread it specially
LENGTH_ALIGN(pStubMsg->BufferLength,0x3); pStubMsg->BufferLength += PTR_WIRE_SIZE;
if ( !pStubMsg->IgnoreEmbeddedPointers ) { POINTER_BUFFERLENGTH_SWAP_CONTEXT SwapContext(pStubMsg);
NdrpPointerBufferSize( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat ); }
return; }
// Call the appropriate sizing routine
(*pfnSizeRoutines[ROUTINE_INDEX(*pFormat)])( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat ); } }
void RPC_ENTRY NdrByteCountPointerBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Computes the buffer size needed for a byte count pointer.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - The byte count pointer being sized. pFormat - Byte count pointer's format string description.
Return :
--*/ { //
// We don't do anything special here. Just pass things on to the
// right sizing routine.
if ( pFormat[1] != FC_PAD ) { SIMPLE_TYPE_BUF_INCREMENT(pStubMsg->BufferLength, pFormat[1]); } else { pFormat += 6; CORRELATION_DESC_INCREMENT( pFormat ); pFormat += *((signed short *)pFormat);
(*pfnSizeRoutines[ROUTINE_INDEX(*pFormat)])( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat ); } }
void RPC_ENTRY NdrXmitOrRepAsBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Computes the buffer size needed for a transmit as or represent as object.
See mrshl.c for the description of the FC layout.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the transmit/represent as object being sized. pFormat - Object's format string description.
Return :
--*/ { const XMIT_ROUTINE_QUINTUPLE * pQuintuple; unsigned short QIndex, XmitTypeSize; BOOL fXmitByPtr = *pFormat == FC_TRANSMIT_AS_PTR || *pFormat == FC_REPRESENT_AS_PTR; // Fetch the QuintupleIndex.
QIndex = *(unsigned short *)(pFormat + 2);
// We size the transmitted object, of course.
pFormat += 6; XmitTypeSize = *((unsigned short *)pFormat);
pQuintuple = pStubMsg->StubDesc->aXmitQuintuple;
if ( XmitTypeSize ) { // lower nibble of the flag word has the alignment
unsigned long Align = LOW_NIBBLE(*(pFormat - 5));
LENGTH_ALIGN( pStubMsg->BufferLength, Align ); pStubMsg->BufferLength += XmitTypeSize; } else { // We have to create an object to size it.
unsigned char * pTransmittedType;
// First translate the presented type into the transmitted type.
// This includes an allocation of a transmitted type object.
pStubMsg->pPresentedType = pMemory; pStubMsg->pTransmitType = NULL; pQuintuple[ QIndex ].pfnTranslateToXmit( pStubMsg ); // bufsize the transmitted type.
pFormat += 2; pFormat = pFormat + *(short *)pFormat; pTransmittedType = pStubMsg->pTransmitType;
// If transmitted type is a pointer, dereference it.
{ // Set the current queue to NULL so that all the embedded
// pointers in the transmitted type will be sized together
uchar *PointerBufferMarkSave = pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark; pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark = 0; NDR_POINTER_QUEUE *pOldQueue = NULL;
if ( pStubMsg->pPointerQueueState ) { pOldQueue = pStubMsg->pPointerQueueState->GetActiveQueue(); pStubMsg->pPointerQueueState->SetActiveQueue(NULL); } RpcTryFinally { (*pfnSizeRoutines[ ROUTINE_INDEX(*pFormat) ]) ( pStubMsg, fXmitByPtr ? *(uchar **)pTransmittedType : pTransmittedType, pFormat ); } RpcFinally { pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark = PointerBufferMarkSave; if ( pStubMsg->pPointerQueueState ) { pStubMsg->pPointerQueueState->SetActiveQueue(pOldQueue); } } RpcEndFinally }
pStubMsg->pTransmitType = pTransmittedType; // Free the temporary transmitted object (it was alloc'ed by the user).
pQuintuple[ QIndex ].pfnFreeXmit( pStubMsg ); } }
void NdrpUserMarshalBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Computes the buffer size needed for a usr_marshall object. See mrshl.c for the description of the FC layout and wire layout.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the usr_marshall object to buffer size. pFormat - Object's format string description.
Return :
--*/ { const USER_MARSHAL_ROUTINE_QUADRUPLE * pQuadruple; unsigned short QIndex; unsigned long UserOffset; USER_MARSHAL_CB UserMarshalCB;
if ( pFormat[1] & USER_MARSHAL_POINTER ) { // This is an overestimate to correct the size generated
// by MIDL's state machine for sizing arguments.
// The maximum alignment gap VARIANT might consume is 11:
// 4 for the leading pad between unique pointer and wireVARIANT,
// and 7 bytes if variant is a BSTR, and following parameter is
// a CY (stuff that's aligned to 8).
// MZ: Since were overcompensating here, just make this something
// reasonable like 0x10 which is probably a good max alignment.
pStubMsg->BufferLength += 0x10;
// We are here to size a flat object or a pointee object.
// Optimization: if we know the wire size, don't call the user to size it.
if ( *(unsigned short *)(pFormat + 6) != 0 ) { pStubMsg->BufferLength += *(unsigned short *)(pFormat + 6); } else { // Unknown wire size: Call the user to size his stuff.
NdrpInitUserMarshalCB( pStubMsg, pFormat, USER_MARSHAL_CB_BUFFER_SIZE, & UserMarshalCB);
UserOffset = pStubMsg->BufferLength;
QIndex = *(unsigned short *)(pFormat + 2); pQuadruple = pStubMsg->StubDesc->aUserMarshalQuadruple;
UserOffset = pQuadruple[ QIndex ].pfnBufferSize( (ulong*) &UserMarshalCB, UserOffset, pMemory ); pStubMsg->BufferLength = UserOffset; } }
void NDR_USR_MRSHL_BUFSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT::Dispatch(MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg) { NdrpUserMarshalBufferSize( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat ); } #if defined(DBG)
void NDR_USR_MRSHL_BUFSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT::Print() { DbgPrint("NDR_USR_MRSHL_BUFSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT\n"); DbgPrint("pMemory: %p\n", pMemory ); DbgPrint("pFormat: %p\n", pFormat ); } #endif
void RPC_ENTRY NdrUserMarshalBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) {
// Check if the object is embedded.
// Pointer buffer mark is set only when in a complex struct or array.
// For unions, when the union is embedded in a complex struct or array.
// If the union is top level, it's the same like a top level object.
// For unique pointers we don't have to check embedding, we always add 4.
// For ref pointer we need to check embedding.
// Align for the flat object or a pointer to the user object.
LENGTH_ALIGN( pStubMsg->BufferLength, LOW_NIBBLE(pFormat[1]) );
if ( pFormat[1] & USER_MARSHAL_POINTER ) { if ( (pFormat[1] & USER_MARSHAL_UNIQUE) || ((pFormat[1] & USER_MARSHAL_REF) && pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark) ) { pStubMsg->BufferLength += PTR_WIRE_SIZE; }
if ( pStubMsg->IgnoreEmbeddedPointers ) return; POINTER_BUFFERLENGTH_SWAP_CONTEXT SwapContext( pStubMsg );
if ( !pStubMsg->pPointerQueueState || !pStubMsg->pPointerQueueState->GetActiveQueue() ) { NdrpUserMarshalBufferSize( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat );
} else { NDR_USR_MRSHL_BUFSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT*pElement = new(pStubMsg->pPointerQueueState) NDR_USR_MRSHL_BUFSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT(pMemory, pFormat); pStubMsg->pPointerQueueState->GetActiveQueue()->Enque( pElement ); }
return; }
NdrpUserMarshalBufferSize( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat ); }
void NdrpInterfacePointerBufferSize ( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Computes the buffer size needed for an interface pointer.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - The interface pointer being sized. pFormat - Interface pointer's format string description.
Return :
--*/ { IID iid; IID *piid; unsigned long size = 0; HRESULT hr;
// Get an IID pointer.
if ( pFormat[1] != FC_CONSTANT_IID ) { //
// We do it same way as we compute variance with a long.
piid = (IID *) NdrpComputeIIDPointer( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat );
if(piid == 0) RpcRaiseException( RPC_S_INVALID_ARG ); } else { //
// The IID may not be aligned properly in the format string,
// so we copy it to a local variable.
piid = &iid; RpcpMemoryCopy( &iid, &pFormat[2], sizeof(iid) ); }
// Allocate space for the length and array bounds.
LENGTH_ALIGN(pStubMsg->BufferLength,0x3); pStubMsg->BufferLength += sizeof(unsigned long) + sizeof(unsigned long);
hr = (*pfnCoGetMarshalSizeMax)(&size, *piid, (IUnknown *)pMemory, pStubMsg->dwDestContext, pStubMsg->pvDestContext, 0); if(FAILED(hr)) { RpcRaiseException(hr); }
pStubMsg->BufferLength += size; }
void RPC_ENTRY NdrInterfacePointerBufferSize ( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) { // This function is called only for toplevel interface pointers and
// backward compatibity
LENGTH_ALIGN(pStubMsg->BufferLength,0x3); pStubMsg->BufferLength += PTR_WIRE_SIZE;
if ( pStubMsg->IgnoreEmbeddedPointers ) return;
// If the pointer is null, we counted everything.
if ( pMemory == 0 ) return;
NdrpInterfacePointerBufferSize( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat ); }
void NdrpEmbeddedPointerBufferSize ( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Private routine for computing the buffer size needed for a structure's or array's embedded pointers.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the embedding structure or array. pFormat - Format string pointer layout description.
Return :
--*/ {
if ( pStubMsg->IgnoreEmbeddedPointers ) return;
POINTER_BUFFERLENGTH_SWAP_CONTEXT SwapContext( pStubMsg ); void ** ppMemPtr; uchar * pMemorySave; ULONG_PTR MaxCountSave; long OffsetSave;
MaxCountSave = pStubMsg->MaxCount; OffsetSave = pStubMsg->Offset; pMemorySave = pStubMsg->Memory;
// Set new memory context.
pStubMsg->Memory = pMemory;
// Increment past the FC_PP and pad.
pFormat += 2;
for (;;) {
if ( *pFormat == FC_END ) { pStubMsg->Memory = pMemorySave; break; }
if ( *pFormat != FC_NO_REPEAT ) { pStubMsg->MaxCount = MaxCountSave; pStubMsg->Offset = OffsetSave;
NdrpEmbeddedRepeatPointerBufferSize( pStubMsg, pMemory, &pFormat );
// Continue to the next pointer.
continue; }
// Compute the pointer to the pointer in memory to size.
ppMemPtr = (void **) (pMemory + *((signed short *)(pFormat + 2)));
// Increment to the pointer description.
pFormat += 6;
NdrpPointerBufferSize( pStubMsg, (uchar*)*ppMemPtr, pFormat ); // Increment past pointer description.
pFormat += 4; }
void NdrpEmbeddedRepeatPointerBufferSize ( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING * ppFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Private routine for computing the buffer size needed for an array's embedded pointers.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the embedding array. pFormat - The array's format string pointer layout description.
Return :
--*/ { uchar ** ppMemPtr; PFORMAT_STRING pFormat; PFORMAT_STRING pFormatSave; uchar * pMemorySave; ulong RepeatCount,RepeatIncrement, Pointers, PointersSave;
pMemorySave = pStubMsg->Memory;
// Get current format string pointer.
pFormat = *ppFormat;
switch ( *pFormat ) { case FC_FIXED_REPEAT : // Increment past the FC_FIXED_REPEAT and FC_PAD.
pFormat += 2;
// Get the total number of times to repeat the pointer marshall.
RepeatCount = *((ushort *&)pFormat)++;
case FC_VARIABLE_REPEAT : // Get the total number of times to repeat the pointer marshall.
RepeatCount = (ulong)pStubMsg->MaxCount;
// Check if this variable repeat instance also has a variable
// offset (this would be the case for a conformant varying array
// of pointers). If so then increment the memory pointer to point
// to the actual first array element which is being marshalled.
if ( pFormat[1] == FC_VARIABLE_OFFSET ) pMemory += *((ushort *)(pFormat + 2)) * pStubMsg->Offset;
// else pFormat[1] == FC_FIXED_OFFSET - do nothing
// Increment past the FC_VARIABLE_REPEAT and FC_PAD.
pFormat += 2;
default : NDR_ASSERT(0,"NdrpEmbeddedRepeatPointerMarshall : bad format char"); RpcRaiseException( RPC_S_INTERNAL_ERROR ); return; }
// Get the increment amount between successive pointers.
RepeatIncrement = *((ushort *&)pFormat)++;
// Add the offset to the beginning of this array to the Memory
// pointer. This is the offset from any currently embedding structure
// to the array whose pointers we're marshalling.
pStubMsg->Memory += *((ushort *&)pFormat)++;
// Get the number of pointers in this repeat instance.
PointersSave = Pointers = *((ushort *&)pFormat)++;
pFormatSave = pFormat;
// Loop over the number of elements in the array.
for ( ; RepeatCount--; pMemory += RepeatIncrement, pStubMsg->Memory += RepeatIncrement ) { pFormat = pFormatSave; Pointers = PointersSave;
// Loop over the number of pointers in each array element (this can
// be greater than one if we have an array of structures).
for ( ; Pointers--; ) { // Pointer to the pointer in memory.
ppMemPtr = (uchar **)(pMemory + *((signed short *)pFormat));
// Increment to pointer description.
pFormat += 4;
NdrpPointerBufferSize( pStubMsg, (uchar*)*ppMemPtr, pFormat );
// Increment to the next pointer description.
pFormat += 4; } }
// Update format string pointer past this repeat pointer description.
*ppFormat = pFormatSave + PointersSave * 8;
pStubMsg->Memory = pMemorySave; }
void RPC_ENTRY NdrContextHandleSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Computes the buffer size needed for a context handle.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Ignored. pFormat - Ignored.
Return :
--*/ { LENGTH_ALIGN(pStubMsg->BufferLength,0x3); pStubMsg->BufferLength += CONTEXT_HANDLE_WIRE_SIZE; }
#ifdef _CS_CHAR_
void RPC_ENTRY NdrCsTagBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Computes the buffer size needed for a cs tag param. Also copies the sending tag value to the stub message for use by NdrCsArrayXXX.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the embedding array. pFormat - Pointer to the FC_CSTAG entry in the format string.
Return :
--*/ { // We need to set the tag in the stub message so that we can properly
// size subsequent cs_char arrays.
NdrpGetSetCSTagMarshall( pStubMsg, pMemory, (NDR_CS_TAG_FORMAT *) pFormat);
LENGTH_ALIGN( pStubMsg->BufferLength, 3 ); pStubMsg->BufferLength += sizeof( unsigned long ); }
void RPC_ENTRY NdrCsArrayBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Computes the buffer size needed for a cs_char array
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the embedding array. pFormat - Pointer to the FC_CSARRAY entry in the format string.
Return :
--*/ { NDR_CS_ARRAY_FORMAT *pCSFormat = (NDR_CS_ARRAY_FORMAT *) pFormat; ulong Size; ulong Length; ulong WireSize;
NDR_ASSERT( NULL != pStubMsg->pCSInfo, "cs_char stub info not set up");
// Skip pFormat to the underlying array descriptor
pFormat += pCSFormat->DescriptionOffset;
// Leave room for the max count / offset / actual count
if ( NdrpIsVaryingArray( pFormat ) ) { LENGTH_ALIGN( pStubMsg->BufferLength, 3 ); pStubMsg->BufferLength += 8; } if ( NdrpIsConformantArray( pFormat ) ) { LENGTH_ALIGN( pStubMsg->BufferLength, 3 ); pStubMsg->BufferLength += 4; }
// Get the base size and length
NdrpGetArraySizeLength ( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat, 1, (long*)&Size, (long*)&Length, (long*)&WireSize );
// Call XXX_net_size to estimate the buffer space required to store this
// array after conversion. For fixed or varying arrays the buffer
// space is equal to the fixed upper bound specified in the idl file.
if ( !NdrpIsVaryingArray( pFormat ) ) { NDR_CS_SIZE_CONVERT_ROUTINES *CSRoutines; CS_TYPE_NET_SIZE_ROUTINE SizingRoutine; IDL_CS_CONVERT ConversionType; error_status_t Status;
CSRoutines = pStubMsg->StubDesc->CsRoutineTables->pSizeConvertRoutines; SizingRoutine = CSRoutines[ pCSFormat->CSRoutineIndex ].pfnNetSize;
SizingRoutine( NULL, pStubMsg->pCSInfo->WireCodeset, Size, (IDL_CS_CONVERT*)&ConversionType, &Size, &Status); if (RPC_S_OK != Status) RpcRaiseException(Status); }
pStubMsg->BufferLength += Size; } #endif // _CS_CHAR_
void NdrPartialIgnoreClientBufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, void * pMemory ) { LENGTH_ALIGN( pStubMsg->BufferLength, 0x3 ); pStubMsg->Buffer += PTR_WIRE_SIZE; }